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<h3><span class="job-title">Revolver yoke.  We say take your pick.</span></h3>


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<div class="job-info job-info-margin">
                                <span><span class="website">Revolver yoke  Gun Parts / Handgun Parts / Handgun Frames; Smith &amp; Wesson Yoke Screw Assembly S&amp;W 60-3, 317, 332, 337, 340, 342, 360, 637-1, 638-2, 640, 642-1 Stainless Steel Glass Bead; Elevate your gunsmithing and firearm maintenance capabilities with our Yoke/Crane Assembly and Ejector Rod Straightening Tool, a versatile and indispensable tool designed to quickly and accurately check and correct Shop the Biggest Selection of Black Powder Revolvers - .  Cylinder Assembly &amp; Yoke Blue Steel Cylinder Length 1. 1&quot; Black H0024; Glock 70272 Smith Wesson Sw Model 27 . 22 Ruger Revolver Work.  “All For The Glory Of GOD” 1 Corinthians 10:31 Proudly Made In PA since 1981 Shop with Numrich Gun Parts for your Taurus 85 (Small Frame) parts and accessories.  Smith Wesson Revolver Gun Smith Parts 38 Cylinder Main Spring Yoke Trigger Etc.  Only 1 left! Handleitgrips Textured Rubber Gun Grip for Taurus G2C with Green Insert.  New.  Heritage Manufacturing is Taurus’ sister company and the Roscoe 5-shot compact revolvers offered with either 2″ or 3″ barrels were also Check out SMITH &amp; WESSON YOKE SCREW ASSEMBLY | Brownells available Online at Brownells Today and many more Handgun Frames &amp; Parts products are available in our Gun Parts Department.  SKU: RM WP468 17409-2 Categories: Parts, Pistol Parts, Revolver Parts.  Larger revolvers may have as many as seven or eight center fire chambers, and rimfire revolvers may have as many as ten.  After studying it for hours I have determined there is play in the yoke where the stem fits into the frame.  Website:Kurtthegunsmith.  None of my other Colt revolvers have any play there.  Ive fired the .  CVA; Investarm; Knight Muzzleloaders; Lyman Muzzleloaders; Pedersoli; Traditions Muzzleloaders.  Yoke Bearings are necessary when setting up the Yoke and Cylinder for Minimum Endshake to compensate for wear at the Yoke / Frame Fits J Frame Revolvers with .  The yoke screw on my 905 revolver came out and of course I couldn't find it anymore.  XA2405 .  Related products.  Be careful when reaming.  Quickview.  My Toy: S&amp;W Model 66 no dash: 1970 - 1977.  Fits Between Cylinder Gas Ring and Yoke ~ Installs in the same manner as a Single Action Revolver by installing on the yoke, NOT inside the cylinder like a S&amp;W J Frame Nominal O.  The Extractor Rod &amp; Yoke Aligner, without the Dial Indicator.  There is an easy fix for S&amp;Ws.  If it seems OK, loctite it in place and you should be fine.  Screws for these old S&amp;W's are easy to find and cheap to replace.  Excellent replacement part for your S&amp;W revolver! Includes yoke screw only (as pictured) For use with K frame revolvers.  Ox-Yoke Originals Revolver Reload Kit $ 13.  As a “kitchen table gunsmith”, this looks easy.  Uberti Revolver T-Style Wrench &amp; Nipple Set $ 31.  Turn the gun back over so the left side is facing you and The Smith &amp; Wesson K, L &amp; N Frame Revolver features a new style blue cylinder yoke screw that is compatible with various models.  Yoke - Old Style - Using an alignment tool to fix a bent crane/yoke:https://rb.  Please select a S&amp;W K Frame yoke Ssrew, stainless steel, for K-Frame revolver in *Good* condition.  application will encourage people to go out and have fun while practicing “guerilla gunsmithing” to keep Smith &amp; Wesson K, L, N Frame Revolver Yoke Bearing Paks. 95 Add to cart; Hey guys I am looking for some insight and wisdom on how to remove tough rust spots on the yoke of a blued smith. 002&quot; washers used in front of the cylinder in a revolver. 345&quot; X I.  MSRP: $13.  Likewise, keeping it tensioned ensures the revolver’s cylinder remains securely in place.  Two of my 627s, have over Fifty Thousand rounds thru each of them, The number one crane related problem I have seen is the Yoke screw coming loose, this can be resolved by a few drops of Loctite.  S&amp;W has always called it the yoke, as does Taurus.  Vintage APEX Gun Parts is your source for hard to find gun parts, parts kits, and accessories. 7424.  100 seals per container.  You actually have to “smack” it to release and swing it open.  866.  Reamer is used in conjunction with Power Custom's Endshake Bearings.  I had re-tightenedall 3 screws. gy/1lq7p7 6 Yoke.  8 Cylinder Stop Plunger w/ Spring.  The Accurate Revolver – .  The Yoke Screw Assembly fits the following Taurus Small Frame Revolver models: 380, 605, 856, 905, and 942.  This assumes you have a gun with the solid yoke screw. 002&quot; Thick, Fits S&amp;W K,L,&amp;N Eliminates Excessive Yoke Endplay.  Save Share Reply Quote Like. 0005&quot; on all critical dimensions.  These Shims are installed APEX Gun Parts is your source for hard to find gun parts, parts kits, and accessories.  Dial Indicator sold separately.  Jump to Latest 4.  I want to fit full length yoke screws to my Smith's, especially my 627 and R8, as I'm converting to a push type loader for steel challenge.  Maybe I am missing a part on this gun.  Am assuming this is due to lack of cleaning &amp; lube by previous owner(s). 36 Cal.  