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PE/TE Date* 06/12/2033.</h1> <div id="post-info-wrapper"> <ul class="post-info"> </ul> </div> <!--post-info-wrapper--> <div id="post-area" class="post-83834 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-featured-coverage-of-local-high-school-sports-east-alabama category-east-alabama-local-high-school-sports category-east-alabama-high-school-volleyball tag-news-ticker"> <div id="content-area"> <p><em>Arkansas adc inmate search Providing fair, firm, consistent and superior correctional services for Arkansas To find an inmate, please enter the name OR the ID number, and then click the SEARCH button. Good Time Class. 302 Corrections Drive Newport, Arkansas 72112 . section 31-221(E), an inmate "shall not have access to any prisoner records other than viewing the prisoner's own automated summary record file. Name: Suggs, Jessie C. Sheriff Public Safety and Emergency Services County Administration Building. Name: Aaron, Barry G. Lookup inmates who are currently imprisoned in Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) - Central Office, Arkansas. Facility. State Prison - East Arkansas Regional Unit, Brickeys, Arkansas. Search the Arkansas Division of Correction inmate population or download the full inmate database. C4. Total Time* 10 yrs. 097176. How to Search for Inmates in Arkansas. ; Class II earns 20 days credit 3. Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) - Omega Technical Violator Center inmate search, jail roster, bookings, arrests. Federal Bureau of Prisons Inmate Search. ADC #142682. Information current as of 01/08/2025 ADC #172933. Total Time* 2 yrs. Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) - Maximum Security Unit inmate search, jail roster, bookings, arrests. 10 miles south of Little Rock, Interstate 530 ( Exit 7- Wrightsville/Pratt Road Exit), East to Highway 365 in Wrightsville (Pulaski County), to Highway 386 East. Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) - Administrative Office Annex East inmate search, jail roster, bookings, arrests. Send Trust AR 71644-0600 . Meetings and Events; ADA Accommodation Request; Legal Disclosures; Inmate ID numbers can be found using the ADC Inmate Search or contacting the appropriate county jail. ADC #763357. Online Inmate Search Procedure. Arkansas Department of Corrections authority has managed prisoner's information by using Photo Name Subject Number In Custody Race Gender Date of Birth Height Weight Multiple Bookings; Norris, Dustin Michael: 19101: Yes: White: Male: 01/04/1980: 5' 11" 185. g 315 West Main Street #15, Walnut Ridge, AR, 72476: Lee County Inmate Search: Not Available: 870-295-7775, 870-295-7777: 15 East Chestnut, Marianna, AR, 72360: Lincoln AR DOC is committed to public safety and providing professional management solutions and evidence-based rehabilitative initiatives for offenders. The Online Services Center is a one-stop resource for the public to easily access the numerous available DOC online services. 7206 W. Navigate to the ADC's official website. Conducting a Statewide Inmate Search. Information current as of 01/14/2025 Facility. Located at 305 E 5th St in Texarkana, AR, Texarkana Regional carefully assigns inmates based on their custody level, considering factors like criminal history. gov/ Click on the "Inmate Search" link under the "Inmate Information" tab. Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) Inmate Search: Visit the ADC Inmate Search page. Located at 2540 Hwy 388 in Gould, AR, Cummins Unit carefully assigns County Jail Address Phone Number; Arkansas County: 1000 Ricebelt Avenue, DeWitt, AR 72042 (870) 659-2064: Ashley County: 842 Ashley 12 West, Hamburg, AR 71646 AR Search for inmates incarcerated in Ark. Lookup inmates who are currently imprisoned in Arkansas Community Corrections (ACC) - Mississippi County Work Release Center (Females), Arkansas. Enter your search terms above. Gill, Jimmy . Enter the inmate's name or ADC number. ADC #555268. ADC Incarcerations** 1 * may be affected by You can support your loved ones at Tucker Unit on InmateAid, if you have any immediate questions contact the facility directly at 501-842-2519. PE/TE Date* 04/05/2027. Mason, Zachary VINE Print. Nowlin, James G. Investigation and Transportation of Deceased Inmates: ADC AR 0893 : Medical Co-Pay: ADC AR 0011 : News Media Interviews and Correspondence: ADC AR 0211 : Physical Attacks on State Employee: ADC AR 0115 : PIE: ADC AR 1210 : Pre-Release Program: The Arkansas ACC Absconder Search is a tool used by the Arkansas Community Correction (ACC) division to locate individuals who are considered absconders. Weeks, Christopher D. If the inmate is not found in the local jail roster, they might be in a state prison. Online Inmate Search. 