Current Path : /home/church/public_html/ |
Current File : /home/church/public_html/ |
<?php /** * @author ThemePunch <> * @link * @copyright 2019 ThemePunch */ if(!defined('ABSPATH')) exit(); //$rs_slide_template = array(); class RevSliderSlide extends RevSliderFunctions { private $id; private $slider_id; private $slider; private $order; private $layers = array(); public $params; public $children = array(); public $image_id; public $image_url; public $image_path; public $image_filename; private $image_thumb; public $settings; public $post_data; private $template_id; private $static_slide = false; /** * used to determinate if we need to init the layers of the Slides * can cause heavy ram usage on slider overview page if we have 100+ Sliders **/ public $init_layer = true; /** * START: DEPRECATED FUNCTIONS THAT ARE IN HERE FOR OLD ADDONS TO WORK PROPERLY **/ /** * old version of get_id(); * added for compatibility with old AddOns **/ public function getID(){ return $this->get_id(); } /** * old version of get_slider_id(); * added for compatibility with old AddOns **/ public function getSliderID(){ return $this->get_slider_id(); } /** * old version of $this->image_url; * added for compatibility with old AddOns **/ public function getImageUrl(){ return $this->image_url; } /** * old version of RevSliderSlide->getLayers() **/ public function getLayers(){ return $this->get_layers(); } /** * old version of RevSliderSlide->set_layers_raw() **/ public function setLayersRaw($layers){ return $this->set_layers_raw($layers); } /** * old version of RevSliderSlide->save_layers() */ public function saveLayers(){ return $this->save_layers(); } /** * old version of RevSliderSlide->get_val() */ public function getParam($name, $default = null){ if($default === null){ $default = ''; } return $this->get_val($this->params, $name, $default); } /** * END: DEPRECATED FUNCTIONS THAT ARE IN HERE FOR OLD ADDONS TO WORK PROPERLY **/ /** * get the current slide id * before: RevSliderSlide::getID(); */ public function get_id(){ return $this->id; } /** * set slide ID * before: RevSliderSlide::setID(); */ public function set_id($id){ $this->id = $id; } /** * get slide title * @before: RevSliderSlide::getTitle(); */ public function get_title(){ return $this->get_param('title', 'Slide'); } /** * get the slider id of the current slide * before: RevSliderSlide::getSliderID() */ public function get_slider_id(){ return $this->slider_id; } /** * returns if the Slide is a static slide or not */ public function is_static_slide(){ return $this->static_slide; } /** * get array of children id's * @before: RevSliderSlide::getArrChildrenIDs(); */ public function get_child_ids(){ $ids = array(); $children = $this->get_children(); if(!empty($children)){ foreach($children as $child){ $ids[] = $child->get_id(); } } return $ids; } /** * get slide order * before: RevSliderSlide::getOrder() */ public function get_order(){ return $this->order; } /** * get slide settings * @since: 5.0 * before: RevSliderSlide::getSettings() */ public function get_settings(){ return apply_filters('revslider_slide_get_settings', apply_filters('revslider_slide_getSettings', $this->settings, $this), $this); } /** * set slide params * before: RevSliderSlide::setParams() */ public function set_params($params){ $this->params = $params; } /** * get slide params * before: RevSliderSlide::getParams() */ public function get_params(){ return apply_filters('revslider_slide_get_params', apply_filters('revslider_slide_getParams', $this->params, $this), $this); } /** * get slide layers * before: RevSliderSlide::getLayers() */ public function get_layers(){ return apply_filters('revslider_get_layers', apply_filters('revslider_getLayers', $this->layers, $this), $this); } /** * set layers from client, do not normalize as this results in loosing the order * @since: 5.0 * @before: RevSliderSlide::setLayersRaw() */ public function set_layers_raw($layers){ $this->layers = $layers; } /** * get thumb url * @before: RevSliderSlide::getThumbUrl(); */ public function get_thumb_url(){ return (!empty($this->image_thumb)) ? $this->image_thumb : $this->image_url; } /** * get layers in json format * since: 5.0 * @before: RevSliderSlide::getLayerID_by_unique_id() */ public function get_layer_id_by_uid($uid, $static_slide){ if(strpos($uid, 'static-') !== false){ $uid = str_replace('static-', '', $uid); $layers = $static_slide->get_layers(); if(!empty($layers)){ foreach($layers as $l){ $nuid = $this->get_val($l, 'uid'); if($nuid == $uid){ return $this->get_val($l, array('attributes', 'id')); } } } }else{ if(!empty($this->layers)){ foreach($this->layers as $l){ $nuid = $this->get_val($l, 'uid'); if($uid == $nuid){ return $this->get_val($l, array('attributes', 'id')); } } } } return ''; } /** * get slider param * @before: RevSliderSlide::getSliderParam(); */ private function get_slider_param($slider_id, $name, $default, $validate = null){ if(empty($this->slider)){ $this->slider = new RevSliderSlider(); $this->slider->init_by_id($slider_id); } return $this->slider->get_param($name, $default); } /** * get the overview data of a slide * @since: 6.1.2 */ public function get_overview_data(){ return array( 'id' => $this->get_id(), 'order' => $this->get_order(), 'title' => $this->get_title(), 'state' => $this->get_param(array('publish', 'state'), 'published'), 'customAdminThumbSrc' => $this->get_overview_image_attributes('gallery') ); } /** * get the id of the static slide * before: RevSliderSlide::getStaticSlideID() */ public function get_static_slide_id($slider_id){ global $wpdb; $slide = array(); if(!empty($slider_id)){ $slide = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM ".$wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_STATIC_SLIDES." WHERE slider_id = %d", $slider_id), ARRAY_A); } return (empty($slide)) ? false : $this->get_val($slide, 'id', false); } /** * Check if Slide Exists with given ID * @since: 5.0 * @before: RevSliderSlide::isSlideByID(); */ public function exist_by_id($slideid){ global $wpdb; $record = array(); try{ if(strpos($slideid, 'static_') !== false){ $slide_id = str_replace('static_', '', $slideid); $this->validate_numeric($slide_id, __('Slide ID', 'revslider')); $record = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT id FROM ". $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_STATIC_SLIDES ." WHERE id = %d", $slide_id), ARRAY_A); }else{ $record = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT id FROM ". $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDES ." WHERE id = %d", $slideid), ARRAY_A); } }catch(Exception $e){ return false; } return (empty($record)) ? false : true; } /** * initialize a slide by id * before: RevSliderSlide::initByID(); */ public function init_by_id($slide_id){ global $wpdb; try{ if(strpos($slide_id, 'static_') !== false){ $this->static_slide = true; $static_id = str_replace('static_', '', $slide_id); $this->validate_numeric($static_id, 'Static Slide ID'); $slide = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM ". $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_STATIC_SLIDES ." WHERE id = %d", $static_id), ARRAY_A); }else{ $this->validate_numeric($slide_id, 'Slide ID'); $slide = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM ". $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDES ." WHERE id = %d", $slide_id), ARRAY_A); } $this->init_by_data($slide); }catch(Exception $e){ echo $e->getMessage(); exit; } } /** * init by another slide * @before: RevSliderSlide::initBySlide(); */ public function init_by_slide(RevSliderSlide $slide){ $slide = apply_filters('revslider_slide_initBySlide', $slide, $this); $this->id = 'template'; $this->template_id = $slide->get_id(); $this->slider_id = $slide->get_slider_id(); $this->order = $slide->get_order(); $this->image_url = $slide->image_url; $this->image_id = $slide->image_id; $this->image_thumb = $slide->get_thumb_url(); $this->image_path = $slide->image_path; $this->image_filename = $slide->image_filename; $this->params = $slide->get_params(); //$this->params['bg'] = (array)$this->params['bg']; $this->layers = $slide->get_layers(); $this->settings = $slide->get_settings(); $this->children = $slide->children; } /** * Save a Slide by the given data * @before: RevSliderSlide::updateSlideFromData(); **/ public function save_slide($slide_id, $data, $slider_id){ if(!$this->exist_by_id($slide_id)){ $static = (strpos($slide_id, 'static_') !== false) ? true : false; $slide_id = $this->create_slide($slider_id, '', $static, $slide_id); if(!$this->exist_by_id($slide_id)){ return false; } } $this->init_by_id($slide_id); $params = $this->get_val($data, 'params', array()); $params = $this->json_decode_slashes($params); $settings = $this->get_val($data, 'settings', array()); $settings = $this->json_decode_slashes($settings); //$this->settings = array_merge($this->settings, $settings); $this->settings = $settings; $this->settings['version'] = $this->get_val($params, 'version', $this->get_val($this->settings, 'version', RS_REVISION)); if(isset($params['version'])) unset($params['version']); //$this->params = array_merge($this->params, $params); //preserve old data by the use of array_merge() $this->params = $params; $layers = $this->get_val($data, 'layers', array()); $layers = $this->json_decode_slashes($layers); $this->layers = (empty($layers) || !is_array($layers)) ? array() : $layers; $this->save_params(); $this->save_layers(); $this->save_settings(); //backup AddOn fix for Page/Post Slide saving if(class_exists('RsBackupBase') && !isset($data['session_id'])) $data['session_id'] = substr(md5(rand()), 0, 7); // needed for backups addon do_action('revslider_slide_updateSlideFromData_post', false, $data, $this); return true; } /** * Merge settings of a Slide by the given data * @since: 6.1.2 **/ public function save_slide_advanced($slide_id, $data, $slider_id){ if(!$this->exist_by_id($slide_id)){ $static = (strpos($slide_id, 'static_') !== false) ? true : false; $slide_id = $this->create_slide($slider_id, '', $static, $slide_id); if(!$this->exist_by_id($slide_id)){ return false; } } $this->init_by_id($slide_id); $params = $this->get_val($data, 'params', array()); $params = $this->json_decode_slashes($params); $version = $this->get_val($params, 'version', $this->get_val($this->settings, 'version', RS_REVISION)); if(!empty($params)){ if(isset($params['version'])) unset($params['version']); //$this->params = array_merge_recursive($this->params, $params); $this->params = array_replace_recursive($this->params, $params); $this->save_params(); } $layers = $this->get_val($data, 'layers', array()); $layers = $this->json_decode_slashes($layers); if(!empty($layers)){ //$this->layers = array_merge_recursive($this->layers, $layers); $this->layers = array_replace_recursive($this->layers, $layers); $this->save_layers(); } $settings = $this->get_val($data, 'settings', array()); $settings = $this->json_decode_slashes($settings); if(!empty($settings)){ $settings['version'] = $version; //$this->settings = array_merge_recursive($this->settings, $settings); $this->settings = array_replace_recursive($this->settings, $settings); $this->save_settings(); } return true; } /** * delete a slide by its ID * @before: RevSliderSlide::deleteSlide(); */ public function delete_slide_by_id($slide_id){ global $wpdb; $return = $wpdb->delete($wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDES, array('id' => $slide_id)); do_action('revslider_slide_deleteSlide', $slide_id); return $return; } /** * duplicate slide by its ID and push it to given Slider ID * @before: RevSliderSlider::duplicateSlide(); **/ public function duplicate_slide_by_id($slide_id, $slider_id){ global $wpdb; $done = false; $slide = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM ". $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDES ." WHERE id = %s", $slide_id), ARRAY_A); if(!empty($slide)){ $slider = new RevSliderSlider(); $slider->init_by_id($slider_id); $slides = $slider->get_slides(); $order = 0; if(!empty($slides)){ foreach($slides as $t_s){ $n_order = $t_s->get_order(); if($n_order > $order) $order = $n_order; } } $slide['slider_id'] = $slider_id; $slide['slide_order'] = $order + 1; $slide_id = $this->get_val($slide, 'id'); unset($slide['id']); $done = $wpdb->insert($wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDES, $slide); } return ($done) ? $wpdb->insert_id : false; } /** * change slide_order of a slide */ public function change_slide_order($slide_id, $slide_order){ global $wpdb; $ret = $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDES, array('slide_order' => $slide_order), array('id' => $slide_id)); } /** * init slide by post data * @before: RevSliderSlide::initByPostData(); * @removed in 6.2.18 -> @change 6.2.16: $template_id will not be written if the current post id is not the post_id to prevent malfunctioning */ public function init_by_post_data($data, RevSliderSlide $template, $slider_id){ //global $rs_slide_template; $post_id = $this->get_val($data, 'ID'); $c_post_id = @get_the_ID(); $template_id = get_post_meta($post_id, 'slide_template', true); //only change the template if we are in the post itself, not if we are in another revslider that is post based! $template_id = ($template_id == '') ? 'default' : $template_id; // || (intval($c_post_id) !