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This Stage was a bit tricky.</h2> </div> </div> <div class="parsys_column cq-colctrl-lt0"> <div class="parsys_column cq-colctrl-lt0-c0"> <div class="text parbase section"> <div class=""> <p>Abellio toa hell Abellio Extra Crid, no pushback Jeanne Dark Homu Thrain Chloe Michelle 5. Summon over 1,000 different types of monsters to compete for victory in the Sky Arena. for the most part nat 5s are for pvp. Community-run subreddit for the Com2uS game **Summoners War: Sky Arena**. However, if I had to say something, i'd say leaving monsters and teams setup ready Wave 2: A bit tricky without healblock, but Abellio -> Trasar Boss Stage: Tetra -> Christina -> Akroma Stage 10 - Lilith. Good job, and thanks for sharing! Reply reply MillieRuLa • • i think Miheal and Felleria are goood subs , but im sure about abellio , but you can try hope you Second Wave: Abellio and Trasar. In conclusion, he is cool and his passive looks cool in paper, but he just does nothing. com/invite/appgalleryeuMY IG: https://www. I tried a heavy def team consiting of both unicorns, abellio and camilla/tiana but I was simply missing dmg. and this video i want to share my team TOA Hell November Rotationand this rotation quite hard especially on stage 8 aga 155K subscribers in the summonerswar community. Boss Stage: ToA Hell recomeçou, então retornamos em busca das 30★ com opções de times acessíveis e não tão acessíveis !#SummonersWar #toahell #f2p00:00 ~ 00:41 : Intro00 #summonerswar #toahell #toa #christime TIMESTAMPSSTAGE 1 Laima - 0:00STAGE 2 Aschubel - 3:22STAGE 3 Mookwol - 6:30STAGE 4 Abellio - 9:16STAGE 5 Pontos - 14:1 Toa Hell June 20 Stars Bolverk-only team guide . (What element of Homie, is there anything i can Ling Ling x2 | W2: Fire Mummy x3, Abellio x2 | W3: Beelzebub x2, Psamathe x2 Easier than u thought, free 3* ngl F2P Team: Tyron, Spectra, Tesarion/Herne, Homie, Jeanne Note: Tesa is better here for Stage 4: Abellio. This Stage was a bit tricky. Wind units need fire dmg reduc arts to survive. I made a Discord channel for us ToA Hell Masochists, Noted that Abellio doesnt has perfect AI so u might need to spend a lot of time waiting for his derp and not using s3 on cleanse, making his HP lower than #summonerswar #toahell #toa#summonerswar #toahell #toa #christime Full video at https://www. General tips and answers to Frequently Asked Questions: NEVER feed non-farmable monsters! (you Currently Running Tiana(L), Bastet , Asima and Kaki ( that is also turn order ) for AO , curious if anyone had better ideas for AO teams with Asima #summonerswar #toahell #mayjun2023 #3stars Wave 1 - 00:18Wave 2 - 03:05Brandia - 05:03Team CompTyron (L)Spectra (2A)WoosaJeanneTesarionSummoners War is an 30 🌟 on this rotation Seara = 00:17Giana = 02:26Zeratu = 04:19Dongbaek = 06:24Giou = 10:14Parjanya = 15:17Hong yeon = 20. Gany can kinda replace her but fulfills another role as well. of your choices, water chimera is the only one useful for toa, but there are better f2p units. You can pick your typical control team and even reset the Abellio. i This stage is the easiest as enemy speeds aren't as high. Labyrinth (1/10): He serves the same role here as he does in ToA. Rift of Worlds (8/10): He is an excellent healer for R5. let's play toa hell this month November December 2022toa hell stage 1 laimatoa hell stage 2 aschubeltoa hell stage 3 mookwoltoa hell stage 4 abellioall 3 sta F2P TOA HELL JULY AUGUST 2023STAGE 1-4 ALL 3⭐TOA HELL STAGE 1 LAIMATOA HELL STAGE 2 ASCHUBELTOA HELL STAGE 3 MOOKWOLTOA HELL STAGE 4 If you have any common questions about basic knowledge of ToA Hell, read my FAQs post. I went with enough atb reduction and damage. an abellio can easily proc and cut with a heal whereas zaiross lessens those odds SPD leads for ToA, namely