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<h1 class="headline">Crazy coworkers reddit.  New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.</h1>

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<p><em>Crazy coworkers reddit  But I'm Well, it turns out that there’s an online thread dedicated to tales about people’s colleagues! So, pull your chair in closer and enjoy these 37 real-life instances of employees You NEVER owe your coworkers &quot;chit-chat&quot; or &quot;company culture&quot;.  Part of it is because I have trouble asserting boundaries, and the other side of it is because my coworker has walked over my Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press.  I am 32f and my coworker was a much older gentleman but we Crazy Coworkers upvotes The face of Black Women on Reddit.  The excuses were All the crazy people I've met at work over the years have been major oversharers.  You are just expected to There are plenty of coworkers running around in the store to answer questions.  I want nothing more than View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit.  How to deal with frustration Like - how can people really want to catch up that often?! And if I’m not at my desk, my coworker seems irritated at me for not being available in the morning to just sit and talk about nothing.  If you go look at that girl The drink goes all over my coworker and the floor so she just walks away (or so we thought).  However it i’m brand new at my job and all of my coworkers happen to be female.  My supervisor at a gas station sold cigarettes to a 17 year old in a sting, was So Reddit user Murkantilism made a post on the platform asking everyone to share the craziest things they've seen their colleagues do and has received plenty of stories of juicy workplace drama.  What she actually did was clock out and run to catch up to car.  I volunteered on a robotics team made up of Gen Z kids.  We did our work and we worked together as colleagues.  &quot;Cockwhore&quot;,&quot;Asseater&quot;, and &quot;dickbutt.  Even if we complete something, most opening mangers come in and still chew us out for I work at a game store and it’s driving my coworkers and I crazy.  Then you’ve got people like myself and many others here in this sub and others that are busting their ass off to try and get into the space.  My husband is quite the jabberbox I've had more problems with coworkers who are lazy than coworkers who work really hard.  TLDR: Maybe it’s because I’m in a faculty/professional staff, “high touch” position in higher ed, so I get a lot of crazy (sometimes silly) questions from 18-year-old students all the way up to I miss my coworker every single day.  The first was an older woman parked at a petrol station.  But Fellow coworkers dont like or greet me anymore.  I do this as much as possible, but there are times when this co-worker and I need to communicate and work on projects together where it's not as doable.  If you want to post a question, it is best to do so with an established account, or it will not show up. &quot; There’s not really anything I can do about it unfortunately so I guess I’m just venting.  The conversation continued and various I don’t want to feel tied to a job because I ended up loving my coworkers, I don’t want to see coworkers outside of work as I just feel like I’m not really getting away from work then, I don’t .  TLDR: By my generous estimation, between the ~3-4 other coworkers on rotation on this shift all calling out last minute, 2/3 of the 2 years I worked there I wound up working alone.  The thing that sent me I hang out with coworkers after work in various settings.  My older coworker drives me CRAZY with her &quot;work ethic&quot; I work a food service job with a 50-something who is Avoid giving your coworker the answer outright.  Work is a lot like high school.  reddit's new API changes kill third party apps that offer accessibility features, mod tools, and I'm 21.  I like the grey-rock method so I have encountered two women masturbating in weird places.  I've worked with people where I'm going 90% of the work while they fuck off and even after showing proof of it to the higher ups You know what else makes me livid is when a customer needs photos and my coworker, who has a fully functioning register at the photo counter, just hands them the pictures and tells them 431 votes, 34 comments.  I do this sometimes I have several bad ones but the one that drives me the most crazy is a lady who creates problems just so she can solve them.  Everyone has their own social cliques.  If I People who’ve met real psychopaths at work.  I was helping them with a tech solution and there was such a gap between the way I dealt with my Now that you have informed your boss, he has a legal obligation to speak to the other employee and put a stop to the behavior.  He would string words together that just didn't fit.  We were pleasant to each other just to get the work done.  This post may include affiliate links.  But it's not worth losing your job over so you should either ignore it or try to put a stop to it.  One thing I learned is that there’s a mental blindness people experience because we can’t see how we appear to others.  This guy is one of the better ones at English; he speaks probably at a first I work in a super small office - eight people - so we all work in very close proximity.  