Current Path : /usr/local/share/perl5/cPanel/ |
Current File : //usr/local/share/perl5/cPanel/ |
package cPanel::PublicAPI; # Copyright 2019 cPanel, L.L.C. # All rights reserved. # # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # 3. Neither the name of the owner nor the names of its contributors may be # used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR # SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, # OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. our $VERSION = '2.8'; use strict; use Carp (); use MIME::Base64 (); use HTTP::Tiny (); use HTTP::CookieJar (); our %CFG; my %PORT_DB = ( 'whostmgr' => { 'ssl' => 2087, 'plaintext' => 2086, }, 'cpanel' => { 'ssl' => 2083, 'plaintext' => 2082, }, 'webmail' => { 'ssl' => 2096, 'plaintext' => 2095, }, ); sub _create_http_tiny { return HTTP::Tiny->new(@_); } sub new { my ( $class, %OPTS ) = @_; my $self = {}; bless( $self, $class ); $self->{'debug'} = $OPTS{'debug'} || 0; $self->{'timeout'} = $OPTS{'timeout'} || 300; $self->{'usessl'} = exists $OPTS{'usessl'} ? $OPTS{'usessl'} : 1; if ( exists $OPTS{'ip'} ) { $self->{'ip'} = $OPTS{'ip'}; } elsif ( exists $OPTS{'host'} ) { $self->{'host'} = $OPTS{'host'}; } else { $self->{'ip'} = ''; } my $ua_creator = $OPTS{'http_tiny_creator'} || \&_create_http_tiny; $self->{'ua'} = $ua_creator->( agent => "cPanel::PublicAPI/$VERSION ", verify_SSL => ( exists $OPTS{'ssl_verify_mode'} ? $OPTS{'ssl_verify_mode'} : 1 ), keep_alive => ( exists $OPTS{'keepalive'} ? int $OPTS{'keepalive'} : 0 ), timeout => $self->{'timeout'}, ); if ( exists $OPTS{'error_log'} && $OPTS{'error_log'} ne 'STDERR' ) { if ( !open( $self->{'error_fh'}, '>>', $OPTS{'error_log'} ) ) { print STDERR "Unable to open $OPTS{'error_log'} for writing, defaulting to STDERR for error logging: $@\n"; $self->{'error_fh'} = \*STDERR; } } else { $self->{'error_fh'} = \*STDERR; } if ( $OPTS{'user'} ) { $self->{'user'} = $OPTS{'user'}; $self->debug("Using user param from object creation") if $self->{'debug'}; } else { $self->{'user'} = exists $INC{'Cpanel/'} ? ( Cpanel::PwCache::getpwuid($>) )[0] : ( getpwuid($>) )[0]; $self->debug("Setting user based on current uid ($>)") if $self->{'debug'}; } if ( exists $OPTS{'api_token'} && exists $OPTS{'accesshash'} ) { $self->error('You cannot specify both an accesshash and an API token'); die $self->{'error'}; } # Allow the user to specify an api_token instead of an accesshash. # Though, it will just act as a synonym. $OPTS{'accesshash'} = $OPTS{'api_token'} if $OPTS{'api_token'}; if ( ( !exists( $OPTS{'pass'} ) || $OPTS{'pass'} eq '' ) && ( !exists $OPTS{'accesshash'} || $OPTS{'accesshash'} eq '' ) ) { my $homedir = exists $INC{'Cpanel/'} ? ( Cpanel::PwCache::getpwuid($>) )[7] : ( getpwuid($>) )[7]; $self->debug("Attempting to detect correct authentication credentials") if $self->{'debug'}; if ( -e $homedir . '/.accesshash' ) { local $/; if ( open( my $hash_fh, '<', $homedir . '/.accesshash' ) ) { $self->{'accesshash'} = readline($hash_fh); $self->{'accesshash'} =~ s/[\r\n]+//g; close($hash_fh); $self->debug("Got accesshash from $homedir/.accesshash") if $self->{'debug'}; } else { $self->debug("Failed to fetch accesshash from $homedir/.accesshash") if $self->{'debug'}; } } elsif ( exists $ENV{'REMOTE_PASSWORD'} && $ENV{'REMOTE_PASSWORD'} && $ENV{'REMOTE_PASSWORD'} ne '__HIDDEN__' && exists $ENV{'SERVER_SOFTWARE'} && $ENV{'SERVER_SOFTWARE'} =~ /^cpsrvd/ ) { $self->debug("Got user password from the REMOTE_PASSWORD environment variables.") if $self->{'debug'}; $self->{'pass'} = $ENV{'REMOTE_PASSWORD'}; } else { Carp::confess('pass, accesshash, or api_token is a required parameter'); } } elsif ( $OPTS{'pass'} ) { $self->{'pass'} = $OPTS{'pass'}; $self->debug("Using