Current Path : /home2/church/ |
Current File : //home2/church/ |
<?php namespace W3TC; /** * class Cdn_Environment */ class Cdn_Environment { public function __construct() { add_filter( 'w3tc_browsercache_rules_section_extensions', array( $this, 'w3tc_browsercache_rules_section_extensions' ), 10, 3 ); add_filter( 'w3tc_browsercache_rules_section', array( $this, 'w3tc_browsercache_rules_section' ), 10, 3 ); } /** * Fixes environment in each wp-admin request * * @param Config $config * @param bool $force_all_checks * @throws Util_Environment_Exceptions */ public function fix_on_wpadmin_request( $config, $force_all_checks ) { $exs = new Util_Environment_Exceptions(); if ( $config->get_boolean( 'config.check' ) || $force_all_checks ) { if ( $config->get_boolean( 'cdn.enabled' ) ) { $this->rules_add( $config, $exs ); } else { $this->rules_remove( $exs ); } } if ( count( $exs->exceptions() ) > 0 ) throw $exs; } /** * Fixes environment once event occurs * * @param Config $config * @param string $event * @param Config|null $old_config * @throws Util_Environment_Exceptions */ public function fix_on_event( $config, $event, $old_config = null ) { if ( $config->get_boolean( 'cdn.enabled' ) && !Cdn_Util::is_engine_mirror( $config->get_string( 'cdn.engine' ) ) ) { if ( $old_config != null && $config->get_integer( 'cdn.queue.interval' ) != $old_config->get_integer( 'cdn.queue.interval' ) ) { $this->unschedule_queue_process(); } if ( !wp_next_scheduled( 'w3_cdn_cron_queue_process' ) ) { wp_schedule_event( time(), 'w3_cdn_cron_queue_process', 'w3_cdn_cron_queue_process' ); } } else { $this->unschedule_queue_process(); } if ( $config->get_boolean( 'cdn.enabled' ) && $config->get_boolean( 'cdn.autoupload.enabled' ) && !Cdn_Util::is_engine_mirror( $config->get_string( 'cdn.engine' ) ) ) { if ( $old_config != null && $config->get_integer( 'cdn.autoupload.interval' ) != $old_config->get_integer( 'cdn.autoupload.interval' ) ) { $this->unschedule_upload(); } if ( !wp_next_scheduled( 'w3_cdn_cron_upload' ) ) { wp_schedule_event( time(), 'w3_cdn_cron_upload', 'w3_cdn_cron_upload' ); } } else { $this->unschedule_upload(); } $exs = new Util_Environment_Exceptions(); if ( $config->get_boolean( 'cdn.enabled' ) ) { try { $this->handle_tables( $event == 'activate' /* drop state on activation */, true ); } catch ( \Exception $ex ) { $exs->push( $ex ); } } if ( count( $exs->exceptions() ) > 0 ) throw $exs; } /** * Fixes environment after plugin deactivation */ public function fix_after_deactivation() { $exs = new Util_Environment_Exceptions(); $this->rules_remove( $exs ); $this->handle_tables( true, false ); if ( count( $exs->exceptions() ) > 0 ) throw $exs; } /** * Returns required rules for module * * @param Config $config * @return array|null */ function get_required_rules( $config ) { if ( !$config->get_boolean( 'cdn.enabled' ) ) return null; $rewrite_rules = array(); $rules = $this->rules_generate( $config ); if ( strlen( $rules ) > 0 ) { if ( $config->get_string( 'cdn.engine' ) == 'ftp' ) { $common = Dispatcher::component( 'Cdn_Core' ); $domain = $common->get_cdn()->get_domain(); $cdn_rules_path = sprintf( 'ftp://%s/%s', $domain, Util_Rule::get_cdn_rules_path() ); $rewrite_rules[] = array( 'filename' => $cdn_rules_path, 'content' => $rules ); } $path = Util_Rule::get_browsercache_rules_cache_path(); $rewrite_rules[] = array( 'filename' => $path, 'content' => $rules ); } return $rewrite_rules; } /** * * * @param Config $config * @return array|null */ function get_instructions( $config ) { if ( !