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<h1 class="headline">Elmore county corrections.  As of the 2020 census, the population was 87,977.</h1>

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<p><em>Elmore county corrections  The jail has a capacity of approximately 100 inmates and is staffed by a team of dedicated and professional law enforcement officers.  Managed by the Alabama Department of Corrections, it had a capacity of 1,232 inmates and was located in Elmore, Alabama, adjacent to Staton Correctional Facility and Elmore Correctional Facility.  Some of the Things We do.  alabamainmateroster.  If you are a co-defendant with the inmate, your Staton Correctional Facility opened in June 1978 and is located off Highway 143 approximately 12 miles west of Wetumpka, AL.  [2] In 1915 another Black man was taken from the local jail Detainees incarcerated in the Elmore County Jail can receive gifts and money directly from friends and family.  With a capacity to house 97 detainees, this correction facility plays an essential part in the local legal system.  County: Elmore: Phone Number: 334-567 Alabama Department of Corrections Commissioner John Hamm gave a presentation to lawmakers about the progress on the construction of Alabama’s new specialized men’s prison in Elmore County.  All bonds must be posted through a licensed bail bondsman.  The Elmore County Jail's commissary will sell your inmate a pre-paid calling card from NCIC that they can use to phone you or others.  The Application for Employment Form is a fillable form that can be printed and submitted to the appropriate department listed Taxes are due on December 20, 2024.  — Off Highway 143 in rural Elmore County, the Alabama Department of Corrections is building a small town.  Race Inmates % Total; White: 12,075: 45.  QUANTAVIOUS SIMMONS | 2024-11-18 05:26:00 Elmore County, Alabama Booking Booking Details name QUANTAVIOUS SIMMONS age 30 years oldsex Male arrested by MILLBROOK.  Frank Lee Community Based Elmore County Jail U.  Highway 231 The Elmore County Jail is operated by the Elmore County Sheriff's Office.  HEATHER YOUNG HEATHER HEATHER YOUNG was booked in Elmore County, Alabama for PROMOTING PRISON CONTRABAND 1ST.  Please click here for current news from the Elmore County Commission.  The facility, with a total capacity to house 1,050 inmates, ensures its adequate facilities within its perimeter for the benefits and proper treatment of all its inmates.  Corrections Officer (replace C.  If you cannot afford to post a bond, you may be eligible for a public defender.  (WSFA) - An inmate at Elmore Correctional Facility has died, state corrections officials confirmed Monday.  Using the kiosk in the lobby of the jail; Using www.  Located in North Mountain Home, Idaho, Elmore County Jail serves as the chief detention center for Elmore County, operating under the jurisdiction of Elmore County Sheriffs Office / Elmore County Detention Center.  ELMORE COUNTY, Ala.  Highway 231 Wetumpka, Alabama 36092 &#169;2025 Elmore County Sheriff's Office | Site Map Elmore County Jail 8955 US-231 Wetumpka, AL 36092 7.  Search for inmates incarcerated in Elmore County Jail, Wetumpka, Alabama.  A state authority Tuesday put a “final guaranteed maximum price” on a new men’s prison in Elmore County at $1.  Located at 2690 Marion Spillway Road, Elmore, AL, 36025, Elmore, Alabama, this facility operates under the meticulous management of the Alabama Department of Corrections.  Our mission is to provide a reliable, efficient, and secure platform for friends, family, and concerned citizens to access critical information about incarcerated individuals in Elmore County and across the state of Alabama. s.  Please reach out to 334-567-1460, on visitation procedures, applications, or directions to Elmore Correctional Facility Marion Spillway Road, Elmore, AL - 0.  3. These inmates have been convicted under the law of Alabama state and according to the listed penalty, inmates who are 18+ are serving time in the Elmore County Jail for unforgivable crimes.  Jail Programs: The Elmore County Jail offers a variety of programs and services Add money to a NCIC Prepaid Collect Call Account to receive calls from Detainee from Elmore County Jail. 2130 Extension 1203 &amp; 1206 Elmore County is a county located in the east central portion of the U.  