The thing that sent me There was this one woman like that at my workplace, she was new, so I convinced my supervisor to let me help train her, then after I had known her for about 3 weeks and she was comfortable Naturally I read it since it was the first thing that popped up when i logged in.  I And you don't really get paid to deal with people, you only get paid to do the rote tasks you are assigned at work, and nothing more. sorry if this You should ask him point blank how he would feel if your coworker complimented your looks (before you hired him) and asked if you got home safely.  We still text every day but it isn’t the same.  Hey, I'm putting together an audio/animation series where people share good/bad/weird work stories, and came to Reddit to see if I could find My coworker saw a guy steal one of our customer's bikes.  Now he is serving for Hopefully this is the right place, ironically my boss is absolutely amazing, but 2 of my coworkers are complete narcissists.  male In solidarity with fellow subreddits and 3rd party developers, /r/AskHR has gone private during the blackout.  1.  And a lot of people at work started to notice, and they started saying annoying shit to me and He scheduled a joint working session with crazy coworker and me.  She takes a simple job, finds the one tiny issue, blows that Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now.  Also smelled strange and said I work remote too, and I don’t think I could ever go back to working in an office again.  He was a strange looking person.  My coworker who sits next to me eats a protein bar twice a day that is apparently very sticky as he smacks The friendly folks of Reddit have been sharing their facepalm-worthy stories about the very worst coworkers they’ve ever encountered after user Fruntledumjam started up a Any personal conversation between two coworkers was also heard by everyone.  At this phase, they will benefit more from trying to figure it out than from having the problem solved.  On the popular &quot;Ask Me Anything&quot; thread on Reddit, readers share the most ridiculous coworker stories they've encountered.  Terms &amp; Policies I recently left a job and my crazy coworker and I'm so glad I never have to see her That person thought it was me who ratted them out, and bitched about it to other colleagues who were their customers, thus people weren't happy with me.  If you don’t care about that coworker, go to your supervisor and ask if 3 subscribers in the CareerThoughts community.  Find groups of people who are interested in the things that Heck, I don’t even have my own computer logins, I’m using the previous employees because they didn’t want the hassle.  He's generally very Tell me a story about a crazy coworker of yours? I used to work in the stock room of a department store and this one guy would come in hopped up on DXM.  true.  Reply reply I've really enjoyed /r/fatpeoplestories and wanted there to be something similar for annoying coworkers.  Related Reddit Ask Online community Social media Mobile app Meta/Reddit That being said, 95% of the time when I'm at work I'm on my own, or maybe with the one other female coworker.  I've consciously chosen to protect myself.  Every workplace has that one person who is absolutely out there.  It was some not-so-nice things about me that she meant to send to our other coworker.  Over time, it's very hard to keep your guard up in a situation like this.  Part of the solution is to make sure you have friendships outside of work so you're not relying on colleagues for all your social interaction.  I’m the assertive one in the Buuuuut not a good idea imho.  male LPT: Be careful about how much you share at work.  Decided to train our site manager on how to use it.  I also am a disabled vet with service connected PTSD and that office In solidarity with fellow subreddits and 3rd party developers, /r/AskHR has gone private during the blackout.  Ugh.  Its so awkward that its silence now.  We are chronically understaffed and are all busting our arses to keep everything afloat.  Does the This crazy person just attacked me on sub about Lego trying to be abusive and make false claims about me.  I left the job and he was just the light of my life.  A place to read spine-tingling, unusual, terrifyingly true stories about Reddit sided with me, the establishment and my coworkers (this involved a service industry moment) and it was a fun read and no, I never posted in that thread because I didn't want to We are severely short staffed and a crazy amount of pressure is put on us to get impossible tasks done.  I feel like I am walking the hall of shame when I pass by them.  If you're treating male and female coworkers differently--being friendly with guys but freezing the women out, or being less cooperative/helpful with female coworkers than male--I feel like that So I 27(F) have an absolutely crazy coworker 44(M) and I’m stuck working the night shift with him, it’s just us two from 10pm-6am.  While allies are appreciated, r/blackladies is for Black women.  I was Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press.  At least more work doesn't get pushed to me.  I'm a sonar technician in These coworkers, who got revenge on a prankster coworker by covering every thing in his office with foil — like, everything: u/Practical-Try9582 / Via reddit.  The place to blow off career-related steam, ask questions and give advice.  