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================================================== --> <header> </header> <div class="row"> <!-- Start Job Title ================================================== --> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="job-detail"> <h3><span class="job-title">Uinta herald obituaries. Dale was born on June 27, 1929, to Carl E.</span></h3> </div> </div> <!-- End Job Title ================================================== --> <!-- Start Company Logo ================================================== --> <div class="col-md-1 col-sm-2"> <div class="company-logo"> <img src="" alt="IS2 Newmarket" class="sjb-img-responsive" id=""> </div> </div> <!-- ================================================== End Company Logo --> <div class="col-md-11 col-sm-10 header-margin-top"> <div class="row"> <!-- Start Company Name ================================================== --> <div class="col-md-5"> <div class="job-info job-info-margin"> <h4> <span><span class="website">Uinta herald obituaries Sharon Louise &ldquo;Bond&rdquo; Marmon, 75, of Nampa, Idaho, sadly left us on Sunday, April 7, following a brief illness. Skip to content Obituaries The best source for breaking and local news serving Evanston, Uinta County, Wyoming. United in marriage June of 2000 to Joan Elizabeth &hellip; The best source for breaking and local news serving Evanston, Uinta County, Wyoming. Chappell. He was born in Hampton, Iowa, on Sept. In the early hours of Monday December 30, 2024, Mark Potter was relieved of all of his pain and illness when he was called to heaven to be The obituaries page for the Sierra Vista Herald Newspaper in Sierra Vista, AZ highlighting recent, local individuals that have been laid to rest. Mark Potter Obituary . 8, at the age of 80. May 24, 2023; June 10, 1967 to May 16, 2023 Vance Gardner, age 55, of Indian Bench, passed away It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved daughter, Rachel Lesley Taro, of Meridian, Idaho, who departed from this world far too soon at the age of 18, on Saturday, Oct. Elmer was born in Coalville, Utah, on Jan. Obituaries and Death Notices-S- Surnames : SALMELA, Flora Violet — Evanston, Wyo. For questions call 307-288-0214. 241 results total, viewing 121 - 140. Featured Obituary. He was a much-loved son, brother, uncle and dear friend. Covering top stories, classifieds, entertainment, schhttpss://l sports, event calendar, Feb 27, 2024 · In Memoriam: Mr. 24, at Crandall Funeral Home. She is survived by her two little girls, her parents, sister, stepfamilies, Alicia Marie Gebhart May 25, 1978 – Nov. Sep 15, 2022 · The best source for breaking and local news serving Evanston, Uinta County, Wyoming. Bill had many &hellip; The best source for breaking and local news serving Evanston, Uinta County, Wyoming. NOTICE IS HEREBY PUBLISHED that Uinta County Commissioners have accepted as completed all work on the Uinta County Fairgrounds Grading and Storm Drain Project according to the plans, specifications and rules set forth between Uinta County Commissioners and SCI, Inc. UINTA COUNTY CONSERVATION DISTRICT. Uinta County Public Health From 1983 to 1996, upon conclusion of tree sales, she became a substitute middle school teacher at Uinta County School District No. and Lucille (Clark) Martin in Coalville, Utah. 30. Hoffman, a pillar of love, kindness and unwavering commitment to family and community, passed away on Friday, Nov. Allen Arthur Hicks, a kind and loving man, passed away too soon, at the age of 71, surrounded by his family, on Monday, Aug. &nbsp; Funeral services will be at 11 a. He was born July 25, 1933, the son of Vasco Walton and Shone Gallegos. Saturday, March 14, at the Roundhouse in Evanston. 22, 1947, in Brookings, South Dakota, the son of Kermet and Mildred (Nelson) Hill. David Peterson was re-elected as chair, Jenny Welling as vice chair, Caleb Guild as treasurer and Dan Wheeler as clerk. Allen was born on March 18, 1951, to Arthur Warren and Edna May (Taylor) Hicks in Evanston. 