Current Path : /usr/share/doc/perl-Test-Simple-0.98/t/subtest/ |
Current File : //usr/share/doc/perl-Test-Simple-0.98/t/subtest/exceptions.t |
#!/usr/bin/perl -w BEGIN { if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) { chdir 't'; @INC = ( '../lib', 'lib' ); } else { unshift @INC, 't/lib'; } } use strict; use warnings; use Test::Builder::NoOutput; use Test::More tests => 7; { my $tb = Test::Builder::NoOutput->create; $tb->child('one'); eval { $tb->child('two') }; my $error = $@; like $error, qr/\QYou already have a child named (one) running/, 'Trying to create a child with another one active should fail'; } { my $tb = Test::Builder::NoOutput->create; my $child = $tb->child('one'); ok my $child2 = $child->child('two'), 'Trying to create nested children should succeed'; eval { $child->finalize }; my $error = $@; like $error, qr/\QCan't call finalize() with child (two) active/, '... but trying to finalize() a child with open children should fail'; } { my $tb = Test::Builder::NoOutput->create; my $child = $tb->child('one'); undef $child; like $tb->read, qr/\QChild (one) exited without calling finalize()/, 'Failing to call finalize should issue an appropriate diagnostic'; ok !$tb->is_passing, '... and should cause the test suite to fail'; } { my $tb = Test::Builder::NoOutput->create; $tb->plan( tests => 7 ); for( 1 .. 3 ) { $tb->ok( $_, "We're on $_" ); $tb->diag("We ran $_"); } { my $indented = $tb->child; $indented->plan('no_plan'); $indented->ok( 1, "We're on 1" ); eval { $tb->ok( 1, 'This should throw an exception' ) }; $indented->finalize; } my $error = $@; like $error, qr/\QCannot run test (This should throw an exception) with active children/, 'Running a test with active children should fail'; ok !$tb->is_passing, '... and should cause the test suite to fail'; }