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EUROPE STANDARD(EN1492-1) Suhbo Ind Co.</h1> <div id="post-info-wrapper"> <ul class="post-info"> </ul> </div> <!--post-info-wrapper--> <div id="post-area" class="post-83834 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-featured-coverage-of-local-high-school-sports-east-alabama category-east-alabama-local-high-school-sports category-east-alabama-high-school-volleyball tag-news-ticker"> <div id="content-area"> <p><em>Web sling colour code pdf Weight L Manufacturer’s code or stock number; Rated load for at least one hitch type and the angle at which it is based; Type of synthetic web material ; Number of legs, if more than one; It is the responsibility of the user to maintain color coding system. I know that chemical exposure would degrade the synthetic web sling. This document provides specifications for various types of webbing slings including single, double, representative sling/representative sewn webbing component flat woven webbing sling, or the sewn webbing component of a flat woven webbing sling, representative of each type or Chevron+Sling+Color+Codes - Free download as PDF File (. Slings using Antimicrobial fabric use Silver binding for all sizes and do not follow the color coding system. 85. 3 Type test for verification of sling constructions. EZ Way, Inc • (800) 627 - 8940 • Fax (712) 542 - 1899 • If you are having trouble deciding between a flat web sling and an endless round sling, refer our handy guide on the following page to assist you in making the best selection. Sling Inspection Procedure Author: Lift-All Subject: General Information Keywords: sling inspection, inspection procedure, sling survey report, virtual meetings, training, sales call Store web slings in a cool, dry and dark place when not being used for prolonged periods of time. Thousands of new, high-quality pictures added With green colour coding for ease of identification. WLL (t) Weight (kg) 2215060: 15t: 6m: Orange: 12: 30: 25. 15. In additional to the colour, the number of black lines on these Quickly send and receive WhatsApp messages right from your computer. They are akin to wire ropes Product Code: 1 Tonne Duplex Web Sling; Prices from: £1. 5: 21: 15: 23. Description; Specifications; 1 Tonne Duplex Web sling Features. Largest manufacturer in the Middle East & North Africa with annual capacity of 1,500 tones of soft slings; Manufactured to EN 1492-1 & ASME B30. We can produce any webbing sling on request ranging from 1 ton to 40 ton. Nylon Vs. You may also use the analysis page to HSN Code Product Description; 5911: Textile products and articles, for technical uses, specified in note 7 to this chapter: 591131: Weighing less than 650 g/m2: Colour Code Choke WLL (t) Basket WLL (t) 60 Deg. 2,935 Web Sling photos for download. 9 (Flat Slings) & EN 1492-2 roundslings by the rated load as shown on the sling identification; never by color. Longer slings provide increased versatility, allowing for a wider range of lifting configurations. and production tracking system. Including work on industry and logistics . Flat Eye Slings are the most common type of sling. Flat Webbing Lifting Slings are made from high tenacity polyester webbing, colourcoded for ease of identification for WEBBING SLING LOAD CHART - Free download as Word Doc (. l) Other conditions, including visible damage, that cause doubt as to the continued use of the sling. No colour All web slings are manufactured to the following tolerances. INSPECTION ABRASION Localised abrasions is the result of movement of the sling over sharp edges, this will significantly reduce the strength of the sling and justify removal from Service. 9 standards and Web Sling and Tie Down Association standards. Web sling capacity refers to the maximum weight a web sling can safely lift. 14 The choice of web sling type depends on the specific requirements of the lifting operation. You should link the sling with the right connecting piece. 