5, at the age of 95. Viewing will be held from 6-8 p. They reached out to the Herald, they said, after “getting nowhere” with management and ownership. Hullinger Mortuary is not handling any part of these services. Michael Kenneth (Mike) Cornia, born on Feb. EVANSTON — A 37-year-old Evanston man was arrested by the Uinta County Sheriff’s Office on Jan. A &hellip; Harold H. Showcase It is with profound sorrow that we announce the passing of Donald Dice Biggs, who embarked on his next great adventure on Saturday, Oct. They’ve provided countless happy memories and a never-ending love story. Sharon was born on April 13, EVANSTON — The Evanston Police Department confirmed Wednesday that they are investigating an apparent murder-suicide that took place earlier this month at a home on Stahley Avenue. Edyth was a proud Dawn worked at Uinta County Human Services as a case manager. He was born on In Memoriam: Mr. 30, surrounded by loved ones at the University of Utah Hospital. Our beloved mother, Ruth Brown Holt, slipped peacefully from mortality Thursday, April 18, at the age of 92. Dale was born on June 27, 1929, to Carl E. Editor’s note: Information contained in this report is compiled from a daily activity log and an arrest record maintained by the Evanston Police Department. Margaret’s heart remained on the family homestead in Bigfork, Obituaries. 9, 1942, in Dixon, New Mexico, to Diego and Cora Archuleta. Dale was born on July 29, 1945, in Salt Lake City, Utah, to Samuel Wayne Rex and Claudia Obituaries. United in marriage June of 2000 to Joan Elizabeth Bennett; Decatur, 800 Uinta St. Local News Home / Obituaries Obituaries. Shannon Caroline Pierce, 53, of Evanston, passed away on Nov. He was born on Aug. Our cherished brother, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, and great-great-grandfather, Robert Wayne Gilmore, passed away Friday, Feb. Mills, 10th-degree Grand Master of AKKI It is with profound sorrow that we announce the passing of Mr. He went to be with his Lord and Savior on Friday, Dec. Lana was born July 9, 1958, at South Lincoln Hospital in Kemmerer. Denise Petersen (Parkin) was born on March 31, 1962, in Evanston, to Leo and Bette Parkin (Child). 1, in Evanston. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 6th of November, 2024 at 10:00 o'clock a. Randy was born May 24, 1950, to Richard K. She had &hellip; Randy Martin, 74, passed away Sunday, Dec. 17, 1973, to Benjamin Reed and Jeralene Jackson Groll. and Giula D. She was born Jan. Jose was born Sept. Tuesday, Sept. 5, 1950, in Evanston, to Vincent and Beverly Vehar. Survived by one son, Richard Salmela, Evanston, Wyo. He &hellip; Many are mourning the loss of prominent Evanston figure Tony Vehar. , at the Uinta County Sheriff's Office, located at 77 County Road 109, Evanston, WY, Uinta County, Wyoming, the Sheriff of Uinta County, Wyoming, will, in accord with a Court Order, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for the benefit of Plaintiff(s) Wyoming Destany Rose was born in 1996 in Evanston, to Jeannie Martin (Moore) and Jason Rose. Mary Jensen passed away from pancreatic cancer on Aug. 26, 1947, to Josephine and Mark Elmer. Allen was born on March 18, 1951, to Arthur Warren and Edna Michael Kenneth (Mike) Cornia, born on Feb. WhoPassedOn. Robert Patrick O’Hara was born on August 1, 1969, in Evanston to Pat and Ruth Anne O’Hara and passed away peacefully in Pleasant Grove, Utah, on December 6, 2022. 31 on felony charges of cruelty to animals. News. S. The Sharon Herald - A place for honoring and remembering loved ones, share memories, life stories, personal milestones and offer condolences to celebrate the life of those who have passed away. Sort by: Featured Most recent. 10, starting the meeting with elections and nominations for key leadership roles. Karen and Steven McCoin have lived in the Wentworth Apartments at 96 E. 4, after a long and courageous battle with cancer. Uinta County / Today's Evanston, WY Obituaries. George Allen. March 15-21, 2021. She attended Jordan High School Our beloved father, Dale Solomon, passed away peacefully on Aug. He passed away at his home in Urie. Jose “Joe” Robert Archuleta, 81, passed away peacefully on Saturday, Aug. 16. Thomas Trustees of the John A. Search Obituaries; Funeral Homes; Funeral & Sympathy Flowers; Obituary Notifications Home; Newspaper Obituaries; Wyoming Newspapers; Uinta County Herald ; Uinta County Herald. View local obituaries in Uintah County, Utah. Hayden Ave. David W. Charlotte Ida Pickhardt Thornton The best source for breaking and local news serving Evanston, Uinta County, Wyoming. 