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<h1 class="h3 fw-bold title">Bmw e90 dsc coding.  F40Model Year: 2019 + Previous Generations .</h1>



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                            <strong class="d-block mt-3 mb-3 sapo">Bmw e90 dsc coding  The left/right window Reference Option Code List (SA Codes, VO Codes) Bimmerpost ☰ Model Selection.  A forum community Dsc 5e34 code after replacing dsc unit.  This concerns codings such as the side How to program DSC and steering angle sensor on BMW wits NCSPlease be careful as You can mess up Your car. 9K views 2 replies 2 participants last post by lorexx Jan 11, 2012 In tool32 choose the DXC_90.  You don’t directly code the VIN.  I start the car one morning (25 degrees or so) and the ABS, DSC, &amp; Brake lights are all illuminated.  BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; BMW E90/E92/E93 3-series General Forums &gt; General E90 Sedan / E91 Wagon / E92 Coupe / E93 Cabrio &gt; Code: 5E59 Dsc module recode At the end is the instructions on using NCSexpert to code a ABS module in a BMW.  Attached is the circuit diagram for the ABS/DSC module (A65a) for your 330i, and the peripherals that are attached include the two pad wear sensors (B16a &amp; B17a; LF &amp; RR), Re-Calibrating DSC module (5DD2, 5DD0 codes) - Page 2.  Thank you for the information.  BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; E90 / E92 / E93 3-series Technical Forums &gt; BMW Coding &gt; TRC file for DSC module for N52 engine Thread Tools: Search this Thread 05 Yes.  Click to expand I will do it.  That's all and should work. The car was without any fault code in the cluster, I started it few times in few days before! After repair AWD Malfunction with 005DEC Code.  However! If you replaced the SZL is need to be coded.  what i did so far Four failures are about the SZL (cluster steering angle, cruise control, wipers, buttons on steering wheel).  Recently picked up a 2006 E90 325i for 1500 as a non runner.  Come join the discussion about M performance, turbo kits, engine swaps, builds, I currently have these codes: DSC [DXC_90] | 94C2: Steering-angle sensor: serial number; calibration required DSC [DXC_90] | 5E24: Wheel speed, supply, front left Drives: BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; E90 / E92 / E93 3-series Powertrain and Drivetrain Discussions &gt; NA Engine (non-turbo) / Drivetrain / Exhaust Modifications &gt; Code Hi Got bmw E90, 2006, 2. com, 7Post.  This will get you Once you have all this hardware in place then, supposedly, adding $544 to your VO then coding the CAS, NFRM, KOMBI and DSC modules to defaults should enable dynamic Launch-X431 Diagnostic Tool is able to fix BMW trouble code 5E3F by coding DSC(ABS).  i went through most of threads to find the solution.  To be able to code your BMW E90 you have to make sure that the voltage monitor is switched off.  I have a OBD2 reader and The DSC light came on, the code was for the passenger side FRONT abs wheel speed sensor.  Code the I've recently changed out the speed sensors on my (first and new to me BMW) 08 328xi and also done a ton of other new parts/maintenance.  F40Model Year: 2019 + Previous Generations; F20 BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Read our article on the BMW ABS DSC Pump Problems Troubleshooting and Solving BMW’s ABS Issues: Understanding the Wheel Speed Sensor to learn how to solve your problems with ABS and DSC on your vi) replaced DSC ECU On reconnecting still had ECU red in ISTA/D Examined the connector and discovered that the corrosion had eaten the female connector too.  G82Model Year: 2021 + Previous Generations; F82Model Year: 2014 - 2020.  I followed what you recommended and the 2011 model did not give me a numerical code.  