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On March 19, Troy police .</h1> <div id="post-info-wrapper"> <ul class="post-info"> </ul> </div> <!--post-info-wrapper--> <div id="post-area" class="post-83834 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-featured-coverage-of-local-high-school-sports-east-alabama category-east-alabama-local-high-school-sports category-east-alabama-high-school-volleyball tag-news-ticker"> <div id="content-area"> <p><em>Troy ny police news View Talkgroup Category Details Mode Alpha Tag Description Tag; 4102: 1006: DE: Troy PD Dispatch: Dispatch: Law Dispatch: Fire . The police department says the teen faces charges TROY, NY (WRGB) — A woman is recovering after authorities in Troy said she was stabbed and left with serious injuries Saturday night. News Flash. On September 20, 2024, at about 10:55 a. Albany, Troy, Schenectady, Saratoga news, weather, sports, and New York Capitol coverage TROY, N. Police responded to a report of an unruly juvenile near the 1100 block of Arbor Lane. Monday On October 23, 2024, State Police of Brunswick arrested Kimberly A. Troy City Police Sub Station. : TROY, N. Around 6 a. Barker Assistant Chief of Police City of Troy, NY Following the repeal of New York Civil Rights Law Section 50-a — which kept the disciplinary records of police officers hidden from the public — vast amounts of police records and data became publicly available. , Troopers received a complaint from a Troy business reporting that a past employee misused a corporate credit card. Police have not released the man’s name at this time. Chief Owens can be contacted at (518) 270-4411. Squillari, 26, of Troy, NY, for Promoting a Sexual Performance by a Child, a class “D” felony, and Possessing a Sexual Performance by a Child, A 26-year-old Troy man died after accidentally drowning in Poestenkill Gorge Park. , police responded to the scene of a two car crash on Oakwood Avenue’s southbound lane between Farrell Road and Humiston Avenue. Troy City Court 3rd Judicial District 51 State Street Troy, NY 12180 Phone: 518-453-5900 Email City Court. This significant milestone recognizes Cipperly’s exceptional dedication, leadership, and years of service to the community and the department. TROY, N. Troy Police officers responded to the intersection of 6th Ave between 101st and 102nd Streets for reports of shots being fired. Civil Service Exam Announcements. NYSP Blotter Reports. According to police, one On October 23, 2024, State Police of Brunswick arrested Kimberly A. The shooting took place around 2:30 p. , State Police assigned to the Latham Interstate Patrol responded to the reports of a one-car crash off the roadway in the area of State Route 7 in Colonie, NY. The new officers were sworn in Friday afternoon at Troy City Hall, in front of family and on On October 23, 2024, State Police of Brunswick arrested Kimberly A. On May 12, 2024, at about 10:57 p. Penadicent, 19, of Troy, NY, for Reckless Endangerment in the second degree, Unlawfully Fleeing a Police Officer in a Motor Vehicle, Reckless Endangerment of Property and numerous Vehicle and Traffic Law violations. The City of Troy has reached a settlement agreement in the death of Sabeeh Alalkawi. X close News Weather 13 Investigates Features Sports Search TROY — Four Troy city police officers are facing discipline for an incident in December when they circled their patrol cars around two troopers who had driven into the Lansingburgh area Troy police are investigating the drowning death of a man on a bicycle. Detectives and evidence technicians are responding to the scene. 2023. Alalkawi was hit by a police cruiser in February 2023. On December 9, 2024, State Police arrest Terrance M. Mayor To get instructions on how to submit a compliment for an officer with the Troy Police Department visit their Submit a Compliment page. NEWS10 was also on the scene and saw a car had driven into a tree. (WRGB) — Troy Police are investigating a shooting that injured two people on 4th Street near Madison Street early Sunday morning. y. The fire was under control after hours of work, and no one was injured. David Gonzalez on Saturday, July 6, 2024, on 8th Street in Troy points out where he was injured when he was punched by a Troy police officer in the early morning a day earlier. Troy NY Police Benevolent Association. (WRGB) — Bodycam footage was released on Monday after a man died in Troy Police custody in October 2023. Moses was the first African-American to serve in the Troy Police Department, he joined in 1955. Troy Police say Top Stories 13 Investigates Health Report Upstate of Business The Greater Good The Lesson Plan Watch Live WNYT. Citizen Police Academy. About the TPD. Enable Notifications Browser Extension. 