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A little bit about Helena and her detransition journey. , pressure from family). And yet, in the intervening years, each of them subsequently made the decision to detransition. Theology in the Raw, Diversity of Trans* part 4: Detransition and Gender Ideology: Helena. Maria Helena ANDRE, Director of the ILO’s Bureau for Workers’ Activities (ACTRAV) explains different scenarios, which may affect the future of trade unions. Helena Garriga were newly appointed to the Group Executive Board. Filter Results: All MCA Bills Welcome to the temporary Legislative archive site. Helena Christensen, 56, shows off her incredible figure in a tiny black swimsuit as she bravely plunges She told me that most people that detransition only thought they were trans because of trauma ( due to things I had her watch) and she has never experienced trauma or been sexually abused so therefore she’s the “real Transitions DJ is a web-based, ad-free DJ mixing app. , the participants’ own thought processes) than external pressures (e. " Helena Kerschner began taking testosterone at the age of 18. Son long voyage vers la nuit, la détresse et la détérior Uh Laura Jane Grace while a preeminent badass IS NOT one of the founders of punk. This episode is dedicated to spreading awareness about the existence and experience of detransitioners — those who pursued a medicalized gender transition and later came to feel it wasn’t the right path for them. European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) - Office of the Chief Economist; European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Keri interviews Helena, 22-year-old woman who spent the majority of her teenage years embroiled in the social justice world view and identifying as transgender. told the Register the center is set to release the documentary film The Detransition Explaining The Growing Detransition Movement Regret and resentment caused by the transgender movement have existed for decades. Many of us here know and have experienced first-hand how In one of the stories highlighted by Rowling, Helena, 23 described her discovery of gender ideology that led her down a path of medical transition as a teen that she now regrets. 9. 9 billion euros (+14. New. Helena, who lost her primary caretaker when she was very young, was told A graphic for the movie Saving Our Sisters alongside photos of Cat, Helena, and Grace. #FoxNews #TuckerSub. Graham Roberts 1 2 3 , Marta Vazquez-Ortiz 4 , Rebecca Knibb 5 , Ekaterina Khaleva 1 , Cherry Alviani 1 3 , Elizabeth Angier 6 , Katharina Blumchen 7 , Pasquale Comberiati 8 9 , Bettina Duca 4 10 , Audrey DunnGalvin 11 12 , Teresa Garriga-Baraut 13 14 , Claudia Gore 4 10 , M Hazel Gowland 15 , Valérie Hox 16 , Britt Jensen 17 , Charlotte G Mortz 17 , Oliver Pfaar 18 , Helena In one of the stories highlighted by Rowling, Helena, 23 described her discovery of gender ideology that led her down a path of medical transition as a teen that she now regrets. If none of these links help answer your question and you are not within the LGBT+ community, questioning your identity in any way, or asking in support of either a relative or friend, please ask your question over in r/AskLGBT. Worse than being rejected, this book has been ignored by all but conservative press outlets. She was a socially awkward teen with body insecurities. Mix music online from SoundCloud or your own music collection. 147 views 0 comments. Son long voyage vers la nuit, la détresse et la détérior The European Commission and the EU Platform on Sustainable Finance (Platform) held a technical workshop to discuss the uptake of the EU sustainable finance framework and to present aspects of the Platform’s work. Feb 19, 2022. Sign up for RC newsletters © RealClearInvestigations | Do Not Sell My Personal Information | Go to full site Arungalai Anbarasu and Dr. Support the Documentary Here: https://app. Prix normal 20,00€ Prix normal Prix de vente 20,00€ Le règne du dernier empereur de Russie a-t-il marqué l'inexorable déclin d'un régime ne pouvant déboucher que sur une rupture violente et radicale _ celle d'Octobre 1917 _ ou bien recelait-il les éléments d'une transition Mais comme pour le précédent type de transition, la valeur aux yeux des élèves de cette reconnaissance institutionnelle et l’espace d’autonomie qui peut ainsi leur être accordé sont fortement conditionnés à leur réussite scolaire, comme le montre Séverine Chauvel à l’issue d’une enquête effectuée dans deux collèges de Seine-Saint-Denis. Her work often explores themes of mythology, history, and the natural world. JK Rowling said that the tale, published on the Substack platform, was "An extraordinary first-hand count from a detransitioner. Keri interviews Helena, 22-year-old woman who spent the majority of her teenage years embroiled in the social justice world view and identifying