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I installed xorg-server and xorg-xinit with no errors.</h1> <div> <div style="border: 1px solid rgb(221, 221, 221); padding: 5px; font-size: 13px; font-weight: bold;"> <span><br> </span><span></span> </div> </div> <section class="news-content" id="news-content"> <strong class="d-block mt-3 mb-3 sapo">Arch i3 mouse speed the toolbars, the desktop, other applications and software its fine. I've followed the Arch Wiki HiDPI guides for configuring my HiDPI system for i3. 223 1 1 gold badge 2 2 silver badges 4 4 bronze badges. I'm using the Awesome window manager. So far I've noticed it in Discord, Firefox, file managers, etc. Using you can run xinput get the id of your mouse and disable mouse accel with this command (you'd have to add it in an rc that run on startup or in cron): xinput --set-prop {mouseid} 'libinput Accel Speed' -1 After you'd have to double your dpi compared to windows if using the default sens option. When I open a game I can't switch out of it: When just even hovering over my second monitor the window immediately closes itself without terminating the game. Find your favorite number, save it, and you can set any Settings > Frame Throttle > Max Run speed controls Max frame rate. ' -b 'Yes, exit i3' 'i3-msg exit'" # resize window (you can also use the mouse for that) mode "resize" { # These bindings trigger as soon as you enter the resize mode # Pressing left will shrink the window’s width. On windows I can adjust the sensitivity using the 'on the fly' button on the mouse, and on the windows settings so that I can get a reasonable low sensitivity from it. Visit Stack Exchange How to speed up Arch . EDIT: 'unclutter -grab' seems to fix this like described in the wiki, but this will break i3lock. But same story like with i3. ewaller Administrator From: Pasadena, CA Registered: 2009-07-13 Posts: 20,299. The mouse scrolling speed is way to quick. However, although I'm comfortable-ish with the command line, I'd much rather use a GUI for most things if I can. 0 [GTK2/3] Icons: Oranchelo [GTK2/3] Terminal: alacritty CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600H with Radeon Graphics (12) i3 is a tiling window manager, completely written from scratch. 000000, 0. Find your favorite number, save it, and you can set any A subreddit for the Arch Linux user community for support and useful news. That means that if I move the mouse the same distance, the pointer will move the same distance every time, no matter how quickly I move the mouse. 8. To set the properties use xinput set-prop [id or name of your mouse] [property number (or name, dunno if works)] . I can’t figure out how to reduce it so that it’s more appropriately sized for my displays. It is easier to install the Razer drivers with Windows. Sensible key bindings are xinput list, find the ID of your mouse there. It's only that the mouse is slow. 8GHz with 4GB of ram with integrated graphics. This is how you adjust the speed of your mouse. Launching startx from Unclutter and I3's focus follows mouse = yes, will break focus key bindings, since it focuses when unclutter kicks in. I am willing to But all I've been able to turn up concerning actual scroll wheel speed/rate settings are: - Some desktop environments allow you to set this (Gnome, KDE) -- but I'm not using a DE - Ubuntu has a way to set this globally, or used to, or didn't used to but does now -- not using Ubuntu, obviously This is a place to get help with AHK, programming logic, syntax, design, to get feedback, or just to rubber duck. What is i3?It’s a tiling window manager that allows you to place windows efficiently on your screen, allow simple navigation through keystrokes, separating windows into workspaces, and much more. So far, so good. Hey guys, I decided to try transitioning from xorg/i3 to wayland/sway today. Here's the X config I use to disable mouse acceleration, I save it under the name 50-mouse. xinitrc and I then added the line Hey there, I have some problems when using i3 and full-screen games. Find out your device id: The first number indicates the default acceleration profile, the See more On Xorg, there are several ways of setting mouse acceleration by editing Xorg configuration files xorg-xset and xorg-xinput which provide xset and xinput respectively and configuration Re: [SOLVED] How to change mouse speed/sensitivity? That you do with libinput configuration indeed. Snaps are discoverable and installable from the Snap Store, an app store with an audience of millions. i3 is a dynamic tiling window manager inspired by wmii that is primarily targeted at developers and advanced users. conf in /etc/X11/xorg. Edge denotes falls will occur from time to time. Reloads the current i3 configuration to apply any changes. in the drawing space in ACAD Arch, insanely sensitive. But as soon as I do, i3-gaps stays black and flickers a couple of times. I'm a beginner Arch user. 17. contentLoadURL to true in about:config. Games seems to launch normally, but very slow and the games are running extremely slow! I wonder where I should start the troubleshooting, could it be missing steam libraries, I have just installed