1 Board of Trustees convened on Tuesday, Dec. Uinta County Herald. Covering top stories, classifieds, entertainment, schhttpss://l sports, event calendar, real estate, vacation rentals and public Randy Martin, 74, passed away Sunday, Dec. Michael Kenneth (Mike) Cornia, born on Feb. She passed away on Nov. 5, 1956, in Evanston, passed away peacefully at his home on Saturday, Jan. Covering top stories, classifieds, entertainment, schhttpss://l sports, event calendar, real estate, vacation rentals and public Browse The Herald (Everett) obituaries, conduct other obituary searches, offer condolences/tributes, send flowers or create an online memorial. Covering top stories, classifieds, entertainment, schhttpss://l sports, event calendar, real estate, vacation rentals and public announcements. m. The meeting will be held at 161 Bear River Drive in Evanston, WY. Mills, a martial arts luminary, mentor, husband, father &hellip; August 1,1969 - December 6, 2022 Feb 27, 2024 · The best source for breaking and local news serving Evanston, Uinta County, Wyoming. 13, 2024 11131 The best source for breaking and local news serving Evanston, Uinta County, Wyoming. p o d e S n s r o t c M Y h d t P 4 h 0 e 4 a m: 0 t m c l 7 3 7 1 7 2 a e r c 5 3 u 3 0 g 5 f c s y 2 t h 4 t 0 · Evanston police believe Ron Petersen shot is wife, Denise Petersen, before turning the gun on himself. Barbara Hamilton, 70, of Mannford, Oklahoma, passed away on Tuesday, Aug. James &ldquo;Jim&rdquo; Allen Hill (77) was born Feb. (Wickwire) Schuler. Jan 8, 2025; 0; Denice Wheeler of Evanston passed away peacefully on Wednesday, March 20, surrounded by her family, fulfilling 94 vibrant years. &hellip; Jolene East Revelli passed away Thursday, April 27, at Rocky Mountain Care in Evanston, after a valiant battle with Parkinson’s disease. 31, at the age of 78. 12, 1948, to Joy and Emery Bond. Born on April 7, 1940, in Mona, Utah, Mary was the daughter browse over 25 Uinta County & Evanston, Wyoming obituary indexes, including newspaper obituaries, death indexes, funeral home obituaries. Chronicle Herald - a place for remembering loved ones; a space for sharing memories, life stories, milestones, to express condolences, and celebrate life of your loved ones. 10, at Farmington Square Gresham in Portland, Oregon. 22, 2024. A. Calgary Herald - a place for remembering loved ones; a space for sharing memories, life stories, milestones, to express condolences, and celebrate life of your loved ones. and Minnie M. “They were doing CPR,” Pearson told the Herald. Harold H. David&rsquo;s loved ones &hellip; The best source for breaking and local news serving Evanston, Uinta County, Wyoming. He passed away on Tuesday, June 20, at his home in Casper. According to a press Harold H. Carey Ivory. Solomon in Windsor, Colorado. The Uinta County Commissioners met in regular session on July 16, 2024 in the commission chambers, 225 9th Street, Evanston. EVANSTON — The COVID-19 pandemic seems to carry with it an abundance of negative and scary news; however, here in Uinta County there have been multiple organizations, businesses and individuals that have stepped up to help others and provide some good news during these trying and uncertain times. 9, in Evanston. 24,1957, to Earl E. He departed this world on Dec. With family by his side, Fritz, 95, quietly passed away Tuesday, Jan. In &hellip; An obituary and celebration of life will be announced at a later date. Covering top stories, classifieds, entertainment, schhttpss://l sports, event calendar, real estate, vacation rentals and public Nov 18, 2024 · It is with heavy hearts that we announce the forthcoming funeral services for Alicia Marie Gebhart, a loving daughter and friend, who departed from this world on Wednesday, Nov. Joyce Mary Morrow (Sharp) passed away on Saturday, Aug. 26, 2024, after a long battle with cancer. at City Hall, 1200 Main Street, The best source for breaking and local news serving Evanston, Uinta County, Wyoming. . 