Current Path : /home/church/public_html/ |
Current File : /home/church/public_html/ |
<?php /** * Custom functions that act independently of the theme templates. * * Eventually, some of the functionality here could be replaced by core features. * * @package Refru */ /** * Adds custom classes to the array of body classes. * * @param array $classes Classes for the body element. * @return array */ function refru_body_classes( $classes ) { $refru_theme_data = wp_get_theme(); $classes[] = sanitize_title( $refru_theme_data['Name'] ); $classes[] = 'v' . $refru_theme_data['Version']; // Add Animations Class $refru_site_animations = get_theme_mod( 'refru_site_animations', 'true' ); if ( 'true' == $refru_site_animations ) { $classes[] = 'refru-animations'; } // Add class for background color $background_color = get_background_color(); if ( ! empty( $background_color ) ) { $color = ariColor::newColor( $background_color ); if ( 127 < $color->luminance ) { $classes[] = 'refru-light-background'; } else { $classes[] = 'refru-dark-background'; } } //Add class for Blog Layout $classes[] = 'refru-blog-layout-5'; //Add class if there is Sidebar if ( is_active_sidebar( 'sidebar-1' ) ) { $classes[] = 'refru-with-sidebar'; } else { $classes[] = 'refru-with-out-sidebar'; } //Add class for Header Menu Type $refru_menu_type = get_theme_mod( 'refru_header_menu_type', 'regular-menu' ); if ( isset( $_GET['menu_type'] ) ) { $refru_menu_type = sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_GET['menu_type'] ) ); } if ( 'mega-menu' == $refru_menu_type ) { $classes[] = 'refru-mega-menu'; } else { $classes[] = 'refru-regular-menu'; } //Add class for Header Absolute $refru_header_absolute = get_theme_mod( 'refru_header_absolute', false ); if ( function_exists( 'is_shop' ) && is_shop() ) { $shop_id = get_option( 'woocommerce_shop_page_id' ); } if ( isset( $_GET['header_absolute'] ) ) { $refru_header_absolute = sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_GET['header_absolute'] ) ); } if ( $refru_header_absolute ) { $classes[] = 'refru-header-absolute'; } //Add class for Shop Sidebar Position $classes[] = 'refru-shop-sidebar-both'; //Add class for Single Product Layout $refru_shop_single_product_layout = get_theme_mod( 'refru_shop_single_product_layout', 'product-fullwidth' ); if ( isset( $_GET['single_product_layout'] ) ) { $refru_shop_single_product_layout = sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_GET['single_product_layout'] ) ); } $classes[] = 'refru-' . esc_attr( $refru_shop_single_product_layout ); return $classes; } add_filter( 'body_class', 'refru_body_classes' ); if ( ! function_exists( 'refru_new_content_more' ) ) { function refru_new_content_more( $more ) { global $post; return ' <br><a href="' . esc_url( get_permalink() ) . '" class="more-link read-more">' . esc_html__( 'Read more', 'refru' ) . ' <i class="ql-icon-arrow-right"></i></a>'; } } // end function_exists add_filter( 'the_content_more_link', 'refru_new_content_more' ); /** * Convert HEX colors to RGB */ function refru_hex2rgb( $colour ) { $colour = str_replace( "#", "", $colour ); if ( strlen( $colour ) == 6 ) { list( $r, $g, $b ) = array( $colour[0] . $colour[1], $colour[2] . $colour[3], $colour[4] . $colour[5] ); } elseif ( strlen( $colour ) == 3 ) { list( $r, $g, $b ) = array( $colour[0] . $colour[0], $colour[1] . $colour[1], $colour[2] . $colour[2] ); } else { return false; } $r = hexdec( $r ); $g = hexdec( $g ); $b = hexdec( $b ); return array( 'red' => $r, 'green' => $g, 'blue' => $b ); } /** * Avoid undefined functions if Meta Box is not activated * * @return bool */ if ( ! function_exists( 'rwmb_meta' ) ) { function rwmb_meta( $key, $args = '', $post_id = null ) { return false; } } /** * Return a darker color in HEX * * @return string */ function refru_darken_color( $rgb, $darker = 2 ) { $hash = ( strpos( $rgb, '#' ) !