== 0 && intval($post_id) !== intval($c_post_id)) $this->post_data = apply_filters('revslider_slide_initByPostData', $data, $template, $slider_id, $this); if(!empty($template_id) && is_numeric($template_id)){ //init by local template, if this fails, init by global (slider) template try{ /* we have to add this slide for the static slide to be available in certain cases check if slide exists */ $local = new RevSliderSlide(); if($local->exist_by_id($template_id)){ $local->init_by_id($template_id); $this->init_by_slide($local); }else{ $this->init_by_slide($template); } //$rs_slide_template[$template_id] = $template_id; }catch(Exception $e){ $this->init_by_slide($template); } }else{ //init by global template $this->init_by_slide($template); //$rs_slide_template[$template->id] = $template->id; } //set some slide params $this->id = $post_id; $this->params['title'] = $this->get_val($data, 'post_title'); if($this->get_val($this->params, array('seo', 'set'), false) == true && $this->get_val($this->params, array('seo', 'type'), 'regular') == 'regular'){ $link = get_permalink($post_id); $this->params['seo']['link'] = str_replace(array('%link%', '{{link}}'), $link, $this->params['seo']['link']); $this->params['seo']['link'] = str_replace('-', '_REVSLIDER_', $this->params['seo']['link']); //process meta tags: $matches = array(); preg_match('/%meta:\w+%/', $this->params['seo']['link'], $matches); if(!empty($matches)){ foreach($matches as $match){ $meta = str_replace('%meta:', '', $match); $meta = str_replace('%', '', $meta); $meta = str_replace('_REVSLIDER_', '-', $meta); $meta_val = get_post_meta($post_id, $meta, true); $this->params['seo']['link'] = str_replace($match, $meta_val, $this->params['seo']['link']); } } $matches = array(); preg_match('/{{meta:\w+}}/', $this->params['seo']['link'], $matches); if(!empty($matches)){ foreach($matches as $match){ $meta = str_replace('{{meta:', '', $match); $meta = str_replace('}}', '',$meta); $meta = str_replace('_REVSLIDER_', '-', $meta); $meta_val = get_post_meta($post_id, $meta, true); $this->params['seo']['link'] = str_replace($match, $meta_val, $this->params['seo']['link']); } } $this->params['seo']['link'] = str_replace('_REVSLIDER_', '-', $this->params['seo']['link']); } $this->params['publish']['state'] = ($data['post_status'] == 'publish') ? 'published' : $this->params['publish']['state'] = 'unpublished'; if(!in_array($this->get_val($this->params, array('bg', 'type'), 'trans'), array('trans', 'solid'), true)){ if($this->get_val($this->params, array('bg', 'imageFromStream'), false) === true){ //if image is choosen, use featured image as background // && $this->get_val($this->params, array('bg', 'type')) == 'image' $tid = get_post_thumbnail_id($post_id); if(!empty($tid)){ $this->set_image_by_image_id($tid); //set the thumbnail image $thumbnail_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src($tid, 'thumbnail'); if($thumbnail_url !== false){ if(!isset($this->params['thumb'])) $this->params['thumb'] = array(); $this->params['thumb']['customThumbSrc'] = $this->get_val($thumbnail_url, 0); } } } } //replace placeholders in layers: $this->set_layers_by_post($data, $slider_id); } /** * replace layer placeholders by post data * @before: RevSliderSlide::setLayersByPostData(); */ private function set_layers_by_post($post, $slider_id){ $post = apply_filters('revslider_slide_setLayersByPostData_pre', $post, $slider_id, $this); //check if we are woocommerce or not $slider_source = $this->get_slider_param($slider_id, 'source', array()); $source_type = $this->get_slider_param($slider_id, 'sourcetype', 'gallery'); if($source_type == 'woocommerce' || $source_type == 'woo'){ $excerpt_limit = str_replace('char', '', $this->get_val($slider_source, array('woo', 'excerptLimit'), 55)); }else{ $excerpt_limit = str_replace('char', '', $this->get_val($slider_source, array('post', 'excerptLimit'), 55)); } $excerpt_limit = (int)$excerpt_limit; $date = $this->get_val($post, 'post_date_gmt'); $date_mod = $this->get_val($post, 'post_modified'); $author = $this->get_val($post, 'post_author'); $curauth = get_user_by('ID', $author); $cats = $this->get_val($post, array('source', 'post', 'category')); $img_sizes = $this->get_all_image_sizes(); $ptid = get_post_thumbnail_id($post['ID']); $attr = array( 'title' => $this->get_val($post, 'post_title'), 'alias' => $this->get_val($post, 'post_name'), 'content' => $this->get_val($post, 'post_content'), 'link' => get_permalink($post['ID']), 'excerpt' => $this->get_excerpt_by_id($post['ID'], $excerpt_limit), 'postDate' => $this->convert_post_date($date), 'dateModified' => $this->convert_post_date($date_mod), 'authorName' => get_the_author_meta('display_name', $author), 'authorID' => $author, 'authorPage' => $curauth->user_url, 'authorPostsPage' => get_author_posts_url($author), 'catlist' => $this->get_categories_html($cats,null,$post['ID']), 'catlist_raw' => strip_tags($this->get_categories_html($cats,null,$post['ID'])), 'taglist' => get_the_tag_list('', ',', '', $post['ID']), 'numComments' => $this->get_val($post, 'comment_count'), 'img_urls' => array() ); foreach($img_sizes as $img_handle => $img_name){ $featured_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src($ptid, $img_handle); if($featured_image_url !== false){ $attr['img_urls'][$img_handle] = array( 'url' => $featured_image_url[0], 'tag' => '<img src="'.$featured_image_url[0].'" width="'.$featured_image_url[1].'" height="'.$featured_image_url[2].'" data-no-retina />' ); } } $attr = apply_filters('revslider_slide_setLayersByPostData_post', $attr, $post, $slider_id, $this); if(!empty($this->layers)){ foreach($this->layers as $key => $layer){ $text = $this->get_val($layer, 'text'); $text = apply_filters('revslider_mod_meta', $text, $post['ID'], $post); //option to add your own filter here to modify meta to your likings $text = $this->set_post_data($text, $attr, $post['ID']); $layer['text'] = $text; $actions = $this->get_val($layer, array('actions', 'action'), array()); if(!empty($actions)){ foreach($actions as $a_k => $action){ $ilink = $this->get_val($action, 'image_link'); if(!empty($ilink)){ $ilink = $this->set_post_data($ilink, $attr, $post['ID']); $this->set_val($layer, array('actions', 'action', $a_k, 'image_link'), $ilink); } } } /** * check if we should add the featured image * as the image, as the layer is image * and has set to use the stream image **/ if($this->get_val($layer, 'type', 'text') === 'image' && $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'imageFromStream'), false) === true){ $featured_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src($ptid, 'full'); if(!empty($featured_image_url)){ $this->set_val($layer, array('media', 'imageUrl'), $this->get_val($featured_image_url, 0)); } } $this->layers[$key] = $layer; } } for($mi = 0; $mi < 10; $mi++){ //set params to the post data $pa = $this->get_param(array('info', 'params', $mi, 'v'), ''); $pa = $this->set_post_data($pa, $attr, $post['ID']); $this->set_param(array('info', 'params', $mi, 'v'), $pa); } $param_list = array(array('attributes', 'alt'), array('attributes', 'class'), array('attributes', 'data')); foreach($param_list as $p){ //set params to the stream data $pa = $this->get_param($p, ''); $pa = $this->set_post_data($pa, $attr, $post['ID']); $this->set_param($p, $pa); } } /** * get excerpt from post id * @before: RevSliderFunctionsWP::getExcerptById(); */ public function get_excerpt_by_id($id, $limit = 55){ $post = get_post($id); $excerpt = trim($post->post_excerpt); $excerpt = (empty($excerpt)) ? $post->post_content : $excerpt; $excerpt = strip_tags($excerpt, '<b><br><br/><i><strong><small>'); $excerpt = $this->get_text_intro($excerpt, $limit); return apply_filters('revslider_getExcerptById', $excerpt, $post, $limit); } /** * get text intro, limit by number of words * @before: RevSliderFunctionsWP::getTextIntro(); */ public function get_text_intro($text, $limit){ $array = explode(' ', $text, $limit); if(count($array) >= $limit){ array_pop($array); $intro = implode(' ', $array); $intro = trim($intro); $intro .= (!empty($intro)) ? '...' : ''; }else{ $intro = $text; } return preg_replace('`\[[^\]]*\]`', '', $intro); } /** * replace placeholders with post data **/ public function set_post_data($text, $attr, $post_id){ $img_sizes = $this->get_all_image_sizes(); //remove rev_slider shortcodes from content ( no inception ;) $content = $this->get_val($attr, 'content'); $content = preg_replace('/\\[rev_slider.*?\\]/', '', $content, -1); $content = str_replace('[/rev_slider]', '', $content); //add filter for addon metas $text = apply_filters('rev_slider_insert_meta', $text, $post_id); $text = str_replace(array('%title%', '{{title}}'), $this->get_val($attr, 'title'), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%excerpt%', '{{excerpt}}'), $this->get_val($attr, 'excerpt'), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%alias%', '{{alias}}'), $this->get_val($attr, 'alias'), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%content%', '{{content}}'), $content, $text); $text = str_replace(array('%link%', '{{link}}'), $this->get_val($attr, 'link'), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%date%', '{{date}}'), $this->get_val($attr, 'postDate'), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%date_modified%', '{{date_modified}}'), $this->get_val($attr, 'dateModified'), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%author_name%', '{{author_name}}'), $this->get_val($attr, 'authorName'), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%author_posts%', '{{author_posts}}'), $this->get_val($attr, 'authorPostsPage'), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%author_website%', '{{author_website}}'), $this->get_val($attr, 'authorPage'), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%num_comments%', '{{num_comments}}'), $this->get_val($attr, 'numComments'), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%catlist%', '{{catlist}}'), $this->get_val($attr, 'catlist'), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%catlist_raw%', '{{catlist_raw}}'), $this->get_val($attr, 'catlist_raw'), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%taglist%', '{{taglist}}'), $this->get_val($attr, 'taglist'), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%id%', '{{id}}'), $post_id, $text); if(!empty($img_sizes)){ foreach($img_sizes as $img_handle => $img_name){ $text = str_replace(array('%featured_image_url_'.$img_handle.'%', '{{featured_image_url_'.$img_handle.'}}'), $this->get_val($attr, array('img_urls', $img_handle, 'url'), ''), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%featured_image_'.$img_handle.'%', '{{featured_image_'.$img_handle.'}}'), $this->get_val($attr, array('img_urls', $img_handle, 'tag'), ''), $text); //fix for using the lowercase name instead of the handle $img_name = strtolower($img_name); $img_name = str_replace(' ', '_', $img_name); $text = str_replace(array('%featured_image_url_'.$img_name.'%', '{{featured_image_url_'.$img_name.'}}'), $this->get_val($attr, array('img_urls', $img_name, 'url'), ''), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%featured_image_'.$img_name.'%', '{{featured_image_'.$img_name.'}}'), $this->get_val($attr, array('img_urls', $img_name, 'tag'), ''), $text); } } //process meta tags: $text = str_replace('-', '_REVSLIDER_', $text); $arrMatches = array(); preg_match_all('/%meta:\w+%/', $text, $arrMatches); if(!empty($arrMatches)){ foreach($arrMatches as $matched){ foreach($matched as $match){ $meta = str_replace('%meta:', '', $match); $meta = str_replace('%', '',$meta); $meta = str_replace('_REVSLIDER_', '-', $meta); $metaValue = get_post_meta($post_id, $meta, true); $text = str_replace($match, $metaValue, $text); } } } $arrMatches = array(); preg_match_all('/{{meta:\w+}}/', $text, $arrMatches); if(!empty($arrMatches)){ foreach($arrMatches as $matched){ foreach($matched as $match) { $meta = str_replace('{{meta:', '', $match); $meta = str_replace('}}', '',$meta); $meta = str_replace('_REVSLIDER_', '-', $meta); $metaValue = get_post_meta($post_id,$meta,true); $text = str_replace($match,$metaValue,$text); } } } $arrMatches = array(); preg_match_all("/{{content:\w+[\:]\w+}}/", $text, $arrMatches); if(!empty($arrMatches)){ foreach($arrMatches as $matched){ foreach($matched as $match) { //now check length and type $meta = str_replace('{{content:', '', $match); $meta = str_replace('}}', '',$meta); $meta = str_replace('_REVSLIDER_', '-', $meta); $vals = explode(':', $meta); if(count($vals) !== 2) continue; //not correct values $vals[1] = intval($vals[1]); //get real number if($vals[1] === 0 || $vals[1] < 0) continue; //needs to be at least 1 if($vals[0] == 'words'){ $metaValue = explode(' ', strip_tags($content), $vals[1]+1); if(is_array($metaValue) && count($metaValue) > $vals[1]) array_pop($metaValue); $metaValue = implode(' ', $metaValue); }elseif($vals[0] == 'chars'){ $metaValue = substr(strip_tags($content), 0, $vals[1]); }else{ continue; } $text = str_replace($match, $metaValue, $text); } } } $arrMatches = array(); preg_match_all("/{{author_avatar:\w+}}/", $text, $arrMatches); if(!empty($arrMatches)){ foreach($arrMatches as $matched){ foreach($matched as $match) { //now check length and type $meta = str_replace('{{author_avatar:', '', $match); $meta = str_replace('}}', '', $meta); $meta = str_replace('_REVSLIDER_', '-', $meta); $vals = explode(':', $meta); if(count($vals) !