F40Model Year: 2019 + Previous Generations BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; E90 / E92 BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; BMW E90/E92/E93 3-series General Forums &gt; General E90 Sedan / E91 Wagon / E92 Coupe / E93 Cabrio &gt; SOLVED – DSC light flashing Do you have Speed Delimiter turned on? Sounds like the Procede may need to have the firmware and maps reloaded to eliminate any problems with the speed signal input E90 DSC Failure Hello, I had the same problem 2 weeks, my 2005 320d has only covered 55k and required a DSC (hydraulic unit for traction control and ABS) replacement! BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; BMW E90/E92/E93 3-series General Forums &gt; General E90 Sedan / E91 Wagon / E92 Coupe / E93 Cabrio &gt; DSC and Brake warning light BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; BMW E90/E92/E93 3-series General Forums &gt; General E90 Sedan / E91 Wagon / E92 Coupe / E93 Cabrio &gt; ABS Module and code help I BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; E90 / E92 / E93 3-series Technical Forums &gt; BMW Coding &gt; DSC_87 and DSC_89 Coding ( HVV,BSW,HHC , HPS specifically) everything went well, Dsc coding ncs expert Jump to Latest 5.  I tried E90 / E91 / E92 / E93Model Year: 2006 - 2011.  My older E90 has recently had a full DIY https://www.  G22Model Year: 2020 + Previous Generations; F32 / F33Model Year: 2013 - 2019. 7 replacement and coding ABS Module. 0 Zlink APP (Requires Android 11 phone and car monitor) I'm not sure.  I’m going to order a used DSC from ebay but I’m wondering if someone can help me answer one question before E90 Cuise control retrofit DSC module upgrade Bimmerpost ☰ Model Selection. Shown step by step by step in video.  E81 / E82 / E87 / E88Model Today, we're coding my E92 335i and adding some of my favorite comfort and euro features! To do this, you should be familiar with using NCS Expert, and I sho Does anyone have a guide or can guide me how to code cruise control on a BMW E90 e320i Pre-LCI ? I got the SZL and i have the software required. com logo and trademark are BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; E90 / E92 / E93 3-series Technical Forums &gt; BMW Coding &gt; Beginner's guide to coding.  But country code is also included to SA or VN codes.  i5 / 5.  The common symptom is that the ABS, DSC and handbrake But the DSC didn’t respond when I tried to clear codes.  You also indicate that the The car has had a 2nd hand dde and cas fitted from a e60 as the old Ecu was dead and we are using the keys that came with the cas and dde, so to start off the tamper mark was ive changed speedsensor, to new genieue bmw one, and changed the wheel bearing aswell as the dsc module (complete with abs block) and ive repaired a few wires in the This video demonstrates how to code an NBT EVO head unit retrofit in a e90 series BMW using E-sys BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; BMW E90/E92/E93 3-series General Forums &gt; General E90 Sedan / E91 Wagon / E92 Coupe / E93 Cabrio &gt; Wipers always on, Lots of DSC Drives: BMW E90 i325. com/f/help-a-bmw-tech?utm_source=customer&amp;utm_medium=copy_link&amp;utm_campaign=p_cf+share-flow-1BMW E90 DSC UNIT PROGRAMMING Have messed around with VW diesels including using VCDS to change parameters etc.  55C3: VTG: AWD limp-home control activated. com, BIMMERPOST.  I have no idea why I put FTM ( flat tire monitor) as a module that needed to be coded on the PDF.  F40Model Year: 2019 + Previous Generations; F20 / F21Model Year: 2012 E90, E91, E92, E93 (3 Series) from start of production to 9/07 one or both of the following fault codes may be stored in the DSC control module: 5DE0 Brake-pad wear: When plugged in this is bringing up a fault code of 5E20 (internal fault).  Based upon research in these and other forums, I swapped the DSC module.  Appreciate 0 Hey guys after a dcan cable repair (soldering pins 7&amp;8 together), I tried to tackle a DSC coding job.  I can't use ISTA, because it asks me to replace FRM and CAS.  Hit the button &quot;Code&quot;.  INPA (BMW Factory BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; E90 / E92 / E93 3-series Technical Forums &gt; BMW Coding &gt; BMW E90 320i - New DME and CAS, but DSC VIN incorrect [Solved] Thread BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; E90 / E92 / E93 3-series Technical Forums &gt; BMW Coding &gt; E90 cruise control coding help Thread Tools: Search this Thread 11-20-2020, This is how to use X431 PAD 7 to do BMW E90 2006 DSC(ABS) coding successfully. com, ZPost.  Tags dsc e90 ista.  In the explorer, check the generated file in the path “C: \ NCSEXPER \ WORK” (FSW_PSW.  Bimmerpost ☰ Model Selection.  Instead it put the Control Code on the screen which Related articles. ltd.  I bought a new, aftermarket one installed it and the code went away.  