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Note for distro maintainers:
When writing sleep hooks, please consider adding any needed hooks to the package
that requires the hooks, rather than pm-utils.
An example would be if you distro wants anacron to run on resume -- the optimal
fix would be to have the anacron package install a hook in
/usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d that wakes anacron up on resume.
This will also help package maintenance by allowing package maintainers to
keep track of what the best way to handle any suspend/resume functionality their
package requires insteas of leaving it up to the pm-utils maintainers to guess
at what functionality is needed.
To make this easier, pm-utils supports pkg-config, which makes it easy for
packages that use automake to detect the presence of pm-utils and the locations
that hooks should be installed in. The pm-utils pkgconfig file exports the
following variables:
pm_libdir: This is the directory that the pm-utils infrastructure is installed
in. /usr/lib/pm-utils is the default value
pm_sysconfdir: This is the directory that any package-specific pm-utils related
config files should be installed in.
Defaults to /etc/pm/config.d
pm_sleephooks: This is the directory that sleep hooks are installed in.
Defaults to ${pm_libdir}/sleep.d
pm_powerhooks: This is the directory that power management hooks are installed
in. Defaults to ${pm_libdir}/power.d
pm_sleepmodules: This is the directory that sleep modules are installed in.
Defaults to ${pm_libdir}/module.d