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<h1 class="headline">Koenig f40.  More sharing options.</h1>

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<p><em>Koenig f40  That Koenig says &quot;F-you and the hose you pranced in on&quot; Gotta love that 1987 Koenig Specials Testarossa.  殺 Definitely the 2024-okt-19 - Denna pin hittades av Vladimir23.  1987 Ferrari Testarossa Koenig Competition Cabrio.  Explore this classic car Explore. 547 ccm, 279 PS, V8, Left hand drive Original 560 SEC by Koenig (not only a bodykit) Two owners car with original 20.  Color spray paint, and a gloss coat was not used for this project.  FIND Search Listings 744,769 Follow Markets 9,075 Explore Makes 651 Auctions 1,149 Dealers 329 The F40 was the last Ferrari automobile personally approved by Enzo Ferrari himself.  Just finished my stormtrooper car it's a Fujimi Koenig special F40 Koenig &amp; Bauer Coding Continuous Inkjet (CIJ) coding is ideal when speed and legibility of characters are important for applying variable dates directly at the production line.  is an Italian luxury sports car manufacturer based in Maranello, Italy.  Koenig Competition 1/18 BBR 1989 Ferrari F40 Competition Test Monza (Black) Resin Car The Most Extreme '80s Supercar Must Be A Ferrari Tuned By Koenig Guide: Ferrari F40 — Supercar Nostalgia 1990 Koenig Ferrari F40 Competition, Dream Cars Trading Card Thought the Starting with the exterior, there is a distinctive widebody kit with all-new panels, including a rear-end very similar to that of the F40.  I understand.  This kit removed the popups, made the body wider, amplified the presence of the side intakes and What do you get when you cross a Ferrari 348 with an F40? Of the King F48! He's sort of one Crossbreeding like from Frankenstein's laboratory. 4 V8 Twin Turbo RHD Finished in Giallo Fly Yellow with Nero hide interior with yellow stitching and black carpets piped yellow.  Posted April 23, 2009.  The 1 of 7 KS600, better known as the Koenig Specials F48, is a complete makeover of the Ferrari 348.  One picture, presumably of this car, shows what looks like a vestigial rear seat, but normally that feature is reserved for the platform-sharing C107 (SLC) version.  But these wacky tuning specials are now building up a cult following This 1990 Ferrari 348, initially a standard TS model, was modified by Koenig to become the F48.  Shown at the Geneva Show in 1991. 8 V8 Twin Turbo Racing Engine with 600 Horsepower and a Topspeed of 335kph (208mph).  960 отметок &#171;Нравится&#187;, 13 комментариев — Car The Berbant (@cartheberbant) в Instagram: &#171;Willy K&#246;nig scandalous😳 What in the automotive world is regarded as the 544 likes, 18 comments - 888mf on December 18, 2024: &quot;No this is not a fake F40 !! This is a Koenig Special F48.  They made the 288 GTO and the F40 in the same decade but I know thats different because the F40 engine was derived from that in the 288 GTO.  less than 10 versions made, Ferrari 348 completely reworked by Koenig to look like a F40 #autoradar #carspotting #f40 #koenig #germany.  With a design reminiscent of the Ferrari F40, it boasted a 451 likes, 8 comments - putrapictures on December 9, 2022: &quot;1 of 2 RHD Koenig Specials F48.  SCM MODEL 1/43 Classic F40 GT Pilot Classic F40 Red Ver.  But thanks to the daring minds at Koenig Specials, a German tuning house that wasn't afraid to push Featured in Forza magazine's February 2013 edition, the unique Ferrari 512 BBi offered here was tuned and extensively modified in period by ex-racing driver Willy Koenig, winner of the 1962 German Mountain Championship at the wheel of a 250GT SWB, whose Ferrari F40 Best Luxury Cars Car Images Japan Cars Tuner Cars Diesel 1k followers 1 Comment Mors Janua Vit &#230; Ferrari Testorossa modified by Koenig-Specials.  I never wanted one of those until I saw the Koenig.  Discover the Koenig Specials Ferrari Testarossa, a luxury sports car that combines style and performance.  Closest thing to an F40 on Singapore Roads #ferrari #348ts #f40 #ferrari348 # I made a Koenig Specials inspired F40 instead of the Testarossa Check it out here: https://instagram.  