7,949 likes · 57 talking about this. Monday. , Troopers attempted to stop a vehicle on State Route 40 LANSINGBURGH, N. Officers The Troy Police Department announced it is investigating an assault that happened in the area of Fourth Street at Jefferson Street. Home. Filter Options. The driver was identified as Kane A. Following our successful lawsuit, the Troy Police Department ultimately produced a total of 249 records and provided certification that it had provided a TROY, N. Troy, NY (Feb 28, 2023) - The Troy, NY Police Department held a walk-out retirement ceremony this morning to honor the career of Detective Chris Johnson. Officers responded to Lincoln Avenue in Troy for a report of suspicious activity. Police said the analysis determined Troy, NY: County: 2 Counties: System Type: Project 25 Phase I: System Voice: APCO-25 Common Air Interface Exclusive: System ID: Sysid: 0E6 WACN: 92775: Police . Troy Police Officer Justin Byrnes was headed to an emergency call at 88 mph when he hit and killed pizza delivery driver Sabeeh Alalkawi in Feb. DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description Tag; 4102: 1006: DE: Troy PD Dispatch: Dispatch: Test Guides and Resource Booklets for Local Examinations are also available and published by the New York State Department of Civil Service. The release of the bodycam video comes amid an investigation by the The Troy Police Department and many New York police agencies defend their decision to speed to any scene they are dispatched to, even on a perilous road like Hoosick. Wednesday afternoon Troy Police Detectives executed a search warrant that resulted in the arrest of seven individuals and the seizure of an illegal unserialized firearm, narcotic drugs and US currency. Patrol Officers are at the scene of a shooting on 10th Street near Eagle Street. Troy Police say Get notified when the City of Troy posts general news and information by subscribing to Notify Me for email and text notifications. The new officers were sworn in Friday afternoon at Troy City Hall, in front of family and on The Civil Service office for the City of Troy NY is located at City Hall. See all of the breaking Troy, New York local news, events, and much more. Chief Brian Owens is a 23-year veteran of the Troy Police Department Great news: If you use iPhone/Mac or Android, Troy City Police Sub Station, located in Troy, New York, is a branch of the Troy Police Department responsible for handling police reports for the city. Sunday, investigators said. Phone: 518-279-7130 Department Directory. , Rensselaer County Bureau of Big congratulations to Troy Police Det/Sgt Mary Magnetto, she was just promoted to Captain. gov. Mayor Mantello and Chief DeWolf Announce the Promotion of Brandon Cipperly to Captain Detective Sergeant, Brandon Cipperly promoted to Captain in the Troy Police Department. Troy, NY 12180. Detectives continued their investigation and developed the probable cause necessary to support a court-ordered search warrant being issued. Edition. announced Thursday that skeletal remains found near a pond last month belong to a woman who went missing in 2013. Police said it happened in the troy, n. Robinson was arrested for Driving While Intoxicated and other Vehicle and Traffic Law violations. The incident reportedly happened on 3rd Street, between On April 20, 2024, at about 1:32 a. The Troy Police Benevolent and Protective Association (Troy PBA) is comprised of City of Troy, NY Police Officers and Sergeants. Location: Troy, New York. The body was found a passerby in a wooded area near Oakwood Cemetery around 6:15 Sunday evening. State Police at the Capital stopped a vehicle on I-787 in Albany, NY for a Vehicle and Traffic Law violation. He's one of at least five people to die in there in the last decade. First reported by the Times Union, a New TROY, N. — An important update after a Troy Police canine (K9) was stabbed 12 times while responding to a burglary early Wednesday morning. Welcome to the City of Troy’s Online Police Reporting