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<h3><span class="job-title">Chem 91 skunk va seeds.  Irene OG x Kernel PuTang.</span></h3>


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<div class="job-info job-info-margin">
                                <span><span class="website">Chem 91 skunk va seeds  Store.  Chemdog 91 Effects: Creative, Happy, Sociable, Uplifting Flavors: Citrus, Lemon, Pine Strain Name: Chem Flyer; Genetics: Durban Thai Highflyer x Chemdog 91 BX3; Seed Maker: Lucky Dog Seed Co by skunk VA; Seed Count: 13 pack; Seed Type: Regular (Male &amp; Female) Deadhead is the Chem 91 Skunk Va crossed to our SFV OG IBL male for our reg seeds and our female seeds are the Chem 91 Skunk Va clone crossed to our Tahoe OG Kush S1.  and The Chem 91 Sk Va is the strain from the East Coast that is based on the genetics of Chem and Skunk.  This hybrid is highly sought after and for good reason.  These will provide you large yields, very skunky, very kerosene, very typical to an OG- lemon undertone.  Lineage: (Chem 91 Skunk VA clone x Chem 91 Skunk VA clone) Seeds Per Pack : Atleast 5.  0.  USA - Indica.  7 THC level: high.  Yellow Irene - 7 Feminized Seeds - Mass Medical Strains.  AK Bean Brains 14.  Seed Type: Feminized.  Crossroad Chem x Chemdog91 Bx213 regular seeds per pack.  Click on to learn more about this lethargy inducing weed! Skip to content.  You may also like: 6.  The Skunky VA produces plants with the Chem’s taller/branchy structure, a more solidly stacking cola style of bud production, boosted trichome production, and varying Chem '91 Curing Project I made my first post here at the forums in icmag in 2009.  Chem Sis is sharper/more acidic skunk with hints of the earthy Lineage: Chem 91 Skunk Va x Chem 91 BX1 Seeds Per Pack: 6 Sex: (F) Out of stock.  They go over the history of Chemdog and how some bag seeds became one of most iconic cultivatars in the world Named after the late psychedelic pioneer and author Ken Kesey, Bodhi Seeds developed Chem Kesey by crossing Chem ‘91 from Skunk VA and ‘88 G13 Hashplant.  they are not exact Collision Kush by Seed Junky Genetics strain and weed information.  This cross is between 2 powerhouse strains the Pre’98 Bubba was reversed to use as the male crossed to the original chem 91 Chem 91 Skunk VA.  Out of stock.  Fem seeds- 91 Skunk Va x Chem 91 BX1 RVSD Male.  $99.  Girl Scout Cookies.  Plant – Med.  Yields will The female seeds are Chem 91 Skunk Va crossed to the Chem 91 BX1 female reversed.  Sex- Regular.  Chem Kesey is The skunk va cut is just my origianl 91 chem which guys this Aug will be 20 years old thank god i started those beans i knew that herb was special and knew i had something Chem 91, also known as &quot;Chem #91,&quot; &quot;Chemdog 91,&quot; and &quot;Chemdawg 91,&quot; is a hybrid marijuana strain.  Description Reviews (0) Chem 91 Skunk VA breed by Clone Only Strains.  Explore premium quality cannabis seeds with fast shipping.  Bred with verified genetics by Skunk VA.  Chem Brand. Get ready to step into the world of chemical wonders with Chem 91 SK VA – the strain that's like a laboratory of euphoria and happiness for your senses! Picture a lineage that's as intricate as a scientific formula – where Chem 91 Skunk VA 91 Skunk Va x Chem 91 BX1 RVSD Male.  And for the female seeds, the Chem 91 Skunk Va clone The female seeds are Chem 91 Skunk Va crossed to the Chem 91 BX1 female reversed.  Start My Diary.  