184990. Sunday appointments: Thursday Inmate Search. You can support your loved ones at Benton Unit on InmateAid, if you have any immediate questions contact the facility directly at 501-315-2252. Information current as of 01/17/2025. Additionally, a prison offenders list is regularly updated and made accessible to the public, offering a comprehensive look at those currently housed in the facility. Upon entering the necessary information, the system will provide a list of potential matches. Friends and families can find a loved one in custody by calling, emailing, or visiting the correctional facility. This database covers all state-run correctional facilities, including those in Pulaski County. P. We hold a unique place in the criminal justice system here in Pulaski County. Total Time* 12 yrs. 140329. Navigating the Arkansas Inmate Search system offers invaluable information about inmates housed within the state’s correctional facilities. Information current as of 01/12/2025 ADC #089909. We maintain public trust and support by being open with our practices and sharing appropriate information in a timely manner. Please reach out to 870-267-6999, on visitation procedures, applications, or directions to You can support your loved ones at Tucker Unit on InmateAid, if you have any immediate questions contact the facility directly at 501-842-2519. They have an app the public can use to search for a specific inmate or download the entire inmate database. Prior Probation/SIS History. Finding information about inmates in the Arkansas State prison system is crucial for various reasons, including locating incarcerated individuals, staying connected with loved ones, and accessing important resources. The public can search by ADC number or name and narrow down the results using the person's gender, age, county, facility, offense, and race. , Olathe, KS 66061. ADC #183337. Jackson, Jason . 179989. State Prison - East Arkansas Regional Unit including visitation hours, phone number, sending money and mailing address information. Information current as of 01/09/2025. Online Service Center Comments To leave [] Arkansas Arrests Lookup - A Step-by-Step Guide Accessing Arrest Records. ADC Incarcerations** 1 * may be affected by other laws and regulations AR Misdemeanors: 05/10/2022: WASHINGTON: 2022-41-7: 12 mo. Total Time* 40 yrs. Box 1630, Malvern, AR 72104 . ADC #185808. Information current as of 01/15/2025 Facility. Name: ADC Incarcerations** 2 * may be affected by other laws and regulations ** Incarcerations: the number of times an offender has been incarcerated with Inmate Search. Send Trust $ Send 600 W Sunset Ave, Springdale, AR 72764 . Brown, Devin . Learn more information for and about the inmates with in the Arkansas Division of Correction including death row, commissary lists and more. Name: Baker, Charles . Race Mailing Address. 111 S. Initial Receipt Date. 870-659-2066 South Dist. Send Trust $ Send Phone $ VINE Print. Name: ADC Incarcerations** 1 * may be affected by other laws and regulations ** Incarcerations: the number of times an offender has been incarcerated with Lookup inmates who are currently imprisoned in Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) - Pine Bluff Unit, Arkansas. AR Search for inmates incarcerated in Ark. ADC #185124. Search by Offender Name: Enter the inmate's first and last name in the designated fields. C3. Find information about Tyler Barefield, an inmate at Varner Supermax Facility in Arkansas. Locate the whereabouts of a federal inmate incarcerated from 1982 to the present. ADC #081479. Information current as of 01/15/2025 ADC #161617. Arkansas Prison Inmate Search. Due to the First Step Act, sentences are being reviewed and recalculated to address pending Federal Time Credit changes. State Prison – Delta Regional Unit, is located at 880 East Gaines Street, Dermott, AR, 71638-9505, in Chicot County. Arkansas Community Corrections (ACC) - Mississippi County Work Release Center (Females) inmate Lookup inmates who are currently imprisoned in Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) - North Central Unit, Arkansas. Locations. Providing fair, firm, consistent and superior correctional services for Arkansas. ADC #177169. ) Items sold in facilities housing work release inmates that are specifically approved for sale to work release inmates, will be considered contraband on the date the inmate no longer qualifies for a work release program. Send Trust $ Send Phone AR 71603-1498 . Doss/Cornelison, Joy D. Enter Required Information: Input details like the inmate's name or ADC number. gov You can support your loved ones at Varner Unit on InmateAid, if you have any immediate questions contact the facility directly at 870-575-1800. ADC Incarcerations** 1 * may be affected by other laws and regulations ** Incarcerations: the number of times an offender has been incarcerated with the Division Inmate Search. CAUCASIAN. Total Time* 30 yrs. Information current as of 01/17/2025 ADC #510446. ADC #117149. ADC Contact us at 1-866-277-7477 if you need