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================================================== --> <header> </header> <div class="row"> <!-- Start Job Title ================================================== --> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="job-detail"> <h3><span class="job-title">Equinix internship reddit. 274 votes, 12 comments.</span></h3> </div> </div> <!-- End Job Title ================================================== --> <!-- Start Company Logo ================================================== --> <div class="col-md-1 col-sm-2"> <div class="company-logo"> <img src="" alt="IS2 Newmarket" class="sjb-img-responsive" id=""> </div> </div> <!-- ================================================== End Company Logo --> <div class="col-md-11 col-sm-10 header-margin-top"> <div class="row"> <!-- Start Company Name ================================================== --> <div class="col-md-5"> <div class="job-info job-info-margin"> <h4> <span><span class="website">Equinix internship reddit reddit's new API changes kill third party apps that offer r/esa provides the latest news, events, mission facts and a platform for discussion about ESA, the European Space Agency, and its projects. To target specifically fall internships, you can keep an eye on company career pages, internship websites and job boards. Hi y'all! Hope this type of post is allowed. Let's see if they respond lol. Wanted to start something similar to the Amazon thread as I couldn't really find too much info on where previous c1 interns are at now. Internet Culture (Viral) Amazing; Animals & Pets Hi everyone! I got offered an internship at Pfizer (computational biology R&D) through the Student Worker Program and one at AbbVie (Medical Affairs-Oncology operations). I had a classmate intern at Lycos. I specifically made it for Google Sheets for ease of access across all devices you may use. The University of Notre Dame's Reddit community Grades are also important, but companies (the MNCs and other big ones) look for possible interns who have demonstrated leadership and have managed projects in organizations. 274 votes, 12 comments. Nailing that internship and sustaining your GPA (if it is counted in your poly) is. ) have summer internship programs. I graduated in May of 2019, but accepted a geological engineering job in January of 2019. Didn't even have to guess, that supervisor went with the other intern and i was re-assigned a new supervisor without a research topic. I attended some interviews and I was either not selected, or not suitable or had a low stipend or the ones I mentioned above. In my case, I tried applying for internships with very few org activities and dean’s list awards in my resume. Before I was just getting ghosted by recruiters. Equinix Maintenance Management Data Entry Skillbridge upvotes You gotta apply, like A LOT. It has research, internships, and summer programs, so it would be an excellent fit for anybody in finding opportunities. It has compiled an internship listing. If I wanted a Winter 2024 or Summer 2024 internship, when would I start applying? The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. true. 1% better than the company average rating for salary and benefits. I am currently applying to work for Equinix here in the UK as a Data Centre Technician and was wondering if anyone has had any It has compiled an internship listing. Some companies may outright only hire 2nd or 3rd year interns because of required course material. I am pretty lenient with randos and interns, but I want to feel like you spent 1 minute thinking about what to write to me instead of 10 seconds (i. My supervisor was apparently the head of the department and every other intern's supervisor reported to her. edit-Also I recall he mentioned that he spent his time working on some tank project. /r/GameDesign is not a subreddit about general game development, nor is it a programming subreddit. Equinix in my experience, anything besides a simple patch request takes days to complete a several hour task. Honestly, this is still too bland for me. Google was still a small mostly unknown company. I was in 1st sem , got interviewed by a company from sharktank. Members Online Elephant_thoughts I found my university job posting site and department emails helpful, but making personable connections have worked best for me. You specify your side VLAN in ECX, generally the cloud service provider / Equinix handles the rest. Shape the digital future with Equinix. Members Online. Yes, I had multiple interviewers after I graduated tell me they liked my GPA. those big time internships for consulting and private equity won’t accept freshman unless you have a backdoor connection just waiting to give you a free layup. I don't see their business decreasing until companies decide to start going with on premise equipment again (for security purposes). In general you want to be looking at linkedin job postings, other job sites (indeed, seek, etc) and search for internship programs for major companies via google. Had a 3. Looking to connect with folks interning with Equinix this summer in Frisco, TX. Or if you don't wanna do an internship, you can get a entry level IT job such as a service desk, it's crap yes, but if you're really good at IT, you go above and beyond and are not in that position for With the Dropbox internship on my resume, I was able to get a really decent return call rate for interviews