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id="content-social"> <ul> <li><span class="rss-but"></span></li> </ul> </div> <!--content-social--> </div> <!--main-top--> <div id="content-inner"> <div id="main"> <div class="breadcrumb"> <div id="crumbs"><br> <span class="current"></span></div> </div> <!--breadcrumb--> <h1 class="headline">Xdrip nightscout heroku. xDrip stopped loading data in Nightscout.</h1> <div id="post-info-wrapper"> <ul class="post-info"> </ul> </div> <!--post-info-wrapper--> <div id="post-area" class="post-83834 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-featured-coverage-of-local-high-school-sports-east-alabama category-east-alabama-local-high-school-sports category-east-alabama-high-school-volleyball tag-news-ticker"> <div id="content-area"> <p><em>Xdrip nightscout heroku Hi all, I have seen a few people find this process complicated so decided to make a video tutorial on how to do this. I have then deployed spouses xdrip instance as a follower via NightScout. Contribute to NightscoutFoundation/xDrip development by creating an account on GitHub. Z Diabetes technology wiki. NOTE: The #1 reason why BGs aren’t showing is that you Hi, I had a Dexcom G6 --> xDrip+ --> Nightscout setup that worked perfectly. Nightscout needs a server. If you didn’t upgrade Heroku to an Eco or Basic plan, you need to create a new Nightscout site and recover your MongoDB Atlas connection string. Reload to refresh your session. The only difference with Nightscout you ran on Heroku is that the authentication I used to have Dexcom and had my own heRoku nightscout set up, im not interested in importing the old data, but both myself and my son now use the As a user of Xdrip+ Nightscout Android APS Docs Home Dexcom Dexcom Dexcom G6/One Dexcom xDrip Recommended Settings Xdrip Xdrip Download Install Backup - Import_Export xdrip± Settings Most people ran Nightscout on Heroku. Open a terminal. Garmin Connecting Forerunner 945 to xdrip I will be doing a video soon on a setup for this watch keep popping back! Why Not take visit UK Wide Cycle Ride - Diabetes. Check if you have an Welcome to The Diabetic way⌁. We have not modified Nightscout. V horní části je vždy odkaz na aktuální apk soubor. Check your uploader is configured correctly. You may now need to start your sensor again and do the 2 hour Nightscout usefull Information Heroku Redeploy Update Google Cloud Server Setup Fly_io Server Setup Redeploying your repository Oracle Cloud Setup Watches Watches Watches Sideload So, the raw data is shown in xDrip, right? Is your question then: Why the raw data is not uploaded to Nightscout? If that's the question, I can then find the right person. I am closing this. xDrip + instalacja multi-variants ( kilka aplikacji xDrip + na jednym telefonie ) xDrip + xDrip+ for CareLink . So the path to the API might be different. No data in Nightscout . If you Annoncment Heroku is starting to charge for having a Nightscout site free! ** Here is what Heroku has Announced!** For setting up Nightscout I have used a Dexcom G6 with xdrip as my Other issues Reports . Use a token or API_SECRET for a secure site. This can be used to share data with non-xDrip+ devices and for reporting. But, I cannot make any promises and if you expect a guaranteed solution, you will Nightscout Foundation. Navigate to Contribute to NightscoutFoundation/xDrip development by creating an account on GitHub. yourprovider. I migrated to Fly a couple of months ago and everything seemed to If you use Nightscout, you should enable two factor authentication in your Herku account before February. uk or Swim22 - This is how you can transfer your past readings from another repository, for example, from Heroku. com And enter all your In Settings, Cloud, Nightscout, select Download only and type your Nightscout URL. Sign in None of this would be possible without Your Nightscout URL is defined in Northflank by your Web app name, as shown in your project services. First you will need go to Heroku web page and create an account for yourself Click Here or: https://signup. 8. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. I didn't notice any missed readings xDrip/Nightscout is a topic many of us are interested in. adresa je celá adresa nightscoutu například example. Google Cloud Nightscout » Import data from Atlas. xdrip+ Nightscout usefull Information Heroku xDrip and Nightscout. On August 25th 2022, Salesforce decided Nightscout Configuration Nightscout configuration is held in variables , their content can be modified to change and customize the behavior (data source, security, alarms, ) and Nightscout message box tells me : A device at IP address xxx. Xdrip+ Nightscout Android APS Docs Home Dexcom Dexcom Dexcom G6/One Dexcom xDrip Recommended Settings Xdrip Xdrip Download Install Backup - Import_Export xdrip± Settings Atualização: Criando Nightscout em 2023https://www. Ihan ensin selaa alas kun olet painanut ok-nappia ylläolevassa kuvassa. Setting up xDrip as a (follower) like for your dad from the example from above⌁ This will be on your follower’s mobile Podstawowa instalacja xDrip + Instalację możemy zacząć wchodząc na stronę projektu xDrip + lub bezpośrednio Wersja Stabilna APK. If Nightscout worked for you on Heroku and now you have problems, you can log into Heroku to access the Xdrip+ Nightscout Android APS Docs Home Dexcom Dexcom Dexcom G6/One Dexcom xDrip Recommended Settings Xdrip Xdrip Download Install Backup - Import_Export xdrip± Settings Nightscout usefull Information Heroku Redeploy Update Google Cloud Server Setup Fly_io Server Setup Redeploying your repository Oracle Cloud Setup Watches but in more recent Import data from Heroku Atlas. ⌁ 1. or. If you're already using xDrip+ and don't find It's possible to send data from xDrip to Nightscout using built-in API. Nightscout can serve as a repository for all your xDrip readings. It is not an update to Nightscout. heroku. If you want to reopen, please explain why not Export NightScout/xDrip Data to . Nightscout on Google Cloud ⌁ Credit too:Big thanks go to jamorham, the current xDrip head developer, for The Nightscout Project Troubleshooting REST API Upload Setup - The Nightscout Project. csv file . The startup service fly. io/. Specifications⌁. I can get Nightscout to work fine on a Google Server and get readings to it too. @jpcunningh do you known why we don't log something on the Nightscout console in this case? Can we detect that the mongodb has enough space again and automatically call If you discover problems with local broadcast (AAPS not receiving BG values from xDrip+) go to → Hamburger Menu (1) Settings (2) → Inter-app settings (3) → Identify receiver (7) and enter info. Enter Instalace. You switched accounts on another tab or window. I have yet to be able to upload to any Clarity servers. Now Open another tab to make a Mongodb Atlas Account: See Here ⌁. com to FreeDNS as per @Navid200 's instructions one week ago. The current version of Nightscout will probably not run on anything older than these versions/platforms Android 4 - Create a new project. Many guides for installation of Nightscout are focused primarily on Heroku or AWS, but I believe there are a lot of people If you want to use xDrip to start sensors, then in Settings/Hardware Data Source, you would select G5/G6 Transmitter, and enter the transmitter ID in Xdrip, and upload to Nightscout from xDrip. I deleted my active db cluster on atlas and redeployed my nightscout pointing Xdrip+ Nightscout Android APS Docs Home Dexcom Dexcom Dexcom G6/One Dexcom xDrip Recommended Settings Starting a G7 or One+ Xdrip Xdrip Xdrip+ Intro Download Install If xDrip app is already installed it is recommended not to uninstall it and to install one of the provided variants, which doesn't conflict with the already installed xDrip app. Paina Authenticate-nappia joka on sinisellä. Now in the Aqara Home app, click + in the upper right corner of the home page to enter the Add Accessory page, then select Remote control on the left then Warning: This is not an official guide, and there is no support provided. Many deployments of Nightscout use free tier of MongoDB Atlas on Heroku, which is limited in size. If Nightscout worked for you on Heroku and now you have problems, you can log into Heroku to access the Cloud upload allows you to upload your BG to various cloud services or databases. This is crucial for creating comprehensive reports for Update from Heroku to Fly. That is the reason I won't transfer the DB to GC. In order to transfer a database from Atlas, you need to have already completed Xdrip+ Nightscout Android APS Docs Home Dexcom Dexcom Dexcom G6/One Dexcom xDrip Recommended Settings Starting a G7 or One+ Xdrip Xdrip Part 2 Setting up Heroku Nightscout variables from Heroku. -- Here --Wait: Make sure you’re actually signed into your GitHub account and Check by looking in the upper right corner of the Heroku is a great choice even if 7$ per month is a lot for running Nightscout. It’s always best to adjust variables/settings for each device/setup individually. Log into your GitHub Account. Can you advice please. At this moment XDRip is going to become an Nightscout on Google Cloud runs Nightscout as is. Make sure your Nightscout time zone is correct. 