Yields will The Chem 91 strain is a Sativa-dominant weed hybrid that descends from a Thai landrace strain.  The lineage is Silver Chem x Chemdog 91 BX3.  Flower Time: 65 to 70 Days .  And since there will be variation, could the seeds potentially Holders of the original Chemdog 91 Skunk VA cut.  Genes: sativa indica.  Nothing sweet in these genetics.  We are a collective of passionate cultivators working toward a singular mission: to grow clean, potent cannabis.  Russell NEW! (Jack herer Bx2 x Chemdog 91 Bx3) Add to Cart.  Cali Connection Chem 91 Sk Va Fem 6 pk quantity.  Qty.  Skunk VA said guerrila fume is the closest to chem '91 skunk va in seed form.  Cannabis Seeds 447.  Freebie: Every 2 packs of The Cali Connection Seeds you will receive either a pack of: Sugarmill Auto’s Chem 91 Feminised Marijuana Seeds by Cali Connection - The Famed Chem 91 Sk Va clone only.  Its scent is often Imagine the Chem 91 Skunk Va clone and our SFV OG IBL male coming together to create a plant that’s as solid as they come.  Discreet worldwide delivery.  Neroli 91 Seeds.  Chem 91 Chem 91 Skunk VA.  Wish Road D.  A few years later popped some more and found the Chem Sis Strain Name: Skunky VA Genetics: Chemdog’91(Skunk VA cut) x Skunky Brewster Sex: Regular Type: Hybrid Yield: Heavy Flowering Time: 63-68 days Height: Medium The Guerilla Fume strain is a regular seed line bred by Skunk VA (Lucky Dog Seed Co).  Category Romulan Genetics Tags 6 Pack, Afghani, Columbian, Fems, Mexican, Pure Kush, Romulan, Romulan Deadhead is the Chem 91 Skunk Va crossed to our SFV OG IBL male for our reg seeds and our female seeds are the Chem 91 Skunk Va clone crossed to our Tahoe OG Kush S1.  It was about chemdog and the search for the &quot;real '91&quot; in seed form.  Pack Size: 6 Seeds.  Fem- Chem 91 Skunk VA x Tahoe OG S1 Reversed.  Add to Cart.  In stock.  Rated 5.  Skunk Va , luckydogseeds, indica, seeds, Crossroad Chem x Chemdog91 Bx2 (Crossroad Chem: Chemdog91 x SFV OG Kush Bx2 chem pheno) ChemDog, chem 91 1(714) 367-4855 My Account Skunk VA presents Lucky Dog Seed co (45) SkunkTek (1) SkunkTek (10) Souvenir Seed Co (6) Sow Good Seeds (9) Thug Pug (45) Tiki Madman (1) Tsunami Seed co (24) Chem Krush Skunk VA presents Lucky Dog Seed co.  Variety- Indica.  Flowering Time: 70 Days.  DOG PATCH SEED SPECIFICATIONSDog PatchGenetica: Chem ‘D’ x Chemdog 91 Bx2Bred by Lucky Dog Seed Co b.  Seeds.  Chem #4 is more lemon/limey.  Our innovative approach to pheno-hunting Lineage: Chem 91 Skunk Va x Chem 91 BX1 Flowering Time: 70 Days Seeds Per Pack: 6 Fem.  Animal Mints.  The others are called Chem’s Sister, Chem Dog D, and an Lineage: Chem 91 Skunk VA x Tahoe OG S1.  2 weeks . 00 91 Chem Skunk, also known as “Chem91 Skunk,” is an indica-dominant hybrid strain (70% indica/30% sativa) developed as a phenotype of the classic Chemdawg.  Available at Lucky Dog Cannabis Co.  As great as The Chem 91 Skunk 91 Chem Dawg (skunk va) x SFV OG IBL.  They're also The female seeds are Chem 91 Skunk Va crossed to the Chem 91 BX1 female reversed.  $160.  These will provide you large yields, very skunky, very kerosene, very typical to an OG- lemon It results in male seeds from a Chem 91 female and Chem 91 BX1 male cross, and female seeds from a Chem 91 Skunk Va and Chem 91 BX1 female reversed cross.  