== 1) continue; //not correct values $vals[0] = intval($vals[0]); //get real number if($vals[0] === 0 || $vals[0] < 0) continue; //needs to be at least 1 $avatar = get_avatar_url($this->get_val($attr, 'authorID'), array('size'=> $vals[0])); $text = str_replace($match, $avatar, $text); } } } $text = str_replace('_REVSLIDER_','-',$text); //replace event's template if(RevSliderEventsManager::isEventsExists()){ $ed = RevSliderEventsManager::get_event_post_data($post_id); if(!empty($ed)){ foreach($ed as $ek => $ev){ if($ek == 'start_date' || $ek == 'end_date') $ev = $this->convert_post_date($ev); $text = str_replace(array('%event_'.$ek.'%', '{{event_'.$ek.'}}'), $ev, $text); } } } if(RevSliderWooCommerce::woo_exists()){ $is_30 = RevSliderWooCommerce::version_check('3.0'); $product = ($is_30) ? wc_get_product($post_id) : get_product($post_id); if($product !== false){ $wc_stock = ($is_30) ? $product->get_stock_quantity() : $product->get_total_stock(); $wc_rating = ($is_30) ? wc_get_rating_html($product->get_average_rating()) : $product->get_rating_html(); $wc_categories = ($is_30) ? wc_get_product_category_list($product->get_id(), ',') : $product->get_categories(','); $wc_tags = ($is_30) ? wc_get_product_tag_list($product->get_id()) : $product->get_tags(); $wc_add_to_cart_button = ''; $wc_star_rating = '<div class="rs-starring">'; preg_match_all('#<strong class="rating">.*?</span>#', $wc_rating, $match); if(!empty($match) && isset($match[0]) && isset($match[0][0])){ $wc_star_rating .= str_replace($match[0][0], '', $wc_rating); $wc_star_rating = str_replace("Rated ","",$wc_star_rating); } $wc_star_rating .= '</div>'; if(strpos($text, 'wc_add_to_cart_button') !== false){ $pr_id = ($is_30) ? $product->get_id() : $product->id; $pr_type = ($is_30) ? $product->get_type() : $product->product_type; $suffix = defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG') && SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '' : '.min'; $ajax_cart_en = get_option('woocommerce_enable_ajax_add_to_cart') == 'yes' ? true : false; $assets_path = str_replace(array( 'http:', 'https:'), '', WC()->plugin_url()) . '/assets/'; if($ajax_cart_en){ wp_enqueue_script( 'wc-add-to-cart', $assets_path.'js/frontend/'.'add-to-cart'.$suffix.'.js', array('jquery'), WC_VERSION, true); global $wc_is_localized; if($wc_is_localized === false){ //load it only one time wp_localize_script('wc-add-to-cart', 'wc_add_to_cart_params', apply_filters('wc_add_to_cart_params', array( 'ajax_url' => WC()->ajax_url(), 'ajax_loader_url' => apply_filters('woocommerce_ajax_loader_url', $assets_path . 'images/ajax-loader@2x.gif'), 'i18n_view_cart' => esc_attr__('View Cart', 'woocommerce'), 'cart_url' => get_permalink(wc_get_page_id('cart')), 'is_cart' => is_cart(), 'cart_redirect_after_add' => get_option('woocommerce_cart_redirect_after_add') ))); $wc_is_localized = true; } } $wc_add_to_cart_button = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_loop_add_to_cart_link', sprintf('<a href="%s" rel="nofollow" data-product_id="%s" data-product_sku="%s" class="button %s product_type_%s">%s</a>', esc_url($product->add_to_cart_url()), esc_attr($pr_id), esc_attr($product->get_sku()), $product->is_purchasable() ? 'add_to_cart_button' : '', esc_attr($pr_type), esc_html($product->add_to_cart_text()) ), $product ); } $text = str_replace(array('%wc_full_price%', '{{wc_full_price}}'), $product->get_price_html(), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%wc_price%', '{{wc_price}}'), wc_price($product->get_price()), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%wc_price_no_cur%', '{{wc_price_no_cur}}'), $product->get_price(), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%wc_stock%', '{{wc_stock}}'), $wc_stock, $text); $text = str_replace(array('%wc_rating%', '{{wc_rating}}'), $wc_rating, $text); $text = str_replace(array('%wc_star_rating%', '{{wc_star_rating}}'), $wc_star_rating, $text); $text = str_replace(array('%wc_categories%', '{{wc_categories}}'), $wc_categories, $text); $text = str_replace(array('%wc_add_to_cart%', '{{wc_add_to_cart}}'), $product->add_to_cart_url(), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%wc_add_to_cart_button%', '{{wc_add_to_cart_button}}'), $wc_add_to_cart_button, $text); $text = str_replace(array('%wc_sku%', '{{wc_sku}}'), $product->get_sku(), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%wc_stock_quantity%', '{{wc_stock_quantity}}'), $product->get_stock_quantity(), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%wc_rating_count%', '{{wc_rating_count}}'), $product->get_rating_count(), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%wc_review_count%', '{{wc_review_count}}'), $product->get_review_count(), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%wc_tags%', '{{wc_tags}}'), $wc_tags, $text); } } return $text; } /** * init slide by post data * @before: RevSliderSlide::initByStreamData(); */ public function init_by_stream_data($data, $template, $slider_id, $sourcetype, $additions){ $a = apply_filters('revslider_slide_initByStreamData', array('post_data' => $data, 'template' => $template, 'slider_id' => $slider_id, 'sourcetype' => $sourcetype, 'additions' => $additions), $this); $this->post_data = array(); $this->post_data = (array)$a['post_data']; //init by global template $this->init_by_slide($a['template']); switch($a['sourcetype']){ case 'facebook': $this->init_by_facebook($a['slider_id'], $a['additions']); break; case 'twitter': $this->init_by_twitter($a['slider_id'], $a['additions']); break; case 'instagram': //$this->post_data = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'node', array()); $this->init_by_instagram($a['slider_id'], $a['additions']); break; case 'flickr': $this->init_by_flickr($a['slider_id'], $a['additions']); break; case 'youtube': $this->init_by_youtube($a['slider_id'], $a['additions']); break; case 'vimeo': $this->init_by_vimeo($a['slider_id'], $a['additions']); break; default: $return = apply_filters('revslider_slide_initByStreamData_sourceType', false, $a, $this); if($return === false) $this->throw_error(__('Source must be from Stream', 'revslider')); break; } if($this->get_val($this->params, array('bg', 'type')) == 'image'){ $this->params['bg']['image'] = $this->image_url; } } /** * init the data for facebook * @since: 5.0 * @change: 5.1.1 Facebook Album * @before: RevSliderSlide::initByFacebook(); */ private function init_by_facebook($slider_id, $additions){ $this->post_data = apply_filters('revslider_slide_initByFacebook_pre', $this->post_data, $slider_id, $additions, $this); //set some slide params $this->id = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'id'); $this->set_param('title', $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'name')); $this->set_param(array('publish', 'state'), 'published'); if($this->get_val($this->params, array('seo', 'set'), false) && $this->get_val($this->params, array('seo', 'type'), 'regular') == 'regular'){ $link = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'link'); $this->set_param(array('seo', 'link'), str_replace(array('%link%', '{{link}}'), $link, $this->params['seo']['link'])); } if($this->get_val($this->params, array('bg', 'type')) == 'image'){ //if image is choosen, use featured image as background if($additions['fb_type'] == 'album'){ //$this->image_url = ''.$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'id').'/picture'; $image_array = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'images'); $this->image_url = isset($image_array[0]->source) ? $image_array[0]->source : $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'picture', $this->image_thumb); $this->image_thumb = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'picture', $this->image_thumb); }else{ $img = $this->get_facebook_timeline_image(); $this->image_url = $img; $this->image_thumb = ($img !== '') ? $img : $this->image_thumb; } $this->image_url = (empty($this->image_url)) ? RS_PLUGIN_URL.'public/assets/assets/sources/facebook.png' : $this->image_url; $this->image_url = (is_ssl()) ? str_replace('http://', 'https://', $this->image_url) : $this->image_url; $this->image_filename = basename($this->image_url); } $this->post_data = apply_filters('revslider_slide_initByFacebook_post', $this->post_data, $slider_id, $additions, $this); $this->set_layers_by_stream($slider_id, 'facebook', $additions); //replace placeholders in layers } /** * init the data for twitter * @since: 5.0 * @before: RevSliderSlide::initByTwitter(); */ private function init_by_twitter($slider_id, $additions){ $this->post_data = apply_filters('revslider_slide_initByTwitter_pre', $this->post_data, $slider_id, $additions, $this); $this->id = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'id'); $this->set_param('title', $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'title')); $this->set_param(array('publish', 'state'), 'published'); if($this->get_val($this->params, array('seo', 'set'), false) && $this->get_val($this->params, array('seo', 'type'), 'regular') == 'regular'){ $link = ''.$additions['twitter_user'].'/status/'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'id_str'); $this->set_param(array('seo', 'link'), str_replace(array('%link%', '{{link}}'), $link, $this->params['seo']['link'])); } if(in_array($this->get_val($this->params, array('bg', 'type')), array('html5', 'trans', 'image', 'streamtwitter', 'streamtwitterboth'), true)){ //if image is choosen, use featured image as background $img_sizes = $this->get_all_image_sizes('twitter'); $img_res = $this->get_val($this->params, array('bg', 'imageSourceType'), reset($img_sizes)); $this->image_id = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'id'); $img_res = (!isset($img_sizes[$img_res])) ? key($img_sizes) : $img_res; $image_url_array = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'media'); $image_url_large = $this->get_val($image_url_array, 'large'); $img = $this->get_val($image_url_large, 'media_url', ''); $entities = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'entities'); $urls = $this->get_val($entities, 'urls'); if($img == ''){ $image_url_array = $this->get_val($entities, 'media'); if(is_array($image_url_array) && isset($image_url_array[0])){ $img = (is_ssl()) ? $this->get_val($image_url_array[0], 'media_url_https') : $this->get_val($image_url_array[0], 'media_url'); } } if(is_array($urls) && isset($urls[0])){ $display_url = $this->get_val($urls[0], 'display_url'); $raw = explode('/', $display_url); //check if youtube or vimeo is inside if(strpos($display_url, '') !== false){ $this->set_param(array('bg', 'youtube'), $raw[1]); //set video for background video }elseif(strpos($display_url, '') !== false){ $this->set_param(array('bg', 'vimeo'), $raw[1]); //set video for background video } } $image_url_array = $this->get_val($entities, 'media'); if(is_array($image_url_array) && isset($image_url_array[0])){ $video_info = $this->get_val($image_url_array[0], 'video_info'); $variants = $this->get_val($video_info, 'variants'); if(is_array($variants) && isset($variants[0])){ $this->set_param(array('bg', 'mpeg'), $this->get_val($variants[0], 'url')); //set video for background video } } $entities = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'extended_entities'); if($img == ''){ $image_url_array = $this->get_val($entities, 'media'); if(is_array($image_url_array) && isset($image_url_array[0])){ $img = (is_ssl()) ? $this->get_val($image_url_array[0], 'media_url_https') : $this->get_val($image_url_array[0], 'media_url'); } } $urls = $this->get_val($entities, 'urls'); if(is_array($urls) && isset($urls[0])){ $display_url = $this->get_val($urls[0], 'display_url'); //check if youtube or vimeo is inside $raw = explode('/', $display_url); if(strpos($display_url, '') !== false){ $this->set_param(array('bg', 'youtube'), $raw[1]); //set video for background video }elseif(strpos($display_url, '') !== false){ $this->set_param(array('bg', 'vimeo'), $raw[1]); //set video for background video } } $image_url_array = $this->get_val($entities, 'media'); if(is_array($image_url_array) && isset($image_url_array[0])){ $video_info = $this->get_val($image_url_array[0], 'video_info'); $variants = $this->get_val($video_info, 'variants'); if(is_array($variants) && isset($variants[0])){ $this->set_param(array('bg', 'mpeg'), $this->get_val($variants[0], 'url')); //set video for background video } } if($img !