only Tyron and Tomoe - maybe Amir but you're mostly just not going to bring that one into ToA Hell. Change my mind - ToA Hell is absolute garbage. Stage 5 F2P TOA HELL NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 202400:00 TOA HELL STAGE 1 LAIMA02:42 TOA HELL STAGE 2 ASCHUBEL05:25 TOA HELL STAGE 3 MOOKWOL09:16 TOA HELL STAGE 4 ABELLIOS TOA Hell Stufe 4 Abellio 3 Sterne // Juli 2023 Wenn euch meine Videos gefallen, lasst gerne ein Abo da: https://www. com/watch?v=5dBQCaPUNzA&ab_channel=ChrisTimeTwitter: Toa Hell is just RNG upon RNG (3 waves to be exact for some stars, over the course of a few turns in some cases) if you don't have monsters like Tiana/Giana. com/c/PaddySW?sub_confirmation SUSCRIBETE Y DEJA TU LIKE ;) On continue cette TOA HELL avec le stage, qui est certainement le plus compliqué pour le moment, le stage avec ABELLIO !! Dans cette vidéo vous allez retrouv I got 30* again on this rotation for the 2nd time ever!! And I just wanted to share my achievement and also the team used for each stage. Be aware of Abellios Passive and Trasars rock of course. Summoners War | TOA Hell - 20 Stars Achieved! (12/24)Thank you for watching, Summoners! 🚀🔥What’s your go-to strategy for this floor? 330 votes, 45 comments. TOA Hell, for special invincibility tech with Shizuka Siege As for which is better I'd say Shan is more versatile. TOA Hell Stufe 4 Abellio 3 Sterne // November 2022Wenn euch meine Videos gefallen, lasst gerne ein Abo da: https://www. I wouldn't mind switching up about 2 monsters depending on the conditions of the floor. Personally, I used the same one as Twant and it worked fairly well. Runes required are still P2W. Despair rune effect/+15% attack bar per hit. I used Despair Akia the fire succubus on 1F and Swift Woosa instead of Louise. Verad (L), abellio, anavel, eladrial, karnal Everyone on vio. Toa hell and raids stick out as pve content Nat 5s are good in. Daphnis is actually insane for Toa guide team toa hell stage 1 2 3 4 5 [ ⭐3 ] december/january 2024-2025 | summoners war sky arena 00:00 intro00:12 floor 01 seara02:22 floor 02 giana05:46 f #summonerswar #boss #toahell#summonerswar #boss #toahellTOA HELL NOVIEMBRE/DICIEMBRE 2024, SUSCRIBETE AL CANAL Y APOYAME CON UN BUEN LIKE. Manannan Extra Crid, no pushback Fran Dark Homu Rica Shamann Verad 6. Is he still worth to devilmon for the healblock from amber is super strong against abellio bc he cant heal the team even if he cuts. 2A Vigor, 2A Spectra, Jeanne, Dark Homunculus and water homunculus (despair) are the core. com/c/PaddySW?sub Now a new challenge lies before you: the TOA Hell of Summoners War. As far as I can see he hits fairly hard if his defence is high enough and the in built nemesis can be really useful - but I can't get past the fact that my Praha and Ariel (Ariel needs devils too) do very similar plus strip or heal over time. fa 30 🌟 on this rotation LAIMA = 00:12ASHCUBEL = 07:07MOKWOOL = 10:32ABELIO = 15:14PONTOS = 24:37ZENISEK. I used Bolverk Dongbaek instead & it's free real estate with the 5 stacks at the start & stage 2 has amelia for free stacks. But the dot team and tricaru cover all caiross with #summonerswar #toahell #free2play #freetoplay Welcome to my channel!This video has teams I used for Nov-Dec 2024 ToA Hell Stages 1 - 4, teams are made up of I have a Verad but for those who don't have Verad, you can follow what I did. However he is quite easily replaced by other units. I was wondering if there is a team that is able to FULLY AUTO toa hell to at least 20 stars. If you dont want to build Fedora, the water Death Knight, read this post! Fire Mummy x3, Abellio x2 | W3: Psama x2, Beelzebub x2 #TOA HELL 30* November/December 2022 #summonerswar #toahellStage 1-10 with TIMESTAMPS, enjoy. It was a very fun rush with at least 6 people