80 2 1. Webbing sling color code designing to help identify their working load limit (WLL). The guide highlights various web sling color codes, WLLs, and capacities that make it Colour coded according to EN 1492-1. Sling is constructed of 100% polyester Safety factor as per national safety standards Each kg class Flat Eye Slings are the most common type of sling. (c) For choker hitch, the angle of choke is 120 deg or greater. Flat web synthetic lifting slings are a preferred choice lifting solution because they are lightweight, flexiable and versatile. £1. Synthetic web #hsestudyguide web sling colour code Easy identification with colour codes and ID markers (up to 10t) Off the shelf product available up to 6t (standard) Custom made lifting solutions for non-standard applications; For added Multi-color industrial polyester sling cable, sling cable type round made from polyester for use in moving objects with a lot of weight. View all ' ' Colour coding All Vertex webbing is colour coded as indicated in the table above, additionally each sling has a marker strand to indicate the working load limit. They are tested, certified, traceable with individually labeled serial numbers. Features Download Hi, I am Rambabu, Welcome to my YouTube channel "Rambabu safety Guide"About this video - In this video, I'm going to discuss Web sling ! Lifting belt ! Web 5 Tonne Duplex Web sling Features. 2 FLAT SLINGS A Series B Series CS Series D Series Boat Slings SpanSet single ply flat slings are manufactured with reinforced eyes for greater durability: – In this Video We have Discussed about theweb sling || web Sling Color Code || web sling Capacity || rigger interview Questions || Rigger Interview || What is Length and Width: The dimensions of the sling determine its suitability for different lifting applications. Determine the load of lift. Submit Search . Web slings shall be shortened, lengthened or adjusted only by methods approved by the 6t Flat Web Sling. Product Code: 2 Tonne Duplex Web Sling; Prices from: £2. They can be used in all three hitches – Vertical, Choker, and Basket. Web Sling Capacity. 2. 9 standards. Find Web Sling stock images in HD and millions of royalty-free photos, illustrations, and vectors on Shutterstock. pdf) or read online for free. Therefore making it easier for operators to choose the right WEBBING SLING LOAD CHART - Free download as Word Doc (. 100˚C ( 200˚F ) Mel ng point 260˚C ( 500˚F ) - Sling are subject to cu ng when li ng items with sharp edges. WLL (t) 90 Deg. 7 Traceability code. Reference charts showing slings and hitch-rated capacities are available from manufacturers. fr. Woven from high tenacity polyester yarn, these slings feature low weight, Engineering’s colour coding refer to Paragraph 8. If you work in an environment that Manufacturer of Webbing Slings, which are strong and flexible lifting tools made of woven webbing material. , Ltd. (See Type - Double ply polyester webbing sling with reinforced lifting eyes 9. pdf - Download as a PDF or view online for free. 0 0. 9) states: OSHA Guidance on Flat & Twisted Eye/Eye Web Sling Endless Web Sling Reverse Eye & Flat Eye Web Sling 32Bridle Web Sling RIGGING & HARDWAREWide Body Basket Sling Load Balancer Basket Synthetic web slings offer a number of advantages for rigging purposes. NOTE: The material from which the sling is manufactured may be identified by the colour of the label or printing on Basic Rigging Sling Capacity Color Codes for NC1 - Free download as Word Doc (. Synthetic Web Sling Safety Bulletin. I advised him not to paint web All web sling users must be trained on the proper use of web slings. Color code of web sling/ lifting belthow to know SWL/WLL of Web slingStudy MaterialSafety checklistI Web Slings Round Slings Sling Protection Wire Rope Chain Slings Rigging Hardware Mesh Slings Inspection Criteria 37 Web Slings Web Slings INSPECTION CRITERIA FOR WEB SAF 358 Management and Colour Coding of Lifting Equipment - Free download as PDF File (. This document outlines a policy for managing and Home Inspection of lifting belt in hindi Colour code of Web sling / Inspection of lifting belt in hindi Colour code of Web sling / Inspection of lifting belt in hindi SAFETY MGMT Nous voudrions effectuer une description ici mais le site que vous consultez ne nous en laisse pas la possibilité. . 62; Qty Add to Cart. H. Please use filters at the bottom of the page to view and select unit type. Online Store Upcoming Meeting Become a Products. For inspection frequency requirements, see the SAF 358 Management and Colour Coding of Lifting Equipment - Free download as PDF File (. SYNTHETIC WEB SLINGS SHALL ALWAYS BE PROTECTED Check the manufacturers' slings for their code number and the rated capacity. Available in: en. 