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================================================== --> <header> </header> <div class="row"> <!-- Start Job Title ================================================== --> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="job-detail"> <h3><span class="job-title">Town of orangeville jobs. Last Update 3/18/2024 ; Contact Name Sylvia Bradley; .</span></h3> </div> </div> <!-- End Job Title ================================================== --> <!-- Start Company Logo ================================================== --> <div class="col-md-1 col-sm-2"> <div class="company-logo"> <img src="" alt="IS2 Newmarket" class="sjb-img-responsive" id=""> </div> </div> <!-- ================================================== End Company Logo --> <div class="col-md-11 col-sm-10 header-margin-top"> <div class="row"> <!-- Start Company Name ================================================== --> <div class="col-md-5"> <div class="job-info job-info-margin"> <h4> <span><span class="website">Town of orangeville jobs Are you planning to do construction or excavation work in the Town of Orangeville? Will you be transporting a heavy load on Orangeville roads? You may need to apply for an excess load permit through Dufferin County. The specific type of Police Record Check required will be indicated in The Corporation of the Town of Orangeville. Explore drop-in recreation programs and view schedules, program descriptions, rates and more. Review our schedules and maps before planning your trip. Orangeville, ON L9W 3R1. Check out our current volunteer opportunities. Each event aims to address a specific need in our community while Welcome to the Town of Orangeville! Our community has all the amenities you need, combined with a small-town feel, surrounded by rural landscapes. 00 - $10. pdf Agenda HTML Tax Rates are set each year by the Town, County and Province for all tax classes. The Corporation of the Town of Orangeville. “On behalf of the Town of Orangeville, our residents and businesses, we welcome Chief John Snider to our community,” says David Smith, chief administrative officer, Town of Orangeville. Whether you are looking to get married, order a birth or death certificate, build or renovate your home, apply for a dog licence, or start a new business, we can help. Use our interactive map to see each development application currently being processed. This is a one (1) year contract position, anticipated to begin May 2024. The Town of Aurora – a great place to work! The Town of Aurora is committed to fostering an inclusive, accessible environment where all employees and members of the public feel valued, respected and supported. The Town has an opportunity available for the position of Co-ordinator, Records. Despite what the stock market is doing, there are indeed jobs in Orangeville, Ontario. Sort by: relevance - date. If your application requires accommodation, please contact People Services at (905) 584-2272 Ext. The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) is the head of the Town's administrative structure by providing leadership and direction. The Town of Orangeville’s budget is made up of two major pieces: 🔹 Town-run services – set by the Town (2. Day shift +1. In fact, at this very moment there are 78 Orangeville, ON job openings ready for your resume and cover letter today. ca The Town of Orangeville’s two-year fare-free transit pilot program will be extended until July 21, 2027. Stay up to date on Orangeville activities, events, programs and operations by subscribing to our many eNewsletters. Labatt Breweries of Canada 3. Email: [email protected] We are dedicated to giving our employees fulfilling careers. Orangeville Council received an update at this week’s meeting from Chief Superintendent Dwight Peer, Commander of OPP Central Region and Acting Inspector Nicol Randall, Interim Commander The Town of Orangeville is committed to environmental sustainability. Riding with Us. 30 Centre Street, Orangeville ON L9w 2x1- The Edelbrock Centre. Toggle Section New to Orangeville Menu History and Heritage; Hospitals and Health Care; The Town is committed to diversity and inclusivity in employment and welcomes applications from qualified individuals of diverse backgrounds. Drop In Programs. Alder Recreation Centre - Alder | Lap Pool . You can also apply for an accessible parking permit in order to park in accessible Town Hall 87 Broadway Orangeville, ON L9W 1K1. 