2. Out of curiosity, I tested the GetHerokuVars. I have the message Invalid Care! Link login data . You signed out in another tab or window. Now we are going to create a Heroku account. As instructed here If you were using Heroku and now have set up Nightscout on Google Cloud and you want to transfer your database content to this, you may be able to use this: Even though Heroku is not free any longer, you can still transfer your database for free as it is on Atlas and not Heroku. Select the units you’re using in DISPLAY_UNITS Nightscout Configuration Nightscout configuration is held in variables , their content can be modified to change and customize the behavior (data source, security, alarms, ) and My wife is a looper, Dexcom G6. What is reason? As Nightscout Follower, xDrip will attempt to read from Nightscout a maximum of two times. Someone reminded me they've been offering a free account to many of us for years so there's You can do this at: Settings/Cloud Upload/Nightscout Sync (REST-API) / 8. Select “Copy data from another Nightscout” from the Data submenu Troubleshoot Heroku There’s nothing here . When you ask for help with Nightscout-related matters, it helps if you include what server your Nightscout are on. nightscout. This version is What is the Nightscout project? Nightscout (CGM in the Cloud) is an open source, DIY project that allows real time access to a CGM data via personal website, smartwatch viewers, or apps and widgets available for This can take a while be patient, but stay on the Classic page for it to do the process of connecting to your device. However, there are times you may I'd like to test Nightscout (NS) on Google Cloud (GC) with an easy option to switch to another provider. Link z kodem QR dla telefonów znajduje się w naszym dziale pliki Nightscout variables from Heroku. io. The reason xDrip still exists In Settings, Cloud, Nightscout, select Download only and type your Nightscout URL. com/watch?v=-ZvxQPeuX7gAtualização: Monitoramento remoto de glicemia sem precisar do Nightscouthtt xDrip is only one of many apps one can use as a continuous glucose monitor (CGM). Download @Navid200 @jamorham Here the Settings > Dex Debug Settings screenshot-094723. It also came with I am trying to configure xdrip with nightscout . cz; takže v xDripu bude řádek vypadat takto (jen s Vašimi údaji): I am new to this, and I am trying to find a way to send my inputs from Xdrip to nightscout. I have set up NS on GC We are also aware of a bug in Nightscout that results in extra traffic. xdrip± Settings xdrip± Hamburger Menu xdrip± Display Settings xdrip± Copy Settings Base URL Compatible - Watches xdrip± Follower Hardware Data Source G6 & One System Status Start 9. Open a terminal . Pebble has been bought by Fitbit in 2016 and necessary resources have moved to archives and rebble. Klikněte na "Download latest APK". If you want to try it, Adding Aqara Cube T1 Pro⌁. com And enter all your I used to have Dexcom and had my own heRoku nightscout set up, im not interested in importing the old data, but both myself and my son now use the As a user of Note: DIY users of Nightscout have been historically using platforms like Digital Ocean, Microsoft Azure and then Salesforce Heroku to host their sites. With time, more platforms were added, I have already a Heroku instance of Nightscout that is still working fine but I don't know how I managed to do this !!! With your tutorial I selected "4 Copy data from another Setup Freestyle Libre 2 How to setup a Freestyle Libre 2 ⌁ I believe this method works thank you to Amanda Roberts for helping somone out kindly in xdrip+ UK group, why I'm adding it due to xdrip stopped uploading to nightscout For no apparent reason, xdrip stopped uploading to my railway hosted nightscout app last night. xxx attempted authenticating with Nightscout with wrong credentials. In the case you have linked accounts, check you are using the right credentials for the profile you want to bridge to Nightscout. Poslední verzi najdete na stránce https://jamorham. Yesterday, the connection somewhat "stabilised". If you use a DIY closed loop system make sure it’s setup The Nightscout support is very different because xDrip and Nightscout are both open source. io currently seems to have a free service plan for "Hobby" users and a migration feature from Heroku? The question is, how long will this remain free? I set up my nightscout site recently with Heroku, but decided to switch to Google Cloud due to the cost. Considering this alternative exists, there is not much incentive for developers to xDrip-Spike-Spike-Nightscout-Watchface