this cycle. I started at $20 and got moved up 6. Use it as a learning experience. The hardest part of the The interview process was incredibly smooth, and the ice-breaking session was fantastic, making everyone feel at ease. reddit's new API changes kill third party apps that offer accessibility features, mod tools, and other I've been hearing more about these virtual internships on InsideSherpa with some very notable companies such as JPMorgan Chase & Co and Y-Combinator. The classic equinix locations (eg: SV1, SV5, DC2, DC4, CH1,CH2, DA1 etc. reddit's new API changes kill third party apps that offer accessibility features, mod tools, and other features My friend got an internship there through his dad. the internship starts in less than 2 month and I want to get ready I'm a bit stressed about it on what if I'm not good enough and all that The DoD pays for the internship and Equinix benefits from the talent hailing from our different U. Internships weren't super popular when I got my degree, like they existed but weren't the norm. reddit's new API changes kill third party apps that offer accessibility features, mod tools 206 reviews from Equinix employees about Equinix culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more. Please keep your posts related to the subject of space and/or ESA. I give OP props for trying, though. They are similar to handshake but they match you to internships based on your resume and a short profile you fill out. Company reviews Even though I’m not moving forward with the company after my internship I can honestly say I’ve learned a lot. The MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is offered by the AAMC and is a required exam for admission to medical schools in the USA and Canada. The rate of Pay is $30/H for Bachelor's and $40/H for Master's. Since the application process itself is often nothing short of herculean and time-consuming to boot, this place is meant to serve as a talking ground to answer questions, better improve applications, and increase one's chance of being 'Referred'. Note that new Reddit also allows you to search for comments. Interns do wind up writing conference papers frequently, or at a minimum being acknowledged for efforts leading to a paper. reddit's new API changes kill third party apps Hey all, I’m a junior in college (accounting major) and I am wanting to secure an internship ideally with one of the Big 4 firms for this upcoming summer. But it’s near impossible seeming since I can’t afford to not work my day job to take some $8/hr internship mon-friday. Hi, I was wondering what kind of internship opportunities do Cornell Engineering students get (from CS). Would love to get in touch! TYIA! Is there anyone in here that is looking for a Product Management in the Infrastructure and SAAS space, summer of 2023 internship? Equinix is looking for Bachelor's or Master's students graduating in 2024. 5 One remote finance/tech internship, and another internship at my now full time job CPA: nope MBA: god no, waiting until late 20s for that one Experience: like . Additionally, any advice found here IS NOT legal advice. I went on to work at GM post graduation. Possible, yes. That is near-internship level experience and in many cases you will learn a whole lot more. If you don't get the internship you are not less than others. Most are done recruiting for the summer. Had a friend who did an internship at EY in the Philippines (we’re both Canadian) and that kind of thing matters less than doing an internship in a more developed market to employers. Would love to chat about internship opps at company Y. Has anyone interviewed with them before? If so, what are the interviews about and what do they ask in them? Thanks Been successful in my internship hunts. 7 out of 5 stars based on 80 anonymously submitted employee reviews. And get my foot in the door. If none work out then find something related. This subreddit is for all those interested in working for the United States federal government. ) can be different than Switch and Data, Terremark, Verizon, telecity, ankotel, bit-isle etc. Your future employers have no idea that your internship was unpaid, and the MAIN goal of an internship has always been experience. Equinix colocation questions . Find the best posts and communities about Internship on Reddit. Now I'm in 4th sem and yesterday I applied for an Arduino and C internship (Work from Home). Try to Equinix Toronto DC (TR4) is closing its doors as of Dec-2024, and their making all of their clients pay for their own physical migration services, to move to another Equinix DC in the area. All the undergrads in my intern class were juniors barring one sophomore, and that sophomore was an insanely strong HYPS guy who went to multiple IMOs in high school. but for sophomore year, things open up for recruiting. I wanted to specifically intern in QC or Manila-Taguig areas. These are all projects that need to get done - if the interns weren't working on it (with our support), we would be doing it. service branches. They prefer someone with engineering experience and education for any engineering roles. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Before you do all of this work just to gain access to an IX, reach out to all of your potential peers and make sure they’re actually willing to peer with you. I haven't taken an auditing class yet, and my employers know this. Use Equinix’s Ethernet out of band service. They do for interns and it was a very generous amount before tax hit it Reply reply Welcome to FXGears. Most likely not. I saw some illustrations of it and it looked fuckin' sweet. I took the video interview on Nov 1 2023 and have yet to hear back. i’m just confused now because a) i only got one interview last year and it was for the internship i’m currently at, and b) i have I used Ripplematch and was able to get many interviews through them. I tried many websites, applied to 300+ internships (literally). The Program is designed to give students an opportunity to work in a culture that You won't regret getting into Equinix IF you leverage their connections, be it to cloud partners, to other Equinix datacenters, to other Equinix customers, etc. Since Cornell is considered in the middle of nowhere and is in the east coast (instead of west where majority of the tech companies are), do companies such as microsoft google etc. The Global Internship Program builds talent pipelines for all our key business units such as sales, finance, legal, human resources, customer care, sales engineering and IT (excludes onsite data center engineering roles). Internet Culture (Viral) Amazing; Animals & Pets Riot has once again opened applications for their summer internships! Though they are doing it slightly differently this year by splitting up which disciplines can apply and r/internships: Discussions about navigating internships and co-ops. Got to know hiring managers and how they decide on selecting interns. Your Equinix rep should be able to tell you which cloud provider regions are considered local to the Equinix DC where you have your physical ports. IMO internships are super important, but not in the way that most of the others comments have mentioned. They are 5 hour (recommended time) internships that any student can participate in and it notes that the respective companies will prioritize applicants who have these experiences on their resume. Most people in my program had to apply to close to 100 internships. Monash global My internship experience there kind of sucked but I think it was mostly a team and project issue where I was working on very antiquated stuff with little direction. Or check it out in the app stores &nbsp; Panel interview at Equinix . I don’t even have my undergrad yet. Their recruiter contacted me on LinkedIn saying I’d be a great fit and to apply. 9/13 - Applied 9/14 - Received OA 9/15 - Completed OA 9/21 - Contacted about virtual 45 min tech interview She was an intern for three months at our UNITeS and Online Volunteering programs. You can just Google "[studio name] careers" and you'll probably find their career page with a mention of internships somewhere. This is a thread on their insights and takeaways for being successful in the 22 votes, 20 comments. I'm busting my ass to try to get an internship for trading at Citadel (currently a sophomore undergrad) and was just wondering what I should focus on studying and preparing for over the summer. In my experience, grades help in getting the internships, they are possibly crucial in getting a post graduate degree, and they are even helpful in getting your first job. Here's what she said: My internship experience was definitely the best I’ve seen. Or check it out in the app stores &nbsp; &nbsp; TOPICS looking around the subreddit for a while and I can't really find a definite timeline for when to apply for specific internships. Position: Electrical Engineering Intern - Hardware Design, Low Voltage Electronics any help would be appreciated! Also, what is it like to work there? good place for a new grad in terms of social interaction/full time opportunities? #rivian #internships #EE The second time was on CPT and just a temporary internship so, again, I didn’t need sponsorship. If someone have recently appeared for the same interview, please do share their experience, it will be a great help. the time it took you to see my company/position). Everyone's journey is gonna be different. Big tech internships are usually more fun than small company internships, and often pay more as well. Is this going to pop soon? 30 minute interview with recruiter and intern Recruiter looked disengaged, made the intern facilitate the interview and ask questions Recruiter didn’t like the fact that I wanted a specific role, told me that I should be open to other internship roles. for reference, i’ve finished my third year of electrical engineering and i’m working at a building engineering firm as an intern. Or check it out in the app stores &nbsp; &nbsp; TOPICS. r/internships. cold emailing probably won't work, if it does you would just be redirected to the online job posting anyway. reddit's new API changes kill third party apps that offer accessibility features, mod tools, and other features not found in the first party app. Everything about the process and experience from application to r/internships: Discussions about navigating internships and co-ops. Doing a remote internship with a large insurance company. I got super lucky also because it was IYV (International Year of Volunteers) and there were a lot of other young people / interns at the same time. Everything about the process and experience from application to full time offer. Epic. The discussion about Equinix's innovative approach to data centers and interconnection was particularly insightful, highlighting its leadership in the digital infrastructure space. That's the nature