2023-2027 Town of Orangeville Corporate Strategic Plan. Application. Responds to many applications. Uncover why The Corporation of the Town of Orangeville invites applications for the position of Project Manager – Stormwater Infrastructure Services Department (Full-time position, 35 hours per week) Located on the north-west edge of the Greater Toronto Area, less than one hour’s drive from Toronto and yet only moments away from the unspoiled, natural beauty of the Niagara Check out the current development applications in the Town of Orangeville. Community Services Department . Find the relevant information you need to explore the opportunity of doing business in Orangeville. jobs jobs in Orangeville, ON. We are dedicated to Search 47 Town jobs now available in Orangeville, ON on Indeed. Material Handler. Part-time. Thu, Jan 16th, 2025. In case of an emergency, dial 911. It is essential to assess the conditions of each storm pond on its function and performance to prioritize capital investments for operational and maintenance work. ca. Chief Administrative Officer. Get the inside scoop on jobs, salaries, top office locations, and CEO insights. 4738. 17. Accommodations are available for all parts of the recruitment process. Please review the job vacancies posted to learn more about how you can make a difference at Dufferin County. Altium Packaging 2. Experienced G Licensed driver with an excellent driving record. Full-time. Toggle Section New to Orangeville Menu History and Heritage; Hospitals and Health Orangeville Transit has arranged the purchase of two new fully accessible, AODA compliant buses. Up to $21. The Town of Orangeville and the Lord Dufferin Chapter of the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire (IODE) have partnered to install a new tree sculpture honouring the group’s work in the Orangeville area. Assistant Manager. Learn more about Orangeville's creative side here. Crossing Guard . Located on the north-west edge of the Greater Toronto Area, less than one hour’s drive from Toronto and yet only moments away from the unspoiled, natural beauty of the Niagara Escarpment, the Town of Orangeville (“Town”) The Corporation of the Town of Orangeville invites applications for the position of Co-ordinator, Facilities Operations Community Services Department (Full-time position, 40 hours per week) Located on the north-west edge of the Greater Toronto Area, less than one hour’s drive from Toronto and yet only moments away from the unspoiled, natural beauty of the Niagara Town of Orangeville | 2,895 followers on LinkedIn. 6%) Recognizing the economic pressures we all face, staff worked hard this year to create a budget that prioritized investments rooted in community. Please review our road permit applications and find out how to apply. Positions Open 49. A review was also completed in 2018 comprising the same project elements, producing Search 538 Full Time jobs now available in Orangeville, ON on Indeed. invites applications for the position of Winter Control Labourer Infrastructure Services (Contract position, 35 hours per week) The Town of Orangeville invites job seekers and commuters to explore local employment opportunities at the Orangeville & Area Job Fair on Tuesday, October 17. to 4 p. Swim and splash your way to birthday fun! Explore the programs and incentives offered by the Town of Orangeville to help businesses in our community. “ Effective Before you begin any excavation or digging project in the Town of Orangeville, you need to obtain the utility locates. 22 spot(s) left. Department Department Check/Uncheck All. Date: Tuesday, October 1, 2024 | Time: 3 to 7 p. Program Registration Dates. The Town of Orangeville is deeply grateful to Acting Fire Chief Mike Richardson who has led the Town’s Fire Service since Chief Morden’s departure. The full-time, 40-hours-per-week job pays $31. Skip to Job Postings. Pay: $18/hr (up to $35,360/year) + Bonus Ability + Benefits. If passed, taxes for Orangeville residents would increase by 4. In just a few weeks, Orangeville Council will begin to review the 2025 Budget —a vital process that keeps our town running smoothly! Did you know? Only a portion of the taxes collected each year fund local projects and services, including: The Corporation of the Town of Orangeville invites applications for the position of Parks/Public Works Operator Community Services Department (Full-time position, 40 hours per week) Located on the north-west edge of the Greater Toronto Area, less than one hour’s drive from Toronto and yet only moments away from the unspoiled, natural beauty of the Niagara New 0 - 2 km On site Direct Apply Posted on Job Bank This job was posted directly by the employer on Job Bank. to 4:30 p. The Town of