Current Path : /home2/church/ |
Current File : //home2/church/ |
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$ function () { var current_index = menu_item_parent.index(), parent_element = $this.closest( 'ul' ); parent_element.find( 'li' ).not( ':eq(' + current_index + ')' ).removeClass( 'current-menu-item current-menu-ancestor' ); menu_item_parent.addClass( 'current-menu-item current-menu-ancestor' ); } ) } } ); } function _openMenu( id ) { var flyout_content = $( '#hfe-flyout-content-id-' + id ); var layout = $( '#hfe-flyout-content-id-' + id ).data( 'layout' ); var layout_type = $( '#hfe-flyout-content-id-' + id ).data( 'flyout-type' ); var wrap_width = flyout_content.width() + 'px'; var container = $( '.elementor-element-' + id + ' .hfe-flyout-container .hfe-side.hfe-flyout-' + layout ); $( '.elementor-element-' + id + ' .hfe-flyout-overlay' ).fadeIn( 100 ); if( 'left' == layout ) { $( 'body' ).css( 'margin-left' , '0' ); container.css( 'left', '0' ); if( 'push' == layout_type ) { $( 'body' ).addClass( 'hfe-flyout-animating' ).css({ position: 'absolute', width: '100%', 'margin-left' : wrap_width, 'margin-right' : 'auto' }); 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$( '.elementor-element-' + id).find( '.hfe-nav-menu-icon' ).html( toggle_icon ); $this.removeClass( 'hfe-active-menu' ); $this.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); if ( 'yes' == full_width ){ $this.removeClass( 'hfe-active-menu-full-width' ); $selector.css( 'width', 'auto' ); $selector.css( 'left', '0' ); $selector.css( 'z-index', '0' ); } } else { var layout = $( '.elementor-element-' + id + ' .hfe-nav-menu' ).data( 'layout' ); var full_width = $ 'full-width' ); var close_icon = $( '.elementor-element-' + id + ' nav' ).data( 'close-icon' ); $( '.elementor-element-' + id).find( '.hfe-nav-menu-icon' ).html( close_icon ); $this.addClass( 'hfe-active-menu' ); $this.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); if ( 'yes' == full_width ){ $this.addClass( 'hfe-active-menu-full-width' ); var closestElement = $( '.elementor-element-' + id ).closest('.elementor-section, .e-con-boxed'); var width = closestElement.outerWidth(); var sec_pos = closestElement.offset().left - $selector.offset().left; $selector.css( 'width', width + 'px' ); $selector.css( 'left', sec_pos + 'px' ); $selector.css( 'z-index', '9999' ); } } if( $( '.elementor-element-' + id + ' nav' ).hasClass( 'menu-is-active' ) ) { $( '.elementor-element-' + id + ' nav' ).removeClass( 'menu-is-active' ); }else { $( '.elementor-element-' + id + ' nav' ).addClass( 'menu-is-active' ); } } ); } function _handleSinglePageMenu( id, layout ) { $( '.elementor-element-' + id + ' ul.hfe-nav-menu li a' ).on( 'click', function ( event ) { var $this = $( this ); var link = $this.attr( 'href' ); var linkValue = ''; // Optimized code to redirect to submenu-ids on traverse. if ( link.includes( '#' ) && link.charAt(0) === '#' ) { // Check if the link is an anchor link. event.preventDefault(); var index = link.indexOf( '#' ); linkValue = link.slice( index + 1 ); } if ( linkValue.length > 0 ) { var targetSection = $( '#' + linkValue ); if ( targetSection.length ) { // Check if the target section exists. $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: targetSection.offset().top }, 800); } if ( 'expandible' == layout ) { $( '.elementor-element-' + id + ' .hfe-nav-menu__toggle' ).trigger( "click" ); if ($this.hasClass( 'hfe-sub-menu-item' )) { $( '.elementor-element-' + id + ' .hfe-menu-toggle' ).trigger( "click" ); } } else { if ( window.matchMedia( '(max-width: 1024px)' ).matches && ( 'horizontal' == layout || 'vertical' == layout ) ) { $( '.elementor-element-' + id + ' .hfe-nav-menu__toggle' ).trigger( "click" ); if ($this.hasClass( 'hfe-sub-menu-item' )) { $( '.elementor-element-' + id + ' .hfe-menu-toggle' ).trigger( "click" ); } } else { if ($this.hasClass( 'hfe-sub-menu-item' )) { _closeMenu( id ); $( '.elementor-element-' + id + ' .hfe-menu-toggle' ).trigger( "click" ); } _closeMenu( id ); } } } } ); } /** * This function handles polylang plugin's lang switcher if present in the menu. * * @param {Object} $scope The current element(hfe nav menu) wrapped with jQuery. */ function _handlePolylangSwitcher( $scope ) { var polylangSwitcher = $scope.find( '.hfe-nav-menu nav .pll-parent-menu-item a.hfe-menu-item' ); var hrefProperty = polylangSwitcher.prop( 'href' ); if ( undefined !== hrefProperty && hrefProperty.includes( '#' ) ) { var index = hrefProperty.indexOf( '#' ); var value = hrefProperty.slice( index ); if ( value === '#pll_switcher' ) { polylangSwitcher.prop( 'href', '#' ); } } } $( window ).on( 'elementor/frontend/init', function () { elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/navigation-menu.default', WidgethfeNavMenuHandler ); elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/hfe-search-button.default', WidgethfeSearchButton ); }); } )( jQuery );