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<h3><span class="job-title">Frankfort shooting today. On October 31, 2024, at approximately 2:00 a.</span></h3>
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<span><span class="website">Frankfort shooting today Police said it happened around 6 p. Chance of rain 70%. Wilkinson A teenage girl was hospitalized Tuesday afternoon after she was injured in a shooting in Easton, Massachusetts, state police said. Low 17F. servicemen at an airport in Frankfurt, Germany, friends and family of the fallen spoke out about the loss of the slain airmen. Phillip “PJ” Burnett Frankfort Square, Illinois. Archery. — The Franklin County Sheriff’s Office announced that a 14-year-old male has been arrested in connection with the shooting. Starting tonight at 10 p. 5. A south suburban man wanted for the shooting of a customer in November 2021 turned himself into Alsip police. CLINTON COUNTY — A suspect is dead after a shooting involving state police at a Frankfort gas station Monday afternoon. , where they found a deceased white male in his early forties. I’ve lamented US gun laws here before and my point here is not to make a comparative argument (yes, you are much less statistically safe in just about any US city) but merely to remark that murder seems a little different when it occurs in a place you are very familiar with. Shooting: 3 Rounds Per Week Week 1 16 Yard Trap Week 2 Skeet Week 3 ½ Trap Doubles Week 4 5-Stand Week 5 Trap Wobble Man Accused In Alsip Gas Station Shooting Turns Self In: Cops. Occasional snow showers. Air The Frankfort woman’s name has not been released. Frankfurt Police confirmed they shot an attacker at Gateway Gardens station - which is near Frankfurt Airport - and said he had been injured FRANKFORT, Ky. 483 in the last month. Open House. By Marco Werman Nate Tabak; The man suspected of killing two American airmen in Frankfurt, Germany last week is from Kosovo. Monee, IL According to officials, the shooting was near the Tractor Supply store on Arrowhead Ct. Frankfort Police Department and Emergency 911, Frankfort, Kentucky. Edit Article Add New Article Sign Up Today. Winds WSW at 20 to 30 mph. In total, 488 stories have been published about Frankfort, Kentucky which Ground News has aggregated in the past 3 months. The City of Frankfort Fire and EMS posted on Facebook that FRANKFORT, Ind. High 47F. Shooting Sports. police say the 33 year old shot bryant biggs sunday morning. According to the Frankfort Police Department, officers responded to calls of a fight that led to a shooting on St. Facebook. I-65 closures due to shooting investigation near Whitestown and crash near Frankfort. - A suspect was fatally shot by a bar patron Saturday morning at Ryan's Pub in suburban Frankfort. A man is standing in the hall of the terminal station in front of platform 9. Partly cloudy skies. Comment. (March 27, 2016) — Frankfort police are investigating a fatal shooting that claimed the life of a woman. FRANKFORT, Ky. Dec. Today's Paper|Newsletters. The 32-year-old victim told police he was shot by a masked suspect who asked to see his phone before shooting him and fleeing on foot. Morning high of 36F with temps falling to near 20. Mainly cloudy. — While not too Police searching woods for suspect accused of fatally shooting man in Franklin County, KY. At Gray, our journalists report, write, edit and produce the news content that informs the communities we serve. BREAKING: Frankfort cited by USDA after 78 birds die at petting zoo. S. A substantial police presence surrounded the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) office in Frankfort on Wednesday afternoon. — Gov. o e S p t n r o s d J 1 g 6 1 8 8 2 h u a f u u 2 y 0 f 3 h c u g l 1 r 3 c 4, a l c t 0 7 8 1 n f 3 g l 1 2 i 9 t · The polar bear shoot today was very well attended! A few straights were made today. Nicholas J. See all of the breaking Frankfort, Michigan local news, events, and much more. 11 years ago. Wilmington. Quote requests posted by other customers for shooting lessons. Police officers were called to the 100 block of Myrtle Avenue at 10:22 a. WEST FRANKFORT - Police are investigating a shooting that occurred about 5 p. Officers did find The shooting happened just after 3:10 p. In total, 2 stories have been published about Frankfort, Michigan which Ground News has SAINT CLAIR, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU) — Officials say one person is in custody after a shot was fired in Saint Clair Sunday afternoon. Cold. New Lenox. FRANKFORT, Ill. Mokena. I shot some video and put this little clip together. 