Staton, a Managed under the vigilant supervision of the Elmore County Sheriffs Office / Elmore County Detention Center, the jail is designed to ensure the secure and humane custody of offenders.  Elmore County is a county located in the east central portion of the U.  HOLD FOR ANOTHER COUNTY. 00 are allowed by jailfunds.  Enhance Elmore would provide funding through increased booking fees and court fees. 5 Inches by 4.  Julia Tutwiler Prison For Women Elmore County Jail may deny visitation to anyone with a prior felony conviction, regardless of parole or probation status.  The jail operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and offers visitation rights to family and friends.  Kay Ivey has released the location for a third proposed super prison in Alabama.  COUNTY JAIL INMATES, BOP INMATES, &amp; ICE DETAINEES Alabama Inmate Race &amp; Ethnicity - 1/15/2025.  Bond: Jail: 334-567-5441 Dispatch: 334-567-5227 Crime Tips Hotline: 334-567-5227.  QUANTAVIOUS SIMMONS 11/18/2024.  anderson, ryan joshua: avalos, maryjane: ballentine, jonathan robert william Elmore County Jail, a medium-security facility in Wetumpka, Alabama, houses 1176 male inmates from the municipality. 4 miles.  It is responsible for holding individuals who have been arrested HOLD FOR ANOTHER COUNTY.  He got married and was just starting a job as a corrections officer with the Alabama Department of Corrections when he was arrested in April 2020 for Johnson said investigators began speaking with Grier about the case when the Elmore County Sheriff’s Office started an investigation into Fines and citations are neither paid nor collected by the Elmore County Sheriff's Office.  Elmore County Jail 8955 Us Highway 231, Wetumpka, Al 36092 Wetumpka, AL 36092 Phone Number and Fax Number.  Name QUANTAVIOUS SIMMONS Age 30 Race B Sex M Arrested By MILLBROOK. org Home; Alabama Inmate Search.  Contact the Elmore County Sheriff's Office: The Elmore County Sheriff's Office oversees the operation of the Wetumpka Jail.  It employs trained correctional officers and follows standard security protocols to ensure the safety of inmates, staff, and visitors. O.  | Recently Booked | Arrest Mugshot | Jail Booking. com; Calling 1 A former Alabama Department of Corrections officer has been granted bond in a case involving the murder of an Elmore Correctional Facility inmate.  Members of the Alabama Corrections Institution Finance Staton Correctional Facility, nestled in the heart of Alabama, stands as a significant component of the Alabama Department of Corrections.  It’s important to check with the Elmore County jail to verify what companies they work with by reviewing the information above, or by calling 208-587-9103.  ADOC says Jarett, who was under investigation for suspected drug smuggling into the prison, was found in If you are interested in coming to work for the Elmore County Sheriff's Office, you can come by the department between the hours of 8:00 AM Jail: 334-567-5441 Dispatch: 334-567-5227 Crime Tips Hotline: 334-567-5227.  5th E Mountain Home, ID 83647 Phone: (208) 587-2141 Ext. .  ELMORE COUNTY, AL (WBMA) — The Alabama Department of Corrections is investigating an incident that occurred on Saturday, November 30, that led to the arrest of a woman connected to promoting Under no circumstance shall Elmore County, the Sheriff of Elmore County, their elected officials, officers, employees, agents, Jail: 334-567-5441 Dispatch: 334-567-5227 Crime Tips Hotline: 334-567-5227.  The email service they use is called NCIC.  Highway 231 Wetumpka, Alabama 36092 Welcome to Elmorecountyjail. 136 Overdose Data to Action Its contents are solely the Elmore County Sheriff's Office and Jail 2255 East 8th North, Mountain Home, ID 83647 Phone (208) 587-3370 Jail Phone (208) 587-9103.  Maximum size: 4.  The current jail was completed in 1995 and designed to house 242 prisoners.  Address: 2690 Marion Spillway Road, Elmore, AL 36025 Phone: (334) 567-2221 Website: Alabama DOC - Staton Correctional Facility The Elmore Co Jail is a detention center located at 2255 E 8th St - PO Box 665 North Mountain Home, ID which is operated locally by the Elmore County Sheriff's Office and holds inmates awaiting trial or sentencing or both.  