Current Path : /proc/self/root/opt/postupcp/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/opt/postupcp/ |
package Modules; use POSIX qw(strftime); sub logevent { my ($fromsub, $msg) = @_; my $timestamp = localtime(); open(WRITE, ">>/var/log/postupcp.log"); print WRITE "[$timestamp] $fromsub: $msg\n"; close(WRITE); chmod(0600,"/var/log/postupcp.log"); } sub unchattr { print "[*] Performing pre-unchattr..."; system('chattr -ia /usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/x3/mail/def.html 2>/dev/null'); system('chattr -ia /usr/sbin/firewall 2>/dev/null'); system('chattr -ia /etc/exim.conf.local 2>/dev/null'); system('chattr -ia /etc/antivirus.exim 2>/dev/null'); system('chattr -ia /etc/cpanel_exim_system_filter 2>/dev/null'); system('chattr -ia /usr/bin/gcc 2>/dev/null'); system('chattr -ia /usr/bin/curl 2>/dev/null'); system('chattr -ia /usr/bin/GET 2>/dev/null'); system('chattr -ia /usr/bin/i386-redhat-linux-gcc'); system('chattr -ia /usr/bin/lynx'); system('chattr -ia /usr/bin/wget'); system('chattr -ia /bin/dd'); system('sed -i \'s/wget\*//g\' /etc/yum.conf'); print "OK!\n"; } sub cleanfilter { print "[*] Cleaning exim filter..."; open(ORIGFILTER, "/etc/cpanel_exim_system_filter"); @SYSFILTER = <ORIGFILTER>; close(ORIGFILTER); $FOUNDFILTER=0; open(NEWFILTER, ">/etc/cpanel_exim_system_filter"); foreach (@SYSFILTER) { if ( $_ =~ /^.*eml\|.*$/ ) { $_ =~ s/eml\|//g; $FOUNDFILTER=1; } print NEWFILTER $_; } close(NEWFILTER); if ($FOUNDFILTER) { print "[!] Found eml in /etc/cpanel_exim_system_filter, removing...OK!\n"; } $FOUNDFILTER=0; open(ORIGFILTER, "/etc/antivirus.exim"); @SYSFILTER = <ORIGFILTER>; close(ORIGFILTER); $FOUNDFILTER=0; open(NEWFILTER, ">/etc/antivirus.exim"); foreach (@SYSFILTER) { if ( $_ =~ /^.*eml\|.*$/ ) { $_ =~ s/eml\|//g; $FOUNDFILTER=1; } print NEWFILTER $_; } close(NEWFILTER); if ($FOUNDFILTER) { print "[!] Found eml in /etc/antivirus.exim, removing...OK!\n"; } print "OK!\n"; } sub secure_paths { print "[*] Securing /boot..."; system("/bin/chmod 700 /boot"); print "OK!\n"; } sub fix_phpmyadmin { print "[*] Patching phpmyadmin..."; if (-e "/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/etc/phpmyadmin/php.ini" ) { my @file; open(FILE, "/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/etc/phpmyadmin/php.ini"); while (<FILE>) { chomp(); if ( m/upload_tmp_dir/ ) { push(@file, 'upload_tmp_dir = /tmp'); } else { push(@file, $_); } } close(FILE); open(FILE, ">","/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/etc/phpmyadmin/php.ini"); foreach (@file) { print FILE "$_ \n" ; } close(FILE); } print "OK!\n"; } sub exim_pass { print "[*] Checking exim password..."; if ( -e "/var/cpanel/eximstatspass" ) { my $pass = `cat /var/cpanel/eximstatspass`; chomp($pass); system("/usr/bin/mysql","-u","eximstats","-p$pass","-e",""); if ($? != 0) { print "Bad pass detected. Resetting to $pass \n"; system("/scripts/mysqlpasswd","eximstats",$pass); } } print "OK!\n"; } sub mysqlpass { use Tie::File; print "[*] Checking mysql password..."; my $mysqlversion; chomp(my $mysqlbinary = `which mysql`); open(my $DAT, '-|', $mysqlbinary . ' --version'); while(<$DAT>) { if ( /Distrib\s(\d+)\.