Current Path : /home/church/ |
Current File : /home/church/ |
CRPTiledLayerType = {}; CRPTiledLayerType.Puzzle = 1; CRPTiledLayerType.Masonry = 2; CRPTiledLayerType.Square = 3; CRPTiledLayerType.Justified = 4; ;(function ($) { $.crpTiledLayer = function (element, options) { if(options.approxTileWidth < options.minTileWidth){ options.approxTileWidth = options.minTileWidth; } var Slot = function (width, height) { this.position = { x: 0, y: 0 }; this.blocks = { h: width, v: height }; this.size = { width: this.blocks.h, height: this.blocks.v }; this.px = { width: width, height: height }; this.edge_right = false; } Slot.prototype.resize = function (blocks, onlyWidth) { //nw : nh = w : h => nh = nw * h / w var new_width = blocks; var new_height = (new_width * this.px.height) / this.px.width; var bv = this.blocks.v; this.blocks.h = blocks; if(!onlyWidth && plugin.settings.layoutType != CRPTiledLayerType.Square) this.blocks.v = new_height; } var Grid = function (margin, min_tile_width, width) { this.slots = []; this.cells = []; this.margin = margin; this.min_tile_width = min_tile_width; this.width = width; this.hor_size = width; this.init(); } Grid.prototype.init = function () { this.slots.length = 0; this.cells.length = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.hor_size * 1000; i++) { this.cells[i] = 0; } } Grid.prototype.add_slot = function (slot) { for (var j = 0; j < slot.blocks.v; j++) { for (var i = 0; i < slot.blocks.h; i++) { var row = slot.position.y + j; var column = slot.position.x + i; //if (this.cells.length < row * this.hor_size + column) this.cells[row * this.hor_size + column] = 1; this.cells.push(0); } } this.slots.push(slot); } Grid.prototype.count_free_cells_on_right = function (index) { var line = Math.floor(index / this.hor_size); var line_end = (line + 1) * this.hor_size; var length = 0; for (; index < line_end; index++, length++) { if (this.cells[index] == 1) { break; } } return length; } Grid.prototype.insert = function (width, height, allowEnlargement) { /* Hack for square and masonry styles */ var sW = width; var sH = height; if(plugin.settings.layoutType == CRPTiledLayerType.Masonry || plugin.settings.layoutType == CRPTiledLayerType.Square){ var _slotWidth = plugin.settings.approxTileWidth + plugin.settings.margin; var _wrapperWidth = $element.width() + plugin.settings.margin; if(_slotWidth > _wrapperWidth - plugin.settings.margin){ _slotWidth = _wrapperWidth - plugin.settings.margin; } var _itemsPerRow = parseInt( _wrapperWidth / _slotWidth ); var _delta = _wrapperWidth - _itemsPerRow * _slotWidth; var _deltaPerCell = Math.floor(_delta / _itemsPerRow); _slotWidth += _deltaPerCell; sW = _slotWidth; var _ratio = plugin.settings.approxTileHeight / plugin.settings.approxTileWidth; if(plugin.settings.layoutType == CRPTiledLayerType.Masonry){ _ratio = height / width; } sH = Math.ceil(sW * _ratio); } else { var _wrapperWidth = $element.width() + plugin.settings.margin; var step = parseInt( _wrapperWidth / 4 ); var ratios = [ {w: 1, h:1}, {w: 2, h:2}, ]; var ratio = ratios[(Math.floor(Math.random() * (ratios.length - 0)) + 0)]; sW = ratio.w * step; sH = ratio.h * step; } var newsH = sH; if (plugin.settings.addBlock1Height != false) { newsH += plugin.settings.addBlock1Height; } if (plugin.settings.addBlock2Height != false) { newsH += plugin.settings.addBlock2Height; } var slot = new Slot(sW, newsH); var av_blocks = 0; var free_cell = 0; var line = 0; if (this.slots.length == 0) { av_blocks = this.hor_size; slot.position.x = 0; slot.position.y = 0; } else { //find first available cell var exit = false; for (; free_cell < this.cells.length; free_cell++) { if (this.cells[free_cell] == 0) { line = Math.floor(free_cell / this.hor_size); var line_end = (line + 1) * this.hor_size; //available blocks av_blocks = 0; for (var k = 0; k <= line_end - free_cell; k++) { av_blocks = k; if (this.cells[free_cell + k] == 1) { //there's another slot on the right break; } } break; } } } //the slot need to be shrinked if (av_blocks < slot.blocks.h) { slot.resize(av_blocks); } else { var free_on_right = this.count_free_cells_on_right(free_cell + slot.blocks.h); if (free_on_right - plugin.settings.margin < this.min_tile_width && free_on_right > 0) { slot.resize(av_blocks, !allowEnlargement); slot.enlarged = true; } if (free_on_right == 0) slot.edge_right = true; } slot.position.x = free_cell % this.hor_size; slot.position.y = Math.floor(free_cell / this.hor_size); this.add_slot(slot); return slot; } var defaults = { layoutType: CRPTiledLayerType.Square, approxTileWidth: 200, approxTileHeight: 200, minTileWidth: 200, margin: 10, addBlock1Height: false, addBlock2Height: false, allowEnlargement: false, onComplete: function () { }, onUpdate: function () { }, } var plugin = this; var grid = null; var maxHeight = 0; plugin.settings = {} var $element = $(element), element = element; var currentWidth = $element.width(); var completed = false; var busy = false; var tilesForFilter = function(ft) { $tiles = $element.find(".tile"); return $tiles; } var doFiltration = function() { busy = true; var $tiles = tilesForFilter(null); maxHeight = 0; grid = null; $tiles.css({visibility: 'invisible'}); entile($tiles); $tiles.css({visibility: 'visible'}); busy = false; } plugin.init = function () { plugin.settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options); $element.find(".ftg-items").css({ position: "relative", minWidth: plugin.settings.minTileWidth, }); var $tiles = $element.find(".tile"); styleTiles($tiles); assignImagesSize($tiles); var category = window.location.hash; if (category != '' && category != '#') { var current = jQuery(".ftg-filters a[href='" + category + "']"); if (current.length != 0) { jQuery("a", current.closest(".ftg-filters")).removeClass('selected'); current.addClass('selected'); } } doFiltration(); $(window).resize(function () { if(busy) return; if (currentWidth != $element.width()) { busy = true; currentWidth = $element.width(); resTo = setTimeout(function () { grid = null; maxHeight = 0; var $filteredTiles = tilesForFilter(null); entile($filteredTiles); busy = false; }, 700); } }); } var styleTiles = function ($tiles) { $tiles.css({ position: "absolute", visibility: 'hidden', }); $tiles.find('.tile-inner').css({ position: "relative", display: "block", overflow: "hidden", }); $tiles.find('.crp-item').css({ position: "relative", display: "block", fontSize: 10, //against weird rules in some reset.css maxWidth: "9999em", }); } var assignImagesSize = function ($tiles) { $tiles.each(function () { var $item = $(this).find(".crp-item"); var size = { width: $"width"), height: $"height") }; $"size", size); }); } var entile = function ($tiles) { if (!grid) grid = new Grid(plugin.settings.margin, plugin.settings.minTileWidth, Math.floor($element.width() + plugin.settings.margin)); $tiles.each(function () { if ($(this).hasClass("ftg-hidden")) return; var size = $(this).find(".crp-item").data("size"); var slot = grid.insert( size.width + plugin.settings.margin, size.height + plugin.settings.margin, plugin.settings.allowEnlargement); $(this).data("enlarged", slot.enlarged); var top = slot.position.y; var height = slot.blocks.v; var tileWidth = slot.blocks.h - plugin.settings.margin; var tileHeight = slot.blocks.v - plugin.settings.margin; if (top + tileHeight > maxHeight) maxHeight = top + height + plugin.settings.margin; if (plugin.settings.addBlock1Height != false) { tileHeight -= plugin.settings.addBlock1Height; } if (plugin.settings.addBlock2Height != false) { tileHeight -= plugin.settings.addBlock2Height; } $(this).css({ top: top, left: slot.position.x, width: slot.blocks.h, height: height }); $(this).find('.tile-inner').css({ width: tileWidth, height: tileHeight }) .data("width", tileWidth) .data("height", tileHeight); if (plugin.settings.addBlock1Height != false) { $(this).find('.tile-inner').css({ top: plugin.settings.addBlock1Height }); $(this).find('.crp-additional-block1').css({ width: tileWidth, height: plugin.settings.addBlock1Height }); } if (plugin.settings.addBlock2Height != false) { $(this).find('.crp-additional-block2').css({ bottom: plugin.settings.margin, width: tileWidth, height: plugin.settings.addBlock2Height }); } $element.find(".ftg-items").height(maxHeight); }); $tiles.find("img.crp-item").each(function (i, item) { var $item = $(item); var size = $"size"); var ratioImg = size.width / size.height; var ratioTile = $item.parent().data("width") / $item.parent().data("height"); var bugFixDiff = 0; if (ratioImg >= ratioTile) { $item.attr("case", "2"); var $h = $item.parent().data("height") + bugFixDiff; var $w = ratioImg * $h; $item.css({ width: $w, height: $h }); var diff = $w - $item.parent().data("width"); $item.css({ "margin-left": diff / -2, "margin-top": bugFixDiff / -2, }); } else { $item.attr("case", "4"); var $w = $item.parent().data("width") + bugFixDiff; var $h = $w / ratioImg; $item.css({ width: $w, height: $h }); var diff = $h - $item.parent().data("height"); $item.css({ "margin-top": diff / -2, "margin-left": bugFixDiff / -2, }); } }); if (!completed) { completed = true;; } else {; } } plugin.init(); } $.fn.crpTiledLayer = function (options) { return this.each(function () { if (undefined == $(this).data('crpTiledLayer')) { var plugin = new $.crpTiledLayer(this, options); $(this).data('crpTiledLayer', plugin); } }); } })(jQuery);