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================================================== --> <header> </header> <div class="row"> <!-- Start Job Title ================================================== --> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="job-detail"> <h3><span class="job-title">Sgs salt cell replacement. Replacement Cell - 60K.</span></h3> </div> </div> <!-- End Job Title ================================================== --> <!-- Start Company Logo ================================================== --> <div class="col-md-1 col-sm-2"> <div class="company-logo"> <img src="" alt="IS2 Newmarket" class="sjb-img-responsive" id=""> </div> </div> <!-- ================================================== End Company Logo --> <div class="col-md-11 col-sm-10 header-margin-top"> <div class="row"> <!-- Start Company Name ================================================== --> <div class="col-md-5"> <div class="job-info job-info-margin"> <h4> <span><span class="website">Sgs salt cell replacement *CaliMar® CMARCPC40-2Y salt cell is not manufactured, produced, or marketed by CMP®. This unit is compatible with Powerclean, SGS Breeze 760 and CircuPool SJ55 Series salt Salt Cell Replacement, Powerclean/ Breeze 3000/ 320, SGS (1FIN-CEBRZ320)*** Discontinued* use 845-52000220110 $ 0. Powerclean / SGS / Breeze / Wave Replacement Cells; Compu Pool Replacement Cells; Solaxx / Purechlor Replacement Cells; Pentair IntelliChlor Replacement Cells; Platinum Edition Replacement Salt Cell for Autopilot SC-36, RC-35/22, PPC1 & 2 | 35,000 Gallons | 5-Year Warranty. SGS Wave 540. APX PERFORMANCE S3 Aftermarket Replacement Cell fits SGS Breeze® 320 (now CMP® PowerClean Salt®) for up to 20,000 Gallon Salt Pools. Review Subject PowerClean Salt Ultra 760 Replacement Cell - Saltwater Chlorinator. Pool Supply Unlimited has some of the best prices when shopping for SGS Wave 20 Replacement Salt Cell Electrode Only | For Up To 20,000 Gallons | 1FIN-CEWAVE20 // Initialize Pentair / Channel Advisor Sales Reporting Description. $929 00 $949 00 Save $20 High performance, long life replacement cells for Zodiac LM2 Salt Systems - LM2-40, LM2-24, LM2-15 Phone 888-874-2120 Sign in or Create an Account Search Replacement Salt Cell for the following Chlorine Generators: CMP PowerClean Ultra 540 CMP PowerCleanEcon 540 SGS Breeze 540 SGS Wave 540 Note: Formerly SGS 1FIN-CEBRZ540 . This item ships in 1 to 2 business days. Platinum Edition Replacement Salt Cell for SGS Wave 20 & Breeze 320 | 20,000 Gallons | 5-Year Warranty These high-quality replacement cell options for SGS Breeze models are now known as CMP systems. Housing Nut w/ Center Hole (401CE) Pool Supply Unlimited has some of the best prices when shopping for CaliMar® Replacement Salt Cell Electrode Compatible with SGS Wave & Breeze 320 Systems and CMP Powerclean 320 Systems | 2-Year Warranty | 20,000 Gallons | CMARCPC20-2Y Compatible replacement for SGS replacement cell electrodes 1FIN-CEBRZ320 and 1FIN-CEWAVE20, CMP Amazon. SKU: PST-1FIN-CEBRZ540. $379. $389 99 $899 00 Save $509 Platinum Edition Replacement Salt Cell for Powerclean, SGS Wave 20 & Breeze 320 | SGS Replacement Salt Cell for Wave 40 Salt System Generator . 25. 00 . Your Price: $22. CMP Replacement Salt Cell for Chlorine Generators: SGS Breeze 540. Warehouse Location: Idaho Falls, ID. Cart. initialise(); SGS is now Powerclean Salt™. 1FIN-CEBRZ540 . Sale price $119 00 $119. MPN: 52000-260-110. Choosing APX Performance salt cells means choosing reliability for your chlorine generator and pool system. This cycle continues as new chlorine is produced from the salt water in the electrolytic cell, sanitizing the pool and changing once more back to dissolved salt. Technological advancements in salt water chlorinators have yielded equipment that are low maintenance and reasonably priced, eliminating the need to buy, add or store chlorine. Salt Cell Replacement, Crystal Clear (SRC380 /RP3000) RP Cell, 7 Plates, 30 Amps, 200mm /787 Inches * Generic (SRC380 / RP3000). Aftermarket 5-Blade Replacement Salt Cell guaranteed to work with the SGS® Breeze 540 (now CMP PowerClean Salt) salt chlorine generator. Estimated Delivery Times. This unit is compatible with Goldline ®, Aqua Rite ®, AquaLogic ®, AquaPlus ®, Mineral Springs, NatureSoft and Swimpure salt water chlorine generator systems. Home; About Us; My Account; Contact Us; Menu. Housing Nut w/ Center Hole (401CE) Affordable aftermarket solution for high-quality SGS/CMP® system replacement cells. Pristine (PRI25 / PRI-30), Crystal Clear (SRC380/ RP3000), SGS 4000 / 540 (1FIN-CEBRZ540), CMP (52000-240-110) Cells come complete with (2) nuts, Lead set & o-ring; Cells are made with all sold plates. 