Address: 3520 Marion Spillway Road. org, your premier online destination for locating individuals within Alabama’s correctional facilities.  195 S. Jail: 334-567-5441 Dispatch: 334-567-5227 Crime Tips Hotline: 334-567-5227.  Call 800-943-2189 for help setting up your account OR email them at info@ncic.  Learn about Staton Correctional Facility including visitation hours, phone number, Elmore County.  Elmore County statistics for population, ethnicity, housing, geography and businesses.  According to Alabama Department of Corrections New Elmore County Correctional Facility Lease Lease Agreement - ii - Execution Version Table of Contents Part B Development and Maintenance of the Facility Article 6 Standards for Services Contact Us Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm 8955 U.  We are not affiliated with any of these sources.  You can contact the sheriff's office for assistance with inmate inquiries.  Highway 231 Wetumpka, Alabama 36092 &#169;2025 Elmore County Sheriff's Office | Site Map Elmore County Elections Department.  Highway 231 Wetumpka, Alabama 36092 &#169;2025 Elmore County Sheriff's Office | Site Map A corrections officer working for the Alabama Department of Corrections, along with two other individuals incarcerated at Elmore Correctional Facility have been charged with murder in the death of another inmate. jailfunds. 25 inches. com, although Elmore County Jail may at times Elmore County Commission Chairman Troy Stubbs said that today’s vote is a “culmination of many years of hard work by local officials, state legislature, the governor’s office Contact Us Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm 8955 U.  The Elmore County Sheriffs Department handles the inmate search/roster for Elmore County Jail.  Highway 231 Contact Us Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm 8955 U.  “This publication was made possible by Dedicated funds from EMS-P, 93.  (WBMA) — Two Elmore Correctional Facility officers were arrested Tuesday.  This facility processes offenders arrested for Today, the Elmore County Jail is a modern and well-equipped facility that serves as the primary detention center for Elmore County. PD – AL0290600 Charges FTA.  The links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites.  TYPE OF MAIL ALLOWED FOR Elmore County Jail Elmore County Jail Inmate Mail Guidelines.  Access archived meeting minutes of the Elmore County Commission for 2022.  Booking Number: 49277.  Compton), effective 9/6/2022 (attachment 19) Alabama Community Corrections Programs Autauga/Elmore Counties Felicia Solomon-Owens, Director 5771 Airport Road Coosada, AL 36020 Phone — (334) 285-9757 Blount County Calhoun County Chambers County Carol Burrow, Director 1000 Lincoln Avenue P. org Menu.  [1] Its county seat is Wetumpka.  Phone: 208.  231, Wetumpka, AL - 8. 90%: Black: 13,970 In 2020, the Alabama Department of Corrections announced plans to build a new prison in Elmore County to replace the aging Elmore Correctional Facility.  Visit the Elmore County Sheriff's Office Website: Navigate to the Elmore County Sheriff's Office website.  Its precise location is 2828 Alabama Highway 143, Elmore, AL, 36025.  Red Eagle Work Center.  The inmate can call you using credits or money that you or someone else purchases from NCIC. 587.  Jail records, court &amp; arrest records, mugshots Elmore County Jail.  Please call 334-567-5441 for specific guidelines before your visit.  Demarcus Sanders was granted a $75,000 bond Tuesday morning by Elmore County District Judge Glenn Goggans; Sanders posted bond that afternoon and was released according to Elmore County Jail records.  “(Elmore County has) had a commitment to the Department of Corrections in the state of Alabama for many many years and we want to continue that commitment,” Chambliss said.  Locate and get visitation information for inmates incarcerated in Elmore Correctional Facility, Alabama by performing a quick Elmore Correctional Facility inmate search with StateCourts! StateCourts.  The Elmore County Sheriff's Office does not accept cash bonds.  Contact Us Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm 8955 U.  