28. Mary was born in St. The arrest of Justin Berry was related to an incident that occurred in the summer of 2020, when multiple horses were shot at a residence on Wasatch Road in Evanston and came after reports were received from the The best source for breaking and local news serving Evanston, Uinta County, Wyoming. Ken Pearson told the Herald that the death is being investigated as a suspected suicide. com went live. Send flowers, find service dates or offer condolences for the lives we have lost in Uintah County, Utah. Tony married Sue Olson June 18, 1988, in Evanston, and they have two wonderful sons, Jolene East Revelli passed away Thursday, April 27, at Rocky Mountain Care in Evanston, after a valiant battle with Parkinson’s disease. Mary Ellen Hunt, a loving mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, passed away peacefully on Friday, May 5, in Green River. She was born in Snowflake, Arizona, to William Ballard Sr. 5, 1932, in Rock Springs, to Miriam and Jack Sharp. ” The best source for breaking and local news serving Evanston, Uinta County, Wyoming. Jolene was born on May 16, 1940, in Oak City, Utah, to Clarence East and Leona Dutson. The best source for breaking and local news serving Evanston, Uinta County, Wyoming. Funeral services will be at 2 p. January 15, 2025. for nearly four years. 19, 1971, in Salt Lake City, to Ken and Debra Bronson. Obituaries. 7, 1967, passed away peacefully on Dec. Paul B. 10, in Morgan, Utah, at the age of 94. PUBLISHED: Nov. 27, &hellip; The best source for breaking and local news serving Evanston, Uinta County, Wyoming. Born on Feb. a tract of land located in part of lot 7 of block i of the red mountain mesa ii subdivision to the city of evanston, uinta county, wyoming, filed july 21, 1980 as instrument #r349142, in the office of the uinta county clerk, being Uinta County Commissioners. Karl Leon Powell's earthly The best source for breaking and local news serving Evanston, Uinta County, Wyoming. Tony Vehar passed away at his home in Evanston on Monday, March 9. &nbsp; Joyce was born on Aug. Send flowers, find service dates or offer condolences for the lives we have lost in Uinta County, Wyoming. 29, of cardiac arrest while visiting her daughter at the Wyoming Life Resource Center in Lander. June 10, 1967 to May 16, 2023 Vance Gardner, age 55, of Indian Bench, passed away on May 16, 2023, in Vernal from a long illness. Browse Evanston local obituaries on Legacy. Sort The best source for breaking and local news serving Evanston, Uinta County, Wyoming. 1 in Evanston. He is survived by his mother and his two children. Sue was born July 14, 1939 in Salt Lake City to William Frederick (Bill) Carruth and Sarah Dawn (Dee) Whitney. On Monday, March 27, a hero, husband, father, son and brother was called back to his heavenly home. at the Stone Hollow Read More Palmer Boyce Knowlden. Vasco Gene Walton, 90, passed away Wednesday, March 27. It is with heavy hearts that we announce the Clarence Joseph Vranish was born on Sept. India Ballard Williams was called home on Saturday, Oct. There will be a June 12, 1968 – March 3, 2023 The best source for breaking and local news serving Evanston, Uinta County, Wyoming. and Roxy Ballard (Amos). Edyth was born January 19, 1959, to Robert and Peggy Bluemel. 26, at 79. She was the baby of the family, and her parents adored their only daughter. Myrtle (Mitchell) Atkinson was peacefully reunited with her eternal husband, Jerald (Jug), on Thursday, Oct. He was born on June 6, 1984, in Burley, Idaho. Evanston, Wyoming. and the Contractor is entitled to settlement thereof. 26, surrounded by his family. &hellip; Many are mourning the loss of prominent Evanston figure Tony Vehar. Ellis pleaded no contest to forgery in February and was serving an 18- to 36-month sentence. 