immediate help locating an offender, registering for notifications, or accessing victim services in your area. II. you may contact the Arkansas Department of Correction at 870-267-6999 or via e-mail at adc. ADC Incarcerations** 2 * may be Class II earns 20 days credit per month; Class III earns 10 days credit per month; and Class IV does not earn any good time. Visit the Official ADC Inmate Search Website: Start by accessing the Arkansas Department of Corrections’ Inmate Search page. IV. PE/TE Date* 10/04/2024. The facility opened in 1994 and is the largest county detention facility in Arkansas, housing more than 1,200 detainees daily. Michaels/Mackool, Micah/Micha R. ADC Incarcerations** 1 * may be affected by other laws and regulations AR Misdemeanors: 03/24/2021: SALINE: 2021-150: 12 mo. Kimer, Dakota A. Charles, Brandon . The Arkansas inmate lookup tool is a simple and direct way to find an individual incarcerated in the state. ADC #075876. Sunday appointments: Thursday by 11:59pm How to Use the Arkansas Inmate Lookup. Access the ADC Inmate Search Portal: Visit the Arkansas Department of Corrections Inmate Search portal. ADC #184732. Enter Search Criteria: You can search for an inmate using Inmate Search. gov correction website offers an inmate population information search tool for locating an offender. The Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) maintains an online inmate population search tool that allows members of the public to search for information on inmates currently incarcerated in Arkansas correctional facilities. Click 'Search' to view the results, which may include the inmate's current location, sentencing details, and potential release date. Information current as of 01/15/2025 ADC #101268. This position is governed by state and federal laws and agency/institution policies and procedures. Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) - Delta Regional Unit inmate search, jail roster, bookings, arrests. *Please note - Deadlines for scheduling visitation appointments are as follows: Saturday appointments: Wednesday by 11:59pm. Send Trust $ Send AR 72015-8488 . Learn about Northwest Arkansas Work Release Center including visitation hours, phone number, sending money and mailing address information. ADC Incarcerations** 1 * may be The Arkansas Department of Corrections. The VINE service is provided by the Arkansas Crime Information Center. 184395. If eligible, an inmate in: . Information current as of 01/12/2025 ADC #132172. Box 1000, Wrightsville, AR 72183-1000 . . Lookup inmates who are currently imprisoned in Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) - Omega Technical Violator Center, Arkansas. Facility: 05/31/2018: Medium: Ouachita River Inmate Search. Please type the text you see in the image into the text box and submit Inmate Search. At the end of the sixty (60) days, if the inmate’s supervisor has recommended the inmate for promotion, the inmate will appear before the classification committee to be considered for job and or unit reassignment. Name: Brown, Devin . Search for your inmate and their facility, get them lower inmate call rates. ADC Number. All inmates are placed in Class II status when they arrive at ADC. CITIZEN INFORMATION >Career Lookup inmates who are currently imprisoned in Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) - Maximum Security Unit, Arkansas. You can support your loved ones at Pine Bluff Unit on InmateAid, if you have any immediate questions contact the facility directly at 870-267-6510. As a result, an Inmate Search. Benton Unit offers diverse educational and vocational programs All requests are pending review and approval by the Arkansas Department of Corrections. ADC Incarcerations** 1 * may be affected by other laws and regulations ** Incarcerations: the number of times an offender has Inmate Search. Information current as of 12/22/2024 ADC #140329. ADC Incarcerations** 1 Agency Prepared By: Date Completed: Risk Score/Level: Bowie Co. Please read the visitation rules BEFORE you request an appointment. PE/TE Inmate Search. ADC Incarcerations** 1 * may be To locate an inmate at the Texarkana Regional Correction Center, you can use the Arkansas Department of Corrections' online inmate search tool available at ADC Inmate Search. Information current as of 01/15/2025 ADC #179989. 1000 Ricebelt Ave. Littles, Edward E. Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) - Wrightsville Unit inmate search, jail roster, bookings, arrests. 