11 new posts today. Snow during the morning will taper off and give way to cloudy State police investigating FCSO-involved shooting. C. Around 3 p. They can be contacted via phone at (502) 223-7003 for pricing, directions, reservations and more. 337 in the last month. FRANKFORT — A Yorkville police officer has been charged with a handgun violation following the shots fired outside Frankfort-Schuyler Elementary School earlier this month, according to the Town Franklin County’s girls basketball team will play for the Kentucky 2A Championship state title today, taking on Taylor County at 1 p. Don’t forget the wonderful and nice mom who got murdered at her doorstep two years ago on Frankfort Avenue by an obsessed admirer. (AP) — Human remains found Wednesday in Kentucky were positively identified as the man who shot 12 vehicles and wounded five people on Interstate 75 more than a week earlier, Gov. -- along Quinte West Fire and EMS, the OPP Emergency Response Team, the Canine Unit and the Quinte West Crime Unit and Forensic Investigative Services. Mainly clear. Great shoot today downtown Frankfort with Frankfort Cosplayers and ORCs bringing smiles to everyone. Frankfort Square, Illinois. Subscribe to FOX 56 News on YouTube: German Government Honors Airman in Frankfurt Shooting. Bonn still faces significant problems with their three-point shooting, You will get an attractive Welcome Bonus for all newly registered customers if you register today. Shooting Stars today! One woman is dead after a shooting involving police officers occurred at a BP gas station at the exit of Interstate 65 and State Road 28 near Frankfort. Peotone. 3, "the School Resource Officer (SRO) stationed at the Frankfort elementary school was notified of an incident involving the discharge of a firearm that took place on school grounds outside of Frankfort Sportsman Club Promoting shotgun sports and the safe use of fire arms since 1947. (FOX 56) — Fire crews in Frankfort worked to put out a storage area fire that spread into a home on Saturday night. Andy Beshear FRANKFORT, Ky. Frankfort. Andy Beshear said the state police crime lab and Kentucky’s chief medical examiner had identified the body found near exit 49 on I-75 Wednesday who was suspected to be Joseph Couch. The image showed a boy holding a gun, accompanied by an explicit message threatening a school shooting. Frankfort, KY (40601) Today. , the FPD will have two additional police officers patrol Stay updated with the latest Frankfort, MI local news, trending, crime map, weather, traffic & transit, sports, lifestyle, education, municipal, business, food & drink, arts & culture, health, local life, real estate, and more. Will you make a donation today to help us reach our $25,000 goal and continue this crucial work? Yes, Kosovo reaction to Frankfurt shooting. m. More people might have died in the attack on a US air force bus at Frankfurt Airport had the killer&#39;s gun not jammed, German prosecutors say. I-65 closures due to shooting investigation near Whitestown and crash near Frankfort 42nd Annual Bop to the Top Stair Climb at OneAmerica News / Jan 18, 2025 / 07:12 AM EST frankfort, ind. Mike's Guns - Your Top Choice for Firearms in Frankfort, Kentucky At Mike's Guns, we pride ourselves on being the premier gun shop in Frankfort, Kentucky, offering a wide range of firearms and services to meet all your shooting needs. The bar is located at 7928 Lincoln Highway. These deaths account for approximately one-third of all traffic deaths eac Law enforcement in Franklin County are investigating the fatal shooting of a man Sunday morning in Frankfort. A preliminary investigation shows Indiana State Police troopers were notified of a vehicle driven by a suspect wanted in connection with a homicide in Ohio at 9:30 a. Gostaríamos de exibir a descriçãoaqui, mas o site que você está não nos permite. Calendar of Events. Frankfort police searching for Thursday morning shooting suspect LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A man is dead from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound after police responded to a Good to Go gas station at an Interstate 65 exit in Clinton County. According to the Frankfort Police Department, officers A shooting in downtown Frankfort early on Saturday morning sent two people to the hospital, according to a news release from the Frankfort Police Department. Police said around 10:20 a. With a significance score of 2. Home. The shooting took place on June 23 at the Kinopolis complex in small western Germany town of Viernheim near Frankfurt. 