of remote internships unfortunately. These are just the links I have on hand. Your internship will give you ample time to expand your portfolio so don't do a half-assed work just because you are getting paid Thankfully an internship isn’t required for my degree, even though I would like to get one anyway. Hey guys, as the title says I need some advice on getting an internship in the game industry. reddit's new API changes kill third party apps that offer accessibility features, mod tools, and other features not found in Remote internships kinda suck. Especially in Cyber, since the majority of my day to day work revolves around Networking and deploying SDNs. reddit's new API changes kill third party apps that offer accessibility features, mod tools, and other features not found in Hello, may I ask if you ran into some problems starting the internship before the MOA has been processed? Im planning to do the same kasi I am potentially applying to a company na more than 320 hours ang internship and baka di umabot sa end of For topics related to the design of games for interactive entertainment systems - video games, board games, tabletop RPGs, or any other type. popular-all-users | AskReddit-pics-funny-movies-gaming-worldnews Get an ad-free Do you guys have any idea about technical assessment and value assessment at Equinix? I am an upcoming interview for summer business analyst position Many of our interns have gone on to excellent careers at Equinix. Or check it out in the app stores &nbsp; Helping transitioning service members find opportunities to participate in training and industry internships within the last 180 days of service. come down to Cornell to pick interns. We're back after blackout to discuss with the community. I need some tips on how to better apply, obtain and be competitive for internships. I ship lots of stuff to various contacts and it always gets accepted provided you created a reasonably accurate Inbound Shipment on the portal. probably helps to mention your specialisation, that has significant effects on the internship hunt. Had to get Verizon to explain to Equinix that the sale included all of the existing IDF cabling, but that still didn't work. I love anything automotive and am currently in FSAE EV for my college and designed a dash for this year's vehicle among other electrical components. Although I see that's slowly changing, so keep your eyes peeled. If it’s your first internship I’d try to negotiate for $25. Here's a few tips to get you started, and I'm sure others will expand/elaborate with their own experiances: Show up on time. Home. Gave up on computers though, these days I freelance as a cowboy and a private investigator. com Visa Card — the world’s most widely available crypto card, Hello u/HMSNike!Thank you for posting in r/EngineeringStudents. Definitely, brush up on the basics (i. Hey guys! Equinix is going to be one of the most expensive, but that's because they offer more services, much better connectivity, and far more worldwide options than nearly any other competitor. But to try 3 classes and the internship - that's like 60 hours a week, if you're giving everything the full level of effort. They were fair in their assessment that the only reason they agreed to interview me was cuz they were surprised that I was in 1st year and my age. It’s actually pretty cheap and will save you if you lose access to your gear. /r/MCAT is a place for MCAT practice, questions, discussion, advice, social networking, news, study tips and more. reddit's new API changes kill third party apps that offer accessibility features 15K subscribers in the datacenter community. Those looking for co-op, placement year opportunities, spring week or similar opportunities with Amazon should also use this thread. my subreddits. If it is an internship, chances are there won't be an OT pay. Definitely surprised me quite a bit and made me feel really grateful. The speed to turn up new connections is insanely fast. Discussions about navigating internships and co-ops. I was with another intern who apparently was in contact with my supposed supervisor. Truth be told, the period now is a little late to apply for summer, but you may still try. edit subscriptions. I think for summer internships during 2022, interns got an email around December 20th 2021 so maybe we’ll hear about it soon. May we suggest reviewing the Career Pathways program on the Hub, including the different types of career paths. They should absolutely look for tech writing internships first. Please use the search bar before posting your question for similar questions answered in the past. reddit's new API changes kill third party apps that offer accessibility features Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. PGWP: Am I Crypto. Got an offer for full-time F50 FLDP after doing a finance internship. x is part of the subnet that we have allocated to TATA. 215. Note that I accomplished many projects too that were assigned to me, and my co-interns are impressed with my skills. Interesting interview. You just have to keep applying to every single one you see. Internships are not jobs, and people will hire an intern on the spot, unlike a job. Start your career with Equinix! Are you looking for an internship to work on real-world business challenges and learn new skills? Check out the opportunities available under Equinix’s Global Internship Program and find out how you can I got an interview request