Use this website for informational purposes only.  Minimum size: 3.  WHAT IF I She was 39 years old on the day of the booking.  state of Alabama.  The Elmore County Jail, located in Wetumpka, Alabama, is a state-of-the-art detention center dedicated to upholding law and order. 082 billion, nearly equal to what legislators two years ago allocated for two men’s prisons.  Detainee Phone Account deposits available at select locations. 994 Maternal and Child Health Block Grant, 93.  Contact Us Hours: Monday Elmore County Jail has its own methods for receiving money for inmates, and that information can be found above or by calling 334-567-5441 and asking, however most jails and prisons receive money for an inmate’s trust and commissary account, as well as an account used for communications, pretty much the same way.  Elmore Correctional Facility started as a temporary institution and later during 1991, it has been renovated to a permanent and larger one.  The site is just south of Tallassee, in Elmore County, near the intersection of Highway 229 and Rifle Range Road.  Complete prison information on AL State Prisons, DOC, Corrections, Escapees, Absconders and Family help.  Elmore County Census Information Summary.  [2] It was destroyed by fire in November Elmore County Mugshots All the recent arrests in Elmore County, Alabama.  Its name is in honor of General John A.  The jail has a capacity of 242 offenders.  You can also look up Elmore County Criminal Court Case information online, as well as for all other Idaho About Elmore County Sheriffs Department / Elmore County Jail.  Highway 231 Wetumpka, Alabama 36092 Welcome to Jury Service for Elmore County, Idaho.  (WSFA) - Two Elmore Correctional officers have resigned after being arrested for allegedly using their official position for personal gain, according to the Alabama Department Address.  View Elmore Hall’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. PD – AL0290600 booked 2024-11-18 AL DOC - Elmore Correctional Facility is a State Prison facility located at 3520 Marion Spillman Rd, Elmore, Alabama 36025 Phone 334-567-1460.  The Elmore County Sheriff’s Office and Detention Center are located at 2255 East 8th North Mountain Home, Idaho 83647 The phone number for the Sheriff’s Office is 208-587-3370.  CountyOffice.  Contact for more info.  Members of the Alabama Corrections Institution Finance Correctional Warden at Alabama Department of Corrections &#183; Experience: Elmore Correctional Facility &#183; Education: Bethel University, College of Professional Studies &#183; Location: Montgomery &#183; 500 ELMORE COUNTY, Ala.  Elmore provides inmates with drug treatment classes, educational, mental health services, and HOLD FOR ANOTHER COUNTY.  150 South 4th East, Suite #3 Mountain Home, Idaho 83647 Phone: 208. 5 miles The data includes information about the facility name, type, location, and affiliation.  Highway 231 Visiting hours for Elmore Correctional are subject to change, so it's crucial to confirm them by contacting the facility directly by phone.  The Elmore County Jail, located in Wetumpka, Alabama, is a medium-security detention center covering a total of 69,000 square feet that can house up to 211 inmates of either gender. com (aka JailFunds &amp; VendEngine) to deposit money to your inmate's account.  Jail: 334-567-5441 Dispatch: 334-567-5227 Crime Tips Hotline: 334-567-5227.  CARLA FLOWERS 11/17/2024.  Under no circumstance shall Elmore County, the Sheriff of Elmore County, their elected officials, officers, employees, agents, Jail: 334-567-5441 Dispatch: 334-567-5227 Crime Tips Hotline: 334-567-5227.  You may also reach the Elmore County Jail by phone at 334-567-5546 or visit at 8955 US Highway 231, Wetumpka, AL, 36092.  Incorrect information? Suggest an edit! Suggest Edit State officials will name a $1 billion prison in Elmore County after Gov.  Back to Booking List.  The Elmore County Jail, also known as the Elmore County Detention Facility or Correctional Institution, is a detention center that houses pre-trial detainees and convicted offenders in Elmore County, Alabama. 2 miles The Elmore County Sheriff's Office provides law enforcement services, including patrol, investigations, and detention, to the citizens of Elmore County, Idaho.  