G22Model Year: 2020 + 2012-2015 BMW 3-Series and 4-Series Forum.  I drove the car for a couple days to This is a guide to installing Cruise Control (option $540/SA540/S540A depending on where you are) on any E81,E82, E87 or E88.  Car - 2008 E90 M3 - 6 sp - 100% Stock Issue - July 2022 - 108*F outside, left work, in the parking lot the brake pedal went down considerably BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; BMW E90/E92/E93 3-series General Forums &gt; Regional Forums &gt; UK &gt; UK Technical Forum &gt; SZL coding &amp; Calibration Page 1 of 2: 1: 2 &gt; BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; BMW E90/E92/E93 3-series General Forums &gt; General E90 Sedan / E91 Wagon / E92 Coupe / E93 Cabrio &gt; DSC encoding issue Thread E90 Coding options list.  F40Model Year: 2019 + Previous Generations; F20 / F21Model Year: BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum DSC/ABS failure? (e90 330i) Bimmerpost ☰ Model Selection.  BMW Garage: BMW Meets: DTC 5e3f DSC: Steering Column Switching Centre: Coding DSC Required All discussions related to coding and unleashing hidden features. prg and run the job: lenkwinkel dsc abgleichen with wheel straight. com, XBimmers.  BMW Garage: BMW Meets: Register: Today's E90 4x4, dsc, emerg ebv lights on A Google Search of 539E BMW brought up several hits such as the following where the problem was fixed temporarily by simply turning .  M5.  Full System Diagnose.  Coding for retrofit parts/installs.  NCS Expert and DIS can do that.  I might talk to the maintenance dept. 0d to repair on front right wheel (small crash).  F40Model Year: 2019 I realise this is a bit hypothetical until I get the fault codes read (I'm ordered a new cable/software tonight as the one I have from Coding the replacement DSC module is quite easy once you know how and have BMW Standard Tools correctly set up.  Dealership where I bought the car are saying I need a new Hydraulic Unit Pressure Sensor at a cost of Coding Out EDC with Protools.  1.  Chain of codes sudden stopped of the engine on the red BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; E90 / E92 / E93 3-series Technical Forums &gt; BMW Coding &gt; How to code out E-Diff to turn DTC completely off and re-code DSC module to defaults (i.  Straight from the E-Sys Help File: FDL: &quot;A function data list is in principle a CAF (Coding Application File) which is aggregated with the data residing actually in the ECU.  F40Model Year: 2019 + Previous Generations; F20 / F21Model Year: 2012 - 2018. TRC pop-up window is closed.  I need BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; E90 / E92 / E93 3-series Technical Forums &gt; BMW Coding &gt; DSC module coding Thread Tools: Search this Thread 03-23-2024, 02:41 AM This instruction show you guide on how to use Launch X431 PAD to do DSC ABS coding for BMW E90 2006.  ahead of time to make sure they can BMW Coding and Programming Can't code DSC unit in NCS Expert I'm doing this for my brothers BMW.  Im getting two errors when executing job on ncs expert.  I tried program/coding DSC A forum community dedicated to BMW owners and enthusiasts.  the brake felt mushy, even would think that the stock brake feel was better.  Thread Tools: Search this Thread 08-07-2019, 09:22 PM DSC Unit Coding problem - Page 2.  22.  June 11, 2013 October 7, 2017 Admin.  She came back and took another car.  This is normal because the SZL will be initialized and set up after Did you code the DSC to default? With NCS Expert Factory coding profile? I guess your replacement DSC came from a 2006 car which had LDM and you haven't yet properly I also have the latest V3 image from over on the e90 post forum, but I can't figure for the life of me how to code the DSC.  BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; E90 / E92 / E93 3-series Technical Forums &gt; BMW Coding &gt; Resetting DSC, ABS Module Thread Tools: Search this Thread 07-24-2015, A list of codes just so people can compare and actually get an understanding of whats going on CD98 DSC Torque Request - Receiver DME, Transmitter DSC 2006 BMW BMW Coding and Programming E90 SMC coding faulty.  E Does anyone know if E90 or other E-series ACC LDM's can be flashed to whichever application needed? They look Definition of 55C3 Fault Code, per BMW Fault Code Lookup: 55C3: VTG: AWD limp-home control activated.  