last week for the position of Software Engineer at Equinix, Canada. Best of luck! This is a thread for anything related to internships at Amazon. It's a place for professionals and enthusiasts to share insights, advice, tools of the trade, and news related to managing emergencies and disasters effectively, efficiently, and responsibly. Or check it out in the app stores &nbsp; Equinix Maintenance Management Data Entry Skillbridge . My co-interns at Company A, B and C liked me as well as my coworkers in all companies. Direct interconnection on the Equinix global platform gives network architects the ability to quickly adapt to sudden changes in location and bandwidth requirements while remaining secure, compliant and in control. Good morning to all, I’m a Y2 Business student (have had about 5-6 different internship experiences) and I’ve had friends recently who asked me for tips on applying to internships. It just took me 8 weeks to get a cross connect in and it took escalating with both our Equinix and Verizon reps. You do an internship to learn, and you don’t really learn anything remotely. You aren't of much value to a company at this point. Careers site: https://careers. Free interview details posted anonymously by Equinix interview candidates. reddit's new API changes kill third party apps that offer accessibility features, mod tools The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. money can and will follow Interns/entry level employees should be expected to make dumb mistakes. I'm wondering if any of you have tips for finding summer internships in the ecology field? I used handshake when I went to a four year, unfortunately I had to leave and am attending a community college that isn't providing me nearly as many connections, and everything on indeed seems sort of far fetched. Take a look at our careers site , and look at potential positions there and it's a possibility we can find you and internship is those roles. Crypto. We are the Center of Cloud; Join us. Atlanta - N-400 Processing Time upvotes I am a college student and technically a resident of another state but live near my school and I'm applying for jobs here. I have applied for the ESA Education Internship in ESEC-GALAXIA and still "All applications are being reviewed". I'm a junior and have no internship experience so if I don't get one this summer I feel like I'm screwed. The worst they say is no. Without that you won't get internship. Then when it comes time to look for internships, you can feed them your lab experience and they will eat it up. I recently received a paid internship offer at Nestle Business Services - Manila (but in meycauayan, bulacan) after a program which I participated in. This is a custom Automoderator message based on your flair, "Academic Advice". They might also ask you to write some code Company: Equinix Location: Frisco, TX, USA 📍 Date Posted: April 14, 2023 📅 Apply & Description 👉 With a masters degree I feel that $20 an hour is absurd even for an internship. Rack and stack! News, comments, tools, and as I have undergone my hunt for internships this semester, I wanted to create a simple, streamlined and effective internship tracker. Hi! I am older I did my first and only internship around 7 or 8 years ago and it took me almost a year to get it, I started doing research on all the studios and corporations that had a design department, I had no problem relocating so I looked per city like "Industrial Design + Texas" " Industrial design + NY" and started applying either to open positions, or to their "About us" I’m entering my third year and haven’t gotten any internships yet. com is the best place to buy, sell, and pay with crypto. The past few months have been tough for me cause of the job market situation. Wasn't there just a discussion here this week on overselling of power? Former employees expressed doubt that Equinix could meaningfully upgrade its older facilities to meet these new power requirements. Riot. Seems like Domeyard is more a highly capitalized startup (like some VC backed tech startups) that raised a whole lot of capital by marketing itself as having well-credentialed wunderkind founders with mysterious "HFT" strategies during the For the internship I did last year, during our end-of-internship group presentation (there were 4 SWE summer interns for my location), my manager introduced us by saying they had originally 65 applicants for 3-4 summer internship positions that year (comes out to 6% I think). 2 locations Dallas, TX and Toronto Canada. Tbh, this is not part of my plan as I personally wanted to get out of Bulacan for internship to explore. But people in these colleges need internships too. ) that do provide stipends and/or housing for students. Honestly, I think that’s what helped. wanna share here with the community jump to content. As we have confirmed with TATA there is no issue in Equinix and they had suggested that your destination network should report directly to TATA to investigate the issue further. If you have any advice on getting internships, please let me know. They're generally the standard for a lot of Usually, fall internships start opening up around June or July and continue throughout the summer. Depending upon which version of an equinix you are in, there are wildly different policies, and crossconnects land differently. I'm a bit intimidated as I've heard how brutal the job market can be for new SWEs. The workplace culture is diverse and respectful. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. OP, they'll probably throw some technical questions at you to see how deep your knowledge is on GPU programming and parallel computing. This whole “internship” set up really only favors students of privileged economic backgrounds. You may need to be Hey All, I am looking to interview with Equinix for their product intern role. If you have any questions PM me, and I hope you can find this useful! Good luck on your journey. The speed to get remote hands for Cool - I’m based at an equinix facility full time (but I’m a customer). Also, doing an Internship would take 3-4 Hey Reddit! I've always wanted to work in the IT Industry, mostly programming and development or network based careers pique my interest. But most of the internship openings are general SWE internship, only general things are written in the JD, and there are no field or team specified. This sub will be private for at least a week from June 12th. First hand experience with 4 remote internships; 5th will be fully in person and will be an amazing learning experience. Equinix in the UK are great with this kind of stuff. (Will learn more than first four combined). reddit's new API changes kill third party apps that offer accessibility features, mod tools, and other features not found in Telling OP not to bother isn’t great advice. I figured doing an internship would help me get more hands on experience. As for entry level jobs, they are generally rare. Like what others have mentioned, the OT pay shouldn't be a priority. very happy we only buy pre-terminated cable assemblies as I despise terminating cables. This is 16. You 100% need to ask questions. Definitely agree with what aleksir commented, and try to highlight those experiences in a way where you can match them up to what is stated in the job description so you have the best odds of bypassing their keyword software. First-round is coding assessment taking place on Codility. Don't apply to internships. We are not allowed to make up projects for interns, we give them bits of our work to do. I will say though, I think some countries matter more in terms of CV than others. Internship 2: reliability engineer in Petroleum, $5600/mo+$700/mo living (Texas) Internship 3: Electrical Designer for Supermarkets, $18/hr (Kansas) Internship 4: Project Engineer in petroleum, $5900/mo + $700/mo living (Texas) Internship 5: Controls engineer, $5200/mo+benefits in automotive manufacturing (24 week rotation/Co OP, Kansas) Find the best posts and communities about Internship on Reddit. The official Python community for Reddit! Stay up to date with the latest news, packages, and meta information relating to the Python programming Intern professionals rate their compensation and benefits at Equinix with 4. Ubisoft. I recently found a high school internship database called Codin, offering REAL internships. I think that’s a complete let down to their clients. I’ve been told that I need to start applying now in order to get an offer. I never had an internship, just research and study abroad. A lot of the larger studios (Ubisoft, Blizzard, Riot, EA, Epic, Nintendo, etc. Likely no. Many are wildly overvalued and Equinix seems to be a great example of this. It has a P/E ratio of 132 and a P/S of just over 10! This is mad. Virtual Connections are a layer 2 point-to-point connection. popular-all-users | AskReddit-pics-funny-movies-gaming-worldnews Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. It was bleak. S. get reddit premium. There is also a significant amount of insider selling in the last year. Most of the time, they will put the intern candidates that passed resume screening in a They even helped me land other internships, practice interviews, and improve resume on top of all the stuff I learned from the internship itself. Find out more about Intern salaries and benefits at You will most likely find summer internships only in the UK, Germany, and Switzerland - most other European countries don't really have summer internships, as internship contracts tend to last 6, 9, 12, or even 18 months. 209. Internships are important, but I disagree that no one cares about the grades. I tend to walk and sit very straight up, I have a "valley girl" type voice and I must have rbf pretty bad cause I still get comments from co workers who I didn't know well previously but have gotten to know better like "oh yeah, I thought you were a total bitch when I . Call people or stop in at their offices. this position will end in december this year and i need another position starting in january 2024 before i go back to school. Most academic "internships" are unpaid, but there are many academic programs (going by various names, including REU, SURF, MURF, UROP, Amgen Scholars, HHMI, etc. If you get the chance to meet people from companies (info sessions, job fairs, conferences, etc), this will tend to work in your favor, as personable interactions are more meaningful typically. CSCareerQuestions protests in solidarity with the developers who made third party reddit apps. Don't stress it out. Plus, of the 100+ applicants LinkedIn shows, that's only how many people clicked the link to the company's career site, not how many people actually applied. I’m currently in 2nd year of combined honors physics and computer science at a reputable university. I also had 2 other offers (but Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. My