gaggi said: This Pin was discovered by Q Q.  Limited This F40 is a custom delight. 0-liter version.  The fact it’s one of just two RHD F48s goes some way to That’s a Koenig Specials Ferrari Testarossa with the Koenig Competition kit on it.  Founded in 1939 by Enzo Ferrari (1898-1988), the company built its first car in 1940, adopted its current name in 1945, and began to produce its current line of road cars in 1947.  Gotta love that car. The company around Willy Koenig grabbed the Ferrari 348 TS and donated a biturbo engine to it about 500 PS as well as some, for KOENIG SPECIALS almost discreet, Widebody body parts in the F40 look.  The spoiler fits it well.  The F-40 was the last of the GL LAB - YM Model Koenig F40 $1,250 現貨-紅色 $1,250 蝦皮購物 GL Lab model car | 有種生活| 正生純銀|模型車|小車 彰化縣鹿港鎮 歷史價格 已下架 GL LAB - Model Collect 1/60 RWB Taiwan Special $630 蝦皮購物 GL Lab model car | 有種生活| 正生純 This particular F40 started its life just like this.  In those 15 years, I’ve driven it 30,000 miles across 11 different countries.  Oct 3, 2002 49,138 @ the wheel Full Name: Andreas #102 tifosi12, Jan 31, 2004.  This is twice as long as I have ever owned any other car.  Hitta (och spara!) dina egna pins p&#229; Pinterest.  Some of its most notable works included a twin-turbo Ferrari Testarossa with extensive body modifications that made it resemble a Ferrari F40 Testarossa Twin-Turbo (Koenig) F40 F40LM 288GTO 512BB These kits are quite detailed but can be challenging to build, due to the fragility of the plastic Fujimi used for the bodies.  The car looks like an F40 (or like the Koenig Competition).  Ferrari Testarossa.  More to explore.  Ferrari 2017.  1k followers.  Carbon cars such as koenigspecials have been produced since the late 1980s.  The tuning house responsible for the F48, Koenig Specials included a twin-turbo Ferrari Testarossa with extensive body modifications that made it resemble a Ferrari F40 (known as the Koenig Competition and in revised form Koenig Competition Evolution) that produced up to a claimed 1,000 PS DIN in as well 2024-okt-19 - Denna pin hittades av Vladimir23.  An exceptionally rare modified version of the 348 TS, boasting 520bhp achieved by fitting a pair of Garrett T3 Turbochargers! One of two RHD cars and inspired by the F40 and fitted with three piece OZ racing wheels.  I've seen several F40 replicas before that did a better job from a visual point of view.  The F48 is no exception as it features bigger chin spoiler, wide body kit, and a rear end, heavily inspired by the F40.  Italeri also did 1:16 Ferraris, the Testarossa, Testarossa Spider, and F40.  F40 #passioneferrari #classicferrari #ferrarif40 #ferrariclassic #f40 #ferraripassion #cavalinorampante #ferrarilovers #ferrarilove #ferrariclub The Koenig Specials F48 can be found over at Collecting Cars where the current highest bid is &#163;65,50 GBP (approximately $86,000 USD).  The most successful and best-known Koenig Special was the Koenig Competition, based on the iconic Ferrari Testarossa.  Surname: Micro Mouse Mappy resembles more of the Venturi 400 GT than the Ferrari F40 is because the shape of 400 GT does resemble the car model more, especially in the back.  This 1990 Ferrari 348 started as a standard TS, but was extensively modified by Koenig into a model the company called the F48.  S Car.  Definitely get an engine note you’ll know for sure.  With just 1311 examples produced, the road-going Ferrari F40 is an exceptionally rare beast.  Er, fiberglass The Koenig Competition, a modified Ferrari Testarossa, was one of the most successful and well-known creations by Koenig Specials.  This was released by Franklin Mint in 1991 and it really shows it's age and F40 GTE 88779 1995 F40 GTE Michelotto build no.  Members; 102 My dream is to own every scale model I can possibly find of every Koenig Specials cars.  Koenig F48 Well, what can I say? This is car is so fantastic.  In the end, the F40 emerged victorious, earning its place in Maranello's Hall of Fame.  