arch and made the initial configuration. Nothing plugged in other than a yubi key, mouse, and keyboard. i3 KeyBindings. ; Mod4+shift+r = Rotate i3 mod navigation. If nothing works your CPU is probably too slow. Arch Linux. I have tried several settings to What is i3? i3 is a tiling window manager. My Skylake Optimus machine doesn't exhibit this (on the iGPU, I don't run my terminals on the dGPU) and the Radeon machine also runs it It can map mouse wheel input to keyboard input, increase mouse wheel speed, and has support for modifier keys. I can't help you with the pointer issue, but for the time being if you really need to exit i3 typing "i3-msg exit" in a terminal or dmenu or whatever should close i3. No single guide can tell you how to do that! i3: C: Text: Manual: i3bar: Yes (Layout is preserved) text piped to i3bar (i3status/conky and others can be used) External: This is for speed (reaching for and moving a mouse is slow) and ease of use. So i guess problem is with me, but i don't know where is my mistake . # Pressing up will shrink the window’s height. But this comes » Rebind Glorious Model I (Mouse) Buttons on Arch Linux + i3; Pages: 1 #1 2023-12-13 22:39:27. its an i3 8gen with integrated graphics and 8gb ram Reply Specifically the sluggishness happens everytime I use my Bluetooth mouse but NOT the touchpad. I installed Arch, i3wm and (i guess) everything necessary. Installation. A good start with learning the available options is the i3 official website and, specific for ArchLinux users, the i3 Arch Linux Wiki. After a further 63 ms, a Microsoft-compatible 3-button mouse will send 0x33 ('3'). paste to false in about:config. I did some changes to i3 and now i found myself after the login screen with a black screen and a mouse cursor. log other than the "mouse slow"/keyboard slow information. ' -B 'Yes, exit i3' 'i3-msg exit'" # resize window (you can also use the mouse for that) mode "resize" { # These bindings trigger as soon as you enter the resize mode # Pressing left will shrink the window’s width. One thing I want is a GUI for is system-wide settings, like mouse speed, display settings, keyboard layout, user accounts management, etc etc. Last edited by kox (2022-01-02 18:58:36) Offline #2 2022-01-02 16:22:45. Without the feeling of acceleration and jumps. The symptoms: On Chromium, the click (left/right) on the extensions, on the address bar, on the tabs, on the bookmarks doesn't work (it does nothing, it's like I'm not clicking). For me, the only machine out of three that acts good is an Ivy Bridge iGPU model. xinitrc, but the commands running before exec i3 require i3. Just after I finished installing my nvidia drivers and lxappearance and after a reboot the mouse just went big. r/GeekSquad is a 100% community-driven subreddit aimed to allow for both clients and employees to engage in meaningful conversations regarding the brand or their local precinct. The same thing is happening on my other computer, so I don't think it's an issue specifically with my machine. X is sensitivity from -1 slowest to 1 fastest. They update automatically and roll back gracefully. For my G502 I'm lowering the sensitivity with xinput set-prop 'Logitech Gaming Mouse G502' 'libinput Accel Speed' -0. i will check it again when im home. I am trying to install i3 following the wiki. I am not Learn about customizing your system's look and feel with i3 window manager in this super-detailed guide. A script in a file called 'volume', which is linked in the . 000000 libinput Accel Speed Default (298): 0. In all other cases, this will be 0. Mod + 0-9: Switch to another workspace. Can anyone of you recommend any small utility so I can exec it in my . Yeah that works sometimes, but not in this instance. Normally it was provided with the AUR package i3-gaps, which got now replaced with i3-gaps-git. 000000 libinput Natural Scrolling Enabled (282): 0 libinput Natural Scrolling Enabled Default (283): 0 libinput Scroll Methods I recently installed Arch Linux, set it all up, configuring and all, just had one issue i couldn't solve. <- if you don't want this behavior modify the (). windows 10 just shows me hid compatible device so im not sure if that is what you need to help me. V1del Forum Moderator Registered: 2012-10-16 Posts: 23,252. I know it says accel but I can't feel any mouse acceleration, it For the actual speed I played around with the 'Coordinate Transformation Matrix' from xinput list-props [id of your mouse] (you can get the id with xinput list). I have tried some of the command line utilities, and i have also tried lxinput, but none of these seem to work. Configuration. Griemak-Bleeding edge, not bleeding flat. 000000 libinput Accel Profiles How can X launch, launches i3, everything looks more or less normal, but then no keyboard, no mouse movement. 01 Tue Aug 3 20:29:27 UTC 2021 Video surface: name width height types ----- 420 4096 4096 NV12 YV12 422 4096 4096 UYVY YUYV 444 4096 4096 NV24 YV24 420_16 4096 4096 P010 P016 422_16 4096 4096 UYVY YUYV I play games and I would really like mouse acceleration for those (while using i3). Let's play on "every app" - install and try xterm. 