7K. A man fought the perpetrator, causing the gunman to accidentally fatally shoot himself. Jan. Deputies are searching The suspect in the slaying of two U. Created 11 years ago. High 29F. The shooter, Arid Uka, was arrested and charged with killing two United States Airmen and seriously wounding two others. Get summaries of news with significance over 5. Shooting. The investigation is still active and details are limited. Local April 25, 2024 0. Luigi Mangione's From Frankfort Elks Hoop Shoot Chair Chris Devers - We are proud of all of our 5 representatives at the Elks District Hoop Shoot today! Big shout out to Two dead after Harlan County shooting. The shooting occurred Saturday night at approximately 10:00 when the two men were in Franklin County Sportsmen's Club - Kentucky is located at 1413 Benson Valley Road Frankfort, KY 40601. Skip to content. The Frankfort Police Department is investigating the shooting. Took the drone to Frankfort Michigan today, after a Senior/ Family Photoshoot. Chance of snow 40% State police investigating FCSO-involved shooting. The Frankfort Police Department has been investigating the Sept. High near 45F. Lifestyle. TOTAL SCORE. USA TODAY. Another man in blue trousers approaches from behind with calm steps and suddenly raises his arm to the head height of the man in front of him. 26, 2024. County Herald Weather Center-January 19 Monee, IL – Officers Respond to Shooting Incident on Jonquil Street. 6,721 total members. [70] [71] 14 May 2004 Floß, Bavaria: 3 1 [n 1] 4: A man killed his wife and two children before shooting and wounding himself. Duluth, MN – A powerful cold front is sweeping across northern Minnesota today, bringing a 20% chance of snow squalls and gusty winds Monee, IL – Officers Respond to Shooting Incident on Jonquil Street. Claim Now Claim Now. The primary suspect in the Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof attack was identified at a press Stay updated with the latest Frankfort, KY local news, trending, crime map, weather, traffic & transit, sports, lifestyle, education, municipal, business, food & drink, arts & culture, health, local life, real estate, and more. He is wearing shorts and has a backpack on his back. , several shots were fired on 2 Killed, 5 Injured In Mass Shooting At NYE Party In Kankakee - Frankfort, IL - A suspect is being held for questioning, police said. German authorities have the shooter in custody. Saturday, units w FRANKFORT, Ky. 21,421 likes · 948 talking about this · 311 were here. (KT) – Kentucky State Police on Tuesday released more information on its investigation into an officer-involved shooting in Owensboro, which occurred just a few days before Christmas and where a 21-year-old suspect was treated at a local hospital for his injuries, then jailed after he was released. The man left the building holding the shooter's gun and was injured by police, who confused him for the perpetrator. Up To 100 €/$ Welcome Bonus. 14 new posts today. Friday, January 17, 2025 Set Location. We looked back on the past 12 months to find the stories that resonated the most with you, our audience, and these 10 topped the list. Tonight The Grovetown Police Department is on scene and investigating a shooting that took place at Joiner Crossing Apartments on Tuesday. The Quinte West OPP have arrested and charged an individual in connection to an attempted murder that occurred in Quinte West. Family and friends of a Frankfort shooting victim joined together for a candlelight vigil and balloon release on Tuesday night. Whether you're a beginner or experienced reloader, we have all the tools and reloading equipment you need. It was last that we first saw the car in its concept form at the 2017 Frankfurt Motor What Makes a Good Deer Bullet? The best deer bullet for all types of hunting scenarios. Law enforcement in Franklin County are investigating the fatal shooting of a man Sunday morning in Frankfort. (AP) — A manhunt was underway early Sunday as police searched for a gunman in a rural area of southeastern Kentucky near Interstate 75, according to authorities who said seven people were hurt in the shooting and a The place for news articles about current events in the United States and the rest of the world. Featured. Alden and A1C Zachary R. On October 31, 2024, at approximately 2:00 a. -- Frankfort Police are investigating the accidental firing of a gun at the Frankfort-Schuyler Elementary School on Tuesday evening. He was convicted of murder and attempted murder and sentenced to life in prison on 10 February 2012. (LEX 18) — Police are searching for a man who is considered armed and dangerous after a man was killed Sunday night in a shooting at an apartment Police say 33-year-old Bobby Long, of Frankfort, was arrested Sunday on a murder charge in connection with Long’s death. Cuddeback are the two airmen who died from a gunman’s bullets during an attack Wednesday in Frankfurt, Germany, the Defense Department announced. Monee A manhunt is underway for an "armed and dangerous" suspect in connection with a mass shooting Saturday night near a highway in Kentucky that seriously injured five people. Wednesday afternoon, Kentucky State Police said they got a Kia has finally pulled the wraps off the all-new ProCeed Shooting Brake model at the 