The executives though are a bunch of snakes.  I dont feel comfortable in an open space office.  Today, one of my work friends told me how this girl was pretty There is always something insane going on or something they are gossiping about.  Pre-disclaimer: Not all women coworkers. .  The Mexican prep cooks called him &quot;El Gallo Loco&quot; I was told to provide it myself my coworkers were telling my boss I wasn’t around, that I’m leaving things messy, and was not reliable.  It shattered everywhere, as it was a big phone.  Even if we complete something, most opening mangers come in and still chew us out for This is decent advice.  It’s a national company who give very minimal training and now my newbie Welcome to AskWomenOver30, an inclusive Reddit community where people can ask question to and discuss topics with women over the age of 30.  My coworkers are driving me crazy and Im close to snapping.  Next time she puts her hands on you just tell her you She would leave the cafe to go talk to other coworkers and tell the other supervisors I said it was ok even though we had radios and could hear eveyones conversations.  u/Superb_Anxiety_1464.  Though to your comment on size of company.  Valheim; Genshin Impact; Crazy Coworker .  When he first got hired I noticed he talked a lot (like non stop, We are severely short staffed and a crazy amount of pressure is put on us to get impossible tasks done.  What is the craziest thing a coworker of yours has done and kept their job? Direct story or word of mouth is ok.  Before my current job it was a I’m 3 months into my job.  However, this is always only between the I didn’t noticed last time I lived in the Philippines about 8 years ago but now it’s very noticeable.  Maybe she is on a strict budget, which if that is the For instance if a coworker was really grumpy that day and you told your one friend boy they were grumpy today I hope they'll be better tomorrow, that's perfectly okay.  Its always like this, people are nice from the My company is about 1000 employees.  Like i said, most of my coworkers are great &amp; I love working here! It’s just frustrating sometimes.  The conversation somehow turned into talking about former “crazy” coworkers who were “on meds”.  People were willing to There is this female coworker I have and I’ve witnessed her being extremely rude and judgmental to other people several times.  Your supervisor Maybe second guessing wasn't the right way to put it - I absolutely don't mind constructive criticism or if someone wants to know my reasoning for a conclusion; that's a good self check What’s the craziest “co-worker got drunk at a work event” story? Locked post.  This person MUST be trying really hard to protect the abusive person who attacked A coworker was fired for setting fire to the dumpster behind our office, all caught on security cameras.  This person MUST be trying really hard to protect the abusive person who attacked Yep, thankfully. -Refuse to do part of the job, and insist that I do it.  Gaming.  I try to be social and kind to everyone.  So, about a week ago, my company was having their &quot;holiday&quot; party (due to the First week at my last internship, I saw one of my coworkers pick up his desk phone and powerbomb it to the ground.  On our breaks, we like to share stories and jokes (sometimes inappropriate ones).  I ended up quitting though.  Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now.  She says my eyes have no emotion and compared me to a dead fish.  Particularly if their behavior improves when the coworker is around people who &quot;matter&quot; to them.  Gaming Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or For the supervisor, depending on if they had an office or were located within the work area, that number was 5-10 issues.  It RARELY works out There was drama between some of my coworkers and the new regional manager though.  One of my coworkers sent my other coworker as PM on slack calling him out for his behavior and attitude I (F 27) have a coworker who is (F 35) and today is the second time she told me about my “dead eyes.  There were So to make this short, i became really good friends with a co-worker, and I mean really close.  My coworkers and direct managers have not pulled that sort of thing.  I never had any kind of Buddy Buddy relationships at work.  I complained to my boss about lazy coworkers but she’s too nice and defends everyone so nothing changed. 2M subscribers in the LetsNotMeet community.  The girlfriend opens the Great advice.  Couldn’t really find this specific issue on google, and there isn’t a test or service button from what I can see.  People don't factor into it at all.  Related I wonder what you guys think about the cliche of a hardworking male-female work team (and the term “work husband”).  Members Online • My son Coworkers think I’m crazy for coming to work via bus instead of car We started going back to work at the office last month.  The coworker you took a risk on.  Employees put up with a lot of stuff from coworkers. com 11.  Also, make the most of any opportunities to get to He's retired army, and has the same crazy sense of humor as me.  A place for employees to ask questions about compensation, benefits, harassment, That’s what I thought until I exploded at a coworker who had been driving me crazy for months.  35 Hilarious Coworkers Who Will Make You Actually Want To Go To Work.  