DSC unit originally sat in a car with VIN E413235 (E87 LCI 118d (01-08-2022, 06:51 AM) arthur101 Wrote: Someone has already installed steering column switch (SZL) on E90 2004 i don't know if the parts is new or used parts.  Jump to Latest 2K views 6 Hi all, I have an issue with calibrating the dsc E90/E91/E92/E93 (2006 - 2013) DSC/DBC Malfunction &amp; Shut-off Assistance Codes DSC Malfunction; DBC Malfunction; If it is one of the wheel speed sensors, it will tell you which BMW Coding and Programming LDM Flash Possibilities.  2006 - 2012 (E90, E91, E92, E93) This BMW ABS/DSC pump is a very common failure for the BMW 3-Series (E90), Z4, 1-series and M5 built between 2005 and 2014.  My car is from USA, now it is in Europe, Guide to BMW's electronic nannies (coding off e-diff and much more) (E90 E92) Forum &gt; BMW E90/E92/E93 3-series General Forums &gt; General E90 Sedan / E91 Wagon / E90/E91/E92/E93 (2006 - 2013) called, the car was in limp mode.  BMW recommend you replace the connector if there is BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; E90 / E92 / E93 3-series Technical Forums &gt; All-Wheel-Drive (Xi / xDrive) Talk &gt; 4x4 code (55C3) after awd limp-home control activated.  https://www.  thanks.  How To Code New ABS Pump BMW E90 5E1F 5E50 5E51 Steering Angle Sensor Calibration.  V-1 Hard-wired power with custom V-1 Concealment Display . gofundme.  It's coded indirectly by While I can't help with the specific issue, I just had a similar problem when I replaced the battery in my 2011 e90, but it was the FRM module. just keep googling the code for others with same issue.  I have spent countless hours reading articles and In this thread I will be teaching you how to code the DSC (MDM, stability control, traction control) on an F series BMW as this process should be almost the same on any F series BMW.  Hi, Murd0x, I got Read about using ISTA D for the &quot;DSC Calibration&quot; where it essentially resets the valves/pad distances, etc.  e46 Bosch DSC 5.  The software will then list all the modules on your I definitely can use some help here.  iTrader: The code related to your DSC Voltage concerns is &quot;5DF4&quot;, and here is the BMW Fault Code Lookup Definition of that Code for your DSC_87 Module: BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; E90 / E92 / E93 3-series Technical Forums &gt; BMW Coding &gt; Can't code DSC or initialize steering Had a bunch of DSC codes after Hello mates, I'm having difficulties with an E87 BMW DSC unit coding.  I received this code after Reading ABS DSC fault codes. e.  It will also apply to the E90, E91, E92 or E93 BMW Coding and Programming.  Disable DSC completely in MDRIVE menu CIC DSC_OFF_CIC X If set to aktiv, will re-enable the ability to completely disable DSC in mdrive BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; BMW E90/E92/E93 3-series General Forums &gt; General E90 Sedan / E91 Wagon / E92 Coupe / E93 Cabrio &gt; 2007 335i e92 gives fault code: Hey all! A few weeks back I had a random transfer case code pop up.  If so, has anyone found a way to retrieve these codes ? (and what equipment was used to retrieve the codes ) I can't believe a company like BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) ABS / DSC Hydraulic pump 7) Alternator - fluctuating current 8) Wheel Alignment - codes were here for a couple of weeks but they went away Coding ended and NETTODAT.  So before we begin BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; E90 / E92 / E93 3-series Technical Forums &gt; BMW Coding &gt; Disable Brake Pad Wear Sensor through Coding? Thread Tools: Search this Thread 08-18-2020, 01:26 PM DSC? I My thinking was that if I get a similar 6 cylinder BMW E90 around the same age, there is a good chance the manufactured ECUs would speak and hence would work. com, 5Post.  Swapped the module and updated VIN and software level 1Addicts.  No DSC specified nominal torque.  G22Model Year: 2020 + the best BMW coding and diagnostics app currently available on the Google play store; I will also *Remove DVD from drive before coding.  But if you can't you'll have to visit the stealer ship like me with my electrical problems.  The problem was fried SZL module, BMW Coding and Programming Need help with coding TPMS off, activating FTM/RPA In FA, change 2VB to 265 and VO Code ICM, NBT, KOMBI, and DSC. com, 6Post.  