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Full-Race Manifold vs.</h1> <div id="post-info-wrapper"> <ul class="post-info"> </ul> </div> <!--post-info-wrapper--> <div id="post-area" class="post-83834 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-featured-coverage-of-local-high-school-sports-east-alabama category-east-alabama-local-high-school-sports category-east-alabama-high-school-volleyball tag-news-ticker"> <div id="content-area"> <p><em>Efr 8374 vs gtx3576r Home; Store – THE BORGWARNER EFR 8474 TURBO BRING STATE-OF-THE-ART DESIGN AND POWERFUL PERFORMANCE. 7670 allows to spool at 3300 on 2. 92 IWG. Compare: Full-Race Manifold vs. 05, 1. my tune is 510whp @ 19psi JTL\Filter\Option Object ( [nAktiv] => 0 [icon] => [isCustom] => 1 [name] => Product Type [cSeo] => Array ( ) [type] => 1 [urlParam] => [urlParamSEO] => [value ronron - EFR8374 is small for a 2jzgte at your target power level, you will need a 67mm turbo like EFR9180 or S400SX 67mm. turbokits. 85 Thanks and Acknowledgements pg. the 62mm 8374 would be operating in too far into overspeed like SP's 3. I'm out there for two hours a day sometimes. 6 BiTurbo (camera) ~700hpvsEvo X EFR 8374 ~700hp La gamme GTX est l'évolution ultime de chez Garrett avec des turbos sur roulements à billes en céramique (ancienne version avec billes en acier), une roue compresseur en aluminium taillée dans la masse ainsi qu'un carter compresseur avec anti-surge incorporé. the 9174 will be obsolete and the 8374 should stay as it will be a quicker spooling turbo that it's bigger brother Talked with Ed @ EQ Tuning last night and we are gonna go with the EFR 8374 Twinscroll. That way, FR fanboys like me won't misinformed prospective customers (and when I get ready to pull the trigger on that FR kit, I'll just for fun with my friend, one of my shittier runs of the night. V-flanged turbine outlet I've modified a N/A RS intake (big, long runners and no TGVs to delete). Jesse from TurboKits. AMS TMP cams with Kelford Springs. search account. 6mm inducer / EFR 8374 is engineered to support big power levels yet spool fast enough for professional time attack teams. -8374 for small tracks, rarely needs nitrous. By combining top-of-the-line geometry with the revolutionary EFR 8374 (750HP) EFR 8474 (950HP) EFR 9174 (1000HP) EFR 9180 (1000HP) EFR 9274 (1050HP) EFR 9280 (1100HP) S300SX Series . BW 62mm 8374 EFR Both runs were on the same car. BatMoWheel Billet. Including installation parts such as flanges, gaskets, tubing, and silicone. Of course that worked like a charm and we now have all the fuel we I think of these turbos as different options, rather than new and improved: because 8374 on 2. Of course the GTX3576R spools My ideal setup would either be a Killer B ELH mated to the EFR 6758 or a JDM twin scroll manifold mated to the Blouch Dom 1. 8474 vs. Jump to Latest 3. The GTX and EFR make very similar power until 6000 RPM where the EFR starts to pull away. 45 T4 Twin No 8374 – Aluminum* 12839097000 – – – – – 8374 – Iron 179257 – – – – – Turbo Frame Size B2 Comp. 83; T4 - 0. In common turbo sizing this would be referred to as a 6265. Jump to Latest 21 - 40 of 226 Posts. When selecting a turbo for a rotary, you are looking for a turbo that has close to a 1:1: ratio between The dyno plots show a GTX3576R compared to a GTX3582R with the two turbos being tuned by Church Automotive to make the same power. The tuner has said that he could go to a 9180 and About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy I missed that, which only makes the 8374 a better choice IMO. 1 2 3. These Internal Waste-Gate EFR turbochargers also feature Built In Recirc Blow Off Valves, & 3 Port Boost Control Solenoids built into the ronron - EFR8374 is small for a 2jzgte at your target power level, you will need a 67mm turbo like EFR9180 or S400SX 67mm. 05 A/R, non-WG Twin Scroll Included with Turbo Assemblies: Each STOCK FRAME GTX3576R AMS INTERCOOLER AMS UICP AND LICP AMS INTAKE AMS DP TOPSPEED RACING TP AND CATBACK AMS UNDERHOOD & BASE BUSHINGS TIAL QR BOV DW65C ID1000. 83. Also, it is more costly. This feature helps to simplify the installation task and lowers overall system install cost. These turbos are known for their exceptional performance, reliability, and power delivery characteristics, making them popular choices among Evo X enthusiasts looking to upgrade their vehicles for increased We decided to continue our testing of the Borg Warner EFR series turbos on the E36 platform, so we removed the 8374 EFR with the 1. 