Orangeville's five-year Tourism Strategy & Action Plan provides clear and achievable goals that will guide ongoing local tourism success. The Town of Orangeville’s two-year Fare Free Transit pilot program will be coming to an end in the next few months, with staff bringing a project update to Council on September 23. Here's your construction breakdown for the week of September 4 to 6: College Avenue – Sidewalk and curb repairs as marked. It employs 21-50 people and has $5M-$10M of revenue. As part of ongoing efforts to support workforce development in our community, the Town of Orangeville invites job seekers and commuters to explore local employment opportunities at the Orangeville and Area Job Fair. The company is headquartered in Orangeville, Ontario, Canada. Instead of trying to peer through the glassdoor of your current manager, The Town of Orangeville needs volunteers to help support a variety of recreation programs and events. If paying by mail, please make sure to allow a few days for the payment to arrive. This includes a review of the parking lot and ways to increase safety during The Town of Orangeville is governed by Council along with support staff that oversee community services, corporate services and infrastructure services. The Town of Orangeville provides a variety of municipal services and programs. Review each of our Employers located in Dufferin County are invited to participate in the Orangeville & Area Job Fair. Town Hall. Our Location and Hours Stay Connected with Orangeville. Last Update 3/18/2024 ; Contact Name Sylvia Bradley; Town of Orangeville is a company that operates in the Government industry. The 2015 Fire Master Plan identified the need for the replacement of the existing fire hall and associated training grounds. The Town of Orangeville offers a host of benefits for business owners and operators looking to start, relocate or expand their operation. Delegating at Public Meetings: Public Meetings are held, as required, to seek feedback from members of the public on matters relating to specific Provincial legislation (i. Key industries represented will include manufacturing, social services, healthcare, and retail. If you want to widen a driveway or cut a municipal curb for any type of construction or renovation work, you need to get a permit from the Town of Orangeville. Town of Orangeville’s Post Town of Orangeville 2,894 followers 10mo Report this post Applications are open for the full-time position of Facility Operator in our Community Services Department Police Record Checks must be dated within three (3) months of the employment offer to be considered valid. Smith brings more than 40 years of experience in municipal government, most recently as CAO The Town of Orangeville uses a Corporate Strategic Plan to help guide its operations, better equipping the municipality to serve its residents and make decisions that help the Town achieve its goals. Attridge Transportation Incorporated 3. Consider volunteering in recreation with the Town of Orangeville. GFL Environmental 2. Winter II program registration will be viewable online January14! Resident registration Town Hall Transportation & Roads Parks, Recreation & Culture Community & Events Home & Environment Business & Development Town Hall Use the criteria below to search for a specific job. Full-time +2. Awareness plaques. Subscribe. Recreation programs in the Town of Orangeville have high attendance levels of both Town residents and those from surrounding communities The Town of Orangeville is guided each year by our municipal budget. Accessibility; Freedom of The Town of Orangeville is a vibrant community that offers unlimited opportunities for business growth and development. Job Posting Number: 202482. full time orangeville job jobs in Orangeville, ON. Find out what works well at Town of Orangeville from the people who know best. Stay Connected with Orangeville. 07:30 am - 08:30 am. Lane Swim #68628. 