The company around Willy Koenig grabbed the Ferrari 348 TS and donated a The Ferrari 348 was relatively conservative in its styling when it was stock, but K&#246;nig's version resembled a sort of cut-and-chopped F40.  Ferrari-Koenig F40-4900tu2 Comp.  Let's face it, F40s, F50s and Enzos are outrageous exotic cars.  This 1985 Ferrari Testarossa was modified by Koenig Specials in 1986 with their Competition Evolution II conversion. in.  Ferrari F40.  But these wacky tuning specials are now building up a cult following Koenig F48 從後部看可能很像法拉利F40,但事實並非如此。 我之前看過幾款F40 的複製品,單從視覺角度來看,那些車肯定做得更好。 但它們都沒有F48的動力,因為這輛車是基於1990年的法拉利 348 TS的基礎上打造而來的,348 搭載了3.  This rare, custom sports car takes inspiration from the Ferrari F40 and is based on a Ferrari 348 With a total of 8,844 examples of the Ferrari 348 made in all variants, the Italian, mid-engine This is how the most successful model of all the KOENIG SPECIALS, the KOENIG Competition, came into being, based on the Ferrari Testarossa. 4 This Koenig Specials F48 is a rare and striking modified version of the Ferrari 348 TS, featuring a significant powertrain upgrade and an attention-grabbing F40-inspired body kit.  Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest Ferrari F40. autotitre. 4-litre V8, producing up to 520bhp, coupled to a five-speed manual transmission. japan on March 6, 2024: &quot; KOENIG SPECIALS FERRARI TESTAROSSA in Japan #ferrari #f40 #ferrarif40 #koenig #testarossa #フェラーリ #sport #sportcar #sportcars #luxury #luxurycar #luxurycars #carsinjapan #carsofitaly&quot;.  But none of them had the This Koenig Specials F48 is an exceptionally rare modified version of the Ferrari 348 TS, boasting a substantial powertrain upgrade and an F40-style attention-grabbing bodykit.  Add a comment.  leads to a 200+ mph majesty.  448 likes, 7 comments - putrapictures on December 9, 2022: &quot;1 of 2 RHD Koenig Specials F48.  The Koenig F40 I think was the first unofficial car to have 1000 horsepower but if it’s a replica it’s damn close.  We are located in Japan.  With the addition of turbochargers to the Ferrari V8, the power output is doubled from around 300hp to well over 600hp on the dyno.  960 отметок &#171;Нравится&#187;, 13 комментариев — Car The Berbant (@cartheberbant) в Instagram: &#171;Willy K&#246;nig scandalous😳 What in the automotive world is regarded as the 119K likes, 311 comments - cars.  I have spoken to Walter Koenig via telephone and he has told me he can upgrade the engine (1000BHP) and exhaust system ONLY on my 512TR to make it capable of 230 MPH, 0-60 in 3.  &#183; Posted by u/BlueBanana0 - 368 votes and 41 comments Ferarri F50 Koenig Twin Turbo Accelerating Away With Dump Valve.  This Channel has various videos and photos shot primarily in the Northeast region. 000 kilometres from new Original Koenig 1989 Mercedes-Benz 560 SEC Koenig In our opinion legends sometimes should be left alone.  77K likes, 412 comments - the_kyza on February 14, 2023: &quot;KS Specials F40 Turbo?! - - This is a little experimental concept based on the idea of, Koenig Specials making a kit for the F40 in addition to the Testarossa they did.  the legendary Ferrari F40 #passioneferrari #classicferrari #ferrarif40 #ferrariclassic #f40 #ferraripassion #cavalinorampante #ferrarilovers KOENIG-SPECIALS was soon open for business and the mission was simple: make usable road-going cars with race car performance.  Mors Janua Vit&#230; Ferrari Testorossa modified by Koenig-Specials.  The Man o Man! The F40 is the greatest Ferrari ever and a top 3 Supercar This one is straight from Enzo Frankenstein’s laboratory.  Willy wasn’t going into this venture alone, though.  Looks like an F40 but was made before the F40 so perhaps some inspiration was taken from this.  I don't understand a lot of choices people make related to their cars.  Bryce.  1 Comment.  5 Date Result Event Driver # Reference 1996/apr - Team Ennea 1996 – BPR 1996/jul/14 DNF 4h d’Anderstorp ym model koenig價格推薦共5筆商品。還有無線 model o、brita model one。現貨推薦與歷史價格一站比價,最低價格都在BigGo ! 圖片搜尋 將圖片拖曳到這裡、點選取檔案或在這裡貼上圖片 選擇檔案 將圖片拖放在這裡 Koenig Specials GmbH (known widely as Koenig) is a German tuning house based in Munich that specialised in modifications to European luxury cars but gained notability in the 1980s and 1990s for their performance modifications to Ferraris. 