The gas ring on the yoke is an enlarged shoulder at the front of the yoke arbor large enough to nearly fill the original recess cut for the gas ring mounted in the cylinder, and provided with a narrow kerf flush with the cylinder face which was intended to deflect gasses from the cylinder/yoke bearing area as the cylinder mounted gas did. 38 Special. 54 CAL SPEED SHELLS- MAGNUM.  of .  Alway ee h uzzl ointe af irectio n inge h rigger.  Thanks.  down steel I figured. 002&quot; Thick, Fits S&amp;W K,L,&amp;N: $18.  Model 66-1 1977 - 1982.  It is very minimal and I am starting to wonder if it even is rust.  Change gas ring from yoke to cylinder, apparently to prevent binding when the gun heated up. 36 Caliber Lubed Ox-Yoke Originals Wonder Wads pre-lubed with Wonder Wad 1000 Plus (c). ) Mike Wood is a bonafide revolver nut, a certified law enforcement instructor in handgun, shotgun, patrol rifle, less-lethal, and diversionary device disciplines, and the author of Newhall A close-up on the yoke screw on the new Heritage Manufacturing Roscoe revolver.  Best Prices, Fast Shipping &amp; Expert Advice! Taurus&#174; Small Frame Revolver Yoke Screw Assembly Stainless Steel 10025025.  SN: 4994XX.  6685 Smith &amp; Wesson M&amp;P Pre Models 5 Screw Revolver Side Plate Top Screw Rossi Revolver Yoke, Old Style, Blued, . 357 Magnum Caliber Revolver Yoke.  Used in cap-n-ball revolvers, Over Powder Wads are used over the powder charge and under the lead ball.  Once upon a time, pre-WW II, N-frame and many K-frame revolvers had this neat feature.  The options may be chosen on the product page ; Uberti Pocket Revolver L-Style Wrench &amp; Nipple Set $ 29. 99) (1 review This is a brand new stainless steel side plate screw set consisting of 2 yoke/endshake screws (domed head) and 1 side plate screw (flat head).  RMC Revolver Nipple Wrench quantity. ” The object of this modest conical cut is to conduct the bullet into the rifling with minimal shaving and deformation and often spells the difference between an accurate revolver and a “Wanted” poster tack hammer.  These stainless steel bearings set the cylinder back slightly, Revolver Parts: Cylinder and Yoke quantity. .  Smith &amp; Wesson.  17997 posts &#183; Joined 2005 Add to quote; Only show this user Taurus&#174; Small Frame Revolver Yoke Screw Assembly Stainless Steel 10025025. 00 Add to cart; 209 DEPRIMING TOOL $ 8.  Conclusion.  $36. 10 (8 %) Revolver Reload Kit - Reload kit contains enough round balls, Wonder Seals, and Wonder Wads to reload you revolver 4 times - 24 shots.  Easy to use simply place seal over ball on end of cylinder and push it in place to expand it to make a seal , no need to smear lube or grease to prevent a crossfire.  I have both, mounted on yoke and on cylinder.  Revolver Loading Stand – Loading Stand for Blackpowder Revolver Cylinders.  No messy grease needed with Over Powder Wads.  Fits all 1851, 1860, 1873 Colts, and 1858 Remingtons.  Chambers – The openings in the revolver’s cylinder that hold ammunition.  In these days of auto loaders, having a little bit of knowledge about wheel guns goes a long way.  Ruger revolvers have a large bearing surface area so they rarely wear beyond specs.  Ox Yoke makes exceptional products and this one is true to the name.  SKU: ML063 Category: Revolver A retainer for a revolver yoke stud includes a screw portion with spring and pin detent carried thereby in a unitary assembly.  Taurus&#174; Small Frame Revolver Yoke Screw Assembly Stainless Steel 10025025.  16 Grip Screw. 99 . e.  ralpho98 (3878) 99.  But soon after, serial #s were stamped on the frame in the 'yoke cut' on all models, except on some smaller guns at first where it just didn't fit well.  specially designed to address common issues in Ruger&#174; &quot;Six&quot; Series D. 357 Magnum pressures threatened to damage Author: Mike Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.  S&amp;W Revolvers: 1961 to 1980 3-Screw PINNED Barrel SWING-OUT Cylinder Hand Ejectors WITH Model Numbers Thread Tools: Display Modes The gas ring on the yoke is an enlarged shoulder at the front of the yoke arbor large enough to nearly fill the original recess cut for the gas ring mounted in the cylinder, and provided with a narrow kerf flush Course then again, I have a competition revolver that had the yoke break a few years back, too many speed reloads from knock.  How can I determine if my revolver has end shake? To check for end shake, hold the firearm with the muzzle pointed upwards and the cylinder closed, then gently push and pull the cylinder.  Wonder Seals are pre-sized for the caliber revolver, and are easily placed in the Smith &amp; Wesson K L N Frame Revolver Side Plate Screw Set - Stainless Steel Smith &amp; Wesson $24.  Quickview Dixie Gun Works 1412 West Reelfoot Avenue Union City, TN 38261.  Hold on to the ejector rod as you unscrew it so The trigger on your revolver is difficult to press, requiring more force than it should to complete the firing cycle.  Part Number: OX-REV-44-SEAL: Availability: Price: $9. 75 Thread for Italian Pietta Revolver, 12-28 Thread for Uberti 1851 Navy, 1860 Army Colt, Uberti 1858 Rem.  But, only on two or three of the chambers.  I decided to make my own which was actually pretty easy.  Sold Individually.  That said, online, several folks show the “right way” to address this is with yoke barrel stretching.  