Its official contact number is 334-567-5546.  AL Search for inmates incarcerated in Elmore Correctional Facility, Elmore, Alabama.  Members of ACIFA include Ivey, Alabama Department of Corrections Commissioner John Hamm, Elmore County is a county located in the east central portion of the U.  Visitation information. alabama This Office is located at 2255 East 8th North Mountain Home, Idaho 83647.  Home; Choose State and County.  Learn about Elmore Correctional Facility including visitation hours, phone number, sending money and mailing address information.  Elmore County Detention Center East 8th North, Mountain Home, ID - 1.  Phone: 334-567-5546 Fax Number: A corrections officer has been with a canine unit found three bags of meth inside Henry Guice Jr.  Official Sources for Elmore County Jail Records.  It frequently has more than 300.  Draper Correctional Center, a state prison for men, was operational from 1939 until its closure in March 2018.  Alabama State correction facility opened its doors in 1993, functioning as a MONTGOMERY — The new $1 billion Elmore County prison will be named after Gov.  Kay ELMORE COUNTY, Ala.  Elmore County Most Wanted List.  As of the 2020 census, the population was 87,977.  Overview of Elmore County Jail.  Director: Tim Howley Administrative Assistant: Dalila Yanez.  Highway 231 Wetumpka, Alabama 36092 &#169;2025 Elmore County Sheriff's Office | Site Map In November of 1981, the Staton Annex (later named Elmore Correctional Facility) was opened.  Contact Us Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Elmore Specialized Men Facility Named Governor Kay Ivey Correctional Complex.  Members of the Alabama Corrections Institution Finance Authority unanimously approved a resolution on Wednesday naming Elmore County Jail Correctional Facility, located in the city of Wetumpka, Elmore County, Alabama, is a highly secured jail that currently hosts thousands of inmates.  To search for an inmate in the Elmore County Detention Center, review their criminal charges, the amount of their bond, when they can get visits, or even view their mugshot, go to the Official Jail Inmate Roster, or call the jail at 208-587-9103 for the information you are looking for. com. Elmore County is part of the Montgomery, AL Metropolitan Statistical Area. 25 inches by 6 inches.  Visit the jail in person: You may be able to obtain inmate information by visiting the Wetumpka Jail in person during designated visiting hours.  Members of the Alabama Corrections Institution Finance ELMORE — Off Highway 143 in rural Elmore County, the Alabama Department of Corrections is building a small town.  AL Search for inmates incarcerated in Staton Correctional Facility, Elmore, Alabama.  506 Fax: (208) 587-2150 The Elmore County Jail houses inmates waiting for transfer to the Alabama Department of Corrections, those arrested by municipal police departments, and individuals awaiting trial.  Box 772 Oneonta, AL 35121 GENERAL INFORMATIONElmore County Recorder's OfficeElmore County Courthouse150 South 4th East Suite 3Mountain Home, Idaho 83647208-587-2130 Extension 500 I began my career at the Elmore County Sheriff’s Office as a Corrections Officer in 1998 and graduated the Alabama Police academy in 1999 before I began working as a Deputy Sheriff. org. The 2024 Property Tax Statement has a new look, including an easy access Scan &amp; Pay option.  you will be found guilty of criminal contempt and may be fined not more than $500.  Username or Email Address.  Draper Correctional Facility was an Alabama Department of Corrections state prison for men located in Elmore, Elmore County, Alabama.  Its county seat is Wetumpka.  MONTGOMERY, AL – For PDF of news release with photos, please click here.  If you would like to deposit money on an inmate’s account, you may do so by.  The jail’s address is 8955 US Highway 231, Wetumpka, AL, 36092, phone number 334-567-5546, website , and other contact details are essential for anyone seeking to get in touch with the center, whether for visitation inquiries.  South Boise Women's Correctional Center South Pleasant Valley Road, Kuna, ID - 33.  The new prison will be named in honor of Gov. S.  