System. Brandon Cipperly was promoted to the new position after One person has been arrested after a large police presence in Troy. Wednesday after Troy police raided a home on Glen TROY, NY (WRGB) — An 87-year-old woman was killed in a head-on crash on Oakwood Avenue in Troy on Saturday evening. Troy police remain at the scene Monday of an overnight police shooting behind 431 River St. The search included a drone and police crews in boats on the water. A Troy city police officer assigned to the Lansingburgh School District responded Troy Police Department c/o Recruitment 55 State St Troy NY 12180 Cadet Post Program Careers Laterals Qualifications Salary & Benefits Contact Us 433 River Street, Suite 5001 Troy, NY 12180 Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Holiday Schedule One person has been arrested after a large police presence in Troy. Troy, NY: County: 2 Counties: System Type: Project 25 Phase I: System Voice: APCO-25 Common Air Interface Exclusive: Police . — In the shadow of Troy City Hall is where police say they shot a man Monday morning, who allegedly fired at them first. Please contact the Troy City Court. Venable, 36, of Troy, NY, for Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance in the fourth degree, Tampering with Physical Evidence, Obstructing Governmental Administration in the second degree, Driving While Intoxicated and other Vehicle and Traffic Law violations. Vasquez, 25, of Troy, NY, for two counts of Burglary in the second degree, two counts of Criminal Mischief in the fourth degree, and Possession of Burglar Tools. You must show a valid Driver License or other government issued photo ID. Also located in the vehicle were three children under the age of 16. The single-vehicle crash happened around 12:20 p. 5-ton SUV into pizza driver Sabeeh Alalkawi's sedan in the early hours of Feb. Police seize drugs, guns from Bennington home Crime / 2 weeks ago. Contact Us. Dan Stec open to running for 21st congressional district Video / Dec 27 A Troy man drowned while swimming Sunday in the Poestenkill Gorge, city police said. Quick Links TROY, NY (WRGB) — Patrol officers in Troy are responding to a report of a shot fired in the area of 5th Ave/118th Street Saturday. State Police of Sand Lake stopped a vehicle on Vandenburgh Avenue in Troy, NY, for a Vehicle and Traffic Law violation. Email Citizen Troy, NY (WRGB) — The widow of the man killed in the crash with a Troy Police Officer this winter, has now filed a wrongful death suit against the City of Troy, the Police Department and the If you have any information regarding Amanda please contact the Troy Police Department Lead Detectives at (518) 270-4771 or submit a tip online at TroyPD. (NEWS10) — The Troy police chief is retiring after over 20 years of service. Police say an adult man was reportedly assaulted. Theme: Light Dark Auto. Doncaster, 41, of Troy, was charged with disorderly conduct_fighting or threatening. Lori Van Buren/Times Union Skeletal remains were found near the Burden Pond/Burden Falls area in South Troy Sunday evening, according to Troy Police. (NEWS10)– Troy Police Department detectives arrested a suspect in an ongoing drugs and weapons investigation after a car chase into Menands. — Troy PD is investigating the discovery of human skeletal remains, found Sunday evening, Assistant Chief of Police Steven Barker announced in a press release Monday. — Eight more of Troy’s finest swore their oath to the city at a ceremony Thursday morning, one of the first steps they’ll take before joining their fellow officers on the streets. On March 19, Troy police TROY, N. The officer, Justin Byrnes, was said to be responding to TROY — A State Police investigation has confirmed that a Troy police officer was driving nearly 90 mph in February seconds before his SUV drove through a red light at a blind intersection on On October 23, 2024, State Police of Brunswick, with the assistance of the Troop G Computer Crimes Unit, the Internet Crimes Against Children Taskforce, and the U. Camera Programs. Physical Address View Map 433 River Street Troy, NY 12180. View Talkgroup Category Details. Applicants should complete the application and return it to the Troy Police Department at 55 State Street, Troy NY 12180 or email the application to CPA@troyny. Oct. The individual arrested is being faced with charges relating to unlawfully operating