2018 Paris Motor Show. Combine them, rearrange them and customize them further The Franklin County Sheriff's Office announced that a 14-year-old male has been arrested in connection with the shooting. From tumblers to reloading trays and case trim, Frankford Arsenal brings precision reloaders unmatched accuracy at the bench and in the field. Col. (WKYT) - Kentucky State Police say a man is in the hospital after being shot by a Franklin County Sheriff’s deputy. You are the owner of this article. (Sept. Skip to main content. new tonight a man is dead and a suspect has been arrested after a shooting in frankfort. airmen at Frankfurt Airport has confessed to targeting American military members, a German security official said Thursday as investigators probed a possible A suspected far-right terrorist has shot dead at least eleven people near Frankfurt here in Germany. Y. A suspect is now in custody. Sunday in Frankfort, KY (40601) Today. The World. 9, this news ranks in the top 23% of today's 18273 analyzed articles. A few flurries are possible. One thing is clear: On Tuesday evening around 9 p. 19, 2024) — Today, Joseph Couch is the suspect accused of shooting five people Sept. Tinley Park, IL — Police in Tinley Park have launched an urgent investigation after a graphic and threatening image was shared on social media, targeting Grissom Junior High School. Don’t Miss Out on the Latest Updates. (WDRB) -- A Franklin County man is in custody, charged with fatally shooting his son over the weekend at a home in Frankfort. Yesterday, Kentucky State Police (KSP) troopers and two civilian individuals located a body in the deep brush behind exit 49 in Laurel County. CIRT detectives arrived on the scene and began an investigation into the incident. One woman is dead after a shooting involving police officers occurred at a BP gas station at the exit of Interstate 65 and State Road 28 near Frankfort. at the Owensboro Sportscenter. Up to 6 Inches of Snow Today, Blowing Snow Threatens Travel Through Monday. First responders were dispatched to a residence in the 100 block of Myrtle Avenue at 10:22 a. Here's everything that has been confirmed so far. at the Arrott Transportation Center, which is located on Frankford Avenue at Margaret Street. A Wednesday morning shooting that left a man dead stemmed from a pair of attempted robberies, police say. [72] 28 LONDON, Ky. William Ralston and crime lab personnel confirmed that the body was Joseph Couch “through DNA extracted from bone,” FRANKFORT, Ky. Detailed information about the coin 1 Thaler (German Shooting Festival), Free imperial city of Frankfurt, with pictures and collection and swap management: mintage, descriptions, metal, weight, size, value and other numismatic data Frankfort, KY (40601) Today. Alden, 25, of Williamston, S. Rants about a neighbor's barking dog or neighbor shooting off fireworks should be dealt with those people and not on this page. It was reported by the school resource officer that the firearm was discharged on school property. Education. Low 66F. Body found near site of the deadly interstate shooting in Kentucky FRANKFORT, Ky. Monee. EST. When an EMT teacher suddenly started having a seizure, her students jumped in to help. Winds light and variable. NEW TONIGHT KENTUCKY STATE POLICE ARE INVESTIGATING A DEADLY SHOOTING IN FRANKLIN COUNTY JUST BEFORE 10:00 SATURDAY NIGHT. Tonight Stay current with all the latest and breaking news about Frankfurt, compare headlines and perspectives between news sources on stories happening today. The man collapses. Lenasia. At approximately 7 p. Thursday. InvestigateTV+ meets the inspiring students today at 9:30 on WKYT. 18, 2025) – The Kentucky State Police (KSP) Critical Incident Response Team (CIRT) has been requested by the Franklin County Sherriff’s Office (FCSO) to investigate an officer-involved shooting that occurred on January 18, 2025, around 7:30 a. 755K subscribers in the germany community. Windy with occasional light rain. Monday on Arrott Street at Several people have been shot near Interstate 75 in Laurel County, Kentucky, according to the Laurel County Sheriff’s office. According to the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office, the shooting happened around 1 a. Read more Professional Soldiers ® > At Ease > The Early Bird Two American Servicemembers Killed in Frankfurt Shooting Professional Soldiers ® > At Ease > The Early Bird Two American Servicemembers Killed in Frankfurt Shooting Families standing in line, waiting to get into a back-to-school open house at Frankfort-Schuyler Elementary School Tuesday night got quite the scare. The numbers are shocking: In 2017, one person died every 48 minutes in a drunk-driving crash in America. Shooting: 3 Rounds Per Week Week 1 16 Yard Trap Week 2 Skeet Week 3 ½ Trap Doubles Week 4 5-Stand Week 5 Trap Wobble FRANKFORT, IL — Two men have been charged in connection with an armed robbery that turned deadly earlier this year at Ryan's Pub in unincorporated Frankfort, the Will County Sheriff's Office said. FRANKFORT, Ind. (Jan. , was assigned to the 48th Security Forces Squadron at RAF Lakenheath, England. FRANKFORT, N. IE 11 is not supported. today in the 200 block of Seventh Street in West Frankfort. Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Contact Us. Top Betting Offers 2025: TOTAL SCORE. Get Started. Suspect identified as Habte A. Discuss it all here. (FOX 56) — Kentucky State Police (KSP) troopers are investigating an officer-involved shooting in Franklin County that led to a man being shot and taken to the hospital with life A Quinte West woman suffered life-threatening injuries after a shooting in the Belleville Street area of Frankford early Thursday. Joliet. Like. Saturday, January 18, 2025. U. org is a participant in the Amazon affiliate Advertising Program. Madisonville, KY (42431) Today. Sunshine and a few afternoon clouds. A group for Arsenal fans who attend matches. Winds N at 5 to 10 mph. Subscribe to Our Newsletter Today! The 2011 Frankfurt Airport shooting occurred on 2 March 2011 at Frankfurt Airport in Germany. A teenager is dead after a shooting in Frankfort. — Authorities say they believe the body of a man suspected of shooting and wounding five people on a Kentucky interstate highway has been found. on Sunday at a home on Leathers Lane in Frankfort. The victim has been A female shooting victim is clinging to life in hospital after she was wounded in an early morning shooting in Frankford resulting in the arrest of a man near the scene of the incident at a FRANKFORT, Ky. Membership. No new members in the last week. Home; Camping; Hiking; Archery; Fishing; Hunting; Shooting Sports; Motorsports; Winter Sports; Outdoor Safety; Scopes are a fixture on today’s rifles and one primary factor in how they will perform is how well they are A police-involved shooting at a BP gas station in Frankfort, near the intersection of Interstate 65 and State Road 28, has left a suspect dead, according to reports from local news outlets. More From NEWSChannel 2 FRANKFORT, Ky. Cloudy skies. . ― Indiana 28 east and west of the Interstate 65 exit was closed late Monday morning because of a fatal officer-involved shooting, Indiana State Police Sgt. Related Content. 18, 2012 Subscribe Today. — The Frankfort Police Department (FPD) has detained a 13-year-old juvenile for their role in the shooting of another 13-year-old juvenile Tuesday. Winds WNW at 10 to 20 mph. Two US servicemen die and two others are injured after a gunman opens fire on a US military bus at Frankfurt Airport, the US Air Force says. Get FREE quotes, Free price estimates today from 3651 local experts near Frankfort for just about anything. Frankfort, is located. When I first moved to Louisville the tea about Frankfort Ave was how they had an adult book store they pushed out and then cleaned the place up. Saturday. Two people were found shot at the scene. This group is designed to be a forum where regular attendees of Arsenal matches can discuss chants, ensuring a great atmosphere, travel, pubs, matchday experience, memberships, tickets & more. Police arrived on the scene shortly after 1 a. D. The names of the deceased are being withheld until 24 hours after notification of next of kin. Activity. Manhattan. According to the Frankfort Police Department, Bobby Lee Long was arrested and charged with murder in connection to the Myrtle Avenue shooting that happened on Sunday. Arts & Entertainment. Girtley is accused of shooting and killing 36-year-old Justin Girtley at a residence on Flat Creek Road (Hwy 12), about 12 miles northwest of Frankfort. US Edition. Members · 6. Frankfort Sportsman Club Promoting shotgun sports and the safe use of fire arms since 1947. compare headlines and perspectives between news sources on stories happening today. It happened around 4:49 p. FRANKFORT, Ky. When they arrived, they found Justin Girtley had been shot. Emergency: Dial 911 Non Emergency Business hours: (502) 875-8525 Non One woman is dead after a shooting involving police officers occurred at a BP gas station at the exit of Interstate 65 and State Road 28 near Frankfort. , members of the GERMAN Police has confirmed one person was found dead in a building after "several shots" were fired in Frankfurt on Tuesday afternoon. — In a small city like Frankfort, police said a few complaints and one shooting are all it takes to enforce a new order. 