13 5 0 5 FAQ 0. CMP® Powerclean® Salt Econ 320 . Save $484. Above Ground Equipment. Sale Price: $ 675. Compatibility includes Saltron Reliant, Sunsalt &amp; Pu # 52000-240-110 CMP PowerClean 540, 40,000 Gallon Replacement Cell Includes: 1) CMP 540 Cell 52000-240-110 The CMP 52000-240-110 PowerClean Salt Chlorine Generator Cell 40K gal provides 10,000 hours of service. The Breeze salt cell has a threaded connections on the head of the cell, which allow quick access to the • The Powerclean Salt Ultra must be installed and operated as specified in the owner’s manual. Features This generic replacement salt cell can sanitize pools that are up to 40,000 gallons keeping up with the competitors. Compatibility: Solaxx is a Florida based manufacturer of salt pool systems. The CMP PowerClean Salt Cell 52000-240-110 Replacement Salt Cell for the following Chlorine Generators: CMP PowerClean Ultra 540, CMP PowerCleanEcon 540, SGS Breeze 540, SGS Wave The SGS Breeze Cell or Wave Cell to Cell Housing O-Ring. This unit is compatible with Wave, Breeze, CircuPool SJ salt water chlorine generator systems. I now have another control box breakdown, and the pool service tech is going to contact SGS for a new control box. It is the intent of this SGS 540 salt cell to be a direct replacement for the existing SGS Breeze (52000-240-110) salt cell. 88 lbs per day Does not include the housing. . This generic cell is made for pools up to 40,000 gallons, includes a cell cord and comes with an indu Platinum Edition Replacement Salt Cell for Powerclean, SGS Wave 40 & Breeze 540 | 40,000 Gallons | 5-Year Warranty. 66 grams or chlorine per hour or 1. *CaliMar® The replacement cell contains the electrolyte solution used in the powerclean system. SGS. 53 Grams per hour. Powerclean Salt Replacement Cell Electrode Only | For Up To 60,000 Gallons | 52000-260-110 $985. Salt systems have been around for years, but nothing like this. Platinum Edition Replacement Salt Cell for SGS Wave 20 & Breeze 320 | 20,000 Gallons | 5-Year Warranty. Menu. The universal series cells are made directly by Solaxx and are a direct replacement for any of their brands of salt systems. 2Amp@220volt / 4. They manufacture salt pool systems under multiple brand names. To get the most life out of your salt cell and to keep your pool running without Building on impressive SGS technology, Powerclean Salt has been upgraded for an even better experience. Above Ground Pools. Powerclean Econ SGS/ CMP, Salt Cell Housing (no Unions), 52000-200-103 * Original $ 0. Availability: Call for more information. Home / SGS. This generic cell is made for pools up to 40,000 gallons a nd comes with an industry leading 5 year limited warranty! Compatible replacement for SGS replacement cell electrode 1FIN-CEBRZ760 and CMP replacement cell electrode 52000-260-110 and CaliMar® replacement cell electrode CMARCSG60-1. I replaced it with this housing and am SOOOOO glad I did. CMP PowerClean Salt Ultra; Eco Friendly - Salt cell pools require less chemicals and eliminate the need for liquid chlorine. OEM Replacement for SGS Breeze 760; Suitable for pools up to 60,000 gallons; Wide spacing between electrodes for easy cleaning; The Breeze 760 cell contains 7 coated titanium blades; Replacement Cell Only. 35 lbs of chlorine per day (25. The cell plates can be removed easily for easy cleaning without the use of dangerous Replacement salt cells for Powerclean Salt Ultra, Powerclean Salt Econ, SGS Wave, and SGS Breeze Saline Generating Systems. Aftermarket Replacement Salt Cell guaranteed to work with the Hayward® Aquarite® 25k gallon salt chlorine generator. CMP 40,000 GAL Salt Chlorine Generator Cell for SGS Breeze 540, SGS Wave 540 , PowerClean Econ 540 and PowerClean Ultra 540 Chlorine Generators 52000-240-110 $699. Sort by Default Order; Sort by Name; Sort by Price; Sort by Date; Sort by Popularity; Sort by Rating; Show 12 Products. Sign in or Register; Compare ; Recently Viewed. This information was Unlock a World of Pool Perfection with an APX PERFORMANCE Replacement Salt Cell! Seamless Replacement: Our APX PERFORMANCE salt cell effortlessly fits SGS Breeze 540, CMP Breeze, Wave, and PowerClean Salt 540 models. 66 inches, 33 amps Warranty: Residential Cells: 6 years Limited:, 2 year full, 4 years pro rated. Add to Cart Overview Replacement salt cell for the SGS Breeze 540 chlorine generator. 35 lbs of chlorine per day. PowerClean Salt Chlorinator, 540 Ultra, CMP (5200-240-000) 3 yr Warranty Replaces SGS Breeze 540 Spec: 40,000 gallon Standard pool, 28,000 gallon High demand Pool, 1. This is the next generation salt chlorine system: designed to be durable, affordable and serviceable. In Ground (26) Refine by Pool Type: In Ground Above Ground (1 Saline Generating Systems SGS Breeze 320 Replacement Salt Cell (now CMP Powerclean Salt Ultra) Genuine OEM 3-Blade Replacement Salt Cell for the Saline Generating Systems Breeze 320 (now CMP) salt chlorine Powerclean Ultra SGS/ CMP, Salt Cell Housing (w/ Unions), (52000-200-102) * Original. This unit is compatible with Powerclean, SGS Wave, Breeze and CircuPool SJ Series salt water chlorine generator systems. 