Your IP :

Current Path : /home/church/public_html/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/church/public_html/

defined('ABSPATH') || defined('DUPXABSPATH') || exit;
<!-- ================================================================
<div class="details-title">
	<i class="fa fa-hdd-o"></i> <i class="far fa-hdd fa-sm"></i> <?php esc_html_e("Setup", 'duplicator');	?>
	<div class="dup-more-details">
		<a href="?page=duplicator-tools&tab=diagnostics" target="_blank" title="<?php esc_attr_e('Show Diagnostics', 'duplicator');?>"><i class="fa fa-microchip"></i></a>&nbsp;
        <a href="site-health.php" target="_blank" title="<?php esc_attr_e('Check Site Health', 'duplicator');?>"><i class="fas fa-file-medical-alt"></i></a>

<!-- ============
<div class="scan-item">

    //TODO Login Need to go here

    $core_dir_included   = array();
    $core_files_included = array();
    //by default fault
    $core_dir_notice     = false;
    $core_file_notice    = false;

    if (!$Package->Archive->ExportOnlyDB && isset($_POST['filter-on']) && isset($_POST['filter-dirs'])) {

        //findout matched core directories
        $filter_dirs = explode(";", trim(sanitize_text_field(($_POST['filter-dirs']))));

        // clean possible blank spaces before and after the paths
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($filter_dirs); $i++) {
            $filter_dirs[$i] = trim($filter_dirs[$i]);
            $filter_dirs[$i] = (substr($filter_dirs[$i], -1) == "/") ? substr($filter_dirs[$i],0, strlen($filter_dirs[$i])-1):$filter_dirs[$i] ;

        $core_dir_included = array_intersect($filter_dirs,
        if (count($core_dir_included)) $core_dir_notice   = true;

        //find out core files
        $filter_files = explode(";", trim($_POST['filter-files']));

        // clean possible blank spaces before and after the paths
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($filter_files); $i++) {
            $filter_files[$i] = trim($filter_files[$i]);
        $core_files_included = array_intersect($filter_files,
        if (count($core_files_included)) $core_file_notice    = true;
	<div class='title' onclick="Duplicator.Pack.toggleScanItem(this);">
		<div class="text"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i> <?php esc_html_e('System', 'duplicator');?></div>
		<div id="data-srv-sys-all"></div>
	<div class="info">
		$web_servers = implode(', ', $GLOBALS['DUPLICATOR_SERVER_LIST']);
		echo '<span id="data-srv-php-websrv"></span>&nbsp;<b>' . esc_html__('Web Server', 'duplicator') . ":</b>&nbsp; '".esc_attr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'])."' <br/>";
		_e("Supported web servers: ", 'duplicator');
		echo "<i>".esc_html($web_servers)."</i>";

		echo '<hr size="1" /><span id="data-srv-php-version"></span>&nbsp;<b>' . esc_html__('PHP Version', 'duplicator') . "</b> <br/>";
		_e('The minimum PHP version supported by Duplicator is 5.2.9. It is highly recommended to use PHP 5.3+ for improved stability.  For international language support please use PHP 7.0+.', 'duplicator');
		$test = ini_get("open_basedir");
		$test = ($test) ? 'ON' : 'OFF';
		echo '<hr size="1" /><span id="data-srv-php-openbase"></span>&nbsp;<b>' . esc_html__('PHP Open Base Dir', 'duplicator') . ":</b>&nbsp; '{$test}' <br/>";
		_e('Issues might occur when [open_basedir] is enabled. Work with your server admin to disable this value in the php.ini file if you’re having issues building a package.', 'duplicator');
		echo "&nbsp;<i><a href='' target='_blank'>[" . esc_html__('details', 'duplicator') . "]</a></i><br/>";