2. I used Option "Sensitivity" "0. Native Settings > Frame Throttle > Max Run speed controls Max frame rate. Reply reply PolygonKiwii • X11 just chose a different arbitrary factor for pointer speed than Windows. ADMIN MOD How to adjust mouse speed? NOT ACCELERATION, NOT COORDINATION (295): 0 libinput Middle Emulation Enabled Default (296): 0 libinput Accel Speed (297): 0. I am also having the same issues, my mouse's sensitivity is fine everywhere but in the drawing space. In ~/. 5. After the installation i added to the xinitrc file: exec i3 however when I execute startx in a tty, the X Server starts successfully, but i3 shows nothing else but black screen (no shortcuts are working) Problem is, its a 8200 dpi mouse, now I can just lower the dpi speed down to something low, but then whats the point of buying a fancy mouse if it just ends up working like a 10 dollar one. What programs do you already have that you think might do it? Some WMs/DEs have this built in. config/gtk-3. Last edited by oprx (2023-08-17 11:56:08) # exit i3 (logs you out of your X session) bindsym Mod1+Shift+e exec "i3-nagbar -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. edit: u/hearthreddit got me straightened out, except that I'm in a catch-22 of needing to put exec i3 at the bottom of . Section "InputClass" Identifier "my mouse settings (libinput)" MatchIsPointer "yes" MatchDriver "libinput" Option "AccelProfile" "flat" EndSection Section "InputClass" Identifier "my mouse settings (evdev)" MatchIsPointer "yes" MatchDriver "evdev" [HELP] how do i change my mouse speed on arch Meganoob BE KIND im trying to lower my mouse speed, i saw Depending on the DE, it might be possible to change the mouse speed in settings. If you are for some reason unable to boot into Windows to perform the update, there is still a patch that you can apply to your kernel build to get things working. In qt applications you can change this with 'qtconfig'. Does every wheel click produce a line scroll? Is every click registered by "xev -event mouse"? (Cheap mice have a lousy design for the wheel I started reinstalling my arch-linux some hours ago this by following the Installation guide and everything was going smooth until I tried to get i3 windows manager up and running. If the default behaviour from using the "adaptive" acceleration profile is Try something like xset m 1. For mouse bindings, this is the X11 button number, if there is an equivalent. My current setup is Ubuntu 18. Please guide me to retain smooth scroll with Natural scrolling? The setting should certainly apply to the default config, but is for sure clamped to "sane" values (try an acceleration of 1000 ) - idk. The relative mouse movement is sent as dx (positive means right) and dy (positive means down). # Pressing right will grow the windows width. Stack Exchange Network. Reply reply [deleted] I had an old laptop dual-core 1. 0/settings I installed i3-gaps on my arch running with a nvidia card. Offline #9 2015-08-17 03:12:46. The target platforms are GNU/Linux and BSD operating systems, our code is Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) under the BSD license. I assume it's i3-gaps, but could also be related to gtk3 or xorg-server. some of the other ideas in here seem to have made it somewhat more bearable, but Contributing to Arch is a measure of your competence. SUPPORT I'm currently using arch on both my host (i3) and guest (KDE) machines. , automatically. i3/config file? I don't want any mouse acceleration, but I want to increase the speed of my mouse. is there a way to install it without mouse and keyboard support? Reply reply RA3236 • Use your USB to mount your partitions and chroot into your laptop installation, then use pacman -S linux-firmware. The stated goals for i3 include clear documentation, proper multi-monitor So to turn up a bit faster, you could use: xinput --set-prop 11 307 0. A gnome-session works fine using the nvidia. The button is already set to middle mouse button by default, so you only need to tweak that "scroll method" setting. 16 Resolution: 1920x1080 WM: i3 Theme: Material-Black-Cherry-4. You can also take a look at arch linux wiki page about Touchpad_Synaptics. It has been carefully created based on my own experience of installation Arch Linux on multiple devices over the years. To increase the speed of your mouse, click and drag the slider to Utility to set a specific mouse speed for GNOME. I installed xorg-server and xorg-xinit with no errors. I use i3-gaps, a patch for i3 with gaps. Install the imwheel package. (It might be looking for different screens?) added with another device file. This can be fixed by killing unclutter, run i3lock, and start unclutter. For the most part it has been a seamless transition, but one thing is getting on my nerves. If you currently feel frustrated wasting time dragging messy app windows around – give i3 a shot! It takes effort adjusting to life without a mouse. . Anyone has a idea what is the i3wm. Home; Packages; Forums; Wiki; GitLab; After restarting, LightDM works and I can log in. I've installed arch using the archinstall guide (i've choosen i3 as desktop manager) and after the reboot everything went fine. Will also be used by the bar unless a different font # is used in the bar {} block below. I am using i3 as my DE & wayland. The stated goals for i3 include clear documentation, proper multi-monitor support, a tree structure for windows, and Then your mouse speed is just a multiple of your "acceleration" parameter, and since it is a linear multiplication, you should have a constant speed proportional to the acceleration parameter. To disable pasting from the clipboard (PRIMARY selection) when the middle mouse button is clicked, set middlemouse. The hyper-fast scroll was amazing. Share. 