2-Years . Powerclean Ultra is cell housing with unions, Part # 52000-200-102; Powerclean Econ is cell housing without unions, Part # 52000-200-103 OEM Replacement for SGS Breeze 320 & Wave 20; Suitable for pools up to 20,000 gallons; Wide spacing between electrodes for easy cleaning; The Breeze 320 cell contains 3 coated titanium blades Bought a house with a salt water pool, the SGS salination cell housing had a leak. Formerly SGS Part Numbers: 1FIN A: The Apex P40 Aftermarket Replacement Cell, along with the P20 and P60 models, can receive power from a Pentair automation system, but controlling and adjusting the cell can only be performed via the cell's attached control module. Simply unscrew and disconnect your old salt cell, and screw in your new APX replacement. Manufacturer: SGS Breeze 540 Replacement Salt Cell - 40K; Model # 1FIN-CEBRZ540; Sku # 10-SGS540C; SGS SGS Breeze 540 Replacement Salt Cell - 40K $ 849 95 Typically arrives in 6 to 8 weeks FREE shipping. the Without the gasket the screw on cell cap did not seal and leaked a huge stream of water. SGS® Breeze® 320 . Details. The cell will need replacement also upon reaching 3 to 7 or an average of 5 years of constant usage. Equipment . *CaliMar® CMARCPC60-2Y salt cell is not manufactured, produced, or marketed by CMP®. 52. Availability: In Stock. Easy replacement for a DIY'r, much better support at the weak points in the original and it hasn't discolored from the heat like the original housing did. Our Platinum Edition replacement salt cell is a great alternative replacement to the OEM salt cell. SKU: PST-52000-260-110. It is best to replace the cell housing o-ring whenever the cell is replaced to avoid any leaks or problems with the old seals. SGS® Wave® 540 . Features: • Replacement for Hayward T-CELL-9 and GLX-CELL-9-W • T-CELL-3 and T-CELL-9 require software revision 1. Replacement parts and accessories for popular salt chlorine generators such as Saline Generating Systems SG Series, SGS Breeze, Wave, CMP Powerclean Ultra, and more. Features: • SGS Superclean Breeze Cell or Wave Cell to Cell Housing O-Ring • Qty: 1 Replacement Salt Cell for the following Chlorine Generators: CMP PowerClean Ultra 320 CMP PowerCleanEcon 320 SGS Breeze 320 SGS Wave 320 Note: Formerly SGS 1FIN-CEBRZ320 . APEX S3 Aftermarket Replacement Cell fits SGS Breeze® 320 (now CMP® PowerClean Salt®) for up Platinum Edition Salt Cells carry the following 5 year pro rata warranty should fault occur due to faulty manufacture or materials, under normal use and service. I have a whole-house surge protection system, the SGS is properly grounded, as the service tech noted, and the system cell is cleaned when necessary. CMP® Powerclean® Salt Ultra 540 . CMP 52000-240-110 Salt Chlorine Generator Cell 40,000 GALfor SGS Breeze 540, SGS Wave 540 , PowerClean Econ 540 and PowerClean Ultra 540 Chlorine Generators : Our Price: $999. This generic cell is made for pools up to 40,000 gallons, includes a cell cord and comes with an industry leading 5yr warranty. Compatible with most SGS/CMP® chlorine generators, including SGS Breeze, CMP Breeze, CMP Wave, and CMP PowerClean Salt Chlorinators. 1FIN SGS Breeze 540 Saltwater Chlorinator Replacement Cell. Saltwater chlorinator cells don't last forever, they usually have a life cycle of over 5 years. This generic cell is made for pools up to 40,000 gallons, includes a cell cord and comes with an indu Remove cell plates easily for cleaning without dangerous chemicals, clean cell body and plates to prevent scaling bridging that reduces the salt cell's life. Replacement part at low prices! FEATURES: Clear housing fits all Wave and Breeze models. The SGS Breeze 320 Electrolytic Cell is a raised clear housing which contains removable titanium electrode plates and built-in power supply cord. OEM Replacement for SGS Breeze 540 & SGS Wave 40; Suitable for pools up to 40,000 gallons; Wide spacing between electrodes for easy cleaning; The Breeze 540 cell contains 5 coated titanium blades; Replacement Cell Only. We offer a variety of replacement parts, accessories, and upgrades compatible with SGS / C-M-P. SGS Chlorinator Replacement Cell Housing, CE112-UVRSP. You must regularly clean the cell at least once per season or as needed, when you see it a lot of scaling on the plates. Order today and get FREE delivery within USA! Page 1 Residential Systems MODELS: Breeze 320 - Breeze 540 - Breeze 760 Owners Manual; Page 2 In the first three years of the five-year warranty period, SGS will repair or replace any parts in the Unit that are confirmed to have been defective at no cost to the Customer. APX PERFORMANCE S3 Aftermarket Replacement Cell fits SGS Breeze® 320 (now CMP® PowerClean Salt®) for up to 20,000 Gallon Salt Pools Platinum Edition replacement salt cell is a great alternative replacement to the OEM salt cell. This generic cell is made for pools up to 60,000 gallons, includes a cell cord and comes with an indu Saline Generating Systems SGS Breeze 540 Replacement Salt Cell (now CMP Powerclean Salt Ultra) Genuine OEM 5-Blade Replacement Salt Cell for the Saline Generating Systems Breeze 540 (now CMP) salt chlorine generator. The Ultra also includes superior, wide-set cell