a vehicle. He was Attention: Community Police 55 State Street Troy, NY 12180 Programs Trespass Affidavit Program This particular program is available to property owners who are having trouble with illegal activity in their building. The Application for Examination or Employment Troy, NY 12180. aspx. Personnel Department. :unruly juvenile. On September 20, 2024, at about 10:55 a. The Police Desk is open 24 hours 7 days a week. Police say an adult male sustained a non-life The Latest News and Updates in Rensselaer County brought to you by the team at NEWS10 ABC: On October 23, 2024, State Police of Brunswick, with the assistance of the Troop G Computer Crimes Unit, the Internet Crimes Against Children Taskforce, and the U. Howard, 40, was charged with first-degree theft of property. Directions. Deeann [] David Gonzalez on Saturday, July 6, 2024, on 8th Street in Troy points out where he was injured when he was punched by a Troy police officer in the early morning a day earlier. Barker said a Troy Police Department Explosive Detection K-9 team responded, along with partners from the New York State Police Bomb Disposal Unit. The report can be picked up at the Police Desk (front desk) at anytime including nights and weekends. Friday, September 13, 2024 Set Location. Troy Police are continuing to investigate the shooting that happened early Saturday morning on Franklin Street in between 2nd and 4th Streets, leaving two people critically injured. According to Troy Police, a male victim died. Troy Police say that the Arrest July 21 Lee Anna Winters, 42, was charged with third-degree theft of property. Neumann, 53, of Troy, NY, for Grand Larceny in the second degree and Scheme to Defraud in the first degree. Police said the analysis determined An autopsy was planned for Monday after a body was found in the woods in Troy. 22, 2023, sending the Honda Civic skidding 200 feet and killing Alalkawi almost TROY, N. Ravenell is facing multiple felony drug and weapon charges. Rafun was arrested for Driving While intoxicated and other Vehicle and Traffic Law violations. On March 19, Troy police On February 10 around 6 p. Four counts of Possession of a Forged Instrument in the second degree; Two counts of Grand Larceny in the fourth degree The Troy Police Department is also a low income distribution agency for child safety seats. Filter. — In a press release, Assistant Chief of Police Steven Barker provided an update regarding charges with an ongoing firearm and narcotics investigation. Brian Owens is the Police Chief of Troy Police Department. News Sports Life Business Data Advertise . By signing up you can receive notifications for: Bids & RFP ; Troy, NY 12180. Please contact the Vital Records The Troy Police Department says their detectives have gathered several promising leads, but they encourage anyone with information or video of the incident to contact them at 518-270-4421 or online. — The Troy Police Department is currently investigating a fatal shooting in the area of 102nd and 2nd Avenue. Application. It was the culmination of a police pursuit that zig-zagged all One person is dead and another seriously injured after a crash in Troy. Authorities said that Troy Police Department Patrol The mayor and police chief swore in Mary Magnetto, who has worked for the Troy Police Department for nearly two decades. State Police HQ; Troop A - Batavia; Troop B - Ray Brook; Troop C - Sidney; Troop D - Oneida; Troop E - Canandaigua; New York State Police at Endwell are looking for two suspects that burglarized a building that stores items for the Endwell Greens. His last day will be July 14. Magnetto is the first woman Captain in the history of Troy Police Department WRGB CBS 6 News, Albany TROY, N. Police say an adult man was TROY, N. The driver was identified as Kristie Burrell, 30, of Troy, NY. The driver was identified as Stephanie M. com News App News Anyone with information is asked to call Troy Police at 518-270 The Troy Police Department has reported that they are conducting an ongoing investigation gun and narcotic investigation with other law enforcement partners, including the DEA and the FBI. Drug treatment counselor accused of selling narcotics Crime / 1 day ago. The driver was identified as George Robinson, 49, of Troy, NY. 655: WQVK703: BM: 94. Parks and Facilities. The office can also be reached at: City of Troy c/o Personnel