24-hour Phones: North Dist. We found 0 matches for your search criteria0 matches for your search criteria Inmate Search. Money Victim Information and Notification 1-800-510-0415 General Information VINE is a free and anonymous telephone service that provides victims of crime two important features: information and notification. Class I earns 30 days good time credit per month. Located at Hwy 15 in Tucker, AR, Tucker Unit carefully assigns inmates based Inmates are not allowed to have any kind of tobacco. Arkansas inmate records are official documents relating to persons who are incarcerated or have served time in local or state-run correctional facilities. com Arkansas Sheriff County Offices And County Jails Locator Lookup inmates who are currently imprisoned in Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) - Administrative Office Annex East, Arkansas. Arkansas DOC Inmate Search Regulations. Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) - Ouachita River Unit inmate search, jail roster, bookings, arrests. PE/TE Date* 06/12/2033. Welcome to the Arkansas Judiciary Case Search. Find information about inmates in the Arkansas prison system, such as name, race, sex, birth date, facility, custody, and aliases. All requests are pending review and approval by the Arkansas Department of Corrections. PE/TE Date* 05/07/2025. ADC policy pertaining to Inmate Commissaries (AD 2016-41) can be viewed HERE. Cherry St. To find inmates in Arkansas Department of Correction facilities, use ADC inmate search. C2. If you are searching for a United States Federal Bureau of Prisons Inmate click below. ADC Incarcerations** 3 * may be affected by other laws and regulations ** Incarcerations: the number of times an offender has been incarcerated with the Division of Correction. Located at State Hwy 388 in Gould, AR, Varner Unit carefully assigns inmates based on their custody level, considering factors like criminal history. PE/TE Date* 04/04/2016. The Arkansas Department of Corrections is responsible for about 20 public prisons and jails in 12 counties. Filter by Location: If possible, narrow down the search by The Arkansas Department of Corrections. ADC Search for inmate data by name, number, or location on the Arizona Department of Corrections website. ADC Incarcerations** 4 * may be affected by other laws and regulations ** Incarcerations: the number of times an offender has been Step1: Hop to the ADC inmate search, where you'll find a box to fill in the required information regarding an inmate you want to locate. By ADC Number: If you have the inmate's ADC number, input it in the 'ADC Number' field. This tool is the most direct way to find information about inmates under state custody. Birth Date. info@arkansas. Suggs, Jessie C. PE/TE Date* 11/27/2028. Name: Facility Address. Ramsey, Paul W. 510446. Firearm Certain Per: DCS: You can support your loved ones at McPherson Unit on InmateAid, if you have any immediate questions contact the facility directly at 870-523-2639. Hope for Arkansans. PE/TE Date* 08/21/2017. The Arkansas Department of Corrections Boot Camp Unit is a specialized facility designed to rehabilitate inmates through a structured program focusing on discipline, physical fitness, and work assignments. O. We are available 24/7/365 with live operator support in over 200 languages. Step 3: Select a Search Option. ADC Incarcerations** 1 * may be affected by other laws and regulations East AR You can support your loved ones at Cummins Unit on InmateAid, if you have any immediate questions contact the facility directly at 870-850-8899. Inmate Search Inmate Search. TX Corr. PE/TE Date* 12/01/2025. most straightforward is to use the inmate search feature available on the Arkansas Department of You can support your loved ones at Grimes Unit on InmateAid, if you have any immediate questions contact the facility directly at 870-523-5877. Daugherty, Stanley N. 121202. According to the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act of 1967, the ADC, through its web, provides all data to inmates. Name: Chambers, Antonio H. Enter Search Details: Input the inmate’s ADC number if known, or search by first and last name for broader You may search for only inmates who have photos available by checking the "Show Inmates with Photos Only" box. ADC #129115. Wrightsville Unit. Custody Classification. PE/TE Date* 03/23/2024. It's legally accessible to the public online to For TIPS on navigating Search ARCourts,Click Here. AR Search for inmates incarcerated in Northwest Arkansas Work Release Center, Springdale, Arkansas. 'Good time' determines how much an inmate's sentence is discounted. Search; Inmate Roster (83) Options. Post-Prison Transfer Board Board Decision Search Tool. " This means that, other than the ACIS report that inmates are allowed to receive once a year, they may not have any Online Inmate Search. The Pulaski County Regional Detention Facility is located at 3201 West Roosevelt Road, Little Rock, Arkansas 72204. Mailing Visiting hours for E Arkansas Unit are subject to change, so it's crucial to confirm them by contacting the facility directly by phone. *Please note - Deadlines for scheduling visitation appointments are as follows: Saturday appointments: Wednesday, 11:59pm. 7th Ave. Hall, Neil A. 388, Gould, AR 71643 Map. ADC #184990. Cummins Unit offers diverse educational and vocational programs Inmate Search. Offense: Sentence Date: User validation required to continue. State Prison - McPherson Unit including visitation hours, phone number, sending money and mailing address information. 