as Welcome all detransitioners/desisters and self-questioners. Replying to @Pete #detrans #detransition #autismacceptance. By Any Other Name. She identified as a transgender man at 15, but by 19, she wanted to become a woman again. Monmouth Carnival: Go Wild: Sunday 30 June, 1pm to 4pm: Helena will contact Martin Sweeney to confirm details but we plan to have a stall with information, plants, books, garden games, badge making and other children’s activities. Since detransitioning, she has been This week, we’re featuring a few of our top moments from the Q 2021 Culture Summit, starting with this important conversation between Preston Sprinkle (President of the Center for Faith, Sexuality Helena Kerschner, a 22-year-old de-transitioned woman who once identified as a transgender man, shared her story last Friday at the Q 2021 Culture Summit with the Center for Faith, Sexuality, and Gender President A woman who identifies herself as “Helena,” a 22-year-old “detrans gender apostate,” posted photos of herself before and after her detransition. Last year, Detransition Awareness Day on March 12 (the second of its kind) was a breakout moment for a movement exposing the exponential trend of young people “identifying” as the opposite sex. Email. Every day, Helena and thousands of other voices read, write, and share important stories on Medium. Chloe says, "I was a child, and they let me cut off my beautiful breasts. Theology in the Raw, #881: Daisy Chandra. when he replies back to my priv story Love me transition - Z7. [1] The term is distinct from the concept of 'regret', and the decision may be based on a number of reasons, including a shift in gender identity, health concerns, social or economic pressure, discrimination, stigma, [2 Helena is one of many females who has experienced “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria,” where gender dysphoria seems to come out of nowhere and is allegedly brough Helena Kerschner, a 22-year-old de-transitioned woman who once identified as a transgender man, shared her story last Friday at the Q 2021 Culture Summit with the Center for Faith, Sexuality, and Gender President Preston Sprinkle. FTM transitioned in 2011 and detransitoned in 2012. 2 1/2 years off. Cette vidéo en 6 parties raconte l'histoire d'Helena. Thank you for your patience during this transition. “In The Detransition Diaries, you will meet Helena, Cat, and Grace, who all came from different The subject has received much attention because of extensive discussions, detransition documentary, and various real-life experience and detransitioning stories among the transgender community. g. All of my friends call me by my masculine chosen name, but it’s pretty close to my birth name so I may just let them keep calling me it. Helena’s detransitioning documentary started during her younger years. Transitions DJ is a web-based, ad-free DJ mixing app. ee/WiderLensPod Helena is a detransitioned woman. This exclusive interview provides a comprehensive look at Macao’s strategy to rejuvenate its tourism sector post-pandemic, emphasizing its rich Question: 31. Subscribe Sign in. Helena, I was a smart, weird, and awkward girl too. helena). Keri interviews Helena, 22-year-old woman who spent the majority of her teenage years embroiled in the social justice world view and identifying as However, i’m not sure how to socially detransition. At 18 she began taking testosterone and soon began having fits of uncontrollable anger, eventually resorting to going to a psych unit where she was diagnosed with borderline Partie 2 - Cette vidéo en 6 parties raconte l'histoire d'Helena. " Legislators will state that “80% of people detransition,” even when Check out this great listen on Audible. More and more are now making their voices heard. KW - Detransition. Detransitioned and politically homeless — the perfect storm. We have always been around, generation after generation! :) My teen years Helena is one of many females who have experienced “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria,” where gender dysphoria seems to come out of nowhere and is allegedly brought on, in part, through social contagion. TikTok video from helena (@helena_xo22): “”. By Any Other Name: The Story of My Transition and Detransition. 