Department 433 River Street Troy, NY 12180 Phone: 518-279-7124 Fax: 518-268-1686. , Troopers received a complaint from a Rensselaer County resident reporting their debit Troy, NY — Troy Police are responding to a shooting that took place outside near the intersection of 6th Avenue and 102nd Street on Thursday night. On July 20, 2024, at about 9:20 p. SafeCam. New York State Police. K9 Norbi was released from Upstate Veterinary TROY, N. that left an alleged gun suspect in critical condition. -4:53 p. Camera Assistance Program. Department: Police. As a result of the investigation, three Troy Police are investigating a shots fired incident from Tuesday night. Posted on: December 30, 2024 Troy, NY 12180. Local. Brian Owens, Police Chief Troy Police Department Central Station 55 State Street Troy NY 12180 Phone: (518) 270-4411 Emergency: 911 Troy, NY (WRGB) — Seven people were arrested and charged with drug and weapon charges. (NEWS10)– A Troy Police Detective Sergeant was promoted to Captain, Mayor Carmella Mantello and Chief Dan DeWolf announced. Police say an adult male sustained a non-life Troy NY Police Benevolent Association. Officers responded to a report of a man with a handgun in the area of 4th Street between Ida Street and Jefferson Street just Troy, NY (WRGB) — Three people were arrested on Halloween in Troy following an investigation into drug sales in the city. Submit a Tip. Burrell was arrested for Driving While Troy Police Department c/o Records Division 55 State St Troy NY 12180. — City of Troy first responders are investigating the accidental drowning death of a 26-year-old man from Troy. Read on /CivicAlerts. Wednesday after Troy police raided a home on Glen On September 27, 2024, at about 8:39 p. 475. The critically Attention: This form should only be used to send tips to the Troy Police Department for non-active crimes. The driver was identified as Michael F. The probe involves Troy Police Troy, NY (WRGB) — Seven people were arrested and charged with drug and weapon charges. On November 27, 2024, State Police of Brunswick arrested Joyal R. City of Troy Civil Service Commission Rules. The man was visiting with family and friends. Troy Police stated the TROY, N. — A man has died, and a woman was injured in a shooting in Lansingburgh on Monday. , Troopers received a complaint from a Troy police responded to several 911 reports of shots fired shortly before 2:30 p. Y. Phone: 518 -279-7123 TROY, N. 8 PL: RensCo FD Paging: Fire/EMS Dispatch: FMN: Fire Dispatch: 853. Troy Police Special Operations Detectives are assisting New York City Police in the area of Hoosick Street and 15th in an ongoing investigation. . PD Dispatch is a patch from the Capital Digitronics EDACS system. X close News Weather 13 Investigates TROY, N. July 15 Matthew M. — The Troy Police Department announced it is investigating an assault that happened on Fourth Street at Jefferson Street. She was identified through DNA testing TROY, N. Contact Us Troy Police Special Operations Detectives are assisting New York City Police in the area of Hoosick Street and 15th in an ongoing investigation. at the intersection of Gurley Avenue and Red Rock Road, Troy Police said. — Police are investigating after a man was found dead outside of his Troy apartment shortly after 11 a. On November 24, 2024, at about 10:00 p. Civil Service Commission Rules. Encompasses approximately 32 commercial and TROY, NY (WRGB) — Police are investigating a daylight shooting on 10th Street in Troy. 31, the Troy Police Department Emergency Response Team Troy, NY — Police made two arrests near Lincoln Avenue and 4th Street Monday evening after reports of a disturbance. Thu, 16 Jan 2025 21:16:17 GMT (1737062177795) Story Infinite Scroll Police in Troy, N. Mayor's Office. "Last night's incident is a tra WRGB Albany Story by Ashley Cusicanqui Police ask if anyone has information regarding the discovery to contact Troy Police Department Detectives at 518-270-4421 or online at their website, troypd. On Sunday afternoon, shortly after 3 p. For You. Rafun, 53 of Troy, NY. As part of a $127 million allocation in the state budget, the City of Mayor Carmella Mantello and the Troy Police Department honored Officer Samuel Moses on Friday. All New York State Police News . tonight. On July 2, Hudson River behind First Ave. Police say he rode into the Hudson River Monday night as they were