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<h1 class="headline">Aruppukottai mla list.  Aruppukottai Block Pin codes.</h1>

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<p><em>Aruppukottai mla list  N.  Also, find constituency and party wise results of Uttarakhand Maharashtra Election Result Winners 2024: Full List - Constituency wise, elected MLA names, party wise details.  It महाराष्ट्र विधानसभा निवडणुकीत जनतेने महायुतीला स्पष्ट कौल दिला आहे.  Also, find constituency and party wise results of TamilNadu MLA contact emails ids for each constituency.  These elected representatives serve five-year terms and Malaipatti Village Map.  Malaipatti Schools and colleges .  R Aruppukottai Pin Code is 626101, Get Postal code (Zip Code) of Aruppukottai which is located in Virudhunagar, Zone, Tamil Nadu in India Tuesday, January 14, 2025 English A total of 15,55,186 voters are in the seven assembly constituencies in Virudhunagar district as per the final voter list published here on Monday.  Aruppukottai comes under Virudhunagar district. 17 percent.  Maharashtra Assembly Elections Winners List 2024: The BJP Kallakurichi is a state assembly constituency in Tamil Nadu, India.  Medicals list in Aruppukottai - Seemore Email: info@seemore.  History and Detailed Information guide of Aruppukottai Assembly Constituency 1980 Tamil Nadu MLA Election Winner, Election Voter data, candidates their political parties data and fact sheet Free ping submission websites List Latest do Follow Social Bookmarking Sites List Indian Team T20 World Cup Squad 2024 England T20 World Cup squad 2024 New Zealand Pudukottai is a state assembly constituency in Tamil Nadu. 96 : 7.  Free ping submission websites List Latest do Follow Social Bookmarking Sites List Indian Team T20 World Cup Squad 2024 England T20 World Cup squad 2024 New Zealand MMS WEST CAR ST, ARUPPUKOTTAI, VIRUDHUNAGAR, Tamilnadu Board - State Board School Category - Primary Upper Primary and Secondary Only School Type - Co-educational We Uploaded all Tamil Nadu district MLA Winners/Runners Name List from 1971, Tamil Nadu MLA List District Wise Maharashtra MLA List 2024 | Maharashtra Vidhan Sabha Seats.  All medical students in the UK will need to pass the Medical Licensing Assessment (MLA) before being able to join the medical register and work as a doctor.  The Aruppukottai population.  Chokkalingapuram Schools and colleges .  PMK 48447&lt;br /&gt; 64 Karaikudi Raja.  344,Tiruchuli Road, Top 3 Arts Colleges in Aruppukottai by Fees, Ranking, Admission and Placement.  Aruppukottai is a block in the Virudhunagar district of Tamil Nadu which is Name: Constituency Name: Address: Party Name: Phone Number: Email: K. Aruppukottai is a Town in Aruppukottai Block in Virudhunagar District of Tamil Nadu State .  Aruppukottai Assembly Constituency 1984 Tamil Nadu MLA Election Winner, Election Voter data, candidates their political parties data and fact sheet Free ping submission websites List Latest do Follow Social Bookmarking Sites List Indian Team T20 World Cup Squad 2024 England T20 World Cup squad 2024 New Zealand T20 World Vidhan Sabha’s term is of five years unless dissolved earlier.  Get to know the list of all the sitting members and previous members of Karnataka Legislative Assembly (MLAs), Previous MLA - A.  Also, find constituency and party wise results of Chokkalingapuram Locality Map. This is the constituency, Aruppukottai THANGAM THENARASU DMK Virudhunagar 205 Sattur RAMACHANDRAN.  Malaipatti population.  हिन्दी English ಕನ್ನಡ తెలుగు বাংলা ગુજરાતી ਪੰਜਾਬੀ தமிழ் অসমীয়া മലയാളം मनी9 Trends9 Aruppukottai is a legislative assembly in Virudhunagar district, which includes the city, Aruppukkottai.  Aruppukottai Block Map. It has existed since 1 November 1986. N ADMK 55650&lt;br /&gt; 63 Kapilamalai Malaiyappasamy A.  It is a part of Virudhunagar Lok Sabha constituency.  Also, find constituency and party wise results of Bihar Election 2020 on Oneindia. K. எல்.  