Current Path : /home/church/public_html/ |
Current File : /home/church/public_html/ |
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Refer to Animate.css for a list of available animations. animation: onepress_js_settings.hero_animation, // An array of phrases to rotate are created based on this separator. Change it if you wish to separate the phrases differently (e.g. So Simple | Very Doge | Much Wow | Such Cool). separator: "|", // The delay between the changing of each phrase in milliseconds. speed: parseInt(onepress_js_settings.hero_speed), complete: function() { // Called after the entrance animation is executed. } }); }; text_rotator(); $document.on("header_view_changed", function() { text_rotator(); }); /** * Responsive Videos */ jQuery(".site-content").fitVids({ ignore: ".wp-block-embed iframe, .wp-block-embed object" }); /** * Video lightbox */ if ($.fn.lightGallery) { $(".videolightbox-popup").lightGallery({}); } // Counter Up $(".counter").counterUp({ delay: 10, time: 1000 }); /** * Center vertical align for navigation. */ if (onepress_js_settings.onepress_vertical_align_menu == "1") { var header_height = jQuery(".site-header").height(); jQuery(".site-header .onepress-menu").css( "line-height", header_height + "px" ); } /** * Section: Hero Full Screen Slideshow */ function hero_full_screen(no_trigger) { if ($(".hero-slideshow-fullscreen").length > 0) { var wh = $window.height(); var top = getAdminBarHeight(); var $header = jQuery("#masthead"); var is_transparent = $header.hasClass("is-t"); var headerH; if (is_transparent) { headerH = 0; } else { headerH = $header.height(); } headerH += top; jQuery(".hero-slideshow-fullscreen").css( "height", wh - headerH + 1 + "px" ); if (typeof no_trigger === "undefined" || !no_trigger) { $document.trigger("hero_ready"); } } } $window.on("resize", function() { hero_full_screen(); }); hero_full_screen(); $document.on("header_view_changed", function() { hero_full_screen(); }); $document.on("hero_ready", function() { hero_full_screen(true); }); /** * Hero sliders */ var heroSliders = function() { if ($("#parallax-hero").length <= 0) { jQuery(".hero-slideshow-wrapper").each(function() { var hero = $(this); if (hero.hasClass("video-hero")) { return; } var images ="images") || false; if (typeof images == "string") { images = jQuery.parseJSON(images); } if (images) { preload_images(images, function() { hero.backstretch(images, { fade: _to_number(onepress_js_settings.hero_fade), duration: _to_number( onepress_js_settings.hero_duration ) }); // hero.addClass("loaded"); hero.removeClass("loading"); setTimeout(function() { hero.find(".slider-spinner").remove(); }, 600); }); } else { hero.addClass("loaded"); hero.removeClass("loading"); hero.find(".slider-spinner").remove(); } }); } }; heroSliders(); $document.on("header_view_changed", function() { heroSliders(); }); $(".section-parallax, .parallax-hero").bind("inview", function( event, visible ) { if (visible == true) { } else { } }); var lastScrollTop = 0; // Parallax effect function parrallaxHeight() { $(".section-parallax ").each(function() { var $el = $(this); $(".parallax-bg", $el).height(""); var w = $el.width(); var h = $el.height(); if (h <= 0) { h = 500; } h = h * 1.5; $(".parallax-bg", $el).height(h); }); } function parallaxPosition(direction) { var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); //var top = $( window ).scrollTop(); var wh = $(window).height(); var ww = $(window).width(); $(".section-parallax, .parallax-hero").each(function() { var $el = $(this); var pl = $(".parallax-bg", $el); var w = $el.width(); var h = $el.height(); var img = $("img", pl); if (img.length) { var imageNaturalWidth = img.prop("naturalWidth"); var imageNaturalHeight = img.prop("naturalHeight"); var containerHeight = h > 0 ? 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false : true, dots: false }); $(".gallery-carousel", $context).each(function() { var n = $(this).attr("data-col") || 5; n = _to_number(n); if (n <= 0) { n = 5; } $(this).owlCarousel({ items: n, responsive: { 0: { items: 2 }, 768: { items: n > 2 ? 2 : n }, 979: { items: n > 3 ? 3 : n }, 1199: { items: n } }, rtl: is_rtl == 0 ? false : true, navSpeed: 800, autoplaySpeed: 4000, autoplayHoverPause: true, nav: true, navText: [ "<i class='lg-icon'></i>", "<i class='lg-icon'></i>" ], dots: false }); }); } function isotope_init() { if ($.fn.isotope) { $(".gallery-masonry", $context).each(function() { var m = $(this); var gutter = m.attr("data-gutter") || 10; var columns = m.attr("data-col") || 5; gutter = _to_number(gutter); columns = _to_number(columns); var w = $(window).width(); if (w <= 940) { columns = columns > 2 ? columns - 1 : columns; } if (w <= 720) { columns = columns > 3 ? 3 : columns; } if (w <= 576) { columns = columns > 2 ? 2 : columns; } //gutter = gutter / 2; // m.parent().css({'margin-left': -gutter, 'margin-right': -gutter}); m.find(".g-item").css({ width: 100 / columns + "%", float: "left", padding: 0 }); // m.find('.g-item .inner').css({'padding': gutter / 2}); m.isotope({ // options itemSelector: ".g-item", percentPosition: true, masonry: { columnWidth: ".inner" } }); }); } } $(".gallery-masonry", $context).imagesLoaded(function() { isotope_init(); }); $(window).resize(function() { isotope_init(); }); if ($.fn.lightGallery) { var wrap_tag = $(".enable-lightbox", $context).find('.g-item').first(); var tag_selector = 'a'; if( 'div' ) ){ tag_selector = 'div'; } $(".enable-lightbox", $context).lightGallery({ mode: "lg-fade", selector: tag_selector //cssEasing : 'cubic-bezier(0.25, 0, 0.25, 1)' }); } } onepress_gallery_init($(".gallery-content")); if ( "undefined" !== typeof wp && wp.customize && wp.customize.selectiveRefresh ) { wp.customize.selectiveRefresh.bind("partial-content-rendered", function( placement ) { if ( == "section-gallery") { onepress_gallery_init( placement.container.find(".gallery-content") ); // Trigger resize to make other sections work. $(window).resize(); } }); } });