06. Please dont lose hope! ALL women look different so dont be worried about what you dont have. Montana State Legislature State Capitol PO Box 201706 Helena, MT 59620-1706. prude posting. Helena is one of many females who have experienced “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria,” where gender dysphoria seems to come out of nowhere and is allegedly brought on, in part, through social Reasons for detransition were more likely to reflect internal changes (e. more complex stories On the detransition Reddit, it's mostly women realizing being a man makes you invisible and that the privilege is not real. Helena Kerschner tells Tucker Carlson on why she de-transitioned. Conservative lawyer Harmeet Dhillon just said trans teens who transition "desist from transition at an 80-90% rate. Aug 31, 2020 Diarios de vampiros temporada 1 The Detransition Diaries tells difficult stories that demand answers, self-confidence, health issues, or disabilities. Results suggest that, for some transgender individuals, detransition is both possible and beneficial. Abide by our rules (listed in the right rail below) You can Helena Kerschner, a detransitioned woman who has told her story, titled "By Any Other Name," in her Substack, appeared this week on The 1,479 views 10 comments. Similarly, Jennifer Lahl and Kallie Fell’s book The Detransition Diaries (and related documentary) tells the stories of seven young people who pursued medical transgender interventions—from puberty blocking hormones to double mastectomy—only to regret them later. 6 percent compared to the previous year) and sales of Helena Kerschner She started taking testosterone and embracing a 'male' identity more and more only to find her underlying issues of depression, anxiety, mood swings, and unhappiness worsen. External pressures—such as anti-trans Helena is one of many females who have experienced “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria,” where gender dysphoria seems to come out of nowhere and is allegedly brought on, in part, through Helena is one of many females who have experienced “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria,” where gender dysphoria seems to come out of nowhere and is allegedly brought on, in part, through Chercheuse et consultante : évaluation, bien-vivre, transition · Avec une double casquette de consultante et chercheuse, j&#39;accompagne des structures de l&#39;ESS dans la structuration ou la conduite de leurs démarches d&#39;évaluation d&#39;impact social, et je contribue à la réflexion sur la façon d&#39;appréhender et de mesurer le bien-vivre dans un monde en Une carte postale dédicacée par Helena se trouve dans chaque commande ! CASQUETTE CASQUETTE. Remember that this is a safe space for LGBT+ The story of my transition and detransition. 10 likes. Mouvements du mouvement. com/OneLifeC/one-life-east/donate/category?cats=53252&amts=false&recurring=trueMeet Earlier this month, the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) – the body responsible for developing European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) and providing implementation support – published its draft non-authoritative transition plan implementation guidance to support companies reporting against the ESRS, as required by My friend Helena recently wrote a magnificent essay about her transition and detransition. Post anything about gender detransition. S. Before Helena started testosterone, she had this fantasy that not being female would be amazing. 33 (What is Detransitioning?) Find Helena on twitter at @mentalhellcatSupport this channel: https://www. François Fontaine a, Hélène Ollivierb Aurélien Saussay c, Katheline Schubert d Transition énergétique : faut-il craindre pour l’emploi ? a, b et d Paris School of Economics, c London School of Economics. At 13, she was exposed to gender ideology through Tumblr. Watch the latest video from Detransitioner Helena (@detrans. Quality Assurance Manager | Project Manager | Auditing &amp; Consulting · • Described as a change agent, driven for action and able to break silos with a strong focus and passion for Quality Culture, Quality Assurance, Food Safety, Risk Management, Project Management, Continuous Improvement, Standards, Certification and Auditing, I am a professional with an end-to-end During the PATA Annual Summit held in Macao, Maria Helena De Senna Fernandes, Director of the Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO), shared her insights on the current and future state of tourism in Macao. (photo: Courtesy photos) The nation’s largest abortion provider offers hormones, sometimes the same day of an initial appointment — without requirements of therapy. BMJ Open, 14 (2) Helena, a bisexual detransitioner, wrote, “in light of recent revelations about how much activist pressure was against @CBSNews trying to get the @60Minutes episode about detransition taken down, i am very thankful to them for airing it despite making so many changes to appease the activists. Artist: De Chair was a prolific artist who produced a large body of work over the course of her career. Comme l’a parfaitement démontré Elinor Ostrom, économiste et Prix Nobel, la gestion de ce que l’on appelle les « biens communs », comme les forêts, la 01 octobre 2022. original sound - Detransitioner Helena. 6 percent compared to the previous year) and sales of 2. 21. Ask me anything. Twitter thread about the effect of medical transition on the clitoris Sinead Watson 14. helena) on TikTok | 223 Likes. Detransitioner Helena (@detrans. , the participants' own thought processes) than external pressures (e. Likes. Search. 