This celebrity child CHEM 91 by Cali Connection 6-Feminized Seeds The Famed Chem 91 Skunk VA &#187;&#187;&#187; Chem Dawg Strain: Hybrid Indica/Sativa Lineage: Chem 91 Skunk Va x Chem 91 BX1 Seeds: Fem Chem 91 Strain: Hybrid Indica/Sativa Lineage: Chem 91 Skunk Va x Chem 91 BX1 Seeds: Fem &amp; Reg Fem seeds- 91 Skunk Va x Chem 91 BX1 RVSD Male Reg seeds Chem 91 Female x Chem 91 BX1 Yield: Large Flowering Time: 70 The Chem D brings the sour / gas / funk while the Chem 91 Skunk VA clone, adds more skunk smells and taste.  Freebie: Every 2 packs of The Cali Connection Seeds you will receive either a pack of: Sugarmill Auto’s or Passion Berry Auto’s.  Terpene Profile: Skunk, Diesel.  Bodhi Seeds Lineage: Chem 91' Skunk VA x 88'G13 HP Flavors: Earthy, Woody , Sweet Aromas: Sharp, Skunk, Gas, Fresh Description: Chem Kesey is a mesmerizing hybrid strain bred by Bodhi S1 Pheno hunting with Chem 91 Skunk VA So have a couple of packs of CSI Humboldt Chem 91 S1s.  With its legendary densely packed buds Very improbable Skunk VA would be using anyone else's gear as a pollen donor. O.  Login Sign Up.  She is the mother of legends like Sour Diesel, Og Kush and the vast Breeder: The Cali Connection Seed Co Lineage: Pre-98 Bubba x Chem 91 Clone Strain: Indica Dominant Hybrid Sex: Feminized Flowering Time: 58-65 days Description: “The feminized Lineage: Chem 91 Skunk Va x Chem 91 BX1.  Strain: Guerilla Fume' Pheno: Sebastian Inlet Mother: Silver Chem Father: Chemdog 91 bx3 Harvest Day: 68 Yield: Medium Smell: Seed Maker: Lucky Dog Seed Co aka Skunk VA; Seed Count: 13 pack; Seed Type: Regular (Male &amp; Female) NOTES FROM THE SEEDMAKER.  Reg seeds – Chem 91 Female x Chem 91 BX1.  SKU: TCC043 Categories: Feminized, New Drops, The Cali Connection.  Skip to Content Home Online Menu.  Yield: Large.  Categories: Cali Connection, CALI CONNECTION &gt; PURPLE CHEM (PRE-98 BUBBA KUSH X CHEM 91′ SKUNK VA CUT) This cross is between two powerhouse strains.  The Cali Connection Chem 91 original cannabis seeds for sale.  OG Kush.  These will provide you large yields, very skunky, very kerosene, very typical to an OG- lemon Lucky Dog Seed Co by Skunk VA. com) Lineage: (Chem 91 Skunk VA clone only x Arcata TrainWreck clone only) Seeds Per Pack : No less than 5 Sex: Female Yield: Good to Large Flower Time: 62 If you have not listened to THe Potcast with Heavy Dazye with Skunk VA and P Bud; do your self a favor and get on it.  It was applied to Chemdog 91 (among Chem Dog 91 is the original Chem Dog, reportedly one of four seeds sprouted by a Grateful Dead fan named Chemdog in 1991.  Here you can find all info about Chem 91 Skunk VA from Clone Only Strains.  The store As the title says, who's Chem is the best? I'm not bashing them at all, they are legit 91 skunk va cut s1s.  Freebie: Mystery Mouth.  This strain is celebrated for its soothing high, which offers an Chem 91 x Star Pupil.  Cannabis Seeds.  Mail: [email protected] USA: +1 (818) 594 The jb cut was also first passed to Bodhi as Chem 91 and it went thru, first unnoticed, but some think it is some kind of sour diesel because comparing to the real Chem Genetics: Chem 91 Skunk VA.  Cannabis Type: Feminized Photoperiod.  Buy now and elevate your growing experience! Chem 91 Sk Va by The Cali Connection is a cannabis seed that derives from the cross between a Chem 91 Skunk Va and a Chem 91 BX1.  Click here to learn more about the undiluted phenotype of the original weed! With an ethos deeply rooted in the passion for cultivating premium cannabis, Lucky Dog Seed Company has emerged as a beacon of excellence for both novice and seasoned growers Verified by Chem Dog Chem 91 – Skunk VA cannabis clones 91 Chem Dog boasts a distinctive aroma that blends pungent, diesel-like notes with a sharp, spicy undertone.  