== ''){ $this->image_url = $img; $this->image_thumb = $img; } $this->image_url = (empty($this->image_url)) ? RS_PLUGIN_URL.'public/assets/assets/sources/twitter.png' : $this->image_url; $this->image_url = (is_ssl()) ? str_replace("http://", "https://", $this->image_url) : $this->image_url; $this->image_filename = basename($this->image_url); } $this->post_data = apply_filters('revslider_slide_initByTwitter_post', $this->post_data, $slider_id, $additions, $this); $this->set_layers_by_stream($slider_id, 'twitter', $additions); //replace placeholders in layers } /** * init the data for instagram * @since: 5.0 * @before: RevSliderSlide::initByInstagram(); */ private function init_by_instagram($slider_id, $additions = array()){ $this->post_data = apply_filters('revslider_slide_initByInstagram_pre', $this->post_data, $slider_id, $this); //set some slide params $this->id = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'id'); $caption = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'caption'); $link = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'link'); $link = (empty($link)) ? '' . $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'shortcode') : $link; $this->set_param('title', $this->get_val($caption, 'text')); $this->set_param(array('publish', 'state'), 'published'); if($this->get_val($this->params, array('seo', 'set'), false) && $this->get_val($this->params, array('seo', 'type'), 'regular') == 'regular'){ $this->set_param(array('seo', 'link'), str_replace(array('%link%', '{{link}}'), $link, $this->params['seo']['link'])); } if(in_array($this->get_val($this->params, array('bg', 'type')), array('html5', 'trans', 'image', 'streaminstagram', 'streaminstagramboth'), true)){ //if image is choosen, use featured image as background $is = array(); $img_sizes = $this->get_all_image_sizes('instagram'); $img_res = $this->get_val($this->params, array('bg', 'imageSourceType'), reset($img_sizes)); $img_res = (!isset($img_sizes[$img_res])) ? key($img_sizes) : $img_res; $this->image_id = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'id'); $imgs = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'images', array()); foreach($imgs as $k => $im){ $is[$k] = $im->url; } /*if(isset($is[$img_res])){ $this->image_url = $is[$img_res]; $this->image_thumb = $is['thumbnail']; }else{ $this->image_url = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'display_src'); $this->image_thumb = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'thumbnail_src'); } */ $this->image_url = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'display_url'); $this->image_thumb = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'thumbnail_src', $this->image_thumb); $this->image_url = (empty($this->image_url)) ? RS_PLUGIN_URL . 'public/assets/assets/sources/instagram.png' : $this->image_url; $this->image_url = (is_ssl()) ? str_replace('http://', 'https://', $this->image_url) : $this->image_url; $this->image_filename = basename($this->image_url); } $videos = $this->get_val($this->post_data, array('videos', 'standard_resolution', 'url')); if(!empty($videos)){ $this->set_param('slide_bg_instagram', $videos); //set video for background video //$this->set_param(array('bg', 'type'), 'streaminstagram'); //set background type $this->set_param(array('bg', 'mpeg'), $videos); //set video for background video } $this->post_data = apply_filters('revslider_slide_initByInstagram_post', $this->post_data, $slider_id, $this); $this->set_layers_by_stream($slider_id, 'instagram', $additions); //replace placeholders in layers } /** * init the data for flickr * @since: 5.0 * @update: 6.1.7 */ private function init_by_flickr($slider_id, $additions){ $this->post_data = apply_filters('revslider_slide_initByFlickr_pre', $this->post_data, $slider_id, $this); $this->id = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'id'); $this->set_param('title', $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'title')); $this->set_param(array('publish', 'state'), 'published'); if($this->get_val($this->params, array('seo', 'set'), false) && $this->get_val($this->params, array('seo', 'type'), 'regular') == 'regular'){ $link = ''.$this->base_encode($this->get_val($this->post_data, 'id')); $this->set_param(array('seo', 'link'), str_replace(array('%link%', '{{link}}'), $link, $this->params['seo']['link'])); } if(in_array($this->get_val($this->params, array('bg', 'type')), array('html5', 'image'), true)){ //if image is choosen, use featured image as background //facebook check which image size is choosen $img_sizes = $this->get_all_image_sizes('flickr'); $img_res = $this->get_val($this->params, array('bg', 'imageSourceType'), reset($img_sizes)); $this->image_id = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'id'); if(!isset($img_sizes[$img_res])) $img_res = key($img_sizes); $is = @array( 'original' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'url_o'), 'large' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'url_l'), 'medium-800' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'url_c'), 'medium-640' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'url_z'), 'medium' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'url_m'), 'small-320' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'url_n'), 'small' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'url_s'), 'thumbnail' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'url_t'), 'square' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'url_sq'), 'large-square' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'url_q') ); $this->image_url = $this->get_val($is, $img_res, ''); if(empty($this->image_url)){ foreach($is as $img_res){ $this->image_url = $img_res; if(!empty($img_res)) break; } } $this->image_thumb = $this->get_val($is, 'thumbnail', $this->image_thumb); $this->image_url = (empty($this->image_url)) ? RS_PLUGIN_URL.'public/assets/assets/sources/flickr.png' : $this->image_url; $this->image_url = (is_ssl()) ? str_replace("http://", "https://", $this->image_url) : $this->image_url; $this->image_filename = basename($this->image_url); } $this->post_data = apply_filters('revslider_slide_initByFlickr_post', $this->post_data, $slider_id, $this); $this->set_layers_by_stream($slider_id, 'flickr', $additions); //replace placeholders in layers } /** * init the data for youtube * @since: 5.0 * @before: RevSliderSlide::initByYoutube(); */ private function init_by_youtube($slider_id, $additions){ $this->post_data = apply_filters('revslider_slide_initByYoutube_pre', $this->post_data, $slider_id, $additions, $this); //set some slide params $snippet = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'snippet'); $resource = $this->get_val($snippet, 'resourceId'); $link_raw = ($additions['yt_type'] == 'channel') ? $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'id') : $this->get_val($snippet, 'resourceId'); $link = $this->get_val($link_raw, 'videoId'); $this->set_param(array('bg', 'youtube'), $link); //set video for background video if($this->get_val($this->params, array('seo', 'set'), false) && $this->get_val($this->params, array('seo', 'type'), 'regular') == 'regular'){ if($link !== '') $link = '//'.$link; $this->set_param(array('seo', 'link'), str_replace(array('%link%', '{{link}}'), $link, $this->params['seo']['link'])); } switch($additions['yt_type']){ case 'channel': $this->id = $this->get_val($this->post_data, array('id', 'videoId')); break; case 'playlist': $this->id = $this->get_val($resource, 'videoId'); break; } $this->id = ($this->id == '') ? 'not-found' : $this->id; $this->set_param('title', $this->get_val($snippet, 'title')); $this->set_param(array('publish', 'state'), 'published'); $bg_type = $this->get_val($this->params, array('bg', 'type')); if(in_array($bg_type, array('trans', 'image', 'streamyoutube', 'streamyoutubeboth', 'youtube', 'streamvimeo', 'streamvimeoboth', 'vimeo'), true)){ //if image is choosen, use featured image as background //facebook check which image size is choosen $img_sizes = $this->get_all_image_sizes('youtube'); $img_res = $this->get_val($this->params, array('bg', 'imageSourceType'), reset($img_sizes)); $this->image_id = $this->get_val($resource, 'videoId'); $thumbs = $this->get_val($snippet, 'thumbnails'); $is = array(); if(!empty($thumbs)){ foreach($thumbs as $name => $vals){ $is[$name] = $this->get_val($vals, 'url'); } } if(!isset($img_sizes[$img_res])) $img_res = key($img_sizes); $this->image_url = $this->get_val($is, $img_res, ''); $this->image_url = (empty($this->image_url)) ? $this->get_val($is, 'default', '') : $this->image_url; $this->image_thumb = $this->get_val($is, 'medium', $this->image_thumb); $this->image_url = (empty($this->image_url)) ? RS_PLUGIN_URL.'public/assets/assets/sources/youtube.png' : $this->image_url; $this->image_url = (is_ssl()) ? str_replace('http://', 'https://', $this->image_url) : $this->image_url; if($this->get_param(array('thumb', 'customThumbSrc'), '') === ''){ $this->set_param(array('thumb', 'customThumbSrc'), $this->image_thumb); } $this->image_filename = basename($this->image_url); } $this->post_data = apply_filters('revslider_slide_initByYoutube_post', $this->post_data, $slider_id, $additions, $this); //replace placeholders in layers: $this->set_layers_by_stream($slider_id, 'youtube', $additions); } /** * init the data for vimeo * @since: 5.0 * @before: RevSliderSlide::initByVimeo(); */ private function init_by_vimeo($slider_id, $additions){ $this->post_data = apply_filters('revslider_slide_initByVimeo_pre', $this->post_data, $slider_id, $additions, $this); $this->id = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'id'); $this->set_param(array('publish', 'state'), 'published'); $this->set_param('title', $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'title')); if($this->get_val($this->params, array('seo', 'set'), false) && $this->get_val($this->params, array('seo', 'type'), 'regular') == 'regular'){ $link = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'url'); $this->params['seo']['link'] = str_replace(array('%link%', '{{link}}'), $link, $this->params['seo']['link']); } $this->set_param(array('bg', 'vimeo'), $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'url')); if($this->get_val($this->params, array('bg', 'imageFromStream'), false) === true && in_array($this->get_val($this->params, array('bg', 'type')), array('trans', 'image', 'streamvimeo', 'streamvimeoboth', 'vimeo'), true)){ //if image is choosen, use featured image as background //vimeo check which image size is choosen $img_sizes = $this->get_all_image_sizes('vimeo'); $img_res = $this->get_val($this->params, array('bg', 'imageSourceType'), reset($img_sizes)); $img_res = (!isset($img_sizes[$img_res])) ? key($img_sizes) : $img_res; $is = array(); $this->image_id = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'id'); foreach($img_sizes as $handle => $name){ $is[$handle] = $this->get_val($this->post_data, $handle); } $this->image_url = $this->get_val($is, $img_res, ''); $this->image_url = (empty($this->image_url)) ? RS_PLUGIN_URL.'public/assets/assets/sources/vimeo.png' : $this->image_url; $this->image_url = (is_ssl()) ? str_replace("http://", "https://", $this->image_url) : $this->image_url; $this->image_thumb = $this->get_val($is, 'thumbnail', $this->image_thumb); $this->image_filename = basename($this->image_url); } $this->post_data = apply_filters('revslider_slide_initByVimeo_post', $this->post_data, $slider_id, $additions, $this); //replace placeholders in layers: $this->set_layers_by_stream($slider_id, 'vimeo', $additions); } /** * prepare and fill the stream data **/ public function set_stream_data($text, $attr, $stream_type, $additions = array(), $is_action = false){ $img_sizes = $this->get_all_image_sizes($stream_type); $_img_sizes = $this->get_all_image_sizes(); $_img_s = array(); if(!empty($_img_sizes)){ foreach($_img_sizes as $k => $v){ $v = str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($v)); $_img_s[$v] = $v; } } $img_sizes = array_merge($img_sizes, $_img_sizes, $_img_s); $text = apply_filters('revslider_slide_set_stream_data_pre', $text, $attr, $stream_type, $additions, $is_action, $img_sizes); $title = ($stream_type == 'twitter' && $is_action === false) ? $this->add_wrap_around_url($this->get_val($attr, 'title')) : $this->get_val($attr, 'title'); $excerpt = ($stream_type == 'twitter' && $is_action === false) ? $this->add_wrap_around_url($this->get_val($attr, 'excerpt')) : $this->get_val($attr, 'excerpt'); $content = ($stream_type == 'twitter' && $is_action === false) ? $this->add_wrap_around_url($this->get_val($attr, 'content')) : $this->get_val($attr, 'content'); $text = str_replace(array('%title%', '{{title}}'), $title, $text); $text = str_replace(array('%excerpt%', '{{excerpt}}'), $excerpt, $text); $text = str_replace(array('%description%', '{{description}}'), $excerpt, $text); $text = str_replace(array('%alias%', '{{alias}}'), $this->get_val($attr, 'alias'), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%content%', '{{content}}'), $content, $text); $text = str_replace(array('%link%', '{{link}}'), $this->get_val($attr, 'link'), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%date_published%', '{{date_published}}', '%date%', '{{date}}'), $this->get_val($attr, 'date'), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%date_modified%', '{{date_modified}}'), $this->get_val($attr, 'date_modified'), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%author_name%', '{{author_name}}'), $this->get_val($attr, 'author_name'), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%num_comments%', '{{num_comments}}'), $this->get_val($attr, 'num_comments'), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%catlist%', '{{catlist}}'), $this->get_val($attr, 'catlist'), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%catlist_raw%', '{{catlist_raw}}'), $this->get_val($attr, 'catlist_raw'), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%taglist%', '{{taglist}}'), $this->get_val($attr, 'taglist'), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%likes%', '{{likes}}'), $this->get_val($attr, 'likes'), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%retweet_count%', '{{retweet_count}}'), $this->get_val($attr, 'retweet_count'), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%favorite_count%', '{{favorite_count}}'), $this->get_val($attr, 'favorite_count'), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%views%', '{{views}}'), $this->get_val($attr, 'views'), $text); $arrMatches = array(); preg_match_all("/{{content:\w+[\:]\w+}}/", $text, $arrMatches); foreach($arrMatches as $matched){ foreach($matched as $match) { //now check length and type $meta = str_replace("{{content:", "", $match); $meta = str_replace("}}","",$meta); $meta = str_replace('_REVSLIDER_', '-', $meta); $vals = explode(':', $meta); if(count($vals) !