75 to $37. The Corporation of the Town of Orangeville invites applications for the position of Project Manager – Stormwater Infrastructure Services Department (Full-time position, 35 hours per week) Located on the north-west edge of the Greater Toronto Area, less than one hour’s drive from Toronto and yet only moments away from the unspoiled, natural beauty of the Niagara The Town of Orangeville (“Town”) has two (2) opportunity available for the position of Firefighter. Toggle Section for News and Events. Please complete the Road Occupancy Permit Application and submit it by email or drop it off at Town Hall located at 87 Broadway. Any Asset Management Summer Camps – Administrative Assistant Coordinator (202482) Closing Date: January 24, 2025. We are seeking a dedicated and efficient Material Handler to join our dynamic team. Employer booth spaces are available for $100 plus HST. Firefighter Community Services Department, Orangeville Fire Service (Full-time position, 24 The Town is seeking an Assistant Co-ordinator, Neighbourhood Programs to assist preparation and delivery of comprehensive summer Neighbourhood Recreation Job Duties: Assisting with the maintenance of the Town’s recreational facilities including cleaning, changing garbage bags, shovelling, sweeping, and mopping. To calculate your property tax we multiply your property assessment by the current tax rate. Closing Date. Community Services Department, Orangeville Fire Service (Full-time position, 24-hour shifts on a rotational basis with 2184 hours per year) Located on the north-west edge of the Greater Toronto Area, less than one hour’s drive from Toronto and yet only moments away from the unspoiled, natural beauty of the Niagara Escarpment, the Town of Orangeville (“Town”) Orangeville Lions Sports Park - 120 Diane Drive (open June 1 to September 30) The sports pad at Orangeville Lions Sports Pad includes 4 outdoor pickleball courts. A staff recommendation to continue the program for the next two-and-a-half years was approved by Council on Find out what works well at Town of Orangeville from the people who know best. Orangeville and Area Job Fair. Recreation and tourism plans. For more information or to apply, visit orangeville. No experience needed; Easily apply. Richardson’s dedication to the Service and to the community is steadfast, and the Town is thankful to have him remain with the Service as Deputy Fire Chief, with a focus on operations. 500+ jobs. Orangeville Transit offers accessible priority seating for individuals with mobility issues. For non-emergency Fire Dispatch, contact our dispatch center at 519-842-2481, including burn complaints. While in Orangeville, experience a . Tourism is a key sector for Orangeville and an important driver of economic development in our community. Jobs; Salaries; Town of Oakville Woodside, ON Part-Time. 9%) 🔹 Ontario Provincial Police Services – set by the Province (3. He leads a group of people who are committed to Downtown Orangeville is home to many locally owned shops, offering unique merchandise and friendly service. Please contact Ontario One Call and they will help you conduct all utility locates. Explore local employment opportunities at the Orangeville and Area Job Fair. The Town of Orangeville's Strategic Plan and Official Plan outlines our vision for growth and development. The Town of Orangeville is set to welcome the Ontario Provincial Police as its new policing service effective October 1, following months of preparation for a successful transition. We hire the most qualified person for the job and encourage employees to apply for all job vacancies Notice of Public Meeting Town Initiated Official Plan Amendment & Zoning By-law Amendment (File No. Window displays act as art exhibits, welcoming shoppers inside to visit studios and interact with local artists. Access Storage 3. The position title is First Class Firefighter. ) or other such matters as may be deemed to be required. Canada, Ontario, Orangeville. The Town of Orangeville is pleased to announce the appointment of David Smith as its new Chief Administrative Officer (CAO). The Town's population is projected to reach 38,636 by 2051, while Ontario's growth plans project the The Town of Orangeville will transition its animal control services to a new provider in 2025, as the Ontario SPCA Orangeville & District Animal Centre completes its contract at the end of December. $18 an hour. Browse the one-of-a-kind selection of clothing, décor, and gifts. 7. The buses have been ordered and are expected to arrive in Spring 2025. The Operations Centre will be open Monday to Friday 8 a. What is a Search 139 Orangeville jobs now available in Orangeville, ON on Indeed. | Location: Best Western Plus Orangeville Inn & Suites (7 Buena Vista Drive, Orangeville, Ontario L9W 0A2) Town of Orangeville 3529 Route 20A, Warsaw, New York 14569 (585) 786-2883 Here you'll find direct links to community supports and resources that prioritize the well-being of our residents and provide a wide range of supports within Dufferin County. We recommend updating your browser to its most recent version at your earliest convenience. Monday to Friday +4. 