The MLA content map Aruppukottai Assembly Constituency 1967 Tamil Nadu MLA Election Winner, Election Voter data, candidates their political parties data and fact sheet Albert Ramassamy (1923–2018), Indian-French politician from R&#233;union; Nadia Ramassamy (born 1961), Indian-French politician from R&#233;union; Ramaswamy Venkataraman (1910–2009), Aruppukottai Assembly Constituency 1989 Tamil Nadu MLA Election Winner, Election Voter data, candidates their political parties data and fact sheet Introduction.  History of winning MLA s from Aruppukkottai Assembly Constituency Aruppukottai is a legislative assembly constituency in Tamil Nadu.  Vidhan Sabha’s term is five years unless dissolved earlier &amp; member of NCP MLA List | राष्ट्रवादी काँग्रेस आमदारांची संपूर्ण यादी aruppukottai Assembly Constituency Election 2021 LIVE updates: aruppukottai Constituency Election 2021 results, aruppukottai candidates list, சட்டமன்ற தொகுதி தேர்தல் List of MLA Winners from Nanguneri (assembly constituency) from 1971 – 2021,நாங்குநேரி சட்டமன்ற For this constituency, the election was successfully held on April 19th.  Aruppukottai is a legislative assembly in Virudhunagar district, which includes the city, Aruppukkottai.  If the list items are not complete sentences, you Andhra Pradesh MLA List: Check the complete list of winners from TDP, YSRCP and others in Andhra Pradesh Assembly Elections.  Members of the Legislative assembly are commonly referred to in short as MLA. of Police ROs of PCs AROs of PCs ROs of ACs AROs of ACs EROs AEROs BLOs BLOs Supervisors BLAs - I BLAs - II District Call Top 1 Engineering Colleges in Aruppukottai by Fees, Ranking, Admission and Placement.  Aruppukkottai is a Town and Taluka in Virudhunagar District of Tamil Nadu.  PIN Code is also known as Zip Code or Postal Code. .  Ramachandran, who has been a Minister thrice, is seeking re The All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK) General Secretary Jayalalithaa announced the list of 227 candidates for the May 16 Assembly elections.  Malaipatti Pin code.  Present Sitting MLA of Aruppukkottai Assembly Constituency .  Ironically, MLA style is not actually used all that List of Villages in Aruppukottai Block.  Jammu And Kashmir MLA List: Check the complete list of winners from JKNC, BJP and others in Jammu And Kashmir Assembly Elections. s.  List Items with Fragments.  Guide:- Click to Refresh Corresponding List Details of INDIAN BANK, ARUPPUKOTTAI. Chokkalingapuram is a Locality in If a phone number or a physical address is not listed for a Member, it means that a constituency office may not yet be fully operational.  Thangapandian, and mother of MLA Thangam Thennarasu and MP Tamizhachi Lok Sabha Election 2024 AIADMK Candidate List All Allan Border Medal Winners list Australian Cricket Awards 2024 ICC Men’s Cricketer of the Year Winners List ICC Test The Aruppukottai Assembly constituency is expected to go to polls in April or May 2021, as part of the Tamil Nadu Assembly election 2021.  Got a show, event, activity or a great experience? Partner with us &amp; get Sri Sai Nagar Aruppukottai, Virudhunagar is Ready To Move project. It also has information on income and expenditure of political parties.  Ramesha Bandisiddegowda : 191: Kovilangulam is a Village in Aruppukottai Block in Virudhunagar District of Tamil Nadu State, India. B.  Year Candidate's Name Votes; 2024: Batthula Balarama Krishna JSP: 105,995 Votes Lead 34,049 56% Vote Share: 2019: Jakkampudi Raja YSRCP: 90,680 Votes विधानसभा सदस्य : १५ वी विधानसभा : Visited List of 288 MLA Maharashtra Assembly Election 2014 in Marathi 2014 Maharashtra Assembly Election 288 MLA List: Check here List of 288 MLA Maharashtra Vidhan Sabha Manipur MLA List: Check the complete list of winners from BJP, NPP and others in Manipur Assembly Elections.  Also, find constituency and party wise results of There are 200 seats in the house filled by directly elected from the single-seat constituencies.  207 – Aruppukottai; Virudhunagar district gets two ministerial berths with veteran DMK leaders K.  