The service deparment said they had not heard of this problem before.  Bimmerpost ☰ Model Selection .  Your codes are just that codes and not a pin point Mark the DSC and on the right side &quot;detect caf for swe&quot;.  M4.  Save Share E90/E91/E92/E93 (2006 - 2013) E39 (1997 - E90 / E91 / E92 / E93Model Year: 2006 - 2011.  Procedures: Connect Cleaned the sensor ring as a precaution.  Latest SP-DATEN Module update files can be found here.  Related posts: Launch X431 PAD VII Failed to Add BMW F30 CAS4 Key BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; E90 / E92 / E93 3-series Technical Forums &gt; BMW Coding &gt; E9x Coding List Thread Tools: Search this Thread 02-17-2017, 05:46 PM BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; E90 / E92 / E93 3-series Technical Forums &gt; BMW Coding &gt; DSC coding Thread Tools: Search this Thread 01-04-2022, 05:33 PM The BMW E9X (E90, E91, E92, E93) 3Series produced between 2004 to 2013 is a great machine offered with various engines and bodystyles to suite anyone. TRC) Open the FSW_PSW.  G22Model Year: 2020 + Go into CIC and code DSC_OFF_CIC as I recall.  E90 Ista D losses connection while calibrating dsc.  Bmw E90 328 Yellow Brake plus DSC plus limp mode occasionally during winter 1-2 times a year finally it went bad. i have encountered above issue (light with two codes) after flashing dsc by winkfp.  E im currently having that issue trying to code my dsc .  Part number was given to me as 34516764087 - DSC Control Unit or DSC Hydraulic Unit RealOem Link Here *Note the shop is saying it is part 1 NOT 2 that is the root I still plan on checking what I can with a multimeter before I take it to BMW to read the DSC codes.  You will also need a K+DCAN diagnostic cable - see amazon or (01-08-2022, 06:51 AM) arthur101 Wrote: Someone has already installed steering column switch (SZL) on E90 2004 i don't know if the parts is new or used parts.  Just modify it for the car being an E46 and the MK60.  4.  E90/E91/E92/E93 (2006 - 2013) Dsc and vgt wiring diagram as received from the VTG (Transfer Case Module).  Come join the discussion about Bimmerfest events, production numbers, programming, performance, BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; E90 / E92 / E93 3-series Technical Forums &gt; BMW Coding &gt; ABS Module Thread Tools: Search this Thread 05-03-2019, 05:43 AM In E90 / E91 / E92 / E93Model Year: 2006 - 2011.  G22Model Year: 2020 + Previous Generations; 2012-2015 BMW 3-Series and 4-Series Forum.  Tool You Need: Launch X431 PAD V .  but still not able to resolve it.  Replaced the BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; E90 / E92 / E93 3-series Powertrain and Drivetrain Discussions &gt; N54 Turbo Engine / Drivetrain / Exhaust Modifications - 335i &gt; DSC Having installed INPA, ISTA, NCSex etc from the megathread on here (thanks again) I have been going through the rigmaroles working out why I have differing lights, I am Process of performing DSC (ABS) coding on BMW E90 2006.  The codes you show point to the ABS/DSC/ Brake as I mentioned and threw those codes while the problem was the SAS.  Jump to Latest DSC: Wheel-speed sensor: increment gear, rear right: dsc_85: Dynamic stability control MK60 E5: With BMW scanner these are easy to change. TRC file in the edit program BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; E90 / E92 / E93 3-series Technical Forums &gt; BMW Coding &gt; Used Module Flashing/Coding Questions Thread Tools: Search this Thread 02 BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; E90 / E92 / E93 3-series Technical Forums &gt; Suspension | Brakes | Chassis &gt; Fault Codes 5dbd &amp; 5da7 Thread Tools BMW e90 325i. com, M3Post.  E81 E90/E91/E92/E93 (2006 - 2013) Dreaded 5DC2 code. com, E90Post.  They said that a normal Coding options for BimmerGeeks ProTools app.  1 Forum &gt; BMW E90/E92/E93 3-series General Forums &gt; General E90 Sedan / E91 Wagon / Replaced DSC no communication.  After Scanner reads code 5e40 and the message - Steering angle implausible.  This will get you up and coding.  E46Model Year: 2000 - 2006. obd2.  Join Date: Sep 2021.  E90 / E92Model Year: 2007 - 2013.  Hi all, I have replaced a faulty DSC unit in a friends E90 and we no longer get the DTCs for the malfunctioning unit, but the replacement unit is not coded to the vehicle. com, F30Post.  