7psi at 3000 rpm Borg Warner EFR Series Turbo's V 2. Compressor Type: Forged-Milled Wheel (FMW) Extended Tip. The most exciting technology in the EFR package is the turbine wheel material. 95 Oil Drain 2007 STI Build With Borg Warner Full Race EFR TS 8374 Pics added 1/21 of turbo Proven Power Bragging. SX-R Series . 45 The EFR 8374 includes the following features: Gamma-Ti turbine wheel; Inegrated Compressor Recirculation Valve (CRV) Dual ceramic ball bearing assembly with metal cage; Boost Control Solenoid Valve (BCSV) 856801-5059S GTX GEN 2 : Roue compresseur en aluminium forgée taillée masse avec carter compresseur pré-usiné pour le capteur de vitesse turbo, The EFR 8374 . 80 and 0. We strongly recommend using an EFR Speed Sensor if you plan to run this turbo to the limit (125krpm+) Turbine Specifications. 05 A/R T4 twin scroll (External WasteGate) Turbine outlet: GT-V band (aka small 3" v Rotated Borg Warner EFR 8374 turbo with . 12741008000 0. Bullseye Power . 3L (doesn't mean it necessary will). account. Oct 27, 2016 412 265 25 34. my tune is 510whp @ 19psi First run of the night, 12. But it helps generate shaft torque more efficiently at low turbine tip speeds, then is roughly comparable to a normal radial flow turbine wheel at higher tip speed vs. The 8374 is an ideal single turbo for the majority of moderately modified AGP Turbochargers, Inc. Custom FPR setup. 05 A/R, non-WG Twin Scroll 179358 EFR-9180 Turbo Assembly, 0. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Our Cast BorgWarner Performance Aftermarket EFR IWG 8374 Dyno results with our Half Bridge Road Course Rx7. 06 housing (which actually have a much smaller cross section than the Garrett T3 divided housings, so actually downsized despite the Quick little run on our local track in Gardermoen, Norway. 05 AR housing, and replaced it with it's bigger cousin the 9180 EFR with the 1. 08pbmr Discussion starter. That and the fact on the street the EFR is more responsive between shifts but more on that later. EFR7670 vs. was successfully added to your cart. Proven 9 second T3 turbo: EFR 9180 (1000HP) These are ALL T3, bolt onto log manifold and pump out serious power turbos. this is on pump gas @ 16psi. 11965 posts · Joined 2005 Add to quote; Only show this user #1 · Apr 5, 2012. 05ar or 1. k. 92 A/R, WG Twin Scroll 179392 EFR-7670 Turbo Assembly, 1. Wheel Inducer EFR SERIES TURBO FRAME IMENSIONS SUPER CORE CONFIGURATION • Turbine outlet V-Band • Turbine inlet gasket • Oil drain gasket or drain port fitting EFR 8374-B 92mm 3 O 0 400 35 50 O r Ho 38 NPT O r r o 445 75 8 338 744 8 78 43 179258 - 4AN M M85 38 bo 92mm 3 O 0 400 35 50 O r Ho 38 NPT The EFR 8374 is available in (3) different turbine housing configurations: • 0. and P/N's pg. Nov 23, 2016 #4 Abacus38 said: The compressor wheels will be anodized black to differentiate between existing EFR Series. Full Race IC piping. . Some respected forum members chimed in to say it wouldn't work, it'd be a dud, EFR groupies said what groupies say, but a local BW 8374 Precision 6266 vs. But it helps generate shaft torque more efficiently at low turbine tip speeds, then is roughly comparable to a normal radial flow turbine wheel at higher tip speed 8374 EFR: 62. This design is currently only on the EFR7163. EFR 8374 T4 . First up is the GTX3582R w/. GTX off EFR on. THE TURBO. CC'd and bench flowed after Supertech +1mm valves, GSC 5043 beehive springs with Ti retainers were installed. 0 L - 4. 4L test. The net difference is 8474 spools a little earlier than 9174. Welcome to the North American Subaru Impreza Owners Club : Monday January 13, 2025 or you will need to upgrade to the EFR 8374 which is quite it big larger and will induce more lag, but should have more grunt flowing 72 lbm at ~28psi. C. Our EFR turbochargers are available in multiple sizes, meticulously tailored for the 250-1000hp per turbo segment, and come in four different turbine housings. 1 vs chaser jzx100 2jz aem ecu t51r getrag et=9. 92 T4 Twin Yes 8374-D 179393 Iron 179257 12741019002 1. 5mm Turbine wheel outlet: 74mm Turbine housing: Available with T3 or T4 flanged exhaust housing Material cartridge: Available in cast steel or aluminium Pictures for 8374 EFR: 62. This will happen early next year. Fix me if I'm wrong. 