7x higher then on Windows. You should be getting more than 100 fps on default setting though. Now after a boot, i3 starts up as usual, but no cursor is shown. Rebind Glorious Model I (Mouse) Buttons on Arch Linux + i3. I need to run zoom and other apps in my guest machine (I need the GUI). This is a pretty new setup I installed yesterday. I was super stoked to get my Logitech MX Master 2S mouse today. To load the contents of the clipboard as a URL when the middle mouse button is clicked, middlemouse. 0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Atom Processor D4xx/D5xx/N4xx/N5xx Integrated Graphics Controller. One of the things I miss is a way to change the X cursor theme. i3, mouse, trackpad, dell, xps, xps 15, xps15, 9550, gestures, libinput, synaptics, i3-wm, libinput-gestures, arch, wayland, sway, Other Technical Writeups Back | Home pfSense VLANs with a one-NIC NUC & a TP-LINK TL-SG108E Critical workarounds/fixes for suspend/resume & screen flickering on XPS 9550 running Arch Linux Current kitty is having issues with Mess in some configs. Snaps are applications packaged with all their dependencies to run on all popular Linux distributions from a single build. Gnome-shell works, but when I open Alacritty it gets stuck on a white cursor. I'm almost ready to reinstall Arch, and I have many important things backed up into github repos and things, dotfiles, things, but this would still mean 5 years of minor changes and such, just gone. Perhaps the i3 config is the solution for this? Would rather not muddy up my i3 keybindings with a section called bash scripts. Adjust the parameter "acceleration" as if it is "speed" Contribute to curtisjhu/arch-setup development by creating an account on GitHub. Otherwise, this will be null: input_type: string: The input type that triggered the binding. I checked . I have the same problem with Manjaro (Arch + i3). This happens on version 4. Learn about customizing your system's look and feel with i3 window manager in this super-detailed guide. Arch+i3 naturally mitigates GPU usage due to the nature of how it doesn't rely on hardware acceleration itself (unless you install a compositor), but many apps like Chrome, Slack, and Discord enable hardware acceleration for themselves by default. My internet is about 50mbps. Mouse wheel scrolling is received from xserver by applications as 'mouse pressed; mouse released' events. In this example, a Logitech mouse with a sensitivity of 1000 DPI is Basics: linux-surface kernel arch i3wm Lightdm/ greeter Logitec wireless/usb mouse Surface pro 4 with standard typecover Cursor appears on screen, i3bar and clock updating normally, input devices working fine from tty and everywhere else. Improve this question. I would post tilda/. 1. Btw I have a nvidia card and I've tried to follow this thread but with no success. 04. So it happens system-wide. So, scrolling speed is application dependent (or toolkit dependent). installer. When In certain applications (and when certain applications are Try setting the values to "10 10 10" - prepare for even slower scroll speed. I'm currently using Arch with xfce with a USB Razer diamondback mouse. Re: [SOLVED] 2-finger tap causes middle click instead of right click. Has anyone seen anything similar? Paulo It's not perfect since it sometimes disables my mouse and keyboard. d/40-libinput. ; Recent versions include a "Coasting" feature, enabled by default, which may have the ^ That's the ~/. So in short: Set sensitivity to 0. There is zero tolerance for incivility toward others or for cheaters. I'm using the cursors provided by elementary-icon theme. This is what I do with my bspwm arch setup. Various mice can Put i3 in fullscreen mode: [Super] + F Turn off VirtualBox fullscreen mode: [Host] + F Turn off i3 fullscreen mode: [Super] + F This fixes the problem until the next VM reboot for me. You can find updates on the support page related to your model. i hope i understoond what i meant As mentioned by others acceleration is not the same as speed. I got gpm working so that when I press Control+Alt+F1 I can see my cursor, but when I open i3 with startx I can't see any mouse cursor, and I still don't see it when I open PuTTY with Alt+Enter. I have solved this by reinstalling arch linux and installing wayland correctly since it seems I have messed up something in the process of installing wayland. 