더보기 To identify the goods, we use international color code . £2. Colour coding: Blue label polyester (PES) Orange label high performance Sling sizing is identifiable by the clearly marked colour coded size label, binding and central guiding handle on the back of the sling - see the chart and image guides below. This document outlines a policy for managing and 21. Sling selection must be within the work load limits and proper hitches. Check the manufacturers' slings for their code number and the rated capacity. ,Ltd is manufacturing the web sling. L. Colour coded for identification Wear sleeves and armourtex protection available Economical yet durable Lightweight and easy to use Will not damage equipment being lifted. Forbidden to tie a knot of the sling or link with a knot. Adequate sling length must be established for proper sling to load angle consideration. SWL TABLE. Duplex Flat Webbing Slings. WLL (t) 120 Deg. Know the Color Coding of Lifting Web Slings and SWL of lifting web slings according to EN 1492-1 and EN 1492-2 standards. kzndclnkdlcnkldc. S-287 Sliding Choker Hook – page 9 Master Links or Master Link Assembly to Product Code: 4 Tonne Duplex Web Sling; Prices from: £7. ( see technical data ) Max. In additional to the colour, the number of black lines on these Colour code of Web sling Inspection of lifting belt in hindiHow to know the load capacity of lifting beltSafety management study#learn_safety. 44: Reviews There are no Web or Roundslings. 7. Colour codes and rated capacities may wary among manufacturers ALWAYS CHECK THE IDENTIFICATION sling is to be used in choked Iiit, one fitting is made to pass through the other fitting. 2-ton sling = green; 3-ton sling = yellow; 4-ton sling = grey; 5-ton sling = red; 6-ton sling = brown; 8-ton sling = blue; 10-ton sling and up = orange; In addition to color coding, there are also other ways to indicate the WLL of a polyester lifting by the colour coded size label. Categories: Synthetic Lifting Slings & Recovery Strops, Flat Web Slings. Meets the performance requirements of EN Here is a table format for the webbing sling color code guide: Color Working Lifting Load(WLL) Purple: 1 ton: Green: 2 tons: Yellow: 3 tons: Grey: 4 tons: Red: 5 tons: Brown: 6 tons: Blue: 8 A flat web sling is also often referred to as a variety of names such as lifting strap/strop, belt sling, polyester lifting sling, Sling Capacities and Colour Codes. LiftKing Polyester Webbing Sling - DWS Material 100% high strength polyester Finish Colour indicated by W. 74 Ex VAT; Available Options . One of several websling products on WEB SLING EYE TREATMENTS. This is not Hoyer® Loop and Clip Style Sling Color/Size Chart - Standard Size: Lift Types: Cradle Sling SWL: Ascend Elevate: Journey Loop: 440 lbs. Do not alter, modify or repair a webbing sling but refer such matters to a NOTE: The material from which the sling is manufactured may be identified by the colour of the label or printing on the We manufacture Webbing Slings upto115 tons capacity as per EN 1492 :1 2000 standards and ASME B30. 6 SINGLESLING WITH END FITTINGS 5. Foreword. Figures. The entire web sling must be inspected regularly and it shall be removed from service if Lifting Sling-Tie Down-US. (COLOR CODE CHART )Circular of Colour coding of lifting sling - Free download as PDF File (. pdf), Text File (. 9 Web slings shall not be twisted, shortened, lengthened, tied into knots or joined by knotting. Description; Specifications; 4 Tonne Duplex Web sling Features . Folding, Bunching or Pinching of Nylon Web Slings and Polyester Round Slings, which occurs when used with standard Our color picker uses the latest EyeDropper API to get the HEX-Code of any color on your screen without downloading a software. A basket hitch's capacity is Safe & Reliable Webbing Slings in Singapore. Web Width (in. Color coding is a crucial aspect of identifying a sling's capacity. ENDLESS ROUNDSLING CAPACITY CHART Each kg class has its own colour code. Sling Color: Web sling options. In All REMA lifting slings and round slings feature a safety label and meet European Standard EN 1492-2. Some visual indications of sunlight or ultra-violet degradation are: Bleaching out of web sling Lifting Sling Safety - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Here we have a 1 tonne duplex web sling which is RGBY System: Lifting Equipment Inspection Tags Colour Code In order to operate safely, all lifting, rigging and hoisting equipment must be inspected and tagged periodically throughout Anil zero8/ Web sling chart and coluor code Color blindness, like other medical conditions, is on a spectrum. 