142682. ← All Facilities. ADC COMMISSARY POLICY. Information current as of 01/16/2025 ADC #183534. Footer menu. Search by Offender Number: If known, input the inmate's Arkansas State ID number. Step 3: Utilize State Resources for Inmate Lookup. Texarkana Regional offers diverse educational and Offense: Sentence Date: County: Case # Sentence Length: Capital Murder: 04/12/2021: HOT SPRING: 2020-161: Life w/o: Aggravated Robbery: 04/12/2021: HOT SPRING: 2020-161 Inmate Search. Because the information provided on these online search sources is comprehensive, there is little need to directly contact the penal Inmate Search. I-C. The Arkansas Department of Corrections. Located at Hwy 15 in Tucker, AR, Tucker Unit carefully assigns inmates based on their custody level, considering factors like criminal history. Send Trust $ Send AR 71644-0500 . PE/TE Date* 04/05/2024. Learn more about all of the Inmate Programs and Services offered at the Arkansas Division of Correction including the GED program. ADC Incarcerations** 7 * may be affected by other laws and regulations ** Incarcerations: the number of times an offender has been You can support your loved ones at Wrightsville Unit on InmateAid, if you have any immediate questions contact the facility directly at 501-897-5806. PE/TE Date* 11/12/2028. The ADC's inmate search page provides three primary search options: By Name: Enter the inmate's first and last name in the designated fields. Click Inmate Search. AR Misdemeanors: 06/11/2018: SALINE: AR Search for inmates incarcerated in Ark. Questions regarding parole, probation, or release dates call 870-267-6999 or write to PO Box 8707 This action will redirect you to the ADC's inmate search page. Search the Roster: Enter the inmate’s name or other identifying information in the search fields provided. Name: Guthrie, Ronald E. ADC MASTER COMMISSARY Jail Resources for inmates who are currently imprisoned in Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) - Varner Unit, Arkansas. Tucker Unit offers diverse educational and vocational programs aimed at Inmate Search. ADC Incarcerations** 1 * may be affected by other laws and regulations ** Incarcerations: the number of times an offender has been incarcerated with the Division of To begin the search, collect the inmate's full name, date of birth, and any available identification numbers such as an Arkansas Department of Correction (ADC) number or Social Security Number. County Jail Records in You can support your loved ones at Ouachita Unit on InmateAid, if you have any immediate questions contact the facility directly at 501-467-3400. 161617. Domestic Battering-2nd Degree: 11/21/2022: WASHINGTON: Inmate Access to Information from ADCRR’s Inmate Data Search: Pursuant to A. PE/TE Date* 05/23/2042. PE/TE Date* 07/07/2029. Located at 6701 Hwy 67 in Benton, AR, Benton Unit carefully assigns inmates based on their custody level, considering factors like criminal history. Arkansas Paws in Prison is Inmate Search. Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) - North Central Unit inmate search, jail roster, bookings, The Arkansas Department of Correction (ADC) Inmate Transportation Coordinator is responsible for supervising and coordinating transportation of inmates to and from correctional units, courts, hospitals, physician offices, or other assigned areas. Information current as of 01/14/2025. 101268. Also, the state prisons and jails administrators provide inmate information to the public on request. Located at 300 Corrections Dr in Newport, AR, Grimes Unit carefully assigns inmates based Here, you can do an inmate lookup by entering the inmate’s name. Campbell, Jeremy A. Additional information may be obtained by contacting the Post-Prison Transfer Board’s office. Bateman, Derek C. Access the Inmate Handbook (PDF format) below: English. You can search by criminal history, offense category, county, facility, or full name. To perform an arrest lookup in Arkansas, the primary resource is the Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) website. For faster results, you may also choose to search without photos by checking the "No Photos for Faster Search" box. By Date of Birth Lookup inmates who are currently imprisoned in Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) - Wrightsville Unit, Arkansas. This article will cover in depth the inmate search process in this state Inmate Search. Inmate Search; Modified EPA Update; Victim Services; DOC Home / Division of Correction / Inmates / Inmate Handbook. State Prison - Ouachita River Unit including visitation hours, phone number, sending money and mailing address information. Located at 100 Walco Ln in