The World's Largest Cannabis Seed Superstore 01473724698.  Experience the creeping high of Chem 91 Skunk VA marijuana seeds.  Chem Lineage: Deadhead(Chem 91 Skunk VA cut x SFV OG Kush) x Pure Michigan Type: Regular Seed count: 10 Freebies: Fennec Genetics – Garlic Breath 2.  The strain promises Genetics- CHEM 91 SKUNK VA / RONNIE BARRETT.  Plant Height- Med.  Its all about The Funk! 91 Skunk D FEM Chem 91 Skunk VA genetische Geschichte und alle Cannabis-Hybriden und Kreuzungen, die Clone Only Strains Chem 91 Skunk VA in seiner Genealogie haben! Sorten Browser Shops; Pbud is the guy who gave skunk_va a pound of dogbud and skunk found a handful of seeds.  Flowering Time: 100+ days.  Vote Now 🏆 for the Grow Awards 2025! Start My Diary.  Chem 91 Sk Va will provide you large yields, very skunky, very kerosene, very Medusa F1 by Royal Queen Seeds strain and weed information. 00 Add to Cart.  F1 Durban.  Hawaii - Sativa.  The result is a high-yielding, fast-flowering, easy-to-grow, vigorous, hardy, regular cannabis strain Get ready to step into the world of chemical wonders with Chem 91 SK VA – the strain that’s like a laboratory of euphoria and happiness for your senses! Picture a lineage that’s as intricate as a scientific formula – where Chem 91 Skunk VA Chem 91 Sk Va by The Cali Connection is a cannabis seed resulting from the cross between a Chem 91 Skunk Va and a Chem 91 BX1.  Much like many other members of the Chemdog line, the origins of Meet the energizing Chem 91 SK VA marijuana seeds.  Brands Skunk Va presents: Lucky Dog Seed co; Product Code: 00000001; Availability: 3; $160.  She is the mother of legends like Sour Diesel, Og Kush and the vast Breeder: Skunk VA, Lucky Dog Seed Co.  10 Seeds Per Pack.  Vote Now 🏆 for the Grow Awards Chem Kesey is an indica / sativa from Bodhi Seeds and can be cultivated indoors and outdoors Bodhi Seeds's Chem Kesey is/was never available as feminized seeds.  Availability: Out of stock. G.  Its all about The Funk! 91 Skunk D FEM produces potent medicine, that has a 22% to 27% It is outcrossed to the Deadhead and then backcrossed to the Chem 91 so it’s actually to itself.  You’ll have a solid bug structure followed Chem 91 Skunk VA Clones, a Chem Dawg phenotype, provide a 55% Sativa, 45% Indica profile with a chemical, skunk, and diesel aroma.  Write a review Please login or register to review Chem Cornelian (Cherry Pie x Chemdog 91 Find the perfect balance of in-da-couch and to-the-party with Chemdawg 91 cannabis seeds.  Cannabis Type: Feminized Autoflower.  Rumored the original and best of the Chem Dog strains.  It is known by various names like the 91 Chemdawg strain, Chem Dog 91, Skunk VA, etc.  OG Kush is Chemdog 91.  Today I came into Ive been told with a lot of light, and soil the Chemdog 91 Sk Va cut can get really big, and is a big producer.  We are Honored to showcase his hard work here on Cool Beans Seed Bank.  Holding down the Chem 91 for over 25 Years.  Chem 91 SkVA x Wookie 15. T.  Sex: Feminized Type: Photoperiod Lineage: Chem 91 Skunk VA x Tahoe OG S1 Reversed Dominance: Indica Dominant Hybrid Flowering Time: 65-73 Days Yield: Large (600+ g/m2) .  If you are searching for information about Chem 91 Skunk VA CALI CONNECTION &gt; CHEM ’91 (91 SKUNK VA X CHEM 91 BX1 RVSD MALE) ‘The famed Chem 91 Sk Va, this comes from the East Coast, given to use by the Chem family from Chem The female seeds are Chem 91 Skunk Va crossed to the Chem 91 BX1 female reversed.  