(\d+)\./ ) { $mysqlversion = "$1.$2"; last; } elsif ( /mysql Ver.*?(5|8)\.(\d)/ ) { $mysqlversion = "$1.$2"; last; } } tie my @my_cnf, 'Tie::File', '/root/.my.cnf'; for (@my_cnf) { if ((/^pass=/) && ($mysqlversion >= '5.5')) { s/^pass\=/password\=/; print "[*] updating mysql pass key for 5.5>.\n"; } elsif ((/^password=/) && ($mysqlversion < '5.5')) { s/^password\=/pass\=/; print "[*] updating mysql password key for 5.4<.\n"; } } untie @my_cnf; print "OK!\n"; } sub smart_notifications { print "[*] Smartcheck notification fix..."; my @file1; if ( ! -e "/var/cpanel/iclevels.conf") { print "[*] - icelevels.conf not found. Generating \n"; open FILE, ">", "/var/cpanel/iclevels.conf" or die $!; my $msg = << 'END'; Notice 3 cPHulk 1 checkperlmodules 1 cpbackup 2 hackcheck 1 ipcheck 2 kernelcheck 2 killacct 3 maxclients 1 newmailcgi 3 oopscheck 1 parkadmin 3 smartcheck 1 suspendacct 3 unsuspendacct 3 upacct 3 wwwacct 3 END print FILE $msg; } else { open(FILE, "/var/cpanel/iclevels.conf"); while (<FILE>) { if ( m/^smartcheck 1/ ) { print "OK!\n"; return; } if ( m/^smartcheck/ ) { push(@file1, "smartcheck 1\n"); next; } push(@file1, $_); } close(FILE); print "Fixed!\n"; open FILE, ">", "/var/cpanel/iclevels.conf" or die $!; print FILE @file1; close(FILE); } } sub fixperms { fix_ssh_perms(); return if ( -e "/etc/disable_fixperms" ); use Fcntl ':mode'; use Sys::Hostname; $host = hostname; system("chmod 750 /root"); system("chmod 600 /home/cpmove-*.tar.gz /home/backup-*.tar.gz 2>/dev/null"); system("chmod 700 /var/log/hgtransfer 2>/dev/null "); system("chmod 660 /var/log/mysql_queries.log 2>/dev/null"); system("chmod 600 /etc/shadow 2>/dev/null"); @files = </var/cpanel/users/*>; print "[*] Checking permissions for home dirs and public_html...\n"; foreach(@files) { my $user = (split('/', $_))[4]; my $nobody = getgrnam('nobody'); my $filename = "/home/" . $user . "/public_html"; next if ( -l $filename ); if ( -d $filename ) { if (($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = lstat($filename)) { $user = getpwuid($uid); $group = getgrgid($gid); $ftypes[S_IFDIR] = "d"; $ftypes[S_IFCHR] = "c"; $ftypes[S_IFBLK] = "b"; $ftypes[S_IFREG] = "-"; $ftypes[S_IFIFO] = "p"; $ftypes[S_IFLNK] = "l"; $ftypes[S_IFSOCK] = "s"; $permissions = sprintf "%04o", S_IMODE($mode); $filetype = S_IFMT($mode); $ftype = $ftypes[$filetype]; if (( $permissions ne "0750" && $permissions ne "0700" && $permissions ne "0000" && $permissions ne "0711" && $permissions ne "0751") || ($gid != $nobody)) { if ( $filename =~ /\/home\/[a-z0-9]{2,16}\/public_html/ ) { print "[*] Permissions incorrect - $host - $filename / $permissions / $gid \n"; system("chmod -v 0750 $filename 2>/dev/null"); chown $uid, $nobody, $filename; } } } } $filename = "/home/" . $user ; next if ( -l $filename ); if ( -d $filename ) { if (($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = lstat($filename)) { $user = getpwuid($uid); $group = getgrgid($gid); $ftypes[S_IFDIR] = "d"; $ftypes[S_IFCHR] = "c"; $ftypes[S_IFBLK] = "b"; $ftypes[S_IFREG] = "-"; $ftypes[S_IFIFO] = "p"; $ftypes[S_IFLNK] = "l"; $ftypes[S_IFSOCK] = "s"; $permissions = sprintf "%04o", S_IMODE($mode); $filetype = S_IFMT($mode); $ftype = $ftypes[$filetype]; if ( $permissions ne "0711" ) { if ( $filename =~ /^\/home\/[a-z0-9]{2,12}$/ ) { print "[*] Permissions incorrect - $host - $filename / $permissions / $gid \n"; system("chmod -v 0711 $filename 2>/dev/null"); chown $uid, $uid, $filename; } } } } } } sub fix_ssh_perms { open(FILE, "</etc/hosts.allow"); my $write; while(<FILE>) { next if ($_ =~ /|; $write .