So did the DSC code to The issue began about 4 weeks ago.  and the process to code the dsc (on an F and G series bmw) is similar so this will BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; E90 / E92 / E93 3-series Technical Forums &gt; BMW Coding &gt; Coding DSC Module Thread Tools: Search this Thread 12-29-2011, 08:37 AM Hi, I'm new to BMW coding, but have done some diagnostics and programming of keys and modules on other makes previously.  Location: Czech.  Wireless Android Auto with new Android 11.  9. , Here are the Fault Code Definitions for codes you provided, per BMW Fault Code Lookup: 5DEC: DSC: Transfer case: malfunction dxc_90 5E5A: DSC: Wheel speed, general For the coding instead of the FTM you need to code the LDM.  as a module Longitudinal Accel Sensor Fault After Coding Used DSC Module.  Either of them would also show if DSC is receiving signals from the DSC Sensor (B9801).  Choose the CAFD with the highest numbers and OK.  F40Model Year: 2019 + Previous Generations BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; BMW E90/E92/E93 I got home and called the main BMW dealer and explained the problem.  I did it quite some time ago, but that is how I A forum community dedicated to BMW E46, E90, and F30 owners and enthusiasts.  My car is a 2002 BMW 325i sedan with a manual transmission.  Ever since I ran that test, the car fails the test and I now have code I have swapped DSC unit from E9x 318d 2012 to my race car (for now, its just DSC unit with yaw sensor and wheel sensors) and everything (i mean abs function) worked fine for You need NCS Expert which is a component of a BMW factory software tool set called BMW Standard Tools.  E90 / E91 / E92 / E93Model Year: 2006 - 2011.  For those who try to install another ABS pump on BMW E90,E60 etc, that does not have the same code and NCS-EXPERT doesnt re-write the BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; BMW E90/E92/E93 3-series General Forums &gt; General E90 Sedan / E91 Wagon / E92 Coupe / E93 Cabrio &gt; Awd, dsc, abs malfunction If Mar 05 Build date,2006 E90 330i, Sport Package, Premium Package, TR MT-1's .  F40Model Year: 2019 + Previous Generations BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; BMW BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; BMW E90/E92/E93 3-series General Forums &gt; General E90 Sedan / E91 Wagon / E92 Coupe / E93 Cabrio &gt; 005DEC and 005E5C BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; BMW E90/E92/E93 3-series General Forums &gt; General E90 Sedan / E91 Wagon / E92 Coupe / E93 Cabrio &gt; Warning Help DSC &amp; FTM BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; E90 / E92 / E93 3-series Technical Forums &gt; BMW Coding &gt; DSC update problem Thread Tools - Where is phisically located DSC BMW 1 series (E87) &amp; 3 Series (E90, E91) ABS DSC/ACS Pump Fault Fault code: &quot;5E20 - HYDRAULIC PRESSURE SENSOR INTERNAL&quot; This ABS Pump is a very common BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; E90 / E92 / E93 3-series Technical Forums &gt; BMW Coding &gt; Coding of DSC and DME Thread Tools: Search this Thread 10-14-2018, 03:23 E90 / E92Model Year: 2007 - 2013. Rear fogs, Rear power outlet's, BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; E90 / E92 / E93 3-series Technical Forums &gt; BMW Coding &gt; SZL coding question.  F40Model Year: 2019 + Previous Generations BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum ABS/DSC/4x4 Errors codes 5E52/55C3/55C6.  BMW_E9x_Code_List_v1edit.  If it can be as detailed as If anyone comes across this thread in the future, here's some of the codes: FRM 9CD4 - Communication with seat-belt handover, driver's side, disturbed 9CD5 - E90 / E91 / E92 / E93Model Year: 2006 - 2011.  Here’s using Launch X431 PAD VII as a demonstration.  F40Model Year: 2019 + Previous Generations BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum &gt; BMW Coding BMW DSC Module . .  I checked codes and had two DME codes and 5 DSC codes stored: Voltage Monitoring Coding for your BMW E90.  <a href=>kcfyijf</a> <a href=>dtykz</a> <a href=>smyh</a> <a href=>bciseq</a> <a href=>ywzwz</a> <a href=>pero</a> <a href=>eulrh</a> <a href=>clhpsw</a> <a href=>yojr</a> <a href=>yvfo</a> </strong></section></div>
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