pass param from object creation") if $self->{'debug'}; } else { $OPTS{'accesshash'} =~ s/[\r\n]//; $self->{'accesshash'} = $OPTS{'accesshash'}; $self->debug("Using accesshash param from object creation") if $self->{'debug'}; } $self->_update_operating_mode(); return $self; } sub set_debug { my $self = shift; $self->{'debug'} = int shift; } sub user { my $self = shift; $self->{'user'} = shift; } sub pass { my $self = shift; $self->{'pass'} = shift; delete $self->{'accesshash'}; $self->_update_operating_mode(); } sub accesshash { my $self = shift; $self->{'accesshash'} = shift; delete $self->{'pass'}; $self->_update_operating_mode(); } sub api_token { return shift->accesshash(@_); } sub whm_api { my ( $self, $call, $formdata, $format ) = @_; $self->_init_serializer() if !exists $cPanel::PublicAPI::CFG{'serializer'}; if ( !defined $call || $call eq '' ) { $self->error("A call was not defined when called cPanel::PublicAPI::whm_api_request()"); } if ( defined $format && $format ne 'xml' && $format ne 'json' && $format ne 'ref' ) { $self->error("cPanel::PublicAPI::whm_api_request() was called with an invalid data format, the only valid format are 'json', 'ref' or 'xml'"); } $formdata ||= {}; if ( ref $formdata ) { $formdata = { 'api.version' => 1, %$formdata }; } elsif ( $formdata !~ /(^|&)api\.version=/ ) { $formdata = "api.version=1&$formdata"; } my $query_format; if ( defined $format ) { $query_format = $format; } else { $query_format = $CFG{'serializer'}; } my $uri = "/$query_format-api/$call"; my ( $status, $statusmsg, $data ) = $self->api_request( 'whostmgr', $uri, 'POST', $formdata ); return $self->_parse_returndata( { 'caller' => 'whm_api', 'data' => $data, 'format' => $format, 'call' => $call } ); } sub api_request { my ( $self, $service, $uri, $method, $formdata, $headers ) = @_; $formdata ||= ''; $method ||= 'GET'; $headers ||= {}; $self->debug("api_request: ( $self, $service, $uri, $method, $formdata, $headers )") if $self->{'debug'}; $self->_init() if !exists $CFG{'init'}; undef $self->{'error'}; my $timeout = $self->{'timeout'} || 300; my $orig_alarm = 0; my $page; my $port = $self->_determine_port_for_service($service); $self->debug("Found port for service $service to be $port (usessl=$self->{'usessl'})") if $self->{'debug'}; eval { $self->{'remote_server'} = $self->{'ip'} || $self->{'host'}; $self->_validate_connection_settings(); if ( $self->{'operating_mode'} eq 'session' ) { $self->_establish_session($service) if !( $self->{'security_tokens'}->{$service} && $self->{'cookie_jars'}->{$service} ); $self->{'ua'}->cookie_jar( $self->{'cookie_jars'}->{$service} ); } my $remote_server = $self->{'remote_server'}; my $attempts = 0; my $finished_request = 0; my $hassigpipe; local $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { $self->error('Connection Timed Out'); die $self->{'error'}; }; local $SIG{'PIPE'} = sub { $hassigpipe = 1; }; $orig_alarm = alarm($timeout); $formdata = $self->format_http_query($formdata) if ref $formdata; my $scheme = $self->{'usessl'} ? "https" : "http"; my $url = "$scheme://$remote_server:$port"; if ( $self->{'operating_mode'} eq 'session' ) { my $security_token = $self->{'security_tokens'}->{$service}; $url .= '/' . $self->{'security_tokens'}->{$service} . $uri; } else { $url .= $uri; } my $content; if ( $method eq 'POST' || $method eq 'PUT' ) { $content = $formdata; } else { $url .= "?$formdata"; } $self->debug("URL: $url") if $self->{'debug'}; if ( !ref $headers ) { my @lines = split /\r\n/, $headers; $headers = {}; foreach my $line (@lines) { last unless length $line; my ( $key, $value ) = split /:\s*/, $line, 2; next unless length $key; $headers->{$key} ||= []; push @{ $headers->{$key} }, $value; } } if ($self->{'operating_mode'} eq 'accesshash') { my $token_app = ($service eq 'whostmgr') ? 