Current Path : /home/church/www/ |
Current File : /home/church/www/ |
<?php class EIC_Shortcode { public function __construct() { add_shortcode( 'easy-image-collage', array( $this, 'eic_shortcode' ) ); } function eic_shortcode( $options ) { $options = shortcode_atts( array( 'id' => '0', // If no ID given, show a random recipe ), $options ); $post = get_post( intval( $options['id'] ) ); $output = ''; if( !is_null( $post ) && $post->post_type == EIC_POST_TYPE ) { $grid = new EIC_Grid( $post ); if ( function_exists( 'is_amp_endpoint' ) && is_amp_endpoint() ) { foreach( $grid->images() as $id => $image ) { if ( $image ) { $thumb = wp_get_attachment_image( $image['attachment_id'], 'large' ); if ( $thumb ) { $output .= $thumb; if( EasyImageCollage::is_addon_active( 'captions' ) ) { if( isset( $image['custom_caption'] ) && $image['custom_caption'] ) { $output .= '<div style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 0.8em;">' . $image['custom_caption'] . '</div>'; } } } } } } else { // Styling $output .= '<style>'; $output .= '.eic-frame-' . $grid->ID() . ' { width: ' . $grid->width() . 'px; height:' . $grid->height() . 'px; background-color: ' . $grid->border_color() . '; border: ' . $grid->border_width() . 'px solid ' . $grid->border_color() . '; }'; $output .= '.eic-frame-' . $grid->ID() . ' .eic-image { border: ' . $grid->border_width() . 'px solid ' . $grid->border_color() . '; }'; if( EasyImageCollage::option( 'default_style_display', 'image' ) == 'background' ) { foreach( $grid->images() as $id => $image ) { if( $image ) { $url = $image['attachment_url']; $width = intval( $image['size_x'] ); $height = intval( $image['size_y'] ); $ratio = $width / $height; $thumb = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $image['attachment_id'], array( $width, $height ) ); if( $thumb ) { $full_file_name = get_attached_file( $image['attachment_id'] ); $path = str_ireplace( wp_basename( $full_file_name ), '', $full_file_name ); $thumb_url = $thumb[0]; $thumb_file = $path . wp_basename( $thumb_url ); // Try path first for performance reasons, fall back on URL. @list( $thumb_width, $thumb_height ) = getimagesize( $thumb_file ); if ( !$thumb_width || !$thumb_height ) { @list( $thumb_width, $thumb_height ) = getimagesize( $thumb_url ); } if( $thumb_width && $thumb_height ) { $thumb_ratio = $thumb_width / $thumb_height; if( abs( $thumb_ratio - $ratio ) < 0.05 ) { $url = $thumb_url; // Only use the thumbnail if the ratios match } } } $output .= '.eic-frame-' . $grid->ID() . ' .eic-image-' . $id . ' {'; $output .= 'background-image: url("' . $url . '");'; $output .= 'background-size: ' . $width . 'px ' . $height . 'px;'; $output .= 'background-position: ' . $image['pos_x'] . 'px ' . $image['pos_y'] . 'px;'; $output .= '}'; } } } $output .= '</style>'; $container_class = ''; $container_style = ''; switch( $grid->align() ) { case 'float-left': $container_class = ' eic-float-left'; break; case 'float-right': $container_class = ' eic-float-right'; break; case 'left': $container_style = ' style="text-align: left;"'; break; case 'right': $container_style = ' style="text-align: right;"'; break; } // Draw frame $output .= '<div class="eic-container' . $container_class . '"' . $container_style . '>'; $output .= $grid->draw(); $output .= '</div>'; } } return $output; } }