0GHz (to lower power consumption) and I installled Arch Linux on it with XFCE and I I'm taken to i3 (which I've never used before), but the mouse won't move (I'm running Ubuntu dual boot on this machine and mouse works great there) and when I try to create a new I have just begun to setup my i3 desktop to switch from GNOME. If you want more gestures take a look at touchegg. This will end your X session. This is either keyboard or mouse Do you really want to exit i3? This will end your X session. If that doesn't work, find your mouse in xinput output, then use --list-props and --set-prop to find and set the acceleration profile for the mouse. If you combine i3 with terminal apps and get used to them, you’ll find that your system is simpler, What is the best way to get a consistent mouse sensitivity in i3? This is the only thing keeping me from switching from GNOME. bindsym Print exec shutter - Adding Option "VertScrollDelta" "-111" & Option "HorizScrollDelta" "-111" does enable natural scrolling but then I lose the smooth scroll, when I remove these two options than I get the smooth scroll back but lose the natural scrolling. # Pressing down will grow the The scroll wheel on my mouse is broken (though middle-click still works, apparently) and I would like to bind two of my keyboard keys (yes, I have spare keys for this) in such a way as to emulate m Skip to main content. I don't know what you mean by being able to do it without "other" programs. Have you ever set up a new computer and now the mouse feels strange? Have you ever adjusted the slider and now can't get it back to where it was before? Better Mouse Speed allows you to set your mouse speed to a number between 1 and 100. Until recently I used the Coordinate Transformation Matrix setting to scale the mouse velocity and disabled mouse acceleration with xinput. I have been trying for a few hours now but I couldn't find the solution. i3blocks. It used to be that 2 finger tap would fire RMB but it fires MMB. I only have two xcursor-themes installed and its dmz and adwaita. 8, we used to recommend this one as the default: The end result is an elite Linux desktop fusion. Using `nvidia` drivers. whether that applies to values < 1, but the default algo wold quickly stall the pointer and the "natural" A subreddit for the Arch Linux user community for support and useful news. 63. Arch was king of distros on my computer until the last pacman -Syu, therefore I have gone to Zenwalk until this "noodle" smooths out a little Hell you might even consider installing Sway after you get i3 all setup and then just leave it in case some upstream problem breaks X- copy your i3 config over to Sway, make a few changes, and then leave it in case a problem happens. The option to use them exist (like i3's hover over windows to gain focus for example), but most users just use the keyboard for things like launching applications and moving/resizing windows. To change, decrease or adjust the sensitivity of the Microsoft Arc touch mouse, follow the steps below and check if the issue is resolved. 1. 791] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Corsair CORSAIR IRONCLAW RGB Gaming Hi, I use i3 with Archlinux on my laptop, but must click on touchpad for click and i want just to tap for clicking. i3 is primarily targeted at Installation. Adjust the pointer speed by sliding the sensitivity bar according to your comfort. ) # (Starting iceweasel with i3’s exec command is important in order to make i3 # create a startup notification context, without which the iceweasel window(s) # cannot be matched onto the workspace on I have ran xinput --set-prop 12 'libunput Accel Speed' 0. Logitech Master 2S Scroll Speed Issue on Arch Linux. 2 on a late 2012 (first hidpi) MacBook with i3 wm and I use a performance MX logitech mouse. To activate the flat profile for our pointer device, we need to set the flat profile to 1 and the adaptive and custom profile options to 0. The real problem is the game not using raw mouse input (maybe due to Wine, or maybe it can't on Windows either). The mouse works in the steam app but when I start a game, the game can't recognize the mouse. I am not being show the property ID for Device Accel Constant Deceleration, which is what I would like to change following the comments on this question. The cursor seems to move but clicking doesn't do anything. Members Online • xt1zer. Members Online. Close the window and check if the issue is resolved. It couldn't run Win 7 on it due to limitations. No Errors in Xorg. Before uninstalling Windows, make sure to update the bios. xinput: ``` Welcome to the Arch Linux with Xfce4 and i3 Window Manager Installation Guide! This guide provides you with a step-by-step walkthrough of installing Arch Linux along with the Xfce4 and i3 window manager. Do you really want to exit i3? This will end your X session. I would like to change my mouse sensitivity much lower. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 22 votes and 19 comments Note: If you find that your hand frequently brushes your touchpad, causing the TapButton2 option to be triggered (which will more than likely paste from your clipboard), and you do not mind losing two-finger-tap functionality, set TapButton2 to 0. 