Current Path : /home/church/ |
Current File : /home/church/ |
<?php /* Plugin Name: WooCommerce Bookings Calendar Plugin URI: Description: Availability Calendar Shortcode for WooCommerce Bookings Extension Version: 1.0.29 Author: Moises Heberle Author URI: Text Domain: woo-bookings-calendar Domain Path: /i18n/languages/ WC requires at least: 3.2 WC tested up to: 5.2.2 */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit; defined('WBC_BASE_FILE') || define('WBC_BASE_FILE', __FILE__); add_action('init', 'wbc_init'); add_action('plugins_loaded', 'wbc_plugins_loaded', 10 ); add_filter('mh_wbc_settings', 'wbc_settings'); add_filter('mh_wbc_premium_url', 'wbc_premium_url'); add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wbc_enqueue_assets'); add_action('woocommerce_after_single_product_summary', 'wbc_after_single_product_summary'); add_shortcode('wbc-calendar', 'wbc_shortcode_calendar'); add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_wbc_events_load', 'wbc_events_load'); add_action('wp_ajax_wbc_events_load', 'wbc_events_load'); if ( !function_exists('wbc_init') ) { function wbc_init() { // load Common library include_once( 'common/MHCommon.php' ); MHCommon::initializeV2( 'woo-bookings-calendar', 'wbc', WBC_BASE_FILE, __('WooCommerce Bookings Calendar', 'woo-bookings-calendar') ); /* if ( !class_exists('WC_Bookings') ) { $bookingsUrl = ''; $message = sprintf('Apparently you miss to enable this required extension: <a href="%s" target="_blank">WooCommerce Bookings</a>. Please fix the issue.', $bookingsUrl); $common = MHCommon::getInstance(); $notice = $common->getNotice(); $notice->addTempNotice('error', $message); } if ( !class_exists('WooCommerce') ) { $wooUrl = ''; $message = sprintf('Apparently you miss to enable this required plugin: <a href="%s" target="_blank">WooCommerce</a>. Please fix the issue.', $wooUrl); $common = MHCommon::getInstance(); $notice = $common->getNotice(); $notice->addTempNotice('error', $message); } */ // debug for developers only if ( !empty($_GET['debug']) ) { wbc_debug(); } // allow to use the shortcodes in widgets, in this case [wbc-calendar] if ( !has_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode') ) { add_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode'); } } function wbc_plugins_loaded() { load_plugin_textdomain( 'woo-bookings-calendar', false, plugin_basename( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . '/i18n/languages' ); } function wbc_premium_url() { return ''; } function wbc_settings($options) { if ( !class_exists('WBC_Settings') ) { require_once __DIR__ . '/includes/WBC_Settings.php'; } $settings = new WBC_Settings(); $options += $settings->buildSettingsArray(); return $options; } function wbc_option($name) { return apply_filters('mh_wbc_setting_value', $name); } function wbc_check_shortcode_inuse() { global $post; if ( !empty($post->post_content) && has_shortcode($post->post_content, 'wbc-calendar') ) { return true; } return false; } function wbc_enqueue_assets() { global $post; // when viewing page with pre selected calendar event if ( !empty($_GET['wbc_cal_start']) && !empty($_GET['wbc_cal_end']) ) { $start = sanitize_text_field($_GET['wbc_cal_start']); $end = sanitize_text_field($_GET['wbc_cal_end']); $vars = array( 'productId' => $post->ID, 'isSingleProduct' => true, 'bookingDateTime' => date('H:i', $start), 'bookingDateDay' => date('d', $start), 'bookingDateMonth' => date('m', $start), 'bookingDateYear' => date('Y', $start), 'bookingEndDay' => date('d', $end), 'bookingEndMonth' => date('m', $end), 'bookingEndYear' => date('Y', $end), ); wbc_enqueue_fullcalendar(); wbc_enqueue_scripts($vars); } } function wbc_enqueue_fullcalendar() { $fcAssetAlias = wbc_fullcalendar_asset_alias(); wp_enqueue_style($fcAssetAlias, plugins_url('assets/fullcalendar/fullcalendar.min.css', plugin_basename(WBC_BASE_FILE))); wp_enqueue_script($fcAssetAlias, plugins_url('assets/fullcalendar/fullcalendar.min.js', plugin_basename(WBC_BASE_FILE)), array('moment', 'jquery')); if ( wbc_option('locale') != 'en' ) { wp_enqueue_script('fc-locales', plugins_url('assets/fullcalendar/locale-all.js', plugin_basename(WBC_BASE_FILE)), array($fcAssetAlias)); } } function wbc_fullcalendar_asset_alias() { // special conditions to compatibilize with Private Google Calendars plugin avoiding asset collision if ( defined('PGC_PLUGIN_VERSION') ) { $fcAssetAlias = 'fullcalendar_wbc'; } else { $fcAssetAlias = 'fullcalendar'; } return $fcAssetAlias; } function wbc_enqueue_scripts($frontendVars = array()) { wp_enqueue_style('woo-bookings-calendar', plugins_url('assets/wbclite.css', plugin_basename(WBC_BASE_FILE))); wp_enqueue_script('woo-bookings-calendar', plugins_url('assets/wbclite.js', plugin_basename(WBC_BASE_FILE)), array('jquery')); if ( wbc_option('show_events_loading') ) { wp_register_script( 'jquery-blockui', WC()->plugin_url() . '/assets/js/jquery-blockui/jquery.blockUI.min.js', array( 'jquery' )); } $displays = wbc_calendar_mode_displays(); $viewConf = wbc_option('calendar_view'); $startDate = apply_filters('wbc_calendar_start_date', wbc_option('calendar_start_date')); $frontendVars += array( 'ajaxUrl' => get_admin_url() . 'admin-ajax.php', 'displayLoading' => wbc_option('show_events_loading'), 'disableBackPast' => wbc_option('disable_back_past'), 'fcDefaultView' => current($displays), 'fcHeaderRight' => implode(',', $displays), 'dayLabel' => __('day', 'woo-bookings-calendar'), 'weekLabel' => __('week', 'woo-bookings-calendar'), 'monthLabel' => __('month', 'woo-bookings-calendar'), 'listDayLabel' => in_array('day', $viewConf) ? __('list day', 'woo-bookings-calendar') : __('day', 'woo-bookings-calendar'), 'listWeekLabel' => in_array('week', $viewConf) ? __('list week', 'woo-bookings-calendar') : __('week', 'woo-bookings-calendar'), 'listMonthLabel' => in_array('month', $viewConf) ? __('list month', 'woo-bookings-calendar') : __('month', 'woo-bookings-calendar'), 'timeFormat' => wbc_option('time_format'), 'locale' => wbc_option('locale'), 'forceStartDate' => $startDate, 'fcCustomOptions' => apply_filters('wbc_fullcalendar_options', array()), ); $timeZoneString = get_option('timezone_string'); if ( strlen($timeZoneString) > 0 ) { $frontendVars['timezoneStr'] = $timeZoneString; } $frontendVars = apply_filters('wbc_frontend_vars', $frontendVars); wp_localize_script('woo-bookings-calendar', 'WBCVARS', $frontendVars ); } function wbc_calendar_mode_displays() { $display = array(); $confs = wbc_option('calendar_view'); foreach ( $confs as $view ) { $display[$view] = wbc_translate_view_display($view); } if ( empty($display) ) { $display['day'] = 'agendaDay'; } return apply_filters('wbc_calendar_display', $display); } function wbc_translate_view_display($view) { $view = str_replace('-', '_', $view); return str_replace( array('list_month', 'list_week', 'list_day', 'week', 'day'), array('listMonth', 'listWeek', 'listDay', 'agendaWeek', 'agendaDay'), $view ); } function wbc_shortcode_calendar( $atts ){ wbc_enqueue_fullcalendar(); wbc_enqueue_scripts(); do_action('wbc_after_shortcode_script_queue'); $html = ''; if ( wbc_option('add_event_filter') == 'yes' ) { $query = sanitize_text_field(filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'q_event')); $html .= '<div class=\'wbc-search\'>'; $html .= '<form role="search" method="get" class="wbc-search-form">'; $html .= '<input type="search" class="search-field wbc-search-field" placeholder="' . __('Search events ...') . '" value="'. $query .'" name="q_event">'; $html .= '</form>'; $html .= '</div>'; } $extra = ''; // PRO version related variable if ( !empty($atts['cat']) ) { $extra .= ' data-category="'.$atts['cat'].'"'; } if ( !empty($atts['product']) ) { $extra .