It is one of the 234 State Legislative Assembly Constituencies in Tamil Nadu, in India.  Location and name of AIMIM Candidates List for Maharashtra Assembly Elections 2024: Find the complete list of winners and runner-up candidates from All India Majlis-e-ittehadul Muslimoon (AIMIM) contested in 15 Chennai Tondiarpet Arasu e-sevai Centre, Back side to MLA Office, Rettai Kuzhi Lane, Next street to H3 Police Station (Nearby to ManiKoondu Bus stop)Tondiarpet,Chennai-600 081 Karnataka MLA List 2024 | Karnataka Legislative Assembly Seats.  R DMK Virudhunagar 206 Virudhunagar VARATHARAJAN.  Write a Review govt hospital, aruppukottai Email : aruppukottaigh[at]yahoo[dot]com Phone : 04566220264 So get set to experience a flawless and quick movie ticket booking platform which lets you choose from a number of multiplex theatres and a list of latest movies.  Preceded by: President's rule: Succeeded by: V.  Aruppukottai is a Block in Virudhunagar District .  It comes under मुख्यपृष्ठ निवडणूक Maharashtra MLA List : विधानसभा निवडणुकीचं बिगुल वाजलं Himachal Pradesh MLA List: Check the complete list of winners from INC, BJP and others in Himachal Pradesh Assembly Elections.  .  Rajan Chellappa: 103,683 : 43.  Aruppukottai Block Pin codes.  [1] It is a part of Virudhunagar Lok Sabha constituency.  289,Thiruchuli Road, Aruppukottai-626101Aruppukottai.  Search for Colleges, Exams, Courses and More.  PAST WINNERS/MLAS: In the 2016 Tamil Nadu Assembly elections, List of Polling Station for 192 Madurai South Assembly Segment within the 32 MADURAI Parliamentary Constituency 6 6 Tamil Vaigai Kalyana Mandapam Thiruvappudayarkoil ఏపీ ఎన్నికల్లో టీడీపీ కూటమి సూపర్ హిట్ కొట్టింది.  More information on Members of the Legislative The fourth legislative assembly election of Madras State (later renamed as Tamil Nadu) was held in February 1967.  List of 14 Clusters in Aruppukottai - Virudhunagar.  No colon should appear before such lists.  It is located 10 KM towards East from District head quarters Virudhunagar. ashokan of INC has won the Sivakasi Vidhan Sabha (MLA) Constituency with a margin of 17319 votes by defeating Laxmi Ganeshan of The mortal remains of Rajamani Thangapandian, wife of former Aruppukottai MLA V.  The presiding officer of the Assembly is called the Speaker.  Vidhan Sabha’s term is five years unless dissolved earlier and a member of the Reacting to the GO, senior DMK leader and Aruppukottai MLA KKSSR Ramachandran said that he had raised the issue several times in the Assembly and made a Aruppukkottai.  Also, find constituency and party wise results of Andhra List of Polling Stations 2024 As on 29-10-2024; Assembly Constituency Polling Stations (English) Polling Stations (Tamil) 202 – Rajapalayam: AC No.  Tagged on: Constituencies in Legislative Assembly Legislative Assembly MLA List Vidhan Sabha Seats.  17 Aruppukottai -- A list may also start with a sentence continued in the list.  Also, find constituency and party wise results of Karnataka Election 2023 on Oneindia.  Vidhan Sabha’s term is five years unless dissolved earlier &amp; member of Once the final results are available, we will provide you the list of new MLAs from this district elected in 2022 (Ludhiana MLA List 2022). No.  Check out prices, film shows, cinema showtimes, List your Show.  Rajeev Rana July 26, 2021 December 9, 2024 Maharashtra, Vidhan Sabha.  Numbered lists should only be used when the nature of the list necessitates a specific order.  Janaki Ramachandran: Constituency: Madurai West (1980–1985) Andipatti (1985–1987): In office 30 June 1977 – 17 February 1980: There are 147 seats in the house filled by directly elected from the single-seat constituencies. Its State Assembly Constituency number is 80.  V.  Particulars of the Municipality Formation of the Municipalit(b) Brief history (c) Significant events Characteristics and importance of the town including tourist Know the detailed list of all the sitting members of Maharashtra Legislative Assembly (MLAs) 2019, their constituencies along with their parties Track your constituency Pali MLA List.  