== 2) continue; //not correct values $vals[1] = intval($vals[1]); //get real number if($vals[1] === 0 || $vals[1] < 0) continue; //needs to be at least 1 if($vals[0] == 'words'){ $metaValue = explode(' ', strip_tags($content), $vals[1]+1); if(is_array($metaValue) && count($metaValue) > $vals[1]) array_pop($metaValue); $metaValue = implode(' ', $metaValue); }elseif($vals[0] == 'chars'){ $metaValue = substr(strip_tags($content), 0, $vals[1]); }else{ continue; } $text = str_replace($match, $metaValue, $text); } } switch($stream_type){ case 'facebook': foreach($img_sizes as $img_handle => $img_name){ if($additions['fb_type'] == 'album'){ $text = str_replace(array('%featured_image_url_'.$img_handle.'%', '{{featured_image_url_'.$img_handle.'}}', '%image_url_'.$img_handle.'%', '{{image_url_'.$img_handle.'}}'), $this->get_val($attr, array('img_urls', $img_handle, 'url')), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%featured_image_'.$img_handle.'%', '{{featured_image_'.$img_handle.'}}', '%image_'.$img_handle.'%', '{{image_'.$img_handle.'}}'), $this->get_val($attr, array('img_urls', $img_handle, 'tag')), $text); }else{ $text = str_replace(array('%featured_image_url_'.$img_handle.'%', '{{featured_image_url_'.$img_handle.'}}', '%image_url_'.$img_handle.'%', '{{image_url_'.$img_handle.'}}'), $this->get_val($attr, array('img_urls', 'url')), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%featured_image_'.$img_handle.'%', '{{featured_image_'.$img_handle.'}}', '%image_'.$img_handle.'%', '{{image_'.$img_handle.'}}'), $this->get_val($attr, array('img_urls', 'tag')), $text); } } break; case 'youtube': case 'vimeo': //$text = str_replace(array('%image_url_'.$img_handle.'%', '{{image_url_'.$img_handle.'}}'), $this->get_val($attr, array('img_urls', $img_handle, 'url')), $text); //$text = str_replace(array('%image_'.$img_handle.'%', '{{image_'.$img_handle.'}}'), $this->get_val($attr, array('img_urls', $img_handle, 'tag')), $text); case 'twitter': case 'instagram': case 'flickr': foreach($img_sizes as $img_handle => $img_name){ $text = str_replace(array('%featured_image_url_'.$img_handle.'%', '{{featured_image_url_'.$img_handle.'}}', '%image_url_'.$img_handle.'%', '{{image_url_'.$img_handle.'}}'), $this->get_val($attr, array('img_urls', $img_handle, 'url')), $text); $text = str_replace(array('%featured_image_'.$img_handle.'%', '{{featured_image_'.$img_handle.'}}', '%image_'.$img_handle.'%', '{{image_'.$img_handle.'}}'), $this->get_val($attr, array('img_urls', $img_handle, 'tag')), $text); } break; } return apply_filters('revslider_slide_set_stream_data_post', $text, $attr, $stream_type, $additions, $is_action, $img_sizes); } /** * replace layer placeholders by stream data * @since: 5.0 * @before: RevSliderSlide::setLayersByStreamData(); */ private function set_layers_by_stream($slider_id, $stream_type, $additions = array()){ $a = apply_filters('revslider_slide_setLayersByStreamData_pre', array('layers' => $this->layers, 'params' => $this->params), $slider_id, $stream_type, $additions, $this); $this->params = $this->get_val($a, 'params'); $this->layers = $this->get_val($a, 'layers'); $attr = $this->return_stream_data($stream_type, $additions); if(!empty($this->layers)){ foreach($this->layers as $key => $layer){ $text = $this->get_val($layer, 'text'); $text = apply_filters('revslider_mod_stream_meta', $text, $slider_id, $stream_type, $this->post_data); //option to add your own filter here to modify meta to your likings $layer['text'] = $this->set_stream_data($text, $attr, $stream_type, $additions); //set link actions to the stream data $actions = $this->get_val($layer, array('actions', 'action')); if(!empty($actions)){ foreach($actions as $a_k => $action){ $ilink = $this->get_val($action, 'image_link'); if(!empty($ilink)){ $ilink = $this->set_stream_data($ilink, $attr, $stream_type, $additions, true); $this->set_val($layer, array('actions', 'action', $a_k, 'image_link'), $ilink); } } } $layer_type = $this->get_val($layer, 'type', 'text'); //TODO: Check Patrick if ( ( $layer_type === 'image' && $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'imageFromStream'), false) === true ) || ( in_array($layer_type, array('shape', 'row', 'group'), true) && $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'bgFromStream'), false) === true ) ){ $featured_image_url = $this->get_val($attr, 'stream_image_url', ''); if(!empty($featured_image_url)){ $this->set_val($layer, array('media', 'imageUrl'), $featured_image_url); } } $this->layers[$key] = $layer; } } //set params to the stream data for($mi = 0; $mi < 10; $mi++){ $pa = $this->get_param(array('info', 'params', $mi, 'v'), ''); $pa = $this->set_stream_data($pa, $attr, $stream_type, $additions); $this->set_param(array('info', 'params', $mi, 'v'), $pa); } $param_list = array(array('attributes', 'alt'), array('attributes', 'class'), array('attributes', 'data')); //set params to the stream data foreach($param_list as $p){ $pa = $this->get_param($p, ''); $pa = $this->set_stream_data($pa, $attr, $stream_type, $additions); $this->set_param($p, $pa); } $a = apply_filters('revslider_slide_setLayersByStreamData_post', array('layers' => $this->layers, 'params' => $this->params), $slider_id, $stream_type, $additions, $this); $this->params = $this->get_val($a, 'params'); $this->layers = $this->get_val($a, 'layers'); } /** * returns the data of the selected stream **/ public function return_stream_data($stream_type, $additions = array()){ $img_sizes = $this->get_all_image_sizes($stream_type); $attr = array(); $attr = apply_filters('revslider_slide_return_stream_data_pre', $attr, $stream_type, $additions, $img_sizes); switch($stream_type){ case 'facebook': if($this->get_val($additions, 'fb_type') == 'album'){ $fb_img_thumbnail = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'picture'); $fb_img = ''.$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'id').'/picture'; $attr1 = array( 'title' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'name'), 'content' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'name'), 'link' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'link'), 'date' => $this->convert_post_date($this->get_val($this->post_data, 'created_time'), true), 'date_modified' => $this->convert_post_date($this->get_val($this->post_data, 'updated_time'), true), 'author_name' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, array('from', 'name')), 'likes' => count($this->get_val($this->post_data, array('likes', 'data'))), 'stream_image_url' => $fb_img, 'img_urls' => array( 'full' => array( 'url' => $fb_img, 'tag' => '<img src="'.$fb_img.'" data-no-retina />' ), 'thumbnail' => array( 'url' => $fb_img_thumbnail, 'tag' => '<img src="'.$fb_img_thumbnail.'" data-no-retina />' ) ) ); }else{ $post_url = explode('_', $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'id')); $img = $this->get_facebook_timeline_image(); $attr1 = array( 'title' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'message'), 'content' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'message'), 'link' => ''.$this->get_val($additions, 'fb_user_id').'/posts/'.$this->get_val($post_url, 1), 'date' => $this->convert_post_date($this->get_val($this->post_data, 'created_time'), true), 'date_modified' => $this->convert_post_date($this->get_val($this->post_data, 'updated_time'), true), 'author_name' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, array('from', 'name')), 'likes' => intval($this->get_val($this->post_data, array('likes', 'summary', 'total_count'))), 'stream_image_url' => $img, 'img_urls' => array( 'url' => $img, 'tag' => '<img src="'.$img.'" data-no-retina />' ) ); } break; case 'twitter': $image_url_array = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'media'); $image_url_large = $this->get_val($image_url_array, 'large'); $img = $this->get_val($image_url_large, 'media_url', ''); if($img == ''){ $entities = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'entities'); $image_url_array = $this->get_val($entities, 'media'); if(is_array($image_url_array) && isset($image_url_array[0])){ $img = (is_ssl()) ? $this->get_val($image_url_array[0], 'media_url_https') : $this->get_val($image_url_array[0], 'media_url'); $image_url_large = $image_url_array[0]; } } if($img == ''){ $entities = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'extended_entities'); $image_url_array = $this->get_val($entities, 'media'); if(is_array($image_url_array) && isset($image_url_array[0])){ $img = (is_ssl()) ? $this->get_val($image_url_array[0], 'media_url_https') : $this->get_val($image_url_array[0], 'media_url'); $image_url_large = $image_url_array[0]; } } $attr1 = array( 'title' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'full_text'), 'content' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'full_text'), 'link' => ''.$this->get_val($additions, 'twitter_user').'/status/'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'id_str'), 'date' => $this->convert_post_date($this->get_val($this->post_data, 'created_at'), true), 'author_name' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, array('user', 'screen_name')), 'retweet_count' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'retweet_count', '0'), 'favorite_count'=> $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'favorite_count', '0'), ); if($img !== ''){ $w = $this->get_val($image_url_large, 'w', ''); $h = $this->get_val($image_url_large, 'h', ''); $attr1['stream_image_url'] = $img; $attr1['img_urls'] = array( 'large' => array( 'url' => $img, 'tag' => '<img src="'.$img.'" width="'.$w.'" height="'.$h.'" data-no-retina />' ) ); } break; case 'instagram': $caption = $this->get_val($this->post_data, array('edge_media_to_caption', 'edges', 0, 'node', 'text')); $attr1 = array( 'title' => $caption, 'content' => $caption, 'link' => ''. $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'shortcode'), 'date' => date_i18n(get_option('date_format').' '.get_option('time_format'), $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'taken_at_timestamp', false)), 'author_name' => $this->get_val($additions, 'instagram_user'), //$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'user_info', '') 'likes' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, array('edge_liked_by', 'count')), //'likes' => $this->get_val($likes_raw, 'count'), 'num_comments' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, array('edge_media_to_comment', 'count')), //'num_comments' => $this->get_val($comments_raw, 'count'), ); $inst_img = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'display_url', ''); $inst_thumb = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'thumbnail_src', ''); $attr1['img_urls'] = array(); if(!empty($inst_img)){ $attr1['stream_image_url'] = $inst_img; $attr1['img_urls']['original'] = array( 'url' => $inst_img, 'tag' => '<img src="'.$inst_img.'" width="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, array('dimensions', 'width')).'" height="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, array('dimensions', 'height')).'" data-no-retina />' ); $attr1['img_urls']['original_size'] = array( 'url' => $inst_img, 'tag' => '<img src="'.$inst_img.'" width="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, array('dimensions', 'width')).'" height="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, array('dimensions', 'height')).'" data-no-retina />' ); $attr1['img_urls']['large'] = array( 'url' => $inst_img, 'tag' => '<img src="'.$inst_img.'" width="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, array('dimensions', 'width')).'" height="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, array('dimensions', 'height')).'" data-no-retina />' ); } if(!empty($inst_thumb)){ $attr1['stream_image_url'] = (!isset($attr1['stream_image_url'])) ? $inst_thumb : $attr1['stream_image_url']; $attr1['img_urls']['thumb'] = array( 'url' => $inst_thumb, 'tag' => '<img src="'.$inst_thumb.'" width="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, array('dimensions', 'width')).'" height="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, array('dimensions', 'height')).'" data-no-retina />' ); $attr1['img_urls']['thumbnail'] = array( 'url' => $inst_thumb, 'tag' => '<img src="'.