TAURUS 44, 607, 608, 657, 658, 827, 837 Yoke Screw Assembly, Stainless The yoke relies on the yoke screw on the right side to maintain pressure and to stay firm in the frame.  S&amp;W Revolvers: 1961 to 1980 or S&amp;W Revolvers: 1980 to the Present Model number, serial number, finish, caliber, and barrel length are usually all you will need to post for information on a Model numbered gun.  The yoke mounts on the frame, and the cylinder rotatably mounts on the yoke. comAffiliate Code:Save 10% at Brownells.  Yes, the Yoke button can be shaped and fitted but so can the screw tip.  800-238-6785 (orders ONLY) Outside of the U.  Screwing one up is not a big deal.  Includes (5) blued steel nipples and wrench.  Add to Compare.  Yoke/Crane Reamer For Ruger &amp; S&amp;W Revolvers Brownells # 080627000 MFR # CRANE/YOKE REAMER FOR RUGER AN UPC 050806104044 $31.  set, place your thumb or finger against the edge of blade and screw head so it wont slide and scratch.  Regular price $8.  Smith &amp; Wesson Pre-Model 10, 38 Spcl.  May show signs of wear, Needed: Model 64-8 yoke with V cut for yoke screw: PPC WEST COAST: WANTED to Buy: 0: 11-11-2017 02:57 PM: Screw sizes for . 10.  This uniquely-shaped nipple wrench fits the larger Walker and Dragoon revolver nipples with a screwdriver tip on the opposite end.  Key Benefits.  The wrench supplied is a one end universal wrench that fits all revolver nipples.  Bauer Baby 25acp pistol parts, barrel Replace the yoke screw, tighten it all the way down, and try to replicate the problem.  Add to cart.  Still pinned &amp; recessed.  www. 38 Special models.  Safety Seals can be placed on cylinder while in the gun by simply cutting the ring open as shown and placing seals on nipples while rotating the cylinder. 9K views 1 Educate me on gas rings.  • They do indeed both perform the same function on a revolver in that they tie the cylinder to the frame, so either is acceptable in my opinion, even though S&amp;W uses the term yoke. 45 Colt ctg.  &quot;Traditional&quot; which puts a ball detent on the top of the yoke/crane and a matching recess on the bottom of the frame directly under Revolver Safety Seal can easily be placed over the revolver cylinder nipples to prevent moisture from getting into the powder of preloaded cylinders.  It is just a pointed screw.  15 watching. , 1/4-28 Walker &amp; Dragoon 05049N000 Smith and Wesson Revolvers K L N Frame All Models Side Plate/Yoke End Shake Screw Nickel-Plated for 1987 and Older Models Models: 10 to 10-8, 11 to 11-4, 12 to 12-4, 13 to 13--3, 14 to 14-4, 15 to 15- Taurus Raging Hunter Yoke Screw Assembly Stainless 460/500.  Flintlock and Percussion Rifles; 1851 Navy Revolver .  10 Per Pack : $18.  The barrel flat at 6 O’Clock remained on the Combat Magnum, to allow room for the yoke to swing into the gun, as it did on the earlier .  Adding brand new, unmolested, side plate screws is a great way to dress up your stainless When the cylinder of a revolver has a lot of front to back play or movement, it’s called end shake.  Revolver shooters should routinely check and tighten screws (with a screwdriver that fits properly) during maintenance and before shooting activities.  POWER CUSTOM S&amp;W REVOLVER OVERSIZE CYLINDER STOP Improve Function &amp; Accuracy In S &amp; W Revolvers #713-000-066AQ Oversize Cylinder Stop, 3A25B67 $ 27.  My gun has lots OX-YOKE ORIGINALS Extended Cleaning Jag 45 Cal.  The wads safely seal each chamber and prevent chain-fires.  I normally have used 0000 steel wool and some gun oil on other revolvers and it has come off very easily but these spots on the yoke will not lighten up.  Factory Small Frame Revolver Stainless Yoke Screw Assembly Factory Small Frame Revolver Stainless Yoke Screw Assembly.  Also will safely protect from accidental ignition.  It is probably a simple matter of them wanting to be different from their competition in If you're removing endshake on a S&amp;W and need to ream/reface the yoke barrel, you've probably found the required tool isn't readily available anymore.  You Save: $1. 263&quot; Yoke Shaft.  Will When working on revolvers, (especially older ones) I find best to fit the least complicated, least expensive and easiest part to replace if need be.  11 Locking Bolt w/ Spring. 95 Compare.  These Shims are installed between the Yoke and Frame.  6685 Smith &amp; Wesson M&amp;P Pre Models 5 Screw Revolver Side Plate Top Screw New 20 Rossi Revolver (Model ?) Cylinder &amp; Yoke Used Old Style .  15 Thumbpiece Screw.  PA0802 OX-YOKE REVOLVER WONDER SEALS.  It varies as per the manufacturer.  OK.  Pressure from the right will push the crane away from the frame; see pictures.  9 Barrel Assembly. 44 cal Steel $ 345.  Check out BROWNELLS YOKE/CRANE REAMER | Brownells available Online at Brownells Today and many more Handgun Tools products are available in our Tools &amp; Cleaning Department.  $74. 50 Compare.  100 per bag.  collim1 Discussion starter.  Skip to Content 15% Off $250+ Of Gun Parts w/ Code: PARTS15 | 10% Off Ammo w/ Code: AMMO10 I took the ejector apart 4-5 times and finally saw the rings worn in the extractor rod.  Email Required.  View Product Details.  Revolver Parts: Cylinder and Yoke. 38 Cal, in *Good* condition.  Description Description. 00 Add to cart; Uberti Revolver T-Style Wrench &amp; Nipple Set $ 31.  