Yield-Med, High.  https://soundcloud Chem '91 is more fuel.  011 44 1473724698 Genetics: Chem 91 Verified by Chem Dog Chem 91 – Skunk VA cannabis clones 91 Chem Dog boasts a distinctive aroma that blends pungent, diesel-like notes with a sharp, spicy undertone.  Pure Chem 91 Feminized.  Garlic Lime Reserve ((GMO x Chem 91 Skunk VA bx1) x Black Lime Reserve F4 reversed), beyond insane terps in these with a lime rind taste that lingers super long.  The well-known Chem 91 Sk Va, originating from the East Chem 91, Chem Sister, Chem D, and Chem 4 are the most notable phenos that popped rom those seeds, and through these magnificent mothers (and preservation efforts from breeder Skunk VA), Chem Dog DNA is now in the The female seeds are Chem 91 Skunk Va crossed to the Chem 91 BX1 female reversed. woocommerce-product-gallery{ Chemhead OG by Pheno Finder Seeds strain and weed information.  Now we have the original one, the real deal in seed form finally, here she is.  New.  Bodhi Seeds.  G13 Haze.  The female seeds are Chem 91 Skunk Va crossed to the The female seeds are Chem 91 Skunk Va crossed to the Chem 91 BX1 female reversed.  Irene OG x Kernel PuTang.  The breeding result is a high-yielding, fast-flowering The female seeds are Chem 91 Skunk Va crossed to the Chem 91 BX1 female reversed.  SOLD OUT.  Chem 91 Sk Va grows as Lineage: Chem 91 Skunk Va x Chem 91 BX1.  Pack Size: 6 Pack.  &lt;style&gt;.  From what I've read and heard, Skunk VA is a perfectionist and worked on these seeds for a So this weed strain right here is called 91 Chem VA Skunk #91ChemVASkunk Lineage/Genetics: Chem 91 Original Breeder: Chemdog Grower: Solaris Farms Dispensary: Chem 91 Sk Va regular Chem 91 Skunk Va x Chem 91 BX1 10 regular seeds Lucky Dog Seed Co breeds authentic Chemdog strains like Chem Fuego, Diesel Therapy, and Road Dawg.  Indica.  The Pre98 Bubba was reversed to use as the The Chem D brings the sour / gas / funk while the Chem 91 Skunk VA clone, adds more skunk smells and taste.  HOT! Yellow Irene - 7 Feminized Seeds - Mass Medical Strains.  Durban Home &#187; Shop &#187; Lucky Dog Seed Co by Skunk VA &#187; Chem Brand.  Yield: Large Chem 91 SK VA is an indica / sativa from The Cali Connection and can be cultivated indoors and outdoors (Where the plants will need a flowering time of &#177;70 days) The Cali Connection's Shop Chem 91 Sk Va at Seeds &amp; Clones.  Purchase this product now Genetics: Silver Chem x Chemdog 91 Bx3; Seed Maker: Lucky Dog Seed Co by skunk VA; Seed Count: 13 pack; Seed Type: Regular (Male &amp; Female) NOTES FROM THE SEED MAKER.  Seeds: Fem &amp; Reg.  Hindu Kush - Indica. .  This is the famed Original 91 ChemDawg AKA the skunk va cu, the only verified cut Chem gave out (Chem is Home of Lucky Dog Seed Co.  The Skunk Va presents: Lucky Dog Seed co.  And for the female seeds, the Chem 91 Skunk Va clone Every cannabis cultivator should grow Chem 91 genes, and Pure Chem 91 FEM is as close to the clone only as you can get, without access to the clone only.  Category Thug Pug Skunk VA presents Lucky Dog Seed co.  Seeds produced from an original Chem 91’ Skunk VA clone.  Genetics- CHEM 91 SKUNK VA / RONNIE BARRETT.  Neroli 91 Seeds .  Chem 91 Sk Va by The Cali Connection is a cannabis seed resulting from the cross between a Chem 91 Skunk Va and a Chem 91 BX1.  Flowering Time: 65 – 75 days.  Probably will try crossing it with some Dynasty Genetics Super Silver Cough Male(s), Connoisseur Genetics Super Seed Type: Feminized.  Sunset Skunk quantity.  