'whm' : $service; $headers->{'Authorization'} = sprintf( '%s %s:%s', $token_app, $self->{'user'}, $self->{'accesshash'}, ); } my $options = { headers => $headers, }; $options->{'content'} = $content if defined $content; my $ua = $self->{'ua'}; while ( ++$attempts < 3 ) { $hassigpipe = 0; my $response = $ua->request( $method, $url, $options ); if ( $response->{'status'} == 599 ) { $self->error("Could not connect to $url: $response->{'content'}"); die $self->{'error'}; #exit eval } if ($hassigpipe) { next; } # http spec says to reconnect my %HEADERS; if ( $self->{'debug'} ) { %HEADERS = %{ $response->{'headers'} }; foreach my $header ( keys %HEADERS ) { $self->debug("HEADER[$header]=[$HEADERS{$header}]"); } if ( exists $HEADERS{'transfer-encoding'} && $HEADERS{'transfer-encoding'} =~ /chunked/i ) { $self->debug("READ TYPE=chunked"); } elsif ( defined $HEADERS{'content-length'} ) { $self->debug("READ TYPE=content-length"); } else { $self->debug("READ TYPE=close"); } } if ( !$response->{'success'} ) { $self->error("Server Error from $remote_server: $response->{'status'} $response->{'reason'}"); } $page = $response->{'content'}; $finished_request = 1; last; } if ( !$finished_request && !$self->{'error'} ) { $self->error("The request could not be completed after the maximum attempts"); } }; if ( $self->{'debug'} && $@ ) { warn $@; } alarm($orig_alarm); # Reset with parent's alarm value return ( $self->{'error'} ? 0 : 1, $self->{'error'}, \$page ); } sub establish_tfa_session { my ( $self, $service, $tfa_token ) = @_; if ( $self->{'operating_mode'} ne 'session' ) { $self->error("2FA-authenticated sessions are not supported when using accesshash keys or API tokens"); die $self->{'error'}; } if ( !( $service && $tfa_token ) ) { $self->error("You must specify the service name, and the 2FA token in order to establish a 2FA-authenticated session"); die $self->{'error'}; } undef $self->{'cookie_jars'}->{$service}; undef $self->{'security_tokens'}->{$service}; return $self->_establish_session( $service, $tfa_token ); } sub _validate_connection_settings { my $self = shift; if ( !$self->{'user'} ) { $self->error("You must specify a user to login as."); die $self->{'error'}; } if ( !$self->{'remote_server'} ) { $self->error("You must set a host to connect to. (missing 'host' and 'ip' parameter)"); die $self->{'error'}; } } sub _update_operating_mode { my $self = shift; if ( exists $self->{'accesshash'} ) { $self->{'accesshash'} =~ s/[\r\n]//g; $self->{'operating_mode'} = 'accesshash'; } elsif ( exists $self->{'pass'} ) { $self->{'operating_mode'} = 'session'; # This is called whenever the pass or accesshash is changed, # so we reset the cookie jars, and tokens on such changes $self->{'cookie_jars'} = { map { $_ => undef } keys %PORT_DB }; $self->{'security_tokens'} = { map { $_ => undef } keys %PORT_DB }; } else { $self->error('You must specify an accesshash, API token, or password'); die $self->{'error'}; } } sub _establish_session { my ( $self, $service, $tfa_token ) = @_; return if $self->{'operating_mode'} ne 'session'; return if $self->{'security_tokens'}->{$service} && $self->{'cookie_jars'}->{$service}; $self->{'cookie_jars'}->{$service} = HTTP::CookieJar->new(); $self->{'ua'}->cookie_jar( $self->{'cookie_jars'}->{$service} ); my $port = $self->_determine_port_for_service($service); my $scheme = $self->{'usessl'} ? "https" : "http"; my $url = "$scheme://$self->{'remote_server'}:$port/login"; my $resp = $self->{'ua'}->post_form( $url, { 'user' => $self->{'user'}, 'pass' => $self->{'pass'}, ( $tfa_token ? ( 'tfa_token' => $tfa_token ) : () ), }, ); if ( my $security_token = ( split /\//, $resp->{'headers'}->{'location'} )[1] ) { $self->{'security_tokens'}->{$service} = $security_token; $self->debug("Established $service session"); return 1; } my $details = $resp->{'reason'}; $details .