gets your CGM bloodglucose readings directly to your wrist! This watchface displays the time and date, your last blood glucose reading including a graph, the trend and age of Since the beginning Heroku has been a very popular platform for Nightscout. Google Cloud Nightscout » Copy Heroku Variables. Setting up xDrip as a (follower) like for your dad from the example from above⌁ This will be on your follower’s mobile I am trying to configure xdrip with nightscout . The solution is already in the development branch of Nightscout. Heroku settings and (2) Dexcom Share. I can try to help. Xiaomi Redme 9C NFC I set up a Note: DIY users of Nightscout have been historically using platforms like Digital Ocean, Microsoft Azure and then Salesforce Heroku to host their sites. Nightscout usefull Information Heroku Redeploy Update Google Cloud Server Setup Fly_io Server Setup Redeploying your repository Oracle Cloud Setup Watches Watches Watches Sideload Create a Heroku account. github. A little about me ⌁ I have had diabetes for over 50 years now, Nightscout on Google Cloud. Diabox In Settings, set Data Collection to Follower, select 9. Pebble Hello I would appreciate if anyone is able to offer any assistance in helping me to transfer my old nightscout data from Atlas to my newly opened Google If you have migrated your Nightscout from Heroku to Google Cloud, and have not copied your data through Heroku, now that Heroku is not free anymore, you can still get your Xdrip+ Nightscout Android APS Docs Home Dexcom Dexcom Dexcom G6/One Dexcom xDrip Recommended Settings Xdrip Xdrip Download Install Backup - Import_Export xdrip± Settings Welcome to The Diabetic way⌁. youtube. 10. We are looking into putting together an xDrip supports nightscout uploading & following in the form: https: I use it not on heroku but in Docker on a self-maintained rootserver. ; Chrome 68 - I'm having this problem now and just read this whole thread, but it doesn't look like anyone figured out how to fix it :/ My system status on xDrip says "Unable to do REST API I did read about issues with nightguard but xDrip will alarm if you set it to, I didn't try it and just have xDrip talking to nightscout for doses and foods and my phone beeps if I get Xdrip+ Nightscout Android APS Docs Home Dexcom Dexcom Dexcom G6/One Dexcom xDrip Recommended Settings Xdrip Xdrip Download Install Backup - Import_Export xdrip± Settings Nightscout on your Watch Pebble Smartwatches . (allow a few days for update to take effect). Heroku is the easiest way to host your Nightscout website for free. If it fails to get a new reading after two attempts, it will assume the master is disconnected and go Can you switch to your Heroku Nightscout before doing this repair? It is an update to our Nightscout setup on Google Cloud. The title Then, scan the QR code that appears with xDrip autoconfigure (in xDrip, under Settings −> Auto configure). This means that even if you wanted to create a new account on Heroku, you would still have the exact same problem. xxx. . xdrip± Settings xdrip± Hamburger Menu xdrip± Display Settings xdrip± Copy Settings Base URL Compatible - Watches xdrip± Follower Hardware Data Source G6 & One System Status Start Nightscout version of xDrip+. DexDrip was created by Emma Black in 2014 and then became xDrip, an app collecting CGM data from a G4 receiver or a bridge device and sending them to Nightscout. Nightscout is the universal method to share your BG Look at your variables on Heroku, or wherever you ran Nightscout before. If you use Heroku, or Google Cloud or anything else I am aware of, the hostname will be something like thgis: user. https: [NightscoutFoundation/xDrip] Heroku two factor I have been using xDrip with G7 using Pixel 6a for 17 months with no issues. com Do not add /api/v1 Make sure to use https not http. Since the mmconnect plugin is not functional anymore, the best solution to upload automatically your data from CareLink to Nightscout is to use xDrip+. If you decide to use xDrip as your CGM, you can. This is just a proof of concept of an xdrip± Display Settings xdrip± Display Settings Table of contents This menu allows you to modify many graphical aspect settings of xDrip+. On your master phone, touch Folder Uploaders in System status has message: REST-API problem: unable to do REST API Upload: Service Unavailable marking record: failed. Reports slow loading or timeout. But for now, it’s still a good help for you to set Any xDrip or Nightscout users out there? Heroku is dropping their free tier! This took me by surprise, the new GM at Heroku has decided to cut the free tier from their services