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<HTML> <HEAD> <META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Developer Studio"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <TITLE>Glossary </TITLE> <LINK REL="StyleSheet" Href="odbc.css"> </HEAD> <BODY bgcolor="white"> <table width="90%" cols="3" border="0" cellspacing="0"> <TR> <TD colspan="3" class="big">Index / Glossary</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="3"> <TABLE Cols="13" width=90% bgcolor="black"> <TR> <TH class="head"><a href="#A">A</A></TH> <TH CLASS="head"><a href="#B">B</A></TH> <TH CLASS="head"><a href="#C">C</A></TH> <TH CLASS="head"><a href="#D">D</A></TH> <TH CLASS="head"><a href="#E">E</A></TH> <TH CLASS="head"><a href="#F">F</A></TH> <TH CLASS="head"><a href="#G">G</A></TH> <TH CLASS="head"><a href="#H">H</A></TH> <TH CLASS="head"><a href="#I">I</A></TH> <TH CLASS="head"><a href="#J">J</A></TH> <TH CLASS="head"><a href="#K">K</A></TH> <TH CLASS="head"><a href="#L">L</A></TH> <TH CLASS="head"><a href="#M">M</A></TH> </TR> <TR> <TH CLASS="head"><a href="#N">N</A></TH> <TH CLASS="head"><a href="#O">O</A></TH> <TH CLASS="head"><a href="#P">P</A></TH> <TH CLASS="head"><a href="#Q">Q</A></TH> <TH CLASS="head"><a href="#R">R</A></TH> <TH CLASS="head"><a href="#S">S</A></TH> <TH CLASS="head"><a href="#T">T</A></TH> <TH CLASS="head"><a href="#U">U</A></TH> <TH CLASS="head"><a href="#V">V</A></TH> <TH CLASS="head"><a href="#W">W</A></TH> <TH CLASS="head"><a href="#X">X</A></TH> <TH CLASS="head"><a href="#Y">Y</A></TH> <TH CLASS="head"><a href="#Z">Z</A></TH> </TR> </TABLE> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <table width="90%" cols="3" border="0" cellspacing="0"> <TR> <TD class="head" width="60"><a name="C"><B>C</B></A></TD> <TD width="20" class="head"> </TD> <TD class="head"><A Name="col">Column</A></TD> </TR> <TR><TD Colspan="2"> </TD> <TD><P>A column is another name for field in a SQL table. It has a data type (Integer, Char, Money etc) and a name by which it is addressed.</P> <P>You specify the name of a column in a query (either DELETE, UPDATE, SELECT or INSERT)</P> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="head" width="60"><a name="D"><B>D</B></A></TD> <TD width="20" class="head"> </TD> <TD class="head"><A Name="dsrc">data source</A></TD> </TR> <TR><TD Colspan="2"> </TD> <TD>A data source defines all informationen needed by ODBC to connect to a database. This includes the name of the driver to use (Postgres, mySQL etc.), the name of the user, his password, the server name on which the database resides and of course the name of the database. There are a lot more options available. </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="2"> </TD> <TD class="head"><A NAME="dtyp">Data Types</A></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="2"> </TD> <TD><P> The following table show some ODBC data types and how the relate to standard C data types:</P> <TABLE COLS="3" border="0" cellspacing="1"> <TR> <TH CLASS="head">Type identifier</TH> <TH CLASS="head">ODBC typedef</TH> <TH CLASS="head">C typedef</TH> </TR> <TR> <TD class="small">SQL_C_CHAR</TD> <TD class="small">SQLCHAR * </TD> <TD class="small">unsigned char * </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="small">SQL_C_SSHORT</TD> <TD class="small">SQLSMALLINT</TD> <TD class="small">short int </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="small">SQL_C_USHORT </TD> <TD class="small">SQLUSMALLINT </TD> <TD class="small">unsigned short int </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="small">SQL_C_SLONG </TD> <TD class="small">SQLINTEGER</TD> <TD class="small">long int</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="small">SQL_C_FLOAT</TD> <TD class="small">SQLREAL</TD> <TD class="small">float </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="small">SQL_C_DOUBLE</TD> <TD