plates, High performance, long life replacement cells for Zodiac LM2 Salt Systems - LM2-40, LM2-24, LM2-15 Phone 888-874-2120 Sign in or Create an Account Search Finding the right replacement cell is a fairly easy process given the guaranteed compatibility of these CORE cells. Please note: this item is not manufactured, endorsed, or sold by SGS/CMP/Jacuzzi. Building on impressive SGS technology, Powerclean / SGS / Breeze / Wave Replacement Cells; Compu Pool Replacement Cells; Solaxx / Purechlor Replacement Cells; Pentair IntelliChlor Replacement Cells; Platinum Edition Replacement Salt Cell for Jandy AquaPure 2-Port 1400 | 40,000 Gallons | 5-Year Warranty. This unit is compatible with Resilience, Solaxx, Nexa Pure, Aqua Comfort, Frog and Intermatic salt water chlorine generator systems. It will allow you to continue to utilize the established electronic controls, and operate in the same manner as before. 40,000 . The cell usually last over 5 years that's if your pool and cell is well maintained. Overview: Our Platinum Edition replacement salt cell is a great alternative replacement to the OEM salt cell. 95 21048-000-000. Suite: 515 Sarasota, FL Compatible replacement for SGS replacement cell electrode 1FIN-CEBRZ760 and CMP replacement cell electrode 52000-260-110 and CaliMar® replacement cell electrode CMARCSG60-1. The Breeze 540 cell has the same length, threading, and cable connection for direct replacement. MPN: 1FIN-CEBRZ540. ADA Pool Lifts. CMP® Powerclean® Salt Econ 540 . Neither CaliMar® nor its CMARCPC60-2Y salt cell is affiliated with CMP®. The APEX P20, 40, and 60 have no provisions for connecting to or communicating via RS-485 data lines. CMARCPC60-2Y . 78 lbs SGS Breeze 320 Saltwater Chlorinator Replacement Cell. This will be the 4th box. SGS CMP Cell Housing Half Union . CMP Powerclean Salt Ultra 540 Salt Chlorinator (SGS Saline Generating Systems Breeze 540) | 52000-240 Overview: This cell housing o'ring replaces SGS, Wave, Powerclean salt water chlorine generator systems. Powerclean / SGS / Breeze / Wave Replacement Cells Compu Pool Replacement Cells Solaxx / Purechlor Replacement Cells SGS Replacement Salt Cell for Commercial Saltwater Chlorination Systems The SG commercial system is specifically designed for commercial bodies of water and certified by NSF International. Housing and O-Ring Sold Separately. Please note: this item is not manufactured, Formally: Salt Cell Replacement, Breeze 4000/ 540, SGS (1FIN-CEBRZ540) Specs: 40,000 gallons Maximum, 220volt, 4000 to 4500 ppm Salt, 1. This original cell is made for pools up to 25,000 gallons, includes a 15 foot cord and comes with a Hayward 3 year limited warranty. Phone 888-874-2120 Sign in or Create an Account Saline Generating Systems SGS Breeze 540 Replacement Salt Cell (now CMP Powerclean Salt Ultra) Genuine OEM 5-Blade Replacement Salt Cell for the Saline Generating Systems Breeze 540 (now CMP) salt chlorine generator. Add To Cart the exception of the O-ring, The Control Center plastic cover, labels, cell cap, and cell housing, which are normal replacement items and excluded from this warranty) to be free from manufacturing defects in materials and workmanship for a period of five years from date of Failed “Wave” parts must be returned to SGS for examination and This is the future of salt chlorine generation. Phone 888-874-2120 Sign in or Create an Account. Your complete resource for Generic Replacement Salt Cells - Save $$$ with the lowest prices and great customer service! POOL. Save $10 CMP PowerClean Cell Housing 52000-200-102 Salt Cell Housing for the following Chlorine Generators: CMP PowerClean Ultra 320 and 320EXT CMP PowerClean Ultra 540 and 540EXT CMP PowerClean Ultra 760 and 760EXT SGS Breeze 320 SGS Breeze 540 SGS Breeze 760 The APX PERFORMANCE S5 aftermarket replacement salt cell is an easy replacement designed to fit SGS Breeze540 models and other 5-blade Saline Generating Systems Breeze, or Wave salt chlorine generators, as well as CMP PowerClean Salt 540 models and Jacuzzi JSCS40 models. Cell housing is not included. Cell cord length = 10ft. This part fits the following Pool Supply Unlimited has some of the best prices when shopping for Powerclean Salt Replacement Cell Electrode Only | For Up To 20,000 Gallons | 1FIN-CEBRZ320 1FIN-CEWAVE20 52000-220-110 Home Pool Salt Cell Salt Cell Housing O-ring for the following Chlorine Generators:: CMP PowerClean Ultra 320 and 320EXT CMP PowerClean Ultra 540 and 540EXT CMP PowerClean Ultra 760 and 760EXT CMP PowerCleanEcon 320 CMP PowerCleanEcon 540 SGS Breeze 320 SGS Breeze 540 SGS Breeze 760 SGS Wave 320 SGS Wave 540 Replacement Salt Cell for the following Chlorine Generators: CMP PowerClean Ultra 540 CMP PowerCleanEcon 540 SGS Breeze 540 SGS Wave 540 Note: Formerly SGS 1FIN-CEBRZ540 . Replacement Salt Cell for the following Chlorine Generators: CMP PowerClean Ultra 320 CMP PowerCleanEcon 320 SGS Breeze 320 SGS Wave 320 Note: Formerly SGS 1FIN-CEBRZ320 . Platinum Edition Replacement Salt Cell Housing for SGS Salt Cell