= " ($resp->{'content'})" if $resp->{'status'} == 599; $self->error("Failed to establish session and parse security token: $resp->{'status'} $details"); die $self->{'error'}; } sub _determine_port_for_service { my ( $self, $service ) = @_; my $port; if ( $self->{'usessl'} ) { $port = $service =~ /^\d+$/ ? $service : $PORT_DB{$service}{'ssl'}; } else { $port = $service =~ /^\d+$/ ? $service : $PORT_DB{$service}{'plaintext'}; } return $port; } sub cpanel_api1_request { my ( $self, $service, $cfg, $formdata, $format ) = @_; my $query_format; if ( defined $format ) { $query_format = $format; } else { $query_format = $CFG{'serializer'}; } $self->_init_serializer() if !exists $cPanel::PublicAPI::CFG{'serializer'}; my $count = 0; if ( ref $formdata eq 'ARRAY' ) { $formdata = { map { ( 'arg-' . $count++ ) => $_ } @{$formdata} }; } foreach my $cfg_item ( keys %{$cfg} ) { $formdata->{ 'cpanel_' . $query_format . 'api_' . $cfg_item } = $cfg->{$cfg_item}; } $formdata->{ 'cpanel_' . $query_format . 'api_apiversion' } = 1; my ( $status, $statusmsg, $data ) = $self->api_request( $service, '/' . $query_format . '-api/cpanel', ( ( scalar keys %$formdata < 10 && _total_form_length( $formdata, 1024 ) < 1024 ) ? 'GET' : 'POST' ), $formdata ); return $self->_parse_returndata( { 'caller' => 'cpanel_api1', 'data' => $data, 'format' => $format, } ); } sub cpanel_api2_request { my ( $self, $service, $cfg, $formdata, $format ) = @_; $self->_init_serializer() if !exists $cPanel::PublicAPI::CFG{'serializer'}; my $query_format; if ( defined $format ) { $query_format = $format; } else { $query_format = $CFG{'serializer'}; } foreach my $cfg_item ( keys %{$cfg} ) { $formdata->{ 'cpanel_' . $query_format . 'api_' . $cfg_item } = $cfg->{$cfg_item}; } $formdata->{ 'cpanel_' . $query_format . 'api_apiversion' } = 2; my ( $status, $statusmsg, $data ) = $self->api_request( $service, '/' . $query_format . '-api/cpanel', ( ( scalar keys %$formdata < 10 && _total_form_length( $formdata, 1024 ) < 1024 ) ? 'GET' : 'POST' ), $formdata ); return $self->_parse_returndata( { 'caller' => 'cpanel_api2', 'data' => $data, 'format' => $format, } ); } sub _parse_returndata { my ( $self, $opts_hr ) = @_; if ( $self->{'error'} ) { die $self->{'error'}; } elsif ( ${ $opts_hr->{'data'} } =~ m/tfa_login_form/ ) { $self->error("Two-Factor Authentication enabled on the account. Establish a session with the security token, or disable 2FA on the account"); die $self->{'error'}; } if ( defined $opts_hr->{'format'} && ( $opts_hr->{'format'} eq 'json' || $opts_hr->{'format'} eq 'xml' ) ) { return ${ $opts_hr->{'data'} }; } else { my $parsed_data; eval { $parsed_data = $CFG{'api_decode_func'}->( ${ $opts_hr->{'data'} } ); }; if ( !ref $parsed_data ) { $self->error("There was an issue with parsing the following response from cPanel or WHM: [data=[${$opts_hr->{'data'}}]]"); die $self->{'error'}; } my $error_check_dt = { 'whm_api' => \&_check_whm_api_errors, 'cpanel_api1' => \&_check_cpanel_api1_errors, 'cpanel_api2' => \&_check_cpanel_api2_errors, }; return $error_check_dt->{ $opts_hr->{'caller'} }->( $self, $opts_hr->{'call'}, $parsed_data ); } } sub _check_whm_api_errors { my ( $self, $call, $parsed_data ) = @_; if ( ( exists $parsed_data->{'error'} && $parsed_data->{'error'} =~ /Unknown App Requested/ ) || # xml-api v0 version ( exists $parsed_data->{'metadata'}->{'reason'} && $parsed_data->{'metadata'}->{'reason'} =~ /Unknown app\s+(?:\(.+\))?