On 300 acres behind a tall chain-link fence, some of the more than four Elmore County Sheriff.  The Cliff Williams / TPI A new Elmore County Jail is in the planning stages. org is an independent organization that gathers Jail Records and other information from various Elmore County government and non-government sources.  The Civil Division of the Elmore County Sheriff’s Office serves civil summons and complaints, subpoenas, notices and orders.  alabamaprisonroster.  South Boise Women's Correctional Center South Pleasant Valley Road, Kuna, ID - 34.  Phone Number 334-567-2221.  Sometimes the local newspaper, The Elmore County Commission only accepts Applications for Employment when a current opening exists.  The Elmore County Sheriff's Office Operates the Elmore County Jail; Provides security and supervision for inmates; K-9 Unit: Deploys specially trained dogs to assist in drug detection, tracking, Jail: 334-567-5441 Dispatch: 334-567-5227 Crime Tips Hotline: 334-567-5227.  - Alabama’s new state mega prison for men, currently under construction in Elmore County, has a new name, and it’s a familiar one.  The Elmore County Sheriff's Office maintains a most wanted list of individuals who are wanted for serious crimes.  Highway 231 Wetumpka, Alabama 36092 &#169;2025 Elmore County Sheriff's Office | Site Map Learn about Elmore Correctional Facility including visitation hours, phone number, sending money and mailing address information. The prison first opened in 1939 with a capacity of 600 beds, replacing the former Speigner Reformatory.  Jail Resources for inmates who are currently imprisoned in Elmore County Jail, Alabama.  Since 1867, the Elmore County Sheriff's Office has been providing law enforcement services to the citizens of Elmore County.  Read More. 's car in June 2023 while it was parked at Stanton Correctional Facility in Elmore County.  Idaho Code 2-217.  Correctional Officer @ Cuyahoga County Correctional Officer @ Cuyahoga County Elmore County Jail PO Box 665, Mountain Home, ID - 1.  This page gives you about anything you might need to know about Elmore Correctional Facility,like: How to do a prison inmate search.  Booking Date: An inmate in the custody of the Department of Corrections.  Do a search online using this person’s name, the town or city you think they were arrested in, and the crime you think they were arrested for.  [1] Speigner had been founded circa 1900 and employed inmates on a farm and cotton mill on site.  following About Draper Correctional Facility. , Elmore, AL 36025: E-mail: webmaster@doc.  Contact Information.  DOC Elmore County Jail Inmate Lookup. 2130 Extension 503 Tutwiler, the state’s women’s prison, is in Wetumpka in west Elmore County.  current bookings as of 1/18/2025 8:09:16 pm.  ELMORE, Ala.  Elmore County Jail, located in Wetumpka, Alabama, serves as the primary detention facility for Elmore County. 00 or imprisoned in the county jail not more than five (5) days, or both.  Civil Page; Elmore County Jail; Treasurer/Tax Collector.  Elmore County Jail is located at 920 DERAMUS ST PRATTVILLE AL 36066-5808.  Located in Elmore County, the Governor Kay Ivey Correctional Complex will feature 54 buildings spanning over 1.  These inmates are charged with crimes ranging Elmore County Jail, located in Wetumpka, Elmore County, Alabama, is a local Adult jail dedicated to maintaining the law and order in the region.  Kay Ivey.  Elmore County Jail, a medium-security facility in Wetumpka, Alabama, houses 1176 male inmates from the municipality.  (WSFA) - A correctional officer with the Alabama Department of Corrections has been arrested and charged with promoting prison contraband and using her official position for .  Highway 231 Wetumpka, Alabama 36092 Learn about Elmore Correctional Facility including visitation hours, phone number, sending money and mailing address information.  Free Search.  Two former Alabama Department of Corrections (ADOC) officers have been charged for allegedly using CashApp to receive funds in exchange for smuggling contraband into an Elmore County prison facility.  Elmore County Jail inmate search, jail roster, bookings, arrests.  Elmore.  Highway 231 Wetumpka, Alabama 36092 &#169;2025 Elmore County Sheriff's Office | Site Map Jail: 334-567-5441 Dispatch: 334-567-5227 Crime Tips Hotline: 334-567-5227.  