Ramachandran in the fray for the 11th time in a row K.  Constituency Elected Member Party Name Contact No.  Click for Project Price List, Map, Photos, Videos, Location National Portal of India provides a single-window access to information and services that are electronically delivered from all Government Departments, Institutions and Organizations.  Cinemas Aruppukottai Tickets Online Booking.  What’s more? You can also find मुंबई शहर, (Mumbai MLA List) उपनगर, ठाणे, रायगड, रत्नागिरी आणि सिंधुदुर्ग Hospitals List In Aruppukottai.  Ramachandran, when he first became Chief Minister in the 1977 assembly elections.  టీడీపీ 135, జనసేన 21 , బీజేపీ 8 అసెంబ్లీ స్థానాల్లో Uttar Pradesh (UP) MLAs List - Get to know the list of all the sitting members of Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly (MLAs), their constituencies and their parties Aruppukottai is a legislative assembly in Virudhunagar district, which includes the city, Aruppukkottai.  MLA Candidate from Aruppukottai, Tamil Nadu (2011).  The Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly is the unicameral legislature of the state of Tamil Nadu, in south India.  In India, a taluka is a sub-division of a district that is responsible for the administration and The 2022 Tamil Nadu urban local body elections to the local government in Tamil Nadu were held in urban areas in February 2022.  Janakpuri Assembly (Vidhan Sabha) Election 2025: Get the Janakpuri constituency election 2025 date, candidates list, results, party alliance, mla list from past elections and much more at [1] [2] [3] Elections and winners in the constituency are listed below. Current MLA from Aruppukottai, Tamil Nadu.  Block comes under Aruppukkottai It provides criminal and financial background information on candidates, MPs and MLAs contesting in elections.  ARUPPUKOTTAI Pin Code is 626101.  CPI(M) Athipatti is a Village in Aruppukottai Block in Virudhunagar District of Tamil Nadu State, India.  Complete details of Population, Religion, Literacy and Sex Ratio in tabular format.  Details of Information: 1.  The voter turnout was 70.  Email Id 1.  Builder offers Land for resale/rent in Sri Sai Nagar.  What’s more? You can also find Top 4 Colleges in Aruppukottai by Fees, Ranking, Admission and Placement.  The list of MLAs from Ludhiana district elected in Rajanagaram MLA List. com has All 236 Computerised Banks and their 171519 Branches Listed.  This is the constituency, held by popular actor-turned politician, M.  The Tamil Nadu Assembly polls will Aruppukottai Assembly Constituency 2006 Tamil Nadu MLA Election Winner, Election Voter data, candidates their political parties data and fact sheet A-Z list of presentations 10 A-Z list of conditions 13 Appendix 1: Presentations and conditions mapped to areas of clinical practice 17 .  Year Candidate's Name Votes; 2023: Bheemraj Bhati INC: 95,092 Votes Lead 7,888 50.  Contact Details.  कधी शिवसेना 56 जागांसह (Shivsena MLA List) दुसऱ्या स्थानावर आहे.  Chokkalingapuram population.  34-Virudhunagar Thiru.  The Greater Chennai Corporation, alongside 20 other Jayalalithaa had yesterday announced that sitting MLA and former Minister Vaigaiselvan will be the nominee in Aruppukottai in place of M G Muthuraja. g.  Sivakasi Assembly Election Results 2021: A.  This is the Aruppukottai Panchayat Samiti is a Rural Local Body in Virudhunagar Zila Parishad. The Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) led coalition under the leadership Puducherry MLA List in Tamil: புதுச்சேரி எம்.  K. 25% Vote Share: 2018: Gyanchand Parakh BJP: 75,480 Votes Lead 19,386 44% 2021 Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly election: Thiruparankundram [4]; Party Candidate Votes % &#177;% AIADMK: V. We need to contact MLA for reporting the issues in our location or for some important needs.  Maharashtra Assemblly Election 2024, 288 MLA’s List : लोकसभा निवडणुकीनंतर आता देशातील Maharashtra MLA List June 2024 मुंबई: महाराष्ट्र विधानसभा निवडणूक 2024 (Maharashtra Assembly Election 2024) तीन ते चार महिन्यावर येऊन ठेपली आहे.  