		$test = (@set_time_limit(0)) ? 0 : ini_get("max_execution_time");
		echo '<hr size="1" /><span id="data-srv-php-maxtime"></span>&nbsp;<b>' . esc_html__('PHP Max Execution Time', 'duplicator') . ":</b>&nbsp; '{$test}' <br/>";
		_e('Timeouts may occur for larger packages when [max_execution_time] time in the php.ini is too low.  A value of 0 (recommended) indicates that PHP has no time limits. '
			. 'An attempt is made to override this value if the server allows it.', 'duplicator');
		echo '<br/><br/>';
		_e('Note: Timeouts can also be set at the web server layer, so if the PHP max timeout passes and you still see a build timeout messages, then your web server could be killing '
			. 'the process.   If you are on a budget host and limited on processing time, consider using the database or file filters to shrink the size of your overall package.   '
			. 'However use caution as excluding the wrong resources can cause your install to not work properly.', 'duplicator');
		echo "&nbsp;<i><a href='' target='_blank'>[" . esc_html__('details', 'duplicator')  . "]</a></i>";
        if ($zip_check != null) {
            echo '<br/><br/>';
            echo '<span style="font-weight:bold">';
            _e('Get faster builds with Duplicator Pro with access to shell_exec zip.', 'duplicator');
            echo '</span>';
            echo "&nbsp;<i><a href='' target='_blank'>[" . esc_html__('details', 'duplicator') . "]</a></i>";

        //MANAGED HOST
        $test = DUP_Custom_Host_Manager::getInstance()->isManaged() ? "true" : "false";
        echo '<hr size="1" /><span id="data-srv-sys-managedHost"></span>&nbsp;<b>' . esc_html__('Managed Host', 'duplicator') . ":</b>&nbsp; '{$test}' <br/>";
        _e('A managed host is a WordPress host that tightly controls the server environment so that the software running on it can be closely ‘managed’ by the hosting company. '
            .'Managed hosts typically have constraints imposed to facilitate this management, including the locking down of certain files and directories as well as non-standard configurations.', 'duplicator');
        echo '<br/><br/>';
        _e('Duplicator Lite allows users to build a package on managed hosts, however, the installer may not properly install packages created on managed hosts due to the non-standard configurations of managed hosts. '
            .'It is also possible the package engine of Duplicator Lite won’t be able to capture all of the necessary data of a site running on a managed host.', 'duplicator');
        echo '<br/><br/>';
        _e('<b>Due to these constraints Lite does not officially support the migration of managed hosts.</b> '
            .'It’s possible one could get the package to install but it may require custom manual effort. '
            .'To get support and the advanced installer processing required for managed host support we encourage users to <i>'
            .'<a href=";utm_medium=wordpress_plugin&amp;utm_content=free_is_mu_warn3&amp;utm_campaign=duplicator_pro" target="_blank">upgrade to Duplicator Pro</a></i>. '
            .'Pro has more sophisticated package and installer logic and accounts for odd configurations associated with managed hosts.', 'duplicator');
        echo '<br/><br/>';


<!-- ============
<div class="scan-item scan-item-last">

	<div class="title" onclick="Duplicator.Pack.toggleScanItem(this);">
		<div class="text"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i> <?php esc_html_e('WordPress', 'duplicator');?></div>
		<div id="data-srv-wp-all"></div>
	<div class="info">
		echo '<span id="data-srv-wp-version"></span>&nbsp;<b>' . esc_html__('WordPress Version', 'duplicator') . ":</b>&nbsp; '{$wp_version}' <br/>";
		printf(__('It is recommended to have a version of WordPress that is greater than %1$s.  Older version of WordPress can lead to migration issues and are a security risk. '
			. 'If possible please update your WordPress site to the latest version.', 'duplicator'), DUPLICATOR_SCAN_MIN_WP);

		echo '<hr size="1" /><span id="data-srv-wp-core"></span>&nbsp;<b>' . esc_html__('Core Files', 'duplicator') . "</b> <br/>";
                if($core_dir_notice) {
                    echo '<small id="data-srv-wp-core-missing-dirs">';
                       esc_html_e("The core WordPress paths below will <u>not</u> be included in the archive. These paths are required for WordPress to function!");
                       echo "<br/>";
                       foreach($core_dir_included as $core_dir) {
                           echo '&nbsp; &nbsp; <b><i class="fa fa-exclamation-circle scan-warn"></i>&nbsp;'. $core_dir . '</b><br/>';
                   echo '</small><br/>';