class="small">SQLDOUBLE, SQLFLOAT</TD> <TD class="small">double </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="small">SQL_C_BINARY </TD> <TD class="small">SQLCHAR *</TD> <TD class="small">unsigned char </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="small">SQL_C_TYPE_DATE</TD> <TD class="small">SQL_DATE_STRUCT</TD> <TD class="small"> struct <BR>tagDATE_STRUCT {<BR> SQLSMALLINT year; <BR> SQLUSMALLINT month; <BR> SQLUSMALLINT day; <BR> } DATE_STRUCT; </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="small">SQL_C_TYPE_TIME </TD> <TD class="small">SQL_TIME_STRUCT </TD> <TD class="small">struct<BR>tagTIME_STRUCT {<BR> SQLUSMALLINT hour; <BR> SQLUSMALLINT minute; <BR> SQLUSMALLINT second; <BR> } TIME_STRUCT; </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P>You will need the type identifier in calls to <A HREF="#bind">SQLBindCol</A>. </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="2"> </TD> <TD > </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="head" width="60"><a name="O"><B>O</B></A></TD> <TD width="20" class="head"> </TD> <TD class="head"><A Name="oini">odbc.ini</A></TD> </TR> <TR><TD Colspan="2"> </TD> <TD><CODE>/etc/odbc.ini</CODE> is the configuration file for system <A HREF="#dsrc">data sources</A>. It contains information which will be needed when connecting to a database. It is modified by a graphical utility ODBCConfig. </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="head" width="60"><a name="R"><B>R</B></A></TD> <TD width="20" class="head"> </TD> <TD class="head"><A Name="row">Row</A></TD> </TR> <TR><TD Colspan="2"> </TD> <TD>A row is a set of <A HREF="#col">columns</A> in a query. For example in our <A HREF="intro.html#tab">table</A> there are two users. Each user makes up a row in the table or in the result of our query. </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class="head" width="60"><a name="S"><B>S</B></A></TD> <TD width="20" class="head"> </TD> <TD class="head"><A Name="alloc">SQLAllocHandle</A></TD> </TR> <TR><TD Colspan="2"> </TD> <TD>allocates needed handles. <CODE><PRE> SQLRETURN SQLAllocHandle(SQLSMALLINT HandleType, SQLHANDLE InputHandle, SQLHANDLE *OutputHandlePtr); </PRE></CODE> <H4>Arguments</H4> <h5>HandleType</h5> <P> Defines the type of handle to be allocated by <CODE>SQLAllocHandle</CODE>. There are four possible values:</P> <CODE> SQL_HANDLE_ENV<BR> SQL_HANDLE_DBC<BR> SQL_HANDLE_STMT<BR> SQL_HANDLE_DESC </CODE> <H5>InputHandle</H5> This is the input handle in whose context the new handle will be allocated. If <CODE>HandleType</CODE> is <CODE>SQL_HANDLE_ENV</CODE>, this is <CODE>SQL_NULL_HANDLE</CODE>. For a handle of type <CODE>SQL_HANDLE_DBC</CODE>, this has to be an environment handle, and if it is <CODE>SQL_HANDLE_STMT</CODE> or <CODE>SQL_HANDLE_DESC</CODE>, it must be a connection handle. <H5>OutputHandlePtr</H5> Pointer to a buffer in which to return the allocated handle. <H4>Returns</H4> <CODE>SQL_SUCCESS, SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, SQL_INVALID_HANDLE,</CODE> or <CODE>SQL_ERROR</CODE>. <HR width="20%" align="center"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="2"> </TD> <TD class="head"><A NAME="bind">SQLBindCol</A></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="2"> </TD> <TD > binds a variable to a column in the result. <CODE><PRE> SQLRETURN SQLBindCol(SQLHSTMT StatementHandle, SQLUSMALLINT ColumnNumber, SQLSMALLINT TargetType, SQLPOINTER TargetValuePtr, SQLINTEGER BufferLength, SQLINTEGER *StrLen_or_IndPtr); </PRE></CODE> <H4>Arguments</H4> <H5>StatementHandle</H5> <CODE>StatementHandle</CODE> must have been allocated by <CODE>SQLAllocHandle</CODE> and will hold all information and the result set of the statement. <H5>ColumnNumber</H5> Number of the column in the result