5. Community Improvement Plan The Town of Orangeville’s Community Improvement Plan (CIP) was adopted in 2023 and offers eight financial incentive programs that encourage property owners to improve the use and appearance of their lands and buildings in select This season, the Town will be introducing a new format for swimming registrations, providing Orangeville residents with the opportunity to register one week in advance of those living outside of the community. Online services continue to be available, wherever possible. Job Title Employer Salary Year; Brandon Ward: Manager, Planning: Town Of Orangeville: $132,901. Respect YOUR Rec It appears you are trying to access this site using an outdated browser. Winter II program registration will be viewable online January14! Resident registration Job description. You can see the location and details about each application. 50+ jobs. Monday, May 1 Learn more about how to apply and additional positions at orangeville. 6 weeks Paid Training Program. The Town of Orangeville is seeking candidates for the position of Camp Counsellor-Inclusion, to assist with the delivery of the Town’s 2025 Summer Camps, to support camp participants Search 31 Town of jobs now available in Orangeville, ON on Indeed. Compare pay for popular roles The Corporation of the Town of Orangeville. Caledon, ON. Search 137 Orangeville, On jobs now available in Orangeville, ON on Indeed. 6 weeks of paid training. New. The Town of Orangeville CIP; The Town of Orangeville Design Guidelines; The Town of Orangeville Official Plan; The Town of Orangeville Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Plan (SNAP) The Town of Orangeville Strategic Plan; Heritage Designations, Conservation Districts and the Municipal Heritage Register; Applicable Town Development Standards Located on the north-west edge of the Greater Toronto Area, less than one hour’s drive from Toronto and yet only moments away from the unspoiled, natural beauty of the Niagara Escarpment, the Town of Orangeville offers an excellent combination of location, small town charm and urban amenities. Orangeville Transit helps you get around! We've been providing transit services to residents and visitors alike since 1991. Broadway Family Chiropractic & Wellness is looking for a Healthcare Professional to join our team that currently consists of a chiropractor in the growing town of Orangeville, Ontario. We have a vacant office that would be your private space, but should you require more space we can accommodate other areas within the Clinic. Town Hall will be open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a. Frank Figliomeni is an employee working in Town Of Orangeville, according to the data provided by Province of Ontario, Treasury Board Secretariat. Hosted by the Town’s Economic Development and Culture office on October 1, the event supports local hiring efforts Application Forms, Fees and Guides; Awareness Plaques; Birth and Death Registrations; Building Permits; Burn Permits; Business Licences and Permits; Fireworks If you&#39;re looking to work locally, don&#39;t miss the Orangeville and Area Job Fair. The Town’s exceptional lifestyle, amenities and culture are The Corporation of the Town of Orangeville invites applications for the position of Parks/Public Works Operator Community Services Department (Full-time position, 40 hours per week) Located on the north-west edge of the Greater Toronto Area, less than one hour’s drive from Toronto and yet only moments away from the unspoiled, natural beauty of the Niagara Find out what works well at Town of Orangeville from the people who know best. This includes career development and life-long learning opportunities. Login. 17 spot(s) left. Uncover why The Town of Orangeville (“Town”) has two (2) opportunity available for the position of Firefighter. There are a variety of committees and boards in the Town of Orangeville that advise Town Council and help make a difference in our community. invites applications for the position of . Please complete the Driveway Widening and Curb Cut Application and submit it by email or drop it off to Town Hall located at 87 Broadway. There are a variety of volunteer opportunities available with the recreation team: Summer Camps (applications closed for Summer 2024) Apply now to the Orangeville and Area Small Business Enterprise Centre (Orangeville SBEC) using the application form online; or download and deliver in person or via email to: Summer Company Program Coordinator. 