05 T4 Twin No 8374-H – – – 12741008003 1. Joined May 30, 2013 · 1,286 Posts. I had checked for the GTX3576R on Garrett's site to consider it before recommending but it isn't listed. 06 A/R twin srcoll set-up with two TIAL ewg. Menu. S300 Series . 475 – 750 HP Turbo Price: $2,371. Our Rx7 specific install video can be found here; Turblown Cast EFR IWG Turbo System For those seeking higher power, BorgWarner’s new EFR 8474, EFR 9274 and EFR 9280 super-cores have compressor wheel inducer diameters between four and six millimeters larger than its existing EFR 8374, EFR 9174 and EFR 9180 products. EFR 8474 (blue) vs EFR 8374 (black) Using Borg Warner’s large inducer “black series” 84mm billet compressor (68mm inducer) the 8474 houses the EFR extended-tip compressor wheel design capable of 95 lb/min airflow rate. gl/f3UpnfEFR 8374 is engineered to support big power levels yet spool fast enough for professional time attack teams. 92 IWG) FD3S Turbo System. BW 8374 vs PT 6266 gen 2 As the title states I'm seeking some feedback from guys whom have possibly ran these turbos on their N54's. 92 has a 79LB max flow, 62mm compressor inducer, and 74mm turbine wheel. Add to cart. 92 A/R T4 twin scroll (Internal WasteGate) • 1. 6mm inducer / 83mm exducer FMW compressor wheel and is Craig's MKIV Supra used as the test mule to show the performance difference between the BW 8374 (62mm) EFR DBB vs. 45 The EFR 8374 includes the following features: Gamma-Ti turbine wheel; Inegrated Compressor Recirculation Valve ATP GTX3576R MAP Cast Investment Manifold Id1000's DW65C Pierburg 3 port EBCS Tail QRJ AMS downpipe MAP test pipe Invidia N1 exhaust Moore 3. inlet flow velocity - this is exactly the case where the BW EFR mixed flow turbine shines. Adaptronic E440D Universal, stock port engine, E85, IGN-1A coils Adaptronic E440D GTX3582R Vs BW 8374 Built Motor Discussion. 5" exhaust will make 15 psi by 2800rpms for example( 400rpms faster than a 3" exhaust pump gas setup). What you can't determine is the impact of the faster spooling wheel ratio without turbine efficiency info, but I'd be reasonably confident that it will spool quicker. For the people looking only at the dyno charts it doesn't paint a fair picture of the turbocharger's abilities which really Same Nick G tune with draw thru 803 MAF OBD1, MS109 Fuel, 26 psi. 82 a/r (44mm Tial external-WG) Both turbos are tested on a Full-Race T3 turbokit ( singlescroll undivided). So it's been an interesting road Since last time I posted I was on a stock turbo and made 291/285 on CBRD's dyno. 92 A/R, WG Single Scroll 179394 EFR-9180 Turbo Assembly, 1. 20-30 minute sessions or open track time. 2/Vcam. EFR 7670: https://www. The winner of Pike's Peak Unlimited The EFR 8374 has two different flange types available all with a 3" V-Band discharge: T3 - 0. It is the ideal size for the 450 to 500rwhp. We get a lot of technical inquiries about BorgWarner EFR installations as the turbochargers are quite different in many ways from your typical aftermarket performance turbochargers. Full Race 3. 6mm inducer / Liste non exhaustive, cotation pour toute nouvelle application sur simple demande. 05 on a 3. GTX3582R So now lets compare the GTX3582R to this turbo. GTX3576R (803714-1) GTX3582R (803715-1) BorgWarner EFR 6258 BorgWarner EFR 6758 BorgWarner EFR 7064 BorgWarner EFR 7163 BorgWarner EFR 7670 BorgWarner EFR 8374 BorgWarner EFR 9180 Mitsubishi Performance MHI TD05-06 16G Turbo Mitsubishi Performance MHI TD05-06 18G Turbo Mitsubishi Performance MHI TD06 20G Turbo. Save Share and a GTX3576R:dancebanana: Tuned by Kozmic @ 500awhp & 365tq (E85) Blown Ringlands, Garrett GTX vs Borg Warner EFR - Guesstimations and Calculations Proven Power Bragging. 29. The 83mm OD compressor has a 62. Jump to Latest when the Precision lineup has maybe 3-6 different compressor/turbine wheel configurations between each EFR offering. 9280 vs. founded 2002, best pricing and service for all your Borg Warner, Precision, and Garrett Turbos. The blue line in the below graphs shows also that the area under the curve on the EFR most likely outweighs the 250 RPM slower spooling. com TURBINE HOUSING OPTIONS Turbine Housing Part Number A/R Inlet Flange Shape Housing Config. For the sake of a back to back, there will be one between a 6266 0. 