set. Starts with 1. <H5>TargetType</H5> Type identifier of the <A href="#dtyp">data type</A> <H5>TargetValuePtr</H5> The pointer to the variable in which the data will be stored. <H5>BufferLength</H5> The size of the buffer <CODE>TargetValuePtr</CODE> points at in bytes. <H5>StrLen_or_IndPtr</H5> When data is fetched, returns either <UL> <LI>The length of the data available to return <LI>SQL_NO_TOTAL <LI>SQL_NULL_DATA </UL> <H4>Returns</H4> <CODE>SQL_SUCCESS, SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, SQL_ERROR</CODE> or <CODE>SQL_INVALID_HANDLE</CODE>. <HR align="center" width="20%"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="2"> </TD> <TD class="head"><A NAME="conn">SQLConnect</A></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="2"> </TD> <TD > connects to a datasource <CODE><PRE> SQLRETURN SQLConnect(SQLHDBC ConnectionHandle, SQLCHAR *ServerName, SQLSMALLINT NameLength1, SQLCHAR *UserName, SQLSMALLINT NameLength2, SQLCHAR *Authentication, SQLSMALLINT NameLength3); </PRE></CODE> <H4>Arguments</H4> <H5>ConnectionHandle</H5> <CODE>ConnectionHandle</CODE> must have been allocated by <CODE>SQLAllocHandle</CODE> and will hold all information about the connection. <H5>ServerName</H5> Name of the database server <H5>NameLength1</H5> The length of <CODE>ServerName</CODE> or <CODE>SQL_NTS</CODE> <H5>UserName</H5> The name of the user who connects to the database. <H5>NameLength2</H5> The length of <CODE>UserName</CODE> or <CODE>SQL_NTS</CODE> <H5>Authentication</H5> Password of the user <H5>NameLength3</H5> The length of <CODE>Authentication</CODE> or <CODE>SQL_NTS</CODE> <H4>Returns</H4> <CODE>SQL_SUCCESS, SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, SQL_ERROR</CODE> or <CODE>SQL_INVALID_HANDLE</CODE>. <HR align="center" width="20%"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="2"> </TD> <TD class="head"><A NAME="dsn">SQLDataSources</A></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="2"> </TD> <TD > fetches avaible datasource names either user, system or both. <CODE><PRE> SQLRETURN SQLDataSources(SQLHENV EnvironmentHandle, SQLUSMALLINT Direction, SQLCHAR *ServerName, SQLSMALLINT BufferLength1, SQLSMALLINT *NameLength1Ptr, SQLCHAR *Description, SQLSMALLINT BufferLength2, SQLSMALLINT *NameLength2Ptr); </PRE></CODE> <H4>Arguments</H4> <H5>EnvironmentHandle</H5> <CODE>EnvironmentHandle</CODE> must have been allocated by <CODE>SQLAllocHandle</CODE>. <H5>Direction</H5> Which DSN we are looking for. May be on of: <TABLE COLS="2" border="0"> <TR> <TD valign="top"><CODE>SQL_FETCH_FIRST</CODE></TD> <TD>Sets up <CODE>SQLDataSources()</CODE> to lookup the first of all available datasources (either user or systemwide). </TR> <TR> <TD valign="top"><CODE>SQL_FETCH_FIRST_USER</CODE></TD> <TD>Sets up <CODE>SQLDataSources()</CODE> to lookup the first of the available user datasources. </TR> <TR> <TD valign="top"><CODE>SQL_FETCH_FIRST_SYSTEM</CODE></TD> <TD>Sets up <CODE>SQLDataSources()</CODE> to lookup the first of the available system datasources. </TR> <TR> <TD valign="top"><CODE>SQL_FETCH_NEXT</CODE></TD> <TD>Fetches the next datasource. Depending on <CODE>SQL_FETCH_FIRST_USER</CODE>, <CODE>SQL_FETCH_FIRST_SYSTEM</CODE> or <CODE>SQL_FETCH_FIRST</CODE> this may only be a user datasource, only a system datasource or one of either. </TR> </TABLE> <H5>ServerName</H5> The name of the datasource is returned herein. <H5>BufferLength1</H5> Defines how many chars <I>Servername</I> may contain at most. <H5>NameLength1Ptr</H5> The pointer to the variable in which the actual length of the datasource name is stored. If <I>NameLength1Ptr</I> is greater than <I>BufferLength1</I>, then the DSN in <I>ServerName</I> is truncated to fit. <H5>BufferLength</H5> The size of the buffer <CODE>TargetValuePtr</CODE> points at in bytes. <H5>Description</H5> The