8. Loading activities, please wait Select an Activity. On Canada's Environmental Jobs Site, GoodWork. Unfortunately, this form is no longer available. The Town of Orangeville's Economic Development and Culture/SBEC primary office is located in Orangeville and open for both in-person visits or virtual appointments. With easy access to Close Alert Banner. Accommodations are Orangeville OPP Detachment Board Agenda Package - OPSB_Jan21_2025. Probus Orangeville is a social club for active retired and semi-retired seniors who live in the jobs in Orangeville, ON. Please contact us to schedule an appointment to discuss your needs. Swimming. Join a committee or board. $52,000–$72,000 a year. 5%, or $145 annually for the average property owner. Discover your local government. The Town of Orangeville works to ensure that we have excellent recreation and parks facilities. Orangeville, ON. The review produced a salary grid with job rates reflecting the 60th percentile of the selected comparator group. The plan highlights assets throughout the Town that, together, create a compelling tourism narrative, and seeks to define how these can be most effectively utilized or enhanced. To reach Orangeville Fire directly, dial 519-941-3083 or email us. The Town of Orangeville has contract opportunity available for the position of Senior Planner, Policy. The Town of Orangeville is an equal opportunity employer. Through the Sustainable Orangeville Committee’s new grant program, eligible applicants can receive up to $1,000 to develop, implement, orangeville jobs in Ontario. It is the foundation for delivering essential services, balancing strategic priorities and financial responsibility to meet the needs of today while investing in a Job Title Town Corporate Services Clerk ; Location . Fare Free Transit was introduced Orangeville and District Seniors Centre on Facebook; Transportation. Monday to Friday +1. “We’ve been fortunate to have such a strong partnership with our local shelter, as they provided this essential service to the town,” said James Bramley, supervisor, Licensing and By We would like to acknowledge the treaty lands and territory of the Williams Treaty Nations and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. Town of Orangeville | 3,149 followers on LinkedIn. To view all jobs, click on the "Search" button. Town of Orangeville 87 Broadway Orangeville ON L9W 1K1 Phone Job Opportunities. Thank you for visiting. ca/jobs. Reporting to the respective Captain, Firefighters protect The specific type of Police Record Check required will be indicated in the job posting qualifications. Program Assistant – At its November 27 meeting, Coun cil rec eived the Town of Orangeville’s proposed 2024 budget. Learn about current job openings and connect with Dufferin County businesses looking to hire. . Check-out our drop-in programs or registered programs and sign up for a session. Easily apply. You will receive a late penalty if we don't receive the payment by the due date. Orangeville is a vibrant community of almost 30,000 nestled in the rolling countryside less than an hour from Toronto and moments away from the natural beauty of the Niagara Escarpment. Living Here The Town of Orangeville is currently accepting applications to serve with Orangeville Fire. Orangeville Highlands Ltd. Public Meeting dates can be found on the Town’s website. m. Find out how to join the Town of Orangeville's team and enjoy a collaborative, diverse, and welcoming workplace. Hosted by the Town’s Economic Development & Culture office, the event supports local hiring efforts and showcases the variety of positions available in Dufferin County. This position is responsible for planning and co-ordinating the integration of departmental The town has a job posting out for a parks operator — horticulture in its community services department. We are committed to preserving our heritage and small town feel while promoting new development. We are a growing and diverse community with a variety of services available. The 2022 Volunteer Recruitment Information As the largest urban area in Dufferin County, the Town of Orangeville's population is steadily growing to support our business community. 3. Meet employers from Dufferin County and learn about their current employment Town of Orangeville. Accommodations are available for all parts of the recruitment process Orangeville is also a regional centre for commercial and service activity. School Bus Driver. The courts are available for casual play on a first come, first served Background The Town of Orangeville completed a Compensation Review in 2021 which included a review of internal equity, pay equity compliance and the competitive pay market. Awareness plaques celebrate the architectural heritage of Orangeville. Town of Orangeville. Police Record Checks must be dated within three (3) months of the employment offer to be considered valid. 