45 AR housing The 8374 is similar in size to the Garrett GT35R turbo, while the 9180 is more comparable to the Garrett GT4094R turbo, but can flow 600 hp fully built sleeved Evo X vs built civic b series 6262 600hp 60 roll Im considering a GTX3576R vs a GTX3582R for my full time track car. NLX Series . 0 . It can make 550+rwhp at 25+ psi on E85 EFR7670 vs. Precision 6266 CEA (Jourbal & DBB) DYNO RESULTS. 9180 = Same 91mm Exducer, but 9280 has 74mm Inducer and 9180 has 68mm Inducer. This extensive range ensures optimal performance for a variety of applications, delivering power and speed like never before. I did a turbo RA - Built head - Built SST - ID1000cc - GTX3576R - GSC S2 cams - GSC beehives /Ti retainers - ARP head studs - AMS fuel rail - AMS Widemouth dp - TurboXS exhaust - DrivenFab oil catch can - MAP oil pan/cast manifold - The compressor wheels will be anodized black to differentiate between existing EFR Series. Turbo Features • Mixed Flow Gamma-Ti turbine wheel • Dual ceramic ball bearing assembly with metal cage • Forged milled extended tip compressor wheel • Stainless steel turbine housing • Water cooled aluminium bearing housing • Large internal wastegate • Compressor recirculation valve (a. 5 intake MAP UICP Sheepey 3 inch intercooler CFM breather cap Compare: Full-Race Manifold vs. We will be replacing the Adaptronic E440D with th BorgWarner EFR 8374 $ 2,371. We have two comparisons here that include both a Journal Bearing and Waterless Dual Ball Bearing version of the Precision 6266 CEA to be compared against the Borg Warner 8474 if you're going a EFR, then it won't have the throttle response and spool of a GTX3576R or the stock FG turbo (approx a GT3576R), and the T4 manifold you're suggesting will cause further lag. But I’m guessing there would be some cost savings EFR Feature Summary pg. 2L and tune on FlexFuel. a BOV) 2007 STI Build With Borg Warner Full Race EFR TS 8374 Pics added 1/21 of turbo Proven Power Bragging. You can also try the new EFR 8474 if you can find it. This is because the EFR has a much freer flowing exhaust housing/turbine wheel. Genearlly one should not use this turbocharger for power levels below 400rwhp where the EFR 7670 can outshine it. Please make sure: HGP Golf R 3. BorgWarner AirWerks, BorgWarner EFR, Garrett GT. The compressor map is a lot wider then the 8374/9180 . 83 A/R, BorgWarner EFR 8374 $ 2,371. 334 posts · Joined 2016 Add to quote; Only show this user #24 · Nov 11, 2016. HKS Manifold BW 62mm 8374 EFR vs. black e Great setup though! I have been considering an IWG 8374 from FR for a while now and this doesn't help at all! Good luck with the fuel issues! 2. sonicboom141 Discussion starter. There seems to be a feeling that the IWG options aren’t as good as the EWG ones. Not a mr2 but at least some results are coming out finally. We saw a net gain of +40whp and +55wtq at 3800 rpm with the EFR turbo BW 8374 EFR vs GTX35R ms109 26 psi. 0. To be honest I dont believe there is a need for Based on specs, I would take the 8374 for a 13B every day of the week. The 74mm Gamma-Ti turbine wheel is the optimal match for the 62. Yesterday, he made the long trip from Boston (7 hours each way) for some welding, engine break-in, and finally pump gas and C16 tuning. 92 Internal Waste-gate Turbocharger. 83 A/R, WG Single Scroll 12809880000 EFR-9180 Turbo Assembly, 0. I'm also looking to be in the 400-450rwkw range, although for longevity of the drive train and likely undersizing of my plumbs, I'll be looking at operating primarily under 400kw with the option of turning it up on game day when I've decided its power and not driver skill that is holding me On the subject of turbine wheel tip speed vs. In this case the EFR blows it out of the water. 1 2. Vehicle: GTX 3071R'd 11WRX PPG,4. AMS Intercooler. SX-E Series . Ideal for: Single turbo applications for the 500-800hp range, or as twin turbo applications up to 1300hp. Also we are trying to prove twinscroll makes a difference compared to single port turbos. D. S200 Series . However, I know the EFR went through revisions to prevent that and the issues "seem" to be mostly behind us. 45ar T4 twin scroll turbine housing. Papadakis racing using the 8474 for their road race car and 9274 for their uphill or something like that on thier 2jz. Performance rating: 475 - 750 HP Compressor wheel: Inducer: 62. 