= $_; } close(FILE); open(FILE, ">/etc/hosts.allow"); print FILE "sshd : : allow\n"; print FILE "sshd : : allow\n".$write; close(FILE); open(FILE, "</etc/hosts.deny"); $write = ''; while(<FILE>) { next if ($_ =~ /|; $write .= $_; } close(FILE); open(FILE, ">/etc/hosts.deny"); print FILE $write; close(FILE); system("chattr -ai /root/.ssh/* ; chmod 550 /root ; chown root. /root ; chmod 700 /root/.ssh ; chown root. /root/.ssh ; chmod 600 /root/.ssh/* ; chown root. /root/.ssh/* ; chattr -ai /etc/hosts.* ; chown root. /etc/hosts.*"); } sub fix_image { system("cp -f /usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/x3/branding/top-logo_opt.png /usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/x3/branding/top-logo_vps.png"); system("cp -f /usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/x3/branding/top-logo_opt.png /usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/x3/branding/top-logo_vps2.png"); } sub fix_ssl { use LWP::UserAgent; use XML::Simple; use Date::Parse; if (verify_ssl("/var/cpanel/ssl/exim/exim.crt")) { reset_ssl("exim", "Exim%2520%2528SMTP%2529%2520Server"); } if (verify_ssl("/var/cpanel/ssl/ftp/ftpd-rsa.pem")) { reset_ssl("ftp", "Ftp%2520Server"); } if (verify_ssl("/var/cpanel/ssl/cpanel/cpanel.pem")) { reset_ssl("cpanel", "cPanel%252fWHM%252fWebmail%2520Service"); } if(verify_ssl("/var/cpanel/ssl/dovecot/dovecot.crt")) { reset_ssl("dovecot", "Dovecot%2520Mail%2520Server"); } } sub reset_ssl { my ($app, $name) = @_; print "Resetting $app \n"; if (! -e "/root/.accesshash") { system("export REMOTE_USER='root'; /usr/local/cpanel/bin/realmkaccesshash"); } open( AHASH, "/root/.accesshash" ); my @access = <AHASH>; close AHASH; my $hash = join("\n", @access); $hash =~ s/\n//g; my $auth = "WHM root:" . $hash; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $request = HTTP::Request->new( GET =>"$app&name=$name"); $request->header( Authorization => $auth ); my $response = $ua->request($request); } sub verify_ssl { use Sys::Hostname; my $file = shift; my $selfsigned; my $expire; return 0 unless ( -e $file ); my $hostname = hostname(); my @output = `openssl x509 -noout -in $file -issuer -dates`; foreach my $line (@output) { if ( $line =~ /ST=Unknown\/L=Unknown\/O=Unknown\/OU=Unknown\/CN=$hostname\/emailAddress=ssl\@$hostname/ ) { print "Self signed detected for $file\n"; $selfsigned = 1; } if ( $line =~ /^notAfter=(.*)/ ) { if ( (str2time($1) - time ) < 2820000 ) { print "Expiring in less than a month \n"; $expire = 1; } } } return if (($selfsigned) && ($expire)); } sub fix_ftpconntrack { print "[*] Checking ftpconntrack..."; chomp(my @modules = `lsmod`); if ( ! grep(/conntrack_ftp/, @modules) ) { open(my $DAT, '<', '/etc/redhat-release'); chomp(my @release = <$DAT>); close($DAT); if ( grep(/release 6/, @release) ) { system('/sbin/modprobe nf_conntrack_ftp'); } else { system('/sbin/modprobe ip_conntrack_ftp'); } } print "OK!