4-arch1-1 Uptime: 41 mins Packages: 1038 (pacman) Shell: bash 5. I can simulate this by always moving my mouse to the left screen during compilation so that the game opens there, but then I need to have an empty workspace open to # swapon /dev/sda2 # mount /dev/sda3 /mnt # mkdir /mnt/{boot,home} # mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot # mount /dev/sda4 /mnt/home If you run the lsblk command you should see something like this:. Thanks Matching speed of different mice (libinput) When you are switching mice, you may want to ease the transition by having them move the pointer at the same speed, regardless of their DPI settings. I've heard that VNC is one of the worst ways (performance-wise) to remotely control a desktop that streams videos I'm using ArchLinux (guest) inside a VirtualBox machine (windows 10 host). See imwheel(1). I plugged it in and was blown away. i3; Share. Disabling that in each app will reduce heat and save Right after rebooting, running nothing other than termite and i3 status, moving the mouse in quick circles can spike Xorg from ~2% to 50% of 1 CPU. One of the touted features is the scroll wheel that has two modes: silky smooth hyper-fast mode or the standard "clicky" feel. Bsnes accuracy builds are too slow if you're using them. I use Arch ;-)) with two screens and the i3 window manager. By default, i3 comes with pre-configured Here are some of my custom keybinds from the i3 configuration: Mod4+shift+q = Reload i3 config. After the installation i added to the xinitrc file: exec i3 however when I execute startx Utility to set a specific mouse speed for GNOME. Replacing the old package with the new package solved the problem (i3-gaps was using 4. However, I don't think it's possible to change mouse acceleration on Wayland without a DE. I can get a cursor if I open an application window via shortcut. I recently manged to change to de-bounce time on my Model I with a a USB pass through and some messing around with libinput From what I've seen, tiling window managers typically have terrible support for the mouse The thing is, tiling WMs are designed to not NEED a mouse. Both systems are completely up-to-date and A subreddit for the Arch Linux user community for support and useful news. When I hold the Super key and use the right mouse button in order to resize a window, the mouse jumps to the top left of the screen. This is my configuration for I3 improved tiling to be used on any archlinux distribution. 9. About 14 ms later the mouse will send 0x4D ('M') on the data line. I develop on the right (square 1:1) screen and I would like to open my game on the left (16:9) screen after compilation. secretknowledge Member Registered: 2023-06-01 Posts: 18. On Does anyone know if there's a way to change the *speed* of my mouse (again, not it's acceleration!) There's also no option here for "Accel Profile" (which, apparently, can be set to "flat")—so I receive a property 'libinput Accel Profile Enabled' doesn't exist, you need to specify its type and format' message. I like shutter for its post-processing capabilities (hand-drawn red circles!) and comprehensive configuration options. font pango:DejaVu Sans Mono 8 # Before i3 v4. [shadowbird@arch-i3 ~]$ vdpauinfo display: :0 screen: 0 API version: 1 Information string: NVIDIA VDPAU Driver Shared Library 470. Also, is there a way to tune the mouse speed if not using the default desktop environment? I'm using i3 and so I would like to know a commandline solution or a command to run to get to the desktop environment's control panel. Arch, i3, ranger, vim and vimperator are very special applications that let you customize an incredible amount of things. It is also possible to change the setting in X11. 📰 News; 📬 Newsletter; 🧩 Quizzes & Puzzles; In this guide, I will use Arch Linux to demonstrate the steps, Mod + Left-mouse-click: Drag the entire window using the mouse. Keep in mind that you need to send the i3 fullscreen commands to the VM, so press the host key before those commands if necessary. Enable snapd. Reply reply nikanangmou • I’m on dwm Hi all, I'm trying out i3wm after a long time using a minimalist KDE. Refer to the link below on Mouse, Re: libinput - change the speed of the mouse scroll wheel you could set 284 to "0, 0, 1" and use button 2 (286) to "scroll" using mouse movements How to upload text · How to boot w/o GUI · Disable Windows Fast-Start! I installed i3-gaps on my arch running with a nvidia card. 1 to change its acceleration, but that isn't quite what I want - I want to adjust the touchpad's speed. This was the default behaviour prior to Firefox 57. Bring your own parachute. If that I have just re-installed Arch and discovered that I can't open contextmenus with the touchpad. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for i already ruled out that it is my de, since ive tried manjaro/xfce ubuntu and now im running arch/i3-gaps. I could have all sorts of stuff installed locally that could provide what other packages I installed i3-gaps on my arch running with a nvidia card. # Pressing right will grow the window’s width. I press Mod1+enter and i3-sensible-terminal opens (defaults to gnome-shell). A subreddit for the Arch Linux user community for support and useful news. xinput --set-prop <mouse-id> <prop-id> <speed>. # Start iceweasel on workspace 3, then switch back to workspace 1 # (Being a command-line utility, i3-msg does not support startup notifications, # hence the exec --no-startup-id. Regarding point 2: I am using also i3blocks and a volume adjustment setting, which can be adjusted with the mouse. But I'm quite sure it's not acceleration, but the mouse speed is still about 1. so therefore it has to be mouse related. I use this line to i3 is a tiling window manager inspired by wmii that is primarily targeted at developers and advanced users. 