1@117ish. 2 Fastener Tightening Torques pg. Precision 6266 CEA INTRODUCTION: Someone famous once said (paraphrasing), “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you You guys have any dyno charts of say, older BW 83-75 and BW 88-75 bad boys vs. For the ultimate in boost control. 83 A/R T3 undivided (Internal WasteGate) • 0. 6 BiTurbo (camera) ~700hpvsEvo X EFR 8374 + meth (driver only) ~700hp HGP Golf 3. Save Share Reply I don't want more power for reliability reasons. I have another 856801-5060S GTX GEN 2 : Roue compresseur en aluminium forgée taillée masse avec carter compresseur pré-usiné pour le capteur de vitesse turbo, 856801-5048S GTX GEN 2 : Roue compresseur en aluminium forgée taillée masse avec carter compresseur pré-usiné pour le capteur de vitesse turbo, The EFR 8374 is engineered to support massive power levels, but maintain spool times fast enough for professional time attack teams and street applications. It can make 550+rwhp at 25+ psi on E85 bogged the launch with the RSX, did a lot better later on. 93 . 83 A/R T3, 0. 81 Wastegate Preload Adjustment pg. If you are looking for track-duty, definitely consider newer tech. 83 a/r (42mm internal-WG) VS. 05 and 1. 83 T3 Single 08 MR GTX3576R 92octane. facebook instagram phone email; search. the EFR equivalents? I know CAM has a bunch of dyno charts on that stuff -- you guys should send him over a few of those new EFRs for testing. An 8374 car on E85 with a 3. Jump to Latest 3K views 6 replies 5 participants last post by Texas_Ace May 6, The compressor wheels will be anodized black to differentiate between existing EFR Series. but a little later than 8374 Dark Mode; Light Mode; Menu Log in The subscribers called for it - here it is. Just found it on on ATP'S, and the comp map looks quite similar to the GT35R. Skip to main content. 3576 will ask to wait until 4500. 92 turbine A/R. 6mm inducer / 83mm exducer FMW compressor wheel and is Borg Warner EFR 8374 T4 1. To quote condition difference: "The AIRDENS number differs by about 12% between the two charts" 8474 made 80bhp more, spool was similar - cold air benefited 8474 to EFR SERIES TURBO FRAME IMENSIONS SUPER CORE CONFIGURATION The following parts are not included as part of the super-core assembly: turbine housing, assembly clamp plate hardware, wastegate parts. The gtx3576r spools up faster than a gtx3076r and makes more power everywhere! Getting prepped and ready for the 1/2 mile event in GA this weekend :buttrock Euro Evo Getrag 6 speed trans installed, DSS 6 spd carbon shaft installed, BW 8374 EFR Either way you go, EFR 7670 or GTX3576R, I think you are going to be hard pressed to find a faster spooling turbo capable of 500whp on pump. E85 will reduce the lag by 10%, and same goes for each half inch bigger size of exhaust system. Craig Bush · Registered. Hit enter to search or ESC to close. Go. The 7670 will deliver the fastest boost response, and lowest boost threshold, and is perfect for a 350 to HGP Golf 3. For the Evo X, some of the top recommended turbo options are the Garrett GTX3576R, Precision Turbo PT5858, and BorgWarner EFR 8374. only ran 9psi in 1st and 2nd on this run, forgot to flip my high boost switch. TCT Billet . 9174 = Same 91mm Exducer, but 9274 has 74mm Inducer and 9174 has 68mm Inducer. A BorgWarner EFR 8374 with a 1. We're running 3rd gear through the track, 4:11 diff, Samsonas sequential and the EFR turbo is supe 8374 efr 8474 efr 9174 efr 9180 efr 9274 efr 9280 450 peak engine horsepower 500 peak engine horsepower 550 peak engine horsepower 550 peak engine horsepower 650 peak engine horsepower 750 peak engine horsepower 900 peak engine horsepower 950 peak engine horsepower 1000 peak engine horsepower 1050 peak engine horsepower 1100 peak engine 856803-5003S GTX GEN 2 : Roue compresseur en aluminium forgée taillée masse avec carter compresseur pré-usiné pour le capteur de vitesse turbo, There is a back to back I posted in the EFR thread between a 3582 vs 8374 on a larger BMW engine. 92 A/R T4 internal WG, and 1. com gives a quick spec rundown on the EFR 7670 and EFR 8374 turbochargers. 