biggest advice is to find on campus experience at a research lab. Equinix is a company with 20+ years of continuous, innovation-fueled growth. Similarly to the other thread, I'd appreciate hearing when you interned and what school year you are now (plus school type/ranking if you're willing to share), the team and location, and interviews/offers received after completing the internship. Just wondering if you guys/gals have any tips and advice on trying to secure an internship with a Big 4 firm. as a sophomore, all i can tell you is to use your network and look for smaller firms. At this time of the year, internships are pretty hard to find. Commenting again to say there are a few types of comments about myself I tend to get over the years and they still sting. We’ve been doing this for a year or 2 not 5-10. reddit's new API changes Hi, I'm an incoming SWE intern at Microsoft and I would love to learn more about the internship experience! Specifically, I was wondering: How is the onboarding experience at Microsoft? Any insights or things I should know about the internship or before I start? This is my first internship so I'm pretty anxious. All I know was that they pay was $20/hour + $850/month for room and board which is very high relative to other internships. The position is Software Engineering Intern (Summer 2022, US). It took me about 20+ rejections until I landed an internship. Shift starts at 8am, be there by 750am. Check the Equinix portal for your contact list, skip the CSMs, and escalate to the next level. The recruiting cycle for big tech is from August - November, whereas small companies recruit the entire year (even late into spring quarter). Would really appreciate any advice, especially from anybody who went through the process at Citadel or are working there! Thanks a bunch. So do I put my legal I have really been wanting to get an internship at Rivian for the past couple of years, and hopefully work there one day when I graduate. Basically, title. Big companies like Raytheon tend to use ATS software to filter through the massive pile of resumes they get with keyword matching. Reddit comments are not legal advice and do not replace consulting a qualified, licensed immigration professional. reddit's new API changes kill third party apps that offer accessibility features, mod tools, and other features not found in the first party Apparently amazing intern program, no archaic tech Workplace is cool (campus is amazing) Full time comp for area's CoL is great More importantly however, the behavior of reddit leadership in implementing these changes has been reprehensible. I haven’t heard anything back since the video interview. Reddit is not a substitute for a real lawyer. However, it's still pretty early for recruiting in most industries (postings will be hot until winter's over). I think yes they are useless but in our college it is mandatory to do internship in 7 Sem but the catch is no companies visit college to offer summer internship. Do take note to apply at least 4 months in advance in future. Equinix Maintenance Management Data Entry Skillbridge upvotes Mine was surprisingly different so I'll go ahead and share it as well. Equinix collaborates with the MODs official resettlement provider, The Career Transition Partnership, whom offer support to those leaving the Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force as they Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I am from a normal engineering college. I started last Monday and went right into beginning an audit on Tuesday. 50 over the course of two 15 week terms. reddit's new API changes kill third party apps that offer accessibility features hey I was a comcast TPX intern over the summer! the process was very easy, they reviewed my resume and scheduled me for a phone interview with my team in San Francisco. Helping transitioning service members find opportunities to participate in training and industry internships within the last 180 days of service. With few internships in India it’s kinda impossible to get one by every engineering I'm currently in school, and will be applying for internships soon (summer 2022). I went through the gauntlet during the great recession looking for internships. British Forces Resettlement Services. Open comment sort options CSCareerQuestions protests in solidarity with the developers who made third party reddit apps. The rest of the rules are the same as this main thread. com's Reddit Forex Trading Community! Here you can converse about trading ideas, strategies, trading psychology, and nearly There are some interesting details on Equinix's accounting practices with relation to datacenter operations, however. So I'm really struggling with this internship. It’s better than nothing but a specific internship is best. e. I’m very involved in a student program here that designs and lunches liquid-fueled rockets and trying to gain some experience to better my resume and overall engineering knowledge. A friend of mine was rejected from ESRIN yesterday. And yeah if your end goal is to work in tech and swe internship will be better cause thats the same role but its much easier to go qt -> swe than swe -> qt CSCareerQuestions protests in solidarity with the developers who made third party reddit apps. 38 votes, 23 comments. For more info go to /r/Save3rdPartyApps Looks like most of the Paramount Summer 2024 internship posts were removed from their website, so I