Housing Replacement (2″ Pipe x 5-1/2″OC) Universal, No Nut $ 99. Retro Replacement SGS Breeze 320 and Wave 20 Salt Pool Supply Unlimited has some of the best prices when shopping for Powerclean Salt Replacement Cell Electrode Only | For Up To 60,000 Gallons | 1FIN-CEBRZ760 52000-260-110 // Initialize Pentair / Channel Advisor Sales Reporting sTrack. When your chlorinator starts to produce much less chlorine and the cell is over 5 years then it's high time to replace it! * If you need to replace the entire SGS Breeze-760 60,000 gallon system click here. Salt Cell Replacement, Breeze 760, SGS (1FIN-CEBRZ760)*** Obsolete For Replacement Order 845-52000260110. The multiple cell manifold design provides significant advantages over comparable single cell Replacement Cell (1) Refine by Salt System Type: Replacement Cell Salt System Power Center (1) Refine by Salt System Type: Salt System Power Center Pool Type. This generic cell is made for pools up to 20,000 gallons, includes a cell cord and comes with an indu Overview: Our Platinum Edition replacement salt cell is a great alternative replacement to the OEM salt cell. For Generic Cell order 546-SRC250-G (puts out 20 grams per hour) Does not include the housing. 15,000 Hour Extended Life Replacement Salt Cell for the following Chlorine CaliMar® generic replacement salt cells are an alternative to original manufacturer cells that have met our own standards for quality by standing up to rigorous testing before we chose to carry them. 00 $439 99; Save $540 Add to Cart. Related products. Manufacturer CMP, MPN 52000-200-102. SGS Breeze 540 Saltwater Chlorinator Replacement Cell. Comments Required. 00 SGS / CMP Parts; Packages. Cell Clip (1 set) for Pristine CMP Powerclean Salt Ultra 540 Salt Chlorinator (SGS Saline Generating Systems Breeze 540) | 52000-240-000; Sale. 00 Salt Cell Replacement, Breeze 3000/ 320, SGS (1FIN-CEBRZ320) * Discontinued Use part number: 845-52000220110 Use 845-52000220110. Replacement for T-15 Cell: 2 year warranty See warranty document for full warranty details. 95. 30 (You save Salt Cell Replacement, Breeze 760, SGS (1FIN-CEBRZ760)*** Obsolete For Replacement Order 845-52000260110 Specs: 7 Plates, Produces 35. 15,000 Hour Extended Life Replacement Salt Cell for the following Chlorine Salt Cell Housing Replacement (2" Pipe x 5-1/2") Universal, No nut or O-ring Cross Reference: Autochlor (AIS), Stroud, Poolstore, Pool Thing, Crystal Clear, Sapphire, PoolEx, SGS, Atlantis, Pristine, Xtreme and others Specs: Diameter at opening is 4-5/16". 2 for AquaLogic or newer to be compatible. Apparently, internal failure causes the breakdown. 5 for AquaRite or 4. SGS Breeze and Wave Cell Housing O-Ring. Please note: this item is not manufactured, endorsed, or sold by Hayward. Toggle menu. 1 year Building on the technology introduced in the original POWERCLEAN Salt System, the Ultra has a built-in-sensor that monitors faults due to low flow, temperature, and calcium build-up. Sale price $314 99 $314. Warranty: Commercial Cells 6 years Limited. 95 Replacement Cell for PowerClean Salt Ultra 540 Saltwater Chlorinator. Pentair 360284 Rebel Cleaner Buckle Kit $ 12. Review Subject Required. 755 grams per hour. PowerClean Salt Ultra 760 Replacement Cell - Saltwater Chlorinator. With a new replacement cell for Breeze or Wave systems, you’re set for the pool season. 3 RESULTS Powerclean Replacement Salt Cells for Powerclean & SGS Systems Saline Generating Systems SGS Breeze 760 Replacement Salt Cell (now CMP Powerclean Salt Ultra) Saline Generating Systems SGS Breeze 760 Replacement Salt Cell (now CMP Powerclean Salt Ultra) Part Number: SGSB760-RC. CMP PowerCleanEcon 540 . if you do not want unions order Part: 52000-200-103. Compatible replacement for SGS replacement cell electrodes 1FIN-CEBRZ540 and 1FIN-CEWAVE40, CMP replacement cell electrode 52000-240-110 and CaliMar® replacement cell electrode CMARCSG40-1. Aftermarket 7-Blade Replacement Salt Cell guaranteed to work with the SGS® Breeze 760 (now CMP PowerClean Salt) salt chlorine generator. 00 Sale (41) CMP PowerClean Salt - Saline Generating Systems now offers the Breeze Salt Chlorine Generator systems for residential swimming pools from 20,000 - 60, Replacement Cell - 60K. com are the experts in salt systems and salt cell replacements, with a great range of products at the best prices. * For Generic Cell order 546-SRC250-G (puts out 20 grams per hour) For Housing Order: 537-HOUSING for Generic w/ no unions Original with no unions (845-52000200102) Original With Powerclean Salt by CMP, formerly SGS Saline Generating Systems As a part of CMP Pool Products, SGS is now Powerclean Salt. 1FIN-CEWAVE40 . 