5L. Ambient Air Temps were within 5 degrees between these two runs, with the GTX run at 75 degrees and the EFR run at 80 degrees. For the in depth side by side compar The EFR turbo "large" cover has a dual-machined outlet, both for a hose connection and a v-band connection. A soundclip of the twinscroll EFR 8374 with internal wastegate, during a low boost launch. 5" intake. 88 Kit Descriptions and P/N's pg. 5L CR 9:1. Honestly, I was just looking at the Borg Warner compressor map and comparing the 8374 to the 7670 and feeling like the 8374 had more mid-range RPMs in the optimal performance range of the compressor and was not going to Dyno tuning session (more details coming soon)13B REW Engine (stock ports)Adaptronic ECUBorwarner EFR 8374 turboTurblown IWG turbo manifoldTuned by Nelson S. Conversely, I know of 3 people right now that have gotten bad G series cores, or had issues with At the heart of the system is a your choice of an EFR 7670, 8370, 8374 , 9174 or 9180 T4 . 63 housing. I actually missed a shift on this one. many more vids to come RA - Built head - Built SST - ID1000cc - GTX3576R - GSC S2 cams - GSC beehives /Ti retainers - ARP head studs - AMS fuel rail - AMS Widemouth dp - TurboXS exhaust - DrivenFab oil catch can - MAP oil The GTX3576R / GTX3582R turbos are also offered with separate Turbine Housing Kits (= THK) with an external wastegate for engine displacements of 2. AMS fuel rail. W25 heads: I ported and deshrouded the heads. Cupid Stunt 8374 dyno was perfromed on a hot and humid East-Coast day, while 8474 was performed on a cold East-Coast day. 64 and 0. It spools the same but it makes about 20more WHP everywhere. They said they prefered the 8474 on the short tracks. At the heart of this turbo system is a Ball Bearing BorgWarner EFR(Engineered For Racing) Turbochargers. Mash · Registered. 6mm inducer at 79lb/min max flow - supporting up to 750hp with a very large map width for outstanding power potential, even at high boost. 14 posts · Joined 2015 Add to quote; Only show this user #1 · Jun 18, 2017. 1 2 of 12 Go to page. 85 A/R V-Band in either internal or external wastegate configuration, 0. 3rd was 16psi, my tune is 510whp @ 19psi Pick up your very own Today: http://goo. Payam@BMS Sergeant. 6mm inducer at 79lb/min max flow - supporting up to 750hp with a very large map width for BorgWarner EFR 8374 Turbocharger. Jump to Latest 5. 423wtq and 16. Jump to Latest 21 - 40 of 42 Posts. 88 Super-Core Descr. 92AR and the"High Boost" internal wastegate. One of my better runs, not the best of the night but 11. 05 A/R Boost Level: 30-33psi (ALL IN) Full-Race Data: Peak HP: 730whp Peak TQ: 702wtq 300whp reached @ 3400rpm 300wtq reached @ The Turblown Rx7 EFR IWG Turbo System is the most reliable & fastest responding turbo system available for the 13B rotary engine. The EFR 8374 is one of the larger sized turbochargers in BorgWarner's ultra-efficient EFR lineup. 05 A/R, non-WG Twin Scroll 179258 EFR-8374 Turbo Assembly, 0. 92 A/R, WG Twin Scroll 179393 EFR-83 74 Turbo Assembly, 1. Purple Line: GT3582R . It’s not the first time this material has been used, but it’s the first time that it has been offered to the public across a range of size options. GS BCS. Borg Warner 8374 EFR DYNO TESTING/RESULTS. They say spool characteristics are like 50 rpm EFR 'Black Series' Jump to Latest 21 - 34 of 34 Posts. Save Share Reply Quote Like. 627 posts · Joined 2004 Add to quote; Only show this user #1 · May 5, 2012. Please bear in mind I have limited knowledge on ST setups and what housing sizes etc to use, so am seeking some feedback. 6 bar Generally the EFR 7670makes 15 psi by 2500rpms, and the EFR 8374 makes 15 psi by 3200rpms. As some of you know the twin scroll EFR 8374's have finally begun shipping, and a customer of mine ("Jeff122886" here) was one of the first to receive one of these puppy's. In his testing the 1. 87 Appendix: Misc. 6mm wheel I don't think the 8374 is "a lot more responsive", but it's newer tech. S500 Series . S400 Series . Akrapovic DP back TI The EFR 8374 is engineered to support massive power levels, but maintain spool times fast enough for professional time attack teams and street applications. So far friction is Turbo BorgWarner EFR-8374 Genuine EFR Turbocharger Turbocharger with various flanges, A/R values and wastegate options. Compressor Specifications. from spracingforums. Close Search. PTE just upgraded their 6266 with their gen2 billet wheel and the turbo is now rated 800hp. 8@118. 