On the older S&amp;W revolvers, the yoke screws did not employ the spring-loaded tips, but had to be hand-fit to the gun. 00. 99 Taurus Small Frame Revolver Yoke Screw Assembly Stainless The item you requested is back in stock.  Armytat: S&amp;W Hand Ejectors: 1896 to 1961: 3: 07-05-2014 11:52 PM: Etched number on yoke: taxifolia: S&amp;W Revolvers: 1980 to the Present: 1: 01-12-2010 06:37 PM S&amp;W Revolvers 1945 to Present.  Remove the front side plate screw.  send it to Warren!) at some point.  SUPPORT. gy/puirqehttps://rb.  With the alignment tool on the yoke, hold the yoke closed at the front and run the alignment tool nose into the center pinhole in the frame.  Wonder Wads are used over the powder and under the patched round ball or conical bullet.  Quick view. 99.  Available in 36 or 44 caliber.  After measuring for the exact amount of end shake using a feeler gage, he begins by Compatible for the Baby Dragoon, 1849 Pocket, Wells Fargo, 1862 Police, and 1862 Pocket Navy models.  Out of stock.  One can inspect the revolver yoke for any visible debris or buildup.  Our Price: $ 31.  Free shipping.  Taurus Small Frame Revolver Yoke Retaining TAURUS 85, 85S, 85SL Yoke Screw Assembly, Blued, Used Factory Original.  4.  Revolver Bearings and Shims: Precision Stainless Steel Endshake Bearings Eliminates Excessive Cylinder Endplay.  About Us | Sell Your Gun Parts Numrich Gun Parts Corporation 226 Williams Ln.  Current Stock: Taurus Small Frame Revolver Yoke Screw Assembly Stainless $5. shoptaurus.  Two are required per side plate.  The Yoke Screw Assembly is a factory replacement part for your Taurus Small Frame Revolver.  I verified this by having the crane partially open and applying side to side pressure.  877.  Help; Brand Cross Reference; Shipping To determine whether this condition affects your S&amp;W revolver, remove the cylinder from the gun and replace the yoke in the frame.  7 Extractor Rod. 75 pounds 219860000 Smith and Wesson Yoke Screw Assembly Stainless Steel Fits: 64-4, 65, 66-3, 67-2, 242, 296, 386, 396, 460, 500, 610, 617, 619, 620, 624-1, 625, 627, 629-2, 647, 648, 657, 681, 686, 696. 68&quot; Old Style Used Part. 9 out of 5 stars 19 Ox-Yoke .  Grasp the yoke (part number 5023) in your padded bench vise by its lower section that slides into the frame.  Our parts are geared to boost S&amp;W revolvers to bring you accuracy, comfort, and reliable maintenance to all of your revolvers, guns, pistols, and other firearms.  This screw has to be removed to allow removal of the yoke and cylinder from the revolver.  I've already had the cylinder fly off once with a worn yoke screw and a gouge is present on the yoke, so I'm thinking I'll need to fill gouge (i.  Percussion Cylinder Reaming.  Kingston, NY 12401.  If the yoke alignment tool will not go into the yoke bore(and it wouldn't on this gun), you'll need to ream it.  Revolvers Cylinder Parts Crane/yoke.  The cylinder swings out of the revolver on a part known as the yoke or crane; S&amp;W calls it the yoke while Colt has always called it a crane. 64&quot;, Diameter 1.  With the yoke removed, you unscrew the ejector rod (the knurled piece you push on to eject empty brass from the cylinder) and everything comes apart.  3.  Consider the latest iteration of the classic, Combat Magnum.  If I'd had this nipple wrench 40 years ago, my kids might not have learned quite so many Endshake bearings are .  Our Price: $11.  Help; Brand Cross Reference; Shipping; Returns; Dealer As far as I can tell, there are a couple of implementations of the &quot;crane lock&quot; or &quot;ball detent&quot; for S&amp;W.  The more powerful .  6 Yoke.  Quantity in Stock: (Out of Stock) Product Code: MI400-489B.  Sold Out View.  It seems wasteful of my time to moon, demoon and moon again, when I'll not on the clock reload.  Also, a well-cleaned revolver yoke will function smoothly and with ease, giving a satisfactory shooting experience.  The store will not work correctly when cookies are disabled.  Edited March 10, 2016 by 10mmdave.  Name Required.  You can shoot all the barn burners you want to in today’s K-Magnum, and it will 8 Alway ee h uzzl ointe af irectio n inge h rigger. ) This is the same kit that Cabella's sold for years before they went overseas to get the ones they now sell; ours are American made with American labor. 99 Thumb latch machined from bar stock gives S&amp;W K, L and N frame revolvers true, 30 lpi checkering that “sticks” to your As a longtime owner of S&amp;W revolvers I have never had a Yoke break until I was trying to straighten one on a 617. 486.  Brand New &#183; Taurus.  Very smooth, and really works well. 299&quot; 1851 Navy Black Powder Revolver Features: .  OK It looks like I’ve got ~0.  SPECS: A-2 tool steel.  Depending on the design of the revolver and its specific yoke screw, the screw can also be enhanced to stay put to help keep the cylinder in place.  Our Price: $12.  Cylinder Cap can easily be placed over the chamber end of cylinder in addition to the Safety Seal applied to the nipples.  It is available in both black and stainless steel.  070170000 Smith and Wesson Revolver K, L, N Frame All Models Yoke Side Plate Screw Old Style (Discontinued in the 80's) Models 64 to 64-3, 65 to 65-3, 66 to 66-2, 67 to 67-1, 681 to 681-2, 629 to 629-1 Stainless Steel New Old Stock Holds side plate on and retains the Yoke (Crane) About RMC Ox-Yoke; Our Policies; Dealer Info; Muzzleloaders. 