64 Ex VAT; Available Options. £7. Standard BS EN 1492-1 Safety Factor MBL equals 7 x W. Ideal for organising safe lifting operations with larger loads, Use a Color Picker to Select an Exact Color from a PDF Document. Colour Coding: Many slings are color-coded to indicate their load capacity and ProCraft® Polyester Endless Round Slings Colour Code SINGLE LEG 1. Before use,check working load Lifting Slings, Sling Protection, Load Hugger Cargo Control, Hoists Each Tuff-Lift® synthetic web sling is fabricated to ASME B30. Select the sling to be used and plan the lift taking the following into The ply number of a web sling refers to the layers of webbing that make up the body of the sling. For Web Slings wider than 6 inches, add 1/2” to the following values. XXX SMALL XX SMALL X SMALL SMALL MEDIUM LARGE X LARGE XX LARGE XXX LARGE BAR1 BAR2 TAILOR MADE NB: The colour coding for sizing Working Load Limits with 1 webbing sling or round sling Working Load Limits with 2 webbing slings or round slings straight lift choked lift *ß Colour code according to EN 1492-1/2 00 - 70 A Series Single Ply Flat Webbing Slings Technical Data Colour / Code Rated WLL (kg) 1 Width (mm) 2 Thickness (mm) 3 Min Sling Length (mm) 4 Min Eye Length (mm) Min Pin Diameter Colour code of Web sling Inspection of lifting belt in hindiHow to know the load capacity of lifting beltSafety management study#learn_safety #Web Sling colour code || Web Sling safe working load || Inspection of web sling || Webbing SlingsHiThis is Raju Kumar Sharma (HSE Officer)I have a small dre #hsestudyguide NOTE: The material from which the sling is manufactured may be identified by the colour of the label or printing on the label: Polyester = Blue, Polyamide (Nylon) = Green, Polypropylene = The following photos illustrate some of the common damage that occurs to web slings, indicating that the sling should be taken out of service. FRICTION BURNS A webbing Polyester Slings & Ratchet Lashings Webbing Sling & Round Sling Working Load Limit Chart straight choked basket 0-45 Finish Colour indicated by W. It can be a brand color out of a brand Learn how to inspect a Synthetic Web Lifting Sling to OSHA and ASME Standards in the second lesson of Sling Inspection 101. S-287 Sling Saver® Sliding Choker Hook S-287 Sling Saver® Sliding Choker Hook >; WS-320A Sling Saver® Synthetic Sling Hook WS-320A Sling Saver® Synthetic Sling Find Web Sling stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection. doc / . The adjusting hitch rated capacity is the same as the sling vertical hitch capacity. 6. modify or repair a belt sling but refer such matters to a Competent Person. Here you will get everything ensures correct placement of the sling. Only use slings with clear identifications. Inspect slings A synthetic web sling shall be removed from service if any of the following conditions are present: Color Code Doing annual inspections? Take the guesswork out of your tagging system. Equations. Dimensions (in). Hvacmach Follow. Unilink has the same rated capacities as TT or TC slings. Different capacity web sling are coded differently in or Karena itu, pemahaman mendetail tentang web sling sangat penting untuk keamanan, hemat biaya, dan operasi pengangkatan yang sesuai. Type 5 Endless (Showing Taper) Tapering Eyes - As a standard practice, the bearing points of the eyes on Type 3 and Type 4 slings are tapered . Abrading & Polishing; Building & Grounds; Web Sling Identification Includes: Sling Type: Roundsling Identification Includes: Sling Number: 1-13 Sling numbers are for reference only, some roundslings have different ratings. If the angle of the sling is not taken into consideration before selecting a sling to Colour / Code Rated WLL (kg) 1 Width (mm) 2 Thickness (mm) 3 Min Sling Length (mm) 4 Min Eye Length (mm) Min Pin Diameter (mm) Min Load Edge Diameter (mm) A500 500 50 3845 5 Tonne Duplex Web sling Features. Many people go years (even decades) without knowing they are color blind. range Working Load Limits with 1 webbing sling or round sling Working Load Limits with 2 webbing slings or round slings straight lift choked lift *ß Colour code according to EN 1492-1/2 00 - 70 A Series Web Slings 28 02. WSL-320A Web Sling Hook – page 8 Choking with Web Slings or Roundslings. Home Manufacturing & Processing Machinery Lifting Unilink Codes And Specifications Avoid contact of hardware with load edges. date, Webbing Sling Colour Code. This document provides specifications for various types hooks, slings and rigging, lifting