85 A/R T25, 0. 3 spools and responds so well for large turbo that its perfectly usable daily driver News Home; Industry News; Motorsport News; Feature Articles; Forum Home; Audi Customer Experience; Model-Lines; Tech Talk; More Car Talk; Regional STOCK FRAME GTX3576R AMS INTERCOOLER AMS UICP AND LICP AMS INTAKE AMS DP TOPSPEED RACING TP AND CATBACK AMS UNDERHOOD & BASE BUSHINGS I am impressed with the garret lines The Big Thread - BW 8374 EFR vs. of course Rickerman Tuned SpeedCircuit, Go fast parts supplied BW EFR 8374 Bakaunchi's shop, 5150-Racing built 2. Show More Hide Less. turbo The inducer are really close between 9174 and this new 8474 so I think that they'll spool almost the same,the newer will be slightly better. 45 A/R T4 external WG. 0 . These results are not only faster I had checked for the GTX3576R on Garrett's site to consider it before recommending but it isn't listed. Joined May 15, 2007 · 7,491 Posts #21 · Apr 19 similarly, the 62 vs 6766; you're going to gain a couple hundred rpm response with the smaller turbo, and gain some SpeedCircuit, Go fast parts supplied BW EFR 8374 Bakaunchi's shop, 5150-Racing built 2. Direct comparison between the two big hitters in the 1000HP claimed bracket. The EFR8474 represents the state-of-the-art from BorgWarner Turbo Systems. Precision 6266 CEA vs. ID 1300cc injectors. com Forged engin, turbo EFR 8374, GSC s2 cams, ID1300 injectors, 0 WGDT - 1. Gamma-Ti turbine wheel; Both the G series and B2 housing of the EFR's seem sensitive to over speed issues on the turbo, so running a speed sensor is a good idea. I stockpiled a bunch of parts and a Boost Response and Power Output from our 8374 BorgWarner EFR( T4 . Reactions: doublespaces. JTL\Filter\Option Object ( [nAktiv] => 0 [icon] => [isCustom] => 1 [name] => Vehicle manufacturer [cSeo] => Array 179390 EFR-7670 Turbo Assembly, 0. 84 BSCV Hose and Electrical Connection pg. Les Turbos Hybrides doivent impérativement être validés avec les références inscrites sur le turbo qu’il remplace (références situées sur une plaque ou dans Chaser Jzx100 2jz fcon efr 8374 et=10. 79 Turbo Installation Notes pg. 8374 = Same 84mm Exducer, but 8474 has 68mm Inducer and 8374 On the subject of turbine wheel tip speed vs. However I heard great thing about the transient response of the EFR lines so I'm ready to shed Featuring a 14mm thick head flange, T4 twin scroll Billet collector ,and two 40mm wastegate take offs to suit the latest Turbosmart gen V 40mm wastegates. The 74mm Gamma-Ti turbine wheel is an optimal match for the 62. a ported with flapper stock exhaust housing will do fine if you're keeping T3, but if you're going T4, exhaust housing is really a personal choice with GTX3576R vs EFR7670 Compressor Map. com/turbochargers/borg-warner Full Race T4 twin scroll turbo kit with EFR 8374 . EFR turbine wheels are made from titanium aluminide. 05 A/R Boost Level: 30-33psi (ALL IN) Full-Race Data: Peak HP: 730whp Peak TQ: 702wtq 300whp reached @ 3400rpm 300wtq 6266 vs efr 8374. Our goal is to give Borg great performance data and prove what the new EFR series can do. 1K views 8 replies 4 participants last post by 08pbmr Jun 23, 2017. Welcome to the North American Subaru Impreza Owners Club: Monday September 9, 2024: Home: Forums: Images: WikiNASIOC: Products: Store : Modifications: Upgrade Garage : NASIOC > NASIOC General > Proven Power 179357 EFR-8374 Turbo Assembly, 0. chinky2 Discussion starter. 92, 1. inlet speed ratios Dont really know the Mustangs mods but owner claimed 770 WHP. We have the Ultimate Racing GT4088R 1. Xona XT4 XRC 6868 (1000HP) Xona XRE 6869S (1050HP) Xona Now for me, except faster transient response of EFR it's also about being able to not surge so early. The same manifold and pipe 8374-B 179258 Iron 179257 12741008000 0. Precision 6266 CEA Journal Bearing and Wat The Big Thread - BW 8374 EFR vs. 83 T3 Single Yes 8374-C 179357 Iron 179257 12741008001 0. Jump to Latest 3K views 6 replies 5 participants last post by Texas_Ace May 6, 2012. Green Line: EFR 8374 . Description ; Reviews (0) Description. 9 2012 GSR EFR 8374 Stock Block dyno. 0 Borg Warner EFR Series Turbo's V 2. Features . 05a/r Twin Scroll Turbo Full Race Twin Scroll Header, UP, DP Dual Tial EWG's Cosworth Intake Manifold EQ Tuning FMIC EQ Tuning Intake Location: GTX3576R 05GD, GTX3076R'd FXT. A true divided twinscroll manifold is recommended for any twinscroll turbo, efr, garrett, precision or otherwise. 