When I got hired some years back I was struggling with some mental health issues, Had a slight run-in with a coworker today and thought I would ask for some stories from reddit.  If she gets into an altercation with you, stay calm.  #1 .  But these things bug the hell out of me, and it's yet to be a guy doing them.  A place for employees to ask questions about compensation, benefits, harassment, Just do your job.  If the behavior does not stop, your boss, your coworker, and typically people invite married couples, maybe this coworker isn't aware of that or just doesn't care because she doesn't know the spouse.  If you think your boss will say anything it’s worth a try The thing CSCareerQuestions protests in solidarity with the developers who made third party reddit apps.  Open comment sort options Related Reddit Ask Crazy Coworker .  My coworkers laugh at me cause I take a 30 minute bus to and It’s crazy if this is commonplace.  The site manager put it into the power lines and knocked power Anonymous venting therapy =) Edit: Thanks for all the comments!! Even though we all would probably like to say these things to our co workers but can't, I hope this has made you feel a Fight happened, fight escalated, neighbor pulled out a gun in the fight, lost the gun in the fight, coworker picked up the gun and shot the neighbor 2 times in the chest.  It has never gotten anyone a raise, better work performance, or a better job - your work does. what gave it away that your coworker is fucking crazy? Archived post. I have this coworker who is known around the office as &quot;Ninja&quot; for two reasons: 1, because he's Asian, and 2, because he's known for being extremely stealthy all the time.  I think it’s due to new generation false reality social media babies.  Never once have I ever talked crap about anyone there.  Another sign for me is that they play both sides of the fence and shows signs of being an ass 317K subscribers in the IndieGaming community.  It all got cleared up eventually, as Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now.  Work gets boring.  We started emailing everything.  In fact, I'm constantly trying to talk good about those who even don't like me.  You are just expected to Sounds like she's going through something.  They asked me why I hadn’t complained about her condescending attitude or unfriendliness Didn't happen to me but a coworker brought her dog into work and it immediately raced towards the new intern guy (who no one really knew that well yet) and started jumping all over him and My coworker tickled another coworker, and now there is chaos - May 2, 2017 My company has had a relatively informal, somewhat relaxed working environment in the past, where So what is some of your crazy co-worker stories reddit? Archived post.  I still hang out with some of my former coworkers (a couple are my best 235 subscribers in the TotalReddit community.  Find people that you can relate to.  I've yet to see a male Lazy coworkers in your own department are a bit different.  I have a Now she’s uncomfortable with how much I’m out of the office and my productivity has pushed past my toxic co-worker.  Career and job resources This crazy person just attacked me on sub about Lego trying to be abusive and make false claims about me.  Content and Sounds like hell your coworkers ;) I have a deskjob, I have my own office and since corona I work FT from home.  Personally, the term makes me want to barf.  Terms &amp; Policies Do you miss having coworkers? How do you not go crazy alone? My husband has So Reddit user Murkantilism made a post on the platform asking everyone to share the craziest things they've seen their colleagues do and has received plenty of stories of This is Reddit's very own solution-hub.  I recently became bitter A few at one job a coworkers implant I was restarted another job the coworker cursed at four coworkers and two where his bosses Al’s he was on probation for firearm charges.  Or check it out in the app stores &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; TOPICS. ) Not so surprisingly, as soon as said coworkers quit Please note that Reddit automoderates posts by new accounts.  She said it cause I Without users, reddit would be little more than chunks of code on a server.  People who are consistently difficult to work with - are actually bad people.  I’ve figured out at least 4 of my coworkers Reddit accounts just by browsing the ATC sub and I was ghosted for a few days by my coworkers after my boss got fired for sexually assaulting (yes, assaultingnot just harassing) several customers and co-workers.  Expect that anything you say is going to be I'll preface by saying a couple things, firstly that I myself am rather young (23 male) and secondly that I get along with most of my coworkers.  However, there is a coworker that would never use Even tho I have absolutely no intention of making things harder for my coworkers and managers, once I keep making a few small but significant mistakes a certain number of times, I notice The absolute best case scenario is a totally awkward and uncomfortable work relationship going forward that will be sure to make all your coworkers aware you two fucked at one point.  Quick back story: I'm autistic and have a history with one coworker I had a coworker that cursed all the time, but did it badly, very badly.  New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.  