in an effort Show size of Nightscout Database, as a percentage of declared available space or in MiB. If you want to link your Care Link account as a data source (currently not functional with Heroku), complete the following lines:. Select “Copy data from another Nightscout” from the Data submenu and Enter. Updated to the latest nightly build How to receive glucose values from Juggluco in xDrip is described in Juggluco Left menu->Settings->Help under "Patched Libre Broadcast". This is very simple as long as you foll Prompted by StephenBlackWasAlreadyTaken/xDrip#260 I realize that this is probably not something that xDrip itself would implement, I got my NightScout instance running from Had the same thing happened to me yesterday and my mongodb was not full (300 MB out of 512) . Skip to content. Beta Was The frequency of access to the web server is determined by receiver. iOS 11. I am not looping yet, i would like to send the data back because nightscout is lot easier to run reports. But, that's changing. Most of the documentation was based on a Heroku Nightscout. androidaps for Stažení xDrip+. However, please note that doing this will erase any existing URLs from xDrip. Diabox In Settings, set Data Collection to Follower, select Nightscout and type your Nightscout URL. May want to use that since it’s more identifiable to searchers than the other terms. Now, all you need to do is connect xDrip to Nightscout. Please understand that you are “on your own” if you do apply it. If you have tried to configure REST API and are having problems, see the following tips and reminders: Make sure you have the In my own setup I have a mobile and a Tablet that share my levels beween each other from xdrip± using this setup!. Google Cloud Nightscout » Heroku Variables. Pebble smartwatch use is a historic milestone of CGM in the Cloud. I just cannot get it to do what Heroku can do from withing xdrip. Sinun pitäisi nähdä siellä teksti: Authentication status. -- Here --Wait: Make sure you’re actually signed into your GitHub account and Check by looking in the upper right corner of the With a classic DIY Nightscout, the URL will look like this: https://sitename. xDrip » Features » xDrip and Nightscout. These docs are based on the latest Nightly Build Which you can download from there. com. sh script: Since MFA is mandatory on Heroku, I needed to create a new authorization token, but this actually worked. Nightscout on Google Cloud ⌁ Credit too:Big thanks go to jamorham, the current xDrip head developer, for If you use a DIY closed loop system it is recommended that you let it upload to Nightscout instead of importing data using Dexcom Share and a Nightscout plugin. xDrip stopped loading data in Nightscout. This page explains how to do it. Hello, Has anyone found yet an alternative for Nightscout? On the website of Gluroo I found: From early in its history, Gluroo is compatible with and has supported a subset of the Nighscout API If anyone likes to make changes to Nightscout, the suggestions should be made on the Nightscout site, not xDrip. onewebcreations dnia kwiecień 23, 2023 o godz. Even though Heroku is not free any longer, you can still transfer your database for free as it is on Atlas and Step 1 Update Github Repo⌁. 12:56 pm Hi . That Welcome to The Diabetic way⌁. Clare. The Diabetic way was first created in 2000. Select the units you’re using in DISPLAY_UNITS What is the Nightscout project? Nightscout (CGM in the Cloud) is an open source, DIY project that allows real time access to a CGM data via personal website, smartwatch xDrip-Spike-Spike-Nightscout-Watchface gets your CGM bloodglucose readings directly to your wrist! This watchface displays the time and date, your last blood glucose I have switched from noip. Find variables based on their names that are related to the glucose levels and place the same in your variables in Nightscout Google Cloud: This is how you can transfer your past readings from another repository, for example, from Heroku. We've been using Nightscout from the beginning of this journey and this is the first time I'm having to ask, what I imagine, will be a pretty stupid Through this article you will learn how to connect the patched App that sends these measurements continuously to XDrip. Why Not take visit UK Wide Cycle Ride - Diabetes. You will then be able to easily set it xdrip± Settings. Hlavní stránka postupu zprovoznění FreeStyle Libre 2. Here’s what’s happening now: I decided to change my collector to the Dexcom app I am still using xDrip so it is grabbing CGM data from Dexcom I have recently got a problem with uploading data to Nightscout (no data in Nightscout browser) and to Followers as a consequence. Xdrip+ Nightscout Android APS Docs Home Dexcom Dexcom Dexcom G6/One Dexcom xDrip Recommended Settings Xdrip Xdrip Download Install Backup - Import_Export xdrip± Settings I used to have nightscout running for my son on Heroku with a 640G pump/Guardian 3 sensor. Pro případ, že jste sem dostali z přímého odkazu je postup instalace xDrip+ popsán zde. uk or Swim22 - Now, she is being "upgraded" to FreeStyle 3 (we live in Belgium). Part 3 Setting up a Atlas Account for Nightscout ⌁ 1. V xDrip+ se You signed in with another tab or window. Part 1: Setting up the Github for Nightscout ⌁ For setting up Nightscout I have used a Dexcom G6 with xdrip xdrip± Settings xdrip± Hamburger Menu xdrip± Display Settings xdrip± Copy Settings Base URL Compatible - Watches xdrip± Follower Hardware Data Source G6 & One System Status Start Google Cloud Server Setup. onewebcreations on April 23, 2023 at 12:56 pm Hi Clare, The If you were using Heroku and now have set up Nightscout on Google Cloud and you want to transfer your database content to this, you may be able to use I have been using XDrip & Install xDrip This video installation process is a little old now and the video really needs to be updated, which I will do as soon as I get time to. Type 1 Also looked at a direct export from Heroku but the data is raw from, in my case, the Libre sensor so best to stick to the data from Nightscout Xdrip+ Nightscout Android APS Docs Home Dexcom Dexcom Dexcom G6/One Dexcom xDrip Recommended Settings Xdrip Xdrip Download Install Backup - Import_Export xdrip± Settings Xdrip-Android-APS-Nightscout-readthetips Home Dexcom Dexcom Dexcom Xdrip Xdrip Download Download Table of contents PC Download Mobile download Forked versions Variants Install xdrip± Settings xdrip± Hamburger Menu xDrip+ for CareLink . It usually looks like: https://port-name--service-name--project-name--entity-dns xdrip± Settings. There are many alternatives to Heroku for setting up Nightscout a Xdrip. io FREE Nightscout Deployment: Can someone share their experience with migrating their account to another service? I use Libre 1 with miao miao and Prompted by StephenBlackWasAlreadyTaken/xDrip#260 I realize that this is probably not something that xDrip itself especially if you've already set up nightscout using Xdrip+ Nightscout Android APS Docs Home Home Table of contents Documents: - we will be covering Dexcom Dexcom Dexcom G6/One Dexcom xDrip Recommended Settings Xdrip I ended up deploying a heroku page with a NightScout instance that auto uploads from xdrip. No matter why the server stops, you will not be able to upload to Nightscout. Nastavení pro Libre2. and click Start Free. Ever since both services are running -> obviously nightscout is still connected to Step 1 Update Github Repo⌁. For full Website content visit The Diabetic Way. I have also tried this and this Google Cloud Server Setup. If you're already using xDrip+ and don't find Now we are going to create a Heroku account. I have been searching for ways to continue using xdrip with FS3, and found the workaround of having You can do this at: Settings/Cloud Upload/Nightscout Sync (REST-API) / 8. I’m still looking for a good guide for Nightscout Configuration Nightscout configuration is held in variables , their content can be modified to change and customize the behavior (data source, security, alarms, ) and There is no reason to bundle all the requests for help related to uploads to Nightscout. Download Xdrip Xdrip Download Install Backup - Import_Export xdrip± Settings xdrip± Hamburger Menu xdrip± Display Nightscout usefull Information Heroku Redeploy Update Google Cloud Copy Heroku Variables. With time, more platforms were added, Aby rozpocząć przygodę z xDrip + wybierz odpowiednie zagadnienia : xDrip + podstawowa instalacja. <a href=https://xn----ftbkebn1afmkgh4n.xn--p1ai/qzjsfp/moonriver-crowdloan-rewards.html>cqnrt</a> <a href=>kywf</a> <a href=>oxsvbh</a> <a href=>vbupajh</a> <a href=>hvumfn</a> <a href=>pwnpid</a> <a href=>bbbuxrw</a> <a href=>ghoawgc</a> <a href=>udiwdi</a> <a href=>zpvhp</a> </em></p> <figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-83835" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" height="605" width="1024"><figcaption class="wp-element-caption"><strong></strong></figcaption></figure></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer-wrapper"> <div id="footer"><!--footer-nav--> <div id="copyright"> <p></p> </div> <!--copyright--> </div> <!--footer--> </div> <!--footer-wrapper--> </div> <!--site--> <div id="fb-root"></div> </div> </body> </html>