6 BiTurbo (camera) ~700hpvsEvo X EFR 8374 ~700hp Oh wow, I've missed that one - been following 240Z's experiments which have been pretty cool but I've not seen him try the . According to Garrett's site this combo only has BW 8374 Precision 6266 vs. Now that a serious powerband! Great work Ed! EFR 8374 (750HP) EFR 8474 (950HP) EFR 9174 (1000HP) EFR 9180 (1000HP) EFR 9274 (1050HP) EFR 9280 (1100HP) S300SX Series . Personally, I prefer PTE because raw manifold dont need relocation and cost about 500$ less than the EFR kit. 1K views 13 replies 8 participants last post by Eric6 Apr 6, 2012. The ONLY change was the turbo itself. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Full-Race Manifold vs. (GTX and EFR wasn't out yet). For this event, we decided to bolt up the Borg Warner 8374 EFR turbo to our shop E36 M3 with the updated Steedspeed TwinScroll E36 manifold that is finally ready for gtx3576r is a much better turbo than a gtx3076r. EFR 8374! As We finally got all the fueling issues settled with an A1000, surge tank, and all new -10 lines from the back. Welcome to the North American Subaru Impreza Owners Club: Monday September 9, 2024: Home: Forums: EFR 8374 T4 . 12. I'm thinking either the gtx3576r with manifold or a full race 8374 or 7670 kit . 8374 = Same 84mm Exducer, but 8474 has 68mm Inducer and 8374 I’m halfway through the 130 odd pages in the EFR thread and am amazed at the results. 44,LSD,E85,6spdx3. HKS Manifold Turbo: Borg Warner 8374 EFR DBB Divided 1. 2L Darton Sleeves / Jack's Transmission / AGP 6266 / Buschur / Invida / Injector Dynamics / AEM / Boomba 650whp Mustang . jpg and. Titanium aluminide (or Gamma-Ti, for short) is a strange compound. BatMoWheel Billet; Street Billet; TCT Billet; NLX Series ; S200 Series; S300 Series; S400 Series; S500 Series; Xona Rotor. I have been hunting around for reviews and opinions of the gear based on performance and general build but, aside from people trying to sell it, nothing is showing up at all I know Turblown RX7 has had a bit of success with this gear but they tend to be running some serious gear and mine will be a lot less so. We are in the search for a new turbo. Jump to Latest 21 - 22 of 22 Posts. 81 CRV Hose Connection pg. Categories: BorgWarner EFR, Turbos Tags: BorgWarner, BorgWarner EFR, EFR. EFR 8374 is engineered to support big power levels yet spool fast enough for professional time attack teams. Running it reversed. Certainly car can be tuned to not go to surge at all, but that means power loss on a smaller RPM. borgwarnerboosted. This has been replaced with 8474 and there is very little difference in tune or overall airflow. 8474 is newer than the 8374. Discussion starter There are nine (9) investment cast stainless steel turbine housings that make up the initial release of the EFR series (with more to come). Street Billet . Full race 8374 Kelford C 1700 ID E85. 5 XT-R TS as a cheaper option. So if anyone is interested in buying my brand new, never used, powder coated I will upgrade my turbo eventually. This guide will help cover the basics about the Turblown Cast EFR IWG Rx7 Turbo system & other installs as well. 83 A/R, WG Single Scroll 179357 EFR-8374 Turbo Assembly, 0. Turbine Type: Low Description EFR 8374 (750HP) EFR 8474 (950HP) EFR 9174 (1000HP) EFR 9180 (1000HP) EFR 9274 (1050HP) EFR 9280 (1100HP) S300SX Series; SX-E Series; SX-R Series; Bullseye Power. 6mm, Exducer: 83. 84 and a 8374 1. BorgWarner EFR 8374 quantity. Simplified Installation Integrated compressor recirculation valve (CRV) to help avoid compressor surge and backflow during a throttle lift event. Sizes are available in 0. the perfect "small turbo" for their needs -9174 was their choice for the bigger tracks, with nitrous. 7670 may be choking at 500whp but if you're just doing highway pulls or barely getting to high rpm, you may still be able to make it work for ultimate response. Pictures and Data pg. 01 GTX3576R was real laggy from memory, he went to a GTX3582R with the ATP T4 1. The EFR 8374 has two different flange types available all with a 3" V-Band discharge: T3 - 0. Engine is fully built 2. 9274 vs. EFR made more midrange and the same top end. 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