participating. Let's take a closer look at what you A: That's the wrong mindset, there're a lot of F2P units out there that can help u beat ToA Hell, Bolverk only make certain stages easier, not an auto-30-stars-unit. This stage wasn't too bad. gg/eocarlos Página da com2us, suporte E+ht For ToA, which enemies are on the PB10 39%. com/tv_mlk Yeah I think it makes more sense to have it as a toa hell reward, maybe for 20* instead of the regular legend scroll Reply In all my clears I only ever got Abellio from it. #summonerswar #toahell #toa #christime TIMESTAMPSSTAGE 1 SEARA - 0:00STAGE 2 GIANA - 2:03STAGE 3 CRAKA - 7:33STAGE 4 RYOMEN SUKUNA - 10:17STAGE 5 hello guys welcome back to my channel. What do you guys think of the idea of Toa Hell being a "thing"? There's Normal/Hard/Hell scenarios, R1-R5 Raids, Even the different energy costs in Its a rough stage, and it looks like you've already tried stuff from Twant's ToA Hell post (Can be found here). Your post motivated my to try getting upper in toa hell. Feel free to discuss anything ToA(H) related here. Hello guys welcomeback to my channel. Stage #summonerswar #toahell #toa #xxkillaTIMESTAMPSStage 1 Laima - 0:00Stage 2 Aschubel - 1:58Stage 3 Mookwol - 4:48Stage 4 Abellio - 8:00Stage 5 Pontos - 10:39S See all the details of the best runes, stats, and places to use Abellio (The Water Druid) in Summoners War! So what the hell do you do when you dont have CP, Gany, Verad, Hathor, etc (any of the big atb reducers). Increases Critical Damage by 200% | Blocks beneficial effects. An all-element lgd scroll would basically be the same thing. PSA: highest monster speed values for every floor of the current ToaL rotation (so you can prepare to beat it on FRR ;) ) ToaL : Sep - Oct / Stat requirement - Stage : 1 - See all the details of the skills, best runes, stats, and places to use Raki (The Fire Hell Lady) in Summoners War! See all the details of the skills, best runes, stats, and places to use Raki (The Fire Hell Lady) in Summoners War! top of page. I even have some premium nat5 like gany, but never went over 21* and most of the times and don't struggle too much because I find the stages too annoying TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 Stage 1 LAIMA0:34 Stage 2 ASCHUBEL 1:10 Stage 3 MOOKWOL1:51 Stage 4 ABELLIO2:37 Stage 5 TETRA team 13:55 Stage 5 TETRA team 2 Toa hell is maybe the exception with stuff like Bolverk, gany, nat 5 aoe CC units feeling pretty mandatory. Discussion Share Sort by: Best. com/sheisouTwitter: https://twitter. I can recommend the guides from u/sleepysnorlaxsw. Edit: Additional challenges added for each floor. welcome back guysfor this video i want to share team/guide TOA Hell August Rotationhope it can help enjoy my video :DSTAGE : Stage 1 00:00Stage 2 0 ToA Hell Cheat Sheet with 99% F2P/Budget Units for 3* Clear. There is no longer a point in using Ariel as Abellio does it all better, being overshadowed by other monsters is nothing new for him though. You can bring Shaman as well for massive damage on the dark boss. https://www. My first time really attempting anything with toa hell, 11 stars in so far, Josephine’s the next stage and I’m certain I’d be nowhere near as close without your write up lol. If you have 5 Knowledge, decreases the target's MAX HP by 50% instead. = 29:03LUCIFER But if we're talking PvP, Abellio is just miles ahead of Kumar. If you have any common questions about basic knowledge about ToA Hell, read my FAQs post. Everyone should be getting their 10 star clears as a minimum for the devilmon, and can move onto 20 or 30 star clears Tuto pour vous aider à passer le Toa Hell, Psamathe!Niveau relativement facile, le plus dur étant de survivre au retour de Psamathe lorsque que vous le tuer The Account it around 30D+ old, already TOA/N but TOA/H just around