== false ) ? '#' : ''; $rgb = ( strlen( $rgb ) == 7 ) ? str_replace( '#', '', $rgb ) : ( ( strlen( $rgb ) == 6 ) ? $rgb : false ); if ( strlen( $rgb ) != 6 ) { return $hash . '000000'; } $darker = ( $darker > 1 ) ? $darker : 1; list( $R16, $G16, $B16 ) = str_split( $rgb, 2 ); $R = sprintf( "%02X", floor( hexdec( $R16 ) / $darker ) ); $G = sprintf( "%02X", floor( hexdec( $G16 ) / $darker ) ); $B = sprintf( "%02X", floor( hexdec( $B16 ) / $darker ) ); return $hash . $R . $G . $B; } /** * Return CSS class for #content * * @return bool */ if ( ! function_exists( 'refru_content_css_class' ) ) { function refru_content_css_class() { if ( is_page_template( 'template-full-width.php' ) ) { return 'col-md-12'; } if ( is_page_template( 'template-2-shop-sidebars.php' ) ) { return 'col-md-8 order-2'; } if ( is_home() ) { // blog page return ''; } if ( is_active_sidebar( 'sidebar-1' ) && ! is_singular( array( 'product' ) ) ) { return 'col-md-8'; } elseif ( is_singular( array( 'product' ) ) ) { return 'col-md-12'; } else { return 'col-md-12'; } return 'col-md-8 offset-md-2'; } } /** * Return CSS class for Shop Page * * @return bool */ if ( ! function_exists( 'refru_shop_css_class' ) ) { function refru_shop_css_class() { if ( isset( $_GET['shop_no_sidebar'] ) ) { return 'col-md-12'; } return 'col-md-8 order-1 order-sm-1'; } } /** * Return CSS class for Container * * @return bool */ if ( ! function_exists( 'refru_container_css_class' ) ) { function refru_container_css_class() { //Default $container_css_class = 'container-fluid'; if ( is_singular( 'post' ) ) { $container_css_class = ''; } elseif ( is_home() ) { // Blog page $container_css_class = ''; } return $container_css_class; } } /** * Return CSS class for Main * * @return bool */ if ( ! function_exists( 'refru_main_css_class' ) ) { function refru_main_css_class() { //Default $main_css_class = 'row'; if ( is_singular( 'post' ) ) { $main_css_class = ''; } elseif ( is_home() ) { // Blog page $main_css_class = ''; } return $main_css_class; } } /** * Return SVG markup. * * @param array $args { * Parameters needed to display an SVG. * * @type string $icon Required SVG icon filename. * @type string $title Optional SVG title. * @type string $desc Optional SVG description. * } * @return string SVG markup. */ function refru_get_svg( $args = array() ) { // Make sure $args are an array. if ( empty( $args ) ) { return __( 'Please define default parameters in the form of an array.', 'refru' ); } // Define an icon. if ( false === array_key_exists( 'icon', $args ) ) { return __( 'Please define an SVG icon filename.', 'refru' ); } // Set defaults. $defaults = array( 'icon' => '', 'title' => '', 'desc' => '', 'fallback' => false, ); // Parse args. $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); // Set aria hidden. $aria_hidden = ' aria-hidden="true"'; // Set ARIA. $aria_labelledby = ''; if ( $args['title'] ) { $aria_hidden = ''; $unique_id = uniqid(); $aria_labelledby = ' aria-labelledby="title-' . $unique_id . '"'; if ( $args['desc'] ) { $aria_labelledby = ' aria-labelledby="title-' . $unique_id . ' desc-' . $unique_id . '"'; } } // Begin SVG markup. $svg = '<svg class="icon icon-' . esc_attr( $args['icon'] ) . '"' . $aria_hidden . $aria_labelledby . ' role="img">'; // Display the title. if ( $args['title'] ) { $svg .= '<title id="title-' . $unique_id . '">' . esc_html( $args['title'] ) . '</title>'; // Display the desc only if the title is already set. if ( $args['desc'] ) { $svg .