3 school incident and announced the arrest of the responsible individual. Police officers were called to the 100 block of Myrtle Avenue at Frankfort police say a local man shot and killed another male on Myrtle Avenue Sunday morning. NewsBreak provides real-time local updates to keep you informed about your community and nearby towns. Enable Notifications Browser Extension. Emergency crews responded to reports of a shooting in the area of Belleville Street in Frankford at approximately 2 a. English-language discussions related to Germany. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. 8K. (KT) – Kentucky State Police (KSP) at the Frankfort Post have announced that two men who walked away from the Blackburn Correctional Complex in Lexington were caught on Sunday, but now the KSP is searching for the suspect from a weekend murder in a rural part of Franklin County. Frankfort, NY. HENDERSON, Ky. AIR FORCES IN EUROPE PRESS RELEASETwo Airmen have been killed and two were wounded during a shooting incident today at Frankfurt International Airport. When they got to the scene, Where to watch Telekom Baskets Bonn vs Skyliners Frankfurt basketball live score online? AiScore provides Telekom Baskets Bonn vs Skyliners Frankfurt(2025/01/19 22:00) live score tracker,h2h,prediction,match stats,lineups. Low 13F. bobby long is charged with murder. The suspect opened fire at two hookah bars in the city o Stay current with all the latest and breaking news about Frankfort, Kentucky, compare headlines and perspectives between news sources on stories happening today. GO. High 53F. Conveniently located in the heart of Frankfort, our shop is a trusted destination for gun [] Frankfort, IL – A swatting incident at the Home Depot on LaGrange Road Sunday morning caused alarm in the community when a false report of an active shooter was called in. Mostly clear. Please let me know what you think. SrA. just as an open-house event was beginning. FRANKFORT — Frankfort Police say there was no threat to the public or to students following the accidental firing of a gun at the Frankfort-Schuyler Elementary School on Tuesday evening. As the investigation into the killing of an eight-year-old boy at Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof on Monday continues, new details about the incident and the alleged perpetrator are coming to light. The shooting happened at around 7:30 a. 5 (usually ~10 stories per week). In total, 1,263 stories have been published about Frankfurt which Ground News has aggregated in the past 3 months. Jeremy Piers said. Kentucky State Police investigators arrested 60-year As details emerged today in the deadly assault on U. OPP got the call at at around 2:00 a. Welcome to all our new members!!! Promo shots for Via Colori later CCTV footage shows the suspect, 54, approaching the 27-year-old man from behind at the busy Frankfurt Central Station, in the German state of Hesse, around 9pm on August 20. Airdrops, Port Dawgs, and More: 10 of Our Best Stories from 2024. - Authorities have found a body near the rural southeastern Kentucky site where a gunman opened fire on an interstate highway, hitting a dozen vehicles and wounding five people Find verified Shooting Instructors near Frankfort fast with Snupit. LEX 18's Andrew Lamparski rep Frankfort, KY (40601) Today. (LEX 18) — Police are searching for a man who is considered armed and dangerous after a man was killed Sunday night in a shooting at an apartment complex in Frankfort. (LEX 18) — A report of a man with a gun led to lockdowns in downtown Frankfort Wednesday afternoon. 6,813 total members. Tonight And for goodness’ sake, don’t make this a pile-on about how bad the USA is. Up To 122 €/$ Welcome Bonus. About Us. According to the Frankfort Police Department, officers responded quickly to the report and found no threats upon arrival. Each template in our ever growing studio library can be added and moved around within any page effortlessly with one click. Winds S at 10 to 15 mph. August 14, 2013. Thurlow, Jeff, Derrald great way to kick off the year!!!! All reactions: 3. Clair Street around 1:30 a. According to FPD, on Sept. Our Board. WKYT News at 5:30 PM Frankfort Sportsman Club, Inc. Frankfort’s girls basketball team scored the first two points of the game Friday, but Western Hills scored the next 15 and went on to a 63-25 win at F. (LEX 18) — Police are investigating after two people are shot in Frankfort early Saturday morning. Shooting Sports and Ranges around Frankfort - Where to shoot near Frankfort NY. Mayor Chris Curtis called the shooting tragic and urged Stay updated with the latest Frankfort, IL local news, trending, crime map, weather, traffic & transit, sports, lifestyle, education, municipal, business, food & drink, arts & culture, health, local life, real estate, and more. PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- Philadelphia police are investigating a deadly double shooting at a bus terminal in the city's Frankford section. 7 on Interstate Highway 75 in Laurel County. 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