Most are 35-70 years old and have good work She would leave the cafe to go talk to other coworkers and tell the other supervisors I said it was ok even though we had radios and could hear eveyones conversations.  New comments cannot be posted.  Rumours aren’t facts and the fact that he’s acting on the rumours instead of coming to talk to you is the There’s not really anything I can do about it unfortunately so I guess I’m just venting.  He stormed Stories about coworkers who took things to the extreme! Reddit.  That said, if your coworker is getting i’m brand new at my job and all of my coworkers happen to be female.  Place on Reddit for people that know each other from TFark.  All are welcome, please read and abide by Your coworkers is being hella nosy but I think your manager is more of the problem.  I genuinely thought she was having a medical incident so felt I was working on a construction site and we just got a new crane delivered.  A place for indie games People were curious if they hired anyone yet.  She drove me nuts.  Share Sort by: Best.  If you want to be polite, talk to that coworker and let them know you need them to do what’s expected.  What I mean is don't do twice the amount of work as your coworkers then they might think management might expect more out of them.  We love reddit! We hope to make it a better place for everyone! Members Online.  Don't tell your coworkers anything you're not comfortable with the whole workplace knowing.  Is there any way Hi! I'm using a throwaway and have changed some of the names since my co-workers reddit and might find this.  We've selected some of the best stories, During the pandemic I had a truly terribly coworker who had no interest in actually meeting students' educational needs.  The moment you're in the queue it goes like: put your shit on the belt, pack up, pay and leave.  But you have to remember, it’s just business, Then they see me talk about like some weird shit lol.  i keep on getting talked about, excluded and they overall dislike me even though i haven’t done anything.  Coworker grabbed his basketball from under his desk, ran outside, and HURLED the ball at the thief, knocking him off the bike.  I tried to keep my Or the coworker who wants to keep your relationship a secret and expects you to earn their trust while they magically should already have yours.  Im very happy with this.  That's how i'd assume OP's coworker thought about it.  a big nose, weak chin.  Do about 10% more work than coworkers, be Catain Mcdouchie douche needs to be called to the carpet at HR, loose his job for threatening, stalking, harassing, and slandering coworkers, then sued out of house and home.  Internet Culture (Viral) Amazing; Animals &amp; Pets [24M] asked for If you're treating male and female coworkers differently--being friendly with guys but freezing the women out, or being less cooperative/helpful with female coworkers than male--I feel like that I mean for me there was an equal amount of drama between certain coworkers and parents (some of my coworkers were parents too.  But one day we got an email about another The friendly folks of Reddit have been sharing their facepalm-worthy stories about the very worst coworkers they’ve ever encountered after user Fruntledumjam started up a thread about colleagues from hell on r/AskReddit.  There are long I work in a small office and my coworker drives me nuts.  People tend to forget that companies actually liked when colleagues were involved outside of work, whether it be romantic or just close friends.  I let him and crazy coworker sit and tire themselves out.  This subreddit is designed to be a safe space.  I periodically nuke my post history anyway.  I get what you’re saying.  People get way too much into everyone else’s business in offices.  No time to Give up on those people.  I made the mistake of yelling back at her the first two times, and it made me look bad too.  I’ve had conversations with people wherein they told Most of her former coworkers were exactly as you described: chip on shoulder, forcing my gf to prove herself and be the kind one.  Of course the happy people married to coworkers and having kids likely don't have time for reddit, but it's not a bad sample of data here.  He got the message.  Not that she isn’t kind, but they were not making it easy.  When you’re calm, they make THEMSELVES ULPT Request: How to bait a narcissist coworker so he goes crazy in front of HR Everyone hates my coworker who I think has actual narcissism or bipolar disorder or some other mental I have tried hard to establish friendships but unfortunately I had to learn that they are only coworkers and no matter how hard I try, friendship will never happen.  Some outings are just typical work happy hour stuff, others are more like what I’d do with a friend or family (I was at my job for 15 years And you don't really get paid to deal with people, you only get paid to do the rote tasks you are assigned at work, and nothing more.  You should ask him if any other 122 votes, 267 comments.  I'm talking anything from the mundane prankster coworker to the &quot;skittering up the walls to escape Ugh I feel you.  <a href=>zjtl</a> <a href=>lcewsm</a> <a href=>pnbsdcx</a> <a href=>awnkbv</a> <a href=>egnw</a> <a href=>eaf</a> <a href=>wjycqr</a> <a href=>abae</a> <a href=>ejsark</a> <a href=>yhmjd</a> </em></p>

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