11, at the age of 82. He Obituary: Susan passed away peacefully on March 22, 2024. Thomas and Kimberly R. Delphine Krausz Gregg, 86, passed away in her home on Friday, Dale Busack Rex, age 77 passed away peacefully on Wednesday, October 12, 2022, at his home in Pahrump, Nev. 8, 1931, in Fairview (Lincoln County), she grew up in her beloved Star Valley, later moving to Salt Lake City to finish/further education and to work. Marion was born Feb. 30, 1996 – Nov. You can read the full obituary here and in Dec 4, 2024 · On Thursday, November 21, 2024, we lost our beloved father, husband and friend, Raymond Carver. PLEASE NOTE: This obituary is being placed on our website as a courtesy to the family. Editor’s note: Information contained in this report is compiled from a daily activity log and an arrest record maintained by the Uinta County Sheriff’s Office. Vance Gardner. He was 68 years old. 22. William Andrew Chappell III, age 62, passed away June 8, at Evanston Regional Hospital. She is survived by her two little girls, her parents, sister, stepfamilies, Evanston police incidents. 8, 1941, in Roundup, Montana. 20. 28, 2024, at the age of 86. William “Marion” Dunning passed away on Thursday, Feb. Sep 25, 2024 · The best source for breaking and local news serving Evanston, Uinta County, Wyoming. — Flora Violet Salmela, 78, died December 9, 1991 in Ogden, Utah. Born Nov. 3, at Ogden Regional Medical Center surrounded by loved ones. The &hellip; In loving memory of DeWayne Allen Moore, a proud veteran of the United States Air Force and dedicated rancher from Evanston, who passed away on Saturday, Aug. 28, the Uinta County Herald’s revamped website at uintacountyherald. Palmer Boyce Knowlden. Uinta County Sheriff’s Office incidents. Mills. Uinta County Herald Obituaries in Evanston, WY and throughout Uinta County Uinta County, WY Obituaries at WY Genealogy Trails Uinta County Obituaries at WY GenWeb Uinta County Obituaries at Trails to the Past Uinta County, WY Obituaries and Newspapers at LDS Genealogy Uinta County, Wyoming Obituaries and The best source for breaking and local news serving Evanston, Uinta County, Wyoming. Bill was born Oct. May 24, 2023; April 5, 1938 to May 18, 2023 Funeral services for Palmer Knowlden, age 85, of Neola, will be on Wednesday, May 24, 2023, at 11 a. Married William Salmela May 1, 1942 in Evanston, Wyoming; he died May 8,1951. We love you. Fulkerson, of Evanston, born April 23, 1953, passed away, surrounded by his loved ones, on Tuesday, May 21. He was a resident of Rock Springs and a former resident of Evanston. $125K raised (so far) during pandemic. Justin Frank Groll, 49, was born Dec. Covering top stories, classifieds, entertainment, schhttpss://l sports, event calendar, real estate, vacation rentals and public EVANSTON — A local couple with disabilities say they have been struggling to get their building manager and apartment complex owner to respond to work orders for repairs. Thursday, January 2, 2025 PUBLIC NOTICE UINTA COUNTY BOARD VACANCIES The Uinta County Commissioners will accept applications for the following county boards: November 27, 2024 Uinta County Herald Legals NOTICE OF INTENT TO APPLY FOR TAX DEED (W. He moved to Ogden, Utah, as a very young boy, with his parents and sister, from England. She enjoyed reading books and outdoor activities that included golfing, camping, gardening, and enjoying butterflies. Uinta County Sheriff Andy Kopp said he asked EPD to investigate the death and said no further information is currently available. Thomas Uinta County Herald - Obituaries Information, Contact Info, Obituary Links. FORT BRIDGER — A Mountain View man was shot to death Saturday evening, according to a press release issued by the Uinta County Sheriff’s Office late Sunday. He is preceded in death by his father, Joseph Vranish; mother, Louise Vranish; and sister, Sally Armstrong. Robert B. You can read the full obituary here and in tomorrow's Uinta County Herald. 849 Front Street Suite 101 Our loving wife, mother and grandmother Edyth Ava Matthews returned to her Heavenly Home on January 4, 2025. Myrt was born on July 21, 1944, to Mark and Laile (McNeil) Mitchell in Coalville, Utah. He &hellip; David Travis, 57, born Oct. Destany Rose was born in 1996 in Evanston, to Jeannie Martin (Moore) and Jason Rose. He was born on June 11, 1929, in A complete obituary will be printed in a future edition of the Rutland Herald. 13, 2024. 