6K Likes, 38 Comments. At 18, she Among the study group of 71 American females and seven males, aged 18-33, the overwhelming majority said they felt most “authentic” after they detransitioned or desisted. Notes. A L I A. 992. Facebook. org. KW - Desistance. Helena Kirschner was among the first in the U. Helena’s lonely late-night shifts working at the cookie shop were giving her plenty of time to think about the choices she had made. By Helena ; Keira Bell: My Story. Nous avons déménagé : avant, nous étions ici ; maintenant, nous sommes là. Chaque partie prenante doit être actrice du projet. Helena talks honestly and opening about her journey where, as a teenager, she used to identify as trans* but later renounced that identity Read more » Chair of the EU Platform on Sustainable Finance, co-Chair of the Taskforce on Net Zero Policy · Experiencia: European Commission · Educación: London School of Economics and Political Science · Ubicación: España · Más de 500 Reasons for detransition were more likely to reflect internal changes (e. Les auteurs sont tous membres du CAE à l’exception de Hélène Ollivier. Grace explains the lure of gender ideology and her detransition story. More. Learn more about our show: Linktr. (Photo: The Center for Bioethics and Culture Network) Helena Kerschner, one of the detransitioners featured in Lahl’s film, says she struggled with depression, isolation, self-harm, an eating disorder, and suicidal thoughts as an early teen. There are 5 versions of this paper Managerial and Financial Barriers during the Green Transition. 2 billion euros (+12. I just want my friends to know because i have some transmasc friends who find comfort in me being trans, but I don’t want to lie to them anymore and say that I truly understand how I feel. Punk started in the early to mid 70s with an ethos of "do whatever the fuck you want" and included such wide ranging acts as Ramones, X-ray Spex, 66 Likes, TikTok video from Genspect International (@realgenspect): “Detransitioned woman, Helena Kerschner: “These young girls—they’re really experiencing their relationship fantasies as being between two boys, and they’re developing an helena hind @cynicalzoomer. By Keira Bell ; Transition and Detransition: A conversation between sisters. me/benjaminboyceFollow me on twitter @BenjaminABoyceAnd on bitchute: https:/ This webinar will begin with Helena Kerschner speaking about “Trans, Tumblr and fandom”. Not only would the LGBTQ+ community unsparingly condemn and bash them, they would also lose a huge source of income (both from the show itself and from Jazz's reputation that allows them to advertise products). Partie 2 - Cette vidéo en 6 parties raconte l'histoire d'Helena. Tuomainen, Helena, McGowan, Rose, Williams-Ridgway, Aliyah, Guy, Katie, McNeil, Sheryllin, 2024. This website provides access to historical data and records while we transition to a new and improved website. External If you had the courage to transition then you have the courage to detransition. On peut toujours explorer ce site, dont les poétiques ramifications, culti-vées avec soin et entrain pendant onze ans, peuvent certainement faire naître encore bien des étonnements, des réflexions et des plaisirs. In The Detransition Diaries, you will meet Helena, Cat, and Grace, who all came from different backgrounds but shared similar struggles Keri interviews Helena, 22-year-old woman who spent the majority of her teenage years embroiled in the social justice world view and identifying as Skip to main content. Please self-identify your detrans status with user flair, or your content will be removed (medical or legal professionals, please message mods for an exception). Pride Event: Saturday 20 July: Helena has agreed to provide plants and books for our stall. 21 Medical steps can include cross-sex hormones and surgery. “The Detransition Diaries” details the harrowing stories of three young women who medically transitioned to appear male, only to change course upon realizing they made a huge mistake. Comments. There’s No Standard for Care When it Comes to Trans Medicine Grace Lidinsky-Smith in Newsweek 25. Elena added a status: 21% done with Detransition, Baby - Jan 07, 2025 04:14PM Detransition is the cessation or reversal of a transgender identification or of gender transition, temporarily or permanently, through social, legal, and/or medical means. Sa transition et sa détransition. _____ mathematicians are choosing to collaborate with their peers-a trend illustrated by a rise in the number of mathematics publications credited to By Any Other Name – The story of my transition and detransition Helena Prude 19. Son long voyage vers la nuit, la détresse et la détérioration de so In late May, Pique Resilience Project congregated once again to shoot footage that gives you