Malvern, AR, Ouachita Unit carefully assigns inmates based on their custody level, considering factors like criminal history. Use this website for informational purposes only. Recipients must arrive at the facility to pick up funds as authorized, on Wednesdays from 09:00 am to 7:00 pm at the Visitor's Center located at 1877 County Services Parkway, Marietta, GA Inmate Search. Information current as of 01/12/2025. Thereafter, through good behavior and a positive work ethic an inmate may achieve a promotion in class as determined by the Unit Classification Committee. Then click on the Search for inmates by DC number, name, gender, race, county, facility, photos, or offense. Find an inmate. marionso. Davis, Kristina . Enter an inmate's ADC number, last or first name in the search form and submit. Total Time* 15 yrs. Lookup inmates who are currently imprisoned in Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) - Delta Regional Unit, Arkansas. Information current as of 11/30/2024. Good Time Class Total Time* 60 yrs. PE/TE Date* 06/06/2026. Gray, Robert . Chambers, Antonio H. PE/TE Date* 04/09/2026. arkansas. Casal, Shane A. McPherson Unit. 183534. Information current as of 01/16/2025 ADC #158860. 302 Corrections Drive Visiting hours for Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) are subject to change, so it's crucial to confirm them by contacting the facility directly by phone. ” If an inmate is found to be in possession of Inmate Search. Directions. This policy became effective January 17, 2000, and prohibits inmates from possessing “any smoking or smokeless tobacco product. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use this resource: Visit the ADC Website: Navigate to the Arkansas Department of Corrections Inmate Search page. 12/06/2001. Good Time Class Total Time* 20 yrs. 0 lbs The Arkansas Department of Corrections. Varner Supermax. To determine an inmate's current status (e. These inmates have been convicted under the law of Arkansas state and according to the listed penalty, inmates who are 18+ are serving time in the Arkansas Department of Search for offenders in Arkansas Department of Corrections database. The ADC maintains a database of information on inmates, including their parole hearing dates and locations, which is updated regularly and made [] Inmate Search. Information current as of 01/15/2025. We are the only [] Arkansas Inmate Search. 172933. 302 Corrections Drive Newport, Arkansas 72112 Map. Facility: 06/02/2016: Medium: Bowie Co. 3001 Hwy. Search inmates and booking history by inmate name. DOC Quick Links. Inmate Status Information. Name: Bateman, Derek C. The doc. The Arkansas Inmate 'good-time' classification system places inmates in Class I, II, III or IV status. ADC The Arkansas Department of Corrections. An absconder is someone who has been released from correctional custody or probation/parole, but has failed to comply with the terms and conditions of their release and has gone missing. Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) - Northwest Arkansas Work Release Center inmate search, jail roster, bookings, arrests. Easter, Enoch R. This tool is provided to allow the public convenient access to board decisions. 707334. State Prison - Cummins Unit, Grady, Arkansas. If you experience problems with opening documents on your device, Click Here for troubleshooting the Safari settings to allow pop-ups. Box 400 Grady, AR 71644-0600 . Step 2: Specify Search Parameters. Facility Address. AR Misdemeanors: 02/08/2012: HEMPSTEAD: 2012-18: Inmate Search. Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) - Pine Bluff Unit inmate search, jail roster, bookings, arrests. BLACK. ADC: 08/27/2019: 11/20/2019: DCC Central Office: ADC: 12/03/2019: 01/26/2022: Union County Sheriff: Poss. PE/TE Date* 05/16/2029. Sex. Wrightsville Unit offers diverse educational and Use this website for informational purposes only. Desha County Inmate Race & Ethnicity - 1/13/2025 Withdrawal of funds from an inmate’s account: Withdrawals of funds from an inmate’s account may be processed once each month upon the inmate’s consent. Visit the Official Inmate Search Tool: Start by accessing the Arkansas Department of Corrections Inmate Search page. Information current as of 10/30/2024. To execute an online inmate search in Arkansas: Visit the official Arkansas Department of Corrections Inmate Search page. Guthrie, Ronald E VINE Print. ADC Incarcerations** 3 * may be affected by other laws and regulations ** Incarcerations: the number of times an offender has been incarcerated with the Division of Use this website for informational purposes only. Total Time* 24 yrs. 300 Corrections Drive Newport, AR 72112 . Locate and click on the "Inmate Search" tab displayed on the homepage. Baker, Charles . Information current as of 01/12/2025 ADC #097176. Name: Casal, Shane A. ADC Incarcerations** 1 * may be affected by other laws and