description supplied with the datasource, giving more information on the datasource in human readable form. <H5>BufferLength2</H5> Defines how many chars <I>Description</I> may contain at most. <H5>NameLength2Ptr</H5> The pointer to the variable in which the actual length of the description is stored. If <I>NameLength2Ptr</I> is greater than <I>BufferLength2</I>, then the description in <I>Description</I> is truncated to fit. <H4>Returns</H4> <CODE>SQL_SUCCESS, SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, SQL_ERROR</CODE>, <CODE>SQL_NO_DATA></CODE> or <CODE>SQL_INVALID_HANDLE</CODE>. <HR align="center" width="20%"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="2"> </TD> <TD class="head"><A NAME="exec">SQLExecDirect</A></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="2"> </TD> <TD > Executes a SQL statement <CODE><PRE> SQLRETURN SQLExecDirect(SQLHSTMT StatementHandle, SQLCHAR *StatementText, SQLINTEGER TextLength); </PRE></CODE> <H4>Arguments</H4> <H5>StatementHandle</H5> <CODE>StatementHandle</CODE> must have been allocated by <CODE>SQLAllocHandle</CODE> and will hold all information and the result set of the statement. <H5>StatementText</H5> The SQL statement to be executed <H5>TextLength</H5> The length of <CODE>StatementText</CODE> or <CODE>SQL_NTS</CODE> <H4>Returns</H4> <CODE>SQL_SUCCESS, SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, SQL_ERROR</CODE> or <CODE>SQL_INVALID_HANDLE</CODE>. <HR align="center" width="20%"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD width="20" colspan="2"> </TD> <TD class="head"><A Name="clos">SQLDisconnect</A></TD> </TR> <TR><TD Colspan="2"> </TD> <TD>disconnects the specified connection <CODE><PRE> SQLRETURN SQLDisconnect(SQLHDBC ConnectionHandle); </PRE></CODE> <H4>Arguments</H4> <H5>ConnectionHandle</H5> The handle of the connection to be closed. <H4>Returns</H4> <CODE>SQL_SUCCESS, SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, SQL_INVALID_HANDLE,</CODE> or <CODE>SQL_ERROR</CODE>. <HR width="20%" align="center"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD width="20" colspan="2"> </TD> <TD class="head"><A Name="fetc">SQLFetch</A></TD> </TR> <TR><TD Colspan="2"> </TD> <TD>Fetches the next row of the result set. <CODE><PRE> SQLRETURN SQLFetch(SQLHDBC StatementHandle); </PRE></CODE> <H4>Arguments</H4> <H5>StatementHandle</H5> The handle of the statement to be closed fromwhich the data should be fetched. <H4>Returns</H4> <P><CODE>SQL_SUCCESS, SQL_NO_DATA, SQL_STILL_EXECUTING, SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, SQL_INVALID_HANDLE,</CODE> or <CODE>SQL_ERROR</CODE>.</P> <HR width="20%" align="center"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD width="20" colspan="2"> </TD> <TD class="head"><A Name="free">SQLFreeHandle</A></TD> </TR> <TR><TD Colspan="2"> </TD> <TD> frees allocated handles. <CODE><PRE> SQLRETURN SQLFreeHandle(SQLSMALLINT HandleType, SQLHANDLE InputHandle); </PRE></CODE> <H4>Arguments</H4> <h5>HandleType</h5> <P> Defines the type of handle to be freed. There are four possible values:</P> <CODE> SQL_HANDLE_ENV<BR> SQL_HANDLE_DBC<BR> SQL_HANDLE_STMT<BR> SQL_HANDLE_DESC </CODE> <H5>InputHandle</H5> The handle to be freed. Should match the type stated by <CODE>HandleType</CODE> <H4>Returns</H4> <CODE>SQL_SUCCESS, SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, SQL_INVALID_HANDLE,</CODE> or <CODE>SQL_ERROR</CODE>. <HR width="20%" align="center"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD width="20" colspan="2"> </TD> <TD class="head"><A Name="ccol">SQLNumResultCols</A></TD> </TR> <TR><TD Colspan="2"> </TD> <TD>returns the number of columns in the result set. <CODE><PRE> SQLRETURN SQLNumResultCols(SQLHSTMT StatementHandle, SQLSMALLINT *ColumnCountPtr); </PRE></CODE> <H4>Arguments</H4> <H5>StatementHandle</H5> <CODE>StatementHandle</CODE> must have been allocated by <CODE>SQLAllocHandle</CODE> and holds all information and the result set of the statement. <h5>ColumnCountPtr</H5> A pointer to a variable to hold the result value. <H4>Returns</H4> <P><CODE>SQL_SUCCESS, SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, SQL_STILL_EXECUTING, SQL_INVALID_HANDLE,</CODE> or <CODE>SQL_ERROR</CODE>.