Current Path : /home/church/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ninja-forms/includes/Admin/ |
Current File : /home/church/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ninja-forms/includes/Admin/AddFormModal.php |
<?php /** * Add a button to tinyMCE editors when eidting posts/pages. * * @since 2.9.22 */ class NF_Admin_AddFormModal { function __construct() { // Add a tinyMCE button to our post and page editor if( ! apply_filters( 'ninja_forms_hide_add_form_button', false ) ) { add_action( 'media_buttons', array( $this, 'insert_form_tinymce_buttons' ) ); } } /** * Output our tinyMCE field buttons * * @access public * @since 2.8 * @return void */ public function insert_form_tinymce_buttons( $context ) { global $pagenow; if( ! in_array( $pagenow, array( 'post.php', 'post-new.php' ) ) ){ return; } $html = '<style> { color:#888; font: 400 18px/1 dashicons; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; display: inline-block; width: 18px; height: 18px; vertical-align: text-top; margin: 0 2px 0 0; } .ui-autocomplete li { white-space: normal; } </style>'; $html .= '<a href="#" class="button nf-insert-form"><span class="nf-insert-form dashicons dashicons-feedback"></span> ' . esc_html__( 'Add Form', 'ninja-forms' ) . '</a>'; wp_enqueue_script( 'nf-combobox', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/js/lib/combobox.min.js', array( 'jquery', 'jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-button', 'jquery-ui-autocomplete' ) ); wp_enqueue_script( 'jBox', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/js/lib/jBox.min.js', array( 'jquery' ) ); wp_enqueue_style( 'jBox', Ninja_Forms::$url . 'assets/css/jBox.css' ); // wp_enqueue_style( 'jquery-smoothness', NINJA_FORMS_URL .'css/smoothness/jquery-smoothness.css' ); ?> <div id="nf-insert-form-modal" style="display:none;"> <p> <?php global $wpdb; $all_forms = $wpdb->get_results( 'SELECT id, title FROM `' . $wpdb->prefix . 'nf3_forms` ORDER BY title' ); // $all_forms = Ninja_Forms()->form()->get_forms(); // $first_option = __( 'Select a form or type to search', 'ninja-forms' ); echo '<select class="nf-forms-combobox" id="nf-form-select" data-first-option="">'; echo '<option value=""></option>'; foreach( $all_forms as $form ) { $label = $form->title; $form_id = $form->id; if ( strlen( $label ) > 30 ) $label = substr( $label, 0, 30 ) . '...'; echo '<option value="' . intval( $form_id ) . '">' . $label . ' - ID: ' . $form_id . '</option>'; } echo '</select>'; ?> </p> <p> <input type="button" id="nf-insert-form" class="button-primary" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Insert', 'ninja-forms' )?>" /> </p> </div> <?php add_action( 'admin_footer', array( $this, 'output_tinymce_button_js' ) ); echo $html; } /** * Output our tinyMCE field buttons * * @access public * @since 2.8 * @return void */ public function output_tinymce_button_js( $context ) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) { var jBox = jQuery( '.nf-insert-form' ).jBox( 'Modal', { title: '<?php esc_html_e( 'Insert Form', 'ninja-forms' )?>', position: { x: 'center', y: 'center' }, closeButton: 'title', closeOnClick: 'overlay', closeOnEsc: true, // theme: 'TooltipBorder', content: jQuery( '#nf-insert-form-modal' ), onOpen: function() { jQuery( '.nf-forms-combobox' ).combobox(); jQuery( this )[0].content.find( '.ui-autocomplete-input' ).attr( 'placeholder', '<?php esc_attr_e( 'Select a form or type to search', 'ninja-forms' )?>' ) .css( 'margin-right', 0 ); jQuery( this )[0].content.find( '.ui-combobox-button' ).css( 'position', 'relative' ).css( 'top', '-3px' ); jQuery( this )[0].content.find( 'ul.ui-autocomplete' ).css( 'max-height', '175px' ).css( 'overflow', 'scroll' ); jQuery( this )[0].content.css( 'overflow', 'visible' ); jQuery( this )[0].content.find( '.ui-icon-triangle-1-s' ).addClass( 'dashicons dashicons-arrow-down' ).css( 'margin-left', '-3px' ); }, onClose: function() { jQuery( '.nf-forms-combobox' ).combobox( 'destroy' ); } }); jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '#nf-insert-form', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var form_id = jQuery( '#nf-form-select' ).val(); var shortcode = '[ninja_form id=' + form_id + ']'; window.parent.send_to_editor( shortcode ); jBox.close(); jQuery( '#nf-form-select' ).val( '' ); } ); } ); </script> <?php } }