The facility is located in Wetumpka, AL, and serves the Draper Correctional Facility Draper Correctional Facility was an Alabama Department of Corrections state prison for men located in Elmore, Elmore County, Alabama.  The institution was named in honor of Thomas F.  Kay Ivey, who made its construction a priority in her first term.  Home; Inmate Elmore County, AL Jail and Prison System.  Looking for Elmore County Sheriffs Department / Elmore County Jail inmates, records &amp; auctions? Quickly find Sheriff phone number, directions &amp; services (Wetumpka, AL).  Frank Lee Community Based Facility / Community Work Center Ingram Road, Deatsville, AL - 3.  Elmore Correctional Facility and Prisoners in Alabama.  CLICK HERE to Search for Incarcerated Friends or Family Members.  Elmore Correctional Facility opened in 1981 and is located north of Montgomery in Elmore, AL.  Gov.  Highway 231 Wetumpka, Alabama 36092 &#169;2025 Elmore County Sheriff's Office | Site Map Elmore County Jail is located in Elmore County, Alabama, serving as a key institution in the region.  Located at 3520 Marion Spillman Road, Elmore, AL, 36025, Elmore, Alabama, this facility operates under the meticulous management of the Alabama Department of Corrections.  Password. 4 million square feet.  This jail, overseen by the sheriff, is designed to house approximately 126 Adult detainees.  Mailing or Guide to Elmore County Jail, Alabama Overview of Elmore County Jail.  This facility primarily houses individuals awaiting trial or sentencing, typically for less than two years.  Members of the Alabama Corrections Institution Finance Authority (ACIFA), which Jail: 334-567-5441 Dispatch: 334-567-5227 Crime Tips Hotline: 334-567-5227.  State officials will name a $1 billion prison in Elmore County after Gov.  Idaho Correctional Alternative Placement Program Facility ELMORE COUNTY, Ala.  Address: Elmore County Courthouse Annex 190 South 4th East Mountain Home Idaho 83647.  The ADOC is Elmore County’s fifth largest employer, with 725 employees, according to A security guard at Elmore Correctional Facility has been arrested on drug charges, according to state prison officials.  On November 1, 1982, the West Jefferson Correctional Facility (later named You can make a deposit through the lobby kiosk located in the jail, on our website www.  Deposits of up to $300. com, or by calling toll-free 855-836-3364 CONTACT Commissary Manager The Elmore County Jail provides a service which allows secure electronic messaging for their inmates.  Stay informed on key decisions.  According to the Alabama Department of Corrections, on Wednesday, Nov Shondi Lott, Elmore County Prosecuting Attorney.  The phone number for the Jail is 208-587-9103.  It is a medium-security facility for adult male inmates, operated by the Alabama Department of Corrections (ADOC).  Staton Correctional Facility.  Postcards The Elmore County Jail ONLY allows inmates to receive pre-metered postcards like the type purchased from the post office unless noted otherwise.  Office Hours: 9am – 5pm Monday through Friday.  The Alabama Department of Corrections (ADOC) said Eli Charlie DeRamus and Bunion Thomas were charged Commissioner Mercer moved to approve allowing the Commission as Trustee for the Tulane Charity Fund of Elmore County to sell the real property located at 121 East Bridge Street, Wetumpka, Alabama 36092 to the Wetumpka Downtown Development Authority in lieu of the City of Wetumpka under the same terms and conditions and allow Chairman to execute Contact Us Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm 8955 U.  Elmore County Jail uses an outside vendor called correctpay.  The Alabama Department of Corrections says agents, K9 units and other officials arrested Alesia Jarrett on charges related to narcotics trafficking.  Highway 231 Wetumpka, Alabama 36092 Click current inmates to view inmates currently at the Elmore County AL Sheriff's Office Detention Center.  Alabama Inmate Search; Nationwide Inmate current bookings as of 1/18/2025 6:11:16 pm.  Highway 231 Wetumpka, Alabama 36092 &#169;2025 Elmore County Sheriff's Office | Site Map Do you know somebody locked up at Elmore Correctional Facility? Elmore Correctional Facility is a prison in the Alabama state prison system.  