</P> <HR width="20%" align="center"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD width="20" colspan="2"> </TD> <TD class="head"><A Name="crow">SQLRowCount</A></TD> </TR> <TR><TD Colspan="2"> </TD> <TD>returns the number of rows affected by INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE. Many drivers (but not all) return the number of rows returned by the last executed SELECT statement too. <CODE><PRE> SQLRETURN SQLSQLRowCount(SQLHSTMT StatementHandle, SQLSMALLINT *RowCountPtr); </PRE></CODE> <H4>Arguments</H4> <H5>StatementHandle</H5> <CODE>StatementHandle</CODE> must have been allocated by <CODE>SQLAllocHandle</CODE> and holds all information and the result set of the statement. <h5>RowCountPtr</H5> A pointer to a variable to hold the result value. <H4>Returns</H4> <P><CODE>SQL_SUCCESS, SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, SQL_STILL_EXECUTING, SQL_INVALID_HANDLE,</CODE> or <CODE>SQL_ERROR</CODE>.</P> <HR width="20%" align="center"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="2"> </TD> <TD class="head"><A NAME="conattr">SQLSetConnectAttr</A></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="2"> </TD> <TD > modifies attributes of connections. <CODE><PRE> SQLRETURN SQLSetConnectAttr(SQLHDBC ConnectionHandle, SQLINTEGER Attribute, SQLPOINTER ValuePtr, SQLINTEGER StringLength); </PRE></CODE> <H4>Arguments</H4> <H5>ConnectionHandle</H5> <CODE>ConnectionHandle</CODE> must have been allocated by <CODE>SQLAllocHandle</CODE> and defines the connection which will be modified. <H5>Attribute</H5> which attribute to set <H5>ValuePtr</H5> Pointer to the value for <CODE>Attribute</CODE>. Depending on <CODE>Attribute</CODE>, <CODE>ValuePtr</CODE> will be a 32-bit integer value or a pointer to a null-terminated string. <H5>StringLength</H5> If <CODE>ValuePtr</CODE> points to a character string or a binary buffer, this argument should be the length of <CODE>*ValuePtr</CODE>. Otherwise, for <CODE>ValuePtr</CODE> of type integer <CODE>StringLength</CODE> is ignored. <H4>Returns</H4> <P><CODE>SQL_SUCCESS, SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, SQL_ERROR</CODE> or <CODE>SQL_INVALID_HANDLE</CODE>.</P> <HR align="center" width="20%"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="2"> </TD> <TD class="head"><A NAME="envattr">SQLSetEnvAttr</A></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="2"> </TD> <TD > sets attributes of environments. <CODE><PRE> SQLRETURN SQLSetEnvAttr(SQLHENV EnvironmentHandle, SQLINTEGER Attribute, SQLPOINTER ValuePtr, SQLINTEGER StringLength); </PRE></CODE> <H4>Arguments</H4> <H5>EnvironmentHandle</H5> <CODE>EnvironmentHandle</CODE> must have been allocated by <CODE>SQLAllocHandle</CODE> <H5>Attribute</H5> which attribute to set <H5>ValuePtr</H5> Pointer to the value for <CODE>Attribute</CODE>. Depending on <CODE>Attribute</CODE>, <CODE>ValuePtr</CODE> will be a 32-bit integer value or a pointer to a null-terminated string. <H5>StringLength</H5> If <CODE>ValuePtr</CODE> points to a character string or a binary buffer, this argument should be the length of <CODE>*ValuePtr</CODE>. Otherwise, for <CODE>ValuePtr</CODE> of type integer <CODE>StringLength</CODE> is ignored. <H4>Returns</H4> <CODE>SQL_SUCCESS, SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, SQL_ERROR</CODE> or <CODE>SQL_INVALID_HANDLE</CODE>. <HR width="20%" align="center"> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </BODY> </HTML>