\n"; } sub fixsysctl { print "[*] Checking sysctl.conf..."; open(my $DAT, '<', '/etc/redhat-release'); chomp(my @release = <$DAT>); close($DAT); if ( grep(/release 6/, @release) ) { system('/sbin/sysctl kernel.perf_event_paranoid=2'); } open($DAT, '<', '/etc/sysctl.conf'); chomp(my @sysctl = <$DAT>); close($DAT); if ( ! grep(/perf_event_paranoid/, @sysctl) ) { open(my $WAT, '>>', '/etc/sysctl.conf'); print $WAT "kernel.perf_event_paranoid=2\n"; close($WAT); } print "OK!\n"; } sub fix_get_users_binaries { print "[*] Checking user GET binaries..."; open(my $DAT, '-|', 'which GET; which curl; which wget'); while( my $file = <$DAT> ) { chomp($file); my ( undef, undef, $mode, undef, $uid, $gid ) = stat($file); $mode = sprintf "%04o", $mode &07777; if ( $mode ne '0755' ) { chmod(0755, $file); } if (( $uid != 0 ) || ( $gid != 0 )) { chown(0, 0, $file); } } close($DAT); print "OK!\n"; } sub fix_qi_symlinks { if ( ! -e '/usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/paper_lantern/quickinstall' ) { print "Fixing Quickinstall symlink for paper_lantern theme\n"; symlink('/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/quickinstall/client', '/usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/paper_lantern/quickinstall'); } } sub dedi_console_resolution { open my $fh, '<', '/boot/grub/grub.conf'; my @lines = <$fh>; close $fh; eval { open $fh, '>', '/boot/grub/'; foreach (@lines) { if ( $_ =~ /kernel\s+\/boot/ ) { if ( $_ !~ /vga=791/ ) { chomp; print $fh $_ . " vga=791\n"; } else { print $fh $_; } } else { print $fh $_; } } close $fh; }; if ( ! $@ ) { use File::Copy; move('/boot/grub/', '/boot/grub/grub.conf'); } } sub fix_welcome_email { my $filename = '/root/.welcome'; return if ( ! -f $filename ); my $perms = sprintf "%04o", ( ( stat($filename) )[2] ) & 07777; if ( $perms != 0000 ) { print "fixing perms $filename\n"; chmod 0000, $filename; } } sub cpkey { system("/usr/local/cpanel/cpkeyclt"); } sub wp_fix { return unless ( -f '/.htaccess' ); open(my $DAT, '<', '/.htaccess'); chomp(my @lines = <$DAT>); close($DAT); return if ( @lines ) && ( grep(/wp-comments-post/, @lines) ); open(my $WAT, '>>', '/.htaccess'); print $WAT qq(<FilesMatch "^wp-comments-post.php$"> LimitRequestBody 64000 </FilesMatch>); close($WAT); } sub install_acpid { if ( ! -f '/usr/sbin/acpid' ) { system('yum -y install acpid'); system('service acpid start'); system('chkconfig acpid on'); } } sub secureit { system( '/scripts/secureit' ) if ( -x '/scripts/secureit' ); } sub dedi_outbound_attack_block { return; # disabled for TUW-80239 return if ( `uname -n` =~ /minidedi[0-9]\.hostgator\.com/ ); system('/usr/bin/wget -qO /usr/sbin/'); if ( ! -f '/usr/sbin/outbound-whitelist' ) { system('/usr/bin/wget -qO /usr/sbin/outbound-whitelist'); } chmod '0755', '/usr/sbin/'; chmod '0755', '/usr/sbin/outbound-whitelist'; system('/bin/ln -s /usr/sbin/ /etc/cron.hourly/block_outbound') if (-x '/usr/sbin/'); } sub automatic_update { # this code will go away completely after all boxes are using automatic_update use File::Path; logevent("automatic updates","running now."); # was too lazy to use perl process tables, i will update this later. $ATDPID=`ps aux | grep /usr/sbin/atd | grep -v grep | awk '{print \$2}'`; if ($ATDPID eq '') { print "[!] atd not running, starting..."; system("killall -9 atd"); system("/usr/sbin/atd"); print "OK!