trying to stop and question him. He was transported to SP Capital for Spotlights & News; Stay Informed. – The Troy Police Department held a swearing-in ceremony for four new police officers. org. The Troy Police Department said a dental comparison was done on a set of "non-adult" remains found at the Burden Pond Reserve in New York earlier this week. S. Two others have serious, but not life threatening injuries. Troy Police Department. The officer, Justin Byrnes, was said to be responding Troy, NY — Police made two arrests near Lincoln Avenue and 4th Street Monday evening after reports of a disturbance. — Troy Police Department reported that it arrested a 14-year-old boy in connection with an ongoing gun and narcotic investigation. Upon their arrival around 5:00 pm, police detained 22-year-old Jalah Wimberly The latest local news and headlines in Troy and Rensselaer County and New York. On November 17, 2024, at about Troy, NY (WRGB) — New developments tonight in the investigation surrounding the Troy Police officer-involved crash that killed a man back in February. On November 17, 2024, State Police of Brunswick arrested Marquis D. Police say an adult man was reportedly assaulted. Quick Links Four Troy police officers are facing discipline for an incident in December, when they encircled two troopers that had driven into the Lansingburgh area. in the area of 6th Avenue and 105th Street. TROY — Troy Police say a man was shot and killed in Lansingburgh on Sunday afternoon, and now are searching for the suspect. Squillari, 26, of Troy, NY, for Promoting a Sexual Performance by a Child, a class “D” felony, and Possessing a Sexual Performance by a Child, Troy, NY (May 15) – Mayor Mantello and Police Chief DeWolf are excited to announce that the Troy Police Department has received $362,000 from New York State. Birth and Death Records. Although the suspect has not been TROY, N. Read the latest from NEWS10: TROY, N. H. LANSINGBURGH, N. TROY — A suspect who police said fired once at four officers during an incident just after midnight Monday was shot at by officers 18 times, with the bullets striking him in the After searching both locations police say a loaded firearm, cocaine, US currency and drug-packaging supplies were all recovered. Burt, 22, of Troy, NY. to a Troy, NY (Jan 15) – Mayor Carmella Mantello and Chief of the Troy Police Department, Dan DeWolf are proud to announce the promotion of Brandon Cipperly to the rank of Captain. It happened around 1:00 a. Troy PD Patrol Officers first responded at 6:15 a. Quick Links. On June 22, 2024, at about 2:55 a. A Troy Police officer smashed his 2. Other News in Home. Sign up for our daily email newsletter Get the latest news sent to your inbox Ben Frank Jackson, 39, was charged with domestic violence and criminal mischief. m. Detective Johnson joined the troy Police Department in 2017 and has been recognized for his police work by numerous division citations, commendations and letters of noteworthy police performance. Volunteer. Fire Dispatch is a patch from 460. Seats are free for eligible residents. Stay updated with the latest Troy, NY local news, trending, crime map, weather, traffic & transit, sports, lifestyle, education, municipal, business, food & drink, arts & culture, health, local life, real estate, and more. -7:27 p. Kelty, 24, of Troy, NY, for Grand Larceny in the fourth degree, Unlawful Possession of Personal Identification Information in the third degree, and Identity Theft in the third degree. Troy Police Cadet Post 4102 Troy NY 12180. Police recovered a stolen trailer valued at $9,000 reported stolen from a sales lot in Brunswick Police also found rims stolen from a business in Troy. — The Troy Police Department is investigating the scene of a fatal car crash involving a Troy Police Department vehicle and a civilian vehicle. 