$inst_thumb.'" width="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, array('dimensions', 'width')).'" height="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, array('dimensions', 'height')).'" data-no-retina />' ); } break; case 'flickr': $attr1 = array( 'title' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'title'), 'content' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, array('description', '_content')), 'date' => $this->convert_post_date($this->get_val($this->post_data, 'datetaken')), 'author_name' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'ownername'), 'link' => ''.$this->base_encode($this->get_val($this->post_data, 'id')), 'views' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'views'), 'stream_image_url' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'url_o'), 'img_urls' => array( 'square' => array('url' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'url_sq'), 'tag' => '<img src="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'url_sq').'" width="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'width_sq').'" height="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'height_sq').'" data-no-retina />'), 'large-square' => array('url' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'url_q'), 'tag' => '<img src="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'url_q').'" width="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'width_q').'" height="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'height_q').'" data-no-retina />'), 'thumbnail' => array('url' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'url_t'), 'tag' => '<img src="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'url_t').'" width="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'width_t').'" height="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'height_t').'" data-no-retina />'), 'small' => array('url' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'url_s'), 'tag' => '<img src="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'url_s').'" width="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'width_s').'" height="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'height_s').'" data-no-retina />'), 'small-320' => array('url' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'url_n'), 'tag' => '<img src="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'url_n').'" width="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'width_n').'" height="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'height_n').'" data-no-retina />'), 'medium' => array('url' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'url_m'), 'tag' => '<img src="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'url_m').'" width="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'width_m').'" height="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'height_m').'" data-no-retina />'), 'medium-640' => array('url' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'url_z'), 'tag' => '<img src="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'url_z').'" width="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'width_z').'" height="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'height_z').'" data-no-retina />'), 'medium-800' => array('url' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'url_c'), 'tag' => '<img src="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'url_c').'" width="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'width_c').'" height="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'height_c').'" data-no-retina />'), 'large' => array('url' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'url_l'), 'tag' => '<img src="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'url_l').'" width="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'width_l').'" height="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'height_l').'" data-no-retina />'), 'original' => array('url' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'url_o'), 'tag' => '<img src="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'url_o').'" width="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'width_o').'" height="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'height_o').'" data-no-retina />') ) ); break; case 'youtube': $attr1 = array( 'title' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, array('snippet', 'title')), 'excerpt' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, array('snippet', 'description')), 'content' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, array('snippet', 'description')), 'date' => $this->convert_post_date($this->get_val($this->post_data, array('snippet', 'publishedAt'))) ); if($this->get_val($additions, 'yt_type') == 'channel'){ $link_raw = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'id'); $attr1['link'] = $this->get_val($link_raw, 'videoId'); if($attr1['link'] !== '') $attr1['link'] = '//'.$attr1['link']; }else{ $link_raw = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'resourceId'); $attr1['link'] = $this->get_val($link_raw, 'videoId'); if($attr1['link'] !== '') $attr1['link'] = '//'.$attr1['link']; } $thumbs = $this->get_val($this->post_data, array('snippet', 'thumbnails')); $attr1['img_urls'] = array(); if(!empty($thumbs)){ foreach($thumbs as $name => $vals){ $attr1['stream_image_url'] = (!isset($attr1['stream_image_url'])) ? $this->get_val($vals, 'url') : $attr1['stream_image_url']; $attr1['img_urls'][$name] = array( 'url' => $this->get_val($vals, 'url'), ); switch($additions['yt_type']){ case 'channel': $attr1['img_urls'][$name]['tag'] = '<img src="'.$this->get_val($vals, 'url').'" data-no-retina />'; break; case 'playlist': $attr1['img_urls'][$name]['tag'] = '<img src="'.$this->get_val($vals, 'url').'" width="'.$this->get_val($vals, 'width').'" height="'.$this->get_val($vals, 'height').'" data-no-retina />'; break; } } } break; case 'vimeo': $attr1 = array( 'title' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'title'), 'excerpt' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'description'), 'content' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'description'), 'date' => $this->convert_post_date($this->get_val($this->post_data, 'upload_date')), 'likes' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'stats_number_of_likes'), 'views' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'stats_number_of_plays'), 'num_comments' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'stats_number_of_comments'), 'link' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'url'), 'author_name' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'user_name'), 'img_urls' => array() ); if(!empty($img_sizes)){ foreach($img_sizes as $name => $vals){ $attr1['stream_image_url'] = (!isset($attr1['stream_image_url'])) ? $this->get_val($this->post_data, $name) : $attr1['stream_image_url']; $attr1['img_urls'][$name] = array( 'url' => $this->get_val($this->post_data, $name), 'tag' => '<img src="'.$this->get_val($this->post_data, $name).'" data-no-retina />' ); } } break; } $attr = (isset($attr1)) ? array_merge($attr, $attr1) : $attr; return apply_filters('revslider_slide_return_stream_data_post', $attr, $stream_type, $additions, $img_sizes); } /** * Get the timeline image **/ public function get_facebook_timeline_image(){ $return = ''; $object_id = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'object_id', ''); $picture = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'picture', ''); if( $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'full_picture', '') ){ $return = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'full_picture', ''); } elseif(!empty($object_id)){ $return = ''.$this->get_val($this->post_data, 'object_id', '').'/picture';//$photo->picture; }elseif(!empty($picture)) { $image_url = $this->decode_facebook_url($this->get_val($this->post_data, 'picture', '')); $image_url = parse_str(parse_url($image_url, PHP_URL_QUERY), $array); $image_url = explode('&', $this->get_val($array, 'url')); /* patch for when url returned as "fbstaging://" */ $fbstaging = $this->get_val($image_url, 0); if(strpos($fbstaging, 'fbstaging') !== false){ $new_url = $this->get_val($this->post_data, 'picture', ''); $new_url = explode('&w=', $new_url); if(count($new_url) > 1){ $end_url = explode('&url=', $new_url[1]); if(count($end_url) > 1) $image_url = array($new_url[0] . '&url=' . $end_url[1]); } } /* END patch */ $return = $this->get_val($image_url, 0); } return apply_filters('revslider_slide_get_facebook_timeline_image', $return, $object_id, $picture, $this); } /** * Decode a facebook url **/ public function decode_facebook_url($url){ $url = str_replace('u00253A', ':', $url); $url = str_replace('\u00255C\u00252F', '/', $url); $url = str_replace('u00252F', '/', $url); $url = str_replace('u00253F', '?', $url); $url = str_replace('u00253D', '=', $url); $url = str_replace('u002526', '&', $url); return $url; } /** * save layers to the database * @since: 5.0 * @before: RevSliderSlide::saveLayers() */ public function save_layers(){ global $wpdb; $table = ($this->static_slide) ? $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_STATIC_SLIDES : $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDES; $this->layers = apply_filters('revslider_slide_saveLayers', $this->layers, $this->static_slide, $this); $wpdb->update($table, array('layers' => json_encode($this->layers)), array('id' => $this->id)); } /** * set parameter * @since: 5.0 * @before: RevSliderSlide::set_param(); */ public function set_param($name, $value){ if(is_array($name)){ $params = &$this->params; foreach($name as $i => $key){ if(is_array($params)){ $params = &$params[$key]; }elseif(is_object($params)){ $params = &$params->$key; } } $params = $value; }else{ $this->params[$name] = $value; } } /*public function set_param($keys, $value){ $array =& $this->array; foreach ($keys as $key) { if (!isset($array[$key])) { $array[$key] = array(); } $array =& $array[$key]; } if (!in_array($value, $array)) { $array[] = $value; } }*/ /** * set parameter * @since: 5.0 * @before: RevSliderSlide::set_param(); */ /*public function set_param($name, $value){ if(is_array($name)){ $n = count($name); switch(count($name)){ case 1: $this->params[$name[0]] = $value; break; case 2: $this->params[$name[0]][$name[1]] = $value; break; case 3: $this->params[$name[0]][$name[1]][$name[2]] = $value; break; case 4: $this->params[$name[0]][$name[1]][$name[2]][$name[3]] = $value; break; case 5: $this->params[$name[0]][$name[1]][$name[2]][$name[3]][$name[4]] = $value; break; case 6: $this->params[$name[0]][$name[1]][$name[2]][$name[3]][$name[4]][$name[5]] = $value; break; case 7: $this->params[$name[0]][$name[1]][$name[2]][$name[3]][$name[4]][$name[5]][$name[6]] = $value; break; case 8: $this->params[$name[0]][$name[1]][$name[2]][$name[3]][$name[4]][$name[5]][$name[6]][$name[7]] = $value; break; case 9: $this->params[$name[0]][$name[1]][$name[2]][$name[3]][$name[4]][$name[5]][$name[6]][$name[7]][$name[8]] = $value; break; case 10: $this->params[$name[0]][$name[1]][$name[2]][$name[3]][$name[4]][$name[5]][$name[6]][$name[7]][$name[8]][$name[9]] = $value; break; } }else{ $this->params[$name] = $value; } }*/ /** * get parameter from params array. if no default, then the param is a must! * before: RevSliderSlide::get_param() */ public function get_param($name, $default = ''){ if(!is_array($name)){ return $this->get_val($this->params, $name, $default); }else{ $a = $this->params; foreach($name as $k => $v){ $a = $this->get_val($a, $v, $default); } return $a; } } /** * save params to the database * @since: 5.0 * @before: RevSliderSlide::saveParams(); */ public function save_params(){ global $wpdb; $table = ($this->static_slide) ? $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_STATIC_SLIDES : $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDES; $this->params = apply_filters('revslider_slide_saveParams', $this->params, $this->static_slide, $this); $wpdb->update($table, array('params' => json_encode($this->params)),array('id' => $this->id)); } /** * save settigns to the database * @since: 6.0 */ public function save_settings(){ global $wpdb; $table = ($this->static_slide) ? $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_STATIC_SLIDES : $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDES; $this->settings = apply_filters('revslider_slide_save_settings', $this->settings, $this->static_slide, $this); /** * the slide will be saved, so remove the temp attribute if it exists * in order to not have it deleted on the next reload **/ if($this->get_val($this->settings, 'temp', false) === true){ unset($this->settings['temp']); } $wpdb->update($table, array('settings' => json_encode($this->settings)), array('id' => $this->id)); } /** * get children array * @before: RevSliderSlide::getArrChildren(); */ public function get_children(){ if($this->children === null){ $slider = new RevSliderSlider(); $slider->init_by_id($this->slider_id); $this->children = $slider->get_slide_children($this->id); } return apply_filters('revslider_slide_getArrChildren', $this->children, $this); } /** * create the slide (from image) * @before: RevSliderSlide::createSlide() */ public function create_slide($slider_id, $obj = '', $static = false, $id = false){ global $wpdb; $image_url = (is_array($obj)) ? $this->get_val($obj, 'url') : $obj; $image_id = (is_array($obj)) ? $this->get_val($obj, 'id') : null; //get max order $slider = new RevSliderSlider(); $slider->init_by_id($slider_id); $max_order = $slider->get_max_order(); $order = $max_order + 1; $params = array(); $settings = array('temp' => true); if(!empty($image_url)){ $params['bg'] = array(); $params['bg']['type'] = 'image'; $params['bg']['image'] = $image_url; if(!empty($image_id)) $params['bg']['imageId'] = $image_id; } $insert = array( 'params' => json_encode($params), 'slider_id' => $slider_id, 'layers' => '', 'settings' => json_encode($settings) ); if($id !