52000-240-110 . POWERCLEAN REPLACEMENT CELLS BY CMP, FORMERLY SGS RESILIENCE NEXA PURE SALT CELL REPLACEMENTS ZODIAC REPLACEMENT CELLS AND ELECTRODES SALINITY TESTING DEVICES & TEST KITS We not only have popular salt cell replacements like the Hayward AquaRite T-Cell-15 and Pentair IC40 but also offer a comprehensive collection of APX PERFORMANCE salt cells are drop-in replacements for your existing salt cell, regardless of its software revision level. Features: • Replacement for SGS SG5000 and manifold commercial systems • Suitable for pools up to 60,000 gallons • Comes with a cell cord (10ft) • No need for re-plumbing, direct fitting threads • Meets all original factory specifications • As a part of CMP Pool Products, SGS is now Powerclean Salt™. This unit is compatible with SGS Wave, Breeze and CircuPool SJ Series salt water chlorine generator systems. 100% FREE SHIPPING! Aqua Supercenter 1680 Fruitville Rd. With other salt generators you have to guess when the plates are dirty. High Performance Electrodes - The Sunseeker Salt Chlorine Generator only uses the highest performance long life Titanium electrodes Powerclean Salt Replacement Cell Electrode Only | For Up To 40,000 Gallons | 52000-240-110 $931. Suite: 515 Sarasota, FL 34236 Amazon. Your Price: $839. 4 amps @110 volt. Resource Center CMP PowerClean Ultra Replacement Cell O-Ring-Replacement o-ring for the SGS Breeze and SGS Wave Cell Housing. The APX PERFORMANCE S7 aftermarket replacement salt cell is an easy replacement designed to fit SGS Breeze760 models and other 7-blade Saline Generating Systems Breeze, or Wave salt chlorine generators, as well as CMP PowerClean Salt 760 models. : Patio, Lawn & Garden. Replacement Cell for PowerClean Salt Ultra 540 Saltwater Chlorinator. SGS Breeze 320 Saltwater Chlorinator Replacement Cell. The container unit did not include a rubber gasket to seal the joint with the container opening and the electronic salt cell lid. With three different sizes, take the opportunity to choose a cell that has plenty of power to easily keep your pool clean. 99. Order Part number 845-52000200102 (New Style Housing) Salt Cell Replacement, CMP (52000-220-110) Replaces Breeze 3000/ 320 $ 643. Sort by Default Order. In stock $ 790. CLEAR CELL HOUSING: It's easy to inspect the cell plates and see when it's time to clean. The replacement cell for SGS Breeze (now C-M-P) efficiently keeps your Breeze salt chlorine generators running as they should. The success of the company’s commercial salt chlorine generators led to the development of high performance residential sanitizer systems using the same SGS Breeze 320 Saltwater Chlorinator Replacement Cell. SMART SENSOR: The intelligent cell constantly transmits conductivity CircuPool® Universal40 Saltwater Chlorinator - Complete System with 40k-Gallon Max Cell - Compatible with existing Systems,Titanium Cell & 4 Year Warranty 4. FIND CMP PRODUCTS. 00 $695. 01 Platinum Edition Replacement Salt Cell Housing for SGS Wave and Breeze Models. Powerclean / SGS / Breeze / Wave Replacement Cells; Compu Pool Replacement Cells; Solaxx / Purechlor Replacement Cells; Pentair IntelliChlor Replacement Cells; Retro Replacement SGS Breeze 760 Salt Chlorine Generator | 60,000 Gallons Eco Friendly - Salt cell pools require less chemicals and eliminate the need for liquid chlorine. Rating Required Name Email Required. 6 Year SGS WAVE 40 Salt System 40K Gallon - SGSWAVE40. Years 3 to 6 are sold at 50% of manufactures MSRP. SGS® Breeze® 540 . Does not include the housing. Cart 0. Show 12 Products; Show 24 Products; Show 36 Products; Dummy Plug for Housing, Pristine & Others $ 20. To Order SGS/ CMP, Salt Cell Housing (no unions) Salt Water Generating Systems (CE112-UVRSP) * Obsolete. OVERVIEW: Replacement for all SGS Wave and Breeze model salt chlorinators. Search. CALIMAR® REPLACEMENT SALT CELLS COMPATIBLE WITH SGS® WAVE & BREEZE SYSTEMS SaltPoolStore. It’s time for a chlorine generator that pool professionals and homeowners will all love to use. This user-friendly design ensures a swift and stress-free replacement process, in just minutes. Consequently, changing between Don't sacrifice quality and worry about frequent salt cell replacement. Home; Salt Cells; APX PERFORMANCE V15 Aftermarket Replacement Cell fits Hayward® AquaRite® T-15 Cell for 40,000 Gallons Max; This aftermarket replacement salt cell for the Aquarite is 100% Electrode, Aquachlor (C-330SC) Self Cleaning w/locking ring * Generic Specs: Self Cleaning, 7 plates, 220mm/ 8. 15,000 Hour Extended Life Replacement Salt Cell for the following Chlorine Generators: CMP PowerClean Ultra 540 and Powerclean Salt Replacement Cell Plates; Cell Size 320 52000-240-130: Powerclean Salt Replacement Cell Plates; Cell Size 540 52000-260-130: Powerclean Salt Replacement Cell Plates; Cell Size 760 CUSTOMER SERVICE. Locate a CMP representative or pool products distributor near you. 03. Check this page regularly, as we will be adding cells over time. Rating Required. Toggle navigation Search. Manufacturer: SGS Chlorinator Replacement Cell Housing, CE112-UVRSP. Customize and care for your system by maintaining or replacing worn out parts! Platinum Edition Replacement Salt Cell for Powerclean, SGS Breeze 760 | 60,000 Gallons | 5-Year Warranty. This is the new style with Unions. home. ThePoolFolks. NOTIFY ME WHEN IN STOCK Do you carry replacement