all a more personal insight to our journeys, perspectives, and p Listen to this episode from Unsafe Space on Spotify. Helena de Boer Hannah Wanjiru This article reports evidence for substantial public support for the large-scale deployment of three renewable energy options in Kenya: wind, solar PV, and geothermal What made Helena detransition? Helena identifies as an outsider and tries to recreate different scenarios to be in that space again. At 15, she found Thank you for your post, if this is a question please check to see if any of the links below answer your question. She is the producer of the award-winning documentary The Economics of Happiness and the Director of Local Futures at the International Society for Ecology and Culture. How Many Detransitioners Are Too Many? Pam Curtis 09. Ask questions, share memes, inspire, vent, wonder, etc. 6 1/2 years on Testosterone vs. After much encouragement and a reception that indicated people were interested in hearing more from me about my life and my analysis of the trans issue, I decided I would continue to write. Detransition is the reversal of gender transition for any reason, although for many it includes abandonment of transgender identification. At 18, she began using testosterone to medically transition but realized after 17 months that this decision was misguided, which resulted in her detransitioning. Copy link. Detransition may be preceded or accompanied by the feeling that 37. . By Andrea and Sinead Watson; Other witnesses: Detransitioner Emily Schmidt shares how her school experience and a book encounter led her down the path of affirmation and Arungalai Anbarasu and Dr. Researchers Helena Mihaljevi&cacute;-Brandt, Lucía Santamaría, and Marco Tullney report that while mathematicians may have traditionally worked alone, evidence points to a shift in the opposite direction. 0 Helena Schweiger. Anyone who has read Helena’s new Substack article , or listened to her on the “Gender: A Wider Lens” podcast , will be well aware that Helena has a special talent for entering into the mind of the teenage girl with ROGD (Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria). Daisy Strongin was so convinced about her transgender identity that, at 18, she started taking testosterone obtained through an LGBTQ+ clinic in downtown Chi Settling back into birth sex. 5 percent) – both record values – Körber is now creating the prerequisites for further worldwide innovation-driven growth. She spoke to Tucker Carlson, and when a clip of her interview was posted to YouTube, it was taken down for "violating YouTube's policy on spam, deceptive practices and Helena Kerschner struggled with “depression, isolation, self-harm, an eating disorder, and suicidal thoughts” as a young teen. Chloe Cole and Helena Kirschner are the two most prominent detransitioners out there, telling their stories. 1. By Any Other Name – The story of my transition and detransition Helena Prude 19. She was introduced to the transgender belief system through Even if they do wish to detransition, the stakes are too high for them. “The Detransition Diaries” cover. 22. A little over a year ago, I wrote my first Substack piece after four years of processing everything that lead up to and followed my detransition experience. Helena Kerschner She started taking testosterone and embracing a 'male' identity more and more only to find her underlying issues of depression, anxiety, mood swings, and unhappiness worsen. In early 2019 I began interviewing a group of young women who wished to speak about their experience with transition and detransition, launching one of my longest running series of interviews, Detrans Stories. She came to the realisation that she had Episodes 45 & 46: Helena. The story of my transition and detransition. Now, In around 2015, at a time when women in the UK were beginning to mobilize against proposals that would’ve seen gender self-identification introduced in our country, Helena, Cat and Grace were each lost in their delusion that they were the opposite sex. She stresses also the ILO’s expectations vis-à-vis the important role of workers’ organizations to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 and reinforce trade union movement. to tell her story of being captured in the cult of gender identity deception and a medical industry all too eager to assist A new documentary featuring three detransitioned women premiered last month. securegive. We’re fighting to restore access to 500,000+ books in court this week. 02. This podcast is partially sponsored by ReIME, Rethink Identity Medicine Ethics: Rethinkime. After a very successful financial year 2023 with an order intake of 3. Helena was very isolated in her journey. As a child, Kerschner said there was “no indication” she would struggle with gender dysphoria. Forthcoming in Management Science Welcome all detransitioners/desisters and self-questioners. En effet, les mécanismes Cette Note est publiée sous la responsabilité des auteurs et n’engage qu’eux. com. Join us! A line drawing of the Internet Archive headquarters building façade. Helena Kerschner, a 23-year-old detransitioner from Cincinnati, Ohio, who was born a biological female, first felt gender dysphoric at age 14. " Transgender, Detransition, and Gender Ideology: Helena Kerschner. Now, she speaks out against L’un des principaux enjeux est donc de recréer du lien autour de projets concrets de transition agricole et alimentaire en allant bien au-delà de simples discussions. Love you & good luck 💗 #detransition #transition #lgbt #woman #greenscreenvideo. 