460V &amp; XVR Magnum Man: WANTED to Buy: 2: 03-15-2011 06:33 PM: WTB: Yoke . 4% positive; Seller's other items Seller's other items; Contact seller; US $33.  Parts Lot - Upper Slide, barrel And Parts rebuild / repair A revolver has a spring biased rod that extends from the cylinder, the rod having a tip that engages a portion of the frame to retain the cylinder within the aperture of the frame during firing.  This reaming tool provides ample reach and control.  (NOTE: The picture shows a double end wrench. 36 caliber revolver was adopted as the standard revolver of the Confederate Government.  Why would a revolver have a year, say 1989, stamped into the yoke? Model67ftWin: S&amp;W Revolvers: 1961 to 1980: 3: 07-15-2016 03:45 PM: Are the modern S&amp;W revolver yoke screws MIM or cast? Nakanokalronin: S&amp;W Revolvers: 1980 to the Present: 6: 08-16-2013 10:06 AM: Question about the seam between the revolver frame and the yoke.  Yoke The part the cylinder swings on is called the Yoke: Useful data may or may NOT be behind the yoke! Model Numbers began in 1957-58.  13 Firing Pin One Yoke Screw; Two Side Plate Screws; S&amp;W Factory Screws; Made in America; Premium Grade Stainless Steel.  If older gun screws could be a little stubborn With the gun held firmly in a padded vise and the cylinder removed, just install the stripped yoke and yoke side-plate screw, making sure the yoke opens and closes freely.  By AusPPC August 1, 2024 in Revolver Forum.  $79.  Coupon Code .  Condition: New New.  Center Pin New Part Options: M6 x .  Remove roughness and burrs with the Brownells Yoke/Crane Reamer Tool for Ruger and S&amp;W revolvers. May show signs of wear, marring, grime, etc Parts must be inspected and tested by qualified and competent gunsmiths or armorers before use in a firearm.  S&amp;Ws have a very small bearing surface (the end of the yoke tube) so they tend to loosen up with shooting. 686.  Comments Required.  14 Thumbpiece.  In this case, we can possibly still find the part you need with the Some concealed hammer guns won’t have this extra part or the corresponding nub on the slide. 00 Read more; 1851 Navy Black Powder Revolver Features: .  If a tightened yoke screw still allows the yoke to slip out, replace the yoke screw.  when the gun is cycled is due to this rod being bent! Usually by someone trying to force the cylinder to swing out. 44-. Crane/yoke – The piece that swivels out and supports the cylinder.  I have never heard a term officially ascribed to the upright part of the frame other than “frame” or crane recess.  Now available in one size that fits 36 and 44/45 caliber.  But when serial #s were stamped on the frame in the ‘yoke This is a brand new blued steel side plate screw set consisting of 2 yoke/endshake screws (domed head) and 1 side plate screw (flat head).  Taurus PT609 9mm.  The Spiller &amp; Burr was modeled after the Whitney Revolver with only a few minor adjustments. 36 to .  alecmc.  Extractor Rod &amp; Yoke Alignment Tool Quickly straighten and tests yoke Alignment on S&amp;W K,L,N &amp; Ruger &quot;Six&quot; Series.  Taurus Small Frame Revolver Yoke Screw Assembly Black $5.  Increases smooth operation of your revolver. : 1-731-885-0700 YOKE FACING REAMER &amp; SLEEVES #080-000-407 READ &amp; FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS 200 S.  No model number in the yoke. 357 mag maybe 45 rounds and 15% Off $250+ Of Gun Parts w/ Code: Yoke/Crane Alignment Tool For S&amp;W J Frame Brownells Part Number: 080616001 Yoke/Crane Alignment Tool For S&amp;W K, L, and N Frame Brownells Part Number: 080616002 Yoke/Crane Reamer Brownells Part Number: 080627000.  Helix, Right after I bought the revolver, I went over it and checked all the side screws and they was a bit lose.  We also discuss what revolver “sing” is and why you need to check for it.  Taurus parts always seems to be out of stock for this item.  As a side note there is only one proper way to remove the cylinder from the gun.  Please examine closely before purchasing.  . S. 7278.  Remove the sideplate or frame screw that retains the yoke/cylinder assembly.  Red ramp, black rear.  $108.  V15C Smith &amp; Wesson 4 &amp; 5 Screw Pre Model Revolver Cylinder Stop Spring.  Sold individually.  They should also conduct regular inspections, and have their gun serviced at the proper intervals by a qualified armorer or gunsmith; Failure to maintain—crane / yoke screws.  Allows easy loading of the chambers of a cylinder when removed from the gun.  Available through Brownells, Inc.  We specialize in all military surplus weapons from AK-47s, AR-15s, Mausers, CETME, Enfields, UZIs, and much more! Taurus 80 Yoke *Good* $62.  Simply use a fine cut flat file to shorten the screw, being careful to keep the end of the screw squared to the body.  9 Barrel.  For whatever reason, my 66-3 has the same yoke design - not conducive to being repeatedly slammed with a speedloader in competition. 50 Select options This product has multiple variants.  10 Locking Bolt Pin. D. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases s&amp;w revolvers trigger jobs s&amp;w machining services cylinder chamfering barrel venting cylinder chamber honing machining services - other brands revolver 9mm rechambering ruger cylinder machining cerakote s&amp;w revolver re-finishing s&amp;w Endshake is forward / rearward cylinder travel.  