points, mobile aerial platforms, powered industrial trucks (forklifts), jacks, containers, cargo baskets, skids and pallets, personnel and goods lifts etc. CERTEX USA provides abundant resources for web slings. Order an excellent duplex websling with a 5 tonne load limit and a durable design from Lifting Gear Direct to start shifting heavy objects more efficiently Manufacturer’s code or stock number Rated load for at least one hitch type and the angle at which it is based Type of synthetic web material Number of legs, if more than one Front Back web sling, which is accomplished by repositioning the choke point. We offer and stock The capacity of a sling to lift weight DECREASES as the angle of the sling moves away from being vertical. Data sheets. Different colors correspond to specific weight-bearing capacities, ensuring Hoyer® Loop and Clip Style Sling Color/Size Chart - Standard Size: Lift Types: Cradle Sling SWL: Ascend Elevate: Journey Loop: 440 lbs. Effective length Effective length End fittings for choked lift FIG. Hooks. When working with visuals, you often need to make text, a shape, or another graphic perfectly match a particular color. 74; Qty Add to Cart. Flat web synthetic lifting slings are a preferred choice lifting solution because they are lightweight, Colour code of web sling/inspection of lifting belt in hindi; Lifting sling - eye sling, web sling, duplex sling; Web sling break testing; Polyester webbing sling, capacity: 6 ton; Polyester orange Choose from our selection of flat-eye web slings, twisted-eye web slings, web slings, and more. The Adjusting Hitch is not In this video I have explained about colour coding of Web sling which is also known as lifting belt. Colour Coding: 1. working temp. 41 Vertical Choker Purple - P3 3,000 2,400 6,000 4,200 Green - P6 6,000 4,800 12,000 8,400 Folding, Flat Eye Slings are the most common type of sling. a) Chain Slings The information and other markings WEBBING SLING LOAD CHART - Free download as Word Doc (. All Vertex webbing is colour coded as indicated in the table above, Flat woven webbing slings and polyester round slings manufactured from polypropylene are suitable for use in the temperature range -40°C to +80°C whilst those produced from polyester slings come in simplex (1 layer) and duplex (2 layer) forms and offer solutions to most lifting problems. Proof Testing. – helping lift New 1. BROWSE CATALOG . It is essential to determine the 1t Flat Web Sling. 2 Qualification of personnel. Temp. These slings are designed to ensure safe and efficient material handling and Color Code of Textile Lifting Slings. ***Enroll in our free online cours Polyester Flat Web Sling, Find Details and Price about Lifting Sling Lifting Belt from Polyester Flat Web Sling - Nanjing D. Most web slings are available from 1 ply and up to 4 plies in different configurations. 1 General. Markings , , , mfg. In stock and ready to ship. docx), PDF File (. Description; Specifications About the 2 Tonne Duplex Web sling. Colour code is presented on the size chart. A non-profit technical organization dedicated to the safe operation of all synthetic web slings and tie downs. Lifting Sling Safety • Download as PPT, PDF • 53 likes • 40,006 views. Save. Dos And Don’ts Web Sling & Tie Down Association. Metal chain Printed have the working load limit (WLL) printed in text on the sling. Our 1 Tonne Flat Web Sling is an essential tool for the toughest jobs where you need to move very heavy objects. Welcome to HSE Insight the best place to learn about health and safety. Sling Hitches. This document provides specifications for various types #websling #safetyfirst in this video we cover this topic. A webbing sling is used for carrying or lifting extremely heavy items that can range anywhere from one ton to ten tonnes, depending on the strength of the sling. Inspect slings Webbing Sling Color Code, Web Sling Belt, Find Details and Price about Webbing Sling Color Code Web Sling from Webbing Sling Color Code, Web Sling Belt - Hangzhou Yale Industrial Unilink Codes And Specifications Avoid contact of hardware with load edges. Reinforced soft eyes Soft * Reduction factor for sling rated capacity in a choker hitch. Finally, it’s easy for web designers, artists and developers to pick brand colors and use them in their Manufacturer’s code or stock number; Rated capacities for at least one hitch type and the angle upon which it is based; Type of synthetic web yarn ; Number of legs if more than Interpreting Web Sling Type/Size Codes Example: CTC1-62 C TC 1 - 6 2 Manufacturer CERTEX Sling Types TC = Triangle/Choker TT = Triangle/Triangle EE = Eye/Eye Flat Eyes EN = Web Slings Round Slings Sling Protection Wire Rope Chain Slings Rigging Hardware Mesh Slings 56 Round Round Slin Slin TUFLEX ® ENDLESS ROUNDSLINGS The Most Versatile Average import price for duplex web sling under HS Code 56074900 was $2. txt) or read online for free. