Current Path : /home/church/public_html/wp-content/plugins/siteorigin-panels/js/ |
Current File : /home/church/public_html/wp-content/plugins/siteorigin-panels/js/styling.js |
/* global _, jQuery */ jQuery( function ( $ ) { // Stretch all the full width rows const stretchFullWidthRows = function () { let fullContainer = $( panelsStyles.fullContainer ); if ( fullContainer.length === 0 ) { fullContainer = $( 'body' ); } const $panelsRow = $( '.siteorigin-panels-stretch.panel-row-style' ); // Are there any rows to stretch? if ( ! $panelsRow.length ) { return; } $panelsRow.each( function () { const $$ = $( this ); const stretchType = $$.data( 'stretch-type' ); // Reset all the styles associated with row stretching $$.css( { 'margin-left': 0, 'margin-right': 0, } ); const leftSpace = $$.offset().left - fullContainer.offset().left; const rightSpace = fullContainer.outerWidth() - leftSpace - $$.parent().outerWidth(); $$.css( { 'margin-left': - leftSpace + 'px', 'margin-right': - rightSpace + 'px', } ); // If Row Layout is Full Width, apply content container. if ( stretchType === 'full' ) { $$.css( { 'padding-left': leftSpace + 'px', 'padding-right': rightSpace + 'px' } ); } } ); $( window ).trigger( 'panelsStretchRows' ); } if ( panelsStyles.stretchRows ) { $( window ).on( 'resize load', stretchFullWidthRows ).trigger( 'resize' ); } if ( typeof parallaxStyles !== 'undefined' && typeof simpleParallax !== 'undefined' ) { const { 'disable-parallax-mobile': disableParallaxMobile, 'mobile-breakpoint': mobileBreakpoint, delay, scale } = parallaxStyles; if ( ! disableParallaxMobile || ! window.matchMedia( `(max-width: ${ mobileBreakpoint })` ).matches ) { new simpleParallax( document.querySelectorAll( '[data-siteorigin-parallax], .sow-slider-image-parallax .sow-slider-background-image' ), { delay, scale: scale < 1.1 ? 1.1 : scale, } ); } } // This should have been done in the footer, but run it here just incase. $( 'body' ).removeClass( 'siteorigin-panels-before-js' ); } );