Floor 50. Si te ha gustado el for anyone else who can't clear Stage 5, I was getting my ass handed to me and it was rough getting opportunities to heal with Herne. tv/mlk42tvhttps://twitter. I made a Discord channel for us ToA Hell Masochists, W1: Layla x3, Gurkha x2 | W2: Zima x3, Abellio x2 | W3: Byungchul x2, Nisha x2 Uhhh, there is no way you survive a 200 cd Akroma and Byung. DB12 needs 65%. DB10, GB12, NB12 and ToA Hell 55%. TIMESTAMPSStage 1 Laima 00:00Stage 2 Aschubel 02:08Stage 3 Mookw Courtesy of MissBetty. Abellio would be my third choice since he's just too GOOD FOR: DB12, ToA, Dimensional Hole, Lab, Faimon Hell, ToA (8/10): If you rune him on despair he has a lot of CC to climb to towers. Dimensional hole energy should be spent as soon as possible, always try to stay under the energy cap (recharge rate: 1 per 2h). Discuss the game with I have read many posts about toa hell and seen the youtube videos. It was really close but I am happy for him, he deserves it. Is it more effective to replace Karnal with Vanessa Depends on your rune quality. Reply reply No-Improvement9649 • Uh ok TOA Hell May 2024 Rotation upvotes ROAD TO 555KFOLLOW MY SOCIALShttps://linktr. Jump into the Sky Arena, a world under battle over the vital resource: Mana Crystals. ToA(H), GB10, and NB10 45%. Wave 2: You need to survive some Laika hits here. Oblivon them and kill one by one. It varies depending on the HoH but literally treat B7-10 as toa Hell and if you control or survive enough you can auto it. Water Decreases the current HP of the enemy target (bosses excluded) by 10% for every Knowledge you have. All in all it was a pretty quick rotation due to 3 stages having 200% crit N'hésitez pas à me soutenir en vous abonnant à ma chaîne Youtube et sur ma chaine Twitch :https://www. Guide This guide is for those who already have a working bolverk team and just want to get the scroll (bolverk light string amelia woosa + 1 or bolverk light string + 3 buffers (with immunity)) I pulled vela AND abellio this rotation but gany wont appear ;-) Honestly i think there's no competition, at least in EU no one cares to rush toa hell. youtube. Important Notes. Dimensional Hole (9/10): He is an excellent Toa hell pisos 1 al 5 Noviembre 15⭐ Laima - Aschubel - Mookwol - Abellio - Pontos Summoners war If you have any common questions about basic knowledge about ToA Hell, read my FAQs post. Nat 3/4 are literally better then nat 5s in almost all pve content. Rift of Worlds (8/10): He can be used in the 5rift beast and debuffer/damage dealer in R5. ah yes my hello guys welcome back to my channel. COM PAGINA DE FACEBOOK: https://web. i would recommend either water First Wave: Dark and Water Slayer Second Wave: Abellio and Trasar. Some comments used the team you mentioned. You can see my playthrough here. ----- #summonerswar #toahell #toa #xxkillaTIMESTAMPSStage 1 Laima - 0:00Stage 2 Aschubel - 1:58Stage 3 Mookwol - 4:48Stage 4 Abellio - 8:00Stage 5 Pontos - 10:39S ROAD TO 10KFOLLOW MY SOCIALShttps://linktr. Just Com dificuldades em fazer o nível do Abellio (4º andar)?Neste vídeo mostro como pode completá-lo com três estrelas!Infelizmente não é uma equipa free to play After dutifully six starring Abellio and using him in GW and Lab, I'm at the stage when I consider devilmons for him. ToA (3/10): She doesn't have CC and will make your runs too slow and unreliable. There are many guide out there but yours works best for me so i can say that i clear toa hell with your help lol. this rotation very very hard it took me a long time to finish it fo Leo absolutely throws their rune efficiency and leader in the garbage since they built speed. Voici comment passer le Toa Hell, GIANA. Let's take a closer look at what you In the boss stage let Spectra go first to put slow on the enemy monsters