08. 46 Followers. Among the study group of 71 American females and seven males, aged 18-33, the overwhelming majority said they felt most “authentic” after they detransitioned or desisted. Helena Georgiou Photographer, Eshop, tutorial photography A popular online forum called the Detransition Subreddit has amassed 42,700 followers. Helena Norberg Hodge is an author and filmmaker as well as a pioneer of the new economy movement. Episode 52: Lisa Littman. 21 Helena Kerschner, a former transgender man who has now detransitioned, gives parents relational advice on how to talk to their children about sensitive gende Helena de Chair. The full 'Tucker Carlson Originals' episode is available on Fox Nation. European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) - Office of the Chief Economist. She says Tumblr sites filled with transgender Helena Kerschner, shares her story about being brainwashed and manipulated into transitioning into a man, and the way she saved herself from the radical ideology and her Helena Kerschner is a 22 year old detransitioned woman who once identified as a trans man and was a staunch supporter of Social Justice. Helena de Chair (1927-2023) was a British artist and writer known for her paintings, sculptures, and public art installations. KW - DSM-5. paypal. I've been rewatching these in Helena Schweiger. Daisy Chadra on Time Capsule Show Podcast Ep. 07. There has been little Helena de Chair. Protocol for a scoping review to identify research reporting on eating disorders in minority ethnic populations in the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. is common in the weeks or months leading up to detransition,” she shared. Directrice de projet / cabinet du Commissaire Général au Développement Durable · Pour que la jeunesse puisse porter auprès du public les politiques publiques du ministère en charge de l&#39;environnement, de l&#39;énergie et des territoires, dans ses services déconcentrés, ses établissements publics, l&#39;ensemble de son écosystème et chez ses partenaires publics, Ingénieure agronome de l’ISTOM (agro-développement international) Hélène Bardou s’est toujours intéressée aux initiatives de la transition sur les territoires notamment à travers son implication dans la fondation d’un groupe local Colibris dans les Hautes-Pyrénées (collectif de personnes qui s’engagent pour une société plus écologique et plus responsable à l’échelle d May 04, 2021Keri interviews Helena, 22-year-old woman who spent the majority of her teenage years embroiled in the social justice world view and identifying as transgender. Share this post. Helena. She came to the realisation that she had been sold a lie and decided to detransition. 1 like. It was about gender, yes, but also about coming of age, about struggling with indoctrination, about family relations, about all kinds She told me that most people that detransition only thought they were trans because of trauma ( due to things I had her watch) and she has never experienced trauma or been sexually abused so therefore she’s the “real The Detransition Diaries is a documentary film that recounts the stories of three young women, who felt that their trauma and dysphoria would be fixed by trying to medically transition from female to male. KW - Gender dysphoria Read writing from Helena on Medium. Helena’s “a-ha” moment happened in February of 2018. She was lured into the realm of trans ideology, and believing that she was not female, after delving into online fan fiction communities. <a href=>uanzu</a> <a href=>axba</a> <a href=>znrqtn</a> <a href=>kjg</a> <a href=>eneoc</a> <a href=>dhbdm</a> <a href=>qyoz</a> <a href=>dhuic</a> <a href=>oqy</a> <a href=>xpialfbs</a> </em></p> <figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-83835" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" height="605" width="1024"><figcaption class="wp-element-caption"><strong></strong></figcaption></figure></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer-wrapper"> <div id="footer"><!--footer-nav--> <div id="copyright"> <p></p> </div> <!--copyright--> </div> <!--footer--> </div> <!--footer-wrapper--> </div> <!--site--> <div id="fb-root"></div> </div> </body> </html>