                if($core_file_notice) {
                    echo '<small id="data-srv-wp-core-missing-dirs">';
                       esc_html_e("The core WordPress file below will <u>not</u> be included in the archive. This file is required for WordPress to function!");
                       echo "<br/>";
                       foreach($core_files_included as $core_file) {
                            echo '&nbsp; &nbsp; <b><i class="fa fa-exclamation-circle scan-warn"></i>&nbsp;'. $core_file . '</b><br/>';
                  echo '</small><br/>';
                  $filter_text .= (strlen($filter_text) > 0) ? " and file" : "files";


                if(strlen($filter_text) > 0) {
					echo '<small>';
                    esc_html_e("Note: Please change the {$filter_text} filters if you wish to include the WordPress core files otherwise the data will have to be manually copied"
					. " to the new location for the site to function properly.", 'duplicator');
					echo '</small>';

                if(!$core_dir_notice && !$core_file_notice):
                    esc_html_e("If the scanner is unable to locate the wp-config.php file in the root directory, then you will need to manually copy it to its new location. "
							. "This check will also look for core WordPress paths that should be included in the archive for WordPress to work correctly.", 'duplicator');

		$cache_path = DUP_Util::safePath(WP_CONTENT_DIR) . '/cache';
		$cache_size = DUP_Util::byteSize(DUP_Util::getDirectorySize($cache_path));
		echo '<hr size="1" /><span id="data-srv-wp-cache"></span>&nbsp;<b>' . esc_html__('Cache Path', 'duplicator') . ":</b>&nbsp; '".esc_html($cache_path)."' (".esc_html($cache_size).") <br/>";
		_e("Cached data will lead to issues at install time and increases your archive size. Empty your cache directory before building the package by using  "
			. "your cache plugins clear cache feature.  Use caution if manually removing files the cache folder. The cache "
			. "size minimum threshold that triggers this warning is currently set at ", 'duplicator');
		echo esc_html(DUP_Util::byteSize(DUPLICATOR_SCAN_CACHESIZE)) . '.';

		if (is_multisite()) {
			echo '<hr size="1" /><span><div class="scan-warn"><i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle fa-sm"></i></div></span>&nbsp;<b>' . esc_html__('Multisite: Unsupported', 'duplicator') . "</b> <br/>";
			esc_html_e('Duplicator does not support WordPress multisite migrations.  We strongly recommend using Duplicator Pro which currently supports full multisite migrations and various other '
				. 'subsite scenarios.', 'duplicator');
			echo '<br/><br/>';

			esc_html_e('While it is not recommended you can still continue with the build of this package.  At install time additional manual custom configurations will '
				. 'need to be made to finalize this multisite migration.  Please note that any support requests for mulitsite with Duplicator Lite will not be supported.', 'duplicator');
			echo "&nbsp;<i><a href='' target='_blank'>[" . esc_html__('upgrade to pro', 'duplicator') . "]</a></i>";
		} else {
			echo '<hr size="1" /><span><div class="scan-good"><i class="fa fa-check"></i></div></span>&nbsp;<b>' . esc_html__('Multisite: N/A', 'duplicator') . "</b> <br/>";
			esc_html_e('This is not a multisite install so duplication will proceed without issue.  Duplicator does not officially support multisite. However, Duplicator Pro supports '
				. 'duplication of a full multisite network and also has the ability to install a multisite subsite as a standalone site.', 'duplicator');
			echo "&nbsp;<i><a href='' target='_blank'>[" . esc_html__('upgrade to pro', 'duplicator') . "]</a></i>";


	//Ints the various server data responses from the scan results
	Duplicator.Pack.intServerData= function(data)

		// $('#data-srv-wp-cache').html(Duplicator.Pack.setScanStatus(data.SRV.WP.cache));
		var duplicatorScanWPStatus = $('#data-srv-wp-all');
		if ('Warn' == data.SRV.WP.ALL) {