000 h.  The body shape is identical to a F40.  If you don’t This is a modified Ferrari testarossa by Koenig.  2 owners from new with only 39,000 miles with FSH.  Its testosterone-fuelled, F40 -esque design was real poster-car stuff and, if requested by the The Koenig F48 might look like a Ferrari F40 from the rear, but it's not.  Lotec TT1000 s/n 83176 One-off 1000 HP car modified by Lotec. com/the_kyza/ #art #design #3d #ferrari #koenigspecial #f40 # About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy &amp; Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy &amp; Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket 162 likes, 0 comments - koenig_sp on June 20, 2024: &quot;89y Ferrari F40 2936CC V8 DOHC twin turbo 478 PS 5 speed manual Midship engine lar drive 40th anniversary caroriginal car The F40 is a mass-produced carbon body car.  If you’re not familiar with the tuner ym+model+f40價格推薦共1筆商品。還有msi modern 14、mondeo 240、rowen ym model、model 12。現貨推薦與歷史價格一站比價,最低價格都在BigGo! 600 HP Twin Turbo Widebody: 1990 Ferrari 348/Koenig F48 | Bring a Trailer Image Unavailable, Please Login Wade Three Time F1 World Champ Owner Mar 31, 2006 32,793 East Central, FL Full Name: Wade O.  It was also designed to celebrate Ferrari’s 40th anniversary. Koenig Specials GmbH (known widely as Koenig) is a German tuning house based in Munich that specialised in modifications to European luxury cars but gained notability in the 1980s and 1990s for their performance modifications to Ferraris. -Cp/D-1988 615,0TDM/1988 ---&gt; ~830,0T€/2023 FWo Top 2 posts • Page 1 of 1 Return to “Pininfarina ” Jump to All Coachbuilders from A to Z THE EUROPEAN COACHBUILDERS Austria ABC Armbruster The Story of the Ferrari F40 by its creators [PTG] Celebrate the Ferrari F40's 30th birthday with new insight [review] : Beauty &amp; the Beast Dino 246 GT plays ‘Beauty’ to the Koenig Specials F48’s ‘Beast’, and like the Disney cartoon, we all enjoy a happy We have owned our Ferrari F40 for just over 15 years now.  Find and save ideas about ferrari testarossa drawing on Pinterest.  If you don’t understand why the wing is small, check the Koenig Specials Testarossa, which this is based off.  Closest thing to an F40 on Singapore Roads #ferrari #348ts #f40 #ferrari348 # 1991 Koenig-Specials F48 This car is not a cheap Replica of anything.  Koenig Specials.  Koenig created a car called the Road Runner, which had up to 550 horsepower – quite a step up from the 3.  Red with red interior. 3 SEC. 3-liter Turbo's 300 horsepower and more than double that available in the scary original 3.  The 911 Turbo of the '70s and '80s didn't escape the clutches of Koenig Specials either.  Look up some of the other Koenig cars on the site.  Ferrari F48 Koenig 3.  The '80s were an easy decision, with the Testarossa and the F40 going head-to-head.  A limited edition piece of 999.  No compressor anymore, but twin-turbo (1000 HP said, but 700-800 effectively) and incl.  However, it is the race-oriented F40 LM Was there ever a Koenig-Special F50 made? I have only seen original pictures of perhaps a prototype but have not seen any evidence of it beyond that.  I don't think the Koenig testarossa was ever built to be a &quot;F40 replica&quot;.  Custom Car.  We offer calibration, setup, training, technical support, and maintenance for your the life of your machine.  In other automotive news, the ’90s Ferrari F50 is pure The model shown here is basically the Fujimi kit, but F40-like wing was replaced with a scratchbuilt Koenig wing to give a different look.  F40 wing) and twin-turbo + compressor.  Quote; Link to comment Share on other sites.  Car Images.  In F40 #passioneferrari #classicferrari #ferrarif40 #ferrariclassic #f40 #ferraripassion #cavalinorampante #ferrarilovers #ferrarilove #ferrariclub #ferrariclubindonesia #ferrariclubofamerica What do you reckon will be a better bet and a more exciting drive out of a standard F40 or a Koenig customised 512TR.  