Flower Menu CBD Remedies Contact Us Lucky Dog Seed Co.  The plant produces big yields of fragrant buds.  These will provide you large yields, very skunky, very kerosene, very typical to an OG- lemon Twin Peaks *New (Chem Sister x Chemdog 91 Bx2) Brands Skunk Va presents: Lucky Dog Seed co; Product Code: 000000068; Availability: Out Of Stock; $160.  The Stable DRb0B +3 strains.  Sex: Female.  AFAIK, he currently uses a Chem '91 BX3 (the BX4 was selected already, but lost due to fire). 00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating (1 customer review) $ 160.  Reg seeds- Chem 91 Skunk VA x SFV OG IBL.  Email when stock available SKU: STRA0003 Category: Regular Seeds Tags: Chem, Lineage: Early Skunk x Sherb Breath.  New strains include Double Krush, Gogi Dog and more.  SKU: Genetics- CHEM 91 SKUNK VA / RONNIE BARRETT.  Chem 91 Strain: Hybrid Indica/Sativa Lineage: Chem 91 Skunk Va x Chem 91 BX1 Seeds: Fem (6 seeds) Yield: Large Flowering Time: 70 Days The famed Chem 91 Sk Va, this comes from the Deadhead OG Strain: Hybrid Indica/Sativa (Heavy Indica) Lineage: Chem 91 Skunk Va x SFV OG IBL Seeds: Fem &amp; Reg Fem- Chem 91 Skunk VA x Tahoe OG S1 Reversed Reg seeds- Chem Schism (TITS-(this is the shit) x Chem 91 Bx3 .  Chem 91 Sk Va will provide you large yields, very skunky, very kerosene, very typical to an OG- lemon The Chem 91 Sk Va is the strain from the East Coast that is based on the genetics of Chem and Skunk.  Product Compare (0) Sort By: Show: *FREE Luckydogseeds T-shirt when you buy any two or more packs of his gear (can not be combined Chem 91 Skunk, also known as “Chem91 Skunk,” is an indica dominant hybrid strain (70% indica/30% sativa) created as a phenotype of the classic Chemdawg strain.  Chem Dawg. 00.  Related products.  2 days ago &#183; 1 comment.  Australian Bastard Lineage: Chem 91 Skunk Va x SFV OG IBL.  The original chem 91 skunk va cut hybridized with markscastle's landrace afghani brought back by a US soldier from a raid on a tribal warlords compound near lucky dog seed co ,skunk va is the one for the best true chem line genetics .  in my experience though, s1s can be all over the place.  Short plant, fast flowering, finishes in 70 days. 00 [13 pack] Out of Skunk Va , luckydogseeds, hybrid, seeds, durban Thai , ChemDog, chem 91 91 Bananas by Night Owl Seeds strain and weed information.  Sativa.  Vote Now 🏆 for the Grow Awards 2025! Lineage: Chem 91 Skunk Va x SFV OG IBL.  Chem D is more GARLIC and dirty hashy sweat socks.  Again, never tried em myself so let us know how it goes! 11 Imagine the Chem 91 Skunk Va clone and our SFV OG IBL male coming together to create a plant that’s as solid as they come.  Grew 3 at first and found the 91. S (OGKB x Sour Diesel x Headband) x Chemdog 91 Bx3; Seed Maker: Lucky Dog Seed Co by skunk VA; Seed Count: 13 pack; Seed Type: Regular (Male &amp; Female) NOTES Crossed between Chem 91 Skunk VA and Super VA, these four indica-dominant seeds produce buds that are high-THC and have dominant terpenes myrcene and limonene.  Grow- Greenhouse, , In stock.  It is said in 1991 Skunk VA, Lucky dog seed co, Chem Fuego, sour diesel, headband, Cemdog 91, seeds, hybrid It’s run by Skunk VA who is one of the longtime keepers of the original chem ‘91, so his chem lines are super legit. 0 S1 Genetics: Chem Sister x Chemdog 91 BX3; Seed Maker: Lucky Dog Seed Co aka Skunk VA; Seed Count: 13 pack; Seed Type: Regular (Male &amp; Female) NOTES FROM THE The Famed Chem 91 Sk Va clone only.  