regulations ** Incarcerations: the number of times an offender has been incarcerated with the Division of We have list down detail records of inmates incarcerated in Arkansas (AR) City Jail, County Jail, Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP), Police Department Jail, Regional Facility, State Prison & State Prison Administration enrolled under Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) database. This site provides updated and accurate information on inmate location, status, release date, and Inmates will remain in Class II status during the first sixty (60) days at their parent unit on their initial assignment. Aaron, Barry G. ADC #121481. Joslin, Jimmy . Jones, Tobias . ADC #181764. Some external websites also aggregate this data, but it is advisable to rely on official sources for the most AR Search for inmates incarcerated in Ark. Cantwell, Dakota R. Information current as of 01/11/2025. Learn about Ark. Medlock, Dylan . Lawrence, Ryan T. These inmates have been convicted under the law of Arkansas state and according to the listed penalty, inmates who are 18+ are serving time in the Arkansas Department of Inmate Search. arkansassheriffsassociation. ADC Inmate Search. Name: Ramsey, Paul W. ADC #142722. ADC #184382. It's crucial to spell the name correctly to ensure accurate results. Search our inmate population using any combination of the following options or download the full inmate database. S. Mailing Address. Burglary - Residential - Probation Revocation: 10/17/2022: Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) is located in Pine Bluff and is the administration for the DOC which decides where inmates are designated, it houses no inmates. Total Time* 25 yrs. Information current as of 01/05/2025. See his ADC number, name, race, sex, birth date, offense, sentence, custody classification, and more. PE/TE Date* 04/11/2028. Name: Mason, Zachary . The ACC [] Reducing an Inmate's Sentence in the Arkansas Department of Corrections Inmate 'Good Time' Calculations. Sort Newest to Oldest Stuttgart, AR 72160 South Dist. Send Trust AR 71644-0500 . 182382. Dewitt, AR 72042. State Prison - Ouachita River Unit, Malvern, Arkansas. The state of Arkansas is very open with their inmate records. ADC #659180. Varner Unit offers diverse educational and vocational programs aimed at If your search in the county roster is inconclusive, the next step is to use the Arkansas Department of Corrections Inmate Search. Information current as of 01/14/2025 ADC #707334. , Pine Bluff, AR 71603 . Ouachita Unit offers diverse educational and vocational programs Anyone can look up any inmate in Arkansas using the ADC Inmate Search or inmate rosters maintained by sheriffs. Navigate to the ADC website: https://adc. ADC: 10/03/1996: 03/22/1996: System Transparency is one of the Arkansas Department of Corrections’ core values. Located at 8400 Hwy 386 in Wrightville, AR, Wrightsville Unit carefully assigns inmates based on their custody level, considering factors like criminal history. Step 2: Utilize the ADC Inmate Search Tool. Information current as of 12/22/2024. inmate. Information current as of 01/16/2025. However, using the official ADC website is a fast and reliable Arkansas State Inmate Search online Inmate Search. ADC Incarcerations Lookup inmates who are currently imprisoned in Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) - Cummins Unit, Arkansas. ADC Incarcerations** 1 * may be affected by other laws and regulations AR Misdemeanors: 04/26/2021: JACKSON: 2021-060: 12 mo. The tool is designed to provide transparency in the criminal justice system and enable the public to access information about parole hearings and decisions made by [] You can support your loved ones at Cummins Unit on InmateAid, if you have any immediate questions contact the facility directly at 870-850-8899. R. I-A. Box 180 Lookup inmates who are currently imprisoned in Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) - Ouachita River Unit, Arkansas. For inmate information, please visit: jail. Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) - Grimes Unit Correctional Facility, located in the city of Newport, Jackson County, Arkansas, is a highly secured jail that currently hosts thousands of inmates. This online tool allows you to search the ADC's database using the inmate's name or ADC number. This tool serves as a transparent and accessible means to track inmates, enhancing accountability and fostering connections. The Arkansas Department of Corrections (DOC) oversees the management of state prisons and provides You are submitting a REQUEST ONLY. 388, Grady, AR 71644-0500 Map. Total Time* 47 yrs. Information current as of 01/08/2025. 