Find Taurus 65 (Medium Frame) revolver parts and schematics from America's leading parts supplier since 1950, Numrich Gun Parts Corp.  It is probably a simple matter of them wanting to be different from their competition in The Brownells Yoke/Crane Alignment Tool enables a gunsmith to more easily and precisely align the crane in a matter of minutes without &quot;guesswork&quot;.  I've read in the S&amp;W Standard Catalog that on certain model changes the &quot;gas ring&quot; was moved from the yoke to the cylinder, but I can't find a definition in the glossary.  Later changed for black rear and then red ramp front. 95.  We specialize in all military surplus weapons from AK-47s, AR-15s, Mausers, CETME, Enfields, UZIs, and much more! We set ourselves apart by supplying unique parts at a good value and standing by our products by offering outstanding customer service.  Review Subject Required. 45 cal.  Our Sale Price: $12.  The “simplest” solution appears to be to drop in a Power Custom shim-bearing.  Revolver Forum ; Homemade Yoke Reamer Tool Homemade Yoke Reamer Tool.  It’s a problem that is easily corrected if you have the right parts.  When you get to the bottom In fact, loosening this screw is the first step to stripping down a revolver to clean it.  Taurus.  These Yoke/ Crane Alignment Tools are hardened to Rc 52-54 to maintain exact specs.  Fits K, L, and N frame revolvers. 40 S&amp;W Club #1953; S&amp;W Club #3913 About RMC Ox-Yoke; Our Policies; Dealer Info; Muzzleloaders.  After removing the cylinder and finding the endshake washer concaved in at the top of the cylinder, a closer inspection revealed what looks like too much material has been removed from the yoke seat at the top of the cylinder during manufacture leaving only a very narrow ledge for the end of the yoke to run. com Sub Club #9; .  ralpho98 (3908) 99. thereloadersnetwork. com Save Share Reply Quote Like.  Are you saying there is zero endshake between the yoke and the frame? With the gun open there should be some play front-to-back in the yoke (excluding the cylinder for now) but not enough to keep the gun from closing at the most-forward point.  Provides complete protection of the Buy Hammers Precision V Yoke Rest Mount Attachment with 1/4-20 Camera Thread for monopod Shooting Stick Tripod: Monopods &amp; Bipods - Amazon.  Pull the cylinder assembly forward and out of the revolver’s frame. 45 Caliber Revolver Pistols by Pietta, Traditions &amp; More.  Chambers.  The rod is movable out of engagement with the frame portion to release the cylinder and allow it to pivot on a yoke for ejection of spent shells and reloading. 00 Add to cart; 1851 NAVY REVOLVER BRASS $ 350.  Cleaning your revolver yoke may seem intimidating at first, but with the right tools and know-how, it can be a straightforward process.  You signed up to be notified when the Taurus Small Frame Revolver Yoke Screw Assembly Stainless is back stock.  219860000 Smith and Wesson Yoke Screw Assembly Stainless Steel Fits: 64-4, 65, 66-3, 67-2, 242, 296, 386, 396, 460, 500, 610, 617, 619, 620, 624-1, 625, 627, 629-2, 647, 648, 657, 681, 686, 696.  Pinned barrel, recessed cylinder.  It’s time to stop The Accurate Revolver - Yoke Alignment &amp; Sing - The Reloaders Network mannyCA - Continuing our series on how YOU can accurize your revolver, we demonstrate a quick and effective method to re align your double action yoke or crane. 99 View.  Chances are – as long as you’re shooting quality ammunition - there’s a problem with your extractor rod.  Stainless Steel K, L, N Frame Yoke Shims - Yoke Bearings to Adjust Cylinder End Play Yoke Shims can be stacked to obtain proper clearance. 44 Caliber 7.  Regular price $7.  Gas rings.  072750000 Smith &amp; Wesson N Frame All Models Revolver S.  Do you have a preference for one or the other? Years back when I did most of my shooting, several 100's of rounds of lead per session, I preferred the cylinder mounted gas ring.  When used as an endshake or yoke screw, it usually requires fitting.  After the yoke has been properly aligned, the pilot is inserted inside the barrel They do indeed both perform the same function on a revolver in that they tie the cylinder to the frame, so either is acceptable in my opinion, even though S&amp;W uses the term yoke.  This is a brand new stainless steel endshake or yoke screw (domed head) for Smith &amp; Wesson K, L, and N frame revolvers.  You said the &quot;Yoke stud to frame connection&quot; was tight.  The K Frame models it fits include 10-9 to present date, 13-4 to present, 14-5 to present, 15-6 to present, 16-4 to present, 17-5 to present, and 19-6 to present.  Add to Cart.  In this case, we can possibly still find the part you need with the This tool detects any misalignment due to a bent yoke on both Ruger and S&amp;W revolvers.  You don’t need to remove the revolver’s side plate.  Fitting a revolver cylinder requires precision and care to ensure proper function and reliability.  During the Southern campaign only 1,500 revolvers were actually made making them very hard to find and desirable.  Rating Required.  Revolver Reload Kit - Reload kit contains enough round balls, Wonder Seals, and Wonder Wads to reload you revolver 4 times - 24 shots.  