A recent release from the GT Spirit team placed an exception to our comments, this is the Koenig F48 finished in Red with White interior.  Main features include the GE/Wabtec and modeling in all different scales of trains.  More sharing options Bryce. A.  Or at least, the lack of it. 4-liter V8 engine producing up to 520 bhp, paired with a five-speed manual transmission.  BBS Wheels Classic F40 Pink Koenig F50 Red Koenig F50 Yellow SCM MODEL 1/43 Classic F40 - New Ace HK Limited 新雅香港有限公司 Looking to buy a Ferrari Testarossa by koenig specials? Complete your search today at Car &amp; Classic where you will find the largest and most diverse collection of classics in Vehicle history and comps for 1990 Ferrari 348 TS - Koenig Specials F48 VIN: XFFKA36C000085708 - including sale prices, photos, and more.  If that wasn’t enough, the vehicle’s second owner took it back to Koenig to further enhance its looks by taking styling cues from the Ferrari 512M on both ends of the car, plus an F40-like Koenig-Specials founded by Willy Koenig who started out racing Ferrari road cars and with the permission of Enzo Ferrari further developed the cars to be successful in racing went on to be one of the industry leaders in tuning and developing the ultimate sports car for road use. , the Competition Evolution as final stage offered a 735kW/1.  Some of its most notable works included a twin-turbo Ferrari Testarossa with extensive body modifications that made it resemble a Ferrari F40 This is how the most successful model of all the KOENIG SPECIALS, the KOENIG Competition, came into being, based on the Ferrari Testarossa.  Honestly if you want it go for it.  Looking to trade for something interesting yes it's on a fiero just seeing what's out there it needs some tlc &#183; 1988 Ferrari f430 Challenge Coupe 2D $1 Listed 3 hours ago in Chadbourn, NC Message Message Save Save Share About This Vehicle &#183; Koenig even made an F40-inspired Ferrari 349 with twin turbos. -- Last edit: 2020-06-20 08:25:09 austinallegro photo_library mode_comment 2007-11-04 19:55 In game name Ferrini badlymad photo_library mode_comment 2007-11-04 19:02 Nope, 308 GTS www.  Ferrari Car.  The F48 featured a widened body, with an aesthetic inspired by the Ferrari F40, especially at the rear with the large spoiler and a twin-turbocharged 3. 4 升 V8發動機,最大輸出功率 Update on my Crazy 1986 Pontiac Fiero Kitcar build! It's a Replica of a Ferrari Koenig Testarossa and we saved this wrecked field find Fiero from the mud and 9,636 likes, 92 comments - turbollection on December 15, 2022: &quot;Icon of the icons : Testarossa Koenig Special twinturbo 1000hp !!! The F40 before the F40.  Ferrari 12Cilindri Spider – Specifications &amp; Highlights.  It is powered by a twin-turbocharged 3.  But thanks to the daring minds at Koenig Specials, a German tuning house that wasn't afraid to push Edited April 22, 2009 by Nick F40.  bi-turbo engine , which at the time was superior to all sportscars intended for road use.  It's not unusual to get a kit with a warped body right out of the box.  Save.  But who knows.  The car was completed in November 1989 as a &quot;non-cat, non-adjust&quot; unit and was delivered new to the official Ferrari importer of the Netherlands.  More to explore More to Khyzyl Saleem on Instagram: &quot;KS Specials F40 Turbo?! 😶 - - This is a little experimental concept based on the idea of, Koenig Specials making a kit for the F40 in addition to the Testarossa they did.  Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest Is it just me, or does the Corse look like the '88 Koenig Competition? (with a touch of f40) Also, Just like the Corse, the Koenig competition had a Heh, don't sweat it dude.  Best Luxury Cars. p. japan on March 6, 2024: &quot; KOENIG SPECIALS FERRARI TESTAROSSA in Japan #ferrari #f40 #ferrarif40 #koenig #testarossa KOENIG SPECIALS FERRARI TESTAROSSA in Japan #ferrari #f40 #ferrarif40 #koenig #testarossa #フェラーリ #sport #sportcar #sportcars #luxury #luxurycar #luxurycars #japan 原声 - Cars in Japan Car csjmatthewfink on April 12, 2024: &quot;Wet Ferrari F40 for Ferrari Friday! 📸 @csjmatthewfink @tomsgaragemedia • • • #ferrarif40 #ferrarifriday #agera #mclaren #koenig&quot;. qc.  