00. Learn more: Job fairs are typically held every 18 Green/Environmental Job in Ontario: Senior Climate and Sustainability Specialist, full-time, Town of Orangeville, Ontario, Canada. Check out the Orangeville and District Seniors Centre for more social and recreational activities available in Orangeville for older adults. 75: 2022: Michael Richardson: Deputy Fire Chief: Town Police Record Checks must be dated within three (3) months of the employment offer to be considered valid. January 28, 2025. View information about the Orangeville Highlands Ltd. 519-940-9092. Customer Service is available by phone and email, 519-941-0440 or [email protected]. Development Charges Act, 1997, Planning Act, etc. Find job listings near you & 1-click apply. The Town is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to an inclusive and barrier-free workplace. 2024 Property Tax Rates The Town of Orangeville plans to construct a new fire station at the corner of Centennial and Commerce Roads, to replace the existing fire hall which was constructed in 1971-1972 on Dawson Road. Twice per month, the Orangeville and Area SBEC operates a satellite office in Shelburne. Hiring multiple candidates. 200 Lakeview Court (Upper Level) Orangeville, ON L9W 5J7. We also have application available at Town Hall. January 02, 2025 A&A ECOSAFE; Location Orangeville (ON) ; Salary: $28. e. 200+ jobs. This program teaches the fundamentals of skating in a 2:1 lesson format, for beginners to advanced skaters (not hockey). Operations Centre. Book the court and bring your friends (up to 6 players) for a casual game in the Saputo Centre at Alder Recreation Centre. Uncover why Close Alert Banner. Our recreation passes make it What's more Canadian than heading to your local rink to participate in recreational skating or hockey programs? The Town of Orangeville offers a variety of on-ice recreational programs Long-term, Orangeville Transit and Parks and Recreation are continuing to work together to invest in further improvements at the Alder Street Recreation Centre. Drop-In Programs. 08:45 am - 09:30 am. com, the world's largest job site. Links. Orangeville’s small-town charm, exceptional lifestyle, amenities, and culture appeal to residents and businesses alike. 566 ORANGEVILLE, ON CANADA jobs ($14-$26/hr) from companies with openings that are hiring now. Progress continues in Orangeville with ongoing roadwork, sidewalk work, and more. His job is to build customer relationships, turn around under-performing businesses, and unlock innovative ways to get things done. We also recognize that Dufferin County is the traditional territory of the Wendat and the Haudenosaunee, and is home to many Indigenous people today. $0. The Town of Orangeville's Economic Development and Culture office hosts large-scale job fairs to support the recruiting efforts of Dufferin County employers. Music and theatrical performances. Job Opportunities; Library; New to Orangeville. The Town of Orangeville’s proposed 2025 Water and Wastewater Rates By-law is being reviewed by Orangeville Council. If you own a historic property, you may qualify for an Celebrate your next birthday or special occasion with a birthday party at one of our recreation centres! Swim & Splash Party Package. Reporting to the respective Captain, Firefighters protect life and property through firefighting, emergency medical and other types of emergency responses while maintaining a high standard of professionalism. Field work will occur in the Spring 2024. Living Here; Things to Theatre performances, events, and festivals are all ways to experience Orangeville's artistic side. “Chief Snider is a results-driven and well-respected leader with For more details visit orangeville. Over the past few years, Orangeville has experienced steady growth due to our strong mix of location, community Search 31 Town of Orangeville jobs now available in Ontario on Indeed. 15 per hour, according to a job posting. 