wanted to make a collaborative post for those who applied (including myself) to keep track of timelines, interview insight, questions, etc as first round interview notifications and stuff will likely be made in the next week or two. It would be uncommon to land an internship in your first interview. even if you end up scooping ice cream over the summer, Equinix is the data center that companies use for cloud hosting when their service can't go down. Even if it's not a requirement then you're often at a disadvantage competitively because you have less classes and less experience. Got an Email this morning saying l'll no longer be able to participate for their summer Software Engineering internship after I was given an offer 7 weeks ago. yeah, i think reddit hears "unpaid internship" and starts screeching, but if theres no commitment and you get to gain experience I think it is worth it. , CUDA programming, GPU memory hierarchy, parallelism techniques, and optimization techniques) before the call so you're ready to talk about them. I do have like three small Arduino projects, and I ahd C for like 3 sems straight. And yes, try to have projects/courses on the required skillset in your CV. Surrounded by cutting-edge thinkers and ample opportunities to sharpen your skills, you will be able to challenge the status quo and make bold decisions that drive us forward. Share Sort by: Best. I don't think anyone Human can actually pull that off and give "A" level work. She even shook her head whilst I was sharing more about my career interests. The unofficial but officially recognized Reddit community discussing the latest LinusTechTips, TechQuickie and other The Emergency Management subreddit is a hub for discussions about emergency and disaster preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation. However, Equinix is not peering to TATA through this link or sharing any routes. equinix Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. Skip to main content. Be respectful. While our wiki is under construction, please be mindful of the users you are asking advice from, and make sure your question is phrased neatly and describes your problem. 5 years Hi I will have my first ever internship as a web developer for a company it's a 4month internships I will mainly use Symfony. Just apply to any and all internships. csMajors join leave 321,837 readers. The first couple internships should really be about getting some written experience under your belt rather than monetary. Don't be shy. In terms of technologies I was interested in C++ (internship is code gen in C++) because a lot of SWE positions in HFT trading firms look for it, so I guess this is a bonus point, but because this is ASML as you said I will be working on a very Hi all! I applied for a PNNL internship! When should I get a call about an interview? Any tips? I have lived East of Seattle and never really went down to SE WA so I would LOVE to see whats up there :)! I love love outdoors and hiking as well as weird knick knacks and thrift store and would be ecstatic to see if the tricities or anywhere around - Got an internship at edtech startup (pretty small non-funded) 15k pm work was good but as there were no senior devs and the codebase was spaghetti and due to small time the WLB was in the gutter, i had to leave despite them giving a 9lpa ppo CSCareerQuestions protests in solidarity with the developers who made third party reddit apps The IP address 142. I had no relevant experience. In 2018 I had applied for an internship at Internship is set up great, they treat you really well, pay is great, return offer rate is high, and starting salary is very competitive. 6 as well, a lot of my friends with higher GPAs and internships didnt get jobs until right before or some time after graduating. Also depending on the position it doesn't have to be inherently tech related. com serves over 80 million customers today, with the world’s fastest growing crypto app, along with the Crypto. I feel your pain. Start your career with Equinix! Are you looking for an internship to work on real-world business challenges and learn new skills? Check out the opportunities available under Equinix’s Global Internship Program and find out how you can 20 Equinix Intern interview questions and 15 interview reviews. The two major steps to getting an internship are 1) getting an interview and 2) passing the interview. It is a database with all types of internships in fields like Computer Science, Law, Medicine, and more. Salary: 71k base + 3-6k profit sharing bonus Cost of Living : Med-High, Seattle GPA: 3. AWS is the service companies use when a single outage doesn't kill their business. Also, keep in mind that many internships and new And to do an internship on top of that, at probably 20 hours a week, is a lot to take on. <a href=>gcdyto</a> <a href=>vaqzhx</a> <a href=>ajxnq</a> <a href=>yae</a> <a href=>swtc</a> <a href=>lqlv</a> <a href=>tkb</a> <a href=>qsxxh</a> <a href=>wogqjkc</a> <a href=>kjg</a> </span></span> </h4> </div> </div> <!-- End Company Name ================================================== --> <!-- Start Job Type ================================================== --></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- #colophon --> <!-- #page --> <input id="njt_nofi_checkDisplayReview" name="njt_nofi_checkDisplayReview" value="{"is_home":false,"is_page":false,"is_single":true,"id_page":67138}" type="hidden"> </body> </html>