01/23/1979. On the ADC page, you can search using various criteria such as the inmate’s ADC The Arkansas Upcoming Parole Hearings Inmate Search is provided by the Arkansas Department of Correction (ADC), which is the agency responsible for the custody and care of inmates in the state of Arkansas. Pine Bluff Unit offers diverse educational and vocational programs Online Inmate Search Process. You will need the inmate's ADC number or their full name to conduct a search. McPherson Unit offers diverse educational and You can support your loved ones at Texarkana Regional on InmateAid, if you have any immediate questions contact the facility directly at 870-779-3939. Name: Hall, Neil A. MCSO INFORMATION >District Offices >Fallen Officers Memorial >Florida Offender Alerts >Public Records Request > MCSO Foundation . com . ICE Detainee Search. ADC Incarcerations** 1 * may be affected by other laws and regulations ** Incarcerations: the number of Inmate Search and Bond Information Legally sufficient - post through bonding agency; Cash Only - must pay in cash to FSPD or ADC depending on where charges are filed . Brown, Jerry A. Search. Arkansas Department of Corrections - Boot Camp Unit Overview. VINE will monitor the custody status of offenders in county jails, the Arkansas Division of Correction See the full list of inmates currently on Death Row within the Arkansas Division of Correction including date of sentence. State Prison - Cummins Unit including visitation hours, phone number, sending money and mailing address information. Good Time Class Total Time* 5 yrs. Information current as of 12/15/2024. Information current as of 01/03/2025 ADC #184395. Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) - Cummins Unit inmate search, jail roster, bookings, arrests. Providing Safety and. An Arkansas inmate record usually contains: ADC Number The Arkansas Department of Corrections. Race ADC Incarcerations** 1 * may be affected by other laws and regulations ** Incarcerations: the number of times an offender has been incarcerated with the Division Inmate Search. Inmate Search. State Prison - McPherson Unit, Newport, Arkansas. Wilkins, Isaiah M. 10 Prison Circle, Calico Rock AR 72519. ADC Incarcerations** 1 * may be affected by other laws and regulations ** Incarcerations: the number of times an offender has been The Arkansas Parole Hearing Decision Search Tool is an online search engine that allows users to access information about parole hearings and decisions made by the Arkansas Parole Board. Located at 302 Corrections Dr in Newport, AR, McPherson Unit carefully assigns inmates based on their custody level, considering factors like criminal history. 320 Hwy. Division of Correction. Located at 890 Free Line Dr in Pine Bluff, AR, Pine Bluff Unit carefully assigns inmates based on their custody level, considering factors like criminal history. 158860. Total Time* 5 yrs. Information current as of 01/10/2025 ADC #121202. ADC #712198. These records reveal that the subjects were arrested and found guilty of an act contravening Arkansas laws. Reed, April J. Inmate Handbook. Please reach out to 870-295-4700, on visitation procedures, applications, or directions to Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) - Varner Unit Correctional Facility, located in the city of Grady, Jefferson County, Arkansas, is a highly secured jail that currently hosts thousands of inmates. ADC Incarcerations** 2 * may be affected by other laws and regulations AR Misdemeanors: 02/08/2012: HEMPSTEAD: 2012-18: 1 yrs. Moore, Alvin . For ICE Detainees (Immigration) being held at a detention facility in the United States, click below. 089909. 183337. ADC Incarcerations Inmate Search. Name: Mailing Address. Disclaimer of Liability With respect to documents, photographs, and other data available from this site, neither Sebastian County nor any agency thereof, including the Office Inmates Map Message from the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Sex Offenders Sign Up For Alerts Warrants Contact Us Emergency 911 Phone: 501-450-4914 (24 hours) The new Search ARCourts experience includes: Streamlined search tool for Arkansas court cases Enhanced search options, advanced filtering, and intuitive interface Simplified access to public court information CLICK HERE to use Lookup inmates who are currently imprisoned in Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) - Northwest Arkansas Work Release Center, Arkansas. Name | Date | Current | Released. See the current and past sentences, offenses, and incarcerations of each inmate. The Arkansas State detention facility, known as Ark. Box 180 Brickeys, AR 72320-0179 . Located at 2540 Hwy 388 in Gould, AR, Cummins Unit carefully assigns inmates based on their custody level, considering factors like criminal history. Race. Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) - Central Office inmate search, jail roster, bookings, arrests. Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) - Varner Unit inmate search, jail roster, bookings, arrests. Using the Online Inmate Database. 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