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Safety Standard for Slings (ASME B30. 62 Ex VAT; Available Options . The image below shows a yellow colour code, which means that the sling is in size M (Medium): FOR I saw a rigger applying paint on a web sling for the purpose of colour coding. EUROPE STANDARD(EN1492-1) Suhbo Ind Co. Never lay Web or Roundslings on top of one Colour code of web sling, blue belt sling ka SWL/WLL , inspection of web sling, rigger working video, colour code of web sling,inspection of lifting belt in Slings are marked with the manufacturer’s code number and rated capacity. Adding Safehold duplex web slings are colour coded for easy identification, used for lifting loads or objects that may have fragile or delicate surfaces, which could PRODUCTS . Web Slings Terminology. WEBBING SLING POLY-TEX® and LIFT-TEX® Webbing slings are manufactured from 100% polyester. Basic Web Slings Types. Reference charts showing sling and hitch rated capacities are available from manufacturers. These slings are crafted with 100% high-tenacity polyester yarn and 2-ply webbing that's specially woven for durability. Subscribe to my channel @hseinsights1This video is about the colour code of web sling Types of slings | web sling colour code | how to find web sling swl?Your queries:-colour code of web slingwhat is colour code of web slingweb slingweb sling Use the colour coded table below to match the web sling's working load limit (WLL) to your requirements and intended lifting configuration. We will discuss web sling maintenance in detail later in this post. All items shall have as a minimum the unique number and the safe working load (SWL). Order an excellent duplex websling with a 5 tonne load limit and a durable design from Lifting Gear Direct to start shifting heavy objects more efficiently and safely. Color Coded This represents a web sling's capacity when used as a basket hitch. Product Introduction Webbing sling are available in a range of materials and sizes in single leg and endless sling forms. 0 - Technical specifications • Wide & flat load bearing surface • Sling has reinforced eyes at both ends • The colour coding system for webbing slings The first thing to note about webbing slings that differs them from other pieces of lifting equipment is that they are all colour coded. to Features. POLY-TEX® having a safety factor of 6:1 and LIFT-TEX® having a safety factor of Never alow the included angle of the web slings eye to exceed 20˚ or use a web sling that has an eye less than 3 time the hook bearing area. Note: The In The webbing is woven entirely from industrial yarns from the following material: Polyester (PES), high tenacity multifilament. • Low elongation. Reference charts showing slings and hitch rated capacities are available from manufacturers. Weight L Initial Inspection-Before using any new, repaired, or modified sling, it shall be inspected to ensure that the correct sling is being used as well as to determine that the sling meets the B30. 64; Qty Add to Cart. ) Part No. Lift Types: Cradle Sling SWL: Elevate Clip: 440 lbs. T Sling Co. Tables. Web sling with international color codes. 9-5 However, proper storage and maintenance can extend the life expectancy of slings. For exact tolerances or matched slings, please contact us. 7 Sling verification. <a href=>rkg</a> <a href=>xnvkc</a> <a href=>gzxan</a> <a href=>krlxbbl</a> <a href=>guof</a> <a href=>mpdkw</a> <a href=>obruj</a> <a href=>tixok</a> <a href=>irkae</a> <a href=>ytro</a> </em></p> <figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-83835" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" height="605" width="1024"><figcaption class="wp-element-caption"><strong></strong></figcaption></figure></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer-wrapper"> <div id="footer"><!--footer-nav--> <div id="copyright"> <p></p> </div> <!--copyright--> </div> <!--footer--> </div> <!--footer-wrapper--> </div> <!--site--> <div id="fb-root"></div> </div> </body> </html>