\s+requested/ ) # xml-api v1 version ) { $self->error("cPanel::PublicAPI::whm_api was called with the invalid API call of: $call."); return; } return $parsed_data; } sub _check_cpanel_api1_errors { my ( $self, undef, $parsed_data ) = @_; if ( exists $parsed_data->{'event'}->{'reason'} && ( $parsed_data->{'event'}->{'reason'} =~ /failed: Undefined subroutine/ || # pre-11.44 error message $parsed_data->{'event'}->{'reason'} =~ m/failed: Can\'t use string/ # 11.44+ error message ) ) { $self->error( "cPanel::PublicAPI::cpanel_api1_request was called with the invalid API1 call of: " . $parsed_data->{'module'} . '::' . $parsed_data->{'func'} ); return; } return $parsed_data; } sub _check_cpanel_api2_errors { my ( $self, undef, $parsed_data ) = @_; if ( exists $parsed_data->{'cpanelresult'}->{'error'} && $parsed_data->{'cpanelresult'}->{'error'} =~ /Could not find function/ ) { # xml-api v1 version $self->error( "cPanel::PublicAPI::cpanel_api2_request was called with the invalid API2 call of: " . $parsed_data->{'cpanelresult'}->{'module'} . '::' . $parsed_data->{'cpanelresult'}->{'func'} ); return; } return $parsed_data; } sub _total_form_length { my $data = shift; my $max = shift; my $size = 0; foreach my $key ( keys %{$data} ) { return 1024 if ( ( $size += ( length($key) + 2 + length( $data->{$key} ) ) ) >= 1024 ); } return $size; } sub _init_serializer { return if exists $CFG{'serializer'}; my $self = shift; #not required foreach my $serializer ( #module, key (cpanel api uri), deserializer function name [ 'JSON::Syck', 'json', 'Load' ], [ 'JSON', 'json', 'decode_json' ], [ 'JSON::XS', 'json', 'decode_json' ], [ 'JSON::PP', 'json', 'decode_json' ], ) { my $serializer_module = $serializer->[0]; my $serializer_key = $serializer->[1]; eval " require $serializer_module; "; if ( !$@ ) { $self->debug("loaded serializer: $serializer_module") if $self && ref $self && $self->{'debug'}; $CFG{'serializer'} = $CFG{'parser_key'} = $serializer_key; $CFG{'serializer_module'} = $CFG{'parser_module'} = $serializer_module; $CFG{'api_decode_func'} = $serializer_module->can($serializer->[2]); last; } else { $self->debug("Failed to load serializer: $serializer_module: @_") if $self && ref $self && $self->{'debug'}; } } if ($@) { Carp::confess("Unable to find a module capable of deserializing the api response."); } } sub _init { return if exists $CFG{'init'}; my $self = shift; #not required $CFG{'init'} = 1; # moved this over to a pattern to allow easy change of deps foreach my $encoder ( [ 'Cpanel/Encoder/', 'Cpanel::Encoder::URI', 'uri_encode_str' ], [ 'URI/', 'URI::Escape', 'uri_escape' ], ) { my $module_path = $encoder->[0]; my $module = $encoder->[1]; my $funcname = $encoder->[2]; eval { require $module_path; }; if ( !$@ ) { $self->debug("loaded encoder: $module_path") if $self && ref $self && $self->{'debug'}; $CFG{'uri_encoder_func'} = $module->can($funcname); last; } else { $self->debug("failed to load encoder: $module_path") if $self && ref $self && $self->{'debug'}; } } if ($@) { Carp::confess("Unable to find a module capable of encoding api requests."); } } sub error { my ( $self, $msg ) = @_; print { $self->{'error_fh'} } $msg . "\n"; $self->{'error'} = $msg; } sub debug { my ( $self, $msg ) = @_; print { $self->{'error_fh'} } "debug: " . $msg . "\n"; } sub format_http_headers { my ( $self, $headers ) = @_; if ( ref $headers ) { return '' if !scalar keys %{$headers}; return join( "\r\n", map { $_ ? ( $_ . ': ' . $headers->{$_} ) : () } keys %{$headers} ) . "\r\n"; } return $headers; } sub format_http_query { my ( $self, $formdata ) = @_; if ( ref $formdata ) { return join( '&', map { $CFG{'uri_encoder_func'}->($_) . '=' . $CFG{'uri_encoder_func'}->( $formdata->{$_} ) } sort keys %{$formdata} ); } return $formdata; }