== false) $insert['id'] = $id; if(!$static) $insert['slide_order'] = $order; $insert = apply_filters('revslider_slide_createSlide', $insert, $slider_id, $static, $this); $table = (!$static) ? RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDES : RevSliderFront::TABLE_STATIC_SLIDES; $done = $wpdb->insert($wpdb->prefix . $table, $insert); return ($done) ? $wpdb->insert_id : false; } /** * init a static slide * before: RevSliderSlide::initByStaticID() */ public function init_by_static_id($slide_id){ global $wpdb; $this->validate_numeric($slide_id, 'Slide ID'); $slide = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM ".$wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_STATIC_SLIDES." WHERE id = %d", $slide_id), ARRAY_A); $this->init_by_data($slide); } /** * initialize slide by the given data (database entry) * before: RevSliderSlide::initByData(); */ public function init_by_data($slide){ $slide = apply_filters('revslider_slide_init_by_data', apply_filters('revslider_slide_initByData', $slide)); $this->id = $this->get_val($slide, 'id'); $this->slider_id = $this->get_val($slide, 'slider_id'); $this->order = $this->get_val($slide, 'slide_order', ''); $this->params = $this->get_val($slide, 'params'); $this->params = (!is_array($this->params)) ? (array)json_decode($this->params, true) : $this->params; $this->layers = ($this->init_layer) ? $this->layers = json_decode($slide['layers'], true) : $slide['layers']; $this->layers = (empty($this->layers)) ? array() : $this->layers; $this->settings = $this->get_val($slide, 'settings'); $this->settings = (!is_array($this->settings)) ? (array)json_decode($this->settings, true) : $this->settings; $this->params['version'] = $this->get_val($this->settings, 'version', $this->get_val($this->params, 'version')); $this->image_id = $this->get_val($this->params, array('bg', 'imageId')); $image_resolution = $this->get_val($this->params, array('bg', 'imageSourceType'), 'full'); $image_url = $this->get_val($this->params, array('bg', 'image')); /** * fix for [{0:'a',1:'b'}] structures that can occur **/ $t_keys = array('duration', 'easeIn', 'easeOut', 'rotation', 'slots', 'transition'); foreach($t_keys as $tk){ $tlc = $this->get_val($this->params, array('timeline', $tk, 0)); if(is_object($tlc) || is_array($tlc)){ $a = array(); if(!empty($this->params['timeline'][$tk][0])){ foreach($this->params['timeline'][$tk][0] as $tkv){ $a[] = $tkv; } } $this->params['timeline'][$tk] = $a; } } //get image url and thumb url if($image_resolution !== 'full' || $image_url === ''){ if(!empty($this->image_id)){ $image_url = $this->get_url_attachment_image($this->image_id, $image_resolution); if(empty($image_url)){ $image_url = $this->get_val($this->params, array('bg', 'image')); $this->image_id = $this->get_image_id_by_url($image_url); if($this->image_id !== false){ $image_url = $this->get_url_attachment_image($this->image_id, $image_resolution); $this->set_val($this->params, array('bg', 'imageId'), $this->image_id); $this->save_params(); } } $this->image_thumb = $this->get_url_attachment_image($this->image_id, 'medium'); }else{ $this->image_id = $this->get_image_id_by_url($image_url); if($this->image_id !== false && $this->image_id !== null){ //save the image ID in the Slide Settings $this->set_val($this->params, array('bg', 'imageId'), $this->image_id); $this->save_params(); $image_url = $this->get_url_attachment_image($this->image_id, $image_resolution); } } } $image_url = (is_ssl()) ? str_replace('http://', 'https://', $image_url) : $image_url; $this->image_url = $image_url; $this->image_path = $this->get_image_path_from_url($this->image_url); $real_path = $this->get_content_path().$this->image_path; $this->image_path = (file_exists($real_path) == false || is_file($real_path) == false) ? '' : $this->image_path; $this->image_filename = basename($this->image_url); } /** * get all slides from given Slider for the library * @since: 6.0 **/ public function get_slides_for_library($slider_ids = array(), $get_static_slide = false){ global $wpdb; $slides = array(); if(!empty($slider_ids)){ foreach($slider_ids as $sid){ $cur_slides = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM ". $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDES ." WHERE slider_id = %s", $sid), ARRAY_A); if($get_static_slide === true){ $static_slide = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM ". $wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_STATIC_SLIDES ." WHERE slider_id = %s", $sid), ARRAY_A); if(!empty($static_slide)){ $static_slide['id'] = 'static_'.$static_slide['id']; $static_slide['static'] = true; $slides[] = $static_slide; } } if(!empty($cur_slides)){ foreach($cur_slides as $c_slide){ $slides[] = $c_slide; } } } } if(!empty($slides)){ $i = 1; foreach($slides as $key => $slide){ $_img = $this->get_val($slide, 'img'); if(!empty($_img)) $slides[$key]['img'] = $this->_check_file_path($slides[$key]['img'], true); $params = $this->json_decode_slashes($this->get_val($slide, 'params', array())); $params = (empty($params)) ? array() : $params; $slides[$key]['parent'] = $this->get_val($slide, 'slider_id'); $slides[$key]['installed'] = $this->get_val($slide, 'id'); if($this->get_val($slide, 'static', false) === true){ $slides[$key]['title'] = __('Global Layers', 'revslider'); $slides[$key]['bg'] = array('type' => 'image', 'src' => RS_PLUGIN_URL.'admin/assets/images/sources/static.png', 'style' => array()); }else{ if($this->get_val($params, 'title', false) === false) $params['title'] = 'Slide '.$i; $slides[$key]['title'] = $this->get_val($params, 'title'); $rslide = new RevSliderSlide(); $rslide->init_by_id($slide['id']); $image = $rslide->get_overview_image_attributes('gallery'); $slides[$key]['bg'] = array(); if(!empty($image)){ $slides[$key]['bg'] = $image; } } unset($slides[$key]['params']); unset($slides[$key]['layers']); unset($slides[$key]['settings']); $i++; } } return $slides; } /** * get all slides of all given slider_ids raw **/ public function get_all_slides_raw($slider_ids){ return $this->get_slides_by_slider_id($slider_ids, false, false, false, false); } /** * get all slides from specific slider id * @before: RevSliderSlider::getSlidesFromGallery **/ public function get_slides_by_slider_id($slider_id, $published = false, $wmpl = false, $first = false, $init_layer = true){ global $wpdb; $slides = array(); $children = array(); if(is_array($slider_id) && !empty($slider_id)){ $in = str_repeat('%d,', count($slider_id) - 1) . '%d'; $slides_data = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM ".$wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDES." WHERE slider_id IN(".$in.") ORDER BY slider_id,slide_order ASC", $slider_id), ARRAY_A); }else{ $slides_data = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM ".$wpdb->prefix . RevSliderFront::TABLE_SLIDES." WHERE slider_id = %d ORDER BY slide_order ASC", $slider_id), ARRAY_A); } foreach($slides_data as $slide_data){ $slide = new RevSliderSlide(); $slide->init_layer = $init_layer; $slide->init_by_data($slide_data); //check if the slide needs to be deleted as it was a temporary creation for the undo/redo process /* $settings = $slide->get_settings(); if($this->get_val($settings, 'temp', false) === true){ $this->delete_slide_by_id($slide->get_id()); continue; } */ if($published == true && $slide->get_param(array('publish', 'state'), 'published') == 'unpublished'){ continue; } $pid = $slide->get_param(array('child', 'parentId'), ''); if(!empty($pid)){ if(!isset($children[$pid])) $children[$pid] = array(); $children[$pid][] = $slide; if(!$wmpl) continue; //do not add it to $slides } $slides[$slide->get_id()] = $slide; if($first) break; //we only want the first slide! } //add children array to the parent slides foreach($children as $pid => $arr){ if(!isset($slides[$pid])){ continue; } $slides[$pid]->children = $arr; } return $slides; } /** * get params for export * before: RevSliderSlide::getParamsForExport() */ public function get_params_for_export(){ $params = $this->params; $img_url = $this->get_val($this->params, array('bg', 'image')); if(!isset($params['bg'])){ $params['bg'] = array(); }else{ $params['bg'] = (array)$params['bg']; } if(!empty($img_url)){ $params['bg']['image'] = $this->get_image_path_from_url($img_url); } //check if we are transparent or solid and remove image then if(in_array($this->get_val($this->params, array('bg', 'type'), 'transparent'), array('transparent', 'trans', 'solid'), true)) $params['bg']['image'] = ''; return apply_filters('revslider_slide_getParamsForExport', apply_filters('revslider_slide_getParamsForExport', $params, $this), $this); } /** * modify layer links for export * before: RevSliderSlide::getLayersForExport() */ public function get_layers_for_export(){ $layers = array(); if(!empty($this->layers)){ foreach($this->layers as $lid => $layer){ $img_url = $this->get_val($layer, array('media', 'imageUrl')); if(!empty($img_url)){ $layer['media'] = (array)$layer['media']; $layer['media']['imageUrl'] = $this->get_image_path_from_url($img_url); } $layers[$lid] = $layer; } } return apply_filters('revslider_slide_get_layers_for_export', apply_filters('revslider_slide_getLayersForExport', $layers, $this), $this); } /** * get the image attributes needed to show preview images * @will replace get_image_attributes() * @before: RevSldierSlide::get_image_attributes(); * bg: { type (color, image,transparent), src: (image source)...} **/ public function get_overview_image_attributes($layouttype){ $image = array('type' => 'image', 'src' => '', 'style' => array()); $thumb_src = $this->check_valid_image($this->get_param(array('thumb', 'customAdminThumbSrc'), false)); $thumb_src = ($thumb_src == false || $thumb_src == '') ? $this->check_valid_image($this->get_param(array('thumb', 'customThumbSrc'), false)) : $thumb_src; $bgtype = $this->get_param(array('bg', 'type'), 'solid'); $thumb_src = (($bgtype == 'image' || $bgtype == 'html5' || $bgtype == 'youtube' || $bgtype == 'vimeo') && ($thumb_src == false || $thumb_src == '')) ? $this->check_valid_image($this->get_param(array('bg', 'image'), false)) : $thumb_src; $image['src'] = ($thumb_src !== false) ? $thumb_src : ''; $bg = $this->get_param('bg', array()); if($thumb_src === false){ if($bgtype == 'trans'){ $image['type'] = 'transparent'; $image['style'] = array('background-size' => 'inherit', 'background-repeat' => 'repeat'); }elseif($bgtype == 'solid'){ $image['type'] = 'color'; $image['style'] = array('background-color' => $this->get_val($bg, 'color', '#ffffff')); $image['src'] = ''; }elseif($image['src'] == '' || !pathinfo($image['src'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION)){ $image['src'] = ''; //first check background slide if(!empty($bg)){ $fit = $this->get_val($bg, 'fit', 'cover'); $position = $this->get_val($bg, 'position', 'center top'); $image['style']['background-size'] = ($fit == 'percentage') ? intval($this->get_val($bg, 'fitX', '100')).'% '.intval($this->get_val($bg, 'fitY', '100')).'%' : $fit; $image['style']['background-position'] = ($position == 'percentage') ? intval($this->get_val($bg, 'positionX', '0')).'% '.intval($this->get_val($bg, 'positionY', '0')).'%' : $position; $image['style']['background-repeat'] = $this->get_val($bg, 'repeat', 'no-repeat'); $_src = RS_PLUGIN_URL.'public/assets/assets/sources/'; switch($layouttype){ case 'gallery': break; case 'posts': case 'specific_posts': case 'specific_post': $image['src'] = $_src.'post.png'; $image['style'] = array('background-size' => 'cover'); break; case 'woocommerce': $image['src'] = $_src.'woo.png'; $image['style'] = array('background-size' => 'cover'); break; case 'facebook': $image['src'] = $_src.'facebook.png'; $image['style'] = array('background-size' => 'cover'); break; case 'twitter': $image['src'] = $_src.'twitter.png'; $image['style'] = array('background-size' => 'cover'); break; case 'instagram': $image['src'] = $_src.'instagram.png'; $image['style'] = array('background-size' => 'cover'); break; case 'flickr': $image['src'] = $_src.'flickr.png'; $image['style'] = array('background-size' => 'cover'); break; case 'youtube': $image['src'] = $_src.'youtube.png'; $image['style'] = array('background-size' => 'cover'); break; case 'vimeo': $image['src'] = $_src.'vimeo.png'; $image['style'] = array('background-size' => 'cover'); break; } //$image['type'] = 'transparent'; }else{ $image = $this->get_image_attributes($layouttype); } } } return $image; } /** * get the image attributes needed to show preview images if the Slider is older than 6.0.0 * @has still old RevSlider 5 keys as we check for an revslider prior to 6.0.0 * @before: RevSldierSlide::get_image_attributes(); * bg: { type (color, image,transparent), src: (image source) ….