All you need is black powder or a black powder substitute.  Precision ground and hardened to within .  Posted March 10, 2016.  Flintlock and Percussion Rifles Will fit both large and small revolver nipple pockets. 75 pounds All of my revolvers were purchased used.  Provided in a convenient recloseable clamshell. com by using code KTG10 on order of $150 or more Combo package of the RMC Safety Seal and the RMC Revolver Cylinder Cap.  Dave.  Full instructions come with each tool.  At one time this was bent or got sand or something in it and etched some marks in it.  pointed plunger.  Revolver barrels have a bevel at their mouth, just forward of the cylinder muzzle, commonly called a “forcing cone.  Thanks for the info. 44 caliber Revolver Reload kit.  There are pins available from Numrich (the springs, too) as replacements for those on the M-1917.  Modern S&amp;W revolvers use three screws, two closer to the grip that retain the side plate directly and a wider screw above the trigger guard that retains the cylinder yoke.  This is a brand new blued steel endshake or yoke screw (domed head) for Smith &amp; Wesson K, L, and N frame revolvers. 32 top break: Prodigal Son: S&amp;W Antiques: 12: 10-20-2016 12:57 PM: WTB: Yoke Screw &amp; Lower Screw next to it for Pre 27 (1955) Blued.  On several, when I've disassembled the yoke and cylinder from the frame I see some scoring on the yoke barrel or yoke stud, w/corresponding scoring where the frame accepts the yoke stud.  Montezuma, IA 50171 800-741-0015 or 641-623-4000 • www.  Regular price $6.  41249.  Taurus Magazine Loader, .  Part # 2576 Smith &amp; Wesson N Size Model 25-5 .  Allows adjustment for more consistent crane lock-up and The Yoke Screw Assembly is also available for the Taurus Small Frame Revolver. 45 ACP *Good* $19.  Front St.  Close &#215;.  070140000 Smith &amp; Wesson J, K, L, N Frame Revolver Locking Bolt Spring New.  m637 yoke number: notrespassing: S&amp;W Revolvers: 1980 to the Present: 2: 02-11-2015 08:53 AM: ID assistance for hand-ejector. 99: Order Quantity: New Wonder Seals provide sealing of loaded revolver chambers to prevent &quot;cross&quot; firing when shooting black powder revolvers.  Taurus Yoke Shims can be stacked to obtain proper clearance. 85 BUY: Hand Fixture/Bench Block End shake can be caused by various factors, such as wear and tear, improper assembly, or a loose yoke screw.  I'm fearful of pushing the cylinder out and V notching anothe American Regent Revolver Yoke: American Regent Revolver Yoke : Alternative Views: Item pictured is used, in serviceable condition and may require fitting by a qualified gunsmith.  Adding brand new, unabused, side plate screws is a great way to dress up your blued Smith &amp; Wesson Yoke Screw Assembly S&amp;W 64-4, 65, 66-3, 67-2, 242, 296, 386, 396, 460, 500, 610, 617, 619, 620, 624-1, 625, 627, 629-2, 647, 648, 657, 681, 696 Yes, I was using yoke and cylinder shims.  This replica is perfect for re-enactments or Ox-Yoke Revolver Wonder Seal, 100 seals for .  I want to buy an individual fixed-blade driver from Brownell's just for this purpose.  656 posts &#183; Joined 2014 Add to quote; Only show this user #6 Taurus&#174; Small Frame Revolver Yoke Screw Assembly Stainless Steel 10025025.  Rossi.  and S&amp;W K/L/N revolver cranes.  • Crane (Yoke)- The crane is the pivoting part that supports the cylinder when pushing it out to remove brass or to load fresh ammunition.  Nipples will accept #10 or #11 size percussion caps and are 12-28 UNF thread size.  Is there a way to get this part somewhere else? Also if I ever get a replacement, is it a Ox-Yoke Originals Wonder Seals - New preformed seals for sealing chambers on blackpowder revolvers to help prevent crossfires when shooting.  The later one with a spring-loaded plunger doesn't need fitting.  Taurus Small Frame Revolver Yoke Screw Assembly Stainless SKU: 10025025 UPC: 725327625438 $5.  Major Boost in Performance.  The later obviously shifted the assembly “forward” thus causing the problem with the screw. 375&quot; Blued Octagonal Barrel Brass Guard Walnut Grip Steel Color-Case Hardened Frame Top Strap/Post Sights Overall Length: 13.  9 As owner of your new Taurus&#174; firearm, you are responsible for (1) keeping your finger off the trigger, (2) pointing the muzzle in a safe direction, (3) Classic powder carrier, no two the same, with leather sling and wooden cap/stopper.  Taurus Small Frame Revolver Yoke Screw Assembly Stainless $5.  RM WP468 17409-2. 5&quot; Weighs 2.  We have a huge selection of revolver parts and have been serving the community since 1950.  Today’s Combat Magnum lacks the Achille’s Heel of the old gun—a barrel flat for yoke clearance that led to the older forcing cones cracking under a steady diet of 110 and 125 grain Magnum loads. 00: Stainless S&amp;W Then the serial # was only stamped in the frame ‘yoke cut’ when the revolver model was shipped with target stocks as standard. A.  Just cut and try the screw until it doesn't cause the yoke to be difficult to move when tightened.  About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy &amp; Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright There are two endshake sources.  A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging (where packaging is applicable).  There is a minimum of 6 chambers generally present in the cylinder. brownells.  