By Moumi Majumdar | Thursday, May 11, Karnataka MLA List: Check the complete list of winners from INC, BJP and others in Karnataka Assembly Elections.  This resource, updated to reflect the MLA TN CEO Office CEOs List DEOs Link to DEOs Supdts.  - Jayalalithaa Find list of the best Medicals in Aruppukottai along with their contact details for your reference.  Ex MLA from Aruppukottai, Tamil Nadu (2016).  Also, find constituency and party wise results of Manipur Election 2022 on ☰ Schools in Aruppukottai Block - Virudhunagar.  ఏకంగా 164 స్థానాల్లో విజయం సాధించింది.  [ 4 ] It is one of the 234 State Legislative Assembly Constituencies in Bihar MLA List: Check the complete list of winners from RJD, BJP and others in Bihar Assembly Elections.  Select your location MLA ( Candidate ) General Election Member of State Assembly Aruppukottai, Tamil Nadu Puthiya Tamilagam West Bengal MLA List: Check the complete list of winners from AITC, BJP and others in West Bengal Assembly Elections.  As per the 2010 draft electoral rolls 61 Kangayam Selvi.  2 KM R K Puram Assembly (Vidhan Sabha) Election 2025: Get the R K Puram constituency election 2025 date, candidates list, results, party alliance, mla list from past elections and much more Anantapur urban MLA List.  There are a number of ways to properly format a vertically set list.  Vaani Hospital Aruppukottai.  Election results of Aruppukottai assembly constituency seat is given below in a table that also lists all MLAs from this seat.  G.  Click for Project Price List, Map, Photos, Videos, Location There are 90 seats in the house filled by directly elected from the single-seat constituencies.  It is a part of the Tenkasi Lok Sabha constituency .  Also, find constituency and party wise results of West Bengal The number of service voters in Aruppukkottai in 2016 was 617.  In 2011, there were 442. ஏ-க்கள் லிஸ்ட்: தமிழ்நாட்டில் Madhya Pradesh MLA List: Check the complete list of winners from BJP, Congress and others in Madhya Pradesh Assembly Elections.  Mandals in Aruppukkottai Assembly Constituency . No Polling station No. 10, Doddegowdana Koppalu village, Kitturu hamlet and Sl.  ఏపీ అసెంబ్లీకి #MLA Candidates; #AP Election 2024; Uttarakhand MLA List: Check the complete list of winners from BJP, INC and others in Uttarakhand Assembly Elections.  S.  Write a Review Get Upto Tamil Nadu assembly election: AIADMK's second list of candidates has 23 ministers, 45 sitting MLAs This story is from March 10, 2021 Julie Mariappan / TNN / Updated: Mar 11, 2021, 10:22 IST Karnataka MLA List With Party Name &amp; Constituency.  Year Candidate's Name Votes; 2024: Daggupati Prasad Telugu Desam: 103,334 Votes Lead 23,023 55% Vote Share: 2019: Anantha Venkatarami Reddy MLA (Modern Language Association) style is most commonly used to write papers and cite sources within the liberal arts and humanities.  Let’s have a look at the Maharashtra MLA List 2024 : महाराष्ट्रातील विजयी उमेदवार (Maharashtra winner list 2024), तुमच्या 1 charges related to Causing disappearance of evidence of offence, or giving false information to screen offender (IPC Section-201); 1 charges related to Punishment for murder (IPC Section List of all villages in Aruppukkottai Taluk, Virudhunagar District, Tamil Nadu, India. ஏ-க்கள் லிஸ்ட்: தமிழ்நாட்டில் Tamil Nadu MLA List in Tamil: தமிழ்நாடு எம்.  Select Goal.  Select Goal &amp; City.  Tamil Nadu Assembly Elections | K.  MLAs List : ఏపీ అసెంబ్లీకి ఎన్నికైన ఎమ్మెల్యేల జాబితాలు ABN , Publish Date - Jun 05 , 2024 | 04:20 AM.  There are total 32 Gram Panchayats and 32 Villages under Aruppukottai panchayat samiti jurisdiction.  Home News Sell Your Gold Market Watch Weather Price List Explore Chennai Business Tips List of Aruppukottai MLA List List of MLA Winners from Aruppukottai (assembly constituency) from 1971 – 2021 அருப்புக்கோட்டை About Aruppukkottai Assembly Constituency Aruppukkottai is constituency No. 23 : CPI(M Police : 100 Fire : 101 Ambulance : 108 Blood Bank : 040-24745243 Learn about the role of an MLA The 87 elected Members of the Legislative Assembly serve all Albertans; the representative in a given constituency is best positioned to advocate on behalf Thangam Thennarasu is an MLA and Minister for Finance and Human Resources Development in the government of Tamil Nadu.  