8625: WPWY908 TROY, NY (WRGB) — A deadly police officer involved crash Wednesday morning in Troy is under investigation. He Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 155. Wednesday after Troy police raided a home on Glen Avenue. Troop Zone Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday New York News / 9 hours ago. Police said the shots were fired around 6:30 p. Helpful Links. Police arrested a Troy man on Tuesday for allegedly having more than 8 pounds of methamphetamine and a loaded handgun. near scene where man drowned while fleeing from police on Tuesday, July 9, 2024 in Troy, N. Marcus Nix, Chair Troy, NY 12180. Police say the shooting occurred near 2nd Avenue and 102nd Street Latest news about crime in Troy and Rensselaer County and New York from the Troy Record. Sunday evening TROY, NY (WRGB) — An 87-year-old woman was killed in a head-on crash on Oakwood Avenue in Troy on Saturday evening. Troy police Chief Daniel DeWolf, left, and Mayor Carmella Mantello, right, walk across 6th Avenue en route to a news conference concerning a police-involved shooting on Monday in Troy. Follow Troy City Police on Twitter: @TroyNYPolice Follow Troy City Police on Facebook: @Troy-NY-Police Follow Troy City Police on Instagram: @troy_police Steven M. It happened around 3 p. Upon their arrival around 5:00 pm, police detained 22-year-old Jalah Wimberly Detectives in Troy are investigating the discovery of human remains over the weekend. The number of total year over year crimes in Troy has decreased by 12%. Upon assessment, though, the devices were found You may obtain a copy of your police report by stopping by the Troy Police Department at 55 State Street, Troy, NY. Times Union Logo Hearst Newspapers Logo The latest news, weather, and sports for New York's Capital Region -- including Albany, Schenectady, Troy, and Saratoga Springs. ()– Police are looking for a suspect in a shooting on 4th Street late Sunday morning. Rose Schneider Around 6 p. The person who found On August 6:17 p. Officers tried to save the man. Civil Service Commission. Rose Schneider On May 13, 2024, State Police of Greenwich arrested Kevin A. , State Police of Chestertown stopped a vehicle on Aviation Road in Queensbury, NY, for Vehicle and Traffic Law violations. Using this reporting system will allow you to submit a report immediately without waiting and to print a copy of the report for free. Troy Mayor Carmella Mantello and Chief of Police Daniel DeWolf held a press conference to discuss an officer-involved shooting that took place early on Monday morning. Troy Police said the victim is in critical condition and is a security staff member of Eldorado Bar. Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Holiday Schedule. Lee, 35, of Troy, NY, on warrants for:. Phone: 518 Troy, NY (WRGB) — Troy Police are looking for more information regarding two separate reports of shots fired in the city on Wednesday. 7,945 likes · 8 talking about this. Troy Police Department c/o Records Division 55 State St Troy NY 12180 Return to Staff Directory Contact Us 433 River Street, Suite 5001 Troy, NY 12180 Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Holiday Schedule Phone: 518-279-7130 Department Directory Troy, NY — Troy Police are responding to a shooting that took place outside near the intersection of 6th Avenue and 102nd Street on Thursday night. State Police of Brunswick stopped a vehicle in Troy, NY, for a Vehicle and Traffic Law violation. Department of Homeland Security, arrested Andrew M. On July 2, 2024, State Police of Brunswick arrested Yasmin M. on Hoosick and 15th street. in the area of 6th Avenue and 105th Street in Lansingburgh. Birth and Death records are not available through the open records request process. Sunday, Troy Fire personnel responded to 295 3rd Avenue in Lansingburgh for a reported structure fire. New York City Police are the lead in the investigation. Someone on a walk Sunday afternoon called Troy Police released body and dash cam footage from the officers involved in a pursuit that ended with the suspect drowning. The Troy Police Benevolent and Protective Association (Troy PBA) is comprised of City of Troy, NY Police Officers and Earlier this week Troy Police Special Operations Section Detectives received information from a Troy community member regarding illegal drug sales at a residence on Glen Avenue in Troy. The City of Troy is not the custodian of city court records. Snyder, 31, of Philip A. DEC HEX Within the last 5 days, the City of Troy has seen a police officer punch a man in the face and a pursuit end in a fatal drowning. Compliment and Complaint Process Brochure (PDF) Members. The Troy Police Department reported the arrest of Terrence Ravenell, 28, of Troy, following an operation on Lincoln Avenue on August 20. Mayor Mantello Announces Reallocation of Arpa Funding For These Projects. 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