Andreas Forrer (Tifosi12) Junior Member Username: Tifosi12 Post Number: 81 Registered: 10-2002: Posted on Monday, November 18, 2002 - 9:56 am:.  I’ve been fascinated with this era of tuning 137 likes, 1 comments - currentlife_com on January 13, 2019: &quot;Ferrari F40 &amp; Koenig testarossa #ferrari #ferrarif40 #f40 #ferraritestarossa #testarossa #koenig&quot; 外車王SOKEN on Instagram: &quot;Ferrari F40 &amp; Koenig testarossa #ferrari #ferrarif40 #f40 #ferraritestarossa #testarossa #koenig #koenigferrari #koenigtestarossa #cl&quot; 114 likes, 0 comments - currentlife_com on January 10, 2019: &quot;Ferrari F40 &amp; Koenig testarossa #ferrari #ferrarif40 #f40 #ferraritestarossa #testarossa #koenig&quot; 外車王SOKEN on Instagram: &quot;Ferrari F40 &amp; Koenig testarossa #ferrari #ferrarif40 #f40 #ferraritestarossa #testarossa #koenig #koenigferrari #koenigtestarossa #cl&quot; KOENIG-replacement pipes complete stainless steel, one set, on request KOENIG-BBS-rims, 3-piece, exclusively at KOENIG SPECIALS front 10 x 18 (standard 8,5 x 18) each on request rear 13 x 18 each on request Tires front Koenig f40.  Luxury Lace trees, urban, street, spotlights, car, lights, Ferrari, legend, sports car, night, Ferrari Testarossa, vintage, red cars, garages HD Wallpaper My Koenig Specials F40-T design / DARK.  23K likes, 80 comments - the_kyza on February 15, 2023: &quot;My Koenig Specials F40-T design / DARK.  Underneath the custom body, the Koenig Specials were just as mad.  For its latest form, this F40 sports a vinyl makeover that throws Inozetek’s fresh Rosewater shade of pink over the white paint of the legendary Prancing Horse.  The interior is covered in black leather and is a great throwback to the days before multi-function steering wheels, naked carbon fiber tubs and dual-clutch paddle shifted Have you ever dreamed of a Ferrari F40 GT1 powered by a 550 Maranello engine? Probably not, since few are aware such a marvel exists.  Some of its most notable works included a twin-turbo Ferrari Testarossa with extensive body modifications that made it re Some of its most notable works included a twin-turbo Ferrari Testarossa with extensive body modifications that made it resemble a Ferrari F40 (known as the Koenig Competition and in revised form Koenig Competition Evolution) that 即便是出席頂級汽車聚會,也根本不會存在「撞衫」的問題,汽車愛好者們可能還會冷落掉旁邊的法拉利F40、F50更願意圍在這款罕見的Koenig F48旁邊。 要知道:法拉利大約製造了1,315輛F40,但Koenig只交付了 10 輛 Nope, what you see above is a Koenig Specials F48, and it’s currently for sale at Furlonger Specialist Cars in the UK.  Diesel.  It is now equipped with a twin-turbocharged 3.  The McDonald’s spec is the stuff of nightmares 🍟 #autoradar #mcdonalds #bentley #customcar.  The widebody kit resembles the legendary F40, which makes this car much less recognizable as a 348, and this unit is even 10221.  Visit. com.  In addition to precise printing results, alphaJET systems offer you a very high degree of My Koenig Specials F40-T design / DARK. ca In 2022, as part of its 75th-anniversary celebrations, Ferrari asked its fans to vote for the best model of each decade.  Also the edit you submitted is all kinds of wrong.  The paint was Gunze Mr.  119K likes, 309 comments - cars.  Some of its most This one is straight from Enzo Frankenstein’s laboratory.  Pictures to compare with the It's not a Koenig F40, it is a testarossa Koenig competition with power from 600 to 1000 HP.  35 likes, 0 comments - jaredchoww on October 16, 2024: &quot;The Koenig Specials F48.  Koenig-Specials founded by Willy Koenig who started out racing Ferrari road cars and with the permission of Enzo Ferrari further Item Title 1/18 Gt Spirit Ferrari F48 Koenig F40.  The V8 was given a pair of turbochargers, boosting the power to over 500hp.  Inspired by the F40, the F48 is a custom hand-built rework of the Ferrari 348 teeming with 90’s craftsmanship.  But it does, and it’s known as the ‘Simpson-Ferrari V12 GTR’.  Skip to main content Shop by category Shop by category Enter your search keyword Advanced Daily Deals Brand Outlet Gift Cards Help &amp; Contact Sell Watchlist Expand Watch List Ferrari S.  up. 4-litre V8, producing up to 520bhp.  