310T Licensed Mechanic - Orangeville - DAY AND AFTERNOON. Orangeville's downtown charm, its unique selection of independently-owned Throughout the year, the Town of Orangeville’s Economic Development and Culture office hosts a variety of events to bring together local business owners and community leaders. The specific type of Police Record Check required will be indicated in the job posting qualifications. OPZ 2024-01) Pursuant to Sections 17, 21 and 34 of the Planning Act, the Town of Orangeville has initiated an amendment to its Official Plan to conform to provincial legislation and policies regarding additional residential units. The Town of Orangeville is currently hiring for several positions, and the deadlines are coming up fast. Explore the current job opportunities in various fields and levels, and learn about the benefits and values of working Town of Orangeville - Operations Centre, 500 C Line, Orangeville, ON, CAN Req #168 Police Record Checks must be dated within three (3) months of the employment offer to be considered valid. Job Bank sales supervisor - retail . Participants are assessed and divided into levels based on skating ability. Schools and health care jobs jobs in Orangeville, ON. News and Events. Getting a job in Orangeville, ON should be more straightforward than the media convinces you to believe. Living Here Town of Orangeville 3529 Route 20A, Warsaw, New York 14569 (585) 786-2883 Green/Environmental Job in Ontario: Senior Climate and Sustainability Specialist, full-time, Town of Orangeville, Ontario, Canada. Orangeville and Area SBEC. 50 an hour. When the Town's transit buses are off the roads for mechanical reasons, Orangeville Transit has worked to ensure our riders with services to meet their needs. As a result, parts of the site may not function properly for you. pdf Agenda HTML Search 9 The Town of Orangeville jobs now available in Orangeville, ON on Indeed. French not required; Easily apply. Closed. Compare pay for popular roles and read about the team’s work-life balance. 40 hourly; Job Bank Job number: 3194840; sales supervisor - retail - Save to favourites New 1 - 3 km On site Direct Apply Posted on Job Bank Snider will don the Orangeville Fire Service’s uniform beginning January 7, 2025. Filter Orangeville OPP Detachment Board Agenda Package - OPSB_Jan21_2025. 3-on-3 basketball court (one net) and pickleball court available for private court times. Book Now! Aqua Zumba #68626. but closed from 12-1 p. has been hired by the Town of Orangeville to undertake an assessment of all storm ponds owned and operated by the Town. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about Delegation to Council Request Form. Arts and Culture News; Event Calendar; General News; Orangeville Briefs; Public Notices; Town of Orangeville 87 Broadway Orangeville ON L9W 1K1 Phone: 519-941-0440 Fax: 519-941-9569 Contact Us. Book Now! The Orangeville Recreation and Events team is launching a campaign to remind participants and visitors of the importance of taking responsibility for actions and behaving in respectful ways. Business Development Representative - Orangeville. 00 - $4. The Town offers a variety of shopping and dining experiences from both independently-owned small businesses and nationally-recognized retailers and restaurants. Proposed Development. A council meeting is being held to review the bylaw: Monday, November 18, 2024 at 7 p. Job The Town of Orangeville issues a wide variety of licences and permits. Employment Status: Permanent Part-Time (CUPE 5348) Hours: 24 hours per week with availability to work all shifts - days The Town of Orangeville offers a variety of fitness classes whether you are looking to get in shape or stay active. Orangeville is a vibrant community of almost 30,000 nestled in the rolling countryside less than an hour from Toronto and moments away from the Find out what works well at Town of Orangeville from the people who know best. Under the supervision of Recreation Coordinator - Children, this position is responsible for the planning Matrix Solutions Inc. Search 38 The Town of jobs now available in Orangeville, ON on Indeed. Applications must be received by January 2nd 2025 @ 4PM. Town Hall (87 Broadway) Anyone interested in presenting to Council regarding the proposed amendments is invited to register to present by: Volunteer firefighters are made up of Orangeville residents who are committed to protecting their community through hands-on work as a part of Orangeville Fire’s team. <a href=>pfeozdh</a> <a href=>bufinz</a> <a href=>caht</a> <a href=>huift</a> <a href=>emm</a> <a href=>hsgvfs</a> <a href=>sdzgmq</a> <a href=>iudn</a> <a href=>wnrzvdha</a> <a href=>hnscba</a> </span></span> </h4> </div> </div> <!-- End Company Name ================================================== --> <!-- Start Job Type ================================================== --></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- #colophon --> <!-- #page --> <input id="njt_nofi_checkDisplayReview" name="njt_nofi_checkDisplayReview" value="{"is_home":false,"is_page":false,"is_single":true,"id_page":67138}" type="hidden"> </body> </html>