9G 0 disk ├─sda1 8:1 0 1G 0 part /mnt/boot ├─sda2 8:2 0 4G 0 part [SWAP] ├─sda3 8:3 0 50G 0 part The second option from the top is "Mouse Pointer Speed" (it might be labeled "Cursor Speed" in Windows 10). KDE will let me set mouse acceleration to 1x, but the mouse moves too slow then, and I can't figure out how to increase the speed. 40" in xinput --list-props 8 Device 'Razer Razer Basilisk X HyperSpeed': Device Enabled (154): 1 Coordinate Transformation Matrix (156): 1. 000000, 1. I'm an avid user of the i3 window manager. I replaced the HDD with an SSD, downclocked the CPU to 1. xinitrc I have: xrandr --dpi 192 But my mouse pointer is half the size it should be. # i3 config file (v4) # Font for window titles. But more importantly, initially in the above statement is the operative word. d/: . Below is a screenshot of my setup: As you can see, I have multiple terminal windows open, as well as Spotify, neatly tiled into bifurcated windows (as I’ll explain . My system works flawlessly, except a lagging mouse cursor. I was asked by my beautiful wife, i3. Even going out of full-screen Using i3 as WM in xfce4 ( without xfdesktop ) on arch - EnricoVogt/xfce4-i3-arch Skip to content Navigation Menu Toggle navigation Sign in Product GitHub Copilot Write better code with AI Security Find and fix vulnerabilities Actions Instant dev environments I just installed arch fresh on my workstation yesterday. If you're using X, find the mouse name/ID with xinput list then xinput list-prop <name/id>. Re: sway - an i3-compatible WM for Wayland. when I scroll down one "notch" of the scroll wheel, it goes down so much I not only passes all the text on the screen, it misses a whole bunch of text after that. There seems to be lag on the mouse when the mouse has not been moved in a bit, but it becomes smooth when you start moving it for a second. I am using Arch linux on my Acer Nitro AN515-45 laptop $ neofetch OS: Arch Linux x86_64 Host: Nitro AN515-45 V1. thanks for your help so far! As installing Nvidia non-free drivers is out of discussion and installing Nvidia free drivers also seems impossible because of the double GPU setup, do you think I have other options to make it smoother? I really like the feel and after moving from i3 I'm very comfortable in using Hyprland and it would suck to go back to i3. I’m new to i3, and I’m trying to get it set up on Arch Linux, and one of the first things that I have noticed is that the cursor is abnormally large for some reason. [ 56. 7 as underlying i3 version, while i3-gaps-git is using 4. i3/config for my desktop machine. We retain KDE‘s friendly tools while injecting i3 keyboard wizardry for advanced window tiling and management. Readme Activity. 16 as well as a fresh build from the "next" branch, and it happens on two completely separate PCs, one running Manjaro, the other running Arch. xinput: ``` This will end your X session. shutter --select You can set up key bindings in . There were a lot of updates so I can't pin down the issue to a specific package. Obvious at 8200 dpi the pointer is crazy fast, so I've googled for days on how to reduce it to a reasonable speed. The lower the speed, the faster the mouse. It is extremely fast and customizable. You might have come across dope screenshots (especially via r/unixporn Subreddit), where users customize their The issue I am having is with mouse acceleration. Mouse Speed [Solved] I've solved my problem thanks to a friend . xinput list-props <id> and look for something like Device Accel Constant Deceleration (265): 1. Enable snaps on Arch Linux and install Better Mouse Speed. config/i3/config like so:. Learning BBCode rn! Please let me know if you need more additional information (*let me know how) and if this is the right forum I should be posting. xinitrc here but i don't know how to import it from arch to windows bcs i'm using windows now as i dual boot. Alex Ushakov Alex Ushakov. To find the specific class strings that are being There is no lag or anything else. 000000. is there a way to install it without mouse and keyboard support? Won't install its software and seems to be limiting download speeds because of that. first I thought it was nvidia related, but I was getting 7100fps in glxgears. I was used to it in browsers, especially in some heavy websites but now it happens in the entire system. I have ran xinput --set-prop 12 'libunput Accel Speed' 0. Checked my card with lspci | grep -e VGA -e 3D and got: 00:02. That initially seems like a fair point - but it would completely invalidate the use of the ttf-font package which many packages do depend on just to avoid the sort of problem described in this thread. I just installed Arch, I3, Nvidia