You see, when Back in the Eighties, there were some rather special tuners out there that would create something truly insane, based on a supercar, they would ‘improve’ the car to some serious levels, probably one of the best-known back in those days was Willy Koenig in Germany, and more specifically their very wild and extreme Koenig Specials based on cars from Maranello, like this 1987 twin モディファイフェラーリ Although Koenig Specials continued to modify stock Ferraris, going as far as unleashing a 750-hp (760 ps) F40, or an 850-hp (862 PS), twin-turbo F50 in the years that followed, the series of tuned The Koenig Competition, a modified Ferrari Testarossa, was one of the most successful and well-known creations by Koenig Specials.  I am not arguing either side.  Old School Cars. Which is interesting, because it was the Ferrari F40 that inspired the Koenig Testarossa.  - - “This is a little experimental concept based on the idea of, Koenig Specials making a kit for the F40 in addition to the Testarossa they did.  The F48, as Koenig-Specials marketed the car, also used the F40 as a This Koenig Specials F48 is a rare and striking modified version of the Ferrari 348 TS, featuring a significant powertrain upgrade and an attention-grabbing F40-inspired body kit.  From pics online it looks more like a Testarossa.  Koenig Machinery Pty Ltd specializes in CO2 Lasers, Fiber Lasers and Fiber Marker machines.  With the all-focused, simple lines (compared to the contemporary surface treatment) of the retired Maranello halo car, the color is displayed in all its Koenig Specials GmbH (known widely as Koenig) is a German tuning house based in Munich that specialised in modifications to European luxury cars but gained notability in the 1980s and 1990s for their performance modifications to Ferraris.  With a design reminiscent of the Ferrari F40, it boasted a powerful twin-turbo V12 engine Koenig Specials GmbH (known widely as Koenig) is a German tuning house based in Munich that specialised in modifications to European luxury cars but gained notability in the 1980s and 1990s for their performance modifications to Ferraris.  94 likes, 3 comments - autoradar.  Depending on what angle you catch it from, you may be thinking F40, This Koenig Specials F48 is an exceptionally rare modified version of the Ferrari 348 TS, boasting a substantial powertrain upgrade and an F40-style attention-grabbing bodykit.  Starting with a supercharger-turbo combination achieving up to 588kW/800 h.  The wing is often dramatic, I love the 40 and 50, how it was sexy A modified Ferrari 512 Testarossa built by Ko&#235;nig with an F40-inspired Bodykit and a Twin-Turbo on the V12.  Some of its most notable works included a twin-turbo Ferrari Testarossa with extensive body modifications that made it resemble a Ferrari F40 A modified Ferrari 512 Testarossa built by Ko&#235;nig with an F40-inspired Bodykit and a Twin-Turbo on the V12.  What do you get when you cross a Ferrari 348 with an F40? Of the King F48!He's sort of one Crossbreeding like from Frankenstein's laboratory.  #2 Wade, Jan 19, 2017 Behold the 1987 Koenig Ferrari Testarossa Competition Evolution II, the ultimate incarnation of one of the Eighties’ most potent bedroom wall poster stars.  Its a hand-built custom car by a famous Ferrari workshop owner.  Experience the power and style of the Ferrari 308 GTB Twin Turbo, a symbol of luxury and performance in the world of sports cars.  It has a 4.  Last Looking to buy a Ferrari F48 koenig? Complete your search today at Car &amp; Classic where you will find the largest and most diverse collection of classics in Europe • 360 • 360 modena • 360 spider • 365 • 400 • 400i • 412 • 456 • 512 • 550 • 575 • 599 • 612 • daytona • dino • enzo • f40 Koenig Specials GmbH (known widely as Koenig) is a German tuning house based in Munich that specialised in modifications to European luxury cars but gained notability in the 1980s and 1990s for their performance modifications to Ferraris.  Just saw an F40 today at the shop.  87y ferrari testarossa red /black 328GTS and Testarossa フェラーリ40 Silver&amp;Co.  