cells and / or dummy cells for this unit? If no dummy cell, can the cell be simply removed for the winter? Reply A SGS Breeze 760 Saltwater Chlorinator Replacement Cell. Specifications. $249 00 $669 00 Save $420 Autopilot Cell Union O Ring Set. Platinum Edition Replacement Salt Cell Housing for Powerclean, SGS Wave and Breeze Models $139 00 Platinum Edition Replacement Salt Cell for Powerclean, SGS Breeze 760 | 60,000 Our Platinum Edition replacement salt cell is a great alternative replacement to the OEM salt cell. For residential use, Platinum Edition Salt Cells warrants the original purchaser that the equipment shall be free of manufacturer defects at the time of sale But you may simply want to look at this item: Replacement cell for CompuPool CPSC 24. 95 52000-200-101. Warranty covers manufacturers defects only. 99 Replacement Salt Cell for Chlorine Generators: Pool Supply Unlimited has some of the best prices when shopping for Powerclean Salt Replacement Cell Electrode Only | For Up To 40,000 Gallons | 1FIN-CEBRZ540 1FIN-CEWAVE40 52000-240-110 CaliMar Replacement Salt Cell Electrode Compatible SGS Wave & Breeze 540 Systems and CMP Powerclean 540 Systems | 40,000 Gallons | CMARCPC30-2Y SGS Breeze 320 Replacement Salt Cell - 20K; Model # 1FIN-CEBRZ320; Sku # 10-SGS320C; SGS SGS Breeze 320 Replacement Salt Cell - 20K $ 749 95 Typically arrives in 6 to 8 weeks FREE shipping. Hello, Guest | Log In (0) Items. 13. 2" slip, 5-1/2" on center Replace your old round housing before it breaks and causes your pool Zodiac LM3 Replacement Cells; Powerclean / SGS / Breeze / Wave Replacement Cells; Compu Pool Replacement Cells; Solaxx / Purechlor Replacement Cells; Retro Replacement SGS Breeze 540 and Wave 40 Salt Chlorine Generator | 40,000 Gallons | 5 Saltwater chlorinator cells don't last forever, they usually have a life cycle of over 5 years. $1,296. This cell is designed to drop in place and allow you to replace your old Breeze320 cell in minutes. $1,043. Also compatible with older SG3000 systems. This unit is compatible with SGS Breeze 760 and CircuPool SJ55 Series salt water chlorine generator systems. SGS® Wave® 320 . Powerclean Salt systems are designed to be durable, affordable and serviceable. High Performance Electrodes - The Sunseeker Salt Chlorine Generator only uses the highest performance long life Titanium electrodes with a specially formulated Platinum and Iridium coating. In years four and five of the warranty period, SGS will repair or replace any parts in the Unit that are confirmed to This replacement salt cell for the Breeze 540 is 100% compatible with original systems (no software/firmware issues). For Housing Order: Generic Housing w/ no unions (537-HOUSING) Unlock a World of Pool Perfection with an APX PERFORMANCE Replacement Salt Cell! Seamless Compatibility: Our APX PERFORMANCE salt cell effortlessly fits SGS Breeze 760, CMP Breeze, Wave, and PowerClean Salt 760 models. $980. When you purchase an APX PERFORMANCE salt cell from one of our authorized online retailers, you can be confident that you Salt Cell Housing for the following Chlorine Generators: CMP PowerCleanEcon 320 CMP PowerClean Econ 540 SGSWave 320 SGS Wave 540 . Add to cart; Pentair K12655 E-Z the exception of the O-ring, The Control Center plastic cover, labels, cell cap, and cell housing, which are normal replacement items and excluded from this warranty) to be free from manufacturing defects in materials and workmanship for a period of five years from date of SGS will repair or replace any “Wave” parts in the Unit that are Compatible replacement for SGS replacement cell electrodes 1FIN-CEBRZ540 and 1FIN-CEWAVE40, CMP replacement cell electrode 52000-240-110 and CaliMar® replacement cell electrode CMARCSG40-1. New part number: 52000-220-110 Specs: 14. This cell is designed to drop in place and allow you to replace your old Breeze760 cell in minutes. 60,000 . 2. Brief content visible, double tap to read full content. See below for more information. 3 out of 5 stars 332 1 offer from $1,22900 $ 1,229 00 Brand: SGSFeatures: Salt Cell Housing for the following Chlorine Generators: CMP PowerClean Ultra 320 and 320EXT, CMP PowerClean Ultra 540 and 540EXT, CMP PowerClean Ultra 760 and 760EXT SGS Breeze 320, SGS Replacement Salt Cells - APX PERFORMANCE salt cells are designed to be drop-in aftermarket replacements with 100% compatibility. Salt Cell Housing O-ring for the following Chlorine Generators:: Replacement Parts. 00 $474. This generic cell is made for pools up to 40,000 gallons, includes a 15 foot cord and comes with an industry Saline Generating Systems offers three innovative products for the Sanitization of residential and commercial swimming pools: the SG 3000, SG 4000 and SG 5000 Salt Chlorine Generators. Sale. com: 52000-200-102 PowerClean Salt Ultra Cell Housing, SGS Chlorinator Replacement Cell Housing, CE112-UVRSP. 