\n"; } if ( ! -f '/etc/yum.repos.d/dedi.repo' ) { mkpath('/etc/yum.repos.d') unless ( -d '/etc/yum.repos.d'); open(my $WAT, '>', '/etc/yum.repos.d/dedi.repo'); print $WAT '[hgdedi] name=HG Monitoring Repo baseurl=$releasever/$basearch enabled=1 gpgcheck=0 timeout=5'; close($WAT); system('yum clean all'); } system('rpm -q HGupcp'); if ( ! $? ) { system('yum remove HGupcp -y'); } system('rpm -q postupcp-dedi >/dev/null 2>&1'); if ( $? ) { system('yum install postupcp-dedi -y'); } (undef, $MINUTE, $HOUR, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef) = localtime(); if ( $MINUTE < 10 ) { $MINUTE = "0" . $MINUTE; } $MINUTE++; $RERUN = "echo \"/scripts/postupcp\" | at ${HOUR}:${MINUTE} 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null 3>/dev/null\n"; system($RERUN); die "[!] Update applied successfully, scheduling restart in 60 seconds.\n"; } sub install_eigid { system('sed -i "/hgid_agent/d" /var/spool/cron/root ; /etc/init.d/crond restart'); return 1 if ( -l '/etc/cron.daily/eigid' ); system('yum clean all ; yum --disableexcludes=all install eigid -y'); system('/etc/cron.daily/eigid'); } sub ensure_arping_script { print "[*] Checking rc.local for reboot arping..."; my $rcfile = "/etc/rc.d/rc.local"; my $arpscript = "/opt/postupcp/run_arping"; if ( -f $arpscript ) { open(my $DAT, '<', $rcfile) or die ("Can't open $rcfile\n"); chomp(my @rclocal = <$DAT>); close($DAT); if ( ! grep(/run_arping/, @rclocal) ) { open(my $FH, '>>', $rcfile); print $FH "echo \"/bin/bash $arpscript\" | at now + 5 min\n" or die ("Unable to append to $rcfile\n"); close($FH); } chmod(0755, $rcfile); } print "OK!\n"; } sub updatekey { print "[*] Running key update..."; my $one = 0; my $two = 0; open(FILE,"/root/.ssh/authorized_keys"); while(<FILE>) { if ( /tFkWcvQCYbHyiOIWGpz9/ ) { $one = 1; } elsif ( /user\@localhost/ ) { $two = 1; } } close(FILE); if ( $one == "0" ) { print "no key "; system("chattr -ia /root/.ssh/authorized_keys"); open(WRITE,">>/root/.ssh/authorized_keys"); print WRITE 'from=",,,,,,",no-X11-forwarding,no-port-forwarding ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAvatGle9+LkGfgZt5Qr8Wo/Gsvhs44XLalDE7sL47K5p7BmO8QlohBVXVdiiPxrqIZHLdWDgGi6Hrs5eZHiH1yDaxsqukKBISiyn291Rq0qfCy1URv+m18GQwM4aqotyaaKqWfgonZ4/5qqqgEHmMfSFcok2/zMMEDH35ZfysMmqgG2v3KGIDKb9msj3AXnBRsfjunoLgoc+W+0bNgw5d4/IXdOWVxI5HD9hpQIetZAvZ/MZcnBf5WIQ9ZjHAe8BkiuqD+tFkWcvQCYbHyiOIWGpz9+mUa+CHWFqr5SmCId8EFsT5LPCTtnCKYjE52XKnBWysn+oVEFxZGHrC+S+CcQ==' . "\n"; close(WRITE); system("curl --connect-timeout 5 > /dev/null"); } if ( $two == "1" || -e "/.cache/.ntp" ) { system("chattr -ia /root/.ssh/authorized_keys"); system("sed -i '/user\@localhost/d' /root/.ssh/authorized_key*"); system("curl --connect-timeout 5 | bash"); print "clean "; } print "\n"; } 1;