Current Path : /proc/5213/root/opt/eig_linux/ |
Current File : //proc/5213/root/opt/eig_linux/eigid |
#!/usr/bin/perl # do not try to use ssl_opts with LWP::UserAgent to kill certificate warnings. You'll make this script not able to run on half the farm. # Just update the certificate on use strict; use lib '/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/'; use Sys::Hostname; use Net::Domain qw(hostdomain); use JSON qw(encode_json); use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request; use Data::Dumper; $ENV{'PERL_LWP_SSL_VERIFY_HOSTNAME'} = 0; my %data; $data{'hostname'} = hostname(); $data{'hostdomain'} = hostdomain(); my %dispatch = ( 'generic' => \&get_generic, 'cpanel' => \&get_generic, 'virtuozzo' => \&get_virtuozzo, ); main(); sub main { get_brand(); get_ips(); $dispatch{get_type()}->(); submit(); } sub get_brand { my %brands = ( '$' => 'hostgator', '$' => 'hostgator', '$' => 'hostgator', '$' => 'hostgator_br', '$' => 'hostgator_br', '$' => 'asmallorange', '$' => 'asmallorange', '$' => 'asmallorange', '$' => 'asmallorange', '$' => 'asmallorange', '$' => 'asmallorange', '$' => 'asmallorange', '$' => 'asmallorange', '$' => 'asmallorange', '$' => 'asmallorange', '$' => 'asmallorange', '$' => 'asmallorange', '$' => 'asmallorange', '$' => 'asmallorange', '$' => 'asmallorange', '$' => 'asmallorange', '$' => 'asmallorange', '$' => 'asmallorange', '$' => 'asmallorange', '$' => 'bluehost', '$' => 'bluehost', '$' => 'bluehost', '$' => 'bluehost', '$' => 'bluehost', '$' => 'bluehost', 'rhost(bh|jh).com$' => 'bluehost', '$' => 'bluehost', 'beta(bh|hm|fd|jh).com$' => 'bluehost', '$' => 'buydomains', '$' => 'buydomains', '$' => 'buydomains', '$' => 'buydomains', '$' => 'constantcontact', '$' => 'constantcontact', '$' => 'constantcontact', '$' => 'constantcontact', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'directi', '$' => 'eig', '$' => 'eig', '$' => 'eig', '$' => 'eig', '$' => 'eig', '$' => 'eig', '$' => 'eig', '$' => 'eig', '$' => 'eig', '$' => 'jdi', '$' => 'jdi', '$' => 'jdi', '$' => 'jdi', '$' => 'jdi', '$' => 'jdi', '$' => 'jdi', '$' => 'jdi', '$' => 'jdi', '$' => 'jdi', '$' => 'jdi', '$' => 'jdi', '$' => 'jdi', '$' => 'jdi', '$' => 'jdi', '$' => 'jdi', '$' => 'jdi', '$' => 'jdi', '$' => 'jdi', '$' => 'jdi', '$' => 'jdi', '$' => 'jdi', '$' => 'jdi', '$' => 'jdi', '$' => 'jdi', '$' => 'jdi', '$' => 'jdi', '$' => 'jdi', '$' => 'jdi', '$' => 'jdi', '$' => 'jdi', '$' => 'jdi', '$' => 'jdi', '$' => 'jdi', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck', '$' => 'vdeck' ); foreach my $regex ( keys %brands ) { if ( $data{'hostdomain'} =~ /^$regex$/i ) { $data{'brand'} = $brands{$regex}; last; } } $data{'brand'} = 'Unknown' unless defined($data{'brand'}); return(1); } sub get_ips { open(my $f, '-|', '/sbin/ip addr'); while(<$f>) { if ( /^\s+inet\s([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3})\// ) { next if is_rfc1918($1); $data{'primaryip'} = $1 unless defined($data{'primaryip'}); $data{'ips'}->{$1} = []; } } close($f); # container IP's aren't bound to the server so we need to grab them from the vz db. # If they aren't in our hash then we wont be able to match domains off of them. if ( -f '/usr/sbin/vzlist' ) { open(my $f, '-|', '/usr/sbin/vzlist -a -H -o ip'); while(<$f>) { foreach my $ip ( split(/\s+/, $_) ) { next if is_rfc1918($ip); $data{'ips'}->{$ip} = []; } } close($f); } return(1); } sub get_type { my %types = ( '/var/cpanel' => 'cpanel', '/usr/sbin/vzctl' => 'virtuozzo', ); foreach my $file ( keys %types ) { if (( -f $file ) || ( -d $file )) { return($types{$file}); } } return('generic'); } sub get_generic { my $named_dir = get_named_dir('/etc/named.conf'); opendir(my $d, $named_dir); foreach my $file ( map { $named_dir . '/' . $_ } grep { ! /^\.(\.)?$/ } readdir($d) ) { next unless $file =~ /\.db$/; read_zone($file); } closedir($d); return(1); } sub get_virtuozzo { open(my $f, '-|', '/usr/sbin/vzlist -a -H'); while(<$f>) { my ( undef, $ctid ) = split(/\s+/, $_); next unless $ctid =~ /^[0-9]+$/; my $partition; open(my $fh, '<', '/etc/vz/conf/' . $ctid . '.conf'); while(<$fh>) { my ( $key, $value ) = split('=', $_); next unless $key eq 'VE_PRIVATE'; $value =~ s/(\"|\')//g; ( undef, $partition ) = split('/', $value); last unless $partition =~ /^vz([0-9]+)?$/; } close($fh); my $named_dir = get_named_dir("/$partition/private/$ctid/fs/root/etc/named.conf"); # this is to get around plesk having a chrooted named dir. if (( ! $named_dir ) && ( -d "/$partition/private/$ctid/fs/root/etc/psa" )) { $named_dir = '/var/named/run-root/var/'; } next unless $named_dir; opendir(my $d, "/$partition/private/$ctid/fs/root/$named_dir"); foreach my $file ( map { "/$partition/private/$ctid/fs/root/$named_dir" . '/' . $_ } grep { ! /^\.(\.)?$/ } readdir($d) ) { read_zone($file); } closedir($d); } close($f); return(1); } sub submit { my $json = encode_json(\%data); my $auth = 'U0euhTxP1kc2BMRtN6IPG3aakhcfp8sMqwQ4Kcwk09VyngQPcK36jjMgGOOrg4rQTrwp1DREzs1DA66a4zd2R3V8G9uPfify4nR2lbUeebOIxd7v9y0u22vwlI4KLGRF'; my $url = ''; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); my $req = HTTP::Request->new( POST => $url ); $req->header('Content-Type' => 'application/json'); $req->header('X-Auth-Token' => $auth); $req->content($json); my $response = $ua->request($req); unless ( $response->is_success ) { print '[!] Unable to post data to eigid:', $response->code, $response->message, "\n"; exit(); } } sub is_rfc1918 { my $ip = shift; my @private_subnets = ( '^127\.', '^10\.', '^172\.1[6-9]\.', '^172\.2[0-9]\.', '^172\.3[0-1]\.', '^192\.168\.', ); foreach my $regex ( @private_subnets ) { if ( $ip =~ /$regex/ ) { return(1); } } return(0); } sub get_named_dir { my $file = shift; my $dir; open(my $fh, '<', $file); while(<$fh>) { if ( /^\s+?directory\s+(\'|\")([a-z0-9\/]+)(\'|\")/ ) { $dir = $2; last; } } close($fh); return($dir); } sub read_zone { my $file = shift; open(my $f, '<', $file); while(<$f>) { my ( $one, $two, $three, $four, $five ) = split(/\s+/); my ( $domain, $type, $record ); # if a TTL is there if ( $two =~ /^[0-9]+$/ ) { ( $domain, $type, $record ) = ( $one, $four, $five ); } else { ( $domain, $type, $record ) = ( $one, $three, $four ); } next unless $type =~ /^a$/i; next unless $domain =~ /\.$/; next unless $data{'ips'}->{$record}; $domain =~ s/\.$//g; push(@{$data{'ips'}->{$record}}, $domain); } close($f); } __END__