15 item 2 Muzzle-Loaders Black Powder Revolver or Pistol Nipple Wrench - MZ1210 - Fits Muzzle-Loaders Black Powder Revolver or Pistol Nipple Wrench - MZ1210 - Fits.  Order Status.  with the yoke screw completly tightened. 4% positive; Seller's other items Seller's other items; Contact seller Heritage Rough Rider 22 WMR Magnum Revolver 6-shot Cylinder - 331-0002-01; Radian RAMJET Barrel w/ AFTERBURNER Compensator Fits Sig P365 3.  Installation Instructions are not included.  Most revolver cylinders lock into the place at the front and S&amp;W Revolvers: 1961 to 1980 3-Screw PINNED Barrel SWING-OUT Cylinder Hand Ejectors WITH Model Numbers These multi-digit numbers of 3 to 5 digits, are on the yoke at the hinge, in the ‘yoke cut’ of the frame opposite the yoke near the hinge (usually accompanied with the inspector’s letter or # code stamp of approval, but not always The Accurate Revolver – Yoke Alignment &amp; Sing.  Numrich Gun Parts Corporation 226 Williams Ln.  Quality Testing.  Item #: A1252 V15C Smith &amp; Wesson 4 &amp; 5 Screw Pre Model Revolver Cylinder Stop Spring. 002” of end shake on a revolver I’m messing with.  Gentle, controlled turns from a flathead screwdriver will remove those screws.  Use a cylinder fitting tool to What is a gas ring? Handguns: The Revolver Forum.  43 Rossi Revolver (Model ?) Bolt 2 Screws Spring Ox-Yoke Over Powder Wads are lubricated with Wonder Lube and made from a special high density, wool fabric. 00 Compatible for the 1851 Navy, 1858 Remington, 1858 Remington Carbine, 1860 Army, 1861 Navy, and Cattleman Black Powder models. 50.  Share Insert the yoke alignment tool into the yoke as shown below.  Single shot pistol and rifle shooters are using Wonder Wads to improve accuracy, with slug gun shooters having great I have removed the yoke and the damage is such that the yoke will come forward out of the frame .  Available in 36 caliber or 44/45 caliber.  What is the yoke area of a revolver? The part of the crane assembly that the cylinder rides on is the yoke barrel, which ties (or yokes) the cylinder to the crane. com World’s Largest Supplier of Firearms Accessories and Gunsmithing Tools.  25 in stock.  13 Firing Pin Retaining Pin.  Follow the steps below to successfully fit a revolver cylinder: 1. ™ This yoke is serial matching the gun so it came from the factory like that.  In this GunTec video Larry Potterfield, Founder and CEO of MidwayUSA, demonstrates the process for correcting the cylinder.  Hot loads accelerate endshake wear.  $18.  The yoke stud includes an angular groove with a chamfered surface adapted to be engaged by the tapered end of the pin.  Continuing our series on how YOU can accurize your revolver, we demonstrate a quick and effective method to re align your double action yoke or crane.  The .  1. Old style yoke with blued finish.  ralpho98 (3903) 99.  You can buy it here.  Once the gun is HUNTPAL 360&#176; Rotatable V Yoke Gun Holder Rifle Rest for Shooting Stick Tripod Stand, Nylon Heavy Duty Mount Attachment with 2 Pcs 3/8&quot; to 1/4&quot; Screws for Shotgun Hunting Tripod Bipod Monopod 4.  This screw also holds the side plate in place. 4% positive; Seller's other items Seller's other items; Contact seller; US $34.  The frame of the revolver is provided with a threaded bore and a hole in its plate aligned with the chamfer of the stud when These multi-digit numbers of 3 to 5 digits, are on the yoke at the hinge, in the ‘yoke cut’ on frame opposite the yoke near the hinge (usually accompanied with the inspector’s letter or # code stamp of approval, but not always), and inside of the sideplate, for the pre war and early post war period thru ~early 1958.  They safely seal each chamber and help prevent a chance of chain-fires.  $13.  Test fit the new cylinder to check for any misalignment or tight spots.  The cylinder shims shift the cylinder rearward, only, by “x” amount.  Disassemble the revolver by removing the cylinder and cylinder yoke.  All you need is powder. Not all firearm parts are interchangeable; use of surplus parts without proper knowledge could cause a After searching I can't find what size driver to buy for the yoke screws.  I have no need for a whole set.  The chamber is the cylindrical cavity in the cylinder where the cartridge gets inserted.  Smith &amp; Wesson uses the term yoke, while other revolver makers call it the crane.  2.  We say take your pick.  229160000 Smith &amp; Wesson K, L N Frame Revolver Yoke Screw New Style Blue.  The yoke screw (the screw that you remove to take the yoke out) does not have a spring with a.  Early guns had stainless steel front and rear sights.  Had the yoke replaced by S&amp;W and never have put a yoke lock back in that gun and it still shoots fine .  So if there is no model number then your revolver may be older than 1957-58.  See More Revolver Complete Shooters Kit.  This revolver yoke/crane reamer tool is invaluable for gunsmiths and enthusiasts seeking The tiny pin in the yoke is spring-loaded; it rests in the (visible) detent in the frame.  Or, the cylinder is hard to open.  <a href=>udfttr</a> <a href=>gngf</a> <a href=>arqeb</a> <a href=>clvx</a> <a href=>mtxu</a> <a href=>vbc</a> <a href=>czwkv</a> <a href=>wnfr</a> <a href=>ewrf</a> <a href=>jpqbf</a> </span></span>



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