$config->get_boolean( 'cdn.enabled' ) ) return null; $instructions = array(); $instructions[] = array( 'title'=>__( 'CDN module: Required Database SQL', 'w3-total-cache' ), 'content' => $this->generate_table_sql(), 'area' => 'database' ); return $instructions; } /** * Generate rules for FTP */ public function rules_generate_for_ftp( $config ) { return $this->rules_generate( $config, true ); } /** * Create tables * * @param bool $drop * @throws Util_Environment_Exception */ private function handle_tables( $drop, $create ) { global $wpdb; $tablename_queue = $wpdb->base_prefix . W3TC_CDN_TABLE_QUEUE; $tablename_map = $wpdb->base_prefix . W3TC_CDN_TABLE_PATHMAP; if ( $drop ) { $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `$tablename_queue`;"; $wpdb->query( $sql ); $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `$tablename_map`;"; $wpdb->query( $sql ); } if ( !$create ) { return; } $charset_collate = ''; if ( ! empty( $wpdb->charset ) ) $charset_collate = "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET $wpdb->charset"; if ( ! empty( $wpdb->collate ) ) $charset_collate .= " COLLATE $wpdb->collate"; $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `$tablename_queue` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `local_path` varchar(500) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `remote_path` varchar(500) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `command` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '1 - Upload, 2 - Delete, 3 - Purge', `last_error` varchar(150) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `date` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `date` (`date`) ) $charset_collate;"; $wpdb->query( $sql ); if ( !$wpdb->result ) throw new Util_Environment_Exception( 'Can\'t create table ' . $tablename_queue ); $sql = " CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `$tablename_map` ( -- Relative file path. -- For reference, not actually used for finding files. path TEXT NOT NULL, -- MD5 hash of remote path, used for finding files. path_hash VARCHAR(32) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL, type tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- Google Drive: document identifier remote_id VARCHAR(200) CHARACTER SET ascii, PRIMARY KEY (path_hash), KEY `remote_id` (`remote_id`) ) $charset_collate"; $wpdb->query( $sql ); if ( !$wpdb->result ) throw new Util_Environment_Exception( 'Can\'t create table ' . $tablename_map ); } private function generate_table_sql() { global $wpdb; $charset_collate = ''; if ( ! empty( $wpdb->charset ) ) $charset_collate = "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET $wpdb->charset"; if ( ! empty( $wpdb->collate ) ) $charset_collate .= " COLLATE $wpdb->collate"; $sql = sprintf( 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `%s%s`;', $wpdb->base_prefix, W3TC_CDN_TABLE_QUEUE ); $sql .= "\n" . sprintf( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `%s%s` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `local_path` varchar(500) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `remote_path` varchar(500) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `command` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '1 - Upload, 2 - Delete, 3 - Purge', `last_error` varchar(150) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `date` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `date` (`date`) ) $charset_collate;", $wpdb->base_prefix, W3TC_CDN_TABLE_QUEUE ); return $sql; } /** * schedules */ /** * Unschedules cron events */ private function unschedule_queue_process() { if ( wp_next_scheduled( 'w3_cdn_cron_queue_process' ) ) { wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'w3_cdn_cron_queue_process' ); } } /** * Unschedule upload event */ private function unschedule_upload() { if ( wp_next_scheduled( 'w3_cdn_cron_upload' ) ) { wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'w3_cdn_cron_upload' ); } } /* * rules core modification */ /** * Writes directives to WP .htaccess * * @param Config $config * @param Util_Environment_Exceptions $exs * @throws Util_WpFile_FilesystemOperationException with S/FTP form if it can't get the required filesystem credentials */ private function rules_add( $config, $exs ) { Util_Rule::add_rules( $exs, Util_Rule::get_browsercache_rules_cache_path(), $this->rules_generate( $config ), W3TC_MARKER_BEGIN_CDN, W3TC_MARKER_END_CDN, array( W3TC_MARKER_BEGIN_MINIFY_CORE => 0, W3TC_MARKER_BEGIN_PGCACHE_CORE => 0, W3TC_MARKER_BEGIN_BROWSERCACHE_CACHE => 0, W3TC_MARKER_BEGIN_WORDPRESS => 0, W3TC_MARKER_END_PGCACHE_CACHE => strlen( W3TC_MARKER_END_PGCACHE_CACHE ) + 1, W3TC_MARKER_END_MINIFY_CACHE => strlen( W3TC_MARKER_END_MINIFY_CACHE ) + 1 ) ); } /** * Removes Page Cache core directives * * @param Util_Environment_Exceptions $exs * @throws Util_WpFile_FilesystemOperationException with S/FTP form if it can't get the required filesystem credentials */ private function rules_remove( $exs ) { Util_Rule::remove_rules( $exs, Util_Rule::get_browsercache_rules_cache_path(), W3TC_MARKER_BEGIN_CDN, W3TC_MARKER_END_CDN ); } /** * Generates rules for WP dir * * @param Config $config * @param bool $cdnftp * @return string */ private function rules_generate( $config, $cdnftp = false ) { if ( Util_Environment::is_nginx() ) { $o = new Cdn_Environment_Nginx( $config ); return $o->generate( $cdnftp ); } elseif ( Util_Environment::is_litespeed() ) { $o = new Cdn_Environment_LiteSpeed( $config ); return $o->generate( $cdnftp ); } else { return $this->rules_generate_apache( $config, $cdnftp ); } } private function rules_generate_apache( $config, $cdnftp ) { $rules = ''; if ( $config->get_boolean( 'cdn.canonical_header' ) ) { $rules .= $this->canonical( $cdnftp, $config->get_boolean( 'cdn.cors_header') ); } if ( $config->get_boolean( 'cdn.cors_header') ) { $rules .= $this->allow_origin( $cdnftp ); } if ( strlen( $rules ) > 0 ) { $rules = W3TC_MARKER_BEGIN_CDN . "\n" . $rules . W3TC_MARKER_END_CDN . "\n"; } return $rules; } private function canonical( $cdnftp = false, $cors_header = true ) { $rules = ''; $mime_types = include W3TC_INC_DIR . '/mime/other.php'; $extensions = array_keys( $mime_types ); $extensions_lowercase = array_map( 'strtolower', $extensions ); $extensions_uppercase = array_map( 'strtoupper', $extensions ); $rules .= "<FilesMatch \"\\.(" . implode( '|', array_merge( $extensions_lowercase, $extensions_uppercase ) ) . ")$\">\n"; $host = ( $cdnftp ? Util_Environment::home_url_host() : '%{HTTP_HOST}' ); $rules .= " <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>\n"; $rules .= " RewriteEngine On\n"; $rules .= " RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on\n"; $rules .= " RewriteRule .* - [E=CANONICAL:http://$host%{REQUEST_URI},NE]\n"; $rules .= " RewriteCond %{HTTPS} =on\n"; $rules .= " RewriteRule .* - [E=CANONICAL:https://$host%{REQUEST_URI},NE]\n"; $rules .= " </IfModule>\n"; $rules .= " <IfModule mod_headers.c>\n"; $rules .= ' Header set Link "<%{CANONICAL}e>; rel=\"canonical\""' . "\n"; $rules .= " </IfModule>\n"; $rules .= "</FilesMatch>\n"; return $rules; } /** * Returns allow-origin rules */ private function allow_origin( $cdnftp = false ) { $r = "<IfModule mod_headers.c>\n"; $r .= " Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin \"*\"\n"; $r .= "</IfModule>\n"; if ( !$cdnftp ) return $r; else return "<FilesMatch \"\.(ttf|ttc|otf|eot|woff|woff2|font.css)$\">\n" . $r . "</FilesMatch>\n"; } public function w3tc_browsercache_rules_section_extensions( $extensions, $config, $section ) { if ( Util_Environment::is_nginx() ) { $o = new Cdn_Environment_Nginx( $config ); $extensions = $o->w3tc_browsercache_rules_section_extensions( $extensions, $section ); } elseif ( Util_Environment::is_litespeed() ) { $o = new Cdn_Environment_LiteSpeed( $config ); $extensions = $o->w3tc_browsercache_rules_section_extensions( $extensions, $section ); } return $extensions; } public function w3tc_browsercache_rules_section( $section_rules, $config, $section ) { if ( Util_Environment::is_litespeed() ) { $o = new Cdn_Environment_LiteSpeed( $config ); $section_rules = $o->w3tc_browsercache_rules_section( $section_rules, $section ); } return $section_rules; } }