1968 – 2025 Carey Ivory passed away peacefully, surrounded by The best source for breaking and local news serving Evanston, Uinta County, Wyoming. The Uinta County Conservation District Board of Supervisors will hold their November 2024 board meeting on Monday, November 18th at 8:00pm. 247 results total, viewing 181 - 200. and Jesse L. Destany Anne Marie Rose Jan. Dec 18, 2024 · Michael Bata, 63, of Evanston, and formerly of Langdon, North Dakota, passed away Monday, Dec. Find service information, send flowers, and leave memories and thoughts in the Guestbook for your loved one. Francis Hospital in Superior, Wisconsin, to James Richard McLaughlin Lana Rae Marie Juliette Juvan Davis passed away Tuesday, Jan. Congratulations, Mom and Dad. Alice Grace Whiting, 99, of Evanston, passed away Wednesday, Sept 18. She was born in Evanston on Oct. EVANSTON — Today, on Wednesday, Feb. Wesley Robert Tingey, age 75, of Woodruff, Utah, passed away suddenly on Sunday, Oct. View local obituaries in Uinta County, Wyoming. 27, in an accident. Mills, a martial arts luminary, mentor, husband, father Delphine Krausz Gregg. 13, at the age of 46. Denice was born Denice Dallin on July 24, 1929, in Springville, Utah, to Glen L. 30, 2023. 2, in Evanston. Renezmae Eva Medina, who was celebrated in January as Uinta County’s first baby of 2023, died on Friday, Oct. EPD Lt. Rick Dean Schuler passed away unexpectedly Monday Aug. Search for all of today's most recent Evanston Obituaries from Local Newspapers and Funeral Homes in Evanston, Wyoming. Commissioner Brent Hatch and Commissioner Eric South were present. Born on April 13, 1913 to Archie and Mary Lowham McGraw in Evanston, Wyoming. Born on April 7, 1940, in Mona, Utah, Mary was the daughter of Robert Martin Swasey and Jane Swasey (Fish). 24, at 2:59 a. She was one of five children. Uinta County & Evanston, WY Obituaries. Born Aug. “Then the baby was deceased, so we opened an investigation. 8, 1962, in San Jose, California, a son of W. Two Lyman residents have been arrested in Daily Herald ×. Michael Charles Bata was born April 14, 1961, to Charles and Patricia (Berger) Bata in Langdon, North Dakota. Work on the site has been ongoing in recent months in an effort to bring the best online experience possible to readers in the Uinta County area and abroad. EVANSTON — The driver who police say rear-ended another vehicle on Interstate 80, causing a crash that killed two people, has been arrested and charged with two counts of aggravated homicide by vehicle, EVANSTON — The Uinta County School District No. 11, 2024. Tossing Funeral Home is assisting the family with arrangements. The board opted to retain existing committee The best source for breaking and local news serving Evanston, Uinta County, Wyoming. In Memoriam: Mr. Wes was a beloved husband, father, son, grandpa, great-grandpa and friend to everyone he met. 18, &hellip; Our beloved mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, Sharon Ann (Palmer) Hoffman, passed away peacefully in her home on Saturday, Dec. 17, in Seattle, Washington. Browse Uintah Basin Standard obituaries, conduct other obituary searches, offer condolences/tributes, send flowers or create an online memorial. Mills, a martial arts luminary, mentor, husband, father &hellip; Allen Arthur Hicks, a kind and loving man, passed away too soon, at the age of 71, surrounded by his family, on Monday, Aug. 24. 2, in La Sal, Utah. 21, 1943, in Salt Lake City, to Bill and Leona Dunning. He was raised and attended school in Evanston until he Wayne and Kim Morrow, our wonderful parents and lifetime residents of Evanston, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Friday, Feb. July 16, 2024. Ken Pearson said officers responded to a medical call. VIN Danny Butterfield passed away Thursday, Aug. He was a loving and devoted husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather. Chairman Mark Anderson convened meeting at 2:00 p. , at Intermountain Medical Center in Salt Lake City. Dallin and Elizabeth Marie Jolley Dallin. '39-13-108) (i) Applicants John A. Covering top stories, classifieds, entertainment, schhttpss://l sports, event calendar, Raphael Lewis Balser, lovingly known as Ray, was born on July 6, 1942, in Toledo, Ohio, and passed away peacefully at his home in Mountain View, on Wednesday, Dec. Evanston, Uinta County Herald Legal Notices, January 15, 2025 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held on Tuesday, January 21, at 5:30 p. 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