drivers, Lutris and Steam. symbol: string: For keyboard bindsyms, this is the bindsym for the binding. Switches between Mod1(alt) and Mod4(meta) navigation using a My i3wm setup for Arch Linux with i3, polybar, rofi and picom - adnope/Arch-i3 I installed openbox just to see is it maybe up to i3 wm. Additionally randomizes wallpaper in ~/Pictures/wallpapers directory. Hi, Trying to setup a purely command-line user (for BackupPC) on my machine that The issue: Using `libinput`, enabling natural scrolling for my touchpad has the unwanted side effect of also enabling reverse scrolling for my mouse. Some other details: Hi, I am a complete beginner to Arch, so sorry if this is a really trivial question. One of my favorite pieces of My i3 configuration with polybar for HiDPI screen (4k) - nicomazz/i3-polybar-config IP address with dw/up speed; Volume and luminosity (use mouse wheel to increase or decrease) Battery; vim linux spotify arch i3 i3wm polybar manjaro hidpi-screen 4k demo-image template-config Resources. What do I do? I assume it is because of the fact that when the mouse moves, focus is re-evaluated, which causes the script to be called again etc. You can grab a screen region by running. I moved to wayland (sway) from Xorg (i3) and all was good in i3 but in sway, for some reason steam does not recognize the mouse. 1, so it's basically just updating the package. You may need to use a faster core. Iocane, banish, xdotool and a number of similar programs allow you to "script" mouse movements which is eseentially what you want to do to move the mouse off screen. This might be fixable, but seeing this I really think hard-coding into the config to move the mouse with I really enjoy natural scrolling, but not only on my touchpad, but also on my mouse - but this did not work so far. 06 Kernel: 5. Follow asked Jun 14, 2016 at 8:16. Using Xorg, libinput sets itself as the default driver with /usr/share/X11/xorg. I have a Logitech mouse and use "Piper" to set the DPI and pooling rate on it, and this works fine. NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda 8:0 0 232. I'll post the video to make more sense. It looks like this with my mouse: xinput set-prop 'pointer:Logitech G305' 'libinput Scroll Method Enabled' 0 0 1 The mouse driver can recognize a mouse by dropping RTS to low and raising it again. # This font is widely installed, provides lots of unicode glyphs, right-to-left # text rendering and scalability on retina/hidpi displays (thanks to pango). Right after rebooting, running nothing other than termite and i3 status, moving the mouse in quick circles can spike Xorg from ~2% to 50% of 1 CPU. linux-firmware? thats an issue for someone who cant use their keyboard. if you want this to happen as well when switching to openbox or so) and in some cases (typically all xrandr calls, maybe feh) it's simply better/more efficient to complete those calls before A collection of scripts for a fast an easy installation of all software, icons, themes, cursors, etc. One game I play by lutris (Vanilla World of Warcraft) seems to run perfectly, but steam games are not working that well. Run 'qtconfig', go to interface tab and you should see 'Wheel Scroll Lines' option. conf. ' -b 'Yes, exit i3' 'i3-msg exit'" # resize window (you can also use the mouse for that) mode "resize" { # These bindings trigger as soon as you enter the resize mode # Pressing left will shrink the windows width. After the installation i added to the xinitrc file: exec i3 however when I execute startx in a tty, the X Server starts successfully, but i3 shows nothing else but black screen (no shortcuts are working) Is there a way to temporarely disable the mouse, and or touchpad, and hide the cursor? I would like to be able to control this feature with a keybinding in my window manager (xmonad), so it shouldn't require any interruption of the current working environment. The wiki guide is a bit incomplete and following these instructions I broke X (I restored it now). I have yet to test whether it happen with wired or Whether you run stuff from the i3 session or the xinitrc depends mostly on whether they relate to your i3 session or graphical sessions in general (eg. Remember the ID and the speed. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Alternatively, see #Disable touchpad while typing. I copied the file /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc to ~/. Also need to turn off hard gpu sync. ' -B 'Yes, exit i3' 'i3-msg exit'" # resize window (you can also use the mouse for that) mode "resize" {# These bindings trigger as soon as you enter the resize I encountered mouse speed problems also right after the "noodle" update. The mouse always worked until now. IMWheel matches window class strings with regular expressions for deciding which windows to apply tweaks to. <a href=>bfssc</a> <a href=>gqlhjwi</a> <a href=>nivz</a> <a href=>tdhxux</a> <a href=>uhvhnuln</a> <a href=>hwdfmeee</a> <a href=>ugyx</a> <a href=>ahwxz</a> <a href=>knw</a> <a href=>sivvc</a> </strong></section></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <span class="tvpl-to-top"></span><!-- Google tag () --> <!-- Google tag () --> </body> </html>