} **/ public function get_overview_image_attributes_pre60($layouttype){ $image = array('type' => 'image', 'src' => $this->get_param('image', ''), 'style' => array()); $thumb_src = ($this->get_param('thumb_for_admin') === true || $this->get_param('thumb_for_admin') === 'true' || $this->get_param('thumb_for_admin') === 'on') ? $this->get_param('slide_thumb', false) : false; $image['src'] = ($thumb_src !== false) ? $thumb_src : $image['src']; if($image['src'] == '' || !pathinfo($image['src'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION)){ $image['src'] = ''; //first check background slide if(strpos($this->get_param('background_type'), 'youtube') !== false){ $type = 'youtube'; }elseif(strpos($this->get_param('background_type'), 'vimeo') !== false){ $type = 'vimeo'; }elseif(strpos($this->get_param('background_type'), 'instagram') !== false){ $type = 'html5'; }elseif(strpos($this->get_param('background_type'), 'twitter') !== false){ $type = 'html5'; }else{ $type = $this->get_param('background_type'); } if($type == 'trans'){ $image['type'] = 'transparent'; $image['style'] = array('background-size' => 'inherit', 'background-repeat' => 'repeat'); }elseif($type == 'solid'){ $image['type'] = 'color'; $image['style'] = array('background-color' => $this->get_param('slide_bg_color', '#ffffff')); $image['src'] = ''; }else{ $fit = $this->get_param('bg_fit', 'cover'); $position = $this->get_param('bg_position', 'center center'); $image['style']['background-size'] = ($fit == 'percentage') ? intval($this->get_param('bg_fit_x', '100')).'% '.intval($this->get_param('bg_fit_y', '100')).'%' : $fit; $image['style']['background-position'] = ($position == 'percentage') ? intval($this->get_param('bg_position_x', 0)).'% '.intval($this->get_param('bg_position_y', 0)).'%' : $position; $image['style']['background-repeat'] = $this->get_param('bg_repeat', 'no-repeat'); $_src = RS_PLUGIN_URL.'public/assets/assets/sources/'; switch($layouttype){ case 'gallery': break; case 'posts': case 'specific_posts': case 'specific_post': $image['src'] = $_src.'post.png'; $image['style'] = array('background-size' => 'cover'); break; case 'woocommerce': $image['src'] = $_src.'woo.png'; $image['style'] = array('background-size' => 'cover'); break; case 'facebook': $image['src'] = $_src.'facebook.png'; $image['style'] = array('background-size' => 'cover'); break; case 'twitter': $image['src'] = $_src.'twitter.png'; $image['style'] = array('background-size' => 'cover'); break; case 'instagram': $image['src'] = $_src.'instagram.png'; $image['style'] = array('background-size' => 'cover'); break; case 'flickr': $image['src'] = $_src.'flickr.png'; $image['style'] = array('background-size' => 'cover'); break; case 'youtube': $image['src'] = $_src.'youtube.png'; $image['style'] = array('background-size' => 'cover'); break; case 'vimeo': $image['src'] = $_src.'vimeo.png'; $image['style'] = array('background-size' => 'cover'); break; } } } return $image; } /** * get the image attributes needed to show preview images **/ public function get_image_attributes($layouttype){ //1 admin thumbnail //2 nav thumbnail //3 check the background type $type = $this->get_param(array('bg', 'type'), 'transparent'); $fit = $this->get_param(array('bg', 'fit'), 'cover'); $position = $this->get_param(array('bg', 'position'), 'center top'); $thumb_on = $this->get_param(array('thumb', 'customAdminThumbSrc'), ''); $th = $this->get_param(array('thumb', 'customThumbSrc'), ''); $style = array(); $thumb = ''; $class = 'image'; if($type == 'trans' || $type == 'transparent'){ $thumb = ''; $class = 'transparent'; $style['background-size'] = 'inherit'; $style['background-repeat'] = 'repeat'; $thumb = ($thumb_on !== '' && pathinfo($th, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) ? $th : $thumb; }else{ $style['background-size'] = ($fit == 'percentage') ? intval($this->get_param(array('bg', 'fitX'), '100')).'% '.intval($this->get_param(array('bg', 'fitY'), '100')).'%' : $fit; $style['background-position'] = ($position == 'percentage') ? intval($this->get_param(array('bg', 'positionX'), '0')).'% '.intval($this->get_param(array('bg', 'positionY'), '0')).'%' : $position; $style['background-repeat'] = $this->get_param(array('bg', 'repeat'), 'no-repeat'); $_src = RS_PLUGIN_URL.'public/assets/assets/sources/'; switch($layouttype){ case 'gallery': $image_id = $this->get_param(array('bg', 'imageId')); if(empty($image_id)){ $thumb = $this->get_param(array('bg', 'image')); $image_id = $this->get_image_id_by_url($thumb); if($image_id !== false){ $thumb = $this->get_url_attachment_image($image_id, 'medium'); } }else{ $thumb = $this->get_url_attachment_image($image_id, 'medium'); } $thumb = ($thumb_on != '' && pathinfo($th, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) ? $th : $thumb; break; case 'posts': $thumb = $_src.'post.png'; $style = array('background-size' => 'cover'); break; case 'woocommerce': $thumb = $_src.'woo.png'; $style = array('background-size' => 'cover'); break; case 'facebook': $thumb = $_src.'facebook.png'; $style = array('background-size' => 'cover'); break; case 'twitter': $thumb = $_src.'twitter.png'; $style = array('background-size' => 'cover'); break; case 'instagram': $thumb = $_src.'instagram.png'; $style = array('background-size' => 'cover'); break; case 'flickr': $thumb = $_src.'flickr.png'; $style = array('background-size' => 'cover'); break; case 'youtube': $thumb = $_src.'youtube.png'; $style = array('background-size' => 'cover'); break; case 'vimeo': $thumb = $_src.'vimeo.png'; $style = array('background-size' => 'cover'); break; } if($thumb == '' || !pathinfo($thumb, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) $thumb = $this->get_param(array('bg', 'image')); if($type == 'solid'){ if($thumb_on == ''){ $style['background-color'] = $this->get_param(array('bg', 'color'), 'transparent'); $class = 'color'; $thumb = ''; }else{ $style = array('background-size' => 'cover'); } } } return apply_filters('revslider_slide_get_image_attributes', array( 'type' => $class, 'src' => $thumb, 'style' => $style ), $this); } /** * get all used fonts in the current Slide * @since: 5.1.0 * @before: RevSliderSlide::getUsedFonts(); */ public function get_used_fonts($full = false){ $fonts = array(); $all_fonts = $this->get_font_familys(); if(!empty($this->layers)){ foreach($this->layers as $key => $layer){ $font = $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'fontFamily'), 'Roboto'); foreach($all_fonts as $f){ if(strtolower(str_replace(array('"', "'", ' '), '', $f['label'])) == strtolower(str_replace(array('"', "'", ' '), '', $font)) && ($f['type'] == 'googlefont' || $f['type'] === 'custom' && isset($f['url']) && isset($f['frontend']) && $f['frontend'] === true)){ if(!isset($fonts[$f['label']])){ $fonts[$f['label']] = array('variants' => array(), 'subsets' => array()); } if($f['type'] === 'custom') $fonts[$f['label']]['url'] = $f['url']; if($full){ //if full, add all. //switch the variants around here! $mv = array(); if(!empty($f['variants'])){ foreach($f['variants'] as $fvk => $fvv){ $mv[$fvv] = $fvv; } } $fonts[$f['label']] = array('variants' => $mv, 'subsets' => $f['subsets']); }else{ //Otherwise add only current font-weight plus italic or not $fw = $this->normalize_device_settings($this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'fontWeight'), '400'), array('d' => true, 'n' => true, 't' => true, 'm' => true), 'array', array('400')); $fs = $this->get_val($layer, array('idle', 'fontStyle'), ''); if($fs == true){ foreach($fw as $mf => $w){ //we check if italic is available at all for the font! if($w == '400'){ if(array_search('italic', $f['variants']) !== false) $fw[$mf] = 'italic'; }else{ if(array_search($w.'italic', $f['variants']) !== false){ $fw[$mf.'italic'] = $w.'italic'; } } } } foreach($fw as $mf => $w){ $fonts[$f['label']]['variants'][$w] = true; } if(isset($f['subsets'])){ $fonts[$f['label']]['subsets'] = $f['subsets']; //subsets always get added, needs to be done then by the Slider Settings } } break; } } } } return apply_filters('revslider_slide_getUsedFonts', $fonts, $this); } /** * set slide image by image id * @before: RevSliderSlide::setImageByImageID(); */ private function set_image_by_image_id($id){ $id = apply_filters('revslider_slide_setImageByImageID', $id, $this); $resolution = $this->get_val($this->params, array('bg', 'imageSourceType'), 'full'); $this->image_id = $id; $this->image_url = $this->get_url_attachment_image($id, $resolution); $this->image_url = (is_ssl()) ? str_replace('http://', 'https://', $this->image_url) : $this->image_url; $this->image_thumb = $this->get_url_attachment_image($id, 'medium'); if(empty($this->image_url)) return(false); if(!isset($this->params['bg'])) $this->params['bg'] = array(); $this->params['bg']['type'] = 'image'; $this->params['bg']['image'] = $this->image_url; $this->image_path = $this->get_image_path_from_url($this->image_url); $real_path = $this->get_content_path().$this->image_path; $this->image_path = (file_exists($real_path) == false || is_file($real_path) == false) ? '' : $this->image_path; $this->image_filename = basename($this->image_url); } /** * set the image by image id * @since: 5.0 * @before: RevSliderSlide::setImageByID(); */ public function set_image_by_id($imageID, $size = 'full'){ $a = apply_filters('revslider_slide_setImageByID', array('imageID' => $imageID, 'size' => $size), $this); $url = $this->get_url_attachment_image($a['imageID'], $a['size']); if(!empty($url)){ $this->image_id = $a['imageID']; $this->image_url = $url; $this->image_thumb = $this->get_url_attachment_image($a['imageID'], 'medium'); $this->image_filename = basename($this->image_url); $this->image_filepath = $this->get_image_path_from_url($this->image_url); $real_path = $this->get_content_path().$this->image_filepath; $this->image_filepath = (file_exists($real_path) == false || is_file($real_path) == false) ? '' : $this->image_filepath; return true; } return false; } /** * get categories list, copy the code from default wp functions * @before: RevSliderFunctionsWP::getCategoriesHtmlList(); */ public function get_categories_html($cat_ids, $tax = null, $post_id = ''){ global $wp_rewrite; if(!empty($post_id)) return get_the_category_list(', ', null, $post_id); $categories = $this->get_categories_by_id($cat_ids, $tax); $errors = $this->get_val($categories, 'errors'); $list = ''; $err = ''; $rel = (is_object($wp_rewrite) && $wp_rewrite->using_permalinks()) ? 'rel="category tag"' : 'rel="category"'; if(!empty($errors)){ foreach($errors as $error){ $err .= implode($error, ','); } $this->throw_error(__('retrieving categories error: '.esc_html($err))); } $sep = false; foreach($categories as $category){ if(is_object($category)){ $category = (array)$category; } $link = get_category_link($category['term_id']); $name = $category['name']; $list.= ($sep == true) ? ',' : ''; $list.= (!empty($link)) ? '<a href="' . esc_url($link) . '" title="' . esc_attr(sprintf(__('View all posts in %s', 'revslider'), $category['name'])) .'" '. $rel .'>'. $name .'</a>' : $name; $sep = true; } return $list; } /** * get categories by id's * @before: RevSliderFunctionsWP::getCategoriesByIDs(); */ public function get_categories_by_id($ids, $tax = null){ if(empty($ids)) array(); $string_ids = (is_string($ids)) ? $ids : implode(',', $ids); $args = array('include' => $string_ids); if(!empty($tax)){ $args['taxonomy'] = (is_string($tax)) ? explode(',', $tax) : $tax; } $cats = get_categories($args); return (!empty($cats)) ? $this->class_to_array($cats) : $cats; } /** * Encode the flickr ID for URL (base58) * @since 1.0.0 * @param string $num flickr photo id */ public function base_encode($num, $alphabet = '123456789abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ'){ $base_count = strlen($alphabet); $encoded = ''; while ($num >= $base_count){ $div = $num / $base_count; $mod = intval($num - ($base_count * intval($div))); $encoded = $alphabet[$mod] . $encoded; $num = intval($div); } if($num) $encoded = $alphabet[$num] . $encoded; return $encoded; } /** * add "a" tags to links within a text * @since: 5.0 * @before: RevSliderBase::add_wrap_around_url() */ public function add_wrap_around_url($text){ $reg_exUrl = "/(http|https|ftp|ftps)\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(\/\S*)?/"; // Check if there is a url in the text if(preg_match($reg_exUrl, $text, $url)){ // make the urls hyper links return preg_replace($reg_exUrl, '<a href="'.$url[0].'" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">'.$url[0].'</a>', $text); }else{ // if no urls in the text just return the text return $text; } } /** * get wp-content path * before: RevSliderFunctionsWP::getPathContent() */ public function get_content_path(){ if(is_multisite()){ $path = (!defined('BLOGUPLOADDIR')) ? ABSPATH.'wp-content/' : BLOGUPLOADDIR; }else{ $path = (!defined('WP_CONTENT_DIR')) ? WP_CONTENT_DIR.'/' : ABSPATH.'wp-content/'; //FIX FOR PHP5 //$path = (!empty(WP_CONTENT_DIR)) ? WP_CONTENT_DIR.'/' : ABSPATH.'wp-content/'; } return $path; } /** * get image relative path from image url (from upload) * before: RevSliderFunctionsWP::getImagePathFromURL() */ public function get_image_path_from_url($url){ $path = str_replace($this->get_base_url(), '', $url); return $path; } } /** * old classname extends new one (old classnames will be obsolete soon) * @since: 5.0 **/ //class RevSlide extends RevSliderSlide {}