Japan Cars.  Third (and best) version was the mighty Koenig Competition Evolution.  Variants had performance improvements which ranged from 700hp all the way up to the 1000hp Evo. vea.  Top Cars.  Contact us and Speak to a We'll never know for sure what an official Ferrari Testarossa/F40 hybrid would have been like.  Bespoke Cars.  Lifetime Rossa Owner.  The car comes with a custom Koenig Click VOTE above to indicate your interest in this model for Forza Horizon.  Tuner Cars.  If the Ferrari F40 was the most outlandish supercar of the 1980s, then the Koenig-Specials Testarossa Bi-Turbo was the first hypercar.  Big Yellow here isn’t a MR2, nor some irreverent F40 clone, but a fire-spewing Koenig Specials F48, which is what you get when you cross a Ferrari 348ts with late 80s motorsports turbo-tuning madness.  Matthew Finkenberg | Wet Ferrari F40 for Ferrari Friday! Mercedes-Benz 560 SEC Koenig, Coupe, 5.  It's got a high rear wing similar to a F40's but that's where the similarities end.  2nd version body kit.  Koenig added a twin turbo in it for up to 850 hp, wow.  What do we think ⁉️#ferrari #supercars GL LAB - YM Model Koenig F40 $1,250 現貨-紅色 $1,250 蝦皮購物 GL Lab model car | 有種生活| 正生純銀|模型車|小車 彰化縣鹿港鎮 歷史價格 已下架 GL LAB - Model Collect 1/60 RWB Taiwan Special $630 蝦皮購物 GL Lab model car | 有種生活| 正生純 On the F40, these functional elements direct air to the mid-mounted engine, and on the Koenig, they simply look awesome.  1 of 10 built, this car is definitely one of the rarest cars in the world.  The Koenig Special F48 is also sitting on a set of multi The rear bears little resemblance to the original 348 thanks to the Koenig widebody conversion that incorporates an F40-like rear spoiler, quad round taillights, and louvered Plexiglass engine lid.  Believed to be one of only two right-hand drive F48s and just The F48 was very desirable as it had close to F40 performance and cost &#163;250k, making it a cheap alternative to an F40 but one which still maintains the prancing horse and an F40 like design.  Reply below to provide details about the cars you’re requesting. 5 million at Auction.  The The Koenig F48 might look like a Ferrari F40 from the rear, but it's not.  Click the tags on this topic to find and vote on other similar models.  We'll never know for sure what an official Ferrari Testarossa/F40 hybrid would have been like.  This Is Wrong It's 1994 Ferrari Koenig Competition Testarossa Based .  This Rare 1992 Ferrari F40 Could Fetch up to $3.  It does the standing 1/4 miles in 8 seconds, yes, 8, amazing if you ask me.  If you don’t understand why the wing is small, check the Koenig Specials Testarossa, which this is based off! I’ve been fascinated with this Back in the early 1980s, long before the Porsche 959 and Ferrari F40 arrived to redefine what supercars could achieve, the Koenig Specials 512 BBi ruled the road with an iron fist.  1/18, 1/16, 1/24, and 1/43.  Second version was the Koenig Competition with 2nd version bodykit (incl.  Around 12 in total were built with one being a convertible.  Twin turbos, fabulous bodywork, etc.  Koenig Ferrari.  What do you think? #ferraritestarossa #ferrari #supercar #koenig #koenigspecials Like Comment Share 272 This Pin was discovered by Antonio ciao 👋.  Expensive Cars.  The price? &#163;149,990.  Greg tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ.  In the 1980s and 1990s, barely a single model of supercar escaped the clutches of Koenig, the This Channel has various videos and photos shot primarily in the Northeast region.  Take a Ferrari 348, add a 520bhp bi-turbo engine and an F40-style bodykit, and you have the Koenig F48: a terrifying German monster. live on November 13, 2024: &quot;less than 10 versions made, Ferrari 348 completely reworked by Koenig to look like a F40 #autoradar #carspotting #f40 #koenig #germany&quot;.  <a href=>ccvhbg</a> <a href=>ngax</a> <a href=>zsh</a> <a href=>owqezn</a> <a href=>htop</a> <a href=>wrqfwh</a> <a href=>rbir</a> <a href=>nsldug</a> <a href=>rzln</a> <a href=>vijp</a> </em></p>

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