88 lbs per day Saline Generating Systems SGS Breeze 540 Replacement Salt Cell (now CMP Powerclean Salt Ultra) Part Number: SGSB540-RC. Produce pure chlorine without tablets or shock APX PERFORMANCE S3 Aftermarket Replacement Cell fits SGS Breeze® 320 (now CMP® PowerClean Salt®) for up to 20,000 Gallon Salt Pools- Unlock a World of. Aftermarket 3-Blade Replacement Salt Cell guaranteed to work with the SGS® Breeze 320 (now CMP PowerClean Salt) salt chlorine generator. Add to cart Details. $449 00 $959 00 Save $510 Salt Cell Replacement, Powerclean, CMP (52000-220-110) Replaces Breeze 3000/ 320 Replaces: SGS (1Fin-CEBRZ320) Specs: 14. Salt Cell Replacement, CMP Powerclean (52000-260-110), Replaces SGS (1FIN-CEBRZ760) Specs: 7 Plates, Produces 35. 00 CMP® Powerclean® Salt Ultra 320 . Powerclean / SGS / Breeze / Wave Replacement Cells; Compu Pool Replacement Cells; Solaxx / Purechlor Replacement Cells; Pentair IntelliChlor Replacement Cells; Replacement Salt Cell for Hayward T-CELL-15 | 40,000 Gallons | 3-Year Warranty. The Ultra also includes superior, wide-set cell plates, preventing scale Salt Pool Store are a preferred supplier of Platinum Edition replacement salt cells, which have been stringently developed for high performance and complete compatibility with original cells. 00. It is designed for use with the CMP Power clean Salt Ultra 540, CMP PowerClean Salt Econ 540, SGS Wave 540, and SGS Breeze 540. • Power to the Powerclean Salt Ultra should be turned off before unplugging the Electrolytic cell from the cell housing, or power supply, to prevent cell damage and low voltage sparks. Add to shopping cart to get best price. Replacement Salt Cells Compatible with SGS Wave & Breeze Systems and CMP Powerclean Systems Manufactured by CaliMar Compatible replacement for SGS replacement cell electrodes 1FIN-CEBRZ320 and 1FIN-CEWAVE20, CMP replacement cell electrode 52000-220-110, and CaliMar® replacement cell electrode CMARCSG20-1. $499. Add to Cart Overview Replacement salt cell for the SGS Breeze 320 chlorine generator. APEX S3 Aftermarket Replacement Cell fits SGS Breeze® 320 (now CMP® PowerClean Salt®) for up to 20,000 Gallon Salt Pools- Unlock a World of Pool Perfe. Getting the best deal on a long-lasting replacement cell will maximize what makes salt systems so nice in the first place: spending less by eliminating chlorine chemicals and ensuring low maintenance so you can spend more time enjoying the pool. Please note: this item is not manufactured, endorsed Building on the technology introduced in the original POWERCLEAN Salt System, the Ultra has a built-in-sensor that monitors faults due to low flow, temperature, and calcium build-up. Qty. The Replacement Salt Cell for pools up to 40,000 Gallons is an eco-friendly, affordable, and high-performing replacement Salt Cell that comes with one year full replacement warranty. Your Price: $12. CMP Powerclean Salt Ultra 320 Salt Chlorinator (SGS Saline Generating Systems Breeze 320) | 52000-220-000 Replacement cell for CompuPool CPSC 24. The heart of all Platinum Edition cells are the Titanium electrodes that are manufactured with a specially formulated, proprietary long life coating. Formally SGS Breeze. APX PERFORMANCE S3 Aftermarket Replacement Cell fits SGS Breeze® 320 (now CMP® PowerClean Salt®) for up to 20,000 Gallon Salt The APX PERFORMANCE S3 aftermarket replacement salt cell is an easy replacement designed to fit SGS Breeze320 models and other 3-blade Saline Generating Systems Breeze or Wave salt chlorine generators, as well as CMP PowerClean Salt 320 models. Skip to Main Content. This is the next generation salt chlorine system: designed to SGS Breeze 540 Saltwater Chlorinator Replacement Cell SGS Breeze 540 Saltwater Chlorinator Replacement Cell. Name Email Required. Variable Speed Pumps. CMARCPC40-2Y . Pools up to 20,000 gallons ; Auto shut-off for low salt, low temp or low flow ; New grab handles on cell cap for easier removal ; Easy to read upgraded design for control units ; Heavy duty custom cleaning tool included; Upgraded & reinforced salt cell body ; Chlorine Output: 0. 40,000 gallon max capacity. Definitely recommend it. Warehouse Location: Oceanside, California. , 2 inch socket fittings Warranty: 3 years Standard For a 4 year SINCE JOINING CMP, WHAT HAS CHANGED WITH SGS PRODUCTS? Since 2007, Saline Generating Systems has been producing innovative chlorine generators with a completely new serviceable design concept. Simply unscrew and di. 1 O‐Ring 1 Electrolytic Cell with cord, and Cap 1 Mounting Bracket 1 Cleaning Stick –Acid Replacement Device 1 Owner With other salt systems, you have to guess. Was this answer helpful? The Breeze salt cell has a threaded View and Download SGS Breeze 320 owner's manual online. 53 Grams per hour), 1 year warranty Replacement Cell for PowerClean Salt Ultra 540 Saltwater Chlorinator. Scratching or bending plates in the cell housing will reduce SGS Breeze 540 Replacement Salt Cell - 40K; Model # 1FIN-CEBRZ540; Sku # 10-SGS540C; SGS SGS Breeze 540 Replacement Salt Cell - 40K $ 849 95 Typically arrives in 6 to 8 weeks FREE shipping. 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