= ' data-product="'.$atts['product'].'"'; } if ( !empty($atts['default-view']) ) { $extra .= ' data-default-view="'.wbc_translate_view_display($atts['default-view']).'"'; } if ( !empty($atts['reverse-logic']) ) { $extra .= ' data-reverse-logic="1"'; } $classes = apply_filters('wbc_calendar_class', array()); $html .= '<div id="wbc-calendar"'.$extra.' class="'.implode(' ', $classes).'"></div>'; return apply_filters('wbc_shortcode_html', $html); } function wbc_events_load() { $start = sanitize_text_field(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'start')); $end = sanitize_text_field(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'end')); $filter = sanitize_text_field(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'q_event')); // Set the client browser timezone when WooCommerce Bookings has this config checked: Display visitor's local time // This code needs to be reviewed work with wbc_build_events_array() function // $clientTimeZone = null; // if ( wc_should_convert_timezone() ) { // $clientTimeZone = sanitize_text_field(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'client_timezone')); // if ( !empty($clientTimeZone) ) { // WC_Bookings_Cache::clear_cache(); // date_default_timezone_set($clientTimeZone); // wp_cache_set( 'wc_bookings_timezone_string', $clientTimeZone); // } // } if ( date( 'Ymd', $start ) < date( 'Ymd', current_time( 'timestamp' ) ) ) { $start = time(); } $dtStart = date('Ymd', $start); $dtEnd = date('Ymd', $end); $products = wbc_get_bookable_products($dtStart, $dtEnd, $filter); $preEvents = wbc_build_events_array($products, $dtStart, $dtEnd); $events = apply_filters('wbc_build_events_array', $preEvents, $products, $dtStart, $dtEnd); wp_send_json($events); exit; } function wbc_build_events_array($products, $start, $end, $timeZone = null) { if ( !class_exists('WBC_Event_Builder') ) { require_once __DIR__ . '/includes/WBC_Event_Builder.php'; } $eventBuilder = new WBC_Event_Builder($products, $start, $end); return $eventBuilder->createEventsList(); } function wbc_get_bookable_products($start = null, $end = null, $filter = null){ $args = apply_filters( 'get_booking_products_args', array( 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_type' => 'product', 's' => $filter, 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'tax_query' => array( array( 'taxonomy' => 'product_type', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => array('booking'), ), ), 'suppress_filters' => true, ) ); $productIds = !empty($_POST['product_ids']) ? explode(',', $_POST['product_ids']) : null; if ( !empty($productIds) ) { $args['post__in'] = $productIds; } $args = apply_filters( 'wbc_booking_products_args', $args); $results = get_posts($args); return $results; } function wbc_debug() { $start = '20190401'; $end = '20190420'; $products = wbc_get_bookable_products($start, $end); $events = wbc_build_events_array($products, $start, $end); // var_dump($events); exit; var_dump(date('H:i')); var_dump( wc_booking_get_timezone_string() ); var_dump( wc_should_convert_timezone() ); } function wbc_debug_dateranges($dateRanges) { foreach ( $dateRanges as $dates ) { var_dump(date('d/m/Y H:i', $dates[0]).' to '.date('d/m/Y H:i', $dates[1])); } exit; } function wbc_after_single_product_summary() { global $product; if ( !$product->is_type(array('booking', 'accommodation-booking')) || ( wbc_option('attach_in_single_page') != 'yes' ) ) { return; } $atts = array('product' => $product->get_id()); echo wbc_shortcode_calendar($atts); } // warning: function used in dependent plugin function wbc_unavailable_color($bookProd) { $color = apply_filters('wbc_color_unavailable', $bookProd); if ( is_string($color) ) { return $color; } if ( wbc_option('customize_colors') == 'yes' ) { return wbc_option('color_not_bookable'); } return 'red'; } }