= '<desc id="desc-' . $unique_id . '">' . esc_html( $args['desc'] ) . '</desc>'; } } /* * Display the icon. * * The whitespace around `<use>` is intentional - it is a work around to a keyboard navigation bug in Safari 10. * * See */ $svg .= ' <use href="#icon-' . esc_attr( $args['icon'] ) . '" xlink:href="#icon-' . esc_attr( $args['icon'] ) . '"></use> '; // Add some markup to use as a fallback for browsers that do not support SVGs. if ( $args['fallback'] ) { $svg .= '<span class="svg-fallback icon-' . esc_attr( $args['icon'] ) . '"></span>'; } $svg .= '</svg>'; return $svg; } /** * Add dropdown icon if menu item has children. * * @param string $title The menu item's title. * @param object $item The current menu item. * @param array $args An array of wp_nav_menu() arguments. * @param int $depth Depth of menu item. Used for padding. * @return string $title The menu item's title with dropdown icon. */ function refru_dropdown_icon_to_menu_link( $title, $item, $args, $depth ) { if ( 'primary' === $args->theme_location ) { foreach ( $item->classes as $value ) { if ( 'menu-item-has-children' === $value || 'page_item_has_children' === $value ) { $title = $title . '<i class="fa-angle-down fa icon"></i>'; } } } return $title; } add_filter( 'nav_menu_item_title', 'refru_dropdown_icon_to_menu_link', 10, 4 ); /** * Add a pingback url auto-discovery header for single posts, pages, or attachments. */ function refru_pingback_header() { if ( is_singular() && pings_open() ) { echo ' <link rel="pingback" href="', esc_url( get_bloginfo( 'pingback_url' ) ), '">'; } } add_action( 'wp_head', 'refru_pingback_header' ); /** * Return the complete URL to the selected Google Font * */ function refru_get_google_font() { $refru_typography_font_family = get_theme_mod( 'refru_typography_font_family', 'Lato' ); $refru_typography_subsets = get_theme_mod( 'refru_typography_subsets', '' ); // URL friendly $refru_typography_font_family = str_replace( ' ', '+', $refru_typography_font_family ); //Add Google Fonts $refru_font_subset = ''; if ( is_array( $refru_typography_subsets ) && ! empty( $refru_typography_subsets ) ) { $refru_font_subset = '&subset='; foreach ( $refru_typography_subsets as $subset ) { $refru_font_subset .= $subset . ','; } $refru_font_subset = rtrim( $refru_font_subset, ',' ); } $refru_google_font = '' . $refru_typography_font_family . ':400,700' . $refru_font_subset; return esc_url( $refru_google_font ); } /** * Return the complete URL to the selected Google Font for Headings * */ function refru_get_google_font_headings() { $refru_typography_font_family = get_theme_mod( 'refru_typography_font_family_headings', 'Lato' ); $refru_typography_subsets = get_theme_mod( 'refru_typography_subsets', '' ); // URL friendly $refru_typography_font_family = str_replace( ' ', '+', $refru_typography_font_family ); //Add Google Fonts $refru_font_subset = ''; if ( is_array( $refru_typography_subsets ) && ! empty( $refru_typography_subsets ) ) { $refru_font_subset = '&subset='; foreach ( $refru_typography_subsets as $subset ) { $refru_font_subset .= $subset . ','; } $refru_font_subset = rtrim( $refru_font_subset, ',' ); } $refru_google_font = '' . $refru_typography_font_family . ':400,700' . $refru_font_subset; return esc_url( $refru_google_font ); } /** * Adds a Meta Description tag in the header */ function refru_meta_description() { $refru_site_meta_description = get_theme_mod( 'refru_site_meta_description', true ); if ( true == $refru_site_meta_description ) { echo '<meta name="description" content="' . esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'description' ) ) . '">'; } } add_action( 'wp_head', 'refru_meta_description' ); /** * Backwards Compatibility for wp_body_open * */ if ( ! function_exists( 'wp_body_open' ) ) { function wp_body_open() { do_action( 'wp_body_open' ); } }