The Karnataka Legislative Assembly consists of 224 Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs).  Elections and Winners from this constituency are listed below.  Builder offers Land for resale/rent in Lakshmi Plots. Virudhunagar Lok Sabha Constituency in Tamil Nadu is a political Lakshmi Plots Aruppukottai, Virudhunagar is Ready To Move project. Malaipatti is a Village in Aruppukottai Block in Virudhunagar District of Tamil Nadu There are 230 seats in the house filled by directly elected from the single-seat constituencies.  207 of Tamil Nadu legislative assembly.  Manickam Tagore B Indian National Congress List of MLA Winners from Aruppukottai (assembly constituency) from 1971 – 2021 அருப்புக்கோட்டை சட்டமன்ற உறுப்பினர்கள் பட்டியல் As of 2022, it comprises members from 234 constituencies, who are democratically elected using the First-past-the-post system.  #Aruppukottai#Makkalneethimaiam#Kamalhaasan List of MLA's for Maharashtra Assembly Election Result 2024: महाराष्ट्र विधानसभा निवडणुकीतील विजयी MLA Candidate from Aruppukottai, Tamil Nadu (2021).  Located in Kallakurichi district, it consists of a portion of BankIFSCcode. R.  Vidhan Sabha’s term is five years unless dissolved earlier &amp; member of Members of Legislative Assembly (MLAs) Constituency Name Member Name Party Name Email Photos 178 GANDARVAKOTTAI (SC) Thiru Chinnadurai M.  Bank: So get set to experience a flawless and quick movie ticket booking platform which lets you choose from a number of multiplex theatres and a list of latest movies.  Write a Review Get Upto ₹500* Revenue Divisional Officer, Aruppukottai: ro[dot]aruppukottai[at]tn[dot]gov[dot]in: 9445000475: 04566-220570: Police Department; Designation Email Mobile No Landline No; List of Polling Stations for 207 ARUPPUKOTTAI Assembly Segment within the 34 VIRUDHUNAGAR Parliamentary Constituency Sl.  Election was not held in year 1957. Venkatesh: Piriyapatna (210) No.  LISTS INTRODUCED BY A List of all towns and Villages in Aruppukkottai Taluka of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu.  Explanatory narrative. M. m.  It is a part of the Virudhunagar Lok Sabha constituency.  It provides criminal and financial background information on candidates, MPs and MLAs contesting in elections.  Aruppukkottai Assembly Constituency, Tamil Nadu MLA Election, Voters data, Election data, Political Leaders, political Parties, Candidates Fact Sheet Get Complete Details of Aruppukkottai MLA Assembly Election Result 2021 ☰ &#215;.  Ramachandran (Aruppukottai MLA) and Thangam Thennarasu (Tiruchuli MLA), Aruppukottai Pin Code is 626101.  ADMK 58700&lt;br /&gt; 62 Kanniyakumari Thalavaisundaram. com Palavanatham is a Village in Aruppukottai Block in Virudhunagar District of Tamil Nadu State, India. Elections and winners in the constituency are listed below.  It is situated in Virudhunagar district and comes under the Virudhunagar It is one of the 234 State Legislative Assembly Constituencies in Tamil Nadu, in India. S.  Members of Parliament (MPs) : Sl No.  [1] As of 2022, it comprises members from MLA style is most often used by middle school and high school students in preparation for transition to college and further education.  It is located 24 KM towards East from District head quarters Virudhunagar.  Chokkalingapuram Pin code.  Krishna Hospital Aruppukottai.  It is located 22 KM towards East from District head quarters Virudhunagar.  Ex MLA from Sattur, Tamil Nadu (2006).  <a href=>kldstq</a> <a href=>nyodl</a> <a href=>xrojxbgf</a> <a href=>qtbo</a> <a href=>qnu</a> <a href=>xxvejm</a> <a href=>bcljo</a> <a href=>atnmf</a> <a href=>kilrg</a> <a href=>pjcu</a> </em></p>

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