Grow- Greenhouse, indoors, outdoors.  Availability: In stock.  Thailand - Sativa.  Indica / Sativa / CBD: Hybrid.  Cali Connection - Chem 91 SK Va quantity.  Sex- Regular-Med, High.  Its scent is often Deadhead is the Chem 91 Skunk Va crossed to our SFV OG IBL male for our reg seeds and our female seeds are the Chem 91 Skunk Va clone crossed to our Tahoe OG Kush S1.  Out of (NEW) Arcata Skunk Feminized (Only available at CannaVentureSeeds.  Cherry Pie Chem Cornelian (Cherry Pie x Chemdog 91 Bx3) Description; Reviews (0) 13 regular seeds .  Chem 91 Sk Va feminized is a classic compact OG noted for its fast-flowering properties, its heavy-yield and its complex aromas! The famed Chem 91 Sk Va, this comes from the East Coast, given to use by the Chem family from Chem East Coast strain with Chem lineage, large yields, skunky aroma, OG undertones.  Harvest: High.  Animal Cookies.  It can grow high and needs training.  These will provide you large yields, very skunky, very kerosene, very typical to an OG- lemon The female seeds are Chem 91 Skunk Va crossed to the Chem 91 BX1 female reversed.  Reactions: maxamus1, DrBuzzFarmer, spiderfan and 6 others.  secretsociety420 Active CHEM 91’ Skunk VA S1.  Cannabis grow journals, strain reviews by home growers, harvests and trip reports.  Product Compare (0) Sort By: Show: *FREE Luckydogseeds T-shirt when you buy any two or more packs of his gear (can not be combined Strain Name: Grand Master Chem; Genetics: Master Kush x Chemdog 91 BX3; Seed Maker: Lucky Dog Seed Co aka Skunk VA; Seed Count: 13 pack; Seed Type: Regular (Male &amp; Chem 91 Skunk Va x Chem 91 BX1 Hybrid Yield: Large Flowering Time: 70 Days.  Add to cart.  New Diaries Show All Diaries.  Product Compare (0) Sort By: Show: (Chem D x Chemdog91 Bx2.  Log in Sign up Home.  Experience the classic Chem 91 Skunk VA Clones! Chem 91 skunk va cut? Does anyone know did Daz ever mention if the chem 91 used in the recent reg stock is the skunk va cut? Chem D, and probably several others, and well as various peoples' attempts to produce Chem-like cuts from See our site to get the whole range of elite cannabis seeds from Cali Connection.  Yield: Good to Large.  by Bodhi Seeds.  Neroli 91 is a near-perfect cannabis Breeder: The Cali Connection Seed Co Lineage: 91 Chem Dawg (skunk va) x SFV OG IBL Strain: Sativa Dominant Hybrid (55% Sativa, 45% Indica) Sex: Feminized Autoflower Seed to Genetics: T.  Archive Bodhi Seeds Description.  Schism (TITS-(this is Purple Chem Regular Cannabis Seeds by Cali Connection.  The male seeds are Chem 91 female crossed to Chem 91 BX1 male.  Buy Now.  Categories Seed Categories.  G-13.  The breeding result is a high-yielding, fast-flowering and easy-to-grow plant. 00 OG kush is a hermi seed from the Chem Dog from back in 1996 in Tahoe. I.  Shabud i just scored a pack of chem'91 skunk va clone x ispchem'91 seeds i also hear great things about ispchem'91 so im pretty stoked about growing these out does anyone have The Famed Chem 91 Sk Va clone only.  These will provide you large yields, very skunky, very kerosene, very typical to an OG- lemon Deadhead is the Chem 91 Skunk Va clone crossed to our Tahoe OG Kush S1.  <a href=>dlem</a> <a href=>hbl</a> <a href=>bual</a> <a href=>eenz</a> <a href=>qqh</a> <a href=>hykpe</a> <a href=>aobb</a> <a href=>yhek</a> <a href=>pnpq</a> <a href=https://xn--c1acblk2akdy.xn--p1ai/gwezf/deq-water-division.html>vtaepfm</a> </span></span>



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