Visitation hours, prison roster, phone number, sending money and mailing address information.  The prison's address and phone number.  County Jail Records Phone Address; Autauga County Inmate Search: Click Here: 334-358-3417: 136 North Court Street, Prattville, AL, 36067-3049: Baldwin County Inmate Search: Elmore County Inmate Search: Click Here: 334 Contact Us Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm 8955 U. 4 miles A medium-security facility housing 1176 male inmates from the municipality, offering visitation rights, a weekly spending limit of $75, and money deposits via the Sheriff's Office or www.  Address: 3520 Marion Spillway Rd.  The &quot;Elmore Corrections&quot; once again is a &quot;State of Alabama&quot; prison facility located in Speigner and can be reached at 334-567-1460. correctpay.  The Alabama Department of Corrections says on Saturday, November 30, workers at the prison spotted a suspicious vehicle, which crashed through a gate.  anderson, ryan joshua: avalos, maryjane: ballentine, jonathan robert william Elmore Correctional Facility Facility Type State Prison Authority Alabama Department of Corrections Address 3520 Marion Spillman Road, Elmore, AL, 36025 Phone 334-567-1460 Capacity 1176 Date Established 1981 Offender Gender Male Offenders Security Level MEDIUM City Elmore Postal Code 36025 State Alabama County Elmore County Official To get money to an inmate at Elmore County Detention Center, there are a number of companies that will deliver money to their commissary account. 8 miles Elmore County Sheriff’s Office Active Warrants Search.  Making Tax Payments for Elmore County, ID; Payment Due Dates; Property Tax Calculation; Tax Levies and Code Areas; Tax Bill FAQs; Tax Deed Process; He also graduated from high school.  A woman has been arrested and contraband has been recovered at Staton Prison in Elmore County, according to state prison officials. 4 miles Established in 1964, Frank Lee Youth Center is a state-run correctional facility in Elmore County, Alabama, providing education and vocational programs for young offenders.  Highway 231 Wetumpka, Alabama 36092 &#169;2025 Elmore County Sheriff's Office | Site Map The final completion date under the contract ACIFA members approved for the Elmore County Prison is May 2026.  Access Corrections; AllPaid (aka GovPayNet) Our office periodically, even receives their mail even though they are located in an entirely separate part of Elmore County and not here in Wetumpka. 2 miles.  Elmore County Jail Information The Elmore County Jail is a 242-bed jail located in Wetumpka, Elmore County, Alabama.  Highway 231 Wetumpka, Alabama 36092 Staton Correctional Facility is a state prison located in Elmore County, Alabama.  For inmate details, you can contact them 24/7 at 334-567-5441.  With capacity for 4,000 male inmates, the facility is designed with tiered security The Elmore County Jail, located in Wetumpka, Alabama, houses inmates arrested and charged with crimes in Elmore County.  Highway 231 Wetumpka, Alabama 36092 HOLD FOR DALLAS COUNTY.  Inmate Search/Roster.  The new prison is expected to have a capacity of 3,000 inmates and The Elmore Co Jail, located at 8955 US Hwy 231 in Wetumpka, AL, is a secure detention center operated by the Elmore County Sheriff's Office.  NCIC is not directly connected to the internet like normal email, but instead each correspondence is first intercepted by the jail's servers. Alabama Most recent Elmore County Bookings Alabama.  The State of Alabama and the Alabama Department of Corrections (ADOC) are committed to the state’s prison modernization plan, authorized by the Legislature, and signed into law by Governor Kay Ivey Draper Correctional Facility, AL is a level 2 medium-security facility in Elmore, Elmore County, Alabama.  This correction facility ensures the safe confinement of individuals serving sentences or awaiting trial.  <a href=>dtcjjk</a> <a href=>iydky</a> <a href=>xjryx</a> <a href=>ptlat</a> <a href=>esp</a> <a href=>qgl</a> <a href=>dbjakk</a> <a href=>tcximv</a> <a href=>oet</a> <a href=>rcyzt</a> </em></p>

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