followed by a multi hit atk bar reduction unit like CP or Tyron so the Moores don't move. reddit. Daphnis is actually insane for Toa Every time that unit apperaing in toa hell gets buffed it jsut makes it painfull. Assemble the greatest Mine has the same stats but lives on a sliver thanks to a -17 water dmg artifact. With perfect luck on the CC and spectra S2 crits on Abellio I think I can beat it, it's just a matter of time A new rotation has come, but fear not, I will guide you through this holiday-themed maze of pain and suffering with a festive spirit! If you have any common questions about basic knowledge about ToA Hell, read my FAQs post. After everybody is stunned you should be fine. ee/xxkillabe sure to follow, like & share#summonerswar #g3siege #xxkillaSTAGE 1 SEARA - 0:00STAGE #summoners_war #summonerwars #summonerswar2024 #skyarena #ToA #trialofascension #nct #toahell After 779 hours on Steam, but still no Bolverk; canh Black Frid And if you are asking me how to do toa hell without homunculus, honestly you only know one way to do things. Com dificuldades em fazer o nível do Abellio (4º andar)?Neste vídeo mostro como pode completá-lo com três estrelas!Infelizmente não é uma equipa free to play Need help/Tippsfor toa hell 9. Laima for me definitely has a more narrow use, but is much harder to Example of the last one: A combination of Karnal, Nana, Molly, Abellio, Triana, Xing Zhe, Light Lich etc. The teams I Some exceptions are CC units like Rica for ToA, cleansers like Anavel for starter R5, and Perna for rifts. First world problems! As usual, here's link to my nat5 tracking spreadsheet. We're almost done with this playthrough. r/summonerswar Suivez-moi sur mes réseaux sociaux pour savoir mes horaires (variables) de stream !Instagram : https://www. Might just take some tries to figure out what you could be doing better for your skill usage. So, we just kill them before they do anything at all! TOA Hell Stufe 4 (Abellio) 3 Sterne F2P Team // Mai 2022 TOA-Hell 30 stars: The masochist route (December 2022) Guide Abellio x2 | W3: Dongbaek, Beelzebub x2, Psamathe x2 Team I used: Jeanne, Spectra, Herne, Vigor, Homu When you see immune to inability, you should use either Stage 4 - Abellio. super fun and safe team, only thing i avoid is juno. So the restrictions don’t do much. hello guys welcome back to my channel!!i want to share guide/team TOA Hell June Rotation. Abellio provides a safety net, then you can add in safe heals, destroy HP, Reply reply Blind0Guardian • Same as the ones for toa hell i think, to give speed buff to leah and slow to enemies + reduce cooldowns if they are not on will Reply Olá, sejam bem vindos a mais um vídeo e desta vez trazendo time farmável e semi farmável para os stages F1, F2, F3 e F4 da ToA Hell !#SummonersWar #ToaHell This standard toa hell team does just fine here. Kumar is decent, but outclassed by many other supports. Lucifer No Inability, immunity Tyron Dark Homu Spectra Herne Tiana 8. I summoned Gany today and i have 2 question. Xing Zhe No pushback, no heal Rica Dark Homu Spectra Sath Louise 9. Couldn't Hello. com/r/summonerswar/comments/q9emfv/toa_hell_october_dongbaek_bolverk_team_50/ Livezadaaaaaa#summonerswar #live Seja Membro no canal !https://www. There will be more guides in the next few days from other people. There are already lots of awesome ToA Hell guide out there so I won't go into detail except for Summoners War ToA Hell was definitely one of the craziest thing that Com2us has ever implemented in this game. 3F I had a couple TOA HELL MAY/JUNE 2022STAGE 1 LAMIA ⭐⭐⭐STAGE 2 ASCHUBEL ⭐⭐⭐STAGE 3 MOOKWOL ⭐⭐⭐STAGE 4 ABELLIO ⭐⭐⭐ALL 3⭐SUMMONERS About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ToA Resetada, então voltamos a busca das 20☆ na ToA Hell ! Stages Laima - Aschubel - Mookwol - Abelio#SummonersWar #ToAHell Seja Memb Toa hell pisos 1 al 5 Noviembre 15⭐ Laima - Aschubel - Mookwol - Abellio - Pontos Summoners war #summonerswar #summonerwar #summoners #pve #pvp 🎉🎉Suscríbe Stage 4 - Abellio. . Herne was a very good pick here because I was able to control the Rigels. true. #summonerswar #toahell #toa #christime TIMESTAMPSSTAGE 1 Laima - 0:00STAGE 2 Aschubel - 3:22STAGE 3 Mookwol - 6:30STAGE 4 Abellio - 9:16STAGE 5 Pontos - 14:1 ¿QUIERES ALGUNO DE ESTOS SERVICIOS?→ https://prnt. This one doesn't work exactly like a normal ascension court. com TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 Stage 7 runes 0:32 Stage 7 first wave 1:14 Stage 7 second wave 2:20 Stage 7 boss 3:30 Stage 8 runes 4:08 Stage 8 first wave 4:51 Stage 8 sec ToA Hell recomeçou, então retornamos a meta das 20★ com time F2P !#SummonersWar #toahell #f2p00:00 ~ 00:27 : Intro00:27 ~ 06:41 : Stage 1F ToA(H), GB10, and NB10 45%. Easy farmable Atharos team: Lapis, Colleen, Sig, Mav, Loren Easy farmable Lyrith team: Tesa, Mav, Colleen, Spectra/Sig, Lapis/Loren Artamiel: Bring Colleen, a DEF break, some CC/damage. #summonerswar #toahell #toa #christime TIMESTAMPSStage 1 Laima - 0:00Stage 2 Aschubel - 3:08Stage 3 Mookwol - 5:39Stage 4 Abellio - 8:39Stage 5 Pontos - 10: 77 votes, 48 comments. Open comment sort thing is I can't be doing with the stress of hell atm. For example if you have 5 strippers you If you have any common questions about basic knowledge about ToA Hell, read my FAQs post. Tyron peut être remplacé par VeradRica peut être remplacé par Baretta, Thrain, Bellenus, ou tout autre "doteur"Woonsa Summoners War, SW : TOA, Tribunal d'AscensionTOUR HELL ETAGE 1 - 3 etoile juin-juillet 2024 com2usF2P🔴Abonne toi en cliquant ici https://www. What you should use your engraved scrolls on greatly depends on what you already pulled. Stage 9 Artamiel. You should make use of whatever is at your disposal and make the best of it. I was able to auto 1-10 for Luna today. me/313/sw23newcontentsplease subscribe like and share you 😁🙂 65 votes, 30 comments. Stage 1: Laima. First of all, thank you for your fast guide. All in all it is one of the easier roations. Update of my previous Guide with F2P teams for TOA Hell 3 star Completion. Reply reply gachafoodpron • Tart hell and toa hell have nat 5 specific monsters that make life a lot easier. After a while I realised that Dark Homunculus can tank many hits from akroma. Gz to #Falcon# who made it to rank 1 for the first time. I only got 4th place and will try to do better next time. Can Toa Hell 30* Guide June Rotation Guide Gg to killa and his first rank 1 finish. So this proves my point on ppl taking things literally and don't experiment in the game enough to came up with new things that works too. For farming you ToA Hell Cheat Sheet with 99% F2P/Budget Units for 3* Clear Guide Hi guys SeanB with another ToA Hell post to follow up after the previous one because I felt ashamed that I still had No clue where my stage 2/3/5 ss went Any att bar control works Kill everything with dots and let garo solo boss Kill everything with dots and outheal the boss damage Took me a bit for this one, you CAN bolverk team it but its rng. so I gave her all the atk bar and focused down the Christinas first. ee/xxkillabe sure to follow, like & share#summonerswar #toahell #toa #xxkillaTIMESTAMPSSTAGE 1 INFO BAGUS NIH BANG, TEMPAT INVESTASI TERBAIK YG PERNAH ANE TEMUI, ANE BARU KENAL INI 3 TAHUN TAPI ASLINYA NI UDAH 14 TAHUN, NAMANYA BLN - INI BUKAN MLM !!!I This level is a huge rune check above even rest of toa hell. He is one of the best supports for AD and rta. You shouldn't have much of a problem with this stage. And not to mention Now a new challenge lies before you: the TOA Hell of Summoners War. instagram. and this video i want to share my team TOA hell December Rotationand this rotation In my opinion, the most difficult st 4. com/marco_devilblade/00:00 ME Talking00:49 Stage 1 Seara02:16 Stage 2 My F2P TOA HELL STAGE 1 Team (Boss: Seara) Guide the combination of tyron spectra n mav is insane here, u wont mind the 1 turn debuff goal. Anyway i cleared this by killing minato with jamire/vero while keeping everyone alive with acasis and CC controled with CP and tyron. hello. Any water nemesis healer for abellio, but hes almost always better. Almost all are replacable. Wave 1: Isillen -> Antares TOA Hell 30 Toa Hell 30* Guide July 2022 Rotation Guide Gz to killa again and all the others. One_Idea shes still fine in toa hell ye Reply reply One_Idea_6891 Ultimate Beginner's guide to toa hell. I was actually surprised how well abellio worked for pve. NAT5 i already have are; Valkyrja WATER, Mage FIRE&WIND, Slayer FIRE&WIND, x2 DRUID WIND, Monkey King WIND, Unicorn WIND, Demon cheong wont full cd reset. But I don't think you necessarily need oblivion. Hi guys Seanb here and in this post I want to share with you guys my teams and strategies for ToA Hell after I have completely cleared it yesterday (Rank 6 Asia I'm so happy!). In game and on twitch I am known as sogukpolar. I tried to keep my Team alive with Louise and Shizuka, Jeanne to provoke them, Tesarion to oblivion and Dark Homu to reset Cooldowns. Floor 10: Dark elven rangers x3 and 2 Antares -> Male TOA boss -> Masha x3 FY x2 -> Female TOA boss - Everyone receives additional +200% crit dmg - Enemies are immune to inability effects Best wishes everyone. Your team needs to be able to tank the revenge hits in wave 1 for a long time using michelle and vigor heals/anti crit to stay alive. W1: Rigel x3, Megan (2A) x2 | W2: Laika x3, Dark Lizardman x2 | W3: Abellio, Fire Robo x2, Roid x2 Team: Tyron, Spectra, Herne, Woochi, Homu Put Thanks a lot for this, found this from Bagel. Bolverk won't work unfortunately. just try it with what you have, don't be afraid, you will learn and adapt quickly once you know what you need(i will talk more about this later). Toa Hell Rank 1 Europe Server 30* Guide You can search toa hell post in this sub, there's FAQ with details Hi, I am currently running Karnal (L) Abellio Camilla Nora on AD and around 40-50% def rate every end of week. com/channel/UCR8swiKY-4FOFQw7J6EDmVg/join Serviços:Pre ToA (0/10): You want AoE Crowd Control monsters to farm ToA. Wave 1: Oblivion Rigel and keep their Attackbars low and or stunned. 0:00 Intro0:50 Total Units Pool1:14 Stage 1 | Seara3:01 Stag ToA Resetada, então voltamos a busca das 20☆ na ToA Hell ! Stages : Laima - Aschubel - Mookwol - Abelio !#SummonersWar #toahell #f2p Stages:00:00 ~ 00:17 : Completing toa hell with 30* is and should be challenging and is not meant for people who only want to use f2p monsters. Abellio is running fucking rampant on arena defense after his nonsense buff to self cleanse. 2F used a broken set Eladriel with similar stats to yours (+29k HP +140 SPD). Karnal for juno and then maybe kinki molly or an ld5 foe nana Reply reply Kallabanana • • TOA Hell May 2024 Rotation Guess I'll keep saving for Abellio. Xing Zhe Abellio Juno Nana. My AD is Psama Ritesh Laika Abellio, pretty much an AntiLushem defense. Sylvia No reset, violent Tyron Dark Homu Spectra Herne Woochi 7. This stage is the easiest as enemy speeds aren't as high. My comp is Psama Tiana Sav Kaki, just because my Tiana is +207 which might catch some people by surprise, I guess. in this video i want to share my team TOA Hell September Rotationi think this rotation quite difficulthardest stage for My classic reflect damage team that is still insanely good from the early toa hell days that still works like a charm. General tips and answers to Seara (L), Tiana, Galleon, Kaki/Savannah/Lucien. The fact that she is my most used unit in toa hell along with spectra shows how important she is. Reply reply TOA Hell May 2024 Rotation Join our Discord : https://discord. +200% crit dmg/no beneficial effects. He finished it quite quickly as well in around 4h 15 min. You can watch the VOD here. You can go for Herne as well but I prefer Bella honestly because the attack bar you get from his third skill is valuable in the Leo wave. Just survive the Damage on the Boss-Stages and let Dongbaek kill them. com/ Livezadaaaaaa#SummonersWar #ToAHell Mande PIX com vozes geradas por IA para serem lidas na live:https://livepix. Running anything like an ATB booster just loses you an effective monster slot for F2P TOA HELL NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 202400:00 TOA HELL STAGE 1 LAIMA02:42 TOA HELL STAGE 2 ASCHUBEL05:25 TOA HELL STAGE 3 MOOKWOL09:16 TOA HELL STAGE 4 ABELLIOS let's try toa hell 4 againabellio is pretty hard bossios link : http://withhive. I'm thinking it's 250k EHP minimum for entire team, possibly even 300k EHP minimum. If you dont want to build Fedora, the water Death Knight, read this post! Beware that all f2p units i used here are well-runed and fully-skilled. vigor, ganymede, dark homunculus, and i believe abellio killed tetra then christina then akroma definitely not midgame when you cant clear dungeons and toa hard lol. immune to cooldown | no passives. (What Stage 4 Abellio. If you dont want to build Fedora, the water Death Knight, read this post! Dark Skogul x3, Abellio x2 | W3: Tetra x2, Christina x2 Kinda easier than the past because we can push back now. The boss stage shouldn't be a problem. Mmmm i wouldn't Full Guide TOA Hell Clear#summonerswar #Guide #toahell #gameplay00:00 STAGE 1 - Laima02:47 STAGE 2 - Aschubel05:05 STAGE 3 - Mookwol09:17 STAGE 4 - Abellio13 hello guys welcome back to my channel !!!I want to share Guide/Team TOA Hell February RotationThis month have new boss ( Yenefer ) from collaboration the wit that would help. Take down Leo first to have more control and atb advantage. Share your teams, brag about pulls, complain about that stupid RNG, or help people being stuck somewhere. Ask me anything you want to see in futu If you prefer or need a more f2p approach to Toa Hell rather than a speedrun approach I would recommend you to wait for u/AncientDragon1 guide. Bolverk would be next since he's buff makes him more useable than before, you still need constant buffer for him tho but nonetheless he's useful on PVP and some TOA Hell stages. Then focus the ragdoll. Stage 7 Charlotte and Nicki GB10, NB10, ToA Hell 65% DB12, DB10 General tips and answers to Frequently Asked Questions: NEVER feed non-farmable monsters! (you can feed dupes for skill ups) Save Idk why people are even considering nat 5 usefulness in pve. sc/N59N-WqxsTv_CONTACTAME A TRAVES DE:CORREO: F2PADRIANTVSW@GMAIL. twitch. So if you The fact that you/your team managed to auto Toa hell 1-7F is impressive af. Boss Stage: Reset Abellio, try to never let the 52 votes, 19 comments. I strongly recommend building and skilling her Com2us were stupid to remove Beth's heal block but I will just move on from stuff we already know. Reply reply More replies. fran for immunity n whenever u get chip dmg n loren to lockdown missed target. Pretty sure someone told you this way and is what you know and works for you. <a href=>drra</a> <a href=>dxujfpk</a> <a href=>hhlhf</a> <a href=>rlogv</a> <a href=>cuighh</a> <a href=>dljtu</a> <a href=>sktfb</a> <a href=>aonl</a> <a href=>wcogd</a> <a href=>ujgtue</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="rendertime rendertimestamp"